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Adventskalender 2008: Türchen 10

Aus Wikibooks

Jingle Bells


Winterlied Alternativtitel: One Horse Open Sleigh[1]  •  Text und Melodie: trad. bearbeitet von Mjchael 

Das Lied handelt von Pferdeschlittenrennen von Jugendlichen.

  \new ChordNames { \chordmode {
   g g:7 c a:m a:7 d d:7

  \new FretBoards {
    \override FretBoard.fret-diagram-details.orientation =
    < g, b, d g b g'> % G
    < g, b, d g b f'> % G7
    <  c e g c' e' > % C
    < a, e a c' e'  > % Am
    < a, e g cis' e'  > % A7
    < d a d' fis'> % D
    < d a c' fis'> % D7

\version "2.20.0"
\header {
  title = "Jingle Bells"
  composer = "James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) (USA)"
  arranger = "arr: ccbysa Wikibooks (Mjchael)"
% Akkorde
akkorde = \chordmode {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  % Akkorde nur beim Wechsel Notieren
  % ggf. \once \set chordChanges = ##f
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  g,4 g g, g
  g, g g, g 
  g, g g, g
  g,:7 g:7 g,:7 g:7
  c, c c, c
  a,:m a:m a,:m a:m
  a,:7 a:7 a,:7 a:7
  d,: d: d,:7 d:7
  g, g g, g
  g, g g, g 
  g, g g, g
  g,:7 g:7 g,:7 g:7
  c, c c, c
  a,:m a:m a,:m a:m
  d, d d,:7 d:7
  g,4 g g, g

  g,4 g g, g
  g, g g, g 
  g, g g, g
  c, c c,c
  c, c c,c
  d, d d, d 
  d,:7 d:7 d,:7 d:7
  g, g g, g

  g,4 g g, g
  g, g g, g 
  g, g g, g
  c, c c,c
  c, c c,c
  d, d d, d 
  d,:7 d:7 d,:7 d:7
  g, g g, g

melodie = \relative c' {
  \clef "treble"
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4 = 140
  \key g\major
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone"
  % Chorus
  b'4 4 2 | 4 4 2 | % 1-2
  4 d g,4. a8 | b2. r4 | % 3-4
  c4 4 4. 8 | c4 b4 4 8 8 | % 5-6
  4 a a b | a2(~ d) | % 7-8
  b4 4 2 | 4 4 2 | % 9-10
  4 d g,4. a8 | b2. r4 | % 11-12
  c4 4 4. 8 | 4 b4 4 8 8 | % 13-14
  d4 4 c a | g2. r4 | % 15-16
  % Verse
  d4 b' a g | d2. 8 8 | % 17-18
  4 b' a g | e2. r4 | % 19-20
  e4 c' b a | fis2. r4 | % 21-22
  d'4 4 c a | b2. r4 | % 23-24
  d,4 b' a g | d2. r4 | % 25-26
  d4 b' a g | e2. r8 e8 | % 27-28
  e4 c' b a | d4 4 4. 8 | % 29-30
  e4 d c a | g2 d' | % 31-32
   \bar "|."

text = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "Chorus:"
  Jin -- gle bells, jin -- gle bells, jin -- gle all the way,
  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse o -- pen sleigh,
 Jin -- gle bells, jin -- gle bells, jin -- gle all the way,
  Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse  o -- pen sleigh.
  \set stanza = "Verse:"
  Dash -- ing through the snow, in a one horse o -- pen  sleigh,
  O'er the fields we go,  laugh -- ing all the way,
  Bells on bob -- tails ring, ma -- king spi -- rits bright,
  What fun it is to ride and sing a sleigh -- ing song to -- night, oh

\score {
    \new ChordNames { \akkorde }
    \new Voice = "Lied" { \melodie }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "Lied" { \text }
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

% unterdrückt im raw="!"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  % DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f

[G]Jingle bells, [']jingle bells, [']jingle all the [7]way,
[C] Oh what fun it [G]is to ride in a[ (Am]one-horse[A7) ]open[D]sleigh[2], [ 7],
[G]Jingle bells, [']jingle bells, [']jingle all the[7]way,
[C]Oh what fun it[G]is to ride in a[ (D]one-horse [7) ]open[G]sleigh.


[G]Dashing through the[']snow, in a[']one-horse o-pen[C]sleigh, O'er the fields we[ D]go, [7]laughing all the[G]way,
[G]Bells on bobtails ring, making spirits[C]bright,
What fun it is to[D]ride and sing a[7]sleighing song to-[G]night, oh




Das Türchen vom 9 Dez. Das Türchen vom 11 Dez.
  1. One Horse Open Sleigh = offener Pferdeschlitten
  2. auch: "sleigh. Hey!"