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CAOS-Programmierung: Befehlsgruppen: Emitter Locus Numbers

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Emitter Locus Numbers

'Organ' Tissue Locus ID Name Beschreibung
0 Brain Lobe tissue ID defined in genome 0-3 Neuron 0 states 0 to 3.
4-7 Neuron 1 states 0 to 3.
252-255 Neuron 63 states 0 to 3.
1 Creature 0 Somatic 0 Muscles How much energy has been expended on movement this tick.
1 Circulatory 0-31 Floating
2 Reproductive 0 Fertile If male has a sperm or female has an egg available
1 Pregnant If female has both egg and sperm & so is pregnant
2 Ovulate If low, remove any egg/sperm from .Gamete; if high, add one
3 Receptive If >0, female is receptive to incoming sperm & will conceive
4 Chance of Mutation
5 Degree of Mutation
3 Immune 0 Dead >0 if creature is dead (allows post-mortem chemistry)
4 Sensorimotor 0 Constant Always 1.0 (for regular emitters).
1 Asleep 1.0 if asleep, 0.0 otherwise.
2 Coldness (DEPRECATED)
3 Hotness (DEPRECATED)
4 Lightlevel (DEPRECATED)
5 Crowdedness How many and how close others of your kind are
6 Radiation (DEPRECATED)
7 Timeofday (DEPRECATED)
9 Air Quality How breathable is the air (0.0 for air, 1.0 for water).
10 Upslope How steep is the slope I'm facing
11 Downslope How steep is the slope I'm facing
12 Headwind (DEPRECATED)
13 Tailwind (DEPRECATED)
5 Drives 0 Drive 0
1 Drive 1
2 Drive 2
3 Drive 3
4 Drive 4
5 Drive 5
6 Drive 6
7 Drive 7
8 Drive 8
9 Drive 9
10 Drive 10
11 Drive 11
12 Drive 12
13 Drive 13
14 Drive 14
15 Drive 15
16 Drive 16
17 Drive 17
18 Drive 18
19 Drive 19