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Benutzer:SoylentGreen/ Vorschläge für Interfaceänderungen/Mouse

Aus Wikibooks

Mouse | Keyboard | Menus

ModeClick or Drag ShiftCtrlAlt
ObjectClickSelectAdd to selectionRemove from selection
EditClickSelectAdd to selectionRemove from selection
ObjectDragFreeform selectionAdd to FreeformselectionRemove from selection
EditDragFreeform selectionAdd to FreeformselectionRemove from selection


  • I would love to use the Alt action for deselection, but I think that it has to be reserved for Mac-Users with one mouse button.

Anything for manipulating the 3D-View.

  • Zoom to Mouse Cursor
ModeClick or Drag ShiftCtrlAlt
ObjectClickContext menueSet 3D-CursorAdd new Objects/Duplicate selected Objects
EditClickContext menueSet 3D-CursorAdd new Vertex/Duplicate selected Vertices
ObjectDragMouse Gestures
EditDragMouse Gestures


  • The context menue depends on the state you're in, vertex, edge, face or object mode.