Internationaler E-Commerce in B2C-Märkten
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Dieses Buch steht im Regal Wirtschaftswissenschaft.
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Werte Studenten, Bilder, Zitate, Plagiate und Urheberrechte sind ein sehr weites Feld bei dem man viel falsch machen kann. Bilder Auf Wikibooks können nicht alle Bilder veröffentlicht werden, auch wenn das im Wissenschaftlichen Rahmen üblich ist, sie mit Quellenangabe direkt zu verwenden. Das ist hier genau nur dann möglich, wenn die Bilder entweder
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Bilder die unter keiner unter gültigen Lizenz stehen müssen von uns gelöscht werden. Vielen Dank für eure Aufmerksamkeit. -- ThePacker 16:55, 13. Jan. 2008 (CET) |
Zusammenfassung des Projekts
[Bearbeiten]- Zielgruppe:
Studentinnen und Studenten, Praktikerinnen und Praktiker mit Interesse an der Wirtschaftsinformatik im Speziellen am E-Commerce aus Sicht eines Global-Sales-Managements.
- Lernziele:
- StudentInnen sollen die Möglichkeit erhalten, selbstständiges wissenschaftliches Arbeiten sowohl inhaltlich als auch formal zu üben.
- Einführung in online-basiertes Content-Management und Peer-Writing mittels WikiBook
- Buchpatenschaft / Ansprechperson:
- Sind Co-Autoren gegenwärtig erwünscht?
Das Buch ist als Semesterarbeit für StudentInnen des Studiengangs „Global Sales Management“ an der Fachhochschule Oberösterreich – Campus Steyr gedacht. Wir bitten externe Interessenten, etwaige Anmerkungen bis zum Abschluss der Semesterarbeit (31. Jänner 2008) nach Möglichkeit nur auf die Diskussionsseite zu schreiben.
- Richtlinien für Co-Autoren:
Folgende Qualitätskriterien sind für das Buch relevant:
- Einhaltung formaler Regeln für eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit, d. h. saubere Begriffsdefinitionen, nachvollziehbare Quellenangaben, Beschriftung von Grafiken, Abbildungen und Tabellen.
- Verständlichkeit und Vollständigkeit der Inhalte.
- Projektumfang und Abgrenzung zu anderen Wikibooks:
- Themenbeschreibung:
Die Themen werden primär aus informationstechnologischer Sicht bearbeitet. Es geht also vorwiegend um die Betrachtung und Diskussion von Konzepten, Lösungen und Werkzeugen für den E-Commerce aus internationaler, verkaufspolitischer Sicht.
- Aufbau des Buches:
Siehe Inhaltsverzeichnis.
[Bearbeiten]Die Einleitung wird erst im Laufe des Projekts erstellt. Sie wird eine kurze Information über die Themenschwerpunkte der einzelnen Kapitel enthalten.
Nachfolgende Kapitelübersicht ist eine vorläufige Strukturierung des Themengebietes. Sollte sich im Rahmen der weiteren Arbeit herausstellen, dass eine andere Unterteilung des Themenschwerpunktes zweckmässiger ist, steht einer Neuordnung nichts im Wege.
Hier geht’s zu den Grundlagen
Hier geht’s zur Seite SWOT-Analyse.
[Bearbeiten]Hier geht’s zu den Akteuren
Seimayr, Laubichler
[Bearbeiten]Hier geht’s zu den Geschäftsmodellen
[Bearbeiten]Hier geht’s zur Seite Kundenbeziehungsmanagement von Doris Kuntner und Melanie Rohregger.
Service & Support
Hier geht’s zu Zahlungssysteme
Hier geht’s zum Recht
Allgemeine Hinweise Diese Anmerkungen sind nicht spezifisch auf eure Ausarbeitung bezogen. Sie beziehen sich auf durchgehend auftretende Probleme, die noch behoben werden müssen. Bitte prüft eure Artikel kritisch, ob die hier angeführten Punkte zutreffen und bringt entsprechende Überarbeitungen an.
-- OpplSt 22:30, 18. Jan. 2008 (CET) |
[Bearbeiten]Pühringer / Kobler
Hier geht’s zur Sicherheit.
Hier geht’s zur Logistik
Best Practice
[Bearbeiten]Resources and information on business introduction, statistics, business information introduction systems, business economics general marketing information, business to business marketing on the internet. Small business start up information, small business start loan's and small business marketing tip's to make your business to customer or business to business dealings a success.
Focussing on the Customer – Part I
As we've reiterated on countless occasions here on The Market Research Blog, the holy grail for any company is identifying and delivering upon your customers' needs and expectations. To prove that point further, here's just a small selection of some of our recent thoughts on the matter: Defection ... from @ The Market Research Blog from B2B International
Focussing on the Customer – Part II
Finishing off our post from yesterday about the importance of the customer, using as an example, today we explore in more detail how the world's largest online retailer has achieved long-term growth and at why it's customers, not rivals that organisations should be most concerned with: Customer Focused ... from @ The Market Research Blog from B2B International
- The Chinese Market and Understanding your Customers (1)
As we’ve recognised before on the Market Research Blog (see here or here, for instance), growth in China and the ability to take advantage of new markets there is no longer simply a given. An increase in competition and the market pressures extant in any developing ... from @ The Market Research Blog from B2B International
- The Chinese Market and Understanding your Customers (2)
In yesterday’s post about current issues facing businesses operating in China, we established that many companies may be in need of extra marketing expertise and better knowledge about the markets they operate in. As a follow up to that, in today’s instalment we look in more detail at what ... from @ The Market Research Blog from B2B International
E-tailer Holiday Sales Remain Strong Through Home Stretch
Consumers spent almost $28 billion online this holiday season, translating into a 19-percent growth rate that's still remarkable though down from last year. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
eBay Watch: High-Volume Seller Tools
Kyozou Inc. is offering an automated sales solution for high-volume, low-price eBay sellers, plus HammerTap launches new forum. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Start 2008 with Five E-Commerce Freebies
Want to fine-tune your e-biz without blowing your holiday bucks? We provide five free online sales tools covering accounting, e-mail marketing, widgets and more. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Only on eBay: Grand Theft Auto Steals Auction Attention
Grand Theft Auto autographed by Jack Thompson, a U.S. attorney known for his crusade against violent video games, is up for auction. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Add Live Chat with Social Shopping App for E-tailers
An interactive co-browsing application with chat that e-tailers can use at their sites debuts, a "green" search engine gears up to launch and announces contest for "crappiest gift." from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Coupon Company to Launch New Portal
Valassis to enter e-coupon competition with launch of next month, to include both local and national advertisers, as well as content related to products. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Add Live Chat with Social Shopping App for E-tailers
An interactive co-browsing application with chat that e-tailers can use at their sites debuts, a "green" search engine gears up to launch and announces contest for "crappiest gift." from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Coupon Company to Launch New Portal
Valassis to enter e-coupon competition with launch of next month, to include both local and national advertisers, as well as content related to products. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Last Call: Vote Today!
The polls close at midnight EST TONIGHT. Don't miss your final chance to cast your vote in the 2008 Small Business Computing Excellence in Technology Awards. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Hot Trends from 2007 to Watch in 2008
Our picks: widgets, social commerce, site search, alternative payments, mobile commerce and the increasing importance of product pages. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Eight Photoshop Tips for Product Shots
You can be a Photoshop expert even if you don't know your eyedropper from your lasso. We show you how to spruce up product shots in eight easy steps. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Wikia Search Launches as Alternative to Google
With the community-driven, open-source search engine, Wikia founder wants to transform Internet search, which he says is dominated by a few large, secretive companies. from @ Latest Headlines from Ecommerce Guide
Weekend Sales Help E-tailers Bounce Back
After a midweek slump, e-commerce sales picked up again over the weekend. But with only one week to go, the jury's still out for the overall season. from @ Ecommerce News
Microsoft, Viacom in $500 Million Ad Deal
Move promises to help the software giant expand its online advertising presence. from @ Ecommerce News
A ‘Building Year’ For Mobile Banking
Research firm Celent looks ahead to the coming year in banking technology. from @ Ecommerce News
Apple Explores Wireless Commerce, Microsoft-Like DRM
The PC maker builds on in-store MP3 purchasing at Starbucks, while also embracing a patent similar to the controversial Windows Genuine Advantage. from @ Ecommerce News
Political Web: A Promise Not Yet Fulfilled
Wasn't the Internet supposed to reshape politics? A look at how the presidential candidates used the Web in 2007, and what they plan for the future. from @ Ecommerce News
Amazon Records Best Year Ever
Booming growth for the e-commerce pioneer, although apparently customers aren't quite as happy as they used to be.
from @ Ecommerce News
Coupon-Clipping Takes to The Web
Valassis, a leader in the offline coupon space, is eyeing a Net-savvy audience with
from @ Ecommerce News
‘Social Search Engine’ Claims Better Results
EarthFrisk lets users vote on results that are gleaned from top search engines. from @ Ecommerce News
Holiday E-Commerce Holds Strong Through Home Stretch
With just a handful of days left to measure, holiday e-commerce sales are looking good, even with growth rates down from last year.
from @ Ecommerce News
Online Advertising’s Great Digital Race
Are there any corners of the online world left for advertisers to plant a flag?
from @ Ecommerce News
To have an event listed, send a fax… (Akron Beacon Journal)
To have an event listed, send a fax to 330-376-9235 or an e-mail to at least a week in advance. TODAY Rotary Club meeting â?? 7:45 a.m. today, Ohio Prestwick Country Club, 2220 Raber Road,... from @ TelemarketingFAQ
Lady Dogs run past Good Hope (Cullman Times)
HANCEVILLE â?? In recent weeks, Hanceville High girls basketball coach Kyle Chamblee has talked with his team during practice in recent weeks about giving more effort in... from @ TelemarketingFAQ
Milton’s Clearwire job fair aims to fill worforce needs (Pensacola News Journal)
A company that brought high-tech industry jobs to Milton in March is continuing its... from @ TelemarketingFAQ
State approved Defensive Driving Online Courses for ticket dismissal @
Defensive Driving provides a safer approach to the road -a prime concern for American highways currently. from @ Press Release and Top Business E-commerce News From 24-7 Press Release Newswire
Allgemeine Hinweise Diese Anmerkungen sind nicht spezifisch auf eure Ausarbeitung bezogen. Sie beziehen sich auf durchgehend auftretende Probleme, die noch behoben werden müssen. Bitte prüft eure Artikel kritisch, ob die hier angeführten Punkte zutreffen und bringt entsprechende Überarbeitungen an.
-- OpplSt 22:40, 18. Jan. 2008 (CET) |