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Liederbuch/ Tom Dooley

Aus Wikibooks

Tom Dooley


Folk-Song aus Nord Carolina (19. Jahrh.) Text und Melodie: Trad. versch. Textquellen Tonart: Pentatonik bearbeitet von Mjchael 

Das Lied basiert auf einen Mord an der Frau Laura Foster aus Nord Carolina im Jahre 1866. Thomas C. Dula beteuerte bis zu seiner Hinrichtung seine Unschuld. Das Kingston Trio verkaufte 1958 über 3.000.000 Single-Schallplatten mit diesem Titel.

\version "2.20.0"
\header {
 title = "Tom Dooley"
 % subtitle = "MeinSubtitle"
 % poet = "Texter"
 composer = "trad."
 % arranger = "arr: ccbysa: Wikibooks (mjchael)"

myKey = {
  \clef "treble"
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4 = 100
  %%Tempo ausblenden
  \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
  \key g\major

%% Akkorde
%% 4/4-Schlag 
%% 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 .
myG  = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 4 8 4 }
myGAm = \chordmode { g,,4 g,8 a,4:m a,8:m a,4:m}
myD  = \chordmode { d,4 d8 4 8 4 }
myDsept  = \chordmode { d,4:7 d8:7 d4:7 d8:7 d4:7 }
myAm  = \chordmode { a,,4:m a,8:m a,4:m a,8:m a,4:m }

myChords = \chordmode {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"acoustic guitar (nylon)"
  %% Akkorde nur beim Wechsel notieren
  \set chordChanges = ##t
  % \partial 4 s4
  \myG \myG  \myGAm \myD
  \myAm \myD \myDsept \myG 
  g,,1 %Schlusston

myMelody = \relative c'' {
  \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"trombone"
  \relative c'{ 
    d8 d8( d8) 8 e g4. | b4. b8( b2)|
    d,8 d8~ d8 8 e g4. | a1 |
    d,8 8~ 8 e4 g4. | a4. a8~ a2|
    a8 a8~ a8 b8 a4 e4 | g1
    \bar "|."

myLyrics = \lyricmode {

  \set stanza = "1."
    Hang down your head, Tom Doo -- ley.  
    Hang down your head and cry
    Killed poor Lau -- ra Fos -- ter. 
    You know you're bound to die.


\score {

    \new ChordNames { \myChords }
    \new Voice = "mySong" { \myMelody }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "mySong" { \myLyrics }
  % \new TabStaff { \myChords } %% Check 
  \midi { }
  \layout { }

%% unterdrückt im raw="1"-Modus das DinA4-Format.
\paper {
  %% DinA4 0 210mm - 10mm Rand - 20mm Lochrand = 180mm
  % bookTitleMarkup=##f
[G]Hang down your head, Tom Dooley. - Hang down your[(][Am][)]head and[D]cry
Killed[(][Am][)]poor Laura[D]Foster. - You know you're[(][D7][)]bound to[G]die
[G]You took her on the hillside, - as God al-[Am]mighty[D]knows
You[Am]took her on the[D]hillside - and there you[D7]hid her[G]clothes
[G]You took her by the roadside - where you[Am]begged to be ex-[D]cused
You[Am]took her by the[D]roadside - where there you[D7]hid her[G]shoes
[G]You took her on the hillside - to make[Am]her your[D]wife
You[Am]took her on the[D]hillside - where there you[D7]took her[G]life
[G]Take down my old violin - and play it[Am]as you[D]please
At[Am]this time to-[D]morrow, - it'll be no[D7]use to[G]me
[G]I dug a grave four foot long, - I dug it[Am]three feet[D]deep
And[Am]throwed the cold clay[D]o'er her - and tramped it[D7]with my[G]feet
[G]This world and one more then where do you[Am]reckon I'd[D]be
If[Am]it hadn't been for[D]Grayson, - I'd a-[D7]been in Tennes-[G]see

Am und D7 können zur Not weggelassen werden.

Der Autor ist vor über siebzig Jahren verstorben. Daher bestehen keine Urheberrechtsansprüche mehr an diesem Werk.

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