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CAOS-Programmierung: Befehlsgruppen: Eame Variables

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Eame Variables

Variable (für EAME) erwarteter Type Vorgabe Beschreibung
engine_no_auxiliary_bootstrap_nnn Integer 0 Set to non-zero to prevent LOAD using that auxiliary Bootstrap directory for new worlds. nnn can be 0 for the main Bootstrap directory, or the number of an auxiliary one. The setting is stored for each world in files in the world's directory.
engine_clone_upon_import Integer 0 Set to 1 to force PRAY IMPO to clone all creatures.
engine_screensaver Integer 0 oder 1 Returns 1 if the engine is in screen saver mode, 0 otherwise. This should treated as a read only game variable
engine_scrpreview Integer 0 oder 1 Returns 1 if the engine is in screen saver preview mode, 0 otherwise. This should treated as a read only game variable
engine_scrconfig Integer 0 oder 1 Returns 1 if the engine is in screen saver configuration mode, 0 otherwise. This should treated as a read only game variable
engine_decouple_mouse Integer 0 Set to 1 to disconnect the physical mouse from the PNTR agent. You can then MVTO the pointer agent without the user getting in the way.
engine_nudge_border_t Integer 2 Alters the top border for screen-edge nudge scrolling in full screen mode. There are also engine_nudge_border_b, engine_nudge_border_l, engine_nudge_border_r for the bottom, left and right borders. You can use negative values, and should do particularly if you have a pointer hotspot not at the top left corner of the pointer sprite. See SCOL for related features.