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CAOS-Programmierung: Befehlsgruppen: Game Variables

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Globale Variablen in Dockingstation
Variable Typ Wert Beschreibung
engine_debug_keys Integer 1 This determines if the debug keys are operative. If the value is 1 then the keys described in the Debug Keys table are functional. For non-numeric keypad keys, you must hold Shift down with the key.
engine_full_screen_toggle Integer 1 Alt+Enter usually toggles full screen mode. Set to 0 to disable this.
engine_SkeletonUpdateDoubleSpeed Integer 0 If non-zero, skeleton updates happen each tick. If Zero, they happen every other tick
engine_creature_pickup_status Integer 0 If zero, right click on a creature is pickup. If one, right click is holding hands. If two,
hold shift to pickup, don't hold shift to hold hands. If three, as two but creature must be a selectable one as according to the Grettin game variable.
engine_dumb_creatures Integer 0 If non-zero, creatures do not burble.
engine_pointerCanCarryObjectsBetweenMetaRooms Integer 0 If zero, the pointer drops objects when a metaroom change occurs. If non-zero, then it continues to carry them allowing objects to be moved between metarooms by the pointer.
engine_password String none If set, this allows the determining of the password for the world. This does not set anything other than the pswd returned - enabling world-switchers to correctly deal with the passwords.
engine_creature_template_size_in_mb Integer 1 This is the amount of data space allocated to the creature gallery sprite files. If a single life stage image set exceeds this value - problems will ensue
engine_near_death_track_name String none This sets the track (and optionally MNG file) for the track which the engine will play when a creature gets near death within the game.
engine_plane_for_lines Integer 9998 This sets the plane for lines drawn on entity images. This includes Connective agent lines and the debug cabins
engine_synchronous_learning Integer 0 By default learning is asynchronous, so the creature learns from all STIMs. Set to 1 to make the creatures learn only from STIMs caused by the action they are thinking about carried out by the agent their attention is on.
engine_zlib_compression Integer 6 Saved worlds and other archives are compressed using zlib. This sets the compression level. The value ranges between: 0 - No compression, 1 - Best speed, 9 - Best compression.
engine_other_world String none Used by FILE OOPE to allow saving to other world's journal directories.
engine_netbabel_save_passwords Integer 0 Set to 1 to tell the netbabel module to save passwords in user.cfg, 0 for it to forget them.
engine_multiple_birth_first_chance Float 0.0 This sets the chance (from 0 to 1) that a mate event will result in multiple pregnancies
engine_multiple_birth_subsequent_chance Float 0.0 This sets the subsequent chance (from 0 to 1) that more than two children are conceived
engine_multiple_birth_maximum Integer 0 This sets the maximum number of births allowed by the engine
engine_multiple_birth_identical_chance Float 0.5 This sets the chance that the children will be genetically identical
engine_LengthOfDayInMinutes Integer 0 This sets the number of minutes in a day. (Game time)
engine_LengthOfSeasonInDays Integer 0 This sets the number of days in a season. (Game time)
engine_NumberOfSeasons Integer 0 This sets the number of seasons in a year. (Game Time)
engine_mute Integer 0 This sets whether (non zero) or not (zero) to mute the MIDI player
engine_playAllSoundsAtMaximumLevel Integer 0 If non-zero, all sounds played by agents are set to full volume and center pan.
engine_usemidimusicsystem Integer 0 If non-zero, this tells the engine to use MIDI music instead of the MUNGED data usually used.
cav_birthdate String none If set, the engine uses this to inform the birthday agent when it is the player's birthday.
cav_quittime String none If set, the engine uses this to inform the countdown clock agent to show its countdown, and also to quit the game at the specified time.
cav_gamelengthIsPerDay String none If set, the engine uses this to inform the countdown clock agent when the maximum play time for the day is up.
cav_useparentmenu Integer 0 If non-zero, this causes the engine to deal with extra information such as the countdown clock and birthday agents. These are activated by registry settings..
cav_CountdownClockAgent agent null If not null, countdown messages are sent to this agent.
cav_BirthdayBannerAgent agent null If not null, birthday messages are sent to this agent.
engine_distance_before_port_line_warns Float 600 At this distance, port lines will pulse red not blue to indicate that they are nearning their maximum length before they snap
engine_distance_before_port_line_snaps Float 800 At this distance, port lines will simply snap.
Nur benötigt wenn für Dockingstation programmiert wird, bei reinem CAOS nicht nötig