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Benutzer:Yomomo/ massdelete.js

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// Copy of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Animum/massdelete.js modified to be able to undelete
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.Title'], function () {
    "use strict";

    // Configuration setup for namespace and user groups
    var config = mw.config.get(['wgNamespaceNumber', 'wgTitle', 'wgUserGroups', 'skin']);

     * Remove blank lines from a list of strings.
     * @param {Array<string>} arr List of strings.
     * @return {Array<string>} List without blank lines.
    function removeBlanks(arr) {
        var ret = [];
        var i, len;
        for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {
            var s = arr[i];
            s = s.trim();
            if (s) {
        return ret;

     * Executes the mass delete or undelete action on a list of pages.
    function doMassAction() { // Renamed from doMassDelete to doMassAction
        document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteSubmit").disabled = true;
        var articles = document.getElementById("wpMassDeletePages").value.split("\n");
        articles = removeBlanks(articles);
        if (!articles.length) {
            api = new mw.Api(),
            wpMassDeleteReasons = document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteReasons").value,
            wpMassDeleteReason = document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteReason").value,
            actionType = document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteAction").value, // New action type selector
            actionLabel = actionType === "delete" ? "Deleted" : actionType === "undelete" ? "Undeleted" : "Deleted (Commons)", // Label change for delete/undelete
            processed = 0,
            failed = [],
            error = [],
            reason = wpMassDeleteReasons === "other" ?
                wpMassDeleteReason :
                wpMassDeleteReasons + (wpMassDeleteReason ? " (" + wpMassDeleteReason + ")" : ""),
            onSuccess = function () {
                document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteSubmit").value = "(" + actionLabel + ": " + processed + ")";

         * Extracts the file name from the NowCommons template on a page.
         * @param {string} page Title of the page to fetch.
         * @return {Promise<string|null>} A promise that resolves to the file name or null if not found.
        function getCommonsFileName(page) {
            return api.get({
                action: "query",
                titles: page,
                prop: "revisions",
                rvprop: "content",
                format: "json"
            }).then(function (data) {
                var pages = data.query.pages;
                for (var pageId in pages) {
                    if (pages[pageId].revisions) {
                        var content = pages[pageId].revisions[0]['*'];
                        var match = content.match(/\{\{NowCommons\|([^}]+)\}\}/i);
                        return match ? match[1].trim() : null;
                return null;

         * Creates a deferred function to delete or undelete an article.
         * @param {string} article Article to delete or undelete.
         * @return {Function} Deferred delete/undelete function.
        function makeActionFunc(article) {
            return function () {
                return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
                    if (actionType === "commonsdelete") {
                        getCommonsFileName(article).then(function (commonsFileName) {
                            if (commonsFileName) {
                                var commonsReason = "Datei vorhanden in Commons unter [[:File:" + commonsFileName + "]]";
                                var apiParams = {
                                    format: 'json',
                                    action: "delete",
                                    title: article,
                                    reason: commonsReason
                                return api.postWithToken('csrf', apiParams)
                                    .fail(function (code, obj) {
                                    .always(function () {
                            } else {
                                error.push("No NowCommons template found or invalid format.");
                    } else {
                        var apiParams = {
                            format: 'json',
                            action: actionType,
                            title: article,
                            reason: reason
                        api.postWithToken('csrf', apiParams)
                            .fail(function (code, obj) {
                            .always(function () {

        // Chain deferred objects to execute actions sequentially
        var deferred = makeActionFunc(articles[0])();
        for (var i = 1, len = articles.length; i < len; i++) {
            deferred = deferred.then(makeActionFunc(articles[i]));

        // Show results and clean up after all actions are done
        $.when(deferred).then(function () {
            document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteSubmit").value = "Done (" + actionLabel + ": " + processed + ")";
            if (failed.length) {
                var $failedList = $('<ul>');
                for (var x = 0; x < failed.length; x++) {
                    var failedTitle = mw.Title.newFromText(failed[x]);
                    var $failedItem = $('<li>');
                    if (failedTitle) {
                            .attr('href', failedTitle.getUrl())
                    } else {
                    $failedItem.append(document.createTextNode(': ' + error[x]));
                    .append($('<br />'))
                        .text('Failed actions:')

     * Creates the mass delete or undelete form in the content area.
    function massDeleteForm() { // Keeping the name as per request
        var bodyContent;
        switch (mw.config.get('skin')) {
            case 'modern':
                bodyContent = 'mw_contentholder';
            case 'cologneblue':
                bodyContent = 'article';
            case 'monobook':
            case 'vector':
                bodyContent = 'bodyContent';
        document.getElementsByTagName("h1")[0].textContent = "Animum's mass-action tool (edited to undelete and commons-delete too)";
        document.title = "Animum's mass-action tool - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia";
        document.getElementById(bodyContent).innerHTML = '<h3 id="siteSub">From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</h3><br /><br />' +
            '<form id="wpMassDelete" name="wpMassDelete">' +
            '<b>If you abuse this tool, it\'s <i>your</i> fault, not mine.</b>' +
            '<div id="wpMassDeleteFailedContainer"></div>' +
            '<br /><br />' +
            'Pages to delete or undelete (one on each line, please):<br />' +
            '<textarea tabindex="1" accesskey="," name="wpMassDeletePages" id="wpMassDeletePages" rows="10" cols="80"></textarea>' +
            '<br /><br /><table style="background-color:transparent">' +
            '<tr><td>Action:</td>' + // New Action selector for delete/undelete
                '<td><select id="wpMassDeleteAction">' +
                    '<option value="delete">Delete</option>' +
                    '<option value="undelete">Undelete</option>' +
                    '<option value="commonsdelete">Delete (File on Commons)</option>' +
                '</select></td></tr>' +
            '<tr><td>Common reasons:</td>' +
                '<td><select id="wpMassDeleteReasons">' +
                    '<optgroup label="Other reason">' +
                        '<option value="other">Other reason</option>' +
                    '</optgroup>' +
					'<optgroup label="Criteria for speedy deletion">' +
						'<optgroup label="General criteria">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G1|G1]]: [[WP:PN|Patent nonsense]], meaningless, or incomprehensible">G1: Patent nonsense</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G2|G2]]: Test page">G2: Test page</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G3|G3]]: [[WP:Vandalism|Vandalism]]">G3: Vandalism</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G3|G3]]: Blatant [[WP:Do not create hoaxes|hoax]]">G3: Hoax</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G4|G4]]: Recreation of a page that was [[WP:DEL|deleted]] per a [[WP:XFD|deletion discussion]]">G4: Repost</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G5|G5]]: Creation by a [[WP:BLOCK|blocked]] or [[WP:BAN|banned]] user in violation of block or ban">G5: Banned</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G6|G6]]: Housekeeping and routine (non-controversial) cleanup">G6: Maintenance</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G7|G7]]: One author who has requested deletion or blanked the page">G7: Author</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Page dependent on a deleted or nonexistent page">G8: Orphaned talk page</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G10|G10]]: [[WP:ATP|Attack page]] or negative unsourced [[WP:BLP|BLP]]">G10: Attack page</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G11|G11]]: Unambiguous [[WP:NOTADVERTISING|advertising]] or promotion">G11: Advertising</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G12|G12]]: Unambiguous [[WP:CV|copyright infringement]]">G12: Copyvio</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G13|G13]]: Abandoned draft or [[WP:AFC|Articles for Creation]] submission – to retrieve it, see [[WP:REFUND/G13]]">G13: Abandoned draft</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
						'<optgroup label="Articles">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#A1|A1]]: Short article without enough context to identify the subject">A1: No context</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#A2|A2]]: Article in a foreign language that exists on another project">A2: Foreign</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#A3|A3]]: Article that has no meaningful, substantive content">A3: No content</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#A7|A7]]: No credible indication of importance (individuals, animals, organizations, web content, events)">A7: Non-notable individual, animal, organization, web content, or event</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#A9|A9]]: Music recording by redlinked artist and no indication of importance or significance">A9: Non-notable recording by redlinked artist</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#A10|A10]]: Recently created article that duplicates an existing topic">A10: Recently created article that duplicates an existing topic</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#A11|A11]]: [[Wikipedia:Wikipedia is not for things made up one day|Made up]] by article creator or an associate, and no indication of importance/significance">A11: Made up</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
						'<optgroup label="Redirects">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#R2|R2]]: Cross-[[WP:NS|namespace]] [[WP:R|redirect]] from mainspace">R2: Cross-namespace</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#R3|R3]]: Recently created, implausible [[WP:R|redirect]]">R3: Implausible redirect</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
						'<optgroup label="Images and other media">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F1|F1]]: File redundant to another on Wikipedia">F1: Redundant</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F2|F2]]: Corrupt or empty file, or a file description page for a file on Commons">F2: Corrupt, empty. or Commons</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F3|F3]]: File with improper license">F3: File with improper license</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F4|F4]]: Lack of licensing information">F4: Lack of licensing information</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F5|F5]]: Unused non-free media">F5: Unfree and unused</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F6|F6]]: Non-free file without [[WP:RAT|fair-use rationale]]">F6: No rationale</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F7|F7]]: [[WP:NFCC|Invalid]] fair-use claim">F7: Bad fair use rationale</option>' +
							'<option value="Duplikat: Gleiche Datei mit gleichem Namen in Commons">In Commons</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F9|F9]]: File [[WP:COPYVIO|copyright violation]]">F9: File copyvio</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#F11|F11]]: No evidence of permission">F11: No permission</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
						'<optgroup label="Categories">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#C1|C1]]: Empty category">C1: Empty</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#C2|C2]]: Speedy renaming">C2: Speedy rename</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Populated by deleted or retargeted template">G8: Populated by deleted or retargeted template</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
						'<optgroup label="User namespace">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#U1|U1]]: User request to delete page in own userspace">U1: User requests deletion</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#U2|U2]]: Userpage or subpage of a nonexistent user">U2: Non-existent user</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#U5|U5]]: [[WP:NOTWEBHOST|Misuse of Wikipedia as a web host]]">U5: Misuse as webhost</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
						'<optgroup label="Templates">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:CSD#G8|G8]]: Component or documentation of a deleted template">G8: component of deleted template</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
						'<optgroup label="Other">' +
							'<option value="[[WP:PROD]]: Nominated for seven days with no objection">PRODded for more than 7 days without objection</option>' +
							'<option value="[[WP:BLPPROD]]: Nominated for seven days with no reliable sources present in the article">BLPPRODded for more than seven days without a source</option>' +
							'<option value="Listed at [[Wikipedia:Copyright problems]] for over seven days">Listed at Copyright problems for over seven days</option>' +
						'</optgroup>' +
					'</optgroup>' +
				'</select></td></tr>' +
			'<tr><td>Other/additional reason:</td>' +
                '<td><input type="text" id="wpMassDeleteReason" name="wpMassDeleteReason" maxlength="255" /></td></tr>' +
    	        '<tr><td><input type="button" id="wpMassDeleteSubmit" name="wpMassDeleteSubmit" value="Delete/undelete" /></td>' +
        document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteReasons").onchange = function() {
            var maxlength = (document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteReasons").value == "other" ? 255 : 252 - document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteReasons").value.length);
            document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteReason").setAttribute("maxlength", maxlength);
        document.getElementById("wpMassDeleteSubmit").addEventListener("click", function (e) {
            doMassAction(); // Call updated function to perform delete/undelete

    if (config.wgNamespaceNumber == -1 &&
        config.wgTitle.toLowerCase() == "massdelete" &&
    ) {
