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NXC: Sources

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                              Not eXactly C

Not eXactly C (NXC) is a high level programming language similar to NQC.
It targets the new LEGO NXT product.  Like NQC, it is available for Windows, 
Mac OS X, and Linux platforms.  While NXC is not yet complete, it is very 
functional, with a large API for the NXT.

The NXC language currently supports the following programming constructs:

if/else, while, do-while, repeat, for, switch, until, goto, and asm {}

break and continue are both supported within looping constructs.  return may be
used to exit a subroutine at any point, optionally returning a value to the
calling routine.

The NXC language supports global variables, local variables, tasks with no 
parameters, and functions with parameters and return values.  Currently supported 
variable types are:

int, short, long, byte, char, bool, unsigned short, unsigned long, unsigned int,
mutex, string, and arrays of all these types except mutex. (int == short).

Global variables may be initialized at the point of declaration using constants 
or constant expressions.  Local variables may also be initialized at their 
declaration using any type of expression (not limited to constants).  

Arrays of any dimension may be declared by adding one or more pairs of square
brackets after the variable name (int X[];).  Global arrays of one dimension may
be initialized at the point of declaration using the following syntax:

  int X[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; // 10 elements

Multi-dimensional arrays and local arrays must be initialized using the ArrayInit
API function.

Support for struct declarations and variables of type struct is included
as of beta 28.  Support for typdefs is also included as of beta 28.

NXC supports the following standard C (and NQC) operators:

+, -, *, /, %,  & (bitwise and), | (bitwise or), ^ (bitwise xor), ! (logical
not), ++ (pre and post increment), -- (pre and post decrement), <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, =, *=, /=,
%=, +=, -=, &=, |=, ^=, &&, ||, <<, >>, <<=, >>=, ||=, and +-=.

The ?: operator is also supported.

Here's the current list of API functions:

Precedes(task1, task2, ..., taskn);
Follows(task1, task2, ..., taskn);

val = ButtonCount(btn, reset);
val = ButtonPressed(btn, reset);
ReadButtonEx(btn, reset, pressed, count);

val = Sensor(port);
val = SensorUS(port);
SetSensorType(port, type);
SetSensorMode(port, mode);
SetInput(port, field, value);
val = GetInput(port, field);
val = SensorType(p);
val = SensorMode(p);
val = SensorRaw(p);
val = SensorNormalized(p);
val = SensorScaled(p);
val = SensorInvalid(p);

val = FirstTick();
val = CurrentTick();

val = IOMA(num);
val = FreeMemory();
val = BatteryLevel();

NumOut(x, y, number, cls=false);
TextOut(x, y, string, cls=false);
GraphicOut(x, y, filename, cls=false);
GraphicOutEx(x, y, filename, vars, cls=false);
CircleOut(x, y, radius, cls=false);
LineOut(x1, y1, x2, y2, cls=false);
PointOut(x, y, cls=false);
RectOut(x, y, width, height, cls=false);

OnFwd(ports, power);
OnRev(ports, power);
OnFwdReg(ports, power, regmode);
OnRevReg(ports, power, regmode);
OnFwdSync(ports, power, turnpct);
OnRevSync(ports, power, turnpct);
CoastEx(ports, reset);
OffEx(ports, reset);
OnFwdEx(ports, power, reset);
OnRevEx(ports, power, reset);
OnFwdRegEx(ports, power, regmode, reset);
OnRevRegEx(ports, power, regmode, reset);
OnFwdSyncEx(ports, power, turnpct, reset);
OnRevSyncEx(ports, power, turnpct, reset);
RotateMotor(ports, power, angle);
RotateMotorEx(ports, power, angle, turnpct, sync, stop);
RotateMotorPID(ports, power, angle, p, i, d);
RotateMotorExPID(ports, power, angle, turnpct, sync, stop, p, i, d);

SetOutput(ports, field1, value1, ..., fieldN, valueN);

val = GetOutput(port, field);
val = MotorMode(p);
val = MotorPower(p);
val = MotorActualSpeed(p);
val = MotorTachoCount(p);
val = MotorTachoLimit(p);
val = MotorRunState(p);
val = MotorTurnRatio(p);
val = MotorRegulation(p);
val = MotorOverload(p);
val = MotorRegPValue(p);
val = MotorRegIValue(p);
val = MotorRegDValue(p);
val = MotorBlockTachoCount(p);
val = MotorRotationCount(p);


PlayFileEx(filename, volume, loop);
PlayTone(frequency, duration);
PlayToneEx(frequency, duration, volume, loop);
val = SoundFlags();
val = SoundState();

val = Random(); // signed word value
val = Random(max); // unsigned word value

start taskname;

val = abs(n);
val = sign(n);

val = StrToNum(str);
val = StrLen(str);
val = StrIndex(str, idx);

str = NumToStr(num);
str = StrCat(str1, str2, ..., strN);
str = SubStr(string, idx, len);
str = StrReplace(string, idx, strnew);
str = Flatten(num);
str = ByteArrayToStr(a);

ByteArrayToStrEx(a, s);
StrToByteArray(s, a);
num = ArrayLen(a);
ArrayInit(a, val, cnt);
ArraySubset(aout, asrc, idx, len);
ArrayBuild(aout, src1, ..., srcN);

GetLSInputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data);
GetLSOutputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data);
GetDisplayNormal(x, line, cnt, data);
GetDisplayPopup(x, line, cnt, data);
GetBTInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
GetBTOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
GetHSInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
GetHSOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
GetUSBInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
GetUSBOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
GetUSBPollBuffer(offset, cnt, data);

str = BTDeviceName(p);
str = BTConnectionName(p);
str = BTConnectionPinCode(p);
str = BrickDataName();

GetBTDeviceAddress(p, data);
GetBTConnectionAddress(p, data);

val = SoundFrequency();
val = SoundDuration();
val = SoundSampleRate();
val = SoundMode();
val = SoundVolume();

val = ButtonPressCount(b);
val = ButtonLongPressCount(b);
val = ButtonShortReleaseCount(b);
val = ButtonLongReleaseCount(b);
val = ButtonReleaseCount(b);
val = ButtonState(b);

val = CommandFlags();
val = UIState();
val = UIButton();
val = VMRunState();
val = BatteryState();
val = BluetoothState();
val = UsbState();
val = SleepTimeout();
val = SleepTimer();
val = RechargeableBattery();
val = Volume();
val = OnBrickProgramPointer();

val = CustomSensorZeroOffset(p);
val = CustomSensorPercentFullScale(p);
val = CustomSensorActiveStatus(p);
val = SensorBoolean(p);
val = SensorDigiPinsDirection(p);
val = SensorDigiPinsStatus(p);
val = SensorDigiPinsOutputLevel(p);

val = MotorPwnFreq();

val = LSInputBufferInPtr(p);
val = LSInputBufferOutPtr(p);
val = LSInputBufferBytesToRx(p);
val = LSOutputBufferInPtr(p);
val = LSOutputBufferOutPtr(p);
val = LSOutputBufferBytesToRx(p);
val = LSMode(p);
val = LSChannelState(p);
val = LSErrorType(p);
val = LSState();
val = LSSpeed();

val = DisplayEraseMask();
val = DisplayUpdateMask();
val = DisplayDisplay();
val = DisplayFlags();
val = DisplayTextLinesCenterFlags();

val = BTDeviceClass(p);
val = BTDeviceStatus(p);
val = BTConnectionClass(p);
val = BTConnectionHandleNum(p);
val = BTConnectionStreamStatus(p);
val = BTConnectionLinkQuality(p);
val = BrickDataBluecoreVersion();
val = BrickDataBtStateStatus();
val = BrickDataBtHardwareStatus();
val = BrickDataTimeoutValue();
val = BTInputBufferInPtr();
val = BTInputBufferOutPtr();
val = BTOutputBufferInPtr();
val = BTOutputBufferOutPtr();
val = HSInputBufferInPtr();
val = HSInputBufferOutPtr();
val = HSOutputBufferInPtr();
val = HSOutputBufferOutPtr();
val = USBInputBufferInPtr();
val = USBInputBufferOutPtr();
val = USBOutputBufferInPtr();
val = USBOutputBufferOutPtr();
val = USBPollBufferInPtr();
val = USBPollBufferOutPtr();
val = BTDeviceCount();
val = BTDeviceNameCount();
val = HSFlags();
val = HSSpeed();
val = HSState();
val = USBState();



SetCustomSensorZeroOffset(p, n);
SetCustomSensorPercentFullScale(p, n);
SetCustomSensorActiveStatus(p, n);
SetSensorBoolean(p, n);
SetSensorDigiPinsDirection(p, n);
SetSensorDigiPinsStatus(p, n);
SetSensorDigiPinsOutputLevel(p, n);


SetLSInputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data);
SetLSInputBufferInPtr(p, n);
SetLSInputBufferOutPtr(p, n);
SetLSInputBufferBytesToRx(p, n);
SetLSOutputBuffer(p, offset, cnt, data);
SetLSOutputBufferInPtr(p, n);
SetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(p, n);
SetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(p, n);
SetLSMode(p, n);
SetLSChannelState(p, n);
SetLSErrorType(p, n);

SetDisplayNormal(x, line, cnt, data);
SetDisplayPopup(x, line, cnt, data);

SetBTDeviceName(p, str);
SetBTDeviceAddress(p, addr);
SetBTConnectionName(p, str);
SetBTConnectionPinCode(p, code);
SetBTConnectionAddress(p, addr);
SetBrickDataAddress(p, addr);
SetBTDeviceClass(p, n);
SetBTDeviceStatus(p, n);
SetBTConnectionClass(p, n);
SetBTConnectionHandleNum(p, n);
SetBTConnectionStreamStatus(p, n);
SetBTConnectionLinkQuality(p, n);
SetBTInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
SetBTOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
SetHSInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
SetHSOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
SetUSBInputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
SetUSBOutputBuffer(offset, cnt, data);
SetUSBPollBuffer(offset, cnt, data);

val = CreateFile(fname, fsize, handle);
val = OpenFileAppend(fname, fsize, handle);
val = OpenFileRead(fname, fsize, handle);
val = CloseFile(handle);
val = ResolveHandle(fname, handle, writeable);
val = RenameFile(oldname, newname);
val = DeleteFile(fname);
val = Read(handle, n);
val = ReadLn(handle, n);
val = ReadBytes(handle, len, buf);
val = Write(handle, n);
val = WriteLn(handle, n);
val = WriteString(handle, str, cnt);
val = WriteLnString(handle, str, cnt);
val = WriteBytes(handle, buf, cnt);
val = WriteBytesEx(handle, len, buf);

val = SendMessage(queue, msg);
val = ReceiveMessage(queue, clear, msg);

val = LowspeedStatus(port, bready);
val = LowspeedBytesReady(port);
val = LowspeedCheckStatus(port);
val = LowspeedWrite(port, retlen, buffer);
val = LowspeedRead(port, buflen, buffer);

val = I2CStatus(port, bready);
val = I2CBytesReady(port);
val = I2CCheckStatus(port);
val = I2CWrite(port, retlen, buffer);
val = I2CRead(port, buflen, buffer);
val = I2CBytes(port, inbuf, count, outbuf)

val = BluetoothStatus(conn);
val = BluetoothWrite(conn, buffer);

result = ReceiveRemoteBool(queue, clear, bval);
result = ReceiveRemoteNumber(queue, clear, val);
result = ReceiveRemoteString(queue, clear, str);
result = ReceiveRemoteMessageEx(queue, clear, str, val, bval);
result = SendRemoteBool(conn, queue, bval);
result = SendRemoteNumber(conn, queue, val);
result = SendRemoteString(conn, queue, str);
result = SendResponseBool(queue, bval);
result = SendResponseNumber(queue, val);
result = SendResponseString(queue, str);

result = RemoteMessageRead(conn, queue);
result = RemoteMessageWrite(conn, queue, msg); // alias for SendRemoteString
result = RemoteStartProgram(conn, filename);
result = RemoteStopProgram(conn);
result = RemotePlaySoundFile(conn, filename, bloop);
result = RemotePlayTone(conn, frequency, duration);
result = RemoteStopSound(conn);
result = RemoteKeepAlive(conn);
result = RemoteResetScaledValue(conn, port);
result = RemoteResetMotorPosition(conn, port, brelative);
result = RemoteSetInputMode(conn, port, type, mode);
result = RemoteSetOutputState(conn, port, speed, mode, regmode, turnpct, runstate, tacholimit);

result = Sqrt(X);
result = Sin(X);
result = Cos(X);
result = Asin(X);
result = Acos(X);

SysCall(func, args);

SysFileOpenRead(FileOpenType & args);
SysFileOpenWrite(FileOpenType & args);
SysFileOpenAppend(FileOpenType & args);
SysFileRead(FileReadWriteType & args);
SysFileWrite(FileReadWriteType & args);
SysFileClose(FileCloseType & args);
SysFileResolveHandle(FileResolveHandleType & args);
SysFileRename(FileRenameType & args);
SysFileDelete(FileDeleteType & args);

SysSoundPlayFile(SoundPlayFileType & args);
SysSoundPlayTone(SoundPlayToneType & args);
SysSoundGetState(SoundGetStateType & args);
SysSoundSetState(SoundSetStateType & args);

SysDrawText(DrawTextType & args);
SysDrawPoint(DrawPointType & args);
SysDrawLine(DrawLineType & args);
SysDrawCircle(DrawCircleType & args);
SysDrawRect(DrawRectType & args);
SysDrawGraphic(DrawGraphicType & args);
SysSetScreenMode(SetScreenModeType & args);

SysReadButton(ReadButtonType & args);

SysCommLSWrite(CommLSWriteType & args);
SysCommLSRead(CommLSReadType & args);
SysCommLSCheckStatus(CommLSCheckStatusType & args);

SysRandomNumber(RandomNumberType & args);

SysGetStartTick(GetStartTickType & args);

SysMessageWrite(MessageWriteType & args);
SysMessageRead(MessageReadType & args);

SysCommBTWrite(CommBTWriteType & args);
SysCommBTCheckStatus(CommBTCheckStatusType & args);

SysKeepAlive(KeepAliveType & args);

SysIOMapRead(IOMapReadType & args);
SysIOMapWrite(IOMapWriteType & args);

SysIOMapReadByID(IOMapReadByIDType & args);
SysIOMapWriteByID(IOMapWriteByIDType & args);

SysDisplayExecuteFunction(DisplayExecuteFunctionType & args);
SysCommExecuteFunction(CommExecuteFunctionType & args);
SysLoaderExecuteFunction(LoaderExecuteFunctionType & args);

You can find NXC at http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/nxc/.


#ifndef NXCDEFS_H
#define NXCDEFS_H
// Copyright (C) 2006 - John Hansen. All rights reserved.
// Workfile:: NXCDefs.h
// Date:: 2008-03-06
// Revision:: 38
// Contains declarations for the NXC NXT API resources

#include "NBCCommon.h"

#define u8 unsigned char
#define s8 char
#define u16 unsigned int
#define s16 int
#define u32 unsigned long
#define s32 long

#define S1 0
#define S2 1
#define S3 2
#define S4 3

#define SENSOR_1 Sensor(S1)
#define SENSOR_2 Sensor(S2)
#define SENSOR_3 Sensor(S3)
#define SENSOR_4 Sensor(S4)



#define _SENSOR_CFG(_type,_mode)	(((_type)<<8)+(_mode))

#define SetSensor(_sensor, _tm) { SetSensorType(_sensor, _tm>>8); SetSensorMode(_sensor, _tm&0xff); }

#define PlayTone(_f, _d) PlayToneEx(_f, _d, 4, 0)
#define PlayFile(_f) PlayFileEx(_f, 4, 0)
#define ClearScreen() asm { PointOutEx(200, 200, TRUE) }
#define FlattenVar(_value) asm { flatten __STRRETVAL__, _value }
#define UnflattenVar(_str, _value) asm { unflatten _value, __RETVAL__, _str, _value }

// input fields
#define Sensor(_p) asm { ReadSensor(_p, __RETVAL__) }
#define SensorValue(_p) Sensor(_p)
#define SensorUS(_p) asm { ReadSensorUS(_p, __RETVAL__) }
#define SensorType(_p) GetInput(_p, Type)
#define SensorMode(_p) GetInput(_p, InputMode)
#define SensorRaw(_p) GetInput(_p, RawValue)
#define SensorNormalized(_p) GetInput(_p, NormalizedValue)
#define SensorScaled(_p) GetInput(_p, ScaledValue)
#define SensorInvalid(_p) GetInput(_p, InvalidData)
#define SensorValueBool(_p) SensorBoolean(_p)
#define SensorValueRaw(_p) SensorRaw(_p)

// output fields
#define MotorMode(_p) GetOutput(_p, OutputMode)
#define MotorPower(_p) GetOutput(_p, Power)
#define MotorActualSpeed(_p) GetOutput(_p, ActualSpeed)
#define MotorTachoCount(_p) GetOutput(_p, TachoCount)
#define MotorTachoLimit(_p) GetOutput(_p, TachoLimit)
#define MotorRunState(_p) GetOutput(_p, RunState)
#define MotorTurnRatio(_p) GetOutput(_p, TurnRatio)
#define MotorRegulation(_p) GetOutput(_p, RegMode)
#define MotorOverload(_p) GetOutput(_p, Overload)
#define MotorRegPValue(_p) GetOutput(_p, RegPValue)
#define MotorRegIValue(_p) GetOutput(_p, RegIValue)
#define MotorRegDValue(_p) GetOutput(_p, RegDValue)
#define MotorBlockTachoCount(_p) GetOutput(_p, BlockTachoCount)
#define MotorRotationCount(_p) GetOutput(_p, RotationCount)

#define until(_c) while(!(_c))

#define StopAllTasks() Stop(true)
#define StartTask(_t) start _t
#define StopTask(_t) stop _t

#define FreeMemory() asm { GetFreeMemory(__RETVAL__) }
#define BatteryLevel() asm { GetBatteryLevel(__TMPWORD__) __RETURN__ __TMPWORD__ }
#define SoundState() asm { GetSoundState(__RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define SoundFlags() asm { GetSoundState(__TMPBYTE__, __RETVAL__) }
#define StopSound() asm { __setSoundState(SOUND_STATE_STOP, 0, __RETVAL__) }
#define PowerDown() asm { SetIOCtrlModuleValue(IOCtrlOffsetPowerOn, IOCTRL_POWERDOWN) }
#define SleepNow() PowerDown()
#define RebootInFirmwareMode() asm { SetIOCtrlModuleValue(IOCtrlOffsetPowerOn, IOCTRL_BOOT) }
#define CurrentTick() asm { gettick __RETVAL__ }
#define FirstTick() asm { GetFirstTick(__RETVAL__) }
#define ResetSleepTimer() asm { acquire __KeepAliveMutex \
  syscall KeepAlive, __KeepAliveArgs \
  mov __RETVAL__, __KeepAliveArgs.Result \
  release __KeepAliveMutex }

#define IOMA(_n) asm { mov __RETVAL__, _n }
#define SetIOMA(_n, _val) asm { mov _n, _val }

#define ByteArrayToStr(_asrc) asm { arrtostr __STRRETVAL__, _asrc }
#define ByteArrayToStrEx(_asrc, _sout) asm { arrtostr _sout, _asrc }
#define StrToByteArray(_ssrc, _aout) asm { strtoarr _aout, _ssrc }
#define ArrayLen(_asrc) asm { arrsize __RETVAL__, _asrc }
#define ArrayInit(_aout, _val, _cnt) asm { arrinit _aout, _val, _cnt }
#define ArraySubset(_aout, _asrc, _idx, _len) asm { arrsubset _aout, _asrc, _idx, _len }

#define GetLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data)  asm { __getLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) asm { __getDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) asm { __getDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }
#define GetUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __getUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define BTDeviceName(_p) asm { GetBTDeviceName(_p, __STRRETVAL__) }
#define BTConnectionName(_p) asm { GetBTConnectionName(_p, __STRRETVAL__) }
#define BTConnectionPinCode(_p) asm { GetBTConnectionPinCode(_p, __STRRETVAL__) }
#define BrickDataName() asm { GetBrickDataName(__STRRETVAL__) }

#define GetBTDeviceAddress(_p, _data) asm { __getBTDeviceAddress(_p, _data) }
#define GetBTConnectionAddress(_p, _data) asm { __getBTConnectionAddress(_p, _data) }
#define GetBrickDataAddress(_data) asm { GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBrickDataBdAddr, 7, _data) }

#define SoundFrequency() asm { GetSoundFrequency(__TMPWORD__) __RETURN__ __TMPWORD__ }
#define SoundDuration() asm { GetSoundDuration(__TMPWORD__) __RETURN__ __TMPWORD__ }
#define SoundSampleRate() asm { GetSoundSampleRate(__TMPWORD__) __RETURN__ __TMPWORD__ }
#define SoundMode() asm { GetSoundMode(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define SoundVolume() asm { GetSoundVolume(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }

#define ButtonPressCount(_b) asm { GetButtonPressCount(_b, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define ButtonLongPressCount(_b) asm { GetButtonLongPressCount(_b, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define ButtonShortReleaseCount(_b) asm { GetButtonShortReleaseCount(_b, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define ButtonLongReleaseCount(_b) asm { GetButtonLongReleaseCount(_b, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define ButtonReleaseCount(_b) asm { GetButtonReleaseCount(_b, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define ButtonState(_b) asm { GetButtonState(_b, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }

#define CommandFlags() asm { GetCommandFlags(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define UIState() asm { GetUIState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define UIButton() asm { GetUIButton(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define VMRunState() asm { GetVMRunState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BatteryState() asm { GetBatteryState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BluetoothState() asm { GetBluetoothState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define UsbState() asm { GetUsbState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define SleepTimeout() asm { GetSleepTimeout(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define SleepTime() SleepTimeout()
#define SleepTimer() asm { GetSleepTimer(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define RechargeableBattery() asm { GetRechargeableBattery(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define Volume() asm { GetVolume(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define OnBrickProgramPointer() asm { GetOnBrickProgramPointer(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define AbortFlag() asm { GetAbortFlag(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LongAbort() AbortFlag()

#define CustomSensorZeroOffset(_p) asm { GetInCustomZeroOffset(_p, __TMPWORD__) __RETURN__ __TMPWORD__ }
#define CustomSensorPercentFullScale(_p) asm { GetInCustomPercentFullScale(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define CustomSensorActiveStatus(_p) asm { GetInCustomActiveStatus(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define SensorBoolean(_p) asm { GetInSensorBoolean(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define SensorDigiPinsDirection(_p) asm { GetInDigiPinsDirection(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define SensorDigiPinsStatus(_p) asm { GetInDigiPinsStatus(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define SensorDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p) asm { GetInDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }

#define MotorPwnFreq() asm { GetOutPwnFreq(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }

#define LSInputBufferInPtr(_p) asm { GetLSInputBufferInPtr(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSInputBufferOutPtr(_p) asm { GetLSInputBufferOutPtr(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p) asm { GetLSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSOutputBufferInPtr(_p) asm { GetLSOutputBufferInPtr(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p) asm { GetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p) asm { GetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSMode(_p) asm { GetLSMode(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSChannelState(_p) asm { GetLSChannelState(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSErrorType(_p) asm { GetLSErrorType(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSState() asm { GetLSState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define LSSpeed() asm { GetLSSpeed(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }

#define DisplayEraseMask() asm { GetDisplayEraseMask(__TMPLONG__) __RETURN__ __TMPLONG__ }
#define DisplayUpdateMask() asm { GetDisplayUpdateMask(__TMPLONG__) __RETURN__ __TMPLONG__ }
#define DisplayDisplay() asm { GetDisplayDisplay(__TMPLONG__) __RETURN__ __TMPLONG__ }
#define DisplayFlags() asm { GetDisplayFlags(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define DisplayTextLinesCenterFlags() asm { GetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }

#define BTDeviceClass(_p) asm { GetBTDeviceClass(_p, __TMPLONG__) __RETURN__ __TMPLONG__ }
#define BTDeviceStatus(_p) asm { GetBTDeviceStatus(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTConnectionClass(_p) asm { GetBTConnectionClass(_p, __TMPLONG__) __RETURN__ __TMPLONG__ }
#define BTConnectionHandleNum(_p) asm { GetBTConnectionHandleNum(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTConnectionStreamStatus(_p) asm { GetBTConnectionStreamStatus(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTConnectionLinkQuality(_p) asm { GetBTConnectionLinkQuality(_p, __TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BrickDataBluecoreVersion() asm { GetBrickDataBluecoreVersion(__TMPWORD__) __RETURN__ __TMPWORD__ }
#define BrickDataBtStateStatus() asm { GetBrickDataBtStateStatus(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BrickDataBtHardwareStatus() asm { GetBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BrickDataTimeoutValue() asm { GetBrickDataTimeoutValue(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTInputBufferInPtr() asm { GetBTInputBufferInPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTInputBufferOutPtr() asm { GetBTInputBufferOutPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTOutputBufferInPtr() asm { GetBTOutputBufferInPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTOutputBufferOutPtr() asm { GetBTOutputBufferOutPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define HSInputBufferInPtr() asm { GetHSInputBufferInPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define HSInputBufferOutPtr() asm { GetHSInputBufferOutPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define HSOutputBufferInPtr() asm { GetHSOutputBufferInPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define HSOutputBufferOutPtr() asm { GetHSOutputBufferOutPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define USBInputBufferInPtr() asm { GetUSBInputBufferInPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define USBInputBufferOutPtr() asm { GetUSBInputBufferOutPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define USBOutputBufferInPtr() asm { GetUSBOutputBufferInPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define USBOutputBufferOutPtr() asm { GetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define USBPollBufferInPtr() asm { GetUSBPollBufferInPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define USBPollBufferOutPtr() asm { GetUSBPollBufferOutPtr(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTDeviceCount() asm { GetBTDeviceCount(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define BTDeviceNameCount() asm { GetBTDeviceNameCount(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define HSFlags() asm { GetHSFlags(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define HSSpeed() asm { GetHSSpeed(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define HSState() asm { GetHSState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }
#define USBState() asm { GetUSBState(__TMPBYTE__) __RETURN__ __TMPBYTE__ }

#define SetSoundFrequency(_n) asm { __setSoundFrequency(_n) }
#define SetSoundDuration(_n) asm { __setSoundDuration(_n) }
#define SetSoundSampleRate(_n) asm { __setSoundSampleRate(_n) }
#define SetSoundFlags(_n) asm { __setSoundFlags(_n) }
#define SetSoundModuleState(_n) asm { __setSoundModuleState(_n) }
#define SetSoundMode(_n) asm { __setSoundMode(_n) }
#define SetSoundVolume(_n) asm { __setSoundVolume(_n) }

#define SetButtonPressCount(_b, _n) asm { __setButtonPressCount(_b, _n) }
#define SetButtonLongPressCount(_b, _n) asm { __setButtonLongPressCount(_b, _n) }
#define SetButtonShortReleaseCount(_b, _n) asm { __setButtonShortReleaseCount(_b, _n) }
#define SetButtonLongReleaseCount(_b, _n) asm { __setButtonLongReleaseCount(_b, _n) }
#define SetButtonReleaseCount(_b, _n) asm { __setButtonReleaseCount(_b, _n) }
#define SetButtonState(_b, _n) asm { __setButtonState(_b, _n) }

#define SetCommandFlags(_n) asm { __setCommandFlags(_n) }
#define SetUIState(_n) asm { __setUIState(_n) }
#define SetUIButton(_n) asm { __setUIButton(_n) }
#define SetVMRunState(_n) asm { __setVMRunState(_n) }
#define SetBatteryState(_n) asm { __setBatteryState(_n) }
#define SetBluetoothState(_n) asm { __setBluetoothState(_n) }
#define SetUsbState(_n) asm { __setUsbState(_n) }
#define SetSleepTimeout(_n) asm { __setSleepTimeout(_n) }
#define SetSleepTime(_n) SetSleepTimeout(_n)
#define SetSleepTimer(_n) asm { __setSleepTimer(_n) }
#define SetVolume(_n) asm { __setVolume(_n) }
#define SetOnBrickProgramPointer(_n) asm { __setOnBrickProgramPointer(_n) }
#define ForceOff(_n) asm { __forceOff(_n) }
#define SetAbortFlag(_n) asm { __setAbortFlag(_n) }
#define SetLongAbort(_n) do { \
  if (_n) { \
    asm { __setAbortFlag(BTNSTATE_LONG_PRESSED_EV) } \
  } else { \
    asm { __setAbortFlag(BTNSTATE_PRESSED_EV) } \
  } \
} while(false)

#define SetCustomSensorZeroOffset(_p, _n) asm { __setInCustomZeroOffset(_p, _n) }
#define SetCustomSensorPercentFullScale(_p, _n) asm { __setInCustomPercentFullScale(_p, _n) }
#define SetCustomSensorActiveStatus(_p, _n) asm { __setInCustomActiveStatus(_p, _n) }
#define SetSensorBoolean(_p, _n) asm { __setInSensorBoolean(_p, _n) }
#define SetSensorDigiPinsDirection(_p, _n) asm { __setInDigiPinsDirection(_p, _n) }
#define SetSensorDigiPinsStatus(_p, _n) asm { __setInDigiPinsStatus(_p, _n) }
#define SetSensorDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p, _n) asm { __setInDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p, _n) }

#define SetMotorPwnFreq(_n) asm { __setOutPwnFreq(_n) }

#define SetLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetLSInputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) asm { __setLSInputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSInputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) asm { __setLSInputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) asm { __setLSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) }

#define SetLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetLSOutputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) asm { __setLSOutputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) asm { __setLSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) asm { __setLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSMode(_p, _n) asm { __setLSMode(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSChannelState(_p, _n) asm { __setLSChannelState(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSErrorType(_p, _n) asm { __setLSErrorType(_p, _n) }
#define SetLSState(_n) asm { __setLSState(_n) }
#define SetLSSpeed(_n) asm { __setLSSpeed(_n) }

#define SetDisplayEraseMask(_n) asm { __setDisplayEraseMask(_n) }
#define SetDisplayUpdateMask(_n) asm { __setDisplayUpdateMask(_n) }
#define SetDisplayDisplay(_n) asm { __setDisplayDisplay(_n) }
#define SetDisplayFlags(_n) asm { __setDisplayFlags(_n) }
#define SetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(_n) asm { __setDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(_n) }

#define SetDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) asm { __setDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) }
#define SetDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) asm { __setDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetBTDeviceName(_p, _str) asm { __setBTDeviceName(_p, _str) }
#define SetBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr) asm { __setBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr) }
#define SetBTConnectionName(_p, _str) asm { __setBTConnectionName(_p, _str) }
#define SetBTConnectionPinCode(_p, _code) asm { __setBTConnectionPinCode(_p, _code) }
#define SetBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr) asm { __setBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr) }
#define SetBrickDataName(_str) asm { SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBrickDataName, 16, _str) }
#define SetBrickDataAddress(_addr) asm { SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBrickDataBdAddr, 7, _addr) }

#define SetBTDeviceClass(_p, _n) asm { __setBTDeviceClass(_p, _n) }
#define SetBTDeviceStatus(_p, _n) asm { __setBTDeviceStatus(_p, _n) }
#define SetBTConnectionClass(_p, _n) asm { __setBTConnectionClass(_p, _n) }
#define SetBTConnectionHandleNum(_p, _n) asm { __setBTConnectionHandleNum(_p, _n) }
#define SetBTConnectionStreamStatus(_p, _n) asm { __setBTConnectionStreamStatus(_p, _n) }
#define SetBTConnectionLinkQuality(_p, _n) asm { __setBTConnectionLinkQuality(_p, _n) }
#define SetBrickDataBluecoreVersion(_n) asm { __setBrickDataBluecoreVersion(_n) }
#define SetBrickDataBtStateStatus(_n) asm { __setBrickDataBtStateStatus(_n) }
#define SetBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(_n) asm { __setBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(_n) }
#define SetBrickDataTimeoutValue(_n) asm { __setBrickDataTimeoutValue(_n) }

#define SetBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetBTInputBufferInPtr(_n) asm { __setBTInputBufferInPtr(_n) }
#define SetBTInputBufferOutPtr(_n) asm { __setBTInputBufferOutPtr(_n) }

#define SetBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetBTOutputBufferInPtr(_n) asm { __setBTOutputBufferInPtr(_n) }
#define SetBTOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) asm { __setBTOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) }

#define SetHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetHSInputBufferInPtr(_n) asm { __setHSInputBufferInPtr(_n) }
#define SetHSInputBufferOutPtr(_n) asm { __setHSInputBufferOutPtr(_n) }

#define SetHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetHSOutputBufferInPtr(_n) asm { __setHSOutputBufferInPtr(_n) }
#define SetHSOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) asm { __setHSOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) }

#define SetUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetUSBInputBufferInPtr(_n) asm { __setUSBInputBufferInPtr(_n) }
#define SetUSBInputBufferOutPtr(_n) asm { __setUSBInputBufferOutPtr(_n) }

#define SetUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetUSBOutputBufferInPtr(_n) asm { __setUSBOutputBufferInPtr(_n) }
#define SetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) asm { __setUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) }

#define SetUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) asm { __setUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) }

#define SetUSBPollBufferInPtr(_n) asm { __setUSBPollBufferInPtr(_n) }
#define SetUSBPollBufferOutPtr(_n) asm { __setUSBPollBufferOutPtr(_n) }
#define SetBTDeviceCount(_n) asm { __setBTDeviceCount(_n) }
#define SetBTDeviceNameCount(_n) asm { __setBTDeviceNameCount(_n) } 
#define SetHSFlags(_n) asm { __setHSFlags(_n) }
#define SetHSSpeed(_n) asm { __setHSSpeed(_n) }
#define SetHSState(_n) asm { __setHSState(_n) }
#define SetUSBState(_n) asm { __setUSBState(_n) }

#define CreateFile(_fname, _fsize, _handle) asm { __createFile(_fname, _fsize, _handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define OpenFileAppend(_fname, _fsize, _handle) asm { __openFileAppend(_fname, _fsize, _handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define OpenFileRead(_fname, _fsize, _handle) asm { __openFileRead(_fname, _fsize, _handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define CloseFile(_handle) asm { __closeFile(_handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define ResolveHandle(_fname, _handle, _writeable) asm { __resolveHandle(_fname, _handle, _writeable, __RETVAL__) }
#define RenameFile(_oldname, _newname) asm { __renameFile(_oldname, _newname, __RETVAL__) }
#define DeleteFile(_fname) asm { __deleteFile(_fname, __RETVAL__) }
#define ResizeFile(_fname, _newsize) asm { __fileResize(_fname, _newsize, __RETVAL__) }

#define CreateFileLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle) asm { __createFileLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define CreateFileNonLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle) asm { __createFileNonLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define OpenFileReadLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle) asm { __openFileReadLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define FindFirstFile(_fname, _handle) asm { __findFirstFile(_fname, _handle, __RETVAL__) }
#define FindNextFile(_fname, _handle) asm { __findNextFile(_fname, _handle, __RETVAL__) }

#define Read(_handle, _n) asm { __readValue(_handle, _n, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadLn(_handle, _n) asm { __readLnValue(_handle, _n, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadBytes(_handle, _len, _buf) asm { __readBytes(_handle, _len, _buf, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadLnString(_handle, _output) asm { __readLnString(_handle, _output, __RETVAL__) }

#define Write(_handle, _n) asm { __writeValue(_handle, _n, __RETVAL__) }
#define WriteLn(_handle, _n) asm { __writeLnValue(_handle, _n, __RETVAL__) }
#define WriteString(_handle, _str, _cnt) asm { __writeString(_handle, _str, _cnt, __RETVAL__) }
#define WriteLnString(_handle, _str, _cnt) asm { __writeLnString(_handle, _str, _cnt, __RETVAL__) }
#define WriteBytes(_handle, _buf, _cnt) asm { __writeBytes(_handle, _buf, _cnt, __RETVAL__) }
#define WriteBytesEx(_handle, _len, _buf) asm { __writeBytesEx(_handle, _len, _buf, __RETVAL__) }

#define SendMessage(_queue, _msg) asm { __sendMessage(_queue, _msg, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReceiveMessage(_queue, _clear, _msg) asm { __receiveMessage(_queue, _clear, _msg, __RETVAL__) }

#define LowspeedStatus(_port, _bready) asm { __lowspeedStatus(_port, _bready, __RETVAL__) }
#define LowspeedCheckStatus(_port) asm { __lowspeedStatus(_port, __TMPBYTE__, __RETVAL__) }
#define LowspeedBytesReady(_port) asm { __lowspeedStatus(_port, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define LowspeedWrite(_port, _retlen, _buffer) asm { __lowspeedWrite(_port, _retlen, _buffer, __RETVAL__) }
#define LowspeedRead(_port, _buflen, _buffer) asm { __lowspeedRead(_port, _buflen, _buffer, __RETVAL__) }

#define I2CStatus(_port, _bready) LowspeedStatus(_port, _bready)
#define I2CCheckStatus(_port) LowspeedCheckStatus(_port)
#define I2CBytesReady(_port) LowspeedBytesReady(_port)
#define I2CWrite(_port, _retlen, _buffer) LowspeedWrite(_port, _retlen, _buffer)
#define I2CRead(_port, _buflen, _buffer) LowspeedRead(_port, _buflen, _buffer)

#define I2CBytes(_port, _inbuf, _count, _outbuf) asm { ReadI2CBytes(_port, _inbuf, _count, _outbuf, __RETVAL__) }

#define BluetoothStatus(_conn) asm { __bluetoothStatus(_conn, __RETVAL__) }
#define BluetoothWrite(_conn, _buffer) asm { __bluetoothWrite(_conn, _buffer, __RETVAL__) }

#define SendRemoteBool(_conn, _queue, _bval) asm { __sendRemoteBool(_conn, _queue, _bval, __RETVAL__) }
#define SendRemoteNumber(_conn, _queue, _val) asm { __sendRemoteNumber(_conn, _queue, _val, __RETVAL__) }
#define SendRemoteString(_conn, _queue, _str) asm { __sendRemoteString(_conn, _queue, _str, __RETVAL__) }

#define SendResponseBool(_queue, _bval) asm { __sendResponseBool(_queue, _bval, __RETVAL__) }
#define SendResponseNumber(_queue, _val) asm { __sendResponseNumber(_queue, _val, __RETVAL__) }
#define SendResponseString(_queue, _msg) asm { __sendResponseString(_queue, _msg, __RETVAL__) }

#define ReceiveRemoteBool(_queue, _clear, _bval) asm { __receiveRemoteBool(_queue, _clear, _bval, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReceiveRemoteNumber(_queue, _clear, _val) asm { __receiveRemoteNumber(_queue, _clear, _val, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReceiveRemoteString(_queue, _clear, _str) asm { __receiveMessage(_queue, _clear, _str, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReceiveRemoteMessageEx(_queue, _clear, _str, _val, _bval) asm { __receiveRemoteMessageEx(_queue, _clear, _str, _val, _bval, __RETVAL__) }

#define RemoteMessageRead(_conn, _queue) asm { __remoteMessageRead(_conn, _queue, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteMessageWrite(_conn, _queue, _msg) asm { __sendRemoteString(_conn, _queue, _msg, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteStartProgram(_conn, _filename) asm { __remoteStartProgram(_conn, _filename, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteStopProgram(_conn) asm { __bluetoothWrite(_conn, __DCStopProgramPacket, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemotePlaySoundFile(_conn, _filename, _bloop) asm { __remotePlaySoundFile(_conn, _filename, _bloop, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemotePlayTone(_conn, _frequency, _duration) asm { __remotePlayTone(_conn, _frequency, _duration, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteStopSound(_conn) asm { __bluetoothWrite(_conn, __DCStopSoundPacket, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteKeepAlive(_conn) asm { __bluetoothWrite(_conn, __DCKeepAlivePacket, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteResetScaledValue(_conn, _port) asm { __remoteResetScaledValue(_conn, _port, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteResetMotorPosition(_conn, _port, _brelative) asm { __remoteResetMotorPosition(_conn, _port, _brelative, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteSetInputMode(_conn, _port, _type, _mode) asm { __remoteSetInputMode(_conn, _port, _type, _mode, __RETVAL__) }
#define RemoteSetOutputState(_conn, _port, _speed, _mode, _regmode, _turnpct, _runstate, _tacholimit) \
  asm { __remoteSetOutputState(_conn, _port, _speed, _mode, _regmode, _turnpct, _runstate, _tacholimit, __RETVAL__) }

#define RS485Status(_sendingData, _dataAvail) asm { __RS485Status(_sendingData, _dataAvail) }
#define RS485SendingData() asm { __RS485Status(__RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define RS485DataAvailable() asm { __RS485Status(__TMPBYTE__, __RETVAL__) }
#define RS485Write(_buffer) asm { __RS485Write(_buffer, __RETVAL__) }
#define RS485Read(_buffer) asm { __RS485Read(_buffer, __RETVAL__) }
#define RS485Control(_cmd, _baud) asm { __RS485Control(_cmd, _baud, __RETVAL__) }
#define RS485Init() asm { __RS485Control(HS_CTRL_INIT, 0, __RETVAL__) }
#define RS485Uart(_baud) asm { __RS485Control(HS_CTRL_UART, _baud, __RETVAL__) }
#define RS485Exit() asm { __RS485Control(HS_CTRL_EXIT, 0, __RETVAL__) }

#define SendRS485Bool(_bval) asm { __sendRS485Bool(_bval, __RETVAL__) }
#define SendRS485Number(_val) asm { __sendRS485Number(_val, __RETVAL__) }
#define SendRS485String(_str) asm { __sendRS485String(_str, __RETVAL__) }

// math functions written by Tamas Sorosy (www.sorosy.com)

// X is any integer; Y is the sqrt value (0->max); if X<0, Y is the sqrt value of absolute X
#define Sqrt(_X) asm { __SQRT(_X,__RETVAL__) }

// X is any integer in degrees; Y is 100* the sin value (-100->100)
#define Sin(_X) asm { __SIN(_X,__RETVAL__) }

// X is any integer in degrees; Y is 100* the cos value (-100->100)
#define Cos(_X) asm { __COS(_X,__RETVAL__) }

// X is 100* the sin value (-100->100); Y is -90->90; Y is 101 if X is outside -100->100 range
#define Asin(_X) asm { __ASIN(_X,__RETVAL__) }

// X is 100* the cos value (-100->100); Y is 0->180; Y is -11 if X is outside -100->100 range
#define Acos(_X) asm { __ACOS(_X,__RETVAL__) }

#define bcd2dec(_bcd) asm { \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_bcd), 1 \
  __bcd2dec(_bcd, __RETVAL__) \

// standard syscall structures

struct LocationType {
  int X;
  int Y;

struct SizeType {
  int Width;
  int Height;

// FileOpenRead, FileOpenWrite, FileOpenAppend, FileOpenReadLinear, FileOpenWriteLinear, FileOpenWriteNonLinear
struct FileOpenType {
  unsigned int Result;
  byte FileHandle;
  string Filename;
  unsigned long Length;

// FileRead, FileWrite
struct FileReadWriteType {
  unsigned int Result;
  byte FileHandle;
  string Buffer;
  unsigned long Length;

// FileClose
struct FileCloseType {
  unsigned int Result;
  byte FileHandle;

// FileResolveHandle
struct FileResolveHandleType {
  unsigned int Result;
  byte FileHandle;
  bool WriteHandle;
  string Filename;

// FileRename
struct FileRenameType {
  unsigned int Result;
  string OldFilename;
  string NewFilename;

// FileDelete
struct FileDeleteType {
  unsigned int Result;
  string Filename;

// SoundPlayFile
struct SoundPlayFileType {
  char Result;
  string Filename;
  bool Loop;
  byte SoundLevel;

// SoundPlayTone
struct SoundPlayToneType {
  char Result;
  unsigned int Frequency;
  unsigned int Duration;
  bool Loop;
  byte SoundLevel;

// SoundGetState
struct SoundGetStateType {
  byte State;
  byte Flags;

// SoundSetState
struct SoundSetStateType {
  byte Result;
  byte State;
  byte Flags;

// DrawText
struct DrawTextType {
  char Result;
  LocationType Location;
  string Text;
  unsigned long Options;

// DrawPoint
struct DrawPointType {
  char Result;
  LocationType Location;
  unsigned long Options;

// DrawLine
struct DrawLineType {
  char Result;
  LocationType StartLoc;
  LocationType EndLoc;
  unsigned long Options;

// DrawCircle
struct DrawCircleType {
  char Result;
  LocationType Center;
  byte Size;
  unsigned long Options;

// DrawRect
struct DrawRectType {
  char Result;
  LocationType Location;
  SizeType Size;
  unsigned long Options;

// DrawGraphic
struct DrawGraphicType {
  char Result;
  LocationType Location;
  string Filename;
  int Variables[];
  unsigned long Options;

// SetScreenMode
struct SetScreenModeType {
  char Result;
  unsigned long ScreenMode;

// ReadButton
struct ReadButtonType {
  char Result;
  byte Index;
  bool Pressed;
  byte Count;
  bool Reset; // reset count after reading?

// CommLSWrite
struct CommLSWriteType {
  char Result;
  byte Port;
  byte Buffer[];
  byte ReturnLen;

// CommLSRead
struct CommLSReadType {
  char Result;
  byte Port;
  byte Buffer[];
  byte BufferLen;

// CommLSCheckStatus
struct CommLSCheckStatusType {
  char Result;
  byte Port;
  byte BytesReady;

// RandomNumber
struct RandomNumberType {
  int Result;

// GetStartTick
struct GetStartTickType {
  unsigned long Result;

// MessageWrite
struct MessageWriteType {
  char Result;
  byte QueueID;
  string Message;

// MessageRead
struct MessageReadType {
  char Result;
  byte QueueID;
  bool Remove;
  string Message;

// CommBTCheckStatus
struct CommBTCheckStatusType {
  char Result;
  byte Connection;

// CommBTWrite
struct CommBTWriteType {
  char Result;
  byte Connection;
  byte Buffer[];

// KeepAlive
struct KeepAliveType {
  unsigned long Result;

// IOMapRead
struct IOMapReadType {
  char Result;
  string ModuleName;
  unsigned int Offset;
  unsigned int Count;
  byte Buffer[];

// IOMapWrite
struct IOMapWriteType {
  char Result;
  string ModuleName;
  unsigned int Offset;
  byte Buffer[];

// IOMapReadByID
struct IOMapReadByIDType {
  char Result;
  unsigned long ModuleID;
  unsigned int Offset;
  unsigned int Count;
  byte Buffer[];

// IOMapWriteByID
struct IOMapWriteByIDType {
  char Result;
  unsigned long ModuleID;
  unsigned int Offset;
  byte Buffer[];

// DisplayExecuteFunction
struct DisplayExecuteFunctionType {
  byte Status;
  byte Cmd;
  byte On;
  byte X1;
  byte Y1;
  byte X2;
  byte Y2;

// CommExecuteFunction
struct CommExecuteFunctionType {
  unsigned int Result;
  byte Cmd;
  byte Param1;
  byte Param2;
  byte Param3;
  string Name;
  unsigned int RetVal;

// LoaderExecuteFunction
struct LoaderExecuteFunctionType {
  unsigned int Result;
  byte Cmd;
  string Filename;
  byte Buffer[];
  unsigned long Length;

// FileFindFirst, FileFindNext
struct FileFindType {
 unsigned int Result;
 byte FileHandle;
 string Filename;
 unsigned long Length;

// CommHSControl
struct CommHSControlType {
 char Result;
 byte Command;
 byte BaudRate;

// CommHSCheckStatus
struct CommHSCheckStatusType {
 bool SendingData;
 bool DataAvailable;

// CommHSRead, CommHSWrite
struct CommHSReadWriteType {
 char Status;
 byte Buffer[];

#define SysCall(_func, _args) asm { syscall _func, _args }

#define SysFileOpenRead(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileOpenType \
  syscall FileOpenRead, _args \
#define SysFileOpenWrite(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileOpenType \
  syscall FileOpenWrite, _args \
#define SysFileOpenAppend(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileOpenType \
  syscall FileOpenAppend, _args \
#define SysFileRead(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileReadWriteType \
  syscall FileRead, _args \
#define SysFileWrite(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileReadWriteType \
  syscall FileWrite, _args \
#define SysFileClose(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileCloseType \
  syscall FileClose, _args \
#define SysFileResolveHandle(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileResolveHandleType \
  syscall FileResolveHandle, _args \
#define SysFileRename(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileRenameType \
  syscall FileRename, _args \
#define SysFileDelete(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileDeleteType \
  syscall FileDelete, _args \

#define SysSoundPlayFile(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, SoundPlayFileType \
  syscall SoundPlayFile, _args \
#define SysSoundPlayTone(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, SoundPlayToneType \
  syscall SoundPlayTone, _args \
#define SysSoundGetState(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, SoundGetStateType \
  syscall SoundGetState, _args \
#define SysSoundSetState(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, SoundSetStateType \
  syscall SoundSetState, _args \

#define SysDrawText(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, DrawTextType \
  syscall DrawText, _args \
#define SysDrawPoint(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, DrawPointType \
  syscall DrawPoint, _args \
#define SysDrawLine(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, DrawLineType \
  syscall DrawLine, _args \
#define SysDrawCircle(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, DrawCircleType \
  syscall DrawCircle, _args \
#define SysDrawRect(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, DrawRectType \
  syscall DrawRect, _args \
#define SysDrawGraphic(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, DrawGraphicType \
  syscall DrawGraphic, _args \
#define SysSetScreenMode(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, SetScreenModeType \
  syscall SetScreenMode, _args \

#define SysReadButton(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, ReadButtonType \
  syscall ReadButton, _args \

#define SysCommLSWrite(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommLSWriteType \
  syscall CommLSWrite, _args \
#define SysCommLSRead(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommLSReadType \
  syscall CommLSRead, _args \
#define SysCommLSCheckStatus(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommLSCheckStatusType \
  syscall CommLSCheckStatus, _args \

#define SysRandomNumber(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, RandomNumberType \
  syscall RandomNumber, _args \

#define SysGetStartTick(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, GetStartTickType \
  syscall GetStartTick, _args \

#define SysMessageWrite(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, MessageWriteType \
  syscall MessageWrite, _args \
#define SysMessageRead(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, MessageReadType \
  syscall MessageRead, _args \

#define SysCommBTWrite(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommBTWriteType \
  syscall CommBTWrite, _args \
#define SysCommBTCheckStatus(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommBTCheckStatusType \
  syscall CommBTCheckStatus, _args \

#define SysKeepAlive(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, KeepAliveType \
  syscall KeepAlive, _args \

#define SysIOMapRead(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, IOMapReadType \
  syscall IOMapRead, _args \
#define SysIOMapWrite(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, IOMapWriteType \
  syscall IOMapWrite, _args \

#define SysIOMapReadByID(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, IOMapReadByIDType \
  syscall IOMapReadByID, _args \
#define SysIOMapWriteByID(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, IOMapWriteByIDType \
  syscall IOMapWriteByID, _args \
#define SysDisplayExecuteFunction(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, DisplayExecuteFunctionType \
  syscall DisplayExecuteFunction, _args \
#define SysCommExecuteFunction(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommExecuteFunctionType \
  syscall CommExecuteFunction, _args \
#define SysLoaderExecuteFunction(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, LoaderExecuteFunctionType \
  syscall LoaderExecuteFunction, _args \
#define SysFileFindFirst(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileFindType \
  syscall FileFindFirst, _args \
#define SysFileFindNext(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileFindType \
  syscall FileFindNext, _args \
#define SysFileOpenWriteLinear(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileOpenType \
  syscall FileOpenWriteLinear, _args \
#define SysFileOpenWriteNonLinear(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileOpenType \
  syscall FileOpenWriteNonLinear, _args \
#define SysFileOpenReadLinear(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, FileOpenType \
  syscall FileOpenReadLinear, _args \
#define SysCommHSControl(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommHSControlType \
  syscall CommHSControl, _args \
#define SysCommHSCheckStatus(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommHSCheckStatusType \
  syscall CommHSCheckStatus, _args \
#define SysCommHSRead(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommHSReadWriteType \
  syscall CommHSRead, _args \
#define SysCommHSWrite(_args) asm { \
  compchktype _args, CommHSReadWriteType \
  syscall CommHSWrite, _args \

// HiTechnic API functions

#define SetSensorHTGyro(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_LIGHT_INACTIVE); \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_RAW); \

#define SensorHTGyro(_p, _offset) asm { \
  getin __RETVAL__, _p, RawValue \
  sub __RETVAL__, __RETVAL__, 600 \
  sub __RETVAL__, __RETVAL__, _offset \

#define HTPowerFunctionCommand(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb) asm { __HTPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb) asm { __HTPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFSinglePin(_port, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont) asm { __HTPFSinglePin(_port, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFSingleOutputCST(_port, _channel, _out, _func) asm { __HTPFSingleOutput(_port, _channel, _out, _func, TRUE, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFSingleOutputPWM(_port, _channel, _out, _func) asm { __HTPFSingleOutput(_port, _channel, _out, _func, FALSE, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFComboPWM(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb) asm { __HTPFComboPWM(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFTrain(_port, _channel, _func) asm { __HTIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func, TRUE, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func) asm { __HTIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func, FALSE, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFRawOutput(_port, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2) asm { __HTPFRawOutput(_port, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTPFRepeat(_port, _count, _delay) asm { __HTPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, _count, _delay, __RETVAL__) }

#define HTRCXSetIRLinkPort(_port) asm { __HTRCXSetIRLinkPort(_port) }
#define HTRCXPoll(_src, _value) asm { __HTRCXPoll(_src, _value, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTRCXBatteryLevel() asm { __HTRCXBatteryLevel(__RETVAL__) }
#define HTRCXPing() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PingOp) }
#define HTRCXDeleteTasks() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteTasksOp) }
#define HTRCXStopAllTasks() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_StopAllTasksOp) }
#define HTRCXPBTurnOff() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PBTurnOffOp) }
#define HTRCXDeleteSubs() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteSubsOp) }
#define HTRCXClearSound() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearSoundOp) }
#define HTRCXClearMsg() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearMsgOp) }
#define HTRCXMuteSound() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_MuteSoundOp) }
#define HTRCXUnmuteSound() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_UnmuteSoundOp) }
#define HTRCXClearAllEvents() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearAllEventsOp) }
#define HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) asm { __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) }
#define HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) asm { __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) }
#define HTRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) asm { __HTRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) }
#define HTRCXOn(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON) }
#define HTRCXOff(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF) }
#define HTRCXFloat(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FLOAT) }
#define HTRCXToggle(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_TOGGLE) }
#define HTRCXFwd(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD) }
#define HTRCXRev(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV) }
#define HTRCXOnFwd(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXOnFwd(_outputs) }
#define HTRCXOnRev(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXOnRev(_outputs) }
#define HTRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) asm { __HTRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) }
#define HTRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) asm { __HTRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) }
#define HTRCXPlaySound(_snd) asm { __HTRCXPlaySound(_snd) }
#define HTRCXDeleteTask(_t) asm { __HTRCXDeleteTask(_t) }
#define HTRCXStartTask(_t) asm { __HTRCXStartTask(_t) }
#define HTRCXStopTask(_t) asm { __HTRCXStopTask(_t) }
#define HTRCXSelectProgram(_prog) asm { __HTRCXSelectProgram(_prog) }
#define HTRCXClearTimer(_timer) asm { __HTRCXClearTimer(_timer) }
#define HTRCXSetSleepTime(_t) asm { __HTRCXSetSleepTime(_t) }
#define HTRCXDeleteSub(_s) asm { __HTRCXDeleteSub(_s) }
#define HTRCXClearSensor(_port) asm { __HTRCXClearSensor(_port) }
#define HTRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) asm { __HTRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) }
#define HTRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) asm { __HTRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) }
#define HTRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) asm { __HTRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) }
#define HTRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) asm { __HTRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) }
#define HTRCXCreateDatalog(_size) asm { __HTRCXCreateDatalog(_size) }
#define HTRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) asm { __HTRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) }
#define HTRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) asm { __HTRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) }
#define HTRCXRemote(_cmd) asm { __HTRCXRemote(_cmd) }
#define HTRCXEvent(_src, _value) asm { __HTRCXEvent(_src, _value) }
#define HTRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) asm { __HTRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) }
#define HTRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) asm { __HTRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) }
#define HTRCXPollMemory(_address) asm { __HTRCXPollMemory(_address, __RETVAL__) }
#define HTRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) asm { __HTRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) }
#define HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) asm { __HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) }
#define HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) asm { __HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) }
#define HTRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) asm { __HTRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) }
#define HTRCXEnableOutput(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON) }
#define HTRCXDisableOutput(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF) }
#define HTRCXInvertOutput(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV) }
#define HTRCXObvertOutput(_outputs) asm { __HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD) }
#define HTRCXIncCounter(_counter) asm { __HTRCXIncCounter(_counter) }
#define HTRCXDecCounter(_counter) asm { __HTRCXDecCounter(_counter) }
#define HTRCXClearCounter(_counter) asm { __HTRCXClearCounter(_counter) }
#define HTRCXSetPriority(_p) asm { __HTRCXSetPriority(_p) }
#define HTRCXSetMessage(_msg) asm { __HTRCXSetMessage(_msg) }

#define HTScoutCalibrateSensor() asm { __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_LSCalibrateOp) }
#define HTScoutMuteSound() asm { __HTScoutMuteSound() }
#define HTScoutUnmuteSound() asm { __HTScoutUnmuteSound() }
#define HTScoutSelectSounds(_grp) asm { __HTScoutSelectSounds(_grp) }
#define HTScoutSetLight(_x) asm { __HTScoutSetLight(_x) }
#define HTScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) asm { __HTScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) }
#define HTScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) asm { __HTScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) }
#define HTScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) asm { __HTScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) }
#define HTScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) asm { __HTScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) }
#define HTScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) asm { __HTScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) }
#define HTScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) asm { __HTScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) }
#define HTScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) asm { __HTScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) }

#define SensorHTCompass(_port) asm { ReadSensorHTCompass(_port, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorHTAccel(_port, _x, _y, _z) asm { __ReadSensorHTAccel(_port, _x, _y, _z, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorHTColor(_port, _ColorNum, _Red, _Green, _Blue) asm { __ReadSensorHTColor(_port, _ColorNum, _Red, _Green, _Blue, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorHTRawColor(_port, _Red, _Green, _Blue) asm { __ReadSensorHTRawColor(_port, _Red, _Green, _Blue, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorHTNormalizedColor(_port, _ColorIdx, _Red, _Green, _Blue) asm { __ReadSensorHTNormalizedColor(_port, _ColorIdx, _Red, _Green, _Blue, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorHTIRSeeker(_port, _dir, _s1, _s3, _s5, _s7, _s9) asm { __ReadSensorHTIRSeeker(_port, _dir, _s1, _s3, _s5, _s7, _s9, __RETVAL__) }
#define SensorHTIRSeekerDir(_port) asm { ReadSensorHTIRSeekerDir(_port, __RETVAL__) }
#define SensorHTColorNum(_port) asm { ReadSensorHTColorNum(_port, __RETVAL__) }

// Mindsensors API functions

#define SetSensorMSPressure(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_REFLECTION) \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_RAW) \
#define SensorMSPressure(_p) asm { \
  getin __RETVAL__, _p, RawValue \
  sub __RETVAL__, 1024, __RETVAL__ \
  div __RETVAL__, __RETVAL__, 25 \

#define SensorMSPressureRaw(_p) asm { getin __RETVAL__, _p, RawValue }

#define SensorMSCompass(_port) asm { ReadSensorMSCompass(_port, __RETVAL__) }
#define SensorMSCompassEx(_port, _addr) asm { ReadSensorMSCompassEx(_port, _addr, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorMSRTClock(_port, _sec, _min, _hrs, _dow, _date, _month, _year) asm { __ReadSensorMSRTClock(_port, _sec, _min, _hrs, _dow, _date, _month, _year, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorMSTilt(_port, _x, _y, _z) asm { __ReadSensorMSTiltEx(_port, 0x02, _x, _y, _z, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorMSTiltEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z) asm { __ReadSensorMSTiltEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorMSAccel(_port, _x, _y, _z) asm { __ReadSensorMSAccelEx(_port, 0x02, _x, _y, _z, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorMSAccelEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z) asm { __ReadSensorMSAccelEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, __RETVAL__) }

#define MSSendCommandEx(_port, _addr, _cmd) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, _addr, _cmd, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSSendCommand(_port, _cmd) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, _cmd, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSReadValueEx(_port, _addr, _reg, _bytes) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, _addr, _reg, _bytes, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define MSReadValue(_port, _reg, _bytes) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, _reg, _bytes, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }

#define DISTNxGP2D12(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2D12, __RETVAL__) }
#define DISTNxGP2D120(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2D120, __RETVAL__) }
#define DISTNxGP2YA21(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2YA21, __RETVAL__) }
#define DISTNxGP2YA02(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2YA02, __RETVAL__) }
#define DISTNxEnergize(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, MS_CMD_ENERGIZED, __RETVAL__) }
#define DISTNxDistance(_port) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_DIST, 2, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define DISTNxVoltage(_port) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_VOLT, 2, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define DISTNxModuleType(_port) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_MODULE_TYPE, 1, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define DISTNxNumPoints(_port) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_NUM_POINTS, 1, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define DISTNxMinDistance(_port) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_DIST_MIN, 2, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }
#define DISTNxMaxDistance(_port) asm { __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_DIST_MAX, 2, __RETVAL__, __TMPBYTE__) }

#define SetSensorMSDRODActive(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_LIGHT_ACTIVE) \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_PCTFULLSCALE) \

#define SetSensorMSDRODInactive(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_LIGHT_INACTIVE) \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_PCTFULLSCALE) \

#define SensorMSDROD(_p) asm { getin __RETVAL__, _p, NormalizedValue }

#define PSPNxEnergize(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, MS_CMD_ENERGIZED, __RETVAL__) }

#define ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx(_port, _addr, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright) asm { __ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx(_port, _addr, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadSensorMSPlayStation(_port, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright) ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx(_port, 0x02, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright)

#define NRLink2400(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_2400, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLink4800(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_4800, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLinkFlush(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_FLUSH, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLinkIRLong(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_IR_LONG, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLinkIRShort(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_IR_SHORT, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLinkTxRaw(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_TX_RAW, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLinkSetRCX(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_SET_RCX, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLinkSetTrain(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_SET_TRAIN, __RETVAL__) }
#define NRLinkSetPF(_port) asm { __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_SET_PF, __RETVAL__) }

#define RunNRLinkMacroEx(_port, _addr, _macro) __RunNRLinkMacroEx(_port, _addr, _macro, __RETVAL__)
#define RunNRLinkMacro(_port, _macro) __RunNRLinkMacroEx(_port, 0x02, _macro, __RETVAL__)

#define NRLinkStatusEx(_port, _addr) asm { ReadNRLinkStatusEx(_port, _addr, __RETVAL__) } 
#define NRLinkStatus(_port) asm { ReadNRLinkStatusEx(_port, 0x02, __RETVAL__) } 

#define WriteNRLinkBytesEx(_port, _addr, _bytes) asm { __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, _bytes, __RETVAL__) }
#define WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _bytes) asm { __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, 0x02, _bytes, __RETVAL__) }

#define ReadNRLinkBytesEx(_port, _addr, _bytes) asm { __ReadNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, _bytes, __RETVAL__) }
#define ReadNRLinkBytes(_port, _bytes) asm { __ReadNRLinkBytes(_port, 0x02, _bytes, __RETVAL__) }

#define MSPFComboDirectEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb) asm { __MSPFComboDirect(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb) asm { __MSPFComboDirect(_port, 0x02, _channel, _outa, _outb, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFSinglePinEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont) asm { __MSPFSinglePin(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFSinglePin(_port, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont) asm { __MSPFSinglePin(_port, 0x02, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFSingleOutputCSTEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func) asm { __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func, TRUE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFSingleOutputCST(_port, _channel, _out, _func) asm { __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, 0x02, _channel, _out, _func, TRUE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFSingleOutputPWMEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func) asm { __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func, FALSE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFSingleOutputPWM(_port, _channel, _out, _func) asm { __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, 0x02, _channel, _out, _func, FALSE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFComboPWMEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb) asm { __MSPFComboPWM(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFComboPWM(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb) asm { __MSPFComboPWM(_port, 0x02, _channel, _outa, _outb, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFTrainEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _func) asm { __MSIRTrain(_port, _addr, _channel, _func, TRUE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFTrain(_port, _channel, _func) asm { __MSIRTrain(_port, 0x02, _channel, _func, TRUE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSIRTrainEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _func) asm { __MSIRTrain(_port, _addr, _channel, _func, FALSE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func) asm { __MSIRTrain(_port, 0x02, _channel, _func, FALSE, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFRawOutputEx(_port, _addr, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2) asm { __MSPFRawOutput(_port, _addr, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFRawOutput(_port, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2) asm { __MSPFRawOutput(_port, 0x02, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFRepeatEx(_port, _addr, _count, _delay) asm { __MSPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, _addr, _count, _delay, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSPFRepeat(_port, _count, _delay) asm { __MSPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, 0x02, _count, _delay, __RETVAL__) }

#define MSRCXSetNRLinkEx(_port, _addr) asm { __MSRCXSetNRLink(_port, _addr) }
#define MSRCXSetNRLinkPort(_port) asm { __MSRCXSetNRLink(_port, 0x02) }
#define MSRCXPoll(_src, _value) asm { __MSRCXPoll(_src, _value, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSRCXBatteryLevel() asm { __MSRCXBatteryLevel(__RETVAL__) }
#define MSRCXPing() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PingOp) }
#define MSRCXDeleteTasks() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteTasksOp) }
#define MSRCXStopAllTasks() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_StopAllTasksOp) }
#define MSRCXPBTurnOff() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PBTurnOffOp) }
#define MSRCXDeleteSubs() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteSubsOp) }
#define MSRCXClearSound() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearSoundOp) }
#define MSRCXClearMsg() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearMsgOp) }
#define MSRCXMuteSound() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_MuteSoundOp) }
#define MSRCXUnmuteSound() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_UnmuteSoundOp) }
#define MSRCXClearAllEvents() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearAllEventsOp) }
#define MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) asm { __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) }
#define MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) asm { __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) }
#define MSRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) asm { __MSRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) }
#define MSRCXOn(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON) }
#define MSRCXOff(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF) }
#define MSRCXFloat(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FLOAT) }
#define MSRCXToggle(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_TOGGLE) }
#define MSRCXFwd(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD) }
#define MSRCXRev(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV) }
#define MSRCXOnFwd(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXOnFwd(_outputs) }
#define MSRCXOnRev(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXOnRev(_outputs) }
#define MSRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) asm { __MSRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) }
#define MSRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) asm { __MSRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) }
#define MSRCXPlaySound(_snd) asm { __MSRCXPlaySound(_snd) }
#define MSRCXDeleteTask(_t) asm { __MSRCXDeleteTask(_t) }
#define MSRCXStartTask(_t) asm { __MSRCXStartTask(_t) }
#define MSRCXStopTask(_t) asm { __MSRCXStopTask(_t) }
#define MSRCXSelectProgram(_prog) asm { __MSRCXSelectProgram(_prog) }
#define MSRCXClearTimer(_timer) asm { __MSRCXClearTimer(_timer) }
#define MSRCXSetSleepTime(_t) asm { __MSRCXSetSleepTime(_t) }
#define MSRCXDeleteSub(_s) asm { __MSRCXDeleteSub(_s) }
#define MSRCXClearSensor(_port) asm { __MSRCXClearSensor(_port) }
#define MSRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) asm { __MSRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) }
#define MSRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) asm { __MSRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) }
#define MSRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) asm { __MSRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) }
#define MSRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) asm { __MSRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) }
#define MSRCXCreateDatalog(_size) asm { __MSRCXCreateDatalog(_size) }
#define MSRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) asm { __MSRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) }
#define MSRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) asm { __MSRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) }
#define MSRCXRemote(_cmd) asm { __MSRCXRemote(_cmd) }
#define MSRCXEvent(_src, _value) asm { __MSRCXEvent(_src, _value) }
#define MSRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) asm { __MSRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) }
#define MSRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) asm { __MSRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) }
#define MSRCXPollMemory(_address) asm { __MSRCXPollMemory(_address, __RETVAL__) }
#define MSRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) asm { __MSRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) }
#define MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) asm { __MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) }
#define MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) asm { __MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) }
#define MSRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) asm { __MSRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) }
#define MSRCXEnableOutput(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON) }
#define MSRCXDisableOutput(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF) }
#define MSRCXInvertOutput(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV) }
#define MSRCXObvertOutput(_outputs) asm { __MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD) }
#define MSRCXCalibrateEvent(_evt, _low, _hi, _hyst) asm { __MSRCXCalibrateEvent(_evt, _low, _hi, _hyst) }
#define MSRCXSetVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SetVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXSumVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SumVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXSubVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SubVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXDivVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_DivVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXMulVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_MulVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXSgnVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SgnVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXAbsVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_AbsVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXAndVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_AndVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXOrVar(_varnum, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_OrVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXSet(_dstsrc, _dstval, _src, _value) asm { __MSRCXSet(_dstsrc, _dstval, _src, _value) }
#define MSRCXUnlock() asm { __MSRCXUnlock() }
#define MSRCXReset() asm { __MSRCXReset() }
#define MSRCXBoot() asm { __MSRCXBoot() }
#define MSRCXSetUserDisplay(_src, _value, _precision) asm { __MSRCXSetUserDisplay(_src, _value, _precision) }
#define MSRCXIncCounter(_counter) asm { __MSRCXIncCounter(_counter) }
#define MSRCXDecCounter(_counter) asm { __MSRCXDecCounter(_counter) }
#define MSRCXClearCounter(_counter) asm { __MSRCXClearCounter(_counter) }
#define MSRCXSetPriority(_p) asm { __MSRCXSetPriority(_p) }
#define MSRCXSetMessage(_msg) asm { __MSRCXSetMessage(_msg) }

#define MSScoutCalibrateSensor() asm { __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_LSCalibrateOp) }
#define MSScoutMuteSound() asm { __MSScoutMuteSound() }
#define MSScoutUnmuteSound() asm { __MSScoutUnmuteSound() }
#define MSScoutSelectSounds(_grp) asm { __MSScoutSelectSounds(_grp) }
#define MSScoutSetLight(_x) asm { __MSScoutSetLight(_x) }
#define MSScoutSetCounterLimit(_ctr, _src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSetCounterLimit(_ctr, _src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSetTimerLimit(_tmr, _src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSetTimerLimit(_tmr, _src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) asm { __MSScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) }
#define MSScoutSetScoutRules(_m, _t, _l, _tm, _fx) asm { __MSScoutSetScoutRules(_m, _t, _l, _tm, _fx) }
#define MSScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) asm { __MSScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) }

#endif // NXCDEFS_H


// Copyright (C) 2006 - John Hansen. All rights reserved.
// Workfile:: NBCCommon.h
// Date:: 2008-02-20
// Revision:: 22
// Contains declarations for the NBC NXT API resources

#define OUT_A   0x00
#define OUT_B   0x01
#define OUT_C   0x02
#define OUT_AB  0x03
#define OUT_AC  0x04
#define OUT_BC  0x05
#define OUT_ABC 0x06

#define IN_1 0x00
#define IN_2 0x01
#define IN_3 0x02
#define IN_4 0x03

#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

#define NA 0xFFFF


// Logical comparison operators
// Command use: brtst, tst, tstset, brcmp, cmp, cmpset

#define LT   0x00
#define GT   0x01
#define LTEQ 0x02
#define GTEQ 0x03
#define EQ   0x04
#define NEQ  0x05

// array operation definitions
#define OPARR_SUM    0x00
#define OPARR_MEAN   0x01
#define OPARR_SUMSQR 0x02
#define OPARR_STD    0x03
#define OPARR_MIN    0x04
#define OPARR_MAX    0x05
#define OPARR_SORT   0x06

// update flags
#define UF_UPDATE_MODE                 0x01
#define UF_UPDATE_SPEED                0x02
#define UF_UPDATE_TACHO_LIMIT          0x04
#define UF_UPDATE_RESET_COUNT          0x08
#define UF_UPDATE_PID_VALUES           0x10
#define UF_PENDING_UPDATES             0x80

#define RESET_NONE           0x00
#define RESET_COUNT          0x08
#define RESET_BLOCK_COUNT    0x20
#define RESET_ALL            0x68

// flags passed into the OutputMode field of RCXOutput/RCXOutputMulti
#define OUT_MODE_COAST     0x00
#define OUT_MODE_MOTORON   0x01
#define OUT_MODE_BRAKE     0x02

// may be more ???

#define OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE     0x00
#define OUT_RUNSTATE_RAMPUP   0x10
#define OUT_RUNSTATE_HOLD     0x60


// values passed into the Type field of the RCXInput
#define IN_TYPE_NO_SENSOR      0x0
#define IN_TYPE_SWITCH         0x1
#define IN_TYPE_TEMPERATURE    0x2
#define IN_TYPE_REFLECTION     0x3
#define IN_TYPE_ANGLE          0x4
#define IN_TYPE_LIGHT_ACTIVE   0x5
#define IN_TYPE_SOUND_DB       0x7
#define IN_TYPE_SOUND_DBA      0x8
#define IN_TYPE_CUSTOM         0x9
#define IN_TYPE_LOWSPEED       0xA
#define IN_TYPE_LOWSPEED_9V    0xB
#define IN_TYPE_HISPEED        0xC

// flags passed into the InputMode field of the RCXInput
#define IN_MODE_RAW           0x00
#define IN_MODE_BOOLEAN       0x20
#define IN_MODE_CELSIUS       0xA0
#define IN_MODE_FAHRENHEIT    0xC0
#define IN_MODE_ANGLESTEP     0xE0
#define IN_MODE_SLOPEMASK     0x1F
#define IN_MODE_MODEMASK      0xE0

// Output field constants
// Command use: getout, setout

#define UpdateFlags     0
#define OutputMode      1
#define Power           2
#define ActualSpeed     3
#define TachoCount      4
#define TachoLimit      5
#define RunState        6
#define TurnRatio       7
#define RegMode         8
#define Overload        9
#define RegPValue       10
#define RegIValue       11
#define RegDValue       12
#define BlockTachoCount 13
#define RotationCount   14

// Input field constants
// Command use: getin, setin

#define Type            0
#define InputMode       1
#define RawValue        2
#define NormalizedValue 3
#define ScaledValue     4
#define InvalidData     5

// Direct IOMap data addresses

#define IO_BASE    0xC000
#define MOD_INPUT  0x0000
#define MOD_OUTPUT 0x0200
#define IO_IN_FPP  6
#define IO_OUT_FPP 15

#define InputIOType(p)            (IO_BASE+MOD_INPUT+Type+((p)*IO_IN_FPP))
#define InputIOInputMode(p)       (IO_BASE+MOD_INPUT+InputMode+((p)*IO_IN_FPP))
#define InputIORawValue(p)        (IO_BASE+MOD_INPUT+RawValue+((p)*IO_IN_FPP))
#define InputIONormalizedValue(p) (IO_BASE+MOD_INPUT+NormalizedValue+((p)*IO_IN_FPP))
#define InputIOScaledValue(p)     (IO_BASE+MOD_INPUT+ScaledValue+((p)*IO_IN_FPP))
#define InputIOInvalidData(p)     (IO_BASE+MOD_INPUT+InvalidData+((p)*IO_IN_FPP))

#define OutputIOUpdateFlags(p)     (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+UpdateFlags+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOOutputMode(p)      (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+OutputMode+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOPower(p)           (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+Power+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOActualSpeed(p)     (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+ActualSpeed+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOTachoCount(p)      (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+TachoCount+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOTachoLimit(p)      (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+TachoLimit+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIORunState(p)        (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+RunState+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOTurnRatio(p)       (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+TurnRatio+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIORegMode(p)         (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+RegMode+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOOverload(p)        (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+Overload+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIORegPValue(p)       (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+RegPValue+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIORegIValue(p)       (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+RegIValue+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIORegDValue(p)       (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+RegDValue+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIOBlockTachoCount(p) (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+BlockTachoCount+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))
#define OutputIORotationCount(p)   (IO_BASE+MOD_OUTPUT+RotationCount+((p)*IO_OUT_FPP))

#define InputIOType0             0xc000
#define InputIOInputMode0        0xc001
#define InputIORawValue0         0xc002
#define InputIONormalizedValue0  0xc003
#define InputIOScaledValue0      0xc004
#define InputIOInvalidData0      0xc005
#define InputIOType1             0xc006
#define InputIOInputMode1        0xc007
#define InputIORawValue1         0xc008
#define InputIONormalizedValue1  0xc009
#define InputIOScaledValue1      0xc00a
#define InputIOInvalidData1      0xc00b
#define InputIOType2             0xc00c
#define InputIOInputMode2        0xc00d
#define InputIORawValue2         0xc00e
#define InputIONormalizedValue2  0xc00f
#define InputIOScaledValue2      0xc010
#define InputIOInvalidData2      0xc011
#define InputIOType3             0xc012
#define InputIOInputMode3        0xc013
#define InputIORawValue3         0xc014
#define InputIONormalizedValue3  0xc015
#define InputIOScaledValue3      0xc016
#define InputIOInvalidData3      0xc017
// output IO Map addresses
#define OutputIOUpdateFlags0     0xc200
#define OutputIOOutputMode0      0xc201
#define OutputIOPower0           0xc202
#define OutputIOActualSpeed0     0xc203
#define OutputIOTachoCount0      0xc204
#define OutputIOTachoLimit0      0xc205
#define OutputIORunState0        0xc206
#define OutputIOTurnRatio0       0xc207
#define OutputIORegMode0         0xc208
#define OutputIOOverload0        0xc209
#define OutputIORegPValue0       0xc20a
#define OutputIORegIValue0       0xc20b
#define OutputIORegDValue0       0xc20c
#define OutputIOBlockTachoCount0 0xc20d
#define OutputIORotationCount0   0xc20e
#define OutputIOUpdateFlags1     0xc20f
#define OutputIOOutputMode1      0xc210
#define OutputIOPower1           0xc211
#define OutputIOActualSpeed1     0xc212
#define OutputIOTachoCount1      0xc213
#define OutputIOTachoLimit1      0xc214
#define OutputIORunState1        0xc215
#define OutputIOTurnRatio1       0xc216
#define OutputIORegMode1         0xc217
#define OutputIOOverload1        0xc218
#define OutputIORegPValue1       0xc219
#define OutputIORegIValue1       0xc21a
#define OutputIORegDValue1       0xc21b
#define OutputIOBlockTachoCount1 0xc21c
#define OutputIORotationCount1   0xc21d
#define OutputIOUpdateFlags2     0xc21e
#define OutputIOOutputMode2      0xc21f
#define OutputIOPower2           0xc220
#define OutputIOActualSpeed2     0xc221
#define OutputIOTachoCount2      0xc222
#define OutputIOTachoLimit2      0xc223
#define OutputIORunState2        0xc224
#define OutputIOTurnRatio2       0xc225
#define OutputIORegMode2         0xc226
#define OutputIOOverload2        0xc227
#define OutputIORegPValue2       0xc228
#define OutputIORegIValue2       0xc229
#define OutputIORegDValue2       0xc22a
#define OutputIOBlockTachoCount2 0xc22b
#define OutputIORotationCount2   0xc22c

// System Call function constants
// Command use:

#define FileOpenRead 0
#define FileOpenWrite 1
#define FileOpenAppend 2
#define FileRead 3
#define FileWrite 4
#define FileClose 5
#define FileResolveHandle 6
#define FileRename 7
#define FileDelete 8
#define SoundPlayFile 9
#define SoundPlayTone 10
#define SoundGetState 11
#define SoundSetState 12
#define DrawText 13
#define DrawPoint 14
#define DrawLine 15
#define DrawCircle 16
#define DrawRect 17
#define DrawGraphic 18
#define SetScreenMode 19
#define ReadButton 20
#define CommLSWrite 21
#define CommLSRead 22
#define CommLSCheckStatus 23
#define RandomNumber 24
#define GetStartTick 25
#define MessageWrite 26
#define MessageRead 27
#define CommBTCheckStatus 28
#define CommBTWrite 29
#define CommBTRead 30
#define KeepAlive 31
#define IOMapRead 32
#define IOMapWrite 33
#define IOMapReadByID 34
#define IOMapWriteByID 35
#define DisplayExecuteFunction 36
#define CommExecuteFunction 37
#define LoaderExecuteFunction 38
#define FileFindFirst 39
#define FileFindNext 40
#define FileOpenWriteLinear 41
#define FileOpenWriteNonLinear 42
#define FileOpenReadLinear 43
#define CommHSControl 44
#define CommHSCheckStatus 45
#define CommHSWrite 46
#define CommHSRead 47

// line numbers for use with DrawText system function
#define LCD_LINE8 0
#define LCD_LINE7 8
#define LCD_LINE6 16
#define LCD_LINE5 24
#define LCD_LINE4 32
#define LCD_LINE3 40
#define LCD_LINE2 48
#define LCD_LINE1 56

// time constants
// Command use: wait

#define MS_1    1
#define MS_2    2
#define MS_3    3
#define MS_4    4
#define MS_5    5
#define MS_6    6
#define MS_7    7
#define MS_8    8
#define MS_9    9
#define MS_10   10
#define MS_20   20
#define MS_30   30
#define MS_40   40
#define MS_50   50
#define MS_60   60
#define MS_70   70
#define MS_80   80
#define MS_90   90
#define MS_100  100
#define MS_150  150
#define MS_200  200
#define MS_250  250
#define MS_300  300
#define MS_350  350
#define MS_400  400
#define MS_450  450
#define MS_500  500
#define MS_600  600
#define MS_700  700
#define MS_800  800
#define MS_900  900
#define SEC_1   1000
#define SEC_2   2000
#define SEC_3   3000
#define SEC_4   4000
#define SEC_5   5000
#define SEC_6   6000
#define SEC_7   7000
#define SEC_8   8000
#define SEC_9   9000
#define SEC_10  10000
#define SEC_15  15000
#define SEC_20  20000
#define SEC_30  30000
#define MIN_1   60000

// Tones
// Command use:  SoundPlayTone

#define TONE_A3               220
#define TONE_AS3              233
#define TONE_B3               247

#define TONE_C4               262
#define TONE_CS4              277
#define TONE_D4               294
#define TONE_DS4              311
#define TONE_E4               330
#define TONE_F4               349
#define TONE_FS4              370
#define TONE_G4               392
#define TONE_GS4              415
#define TONE_A4               440
#define TONE_AS4              466
#define TONE_B4               494

#define TONE_C5               523
#define TONE_CS5              554
#define TONE_D5               587
#define TONE_DS5              622
#define TONE_E5               659
#define TONE_F5               698
#define TONE_FS5              740
#define TONE_G5               784
#define TONE_GS5              831
#define TONE_A5               880
#define TONE_AS5              932
#define TONE_B5               988

#define TONE_C6               1047
#define TONE_CS6              1109
#define TONE_D6               1175
#define TONE_DS6              1245
#define TONE_E6               1319
#define TONE_F6               1397
#define TONE_FS6              1480
#define TONE_G6               1568
#define TONE_GS6              1661
#define TONE_A6               1760
#define TONE_AS6              1865
#define TONE_B6               1976

#define TONE_C7               2093
#define TONE_CS7              2217
#define TONE_D7               2349
#define TONE_DS7              2489
#define TONE_E7               2637
#define TONE_F7               2794
#define TONE_FS7              2960
#define TONE_G7               3136
#define TONE_GS7              3322
#define TONE_A7               3520
#define TONE_AS7              3729
#define TONE_B7               3951

// Mailbox numbers (to avoid confusing NXT-G users)
#define MAILBOX1  0
#define MAILBOX2  1
#define MAILBOX3  2
#define MAILBOX4  3
#define MAILBOX5  4
#define MAILBOX6  5
#define MAILBOX7  6
#define MAILBOX8  7
#define MAILBOX9  8
#define MAILBOX10 9

// Command module constants
#define CommandModuleName "Command.mod"
#define CommandModuleID   0x00010001

//Status/error codes for the VM internal code and bytecodes
#define STAT_MSG_EMPTY_MAILBOX 64 //Specified mailbox contains no new messages
#define STAT_COMM_PENDING 32 //Pending setup operation in progress

#define STOP_REQ      5
#define BREAKOUT_REQ  4
#define PC_OVERRIDE   3
#define CLUMP_DONE    1

#define NO_ERR        0

//Fatal errors
//0xFF Bad arguments
//0xFE Illegal bytecode instruction
//0xFE Illegal bytecode instruction
//0xFD Mal-formed file contents
//0xFB Insufficient memory available
//0xFA Someone passed us a bad pointer!
#define ERR_ARG      -1
#define ERR_INSTR    -2
#define ERR_FILE     -3
#define ERR_VER      -4
#define ERR_MEM      -5
#define ERR_BAD_PTR  -6

//General errors
//0xF0 Bad input or output port specified
//0xEF Attempted to access invalid field of a structure
//0xEE Illegal queue ID specified
//0xED Illegal size specified
//0xEC No active program
#define ERR_INVALID_PORT   -16
#define ERR_INVALID_FIELD  -17
#define ERR_INVALID_QUEUE  -18
#define ERR_INVALID_SIZE   -19
#define ERR_NO_PROG        -20

//Communications specific errors
//0xE0 Specified channel/connection not configured or busy
//0xDF Specified channel/connection is not valid
//0xDE No room in comm buffer
//0xDD Something went wrong on the communications bus
#define ERR_COMM_BUFFER_FULL    -34
#define ERR_COMM_BUS_ERR        -35

//Remote control (direct commands) errors
//0xC0 Data contains out-of-range values
//0xBF Clearly insane packet
//0xBE Unknown command opcode
//0xBD Request failed (i.e. specified file not found)
#define ERR_RC_ILLEGAL_VAL -64
#define ERR_RC_BAD_PACKET  -65
#define ERR_RC_UNKNOWN_CMD -66
#define ERR_RC_FAILED      -67

#define PROG_IDLE     0
#define PROG_OK       1
#define PROG_RUNNING  2
#define PROG_ERROR    3
#define PROG_ABORT    4
#define PROG_RESET    5

// offsets
#define CommandOffsetFormatString   0
#define CommandOffsetPRCHandler     16
#define CommandOffsetTick           20
#define CommandOffsetOffsetDS       24
#define CommandOffsetOffsetDVA      26
#define CommandOffsetProgStatus     28
#define CommandOffsetAwake          29
#define CommandOffsetActivateFlag   30
#define CommandOffsetDeactivateFlag 31
#define CommandOffsetFileName       32
#define CommandOffsetMemoryPool     52

// IOCtrl module constants
#define IOCtrlModuleName "IOCtrl.mod"
#define IOCtrlModuleID   0x00060001

// Constants related to PowerOn
#define IOCTRL_POWERDOWN  0x5A00
#define IOCTRL_BOOT       0xA55A

// offsets
#define IOCtrlOffsetPowerOn 0

// Loader module constants
#define LoaderModuleName "Loader.mod"
#define LoaderModuleID   0x00090001

// offsets
#define LoaderOffsetPFunc         0
#define LoaderOffsetFreeUserFlash 4

// error codes
#define LDR_SUCCESS             0x0000
#define LDR_INPROGRESS          0x0001
#define LDR_REQPIN              0x0002
#define LDR_NOMOREHANDLES       0x8100
#define LDR_NOSPACE             0x8200
#define LDR_NOMOREFILES         0x8300
#define LDR_EOFEXPECTED         0x8400
#define LDR_ENDOFFILE           0x8500
#define LDR_NOTLINEARFILE       0x8600
#define LDR_FILENOTFOUND        0x8700
#define LDR_NOLINEARSPACE       0x8900
#define LDR_UNDEFINEDERROR      0x8A00
#define LDR_FILEISBUSY          0x8B00
#define LDR_NOWRITEBUFFERS      0x8C00
#define LDR_FILEISFULL          0x8E00
#define LDR_FILEEXISTS          0x8F00
#define LDR_MODULENOTFOUND      0x9000
#define LDR_OUTOFBOUNDARY       0x9100
#define LDR_ILLEGALFILENAME     0x9200
#define LDR_ILLEGALHANDLE       0x9300
#define LDR_BTBUSY              0x9400
#define LDR_BTCONNECTFAIL       0x9500
#define LDR_BTTIMEOUT           0x9600
#define LDR_FILETX_TIMEOUT      0x9700
#define LDR_FILETX_DSTEXISTS    0x9800
#define LDR_FILETX_SRCMISSING   0x9900

// loader module functions
#define LDR_CMD_OPENREAD        0x80
#define LDR_CMD_OPENWRITE       0x81
#define LDR_CMD_READ            0x82
#define LDR_CMD_WRITE           0x83
#define LDR_CMD_CLOSE           0x84
#define LDR_CMD_DELETE          0x85
#define LDR_CMD_FINDFIRST       0x86
#define LDR_CMD_FINDNEXT        0x87
#define LDR_CMD_IOMAPREAD       0x94
#define LDR_CMD_IOMAPWRITE      0x95
#define LDR_CMD_RENAMEFILE      0xA3

// Sound module constants
#define SoundModuleName "Sound.mod"
#define SoundModuleID   0x00080001

// Constants related to Flags
#define SOUND_FLAGS_IDLE    0x00 // R  - Idle
#define SOUND_FLAGS_UPDATE  0x01 // W  - Make changes take effect
#define SOUND_FLAGS_RUNNING 0x02 // R  - Processing tone or file

// Constants related to State
#define SOUND_STATE_IDLE 0x00 // R  - Idle, ready for start sound (SOUND_UPDATE)
#define SOUND_STATE_FILE 0x02 // R  - Processing file of sound/melody data
#define SOUND_STATE_TONE 0x03 // R  - Processing play tone request
#define SOUND_STATE_STOP 0x04 // W  - Stop sound immediately and close hardware

// Constants related to Mode
#define SOUND_MODE_ONCE 0x00 // W  - Only play file once
#define SOUND_MODE_LOOP 0x01 // W  - Play file until writing "SOUND_STOP" into "State" or new "update"
#define SOUND_MODE_TONE 0x02 // W  - Play tone specified in Freq for Duration ms

// offsets
#define SoundOffsetFreq           0 // RW - Tone frequency [Hz] (2 bytes)
#define SoundOffsetDuration       2 // RW - Tone duration  [mS] (2 bytes)
#define SoundOffsetSampleRate     4 // RW - Sound file sample rate [2000..16000] (2 bytes)
#define SoundOffsetSoundFilename  6 // RW - Sound/melody filename (20 bytes)
#define SoundOffsetFlags         26 // RW - Play flag  - described above (1 byte)
#define SoundOffsetState         27 // RW - Play state - described above (1 byte)
#define SoundOffsetMode          28 // RW - Play mode  - described above (1 byte)
#define SoundOffsetVolume        29 // RW - Sound/melody volume [0..4] 0 = off (1 byte)

#define FREQUENCY_MIN       220       // [Hz]
#define FREQUENCY_MAX       14080     // [Hz]

#define SAMPLERATE_MIN      2000      // Min sample rate [sps]
#define SAMPLERATE_DEFAULT  8000      // Default sample rate [sps]
#define SAMPLERATE_MAX      16000     // Max sample rate [sps]

// Button module constants
#define ButtonModuleName "Button.mod"
#define ButtonModuleID   0x00040001

// constants related to buttons
#define BTN1 0
#define BTN2 1
#define BTN3 2
#define BTN4 3

#define BTNEXIT   BTN1
#define BTNRIGHT  BTN2
#define BTNLEFT   BTN3

#define NO_OF_BTNS 4

// Constants related to State
#define BTNSTATE_PRESSED_EV         0x01
#define BTNSTATE_PRESSED_STATE      0x80
#define BTNSTATE_NONE               0x10

// offsets
#define ButtonOffsetPressedCnt(b)   (((b)*8)+0)
#define ButtonOffsetLongPressCnt(b) (((b)*8)+1)
#define ButtonOffsetShortRelCnt(b)  (((b)*8)+2)
#define ButtonOffsetLongRelCnt(b)   (((b)*8)+3)
#define ButtonOffsetRelCnt(b)       (((b)*8)+4)
#define ButtonOffsetState(b)        ((b)+32)

// UI module constants
#define UIModuleName "Ui.mod"
#define UIModuleID   0x000C0001

// Constants related to Flags
#define UI_FLAGS_UPDATE                   0x01 // W  - Make changes take effect
#define UI_FLAGS_DISABLE_LEFT_RIGHT_ENTER 0x02 // RW - Disable left, right and enter button
#define UI_FLAGS_DISABLE_EXIT             0x04 // RW - Disable exit button
#define UI_FLAGS_REDRAW_STATUS            0x08 // W  - Redraw entire status line
#define UI_FLAGS_RESET_SLEEP_TIMER        0x10 // W  - Reset sleep timeout timer
#define UI_FLAGS_EXECUTE_LMS_FILE         0x20 // W  - Execute LMS file in "LMSfilename" (Try It)
#define UI_FLAGS_BUSY                     0x40 // R  - UI busy running or datalogging (popup disabled)
#define UI_FLAGS_ENABLE_STATUS_UPDATE     0x80 // W  - Enable status line to be updated

// Constants related to State
#define UI_STATE_INIT_DISPLAY       0 // RW - Init display and load font, menu etc.
#define UI_STATE_INIT_LOW_BATTERY   1 // R  - Low battery voltage at power on
#define UI_STATE_INIT_INTRO         2 // R  - Display intro
#define UI_STATE_INIT_WAIT          3 // RW - Wait for initialization end
#define UI_STATE_INIT_MENU          4 // RW - Init menu system
#define UI_STATE_NEXT_MENU          5 // RW - Next menu icons ready for drawing
#define UI_STATE_DRAW_MENU          6 // RW - Execute function and draw menu icons
#define UI_STATE_TEST_BUTTONS       7 // RW - Wait for buttons to be pressed
#define UI_STATE_LEFT_PRESSED       8 // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
#define UI_STATE_RIGHT_PRESSED      9 // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
#define UI_STATE_ENTER_PRESSED     10 // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
#define UI_STATE_EXIT_PRESSED      11 // RW - Load selected function and next menu id
#define UI_STATE_CONNECT_REQUEST   12 // RW - Request for connection accept
#define UI_STATE_EXECUTE_FILE      13 // RW - Execute file in "LMSfilename"
#define UI_STATE_EXECUTING_FILE    14 // R  - Executing file in "LMSfilename"
#define UI_STATE_LOW_BATTERY       15 // R  - Low battery at runtime
#define UI_STATE_BT_ERROR          16 // R  - BT error

// Constants related to Button
#define UI_BUTTON_NONE             0 // R  - Button inserted are executed
#define UI_BUTTON_LEFT             1 // W  - Insert left arrow button
#define UI_BUTTON_ENTER            2 // W  - Insert enter button
#define UI_BUTTON_RIGHT            3 // W  - Insert right arrow button
#define UI_BUTTON_EXIT             4 // W  - Insert exit button

// Constants related to BlueToothState
#define UI_BT_STATE_VISIBLE        0x01 // RW - BT visible
#define UI_BT_STATE_CONNECTED      0x02 // RW - BT connected to something
#define UI_BT_STATE_OFF            0x04 // RW - BT power off
#define UI_BT_ERROR_ATTENTION      0x08 // W  - BT error attention
#define UI_BT_CONNECT_REQUEST      0x40 // RW - BT get connect accept in progress
#define UI_BT_PIN_REQUEST          0x80 // RW - BT get pin code

// offsets
#define UIOffsetPMenu            0 // W  - Pointer to menu file (4 bytes)
#define UIOffsetBatteryVoltage   4 // R  - Battery voltage in millivolts (2 bytes)
#define UIOffsetLMSfilename      6 // W  - LMS filename to execute (Try It) (20 bytes)
#define UIOffsetFlags           26 // RW - Update command flags  (flags enumerated above) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetState           27 // RW - UI state              (states enumerated above) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetButton          28 // RW - Insert button         (buttons enumerated above) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetRunState        29 // W  - VM Run state          (0 = stopped, 1 = running) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetBatteryState    30 // W  - Battery state         (0..4 capacity) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetBluetoothState  31 // W  - Bluetooth state       (0=on, 1=visible, 2=conn, 3=conn.visible, 4=off, 5=dfu) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetUsbState        32 // W  - Usb state             (0=disconnected, 1=connected, 2=working) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetSleepTimeout    33 // RW - Sleep timeout time    (min) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetSleepTimer      34 // RW - Sleep timer           (min) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetRechargeable    35 // R  - Rechargeable battery  (0 = no, 1 = yes) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetVolume          36 // RW - Volume used in UI     (0 - 4) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetError           37 // W  - Error code (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetOBPPointer      38 // W  - Actual OBP step       (0 - 4) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetForceOff        39 // W  - Force off             (> 0 = off) (1 byte)
#define UIOffsetAbortFlag       40 // RW - Long Abort            (true == use long press to abort) (1 byte)

// Input module constants
#define InputModuleName "Input.mod"
#define InputModuleID   0x00030001

// Constants related to Digital I/O
#define INPUT_DIGI0 1
#define INPUT_DIGI1 2

#define INPUT_CUSTOM9V       0x01

#define INPUT_INVALID_DATA   0x01

// offsets
#define InputOffsetCustomZeroOffset(p)   (((p)*20)+0) // Set the offset of the custom sensor (2 bytes) uword
#define InputOffsetADRaw(p)              (((p)*20)+2) // (2 bytes) uword
#define InputOffsetSensorRaw(p)          (((p)*20)+4) // (2 bytes) uword
#define InputOffsetSensorValue(p)        (((p)*20)+6) // (2 bytes) sword
#define InputOffsetSensorType(p)         (((p)*20)+8)
#define InputOffsetSensorMode(p)         (((p)*20)+9)
#define InputOffsetSensorBoolean(p)      (((p)*20)+10)
#define InputOffsetDigiPinsDir(p)        (((p)*20)+11) // Direction of the Digital pins 1 is output 0 is input
#define InputOffsetDigiPinsIn(p)         (((p)*20)+12) // Contains the status of the digital pins
#define InputOffsetDigiPinsOut(p)        (((p)*20)+13) // Sets the output level of the digital pins
#define InputOffsetCustomPctFullScale(p) (((p)*20)+14) // Sets the Pct full scale of the custom sensor
#define InputOffsetCustomActiveStatus(p) (((p)*20)+15) // Sets the active or inactive state of the custom sensor
#define InputOffsetInvalidData(p)        (((p)*20)+16) // Indicates whether data is invalid (1) or valid (0)

// Output module constants
#define OutputModuleName "Output.mod"
#define OutputModuleID   0x00020001

// offsets
#define OutputOffsetTachoCount(p)        (((p)*32)+0)  // R  - Holds current number of counts, since last reset, updated every 1 mS (4 bytes) slong
#define OutputOffsetBlockTachoCount(p)   (((p)*32)+4)  // R  - Holds current number of counts for the current output block (4 bytes) slong
#define OutputOffsetRotationCount(p)     (((p)*32)+8)  // R  - Holds current number of counts for the rotation counter to the output (4 bytes) slong
#define OutputOffsetTachoLimit(p)        (((p)*32)+12) // RW - Holds number of counts to travel, 0 => Run forever (4 bytes) ulong
#define OutputOffsetMotorRPM(p)          (((p)*32)+16) // !! Is not updated, will be removed later !! (2 bytes) sword
#define OutputOffsetFlags(p)             (((p)*32)+18) // RW - Holds flags for which data should be updated (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetMode(p)              (((p)*32)+19) // RW - Holds motor mode: Run, Break, regulated, ... (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetSpeed(p)             (((p)*32)+20) // RW - Holds the wanted speed (1 byte) sbyte
#define OutputOffsetActualSpeed(p)       (((p)*32)+21) // R  - Holds the current motor speed (1 byte) sbyte
#define OutputOffsetRegPParameter(p)     (((p)*32)+22) // RW - Holds the P-constant used in the regulation (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetRegIParameter(p)     (((p)*32)+23) // RW - Holds the I-constant used in the regulation (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetRegDParameter(p)     (((p)*32)+24) // RW - Holds the D-constant used in the regulation (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetRunState(p)          (((p)*32)+25) // RW - Holds the current RunState in the output module (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetRegMode(p)           (((p)*32)+26) // RW - Tells which regulation mode should be used (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetOverloaded(p)        (((p)*32)+27) // R  - True if the motor has been overloaded within speed control regulation (1 byte) ubyte
#define OutputOffsetSyncTurnParameter(p) (((p)*32)+28) // RW - Holds the turning parameter need within MoveBlock (1 byte) sbyte
#define OutputOffsetPwnFreq              96

// Low Speed module constants
#define LowSpeedModuleName "Low Speed.mod"
#define LowSpeedModuleID   0x000B0001

//Constants referring to LowSpeedDeviceType
#define LS_DEVTYPE_ULTRA_SONIC       2

// Constants referring to State

// Constants referring to ChannelState
#define LOWSPEED_IDLE          0
#define LOWSPEED_INIT          1
#define LOWSPEED_ERROR         4
#define LOWSPEED_DONE          5

// Constants referring to Mode

// Constants referring to ErrorType
#define LOWSPEED_NO_ERROR     0
#define LOWSPEED_TX_ERROR     2
#define LOWSPEED_RX_ERROR     3

// offsets
#define LowSpeedOffsetInBufBuf(p)       (((p)*19)+0)
#define LowSpeedOffsetInBufInPtr(p)     (((p)*19)+16)
#define LowSpeedOffsetInBufOutPtr(p)    (((p)*19)+17)
#define LowSpeedOffsetInBufBytesToRx(p) (((p)*19)+18)

#define LowSpeedOffsetOutBufBuf(p)       (((p)*19)+76)
#define LowSpeedOffsetOutBufInPtr(p)     (((p)*19)+92)
#define LowSpeedOffsetOutBufOutPtr(p)    (((p)*19)+93)
#define LowSpeedOffsetOutBufBytesToRx(p) (((p)*19)+94)

#define LowSpeedOffsetMode(p)            ((p)+152)
#define LowSpeedOffsetChannelState(p)    ((p)+156)
#define LowSpeedOffsetErrorType(p)       ((p)+160)

#define LowSpeedOffsetState            164
#define LowSpeedOffsetSpeed            165

// Display module constants
#define DisplayModuleName "Display.mod"
#define DisplayModuleID   0x000A0001

// Constants related to simple draw entry (x = dont care)
#define DISPLAY_ERASE_ALL       0x00     // W - erase entire screen     (CMD,x,x,x,x,x)
#define DISPLAY_PIXEL           0x01     // W - set pixel (on/off)      (CMD,TRUE/FALSE,X,Y,x,x)
#define DISPLAY_HORIZONTAL_LINE 0x02     // W - draw horizontal line    (CMD,TRUE/FALSE,X1,Y1,X2,x)
#define DISPLAY_VERTICAL_LINE   0x03     // W - draw vertical line      (CMD,TRUE/FALSE,X1,Y1,x,Y2)
#define DISPLAY_CHAR            0x04     // W - draw char (actual font) (CMD,TRUE,X1,Y1,Char,x)
#define DISPLAY_ERASE_LINE      0x05     // W - erase a single line     (CMD,x,LINE,x,x,x)
#define DISPLAY_FILL_REGION     0x06     // W - fill screen region      (CMD,TRUE/FALSE,X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
#define DISPLAY_FILLED_FRAME    0x07     // W - draw a frame (on/off)   (CMD,TRUE/FALSE,X1,Y1,X2,Y2)

// Constants related to Flags
#define DISPLAY_ON               0x01     // W  - Display on
#define DISPLAY_REFRESH          0x02     // W  - Enable refresh
#define DISPLAY_POPUP            0x08     // W  - Use popup display memory
#define DISPLAY_REFRESH_DISABLED 0x40     // R  - Refresh disabled
#define DISPLAY_BUSY             0x80     // R  - Refresh in progress

#define DRAW_OPT_NORMAL                     (0x0000)
#define DRAW_OPT_LOGICAL_COPY               (0x0000)

#define DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_WHOLE_SCREEN         (0x0001)
#define DRAW_OPT_INVERT                     (0x0004)
#define DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_PIXELS               (0x0004)
#define DRAW_OPT_LOGICAL_AND                (0x0008)
#define DRAW_OPT_LOGICAL_OR                 (0x0010)
#define DRAW_OPT_LOGICAL_XOR                (0x0018)
#define DRAW_OPT_FILL_SHAPE                 (0x0020)

// Combined parameter masks:
#define DRAW_OPT_CLEAR_SCREEN_MODES         (0x0003)
#define DRAW_OPT_LOGICAL_OPERATIONS         (0x0018)

#define SCREEN_MODE_CLEAR   0x01

#define DISPLAY_WIDTH  100

#define DISPLAY_MENUICONS_Y       40

// Used in macro "TEXTLINE_BIT"
#define TEXTLINE_1 0
#define TEXTLINE_2 1
#define TEXTLINE_3 2
#define TEXTLINE_4 3
#define TEXTLINE_5 4
#define TEXTLINE_6 5
#define TEXTLINE_7 6
#define TEXTLINE_8 7
#define TEXTLINES  8

// Used in macro "MENUICON_BIT"
#define MENUICON_LEFT   0 // Left icon
#define MENUICON_CENTER 1 // Center icon
#define MENUICON_RIGHT  2 // Right icon
#define MENUICONS       3

// Used in macro "SPECIAL_BIT"
#define FRAME_SELECT 0   // Center icon select frame
#define STATUSTEXT   1   // Status text (BT name)
#define MENUTEXT     2   // Center icon text
#define STEPLINE     3   // Step collection lines
#define TOPLINE      4   // Top status underline
#define SPECIALS     5

// Used in macro "STATUSICON_BIT"
#define STATUSICON_BLUETOOTH 0 // BlueTooth status icon collection
#define STATUSICON_USB       1 // USB status icon collection
#define STATUSICON_VM        2 // VM status icon collection
#define STATUSICON_BATTERY   3 // Battery status icon collection
#define STATUSICONS          4

// Used in macro "SCREEN_BIT"
#define SCREEN_BACKGROUND 0 // Entire screen
#define SCREEN_LARGE      1 // Entire screen except status line
#define SCREEN_SMALL      2 // Screen between menu icons and status line
#define SCREENS           3

// Used in macro "BITMAP_BIT"
#define BITMAP_1 0 // Bitmap 1
#define BITMAP_2 1 // Bitmap 2
#define BITMAP_3 2 // Bitmap 3
#define BITMAP_4 3 // Bitmap 4
#define BITMAPS  4

// Used in macro "STEPICON_BIT"
#define STEPICON_1 0 // Left most step icon
#define STEPICON_2 1 //
#define STEPICON_3 2 //
#define STEPICON_4 3 //
#define STEPICON_5 4 // Right most step icon
#define STEPICONS  5

#define SCREEN_BITS     (0xE0000000)  // Executed as 1.
#define STEPICON_BITS   (0x1F000000)  // Executed as 2.
#define BITMAP_BITS     (0x00F00000)  // Executed as 3.
#define MENUICON_BITS   (0x000E0000)  // Executed as 4.
#define STATUSICON_BITS (0x0001E000)  // Executed as 5.
#define SPECIAL_BITS    (0x00001F00)  // Executed as 6.
#define TEXTLINE_BITS   (0x000000FF)  // Executed as 7.

#define SCREEN_BIT(No)     (0x20000000<<(No))
#define STEPICON_BIT(No)   (0x01000000<<(No))
#define BITMAP_BIT(No)     (0x00100000<<(No))
#define MENUICON_BIT(No)   (0x00020000<<(No))
#define STATUSICON_BIT(No) (0x00002000<<(No))
#define SPECIAL_BIT(No)    (0x00000100<<(No))
#define TEXTLINE_BIT(No)   (0x00000001<<(No))

// offsets
#define DisplayOffsetPFunc          0 // Simple draw entry
#define DisplayOffsetEraseMask      4 // Section erase mask   (executed first)
#define DisplayOffsetUpdateMask     8 // Section update mask  (executed next)
#define DisplayOffsetPFont          12 // Pointer to font file
#define DisplayOffsetPTextLines(p)  (((p)*4)+16)  // Pointer to text strings
#define DisplayOffsetPStatusText    48 // Pointer to status text string
#define DisplayOffsetPStatusIcons   52 // Pointer to status icon collection file
#define DisplayOffsetPScreens(p)    (((p)*4)+56) // Pointer to screen bitmap file
#define DisplayOffsetPBitmaps(p)    (((p)*4)+68) // Pointer to free bitmap files
#define DisplayOffsetPMenuText      84 // Pointer to menu icon text (NULL == none)
#define DisplayOffsetPMenuIcons(p)  (((p)*4)+88) // Pointer to menu icon images (NULL == none)
#define DisplayOffsetPStepIcons     100 // Pointer to step icon collection file
#define DisplayOffsetDisplay        104 // Display content copied to physical display every 17 mS
#define DisplayOffsetStatusIcons(p) ((p)+108) // Index in status icon collection file (index = 0 -> none)
#define DisplayOffsetStepIcons(p)   ((p)+112) // Index in step icon collection file (index = 0 -> none)
#define DisplayOffsetFlags          117 // Update flags enumerated above
#define DisplayOffsetTextLinesCenterFlags 118 // Mask to center TextLines
#define DisplayOffsetNormal(l,w)    (((l)*100)+(w)+119) // Raw display memory for normal screen
#define DisplayOffsetPopup(l,w)     (((l)*100)+(w)+919) // Raw display memory for popup screen

// Comm module constants
#define CommModuleName "Comm.mod"
#define CommModuleID   0x00050001

#define SIZE_OF_USBBUF                64
#define USB_PROTOCOL_OVERHEAD         2   // Command type byte + Command
#define SIZE_OF_USBDATA               62
#define SIZE_OF_HSBUF                 128
#define SIZE_OF_BTBUF                 128

#define BT_CMD_BYTE                   1
#define SIZE_OF_BT_DEVICE_TABLE       30
#define SIZE_OF_BT_CONNECT_TABLE      4   // Index 0 is alway incomming connections
#define SIZE_OF_BT_NAME               16
#define SIZE_OF_BRICK_NAME            8
#define SIZE_OF_CLASS_OF_DEVICE       4
#define SIZE_OF_BT_PINCODE            16
#define SIZE_OF_BDADDR                7
#define MAX_BT_MSG_SIZE               60000

#define BT_DEFAULT_INQUIRY_MAX        0   // Unlimited no
#define BT_DEFAULT_INQUIRY_TIMEOUT_LO 15  // 15 x 1,28 Sec = 19,2 Sec 

// Constants referring to BtState
#define BT_ARM_OFF              0
#define BT_ARM_CMD_MODE         1
#define BT_ARM_DATA_MODE        2

//Constant referring to BtStateStatus
#define BT_BRICK_VISIBILITY     0x01
#define BT_BRICK_PORT_OPEN      0x02
#define BT_CONNECTION_0_ENABLE  0x10
#define BT_CONNECTION_1_ENABLE  0x20
#define BT_CONNECTION_2_ENABLE  0x40
#define BT_CONNECTION_3_ENABLE  0x80

//Constant referring to BtHwStatus
#define BT_ENABLE               0x00
#define BT_DISABLE              0x01

// Constants referring to HsFlags
#define HS_UPDATE 1

// Constants referring to HsState
#define HS_INITIALISE    1
#define HS_SEND_DATA     3
#define HS_DISABLE       4
#define HS_ENABLE        5

#define HS_CTRL_INIT 0
#define HS_CTRL_UART 1
#define HS_CTRL_EXIT 2

//Constants refering to DeviceStatus within DeviceTable
#define BT_DEVICE_EMPTY   0x00
#define BT_DEVICE_UNKNOWN 0x01
#define BT_DEVICE_KNOWN   0x02
#define BT_DEVICE_NAME    0x40
#define BT_DEVICE_AWAY    0x80

/* Interface between command other modules */
#define INTF_SENDFILE      0
#define INTF_SEARCH        1
#define INTF_STOPSEARCH    2
#define INTF_CONNECT       3
#define INTF_DISCONNECT    4
#define INTF_VISIBILITY    7
#define INTF_SETCMDMODE    8
#define INTF_OPENSTREAM    9
#define INTF_SENDDATA      10
#define INTF_BTON          12
#define INTF_BTOFF         13
#define INTF_SETBTNAME     14
#define INTF_EXTREAD       15
#define INTF_PINREQ        16
#define INTF_CONNECTREQ    17

#define LR_SUCCESS        0x50
#define LR_COULD_NOT_SAVE 0x51
#define LR_STORE_IS_FULL  0x52
#define LR_ENTRY_REMOVED  0x53
#define LR_UNKNOWN_ADDR   0x54

#define USB_CMD_READY     0x01
#define BT_CMD_READY      0x02
#define HS_CMD_READY      0x04

// offsets
#define CommOffsetPFunc    0
#define CommOffsetPFuncTwo 4
// BtDeviceTable[30] (930 bytes)
#define CommOffsetBtDeviceTableName(p)           (((p)*31)+8)
#define CommOffsetBtDeviceTableClassOfDevice(p)  (((p)*31)+24)
#define CommOffsetBtDeviceTableBdAddr(p)         (((p)*31)+28)
#define CommOffsetBtDeviceTableDeviceStatus(p)   (((p)*31)+35)
//  BDCONNECTTABLE BtConnectTable[4]; (188 bytes)
#define CommOffsetBtConnectTableName(p)          (((p)*47)+938)
#define CommOffsetBtConnectTableClassOfDevice(p) (((p)*47)+954)
#define CommOffsetBtConnectTablePinCode(p)       (((p)*47)+958)
#define CommOffsetBtConnectTableBdAddr(p)        (((p)*47)+974)
#define CommOffsetBtConnectTableHandleNr(p)      (((p)*47)+981)
#define CommOffsetBtConnectTableStreamStatus(p)  (((p)*47)+982)
#define CommOffsetBtConnectTableLinkQuality(p)   (((p)*47)+983)
//General brick data
//  BRICKDATA      BrickData; (31 bytes)
#define CommOffsetBrickDataName            1126
#define CommOffsetBrickDataBluecoreVersion 1142
#define CommOffsetBrickDataBdAddr          1144
#define CommOffsetBrickDataBtStateStatus   1151
#define CommOffsetBrickDataBtHwStatus      1152
#define CommOffsetBrickDataTimeOutValue    1153
//  BTBUF          BtInBuf; (132 bytes)
#define CommOffsetBtInBufBuf       1157
#define CommOffsetBtInBufInPtr     1285
#define CommOffsetBtInBufOutPtr    1286
//  BTBUF          BtOutBuf; (132 bytes)
#define CommOffsetBtOutBufBuf      1289
#define CommOffsetBtOutBufInPtr    1417
#define CommOffsetBtOutBufOutPtr   1418
// HI Speed related entries
//  HSBUF          HsInBuf; (132 bytes)
#define CommOffsetHsInBufBuf       1421
#define CommOffsetHsInBufInPtr     1549
#define CommOffsetHsInBufOutPtr    1550
//  HSBUF          HsOutBuf; (132 bytes)
#define CommOffsetHsOutBufBuf      1553
#define CommOffsetHsOutBufInPtr    1681
#define CommOffsetHsOutBufOutPtr   1682
// USB related entries
//  USBBUF         UsbInBuf; (68 bytes)
#define CommOffsetUsbInBufBuf        1685
#define CommOffsetUsbInBufInPtr      1749
#define CommOffsetUsbInBufOutPtr     1750
//  USBBUF         UsbOutBuf;
#define CommOffsetUsbOutBufBuf       1753
#define CommOffsetUsbOutBufInPtr     1817
#define CommOffsetUsbOutBufOutPtr    1818
//  USBBUF         UsbPollBuf;
#define CommOffsetUsbPollBufBuf      1821
#define CommOffsetUsbPollBufInPtr    1885
#define CommOffsetUsbPollBufOutPtr   1886

#define CommOffsetBtDeviceCnt      1889
#define CommOffsetBtDeviceNameCnt  1890
#define CommOffsetHsFlags          1891
#define CommOffsetHsSpeed          1892
#define CommOffsetHsState          1893
#define CommOffsetUsbState         1894

// HiTechnic Device Constants

// HiTechnic IRLink Power Function constants
#define PF_CMD_STOP  0
#define PF_CMD_FWD   1
#define PF_CMD_REV   2
#define PF_CMD_BRAKE 3

#define PF_CHANNEL_1 0
#define PF_CHANNEL_2 1
#define PF_CHANNEL_3 2
#define PF_CHANNEL_4 3

#define HTPF_CMD_STOP  0
#define HTPF_CMD_FWD   1
#define HTPF_CMD_REV   2
#define HTPF_CMD_BRAKE 3

#define HTPF_CHANNEL_1 0
#define HTPF_CHANNEL_2 1
#define HTPF_CHANNEL_3 2
#define HTPF_CHANNEL_4 3

#define PF_MODE_TRAIN             0
#define PF_MODE_COMBO_DIRECT      1
#define PF_MODE_COMBO_PWM         4

#define TRAIN_FUNC_STOP         0

#define TRAIN_CHANNEL_1   0
#define TRAIN_CHANNEL_2   1
#define TRAIN_CHANNEL_3   2

#define PF_OUT_A 0
#define PF_OUT_B 1

#define PF_PIN_C1 0
#define PF_PIN_C2 1

#define PF_FUNC_CLEAR    1
#define PF_FUNC_SET      2
#define PF_FUNC_TOGGLE   3

#define PF_CST_CLEAR1_CLEAR2 0
#define PF_CST_SET1_CLEAR2   1
#define PF_CST_CLEAR1_SET2   2
#define PF_CST_SET1_SET2     3
#define PF_CST_FULL_FWD      6
#define PF_CST_FULL_REV      7
#define PF_CST_TOGGLE_DIR    8

#define PF_PWM_FLOAT 0
#define PF_PWM_FWD1  1
#define PF_PWM_FWD2  2
#define PF_PWM_FWD3  3
#define PF_PWM_FWD4  4
#define PF_PWM_FWD5  5
#define PF_PWM_FWD6  6
#define PF_PWM_FWD7  7
#define PF_PWM_BRAKE 8
#define PF_PWM_REV7  9
#define PF_PWM_REV6  10
#define PF_PWM_REV5  11
#define PF_PWM_REV4  12
#define PF_PWM_REV3  13
#define PF_PWM_REV2  14
#define PF_PWM_REV1  15

// HiTechnic IRLink RCX constants
#define RCX_OUT_A   0x01
#define RCX_OUT_B   0x02
#define RCX_OUT_C   0x04
#define RCX_OUT_AB  0x03
#define RCX_OUT_AC  0x05
#define RCX_OUT_BC  0x06
#define RCX_OUT_ABC 0x07

#define RCX_OUT_FLOAT 0
#define RCX_OUT_OFF   0x40
#define RCX_OUT_ON    0x80

#define RCX_OUT_REV    0
#define RCX_OUT_TOGGLE 0x40
#define RCX_OUT_FWD    0x80

#define RCX_OUT_LOW  0
#define RCX_OUT_HALF 3
#define RCX_OUT_FULL 7

#define RCX_RemoteKeysReleased 0x0000
#define RCX_RemotePBMessage1   0x0100
#define RCX_RemotePBMessage2   0x0200
#define RCX_RemotePBMessage3   0x0400
#define RCX_RemoteOutAForward  0x0800
#define RCX_RemoteOutBForward  0x1000
#define RCX_RemoteOutCForward  0x2000
#define RCX_RemoteOutABackward 0x4000
#define RCX_RemoteOutBBackward 0x8000
#define RCX_RemoteOutCBackward 0x0001
#define RCX_RemoteSelProgram1  0x0002
#define RCX_RemoteSelProgram2  0x0004
#define RCX_RemoteSelProgram3  0x0008
#define RCX_RemoteSelProgram4  0x0010
#define RCX_RemoteSelProgram5  0x0020
#define RCX_RemoteStopOutOff   0x0040
#define RCX_RemotePlayASound   0x0080

#define RCX_SOUND_CLICK       0
#define RCX_SOUND_DOWN        2
#define RCX_SOUND_UP          3
#define RCX_SOUND_LOW_BEEP    4
#define RCX_SOUND_FAST_UP     5

#define SCOUT_LIGHT_ON        0x80
#define SCOUT_LIGHT_OFF       0

#define SCOUT_SOUND_NONE      9

#define SCOUT_SOUND_TOUCH1_PRES     10
#define SCOUT_SOUND_TOUCH1_REL      11
#define SCOUT_SOUND_TOUCH2_PRES     12
#define SCOUT_SOUND_TOUCH2_REL      13
#define SCOUT_SOUND_ENTER_DARK      16
#define SCOUT_SOUND_1_BLINK         17
#define SCOUT_SOUND_2_BLINK         18
#define SCOUT_SOUND_COUNTER1        19
#define SCOUT_SOUND_COUNTER2        20
#define SCOUT_SOUND_TIMER1          21
#define SCOUT_SOUND_TIMER2          22
#define SCOUT_SOUND_TIMER3          23
#define SCOUT_SOUND_SPECIAL1        25
#define SCOUT_SOUND_SPECIAL2        26
#define SCOUT_SOUND_SPECIAL3        27

#define SCOUT_SNDSET_NONE           0
#define SCOUT_SNDSET_BASIC          1
#define SCOUT_SNDSET_BUG            2
#define SCOUT_SNDSET_ALARM          3
#define SCOUT_SNDSET_RANDOM         4
#define SCOUT_SNDSET_SCIENCE        5

#define SCOUT_MODE_POWER            1

#define SCOUT_MR_NO_MOTION          0
#define SCOUT_MR_FORWARD            1
#define SCOUT_MR_ZIGZAG             2
#define SCOUT_MR_CIRCLE_RIGHT       3
#define SCOUT_MR_CIRCLE_LEFT        4
#define SCOUT_MR_LOOP_A             5
#define SCOUT_MR_LOOP_B             6
#define SCOUT_MR_LOOP_AB            7

#define SCOUT_TR_IGNORE             0
#define SCOUT_TR_REVERSE            1
#define SCOUT_TR_AVOID              2
#define SCOUT_TR_WAIT_FOR           3
#define SCOUT_TR_OFF_WHEN           4

#define SCOUT_LR_IGNORE             0
#define SCOUT_LR_SEEK_LIGHT         1
#define SCOUT_LR_SEEK_DARK          2
#define SCOUT_LR_AVOID              3
#define SCOUT_LR_WAIT_FOR           4
#define SCOUT_LR_OFF_WHEN           5

#define SCOUT_TGS_SHORT             0
#define SCOUT_TGS_MEDIUM            1
#define SCOUT_TGS_LONG              2

#define SCOUT_FXR_NONE              0
#define SCOUT_FXR_BUG               1
#define SCOUT_FXR_ALARM             2
#define SCOUT_FXR_RANDOM            3
#define SCOUT_FXR_SCIENCE           4

#define RCX_VariableSrc             0
#define RCX_TimerSrc                1
#define RCX_ConstantSrc             2
#define RCX_OutputStatusSrc         3
#define RCX_RandomSrc               4
#define RCX_ProgramSlotSrc          8
#define RCX_InputValueSrc           9
#define RCX_InputTypeSrc            10
#define RCX_InputModeSrc            11
#define RCX_InputRawSrc             12
#define RCX_InputBooleanSrc         13
#define RCX_WatchSrc                14
#define RCX_MessageSrc              15
#define RCX_GlobalMotorStatusSrc    17
#define RCX_ScoutRulesSrc           18
#define RCX_ScoutLightParamsSrc     19
#define RCX_ScoutTimerLimitSrc      20
#define RCX_CounterSrc              21
#define RCX_ScoutCounterLimitSrc    22
#define RCX_TaskEventsSrc           23
#define RCX_ScoutEventFBSrc         24
#define RCX_EventStateSrc           25
#define RCX_TenMSTimerSrc           26
#define RCX_ClickCounterSrc         27
#define RCX_UpperThresholdSrc       28
#define RCX_LowerThresholdSrc       29
#define RCX_HysteresisSrc           30
#define RCX_DurationSrc             31
#define RCX_UARTSetupSrc            33
#define RCX_BatteryLevelSrc         34
#define RCX_FirmwareVersionSrc      35
#define RCX_IndirectVarSrc          36
#define RCX_DatalogSrcIndirectSrc   37
#define RCX_DatalogSrcDirectSrc     38
#define RCX_DatalogValueIndirectSrc 39
#define RCX_DatalogValueDirectSrc   40
#define RCX_DatalogRawIndirectSrc   41
#define RCX_DatalogRawDirectSrc     42

#define RCX_PingOp           0x10
#define RCX_BatteryLevelOp   0x30
#define RCX_DeleteTasksOp    0x40
#define RCX_StopAllTasksOp   0x50
#define RCX_PBTurnOffOp      0x60
#define RCX_DeleteSubsOp     0x70
#define RCX_ClearSoundOp     0x80
#define RCX_ClearMsgOp       0x90
#define RCX_LSCalibrateOp    0xc0
#define RCX_MuteSoundOp      0xd0
#define RCX_UnmuteSoundOp    0xe0
#define RCX_ClearAllEventsOp 0x06
#define RCX_OnOffFloatOp     0x21
#define RCX_IRModeOp         0x31
#define RCX_PlaySoundOp      0x51
#define RCX_DeleteTaskOp     0x61
#define RCX_StartTaskOp      0x71
#define RCX_StopTaskOp       0x81
#define RCX_SelectProgramOp  0x91
#define RCX_ClearTimerOp     0xa1
#define RCX_AutoOffOp        0xb1
#define RCX_DeleteSubOp      0xc1
#define RCX_ClearSensorOp    0xd1
#define RCX_OutputDirOp      0xe1
#define RCX_PlayToneVarOp    0x02
#define RCX_PollOp           0x12
#define RCX_SetWatchOp       0x22
#define RCX_InputTypeOp      0x32
#define RCX_InputModeOp      0x42
#define RCX_SetDatalogOp     0x52
#define RCX_DatalogOp        0x62
#define RCX_SendUARTDataOp   0xc2
#define RCX_RemoteOp         0xd2
#define RCX_VLLOp            0xe2
#define RCX_DirectEventOp    0x03
#define RCX_OutputPowerOp    0x13
#define RCX_PlayToneOp       0x23
#define RCX_DisplayOp        0x33
#define RCX_PollMemoryOp     0x63
#define RCX_SetFeedbackOp    0x83
#define RCX_SetEventOp       0x93
#define RCX_GOutputPowerOp   0xa3
#define RCX_LSUpperThreshOp  0xb3
#define RCX_LSLowerThreshOp  0xc3
#define RCX_LSHysteresisOp   0xd3
#define RCX_LSBlinkTimeOp    0xe3
#define RCX_CalibrateEventOp 0x04
#define RCX_SetVarOp         0x14
#define RCX_SumVarOp         0x24
#define RCX_SubVarOp         0x34
#define RCX_DivVarOp         0x44
#define RCX_MulVarOp         0x54
#define RCX_SgnVarOp         0x64
#define RCX_AbsVarOp         0x74
#define RCX_AndVarOp         0x84
#define RCX_OrVarOp          0x94
#define RCX_UploadDatalogOp  0xa4
#define RCX_SetTimerLimitOp  0xc4
#define RCX_SetCounterOp     0xd4
#define RCX_SetSourceValueOp 0x05
#define RCX_UnlockOp         0x15
#define RCX_BootModeOp       0x65
#define RCX_UnlockFirmOp     0xa5
#define RCX_ScoutRulesOp     0xd5
#define RCX_ViewSourceValOp  0xe5
#define RCX_ScoutOp          0x47
#define RCX_SoundOp          0x57
#define RCX_GOutputModeOp    0x67
#define RCX_GOutputDirOp     0x77
#define RCX_LightOp          0x87
#define RCX_IncCounterOp     0x97
#define RCX_DecCounterOp     0xa7
#define RCX_ClearCounterOp   0xb7
#define RCX_SetPriorityOp    0xd7
#define RCX_MessageOp        0xf7

// MindSensors constants
#define MS_REG_VERSION     0x00
#define MS_REG_VENDOR_ID   0x08
#define MS_REG_DEVICE_ID   0x10
#define MS_REG_CMD         0x41

#define MS_CMD_ENERGIZED   0x45
#define MS_CMD_ADPA_ON     0x4E
#define MS_CMD_ADPA_OFF    0x4F

// DIST-Nx Commands
#define DIST_CMD_GP2D12      0x31
#define DIST_CMD_GP2D120     0x32
#define DIST_CMD_GP2YA21     0x33
#define DIST_CMD_GP2YA02     0x34
#define DIST_CMD_CUSTOM      0x35

// DIST-Nx Registers
#define DIST_REG_DIST          0x42
#define DIST_REG_VOLT          0x44
#define DIST_REG_MODULE_TYPE   0x50
#define DIST_REG_NUM_POINTS    0x51
#define DIST_REG_DIST_MIN      0x52
#define DIST_REG_DIST_MAX      0x54
#define DIST_REG_VOLT1         0x56
#define DIST_REG_DIST1         0x58

// PSP-Nx commands
#define PSP_CMD_DIGITAL 0x41
#define PSP_CMD_ANALOG  0x73

// PSP-Nx registers
#define PSP_REG_BTN1   0x42
#define PSP_REG_BTN2   0x43
#define PSP_REG_XLEFT  0x44
#define PSP_REG_YLEFT  0x45
#define PSP_REG_XRIGHT 0x46
#define PSP_REG_YRIGHT 0x47

// NRLink commands
#define NRLINK_CMD_2400      0x44
#define NRLINK_CMD_FLUSH     0x46
#define NRLINK_CMD_4800      0x48
#define NRLINK_CMD_IR_LONG   0x4C
#define NRLINK_CMD_IR_SHORT  0x53
#define NRLINK_CMD_TX_RAW    0x55
#define NRLINK_CMD_SET_RCX   0x58
#define NRLINK_CMD_SET_PF    0x50

// NRLink registers
#define NRLINK_REG_BYTES  0x40
#define NRLINK_REG_DATA   0x42
#define NRLINK_REG_EEPROM 0x50

#endif // NBCCOMMON_H


#ifndef NXTDEFS__H
#define NXTDEFS__H 1
// Copyright (C) 2006 - John Hansen. All rights reserved.
// Workfile:: NXTDefs.h
// Date:: 2008-03-06
// Revision:: 37
// Contains declarations for the NBC NXT API resources

#include "NBCCommon.h"

// define structures for various system calls

dseg	segment

TLocation	struct
 X		sword
 Y		sword
TLocation	ends

TSize	struct
 Width	sword
 Height	sword
TSize	ends

// FileOpenRead, FileOpenWrite, FileOpenAppend, FileOpenWriteLinear, FileOpenWriteNonLinear, FileOpenReadLinear
TFileOpen	struct
 Result		word
 FileHandle	byte
 Filename	byte[]
 Length		dword
TFileOpen	ends

// FileRead, FileWrite
TFileReadWrite	struct
 Result		word
 FileHandle	byte
 Buffer		byte[]
 Length		dword
TFileReadWrite	ends

// FileClose
TFileClose	struct
 Result		word
 FileHandle	byte
TFileClose	ends

// FileResolveHandle
TFileResolveHandle	struct
 Result		word
 FileHandle	byte
 WriteHandle	byte
 Filename	byte[]
TFileResolveHandle	ends

// FileRename
TFileRename	struct
 Result		word
 OldFilename	byte[]
 NewFilename	byte[]
TFileRename	ends

// FileDelete
TFileDelete	struct
 Result		word
 Filename	byte[]
TFileDelete	ends

// SoundPlayFile
TSoundPlayFile	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Filename	byte[]
 Loop		byte
 Volume		byte
TSoundPlayFile	ends

// SoundPlayTone
TSoundPlayTone	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Frequency	word
 Duration	word
 Loop		byte
 Volume		byte
TSoundPlayTone	ends

// SoundGetState
TSoundGetState	struct
 State		byte
 Flags		byte
TSoundGetState	ends

// SoundSetState
TSoundSetState	struct
 Result		byte
 State		byte
 Flags		byte
TSoundSetState	ends

// DrawText
TDrawText	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Location	TLocation
 Text		byte[]
 Options	dword
TDrawText	ends

// DrawPoint
TDrawPoint	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Location	TLocation
 Options	dword
TDrawPoint	ends

// DrawLine
TDrawLine	struct
 Result		sbyte
 StartLoc	TLocation
 EndLoc		TLocation
 Options	dword
TDrawLine	ends

// DrawCircle
TDrawCircle	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Center		TLocation
 Size		byte
 Options	dword
TDrawCircle	ends

// DrawRect
TDrawRect	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Location	TLocation
 Size		TSize
 Options	dword
TDrawRect	ends

// DrawGraphic
TDrawGraphic	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Location	TLocation
 Filename	byte[]
 Variables	sdword[]
 Options	dword
TDrawGraphic	ends

// SetScreenMode
TSetScreenMode	struct
 Result		sbyte
 ScreenMode	dword
TSetScreenMode	ends

// ReadButton
TReadButton	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Index		byte
 Pressed	byte
 Count		byte
 Reset		byte
TReadButton	ends

// CommLSWrite
TCommLSWrite	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Port		byte
 Buffer		byte[]
 ReturnLen	byte
TCommLSWrite	ends

// CommLSRead
TCommLSRead	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Port		byte
 Buffer		byte[]
 BufferLen	byte
TCommLSRead	ends

// CommLSCheckStatus
TCommLSCheckStatus	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Port		byte
 BytesReady	byte
TCommLSCheckStatus	ends

// RandomNumber
TRandomNumber	struct
 Result		sword
TRandomNumber	ends

// GetStartTick
TGetStartTick	struct
 Result		dword
TGetStartTick	ends

// MessageWrite
TMessageWrite	struct
 Result		sbyte
 QueueID	byte
 Message	byte[]
TMessageWrite	ends

// MessageRead
TMessageRead	struct
 Result		sbyte
 QueueID	byte
 Remove		byte
 Message	byte[]
TMessageRead	ends

// CommBTCheckStatus
TCommBTCheckStatus	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Connection	byte
TCommBTCheckStatus	ends

// CommBTWrite
TCommBTWrite	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Connection	byte
 Buffer		byte[]
TCommBTWrite	ends

// CommBTRead
TCommBTRead	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Count		byte
 Buffer		byte[]
TCommBTRead	ends

// KeepAlive
TKeepAlive	struct
 Result		dword
TKeepAlive	ends

// IOMapRead
TIOMapRead	struct
 Result		sbyte
 ModuleName	byte[]
 Offset		word
 Count		word
 Buffer		byte[]
TIOMapRead	ends

// IOMapWrite
TIOMapWrite	struct
 Result		sbyte
 ModuleName	byte[]
 Offset		word
 Buffer		byte[]
TIOMapWrite	ends

TIOMapReadByID struct
  Result    sbyte
  ModuleID  long
  Offset    word
  Count     word
  Buffer    byte[]
TIOMapReadByID ends

TIOMapWriteByID struct
  Result   sbyte
  ModuleID long
  Offset   word
  Buffer   byte[]
TIOMapWriteByID ends

TDisplayExecuteFunction struct
  Status byte
  Cmd    byte
  On     byte
  X1     byte
  Y1     byte
  X2     byte
  Y2     byte
TDisplayExecuteFunction ends

TCommExecuteFunction struct
  Result word
  Cmd    byte
  Param1 byte
  Param2 byte
  Param3 byte
  Name   byte[]
  RetVal word
TCommExecuteFunction ends

TLoaderExecuteFunction struct
  Result   word
  Cmd      byte
  Filename byte[]
  Buffer   byte[]
  Length   long
TLoaderExecuteFunction ends

// FileFindFirst, FileFindNext
TFileFind	struct
 Result		word
 FileHandle	byte
 Filename	byte[]
 Length		dword
TFileFind	ends

TCommHSControl	struct
 Result		sbyte
 Command	byte
 BaudRate	byte
TCommHSControl	ends

TCommHSCheckStatus	struct
 SendingData	byte
 DataAvailable	byte
TCommHSCheckStatus	ends

// CommHSRead, CommHSWrite
TCommHSReadWrite	struct
 Status	sbyte
 Buffer	byte[]
TCommHSReadWrite	ends

dseg	ends

// motor arrays (compiler will optimize these out if they are not used)
dseg segment
  __OUT_AB byte[] OUT_A, OUT_B
  __OUT_AC byte[] OUT_A, OUT_C
  __OUT_BC byte[] OUT_B, OUT_C
  __OUT_ABC byte[] OUT_A, OUT_B, OUT_C
  __OnRev_Tmp sbyte
  __OnRevMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define UF_UPDATE_ONFWD 0x28

// API macros
#define __resetMotorCounter0(_val) setout OUT_A, UpdateFlags, _val
#define __resetMotorCounter1(_val) setout OUT_B, UpdateFlags, _val
#define __resetMotorCounter2(_val) setout OUT_C, UpdateFlags, _val
#define __resetMotorCounter3(_val) setout __OUT_AB, UpdateFlags, _val
#define __resetMotorCounter4(_val) setout __OUT_AC, UpdateFlags, _val
#define __resetMotorCounter5(_val) setout __OUT_BC, UpdateFlags, _val
#define __resetMotorCounter6(_val) setout __OUT_ABC, UpdateFlags, _val

#define ResetTachoCount(_p) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), FALSE \
  setout _p, UpdateFlags, RESET_COUNT \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  __resetMotorCounter##_p(RESET_COUNT) \

#define ResetBlockTachoCount(_p) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), FALSE \
  setout _p, UpdateFlags, RESET_BLOCK_COUNT \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  __resetMotorCounter##_p(RESET_BLOCK_COUNT) \

#define ResetRotationCount(_p) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), FALSE \
  setout _p, UpdateFlags, RESET_ROTATION_COUNT \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  __resetMotorCounter##_p(RESET_ROTATION_COUNT) \

#define ResetAllTachoCounts(_p) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), FALSE \
  setout _p, UpdateFlags, RESET_ALL \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  __resetMotorCounter##_p(RESET_ALL) \

#define __onFwdExAll(_ports, _pwr, _reset) setout _ports, Power, _pwr, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_MOTORON+OUT_MODE_BRAKE, RegMode, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING, TachoLimit, 0, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_TACHO_LIMIT+UF_UPDATE_MODE+UF_UPDATE_SPEED+_reset
#define __onFwdEx0(_pwr, _reset) __onFwdExAll(OUT_A, _pwr, _reset)
#define __onFwdEx1(_pwr, _reset) __onFwdExAll(OUT_B, _pwr, _reset)
#define __onFwdEx2(_pwr, _reset) __onFwdExAll(OUT_C, _pwr, _reset)
#define __onFwdEx3(_pwr, _reset) __onFwdExAll(__OUT_AB, _pwr, _reset)
#define __onFwdEx4(_pwr, _reset) __onFwdExAll(__OUT_AC, _pwr, _reset)
#define __onFwdEx5(_pwr, _reset) __onFwdExAll(__OUT_BC, _pwr, _reset)
#define __onFwdEx6(_pwr, _reset) __onFwdExAll(__OUT_ABC, _pwr, _reset)

#define OnFwdEx(_ports, _pwr, _reset) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_ports), FALSE \
  __onFwdExAll(_ports, _pwr, _reset) \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _ports, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _ports, 0x00 \
  __onFwdEx##_ports(_pwr, _reset) \

#define OnRevEx(_ports, _pwr, _reset) \
  acquire __OnRevMutex \
  neg __OnRev_Tmp, _pwr \
  OnFwdEx(_ports, __OnRev_Tmp, _reset) \
  release __OnRevMutex

#define OnFwd(_ports, _pwr) OnFwdEx(_ports, _pwr, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)
#define OnRev(_ports, _pwr) OnRevEx(_ports, _pwr, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)

#define __coastExAll(_ports, _reset) setout _ports, Power, 0, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_BRAKE, RegMode, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE+UF_UPDATE_SPEED+_reset
#define __coastEx0(_reset) __coastExAll(OUT_A, _reset)
#define __coastEx1(_reset) __coastExAll(OUT_B, _reset)
#define __coastEx2(_reset) __coastExAll(OUT_C, _reset)
#define __coastEx3(_reset) __coastExAll(__OUT_AB, _reset)
#define __coastEx4(_reset) __coastExAll(__OUT_AC, _reset)
#define __coastEx5(_reset) __coastExAll(__OUT_BC, _reset)
#define __coastEx6(_reset) __coastExAll(__OUT_ABC, _reset)

#define CoastEx(_ports, _reset) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_ports), FALSE \
  __coastExAll(_ports, _reset) \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _ports, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _ports, 0x00 \
  __coastEx##_ports(_reset) \

#define __offExAll(_ports, _reset) setout _ports, Power, 0, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_MOTORON+OUT_MODE_BRAKE, RegMode, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE+UF_UPDATE_SPEED+_reset
#define __offEx0(_reset) __offExAll(OUT_A, _reset)
#define __offEx1(_reset) __offExAll(OUT_B, _reset)
#define __offEx2(_reset) __offExAll(OUT_C, _reset)
#define __offEx3(_reset) __offExAll(__OUT_AB, _reset)
#define __offEx4(_reset) __offExAll(__OUT_AC, _reset)
#define __offEx5(_reset) __offExAll(__OUT_BC, _reset)
#define __offEx6(_reset) __offExAll(__OUT_ABC, _reset)

#define OffEx(_ports, _reset) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_ports), FALSE \
  __offExAll(_ports, _reset) \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _ports, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _ports, 0x00 \
  __offEx##_ports(_reset) \

#define Coast(_ports) CoastEx(_ports, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)
#define Off(_ports) OffEx(_ports, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)
#define Float(_ports) Coast(_ports)

#define __onFwdRegExAll(_ports, _pwr, _regmode, _reset) setout _ports, Power, _pwr, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_MOTORON+OUT_MODE_REGULATED+OUT_MODE_BRAKE, RegMode, _regmode, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING, TachoLimit, 0, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_TACHO_LIMIT+UF_UPDATE_MODE+UF_UPDATE_SPEED+_reset
#define __onFwdRegEx0(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) __onFwdRegExAll(OUT_A, _pwr, _regmode, _reset)
#define __onFwdRegEx1(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) __onFwdRegExAll(OUT_B, _pwr, _regmode, _reset)
#define __onFwdRegEx2(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) __onFwdRegExAll(OUT_C, _pwr, _regmode, _reset)
#define __onFwdRegEx3(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) __onFwdRegExAll(__OUT_AB, _pwr, _regmode, _reset)
#define __onFwdRegEx4(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) __onFwdRegExAll(__OUT_AC, _pwr, _regmode, _reset)
#define __onFwdRegEx5(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) __onFwdRegExAll(__OUT_BC, _pwr, _regmode, _reset)
#define __onFwdRegEx6(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) __onFwdRegExAll(__OUT_ABC, _pwr, _regmode, _reset)

#define OnFwdRegEx(_ports, _pwr, _regmode, _reset) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_ports), FALSE \
  __onFwdRegExAll(_ports, _pwr, _regmode, _reset) \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _ports, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _ports, 0x00 \
  __onFwdRegEx##_ports(_pwr, _regmode, _reset) \

#define OnRevRegEx(_ports, _pwr, _regmode, _reset) \
  acquire __OnRevMutex \
  neg __OnRev_Tmp, _pwr \
  OnFwdRegEx(_ports, __OnRev_Tmp, _regmode, _reset) \
  release __OnRevMutex

#define OnFwdReg(_ports, _pwr, _regmode) OnFwdRegEx(_ports, _pwr, _regmode, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)
#define OnRevReg(_ports, _pwr, _regmode) OnRevRegEx(_ports, _pwr, _regmode, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)

#define __onFwdSyncExAll(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset) setout _ports, Power, _pwr, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_MOTORON+OUT_MODE_REGULATED+OUT_MODE_BRAKE, RegMode, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC, TurnRatio, _turnpct, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING, TachoLimit, 0, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_TACHO_LIMIT+UF_UPDATE_MODE+UF_UPDATE_SPEED+_reset
#define __onFwdSyncEx0(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) __onFwdSyncExAll(OUT_A, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset)
#define __onFwdSyncEx1(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) __onFwdSyncExAll(OUT_B, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset)
#define __onFwdSyncEx2(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) __onFwdSyncExAll(OUT_C, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset)
#define __onFwdSyncEx3(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) __onFwdSyncExAll(__OUT_AB, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset)
#define __onFwdSyncEx4(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) __onFwdSyncExAll(__OUT_AC, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset)
#define __onFwdSyncEx5(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) __onFwdSyncExAll(__OUT_BC, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset)
#define __onFwdSyncEx6(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) __onFwdSyncExAll(__OUT_ABC, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset)

#define OnFwdSyncEx(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_ports), FALSE \
  __onFwdSyncExAll(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset) \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _ports, 0x07 \
  compchk GTEQ, _ports, 0x00 \
  __onFwdSyncEx##_ports(_pwr, _turnpct, _reset) \

#define OnRevSyncEx(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct, _reset) \
  acquire __OnRevMutex \
  neg __OnRev_Tmp, _pwr \
  OnFwdSyncEx(_ports, __OnRev_Tmp, _turnpct, _reset) \
  release __OnRevMutex

#define OnFwdSync(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct) OnFwdSyncEx(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)
#define OnRevSync(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct) OnRevSyncEx(_ports, _pwr, _turnpct, RESET_BLOCKANDTACHO)

dseg segment
  __rotateMutex0 mutex
  __rotateMutex1 mutex
  __rotateMutex2 mutex
dseg ends

dseg segment
// variables for rotate motor subroutine (0)
  __rotate_power0 byte
  __rotate_angle0 slong
  __rotate_ports0 byte[]
  __rotate_firstPort0 byte
  __rotate_sync0 byte
  __rotate_stop0 byte
  __rotate_turnpct0 sbyte
  __rotate_theUF0 byte
  __rotate_theOM0 byte
  __rotate_theRM0 byte
  __rotate_theRS0 byte
  __rotate_theRVP0 byte
  __rotate_theRVI0 byte
  __rotate_theRVD0 byte
  __rotate_rs0 byte
  __rotate_OldRotCount0 sword
  __rotate_RotCount0 sword
  __rotate_thePower0 sbyte
  __rotate_theAngle0 ulong
  __rotate_theTurnPct0 sbyte
  __rotate_then0 dword
  __rotate_now0 dword
dseg ends

dseg segment
// variables for rotate motor subroutine (1)
  __rotate_power1 byte
  __rotate_angle1 slong
  __rotate_ports1 byte[]
  __rotate_firstPort1 byte
  __rotate_sync1 byte
  __rotate_stop1 byte
  __rotate_turnpct1 sbyte
  __rotate_theUF1 byte
  __rotate_theOM1 byte
  __rotate_theRM1 byte
  __rotate_theRS1 byte
  __rotate_theRVP1 byte
  __rotate_theRVI1 byte
  __rotate_theRVD1 byte
  __rotate_rs1 byte
  __rotate_OldRotCount1 sword
  __rotate_RotCount1 sword
  __rotate_thePower1 sbyte
  __rotate_theAngle1 ulong
  __rotate_theTurnPct1 sbyte
  __rotate_then1 dword
  __rotate_now1 dword
dseg ends

dseg segment
// variables for rotate motor subroutine (2)
  __rotate_power2 byte
  __rotate_angle2 slong
  __rotate_ports2 byte[]
  __rotate_firstPort2 byte
  __rotate_sync2 byte
  __rotate_stop2 byte
  __rotate_turnpct2 sbyte
  __rotate_theUF2 byte
  __rotate_theOM2 byte
  __rotate_theRM2 byte
  __rotate_theRS2 byte
  __rotate_theRVP2 byte
  __rotate_theRVI2 byte
  __rotate_theRVD2 byte
  __rotate_rs2 byte
  __rotate_OldRotCount2 sword
  __rotate_RotCount2 sword
  __rotate_thePower2 sbyte
  __rotate_theAngle2 ulong
  __rotate_theTurnPct2 sbyte
  __rotate_then2 dword
  __rotate_now2 dword
dseg ends

dseg segment
// variables for rotate motor subroutine (3)
  __rotate_power3 byte
  __rotate_angle3 slong
  __rotate_ports3 byte[]
  __rotate_firstPort3 byte
  __rotate_sync3 byte
  __rotate_stop3 byte
  __rotate_turnpct3 sbyte
  __rotate_theUF3 byte
  __rotate_theOM3 byte
  __rotate_theRM3 byte
  __rotate_theRS3 byte
  __rotate_theRVP3 byte
  __rotate_theRVI3 byte
  __rotate_theRVD3 byte
  __rotate_rs3 byte
  __rotate_OldRotCount3 sword
  __rotate_RotCount3 sword
  __rotate_thePower3 sbyte
  __rotate_theAngle3 ulong
  __rotate_theTurnPct3 sbyte
  __rotate_then3 dword
  __rotate_now3 dword
dseg ends

dseg segment
// variables for rotate motor subroutine (4)
  __rotate_power4 byte
  __rotate_angle4 slong
  __rotate_ports4 byte[]
  __rotate_firstPort4 byte
  __rotate_sync4 byte
  __rotate_stop4 byte
  __rotate_turnpct4 sbyte
  __rotate_theUF4 byte
  __rotate_theOM4 byte
  __rotate_theRM4 byte
  __rotate_theRS4 byte
  __rotate_theRVP4 byte
  __rotate_theRVI4 byte
  __rotate_theRVD4 byte
  __rotate_rs4 byte
  __rotate_OldRotCount4 sword
  __rotate_RotCount4 sword
  __rotate_thePower4 sbyte
  __rotate_theAngle4 ulong
  __rotate_theTurnPct4 sbyte
  __rotate_then4 dword
  __rotate_now4 dword
dseg ends

dseg segment
// variables for rotate motor subroutine (5)
  __rotate_power5 byte
  __rotate_angle5 slong
  __rotate_ports5 byte[]
  __rotate_firstPort5 byte
  __rotate_sync5 byte
  __rotate_stop5 byte
  __rotate_turnpct5 sbyte
  __rotate_theUF5 byte
  __rotate_theOM5 byte
  __rotate_theRM5 byte
  __rotate_theRS5 byte
  __rotate_theRVP5 byte
  __rotate_theRVI5 byte
  __rotate_theRVD5 byte
  __rotate_rs5 byte
  __rotate_OldRotCount5 sword
  __rotate_RotCount5 sword
  __rotate_thePower5 sbyte
  __rotate_theAngle5 ulong
  __rotate_theTurnPct5 sbyte
  __rotate_then5 dword
  __rotate_now5 dword
dseg ends

dseg segment
// variables for rotate motor subroutine (6)
  __rotate_power6 byte
  __rotate_angle6 slong
  __rotate_ports6 byte[]
  __rotate_firstPort6 byte
  __rotate_sync6 byte
  __rotate_stop6 byte
  __rotate_turnpct6 sbyte
  __rotate_theUF6 byte
  __rotate_theOM6 byte
  __rotate_theRM6 byte
  __rotate_theRS6 byte
  __rotate_theRVP6 byte
  __rotate_theRVI6 byte
  __rotate_theRVD6 byte
  __rotate_rs6 byte
  __rotate_OldRotCount6 sword
  __rotate_RotCount6 sword
  __rotate_thePower6 sbyte
  __rotate_theAngle6 ulong
  __rotate_theTurnPct6 sbyte
  __rotate_then6 dword
  __rotate_now6 dword
dseg ends

#define __rotateMotorExPID0(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex0 \
   arrbuild __rotate_ports0, OUT_A \
   mov __rotate_power0, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle0, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct0, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync0, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop0, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP0, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI0, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD0, _d \
   call __RotateMotor0 \
   release __rotateMutex0

#define __rotateMotorExPID1(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex1 \
   arrbuild __rotate_ports1, OUT_B \
   mov __rotate_power1, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle1, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct1, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync1, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop1, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP1, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI1, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD1, _d \
   call __RotateMotor1 \
   release __rotateMutex1

#define __rotateMotorExPID2(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex2 \
   arrbuild __rotate_ports2, OUT_C \
   mov __rotate_power2, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle2, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct2, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync2, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop2, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP2, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI2, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD2, _d \
   call __RotateMotor2 \
   release __rotateMutex2

#define __rotateMotorExPID3(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex0 \
   acquire __rotateMutex1 \
   mov __rotate_ports3, __OUT_AB \
   mov __rotate_power3, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle3, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct3, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync3, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop3, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP3, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI3, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD3, _d \
   call __RotateMotor3 \
   release __rotateMutex1 \
   release __rotateMutex0

#define __rotateMotorExPID4(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex0 \
   acquire __rotateMutex2 \
   mov __rotate_ports4, __OUT_AC \
   mov __rotate_power4, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle4, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct4, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync4, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop4, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP4, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI4, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD4, _d \
   call __RotateMotor4 \
   release __rotateMutex2 \
   release __rotateMutex0

#define __rotateMotorExPID5(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex1 \
   acquire __rotateMutex2 \
   mov __rotate_ports5, __OUT_BC \
   mov __rotate_power5, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle5, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct5, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync5, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop5, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP5, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI5, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD5, _d \
   call __RotateMotor5 \
   release __rotateMutex2 \
   release __rotateMutex1

#define __rotateMotorExPID6(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex0 \
   acquire __rotateMutex1 \
   acquire __rotateMutex2 \
   mov __rotate_ports6, __OUT_ABC \
   mov __rotate_power6, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle6, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct6, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync6, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop6, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP6, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI6, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD6, _d \
   call __RotateMotor6 \
   release __rotateMutex2 \
   release __rotateMutex1 \
   release __rotateMutex0

#define __rotateMotorExPIDVar(_ports, _pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   acquire __rotateMutex0 \
   acquire __rotateMutex1 \
   acquire __rotateMutex2 \
   arrbuild __rotate_ports6, _ports \
   mov __rotate_power6, _pwr \
   mov __rotate_angle6, _angle \
   mov __rotate_turnpct6, _turnpct \
   mov __rotate_sync6, _bSync \
   mov __rotate_stop6, _bStop \
   mov __rotate_theRVP6, _p \
   mov __rotate_theRVI6, _i \
   mov __rotate_theRVD6, _d \
   call __RotateMotor6 \
   release __rotateMutex2 \
   release __rotateMutex1 \
   release __rotateMutex0

#define RotateMotorExPID(_ports, _pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   compif EQ, isconst(_ports), FALSE \
   __rotateMotorExPIDVar(_ports, _pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \
   compelse \
   compchk LT, _ports, 0x07 \
   compchk GTEQ, _ports, 0x00 \
   __rotateMotorExPID##_ports(_pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, _p, _i, _d) \

// default PID values are 96, 32, 32

#define RotateMotorPID(_ports, _pwr, _angle, _p, _i, _d) \
   RotateMotorExPID(_ports, _pwr, _angle, 0, FALSE, TRUE, _p, _i, _d)

#define RotateMotorEx(_ports, _pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop) \
   RotateMotorExPID(_ports, _pwr, _angle, _turnpct, _bSync, _bStop, 40, 20, 100)

#define RotateMotor(_ports, _pwr, _angle) \
   RotateMotorExPID(_ports, _pwr, _angle, 0, FALSE, TRUE, 40, 20, 100)

subroutine __RotateMotor0
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done0, __rotate_angle0
  sign __rotate_thePower0, __rotate_angle0
  abs __rotate_theAngle0, __rotate_angle0
  mul __rotate_thePower0, __rotate_thePower0, __rotate_power0 // convert __rotate_power to negative value if __rotate_angle is negative.

  brtst EQ, __rotate_NoSync0, __rotate_sync0
  set __rotate_theRM0, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC
  mov __rotate_theTurnPct0, __rotate_turnpct0
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Start0, __rotate_theTurnPct0
  add __rotate_theUF0, __rotate_theUF0, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT
  jmp __rotate_Start0
  set __rotate_theRM0, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE
  set __rotate_theTurnPct0, 0
  set __rotate_theRS0, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  setout __rotate_ports0, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM0, RegMode, __rotate_theRM0, TachoLimit, __rotate_theAngle0, RunState, __rotate_theRS0, RegPValue, __rotate_theRVP0, RegIValue, __rotate_theRVI0, RegDValue, __rotate_theRVD0, Power, __rotate_thePower0, TurnRatio, __rotate_turnpct0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF0

// Waits till angle reached
  index __rotate_firstPort0, __rotate_ports0, NA
  getout __rotate_power0, __rotate_firstPort0, Power
  brtst EQ, __rotate_doneRunning0, __rotate_power0
  getout __rotate_rs0, __rotate_firstPort0, RunState
  brcmp EQ, __rotate_Running0, __rotate_rs0, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Reset0, __rotate_stop0 ; skip the speed regulation phase if __rotate_stop is false
// Regulates for speed = 0
  set __rotate_theRM0, OUT_REGMODE_SPEED
  setout __rotate_ports0, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM0, RegMode, __rotate_theRM0, RunState, __rotate_theRS0, Power, 0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF0
// Verifies that motor doesn't rotate for 50ms, else loops
  getout __rotate_RotCount0, __rotate_firstPort0, RotationCount
  mov __rotate_OldRotCount0, __rotate_RotCount0
  // wait loop
  gettick __rotate_now0
  add __rotate_then0, __rotate_now0, 50
  gettick __rotate_now0
  brcmp LTEQ, __rotate_Waiting0, __rotate_now0, __rotate_then0 
  // check rotation
  getout __rotate_RotCount0, __rotate_firstPort0, RotationCount
  brcmp NEQ, __rotate_Stabilize0, __rotate_OldRotCount0, __rotate_RotCount0
  setout __rotate_ports0, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_COAST, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE
  // maybe reset the block rotation count
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done0, __rotate_theTurnPct0
  setout __rotate_ports0, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT

subroutine __RotateMotor1
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done1, __rotate_angle1
  sign __rotate_thePower1, __rotate_angle1
  abs __rotate_theAngle1, __rotate_angle1
  mul __rotate_thePower1, __rotate_thePower1, __rotate_power1 // convert __rotate_power to negative value if __rotate_angle is negative.

  brtst EQ, __rotate_NoSync1, __rotate_sync1
  set __rotate_theRM1, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC
  mov __rotate_theTurnPct1, __rotate_turnpct1
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Start1, __rotate_theTurnPct1
  add __rotate_theUF1, __rotate_theUF1, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT
  jmp __rotate_Start1
  set __rotate_theRM1, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE
  set __rotate_theTurnPct1, 0
  set __rotate_theRS1, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  setout __rotate_ports1, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM1, RegMode, __rotate_theRM1, TachoLimit, __rotate_theAngle1, RunState, __rotate_theRS1, RegPValue, __rotate_theRVP1, RegIValue, __rotate_theRVI1, RegDValue, __rotate_theRVD1, Power, __rotate_thePower1, TurnRatio, __rotate_turnpct1, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF1

// Waits till angle reached
  index __rotate_firstPort1, __rotate_ports1, NA
  getout __rotate_power1, __rotate_firstPort1, Power
  brtst EQ, __rotate_doneRunning1, __rotate_power1
  getout __rotate_rs1, __rotate_firstPort1, RunState
  brcmp EQ, __rotate_Running1, __rotate_rs1, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Reset1, __rotate_stop1 ; skip the speed regulation phase if __rotate_stop is false
// Regulates for speed = 0
  set __rotate_theRM1, OUT_REGMODE_SPEED
  setout __rotate_ports1, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM1, RegMode, __rotate_theRM1, RunState, __rotate_theRS1, Power, 0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF1
// Verifies that motor doesn't rotate for 50ms, else loops
  getout __rotate_RotCount1, __rotate_firstPort1, RotationCount
  mov __rotate_OldRotCount1, __rotate_RotCount1
  // wait loop
  gettick __rotate_now1
  add __rotate_then1, __rotate_now1, 50
  gettick __rotate_now1
  brcmp LTEQ, __rotate_Waiting1, __rotate_now1, __rotate_then1 
  // check rotation
  getout __rotate_RotCount1, __rotate_firstPort1, RotationCount
  brcmp NEQ, __rotate_Stabilize1, __rotate_OldRotCount1, __rotate_RotCount1
  setout __rotate_ports1, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_COAST, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE
  // maybe reset the block rotation count
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done1, __rotate_theTurnPct1
  setout __rotate_ports1, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT

subroutine __RotateMotor2
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done2, __rotate_angle2
  sign __rotate_thePower2, __rotate_angle2
  abs __rotate_theAngle2, __rotate_angle2
  mul __rotate_thePower2, __rotate_thePower2, __rotate_power2 // convert __rotate_power to negative value if __rotate_angle is negative.

  brtst EQ, __rotate_NoSync2, __rotate_sync2
  set __rotate_theRM2, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC
  mov __rotate_theTurnPct2, __rotate_turnpct2
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Start2, __rotate_theTurnPct2
  add __rotate_theUF2, __rotate_theUF2, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT
  jmp __rotate_Start2
  set __rotate_theRM2, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE
  set __rotate_theTurnPct2, 0
  set __rotate_theRS2, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  setout __rotate_ports2, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM2, RegMode, __rotate_theRM2, TachoLimit, __rotate_theAngle2, RunState, __rotate_theRS2, RegPValue, __rotate_theRVP2, RegIValue, __rotate_theRVI2, RegDValue, __rotate_theRVD2, Power, __rotate_thePower2, TurnRatio, __rotate_turnpct2, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF2

// Waits till angle reached
  index __rotate_firstPort2, __rotate_ports2, NA
  getout __rotate_power2, __rotate_firstPort2, Power
  brtst EQ, __rotate_doneRunning2, __rotate_power2
  getout __rotate_rs2, __rotate_firstPort2, RunState
  brcmp EQ, __rotate_Running2, __rotate_rs2, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Reset2, __rotate_stop2 ; skip the speed regulation phase if __rotate_stop is false
// Regulates for speed = 0
  set __rotate_theRM2, OUT_REGMODE_SPEED
  setout __rotate_ports2, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM2, RegMode, __rotate_theRM2, RunState, __rotate_theRS2, Power, 0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF2
// Verifies that motor doesn't rotate for 50ms, else loops
  getout __rotate_RotCount2, __rotate_firstPort2, RotationCount
  mov __rotate_OldRotCount2, __rotate_RotCount2
  // wait loop
  gettick __rotate_now2
  add __rotate_then2, __rotate_now2, 50
  gettick __rotate_now2
  brcmp LTEQ, __rotate_Waiting2, __rotate_now2, __rotate_then2 
  // check rotation
  getout __rotate_RotCount2, __rotate_firstPort2, RotationCount
  brcmp NEQ, __rotate_Stabilize2, __rotate_OldRotCount2, __rotate_RotCount2
  setout __rotate_ports2, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_COAST, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE
  // maybe reset the block rotation count
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done2, __rotate_theTurnPct2
  setout __rotate_ports2, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT

subroutine __RotateMotor3
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done3, __rotate_angle3
  sign __rotate_thePower3, __rotate_angle3
  abs __rotate_theAngle3, __rotate_angle3
  mul __rotate_thePower3, __rotate_thePower3, __rotate_power3 // convert __rotate_power to negative value if __rotate_angle is negative.

  brtst EQ, __rotate_NoSync3, __rotate_sync3
  set __rotate_theRM3, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC
  mov __rotate_theTurnPct3, __rotate_turnpct3
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Start3, __rotate_theTurnPct3
  add __rotate_theUF3, __rotate_theUF3, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT
  jmp __rotate_Start3
  set __rotate_theRM3, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE
  set __rotate_theTurnPct3, 0
  set __rotate_theRS3, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  setout __rotate_ports3, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM3, RegMode, __rotate_theRM3, TachoLimit, __rotate_theAngle3, RunState, __rotate_theRS3, RegPValue, __rotate_theRVP3, RegIValue, __rotate_theRVI3, RegDValue, __rotate_theRVD3, Power, __rotate_thePower3, TurnRatio, __rotate_turnpct3, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF3

// Waits till angle reached
  index __rotate_firstPort3, __rotate_ports3, NA
  getout __rotate_power3, __rotate_firstPort3, Power
  brtst EQ, __rotate_doneRunning3, __rotate_power3
  getout __rotate_rs3, __rotate_firstPort3, RunState
  brcmp EQ, __rotate_Running3, __rotate_rs3, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Reset3, __rotate_stop3 ; skip the speed regulation phase if __rotate_stop is false
// Regulates for speed = 0
  set __rotate_theRM3, OUT_REGMODE_SPEED
  setout __rotate_ports3, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM3, RegMode, __rotate_theRM3, RunState, __rotate_theRS3, Power, 0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF3
// Verifies that motor doesn't rotate for 50ms, else loops
  getout __rotate_RotCount3, __rotate_firstPort3, RotationCount
  mov __rotate_OldRotCount3, __rotate_RotCount3
  // wait loop
  gettick __rotate_now3
  add __rotate_then3, __rotate_now3, 50
  gettick __rotate_now3
  brcmp LTEQ, __rotate_Waiting3, __rotate_now3, __rotate_then3 
  // check rotation
  getout __rotate_RotCount3, __rotate_firstPort3, RotationCount
  brcmp NEQ, __rotate_Stabilize3, __rotate_OldRotCount3, __rotate_RotCount3
  setout __rotate_ports3, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_COAST, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE
  // maybe reset the block rotation count
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done3, __rotate_theTurnPct3
  setout __rotate_ports3, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT

subroutine __RotateMotor4
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done4, __rotate_angle4
  sign __rotate_thePower4, __rotate_angle4
  abs __rotate_theAngle4, __rotate_angle4
  mul __rotate_thePower4, __rotate_thePower4, __rotate_power4 // convert __rotate_power to negative value if __rotate_angle is negative.

  brtst EQ, __rotate_NoSync4, __rotate_sync4
  set __rotate_theRM4, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC
  mov __rotate_theTurnPct4, __rotate_turnpct4
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Start4, __rotate_theTurnPct4
  add __rotate_theUF4, __rotate_theUF4, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT
  jmp __rotate_Start4
  set __rotate_theRM4, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE
  set __rotate_theTurnPct4, 0
  set __rotate_theRS4, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  setout __rotate_ports4, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM4, RegMode, __rotate_theRM4, TachoLimit, __rotate_theAngle4, RunState, __rotate_theRS4, RegPValue, __rotate_theRVP4, RegIValue, __rotate_theRVI4, RegDValue, __rotate_theRVD4, Power, __rotate_thePower4, TurnRatio, __rotate_turnpct4, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF4

// Waits till angle reached
  index __rotate_firstPort4, __rotate_ports4, NA
  getout __rotate_power4, __rotate_firstPort4, Power
  brtst EQ, __rotate_doneRunning4, __rotate_power4
  getout __rotate_rs4, __rotate_firstPort4, RunState
  brcmp EQ, __rotate_Running4, __rotate_rs4, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Reset4, __rotate_stop4 ; skip the speed regulation phase if __rotate_stop is false
// Regulates for speed = 0
  set __rotate_theRM4, OUT_REGMODE_SPEED
  setout __rotate_ports4, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM4, RegMode, __rotate_theRM4, RunState, __rotate_theRS4, Power, 0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF4
// Verifies that motor doesn't rotate for 50ms, else loops
  getout __rotate_RotCount4, __rotate_firstPort4, RotationCount
  mov __rotate_OldRotCount4, __rotate_RotCount4
  // wait loop
  gettick __rotate_now4
  add __rotate_then4, __rotate_now4, 50
  gettick __rotate_now4
  brcmp LTEQ, __rotate_Waiting4, __rotate_now4, __rotate_then4 
  // check rotation
  getout __rotate_RotCount4, __rotate_firstPort4, RotationCount
  brcmp NEQ, __rotate_Stabilize4, __rotate_OldRotCount4, __rotate_RotCount4
  setout __rotate_ports4, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_COAST, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE
  // maybe reset the block rotation count
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done4, __rotate_theTurnPct4
  setout __rotate_ports4, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT

subroutine __RotateMotor5
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done5, __rotate_angle5
  sign __rotate_thePower5, __rotate_angle5
  abs __rotate_theAngle5, __rotate_angle5
  mul __rotate_thePower5, __rotate_thePower5, __rotate_power5 // convert __rotate_power to negative value if __rotate_angle is negative.

  brtst EQ, __rotate_NoSync5, __rotate_sync5
  set __rotate_theRM5, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC
  mov __rotate_theTurnPct5, __rotate_turnpct5
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Start5, __rotate_theTurnPct5
  add __rotate_theUF5, __rotate_theUF5, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT
  jmp __rotate_Start5
  set __rotate_theRM5, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE
  set __rotate_theTurnPct5, 0
  set __rotate_theRS5, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  setout __rotate_ports5, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM5, RegMode, __rotate_theRM5, TachoLimit, __rotate_theAngle5, RunState, __rotate_theRS5, RegPValue, __rotate_theRVP5, RegIValue, __rotate_theRVI5, RegDValue, __rotate_theRVD5, Power, __rotate_thePower5, TurnRatio, __rotate_turnpct5, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF5

// Waits till angle reached
  index __rotate_firstPort5, __rotate_ports5, NA
  getout __rotate_power5, __rotate_firstPort5, Power
  brtst EQ, __rotate_doneRunning5, __rotate_power5
  getout __rotate_rs5, __rotate_firstPort5, RunState
  brcmp EQ, __rotate_Running5, __rotate_rs5, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Reset5, __rotate_stop5 ; skip the speed regulation phase if __rotate_stop is false
// Regulates for speed = 0
  set __rotate_theRM5, OUT_REGMODE_SPEED
  setout __rotate_ports5, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM5, RegMode, __rotate_theRM5, RunState, __rotate_theRS5, Power, 0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF5
// Verifies that motor doesn't rotate for 50ms, else loops
  getout __rotate_RotCount5, __rotate_firstPort5, RotationCount
  mov __rotate_OldRotCount5, __rotate_RotCount5
  // wait loop
  gettick __rotate_now5
  add __rotate_then5, __rotate_now5, 50
  gettick __rotate_now5
  brcmp LTEQ, __rotate_Waiting5, __rotate_now5, __rotate_then5 
  // check rotation
  getout __rotate_RotCount5, __rotate_firstPort5, RotationCount
  brcmp NEQ, __rotate_Stabilize5, __rotate_OldRotCount5, __rotate_RotCount5
  setout __rotate_ports5, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_COAST, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE
  // maybe reset the block rotation count
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done5, __rotate_theTurnPct5
  setout __rotate_ports5, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT

subroutine __RotateMotor6
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done6, __rotate_angle6
  sign __rotate_thePower6, __rotate_angle6
  abs __rotate_theAngle6, __rotate_angle6
  mul __rotate_thePower6, __rotate_thePower6, __rotate_power6 // convert __rotate_power to negative value if __rotate_angle is negative.

  brtst EQ, __rotate_NoSync6, __rotate_sync6
  set __rotate_theRM6, OUT_REGMODE_SYNC
  mov __rotate_theTurnPct6, __rotate_turnpct6
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Start6, __rotate_theTurnPct6
  add __rotate_theUF6, __rotate_theUF6, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT
  jmp __rotate_Start6
  set __rotate_theRM6, OUT_REGMODE_IDLE
  set __rotate_theTurnPct6, 0
  set __rotate_theRS6, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  setout __rotate_ports6, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM6, RegMode, __rotate_theRM6, TachoLimit, __rotate_theAngle6, RunState, __rotate_theRS6, RegPValue, __rotate_theRVP6, RegIValue, __rotate_theRVI6, RegDValue, __rotate_theRVD6, Power, __rotate_thePower6, TurnRatio, __rotate_turnpct6, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF6

// Waits till angle reached
  index __rotate_firstPort6, __rotate_ports6, NA
  getout __rotate_power6, __rotate_firstPort6, Power
  brtst EQ, __rotate_doneRunning6, __rotate_power6
  getout __rotate_rs6, __rotate_firstPort6, RunState
  brcmp EQ, __rotate_Running6, __rotate_rs6, OUT_RUNSTATE_RUNNING
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Reset6, __rotate_stop6 ; skip the speed regulation phase if __rotate_stop is false
// Regulates for speed = 0
  set __rotate_theRM6, OUT_REGMODE_SPEED
  setout __rotate_ports6, OutputMode, __rotate_theOM6, RegMode, __rotate_theRM6, RunState, __rotate_theRS6, Power, 0, UpdateFlags, __rotate_theUF6
// Verifies that motor doesn't rotate for 60ms, else loops
  getout __rotate_RotCount6, __rotate_firstPort6, RotationCount
  mov __rotate_OldRotCount6, __rotate_RotCount6
  // wait loop
  gettick __rotate_now6
  add __rotate_then6, __rotate_now6, 50
  gettick __rotate_now6
  brcmp LTEQ, __rotate_Waiting6, __rotate_now6, __rotate_then6 
  // check rotation
  getout __rotate_RotCount6, __rotate_firstPort6, RotationCount
  brcmp NEQ, __rotate_Stabilize6, __rotate_OldRotCount6, __rotate_RotCount6
  setout __rotate_ports6, RunState, OUT_RUNSTATE_IDLE, OutputMode, OUT_MODE_COAST, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_MODE
  // maybe reset the block rotation count
  brtst EQ, __rotate_Done6, __rotate_theTurnPct6
  setout __rotate_ports6, UpdateFlags, UF_UPDATE_RESET_BLOCK_COUNT

dseg segment
  __SensorInvalidTmp byte
dseg ends

#define SetSensorType(_port,_t) setin _t, _port, Type
#define SetSensorMode(_port,_m) setin _m, _port, InputMode
#define ReadSensor(_port,_value) getin _value, _port, ScaledValue
#define ClearSensor(_port) setin 0, _port, ScaledValue

#define SetSensorTouch(_port) \
  SetSensorType(_port,IN_TYPE_SWITCH) \
  SetSensorMode(_port,IN_MODE_BOOLEAN) \

#define SetSensorLight(_port) \
  SetSensorType(_port,IN_TYPE_LIGHT_ACTIVE) \
  SetSensorMode(_port,IN_MODE_PCTFULLSCALE) \

#define SetSensorSound(_port) \
  SetSensorType(_port,IN_TYPE_SOUND_DB) \
  SetSensorMode(_port,IN_MODE_PCTFULLSCALE) \

#define SetSensorLowspeed(_port) \
  SetSensorType(_port,IN_TYPE_LOWSPEED_9V) \
  SetSensorMode(_port,IN_MODE_RAW) \

#define SetSensorUltrasonic(_port) SetSensorLowspeed(_port)

dseg segment
  __ResetSensorMutex mutex
  __ResetSensorPort byte
  __ResetSensorTmp byte
dseg ends

subroutine __ResetSensor
  setin TRUE, __ResetSensorPort, InvalidData
  getin	__ResetSensorTmp, __ResetSensorPort, InvalidData
  brtst	NEQ, __SensorStillInvalid, __ResetSensorTmp

#define ResetSensor(_port) \
  acquire __ResetSensorMutex \
  mov __ResetSensorPort, _port \
  call __ResetSensor \
  release __ResetSensorMutex

dseg segment
// port 0
  __CLSCSArgs0 TCommLSCheckStatus
  __CLSCSMutex0 mutex
  __CLSWArgs0 TCommLSWrite
  __CLSWMutex0 mutex
  __CLSRArgs0 TCommLSRead
  __CLSRMutex0 mutex
// port 1
  __CLSCSArgs1 TCommLSCheckStatus
  __CLSCSMutex1 mutex
  __CLSWArgs1 TCommLSWrite
  __CLSWMutex1 mutex
  __CLSRArgs1 TCommLSRead
  __CLSRMutex1 mutex
// port 2
  __CLSCSArgs2 TCommLSCheckStatus
  __CLSCSMutex2 mutex
  __CLSWArgs2 TCommLSWrite
  __CLSWMutex2 mutex
  __CLSRArgs2 TCommLSRead
  __CLSRMutex2 mutex
// port 3
  __CLSCSArgs3 TCommLSCheckStatus
  __CLSCSMutex3 mutex
  __CLSWArgs3 TCommLSWrite
  __CLSWMutex3 mutex
  __CLSRArgs3 TCommLSRead
  __CLSRMutex3 mutex
dseg ends

#define LowspeedStatus(_port, _bready, _result) __lowspeedStatus(_port, _bready, _result)
#define LowspeedCheckStatus(_port, _result) __lowspeedCheckStatus(_port, _result)
#define LowspeedBytesReady(_port, _bready) __lowspeedBytesReady(_port, _bready)
#define LowspeedWrite(_port, _retlen, _buffer, _result) __lowspeedWrite(_port, _retlen, _buffer, _result)
#define LowspeedRead(_port, _buflen, _buffer, _result) __lowspeedRead(_port, _buflen, _buffer, _result)

#define __lowspeedStatus(_port, _bready, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex3 \
  mov __CLSCSArgs0.Port, _port \
  syscall CommLSCheckStatus, __CLSCSArgs0 \
  mov _bready, __CLSCSArgs0.BytesReady \
  mov _result, __CLSCSArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSCSMutex0 \
  release __CLSCSMutex1 \
  release __CLSCSMutex2 \
  release __CLSCSMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex##_port \
  set __CLSCSArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  syscall CommLSCheckStatus, __CLSCSArgs##_port \
  mov _bready, __CLSCSArgs##_port.BytesReady \
  mov _result, __CLSCSArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSCSMutex##_port \

#define __lowspeedCheckStatus(_port, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex3 \
  mov __CLSCSArgs0.Port, _port \
  syscall CommLSCheckStatus, __CLSCSArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSCSArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSCSMutex0 \
  release __CLSCSMutex1 \
  release __CLSCSMutex2 \
  release __CLSCSMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex##_port \
  set __CLSCSArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  syscall CommLSCheckStatus, __CLSCSArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSCSArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSCSMutex##_port \

#define __lowspeedBytesReady(_port, _bready) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex3 \
  mov __CLSCSArgs0.Port, _port \
  syscall CommLSCheckStatus, __CLSCSArgs0 \
  mov _bready, __CLSCSArgs0.BytesReady \
  release __CLSCSMutex0 \
  release __CLSCSMutex1 \
  release __CLSCSMutex2 \
  release __CLSCSMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSCSMutex##_port \
  set __CLSCSArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  syscall CommLSCheckStatus, __CLSCSArgs##_port \
  mov _bready, __CLSCSArgs##_port.BytesReady \
  release __CLSCSMutex##_port \

#define __lowspeedWrite(_port, _retlen, _buffer, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, _retlen \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, _buffer \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, _retlen \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, _buffer \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \

#define __lowspeedRead(_port, _buflen, _buffer, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSRMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSRMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSRMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSRMutex3 \
  mov __CLSRArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSRArgs0.BufferLen, _buflen \
  syscall CommLSRead, __CLSRArgs0 \
  mov _buffer, __CLSRArgs0.Buffer \
  mov _result, __CLSRArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSRMutex0 \
  release __CLSRMutex1 \
  release __CLSRMutex2 \
  release __CLSRMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSRMutex##_port \
  set __CLSRArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSRArgs##_port.BufferLen, _buflen \
  syscall CommLSRead, __CLSRArgs##_port \
  mov _buffer, __CLSRArgs##_port.Buffer \
  mov _result, __CLSRArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSRMutex##_port \

dseg segment
  __TextOutMutex mutex
  __TextOutArgs TDrawText
dseg ends

#define TextOut(_x,_y,_txt) TextOutEx(_x,_y,_txt,0)

#define TextOutEx(_x,_y,_txt,_cls) \
  acquire __TextOutMutex \
  mov __TextOutArgs.Location.X,_x \
  mov __TextOutArgs.Location.Y,_y \
  mov __TextOutArgs.Options,_cls \
  mov __TextOutArgs.Text,_txt \
  syscall DrawText,__TextOutArgs \
  release __TextOutMutex

dseg segment
  __NumOutMutex mutex
  __NumOutArgs TDrawText
dseg ends

#define NumOut(_x,_y,_num) NumOutEx(_x,_y,_num,0)

#define NumOutEx(_x,_y,_num,_cls) \
  acquire __NumOutMutex \
  mov __NumOutArgs.Location.X,_x \
  mov __NumOutArgs.Location.Y,_y \
  mov __NumOutArgs.Options,_cls \
  numtostr __NumOutArgs.Text,_num \
  syscall DrawText,__NumOutArgs \
  release __NumOutMutex

dseg segment
  __PointOutArgs TDrawPoint
  __PointOutMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define PointOut(_x,_y) PointOutEx(_x,_y,0)

#define PointOutEx(_x,_y,_cls) \
  acquire __PointOutMutex \
  mov __PointOutArgs.Location.X,_x \
  mov __PointOutArgs.Location.Y,_y \
  mov __PointOutArgs.Options,_cls \
  syscall DrawPoint,__PointOutArgs \
  release __PointOutMutex

#define ClearScreen() PointOutEx(200, 200, 1)

dseg segment
  __LineOutArgs TDrawLine
  __LineOutMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define LineOut(_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2) LineOutEx(_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2,0)

#define LineOutEx(_x1,_y1,_x2,_y2,_cls) \
  acquire __LineOutMutex \
  mov __LineOutArgs.StartLoc.X,_x1 \
  mov __LineOutArgs.StartLoc.Y,_y1 \
  mov __LineOutArgs.EndLoc.X,_x2 \
  mov __LineOutArgs.EndLoc.Y,_y2 \
  mov __LineOutArgs.Options,_cls \
  syscall DrawLine,__LineOutArgs \
  release __LineOutMutex

dseg segment
  __RectOutArgs TDrawRect
  __RectOutMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define RectOut(_x,_y,_w,_h) RectOutEx(_x,_y,_w,_h,0)

#define RectOutEx(_x,_y,_w,_h,_cls) \
  acquire __RectOutMutex \
  mov __RectOutArgs.Location.X,_x \
  mov __RectOutArgs.Location.Y,_y \
  mov __RectOutArgs.Size.Width,_w \
  mov __RectOutArgs.Size.Height,_h \
  mov __RectOutArgs.Options,_cls \
  syscall DrawRect,__RectOutArgs \
  release __RectOutMutex

dseg segment
  __CircleOutArgs TDrawCircle
  __CircleOutMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define CircleOut(_x,_y,_r) CircleOutEx(_x,_y,_r,0)

#define CircleOutEx(_x,_y,_r,_cls) \
  acquire __CircleOutMutex \
  mov __CircleOutArgs.Center.X,_x \
  mov __CircleOutArgs.Center.Y,_y \
  mov __CircleOutArgs.Size,_r \
  mov __CircleOutArgs.Options,_cls \
  syscall DrawCircle,__CircleOutArgs \
  release __CircleOutMutex

dseg segment
  __GraphicOutArgs TDrawGraphic
  __GraphicOutMutex mutex
  __GraphicOutEmptyVars sdword[]
dseg ends

#define GraphicOut(_x,_y,_file) GraphicOutEx(_x,_y,_file,__GraphicOutEmptyVars,0)

#define GraphicOutEx(_x,_y,_file,_vars,_cls) \
  acquire __GraphicOutMutex \
  mov __GraphicOutArgs.Location.X,_x \
  mov __GraphicOutArgs.Location.Y,_y \
  mov __GraphicOutArgs.Filename,_file \
  mov __GraphicOutArgs.Variables,_vars \
  mov __GraphicOutArgs.Options,_cls \
  syscall DrawGraphic,__GraphicOutArgs \
  release __GraphicOutMutex

; generic I2C read routine

#define ReadI2CBytes(_port, _inbuf, _count, _outbuf, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, _inbuf \
  mov __RLSBytesCountVar, _count \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  mov _count, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  mov _outbuf, __RLSReadBufVar \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, _inbuf \
  mov __RLSBytesCount##_port, _count \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  mov _count, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  mov _outbuf, __RLSReadBuf##_port \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

; US Sensor read routine

dseg segment
  __RLSBbufLSWrite1 byte[] 0x02, 0x42
dseg ends

#define ReadSensorUS(_port,_value) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 1 \
  call __ReadSensorLSBytesWait0 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  index _value, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 1 \
  call __ReadSensorLSBytesWait##_port \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  index _value, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

subroutine __ReadSensorLSBytesWait0
  dseg segment
    __RLSBNow0 dword
    __RLSBThen0 dword
  dseg ends
  gettick __RLSBThen0
  add __RLSBThen0, __RLSBThen0, 15
  gettick __RLSBNow0
  brcmp LT, __RLSBWaiting0, __RLSBNow0, __RLSBThen0

subroutine __ReadSensorLSBytesWait1
  dseg segment
    __RLSBNow1 dword
    __RLSBThen1 dword
  dseg ends
  gettick __RLSBThen1
  add __RLSBThen1, __RLSBThen1, 15
  gettick __RLSBNow1
  brcmp LT, __RLSBWaiting1, __RLSBNow1, __RLSBThen1

subroutine __ReadSensorLSBytesWait2
  dseg segment
    __RLSBNow2 dword
    __RLSBThen2 dword
  dseg ends
  gettick __RLSBThen2
  add __RLSBThen2, __RLSBThen2, 15
  gettick __RLSBNow2
  brcmp LT, __RLSBWaiting2, __RLSBNow2, __RLSBThen2

subroutine __ReadSensorLSBytesWait3
  dseg segment
    __RLSBNow3 dword
    __RLSBThen3 dword
  dseg ends
  gettick __RLSBThen3
  add __RLSBThen3, __RLSBThen3, 15
  gettick __RLSBNow3
  brcmp LT, __RLSBWaiting3, __RLSBNow3, __RLSBThen3

subroutine __ReadLSBytes0
  dseg segment
    __RLSBmutex0 mutex
    __RLSLastGoodRead0 byte[] 0x00
    __RLSBResult0 sbyte
    __RLSBytesCount0 byte
    __RLSBIterations0 byte
    __RLSReadBuf0 byte[]
  dseg ends
  LowspeedWrite(0, __RLSBytesCount0, __RLSReadBuf0, __RLSBResult0)
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReturn0, __RLSBytesCount0 ; terminate if zero bytes to read
  arrinit __RLSReadBuf0, 0, __RLSBytesCount0
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError0, __RLSBResult0 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  set __RLSBIterations0, 4
  LowspeedStatus(0, __RLSBytesCount0, __RLSBResult0)
  sub __RLSBIterations0, __RLSBIterations0, 1
  brtst LTEQ, __RLSBError0, __RLSBIterations0
  brtst LT, __RLSBError0, __RLSBResult0 ; negative results are absolute errors
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReadyToRead0, __RLSBResult0
  ; if STAT_COMM_PENDING then wait a bit and then try again (up to 4 times)
  call __ReadSensorLSBytesWait0
  jmp __RLSBDoCheckStatus0
  ; Try reading now
  LowspeedRead(0, __RLSBytesCount0, __RLSReadBuf0, __RLSBResult0)
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError0, __RLSBResult0 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  mov __RLSLastGoodRead0, __RLSReadBuf0
  jmp __RLSBDone0
  mov __RLSReadBuf0, __RLSLastGoodRead0
  arrsize __RLSBytesCount0, __RLSReadBuf0

subroutine __ReadLSBytes1
  dseg segment
    __RLSBmutex1 mutex
    __RLSLastGoodRead1 byte[] 0x00
    __RLSBResult1 sbyte
    __RLSBytesCount1 byte
    __RLSBIterations1 byte
    __RLSReadBuf1 byte[]
  dseg ends
  LowspeedWrite(1, __RLSBytesCount1, __RLSReadBuf1, __RLSBResult1)
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReturn1, __RLSBytesCount1 ; terminate if zero bytes to read
  arrinit __RLSReadBuf1, 0, __RLSBytesCount1
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError1, __RLSBResult1 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  set __RLSBIterations1, 4
  LowspeedStatus(1, __RLSBytesCount1, __RLSBResult1)
  sub __RLSBIterations1, __RLSBIterations1, 1
  brtst LTEQ, __RLSBError1, __RLSBIterations1
  brtst LT, __RLSBError1, __RLSBResult1 ; negative results are absolute errors
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReadyToRead1, __RLSBResult1
  ; if STAT_COMM_PENDING then wait a bit and then try again (up to 4 times)
  call __ReadSensorLSBytesWait1
  jmp __RLSBDoCheckStatus1
  ; Try reading now
  LowspeedRead(1, __RLSBytesCount1, __RLSReadBuf1, __RLSBResult1)
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError1, __RLSBResult1 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  mov __RLSLastGoodRead1, __RLSReadBuf1
  jmp __RLSBDone1
  mov __RLSReadBuf1, __RLSLastGoodRead1
  arrsize __RLSBytesCount1, __RLSReadBuf1

subroutine __ReadLSBytes2
  dseg segment
    __RLSBmutex2 mutex
    __RLSLastGoodRead2 byte[] 0x00
    __RLSBResult2 sbyte
    __RLSBytesCount2 byte
    __RLSBIterations2 byte
    __RLSReadBuf2 byte[]
  dseg ends
  LowspeedWrite(2, __RLSBytesCount2, __RLSReadBuf2, __RLSBResult2)
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReturn2, __RLSBytesCount2 ; terminate if zero bytes to read
  arrinit __RLSReadBuf2, 0, __RLSBytesCount2
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError2, __RLSBResult2 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  set __RLSBIterations2, 4
  LowspeedStatus(2, __RLSBytesCount2, __RLSBResult2)
  sub __RLSBIterations2, __RLSBIterations2, 1
  brtst LTEQ, __RLSBError2, __RLSBIterations2
  brtst LT, __RLSBError2, __RLSBResult2 ; negative results are absolute errors
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReadyToRead2, __RLSBResult2
  ; if STAT_COMM_PENDING then wait a bit and then try again (up to 4 times)
  call __ReadSensorLSBytesWait2
  jmp __RLSBDoCheckStatus2
  ; Try reading now
  LowspeedRead(2, __RLSBytesCount2, __RLSReadBuf2, __RLSBResult2)
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError2, __RLSBResult2 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  mov __RLSLastGoodRead2, __RLSReadBuf2
  jmp __RLSBDone2
  mov __RLSReadBuf2, __RLSLastGoodRead2
  arrsize __RLSBytesCount2, __RLSReadBuf2

subroutine __ReadLSBytes3
  dseg segment
    __RLSBmutex3 mutex
    __RLSLastGoodRead3 byte[] 0x00
    __RLSBResult3 sbyte
    __RLSBytesCount3 byte
    __RLSBIterations3 byte
    __RLSReadBuf3 byte[]
  dseg ends
  LowspeedWrite(3, __RLSBytesCount3, __RLSReadBuf3, __RLSBResult3)
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReturn3, __RLSBytesCount3 ; terminate if zero bytes to read
  arrinit __RLSReadBuf3, 0, __RLSBytesCount3
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError3, __RLSBResult3 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  set __RLSBIterations3, 4
  LowspeedStatus(3, __RLSBytesCount3, __RLSBResult3)
  sub __RLSBIterations3, __RLSBIterations3, 1
  brtst LTEQ, __RLSBError3, __RLSBIterations3
  brtst LT, __RLSBError3, __RLSBResult3 ; negative results are absolute errors
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReadyToRead3, __RLSBResult3
  ; if STAT_COMM_PENDING then wait a bit and then try again (up to 4 times)
  call __ReadSensorLSBytesWait3
  jmp __RLSBDoCheckStatus3
  ; Try reading now
  LowspeedRead(3, __RLSBytesCount3, __RLSReadBuf3, __RLSBResult3)
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBError3, __RLSBResult3 ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  mov __RLSLastGoodRead3, __RLSReadBuf3
  jmp __RLSBDone3
  mov __RLSReadBuf3, __RLSLastGoodRead3
  arrsize __RLSBytesCount3, __RLSReadBuf3

subroutine __ReadLSBytesVar
  dseg segment
    __RLSLastGoodReadVar byte[] 0x00
    __RLSBResultVar sbyte
    __RLSBytesCountVar byte
    __RLSBIterationsVar byte
    __RLSReadBufVar byte[]
    __RLSReadPort byte
  dseg ends
  LowspeedWrite(__RLSReadPort, __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBResultVar)
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReturnVar, __RLSBytesCountVar ; terminate if zero bytes to read
  arrinit __RLSReadBufVar, 0, __RLSBytesCountVar
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBErrorVar, __RLSBResultVar ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  set __RLSBIterationsVar, 4
  LowspeedStatus(__RLSReadPort, __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSBResultVar)
  sub __RLSBIterationsVar, __RLSBIterationsVar, 1
  brtst LTEQ, __RLSBErrorVar, __RLSBIterationsVar
  brtst LT, __RLSBErrorVar, __RLSBResultVar ; negative results are absolute errors
  brtst EQ, __RLSBReadyToReadVar, __RLSBResultVar
  ; if STAT_COMM_PENDING then wait a bit and then try again (up to 4 times)
  call __ReadSensorLSBytesWait0
  jmp __RLSBDoCheckStatusVar
  ; Try reading now
  LowspeedRead(__RLSReadPort, __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBResultVar)
  brtst NEQ, __RLSBErrorVar, __RLSBResultVar ; terminate if not NO_ERR
  mov __RLSLastGoodReadVar, __RLSReadBufVar
  jmp __RLSBDoneVar
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSLastGoodReadVar
  arrsize __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar

dseg segment
  __PlayToneTmp TSoundPlayTone
  __PlayFileTmp TSoundPlayFile
  __PlayFileMutex mutex
  __PlayToneMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define PlayTone(_freq,_dur) PlayToneEx(_freq,_dur,4,0)
#define PlayFile(_file) PlayFileEx(_file,4,0)

#define PlayToneEx(_freq,_dur,_vol,_loop) \
  acquire __PlayToneMutex \
  mov __PlayToneTmp.Frequency, _freq \
  mov __PlayToneTmp.Duration, _dur \
  mov __PlayToneTmp.Volume, _vol \
  mov __PlayToneTmp.Loop, _loop \
  syscall SoundPlayTone, __PlayToneTmp \
  release __PlayToneMutex

#define PlayFileEx(_file,_vol,_loop) \
  acquire __PlayFileMutex \
  mov __PlayFileTmp.Filename, _file \
  mov __PlayFileTmp.Volume, _vol \
  mov __PlayFileTmp.Loop, _loop \
  syscall SoundPlayFile, __PlayFileTmp \
  release __PlayFileMutex

dseg segment
  __SGSMutex mutex
  __SGSArgs TSoundGetState
  __SSSMutex mutex
  __SSSArgs TSoundSetState
dseg ends

#define GetSoundState(_state, _flags) \
  acquire __SGSMutex \
  syscall SoundGetState, __SGSArgs \
  mov _state, __SGSArgs.State \
  mov _flags, __SGSArgs.Flags \
  release __SGSMutex

#define SetSoundState(_state, _flags, _result) __setSoundState(_state, _flags, _result)

#define __setSoundState(_state, _flags, _result) \
  acquire __SSSMutex \
  mov __SSSArgs.State, _state \
  mov __SSSArgs.Flags, _flags \
  syscall SoundSetState, __SSSArgs \
  mov _result, __SSSArgs.Result \
  release __SSSMutex

dseg segment
  __RandomTmp dword
  __RandomArgs TRandomNumber
  __RandomMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define Random(_arg,_max) \
  acquire __RandomMutex \
  syscall RandomNumber, __RandomArgs \
  mov __RandomTmp, __RandomArgs.Result \
  add __RandomTmp, __RandomTmp, 32768 \
  mul __RandomTmp, __RandomTmp, _max \
  div __RandomTmp, __RandomTmp, 65536 \
  mov _arg, __RandomTmp \
  release __RandomMutex

#define SignedRandom(_arg) \
  acquire __RandomMutex \
  syscall RandomNumber, __RandomArgs \
  mov _arg, __RandomArgs.Result \
  release __RandomMutex

dseg segment
   __KeepAliveArgs TKeepAlive
   __KeepAliveMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define ResetSleepTimer syscall KeepAlive, __KeepAliveArgs

dseg segment
  __GSTArgs TGetStartTick
  __GSTMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define GetFirstTick(_value) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_value), 4 \
  acquire __GSTMutex \
  syscall GetStartTick, __GSTArgs \
  mov _value, __GSTArgs.Result \
  release __GSTMutex

dseg segment
  __RBtnMutex mutex
  __RBtnArgs TReadButton
dseg ends

#define ReadButtonEx(_idx, _reset, _pressed, _count, _result) \
  acquire __RBtnMutex \
  mov __RBtnArgs.Index, _idx \
  mov __RBtnArgs.Reset, _reset \
  syscall ReadButton, __RBtnArgs \
  mov _pressed, __RBtnArgs.Pressed \
  mov _count, __RBtnArgs.Count \
  mov _result, __RBtnArgs.Result \
  release __RBtnMutex

dseg segment
  __IOMRMutex mutex
  __IOMRArgs TIOMapRead
  __IOMRUnflattenErr byte
  __IOMRUnflattenBuf byte[]
dseg ends

#define __getIOMapBytes(_modName, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut) \
  acquire __IOMRMutex \
  mov __IOMRArgs.ModuleName, _modName \
  mov __IOMRArgs.Offset, _offset \
  mov __IOMRArgs.Count, _cnt \
  syscall IOMapRead, __IOMRArgs \
  mov _arrOut, __IOMRArgs.Buffer \
  release __IOMRMutex

#define __getIOMapValue(_modName, _offset, _n) \
  acquire __IOMRMutex \
  mov __IOMRArgs.ModuleName, _modName \
  mov __IOMRArgs.Offset, _offset \
  set __IOMRArgs.Count, sizeof(_n) \
  syscall IOMapRead, __IOMRArgs \
  arrtostr __IOMRUnflattenBuf, __IOMRArgs.Buffer \
  unflatten _n, __IOMRUnflattenErr, __IOMRUnflattenBuf, _n \
  release __IOMRMutex

#define GetIOMapBytes(_modName, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut) __getIOMapBytes(_modName, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define GetIOMapValue(_modName, _offset, _n) __getIOMapValue(_modName, _offset, _n)


dseg segment
dseg ends

#define __getIOMapBytesByID(_modID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut) \
  acquire __IOMRMutex \
  mov __IOMRBIArgs.ModuleID, _modID \
  mov __IOMRBIArgs.Offset, _offset \
  mov __IOMRBIArgs.Count, _cnt \
  syscall IOMapReadByID, __IOMRBIArgs \
  mov _arrOut, __IOMRBIArgs.Buffer \
  release __IOMRMutex

#define __getIOMapValueByID(_modID, _offset, _n) \
  acquire __IOMRMutex \
  mov __IOMRBIArgs.ModuleID, _modID \
  mov __IOMRBIArgs.Offset, _offset \
  set __IOMRBIArgs.Count, sizeof(_n) \
  syscall IOMapReadByID, __IOMRBIArgs \
  arrtostr __IOMRUnflattenBuf, __IOMRBIArgs.Buffer \
  unflatten _n, __IOMRUnflattenErr, __IOMRUnflattenBuf, _n \
  release __IOMRMutex

#define GetIOMapBytesByID(_modID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut) __getIOMapBytesByID(_modID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define GetIOMapValueByID(_modID, _offset, _n) __getIOMapValueByID(_modID, _offset, _n)

#define GetCommandModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(CommandModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetLoaderModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(LoaderModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetSoundModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(SoundModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetButtonModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(ButtonModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetUIModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(UIModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetInputModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(InputModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetOutputModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(OutputModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetLowSpeedModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(LowSpeedModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetDisplayModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(DisplayModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define GetCommModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValueByID(CommModuleID, _offset, _n)

#define __getLowSpeedModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) GetIOMapBytesByID(LowSpeedModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define __getDisplayModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) GetIOMapBytesByID(DisplayModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define __getCommModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) GetIOMapBytesByID(CommModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)


#define GetCommandModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(CommandModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetLoaderModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(LoaderModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetSoundModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(SoundModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetButtonModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(ButtonModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetUIModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(UIModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetInputModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(InputModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetOutputModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(OutputModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetLowSpeedModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(LowSpeedModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetDisplayModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(DisplayModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define GetCommModuleValue(_offset, _n) GetIOMapValue(CommModuleName, _offset, _n)

#define __getLowSpeedModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) GetIOMapBytes(LowSpeedModuleName, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define __getDisplayModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) GetIOMapBytes(DisplayModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define __getCommModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) GetIOMapBytes(CommModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrOut)


#define GetLowSpeedModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) __getLowSpeedModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define GetDisplayModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) __getDisplayModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut)
#define GetCommModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut) __getCommModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrOut)

#define GetFreeMemory(_value) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_value), 4 \
  GetLoaderModuleValue(LoaderOffsetFreeUserFlash, _value)

#define GetSoundFrequency(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  GetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetFreq, _n)

#define GetSoundDuration(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  GetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetDuration, _n)

#define GetSoundSampleRate(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  GetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetSampleRate, _n)

#define GetSoundMode(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetMode, _n)

#define GetSoundVolume(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetVolume, _n)

dseg segment
  __btnModuleOffsetMutex mutex
  __btnModuleOffset word
dseg ends

#define GetButtonPressCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetPressedCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetButtonLongPressCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetLongPressCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 1 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetButtonShortReleaseCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetShortRelCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 2 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetButtonLongReleaseCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetLongRelCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 3 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetButtonReleaseCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetRelCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 4 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetButtonState(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetState(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __btnModuleOffset, _b, 32 \
  GetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBatteryLevel(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetBatteryVoltage, _n)

#define GetCommandFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetFlags, _n)

#define GetUIState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetState, _n)

#define GetUIButton(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetButton, _n)

#define GetVMRunState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetRunState, _n)

#define GetBatteryState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetBatteryState, _n)

#define GetBluetoothState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetBluetoothState, _n)

#define GetUsbState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetUsbState, _n)

#define GetSleepTimeout(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetSleepTimeout, _n)

#define GetSleepTimer(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetSleepTimer, _n)

#define GetRechargeableBattery(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetRechargeable, _n)

#define GetVolume(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetVolume, _n)

#define GetOnBrickProgramPointer(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetOBPPointer, _n)

#define GetAbortFlag(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetAbortFlag, _n)

dseg segment
  __inputModuleOffsetMutex mutex
  __inputModuleOffset word
dseg ends

#define GetInCustomZeroOffset(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetCustomZeroOffset(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  GetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetInSensorBoolean(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetSensorBoolean(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 10 \
  GetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetInDigiPinsDirection(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetDigiPinsDir(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 11 \
  GetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetInDigiPinsStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetDigiPinsIn(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 12 \
  GetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetInDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetDigiPinsOut(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 13 \
  GetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetInCustomPercentFullScale(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetCustomPctFullScale(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 14 \
  GetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetInCustomActiveStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetCustomActiveStatus(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 15 \
  GetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetOutPwnFreq(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetOutputModuleValue(OutputOffsetPwnFreq, _n)

dseg segment
  __lsModuleOffsetMutex mutex
  __lsModuleOffset word
dseg ends

#define __getLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleBytes(LowSpeedOffsetInBufBuf(_p)+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, _offset \
  GetLowSpeedModuleBytes(__lsModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) __getLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetLSInputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetInBufInPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 16 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSInputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetInBufOutPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 17 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetInBufBytesToRx(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 18 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __getLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleBytes(LowSpeedOffsetOutBufBuf(_p)+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 76 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, _offset \
  GetLowSpeedModuleBytes(__lsModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) __getLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetLSOutputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetOutBufInPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 92 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetOutBufOutPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 93 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetOutBufBytesToRx(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 94 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSMode(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetMode(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __lsModuleOffset, _p, 152 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSChannelState(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetChannelState(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __lsModuleOffset, _p, 156 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSErrorType(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetErrorType(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __lsModuleOffset, _p, 160 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetLSState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetState, _n)

#define GetLSSpeed(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetSpeed, _n)

#define GetDisplayEraseMask(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  GetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetEraseMask, _n)

#define GetDisplayUpdateMask(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  GetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetUpdateMask, _n)

#define GetDisplayDisplay(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  GetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetDisplay, _n)

#define GetDisplayFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetFlags, _n)

#define GetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetTextLinesCenterFlags, _n)

dseg segment
  __displayModuleOffsetMutex mutex
  __displayModuleOffset word
dseg ends

#define __getDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_line+_x), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _line, 0x08 \
  compchk GTEQ, _line, 0x00 \
  GetDisplayModuleBytes(DisplayOffsetNormal(_line,_x), _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __displayModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __displayModuleOffset, _line, 100 \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, _x \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, 119 \
  GetDisplayModuleBytes(__displayModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __displayModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) __getDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data)

#define __getDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_line+_x), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _line, 0x08 \
  compchk GTEQ, _line, 0x00 \
  GetDisplayModuleBytes(DisplayOffsetPopup(_line,_x), _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __displayModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __displayModuleOffset, _line, 100 \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, _x \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, 919 \
  GetDisplayModuleBytes(__displayModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __displayModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) __getDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data)

dseg segment
  __commModuleOffsetMutex mutex
  __commModuleOffset word
dseg ends

#define GetBTDeviceName(_p, _str) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableName(_p), 16, _str) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 8 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 16, _str) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTDeviceClass(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableClassOfDevice(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 24 \
  GetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __getBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableBdAddr(_p), 7, _addr) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 28 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 7, _addr) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr) __getBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr)

#define GetBTDeviceStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableDeviceStatus(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 35 \
  GetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTConnectionName(_p, _str) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtConnectTableName(_p), 16, _str) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 938 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 16, _str) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTConnectionClass(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableClassOfDevice(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 954 \
  GetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTConnectionPinCode(_p, _code) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtConnectTablePinCode(_p), 16, _code) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 958 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 16, _code) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __getBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtConnectTableBdAddr(_p), 7, _addr) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 974 \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 7, _addr) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr) __getBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr)

#define GetBTConnectionHandleNum(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableHandleNr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 981 \
  GetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTConnectionStreamStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableStreamStatus(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 982 \
  GetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTConnectionLinkQuality(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableLinkQuality(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 983 \
  GetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBrickDataName(_str) \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBrickDataName, 16, _str)

#define GetBrickDataBluecoreVersion(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataBluecoreVersion, _n)

#define GetBrickDataAddress(_addr) \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBrickDataBdAddr, 7, _addr)

#define GetBrickDataBtStateStatus(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataBtStateStatus, _n)

#define GetBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataBtHwStatus, _n)

#define GetBrickDataTimeoutValue(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataTimeOutValue, _n)

#define __getBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtInBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetBtInBufBuf \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __getBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetBTInputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtInBufInPtr, _n)

#define GetBTInputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtInBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __getBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtOutBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetBtOutBufBuf \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __getBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetBTOutputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtOutBufInPtr, _n)

#define GetBTOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtOutBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __getHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetHsInBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetHsInBufBuf \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __getHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetHSInputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsInBufInPtr, _n)

#define GetHSInputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsInBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __getHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetHsOutBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetHsOutBufBuf \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __getHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetHSOutputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsOutBufInPtr, _n)

#define GetHSOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsOutBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __getUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetUsbInBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetUsbInBufBuf \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __getUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetUSBInputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbInBufInPtr, _n)

#define GetUSBInputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbInBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __getUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetUsbOutBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetUsbOutBufBuf \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __getUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetUSBOutputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbOutBufInPtr, _n)

#define GetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbOutBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __getUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  GetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetUsbPollBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetUsbPollBufBuf \
  GetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define GetUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __getUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define GetUSBPollBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbPollBufInPtr, _n)

#define GetUSBPollBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbPollBufOutPtr, _n)

#define GetBTDeviceCount(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceCnt, _n)

#define GetBTDeviceNameCount(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceNameCnt, _n)

#define GetHSFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsFlags, _n)

#define GetHSSpeed(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsSpeed, _n)

#define GetHSState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsState, _n)

#define GetUSBState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  GetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbState, _n)

dseg segment
  __IOMWArgs TIOMapWrite
  __IOMWMutex mutex
  __IOMWFlattenBuf byte[]
dseg ends

#define SetIOMapBytes(_modName, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn) \
  acquire __IOMWMutex \
  mov __IOMWArgs.ModuleName, _modName \
  mov __IOMWArgs.Offset, _offset \
  arrsubset __IOMWArgs.Buffer, _arrIn, NA, _cnt \
  syscall IOMapWrite, __IOMWArgs \
  release __IOMWMutex

#define SetIOMapValue(_modName, _offset, _n) \
  acquire __IOMWMutex \
  mov __IOMWArgs.ModuleName, _modName \
  mov __IOMWArgs.Offset, _offset \
  flatten __IOMWFlattenBuf, _n \
  strtoarr __IOMWArgs.Buffer, __IOMWFlattenBuf \
  syscall IOMapWrite, __IOMWArgs \
  release __IOMWMutex


dseg segment
  __IOMWBIArgs TIOMapWriteByID
dseg ends

#define SetIOMapBytesByID(_modID, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn) \
  acquire __IOMWMutex \
  mov __IOMWBIArgs.ModuleID, _modID \
  mov __IOMWBIArgs.Offset, _offset \
  arrsubset __IOMWBIArgs.Buffer, _arrIn, NA, _cnt \
  syscall IOMapWriteByID, __IOMWBIArgs \
  release __IOMWMutex

#define SetIOMapValueByID(_modID, _offset, _n) \
  acquire __IOMWMutex \
  mov __IOMWBIArgs.ModuleID, _modID \
  mov __IOMWBIArgs.Offset, _offset \
  flatten __IOMWFlattenBuf, _n \
  strtoarr __IOMWBIArgs.Buffer, __IOMWFlattenBuf \
  syscall IOMapWriteByID, __IOMWBIArgs \
  release __IOMWMutex

#define SetCommandModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(CommandModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetIOCtrlModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(IOCtrlModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetLoaderModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(LoaderModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetUIModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(UIModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetSoundModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(SoundModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetButtonModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(ButtonModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetInputModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(InputModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetOutputModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(OutputModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetLowSpeedModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(LowSpeedModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetDisplayModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(DisplayModuleID, _offset, _n)
#define SetCommModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValueByID(CommModuleID, _offset, _n)

#define SetLowSpeedModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrIn) SetIOMapBytesByID(LowSpeedModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn)
#define SetDisplayModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrIn) SetIOMapBytesByID(DisplayModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn)
#define SetCommModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrIn) SetIOMapBytesByID(CommModuleID, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn)


#define SetCommandModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(CommandModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetIOCtrlModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(IOCtrlModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetLoaderModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(LoaderModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetUIModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(UIModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetSoundModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(SoundModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetButtonModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(ButtonModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetInputModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(InputModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetOutputModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(OutputModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetLowSpeedModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(LowSpeedModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetDisplayModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(DisplayModuleName, _offset, _n)
#define SetCommModuleValue(_offset, _n) SetIOMapValue(CommModuleName, _offset, _n)

#define SetLowSpeedModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrIn) SetIOMapBytes(LowSpeedModuleName, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn)
#define SetDisplayModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrIn) SetIOMapBytes(DisplayModuleName, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn)
#define SetCommModuleBytes(_offset, _cnt, _arrIn) SetIOMapBytes(CommModuleName, _offset, _cnt, _arrIn)


#define PowerDown SetIOCtrlModuleValue(IOCtrlOffsetPowerOn, IOCTRL_POWERDOWN)
#define RebootInFirmwareMode SetIOCtrlModuleValue(IOCtrlOffsetPowerOn, IOCTRL_BOOT)

#define SetSoundFrequency(_n) __setSoundFrequency(_n)
#define SetSoundDuration(_n) __setSoundDuration(_n)
#define SetSoundSampleRate(_n) __setSoundSampleRate(_n)
#define SetSoundFlags(_n) __setSoundFlags(_n)
#define SetSoundModuleState(_n) __setSoundModuleState(_n)
#define SetSoundMode(_n) __setSoundMode(_n)
#define SetSoundVolume(_n) __setSoundVolume(_n)

#define SetButtonPressCount(_b, _n) __setButtonPressCount(_b, _n)
#define SetButtonLongPressCount(_b, _n) __setButtonLongPressCount(_b, _n)
#define SetButtonShortReleaseCount(_b, _n) __setButtonShortReleaseCount(_b, _n)
#define SetButtonLongReleaseCount(_b, _n) __setButtonLongReleaseCount(_b, _n)
#define SetButtonReleaseCount(_b, _n) __setButtonReleaseCount(_b, _n)
#define SetButtonState(_b, _n) __setButtonState(_b, _n)

#define SetCommandFlags(_n) __setCommandFlags(_n)
#define SetUIState(_n) __setUIState(_n)
#define SetUIButton(_n) __setUIButton(_n)
#define SetVMRunState(_n) __setVMRunState(_n)
#define SetBatteryState(_n) __setBatteryState(_n)
#define SetBluetoothState(_n) __setBluetoothState(_n)
#define SetUsbState(_n) __setUsbState(_n)
#define SetSleepTimeout(_n) __setSleepTimeout(_n)
#define SetSleepTimer(_n) __setSleepTimer(_n)
#define SetVolume(_n) __setVolume(_n)
#define SetOnBrickProgramPointer(_n) __setOnBrickProgramPointer(_n)
#define ForceOff(_n) __forceOff(_n)
#define SetAbortFlag(_n) __setAbortFlag(_n)

#define SetInCustomZeroOffset(_p, _n) __setInCustomZeroOffset(_p, _n)
#define SetInSensorBoolean(_p, _n) __setInSensorBoolean(_p, _n)
#define SetInDigiPinsDirection(_p, _n) __setInDigiPinsDirection(_p, _n)
#define SetInDigiPinsStatus(_p, _n) __setInDigiPinsStatus(_p, _n)
#define SetInDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p, _n) __setInDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p, _n)
#define SetInCustomPercentFullScale(_p, _n) __setInCustomPercentFullScale(_p, _n)
#define SetInCustomActiveStatus(_p, _n) __setInCustomActiveStatus(_p, _n)

#define SetOutPwnFreq(_n) __setOutPwnFreq(_n)

#define __setLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p+_offset), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleBytes(LowSpeedOffsetInBufBuf(_p)+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, _offset \
  SetLowSpeedModuleBytes(__lsModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) __setLSInputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetLSInputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) __setLSInputBufferInPtr(_p, _n)
#define SetLSInputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) __setLSInputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n)
#define SetLSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) __setLSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n)

#define __setLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p+_offset), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleBytes(LowSpeedOffsetInBufBuf(_p)+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 76 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, _offset \
  SetLowSpeedModuleBytes(__lsModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data) __setLSOutputBuffer(_p, _offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetLSOutputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) __setLSOutputBufferInPtr(_p, _n)
#define SetLSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) __setLSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n)
#define SetLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) __setLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n)
#define SetLSMode(_p, _n) __setLSMode(_p, _n)
#define SetLSChannelState(_p, _n) __setLSChannelState(_p, _n)
#define SetLSErrorType(_p, _n) __setLSErrorType(_p, _n)
#define SetLSState(_n) __setLSState(_n)
#define SetLSSpeed(_n) __setLSSpeed(_n)

#define SetDisplayEraseMask(_n) __setDisplayEraseMask(_n)
#define SetDisplayUpdateMask(_n) __setDisplayUpdateMask(_n)
#define SetDisplayDisplay(_n) __setDisplayDisplay(_n)
#define SetDisplayFlags(_n) __setDisplayFlags(_n)
#define SetDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(_n) __setDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(_n)

#define __setDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_line+_x), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _line, 0x08 \
  compchk GTEQ, _line, 0x00 \
  SetDisplayModuleBytes(DisplayOffsetNormal(_line,_x), _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __displayModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __displayModuleOffset, _line, 100 \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, _x \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, 119 \
  SetDisplayModuleBytes(__displayModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __displayModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) __setDisplayNormal(_x, _line, _cnt, _data)

#define __setDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_line+_x), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _line, 0x08 \
  compchk GTEQ, _line, 0x00 \
  SetDisplayModuleBytes(DisplayOffsetPopup(_line,_x), _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __displayModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __displayModuleOffset, _line, 100 \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, _x \
  add __displayModuleOffset, __displayModuleOffset, 919 \
  SetDisplayModuleBytes(__displayModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __displayModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data) __setDisplayPopup(_x, _line, _cnt, _data)

#define __setBTDeviceName(_p, _str) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableName(_p), 16, _str) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 8 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 16, _str) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetBTDeviceName(_p, _str) __setBTDeviceName(_p, _str)

#define __setBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableBdAddr(_p), 7, _addr) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 28 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 7, _addr) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr) __setBTDeviceAddress(_p, _addr)

#define __setBTConnectionName(_p, _str) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtConnectTableName(_p), 16, _str) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 938 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 16, _str) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetBTConnectionName(_p, _str) __setBTConnectionName(_p, _str)

#define __setBTConnectionPinCode(_p, _code) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtConnectTablePinCode(_p), 16, _code) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 958 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 16, _code) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetBTConnectionPinCode(_p, _code) __setBTConnectionPinCode(_p, _code)

#define __setBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtConnectTableBdAddr(_p), 7, _addr) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 974 \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, 7, _addr) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr) __setBTConnectionAddress(_p, _addr)

#define SetBrickDataName(_str) \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBrickDataName, 16, _str)

#define SetBrickDataAddress(_addr) \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBrickDataBdAddr, 7, _addr)

#define SetBTDeviceClass(_p, _n) __setBTDeviceClass(_p, _n)
#define SetBTDeviceStatus(_p, _n) __setBTDeviceStatus(_p, _n)
#define SetBTConnectionClass(_p, _n) __setBTConnectionClass(_p, _n)
#define SetBTConnectionHandleNum(_p, _n) __setBTConnectionHandleNum(_p, _n)
#define SetBTConnectionStreamStatus(_p, _n) __setBTConnectionStreamStatus(_p, _n)
#define SetBTConnectionLinkQuality(_p, _n) __setBTConnectionLinkQuality(_p, _n)
#define SetBrickDataBluecoreVersion(_n) __setBrickDataBluecoreVersion(_n)
#define SetBrickDataBtStateStatus(_n) __setBrickDataBtStateStatus(_n)
#define SetBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(_n) __setBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(_n)
#define SetBrickDataTimeoutValue(_n) __setBrickDataTimeoutValue(_n)

#define __setBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtInBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetBtInBufBuf \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __setBTInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetBTInputBufferInPtr(_n) __setBTInputBufferInPtr(_n)
#define SetBTInputBufferOutPtr(_n) __setBTInputBufferOutPtr(_n)

#define __setBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetBtOutBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetBtOutBufBuf \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __setBTOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetBTOutputBufferInPtr(_n) __setBTOutputBufferInPtr(_n)
#define SetBTOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) __setBTOutputBufferOutPtr(_n)

#define __setHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetHsInBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetHsInBufBuf \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __setHSInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetHSInputBufferInPtr(_n) __setHSInputBufferInPtr(_n)
#define SetHSInputBufferOutPtr(_n) __setHSInputBufferOutPtr(_n)

#define __setHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetHsOutBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetHsOutBufBuf \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __setHSOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetHSOutputBufferInPtr(_n) __setHSOutputBufferInPtr(_n)
#define SetHSOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) __setHSOutputBufferOutPtr(_n)

#define __setUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetUsbInBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetUsbInBufBuf \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __setUSBInputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetUSBInputBufferInPtr(_n) __setUSBInputBufferInPtr(_n)
#define SetUSBInputBufferOutPtr(_n) __setUSBInputBufferOutPtr(_n)

#define __setUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetUsbOutBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetUsbOutBufBuf \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __setUSBOutputBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetUSBOutputBufferInPtr(_n) __setUSBOutputBufferInPtr(_n)
#define SetUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) __setUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(_n)

#define __setUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_offset), TRUE \
  SetCommModuleBytes(CommOffsetUsbPollBufBuf+_offset, _cnt, _data) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __commModuleOffset, _offset, CommOffsetUsbPollBufBuf \
  SetCommModuleBytes(__commModuleOffset, _cnt, _data) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define SetUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data) __setUSBPollBuffer(_offset, _cnt, _data)

#define SetUSBPollBufferInPtr(_n) __setUSBPollBufferInPtr(_n)
#define SetUSBPollBufferOutPtr(_n) __setUSBPollBufferOutPtr(_n)
#define SetBTDeviceCount(_n) __setBTDeviceCount(_n)
#define SetBTDeviceNameCount(_n) __setBTDeviceNameCount(_n)
#define SetHSFlags(_n) __setHSFlags(_n)
#define SetHSSpeed(_n) __setHSSpeed(_n)
#define SetHSState(_n) __setHSState(_n)
#define SetUSBState(_n) __setUSBState(_n)

#define __setSoundFrequency(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  SetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetFreq, _n)

#define __setSoundDuration(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  SetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetDuration, _n)

#define __setSoundSampleRate(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  SetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetSampleRate, _n)

#define __setSoundFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetFlags, _n)

#define __setSoundModuleState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetState, _n)

#define __setSoundMode(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetMode, _n)

#define __setSoundVolume(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetSoundModuleValue(SoundOffsetVolume, _n)

#define __setButtonPressCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetPressedCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setButtonLongPressCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetLongPressCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 1 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setButtonShortReleaseCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetShortRelCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 2 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setButtonLongReleaseCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetLongRelCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 3 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setButtonReleaseCount(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetRelCnt(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __btnModuleOffset, _b, 8 \
  add __btnModuleOffset, __btnModuleOffset, 4 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setButtonState(_b, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_b), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _b, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _b, 0x00 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(ButtonOffsetState(_b), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __btnModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __btnModuleOffset, _b, 32 \
  SetButtonModuleValue(__btnModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __btnModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setCommandFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetFlags, _n)

#define __setUIState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetState, _n)

#define __setUIButton(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetButton, _n)

#define __setVMRunState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetRunState, _n)

#define __setBatteryState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetBatteryState, _n)

#define __setBluetoothState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetBluetoothState, _n)

#define __setUsbState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetUsbState, _n)

#define __setSleepTimeout(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetSleepTimeout, _n)

#define __setSleepTimer(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetSleepTimer, _n)

#define __setVolume(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetVolume, _n)

#define __setOnBrickProgramPointer(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetOBPPointer, _n)

#define __forceOff(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetForceOff, _n)

#define __setAbortFlag(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetUIModuleValue(UIOffsetAbortFlag, _n)

#define __setInCustomZeroOffset(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetCustomZeroOffset(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  SetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setInSensorBoolean(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetSensorBoolean(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 10 \
  SetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setInDigiPinsDirection(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetDigiPinsDir(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 11 \
  SetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setInDigiPinsStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetDigiPinsIn(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 12 \
  SetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setInDigiPinsOutputLevel(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetDigiPinsOut(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 13 \
  SetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setInCustomPercentFullScale(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetCustomPctFullScale(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 14 \
  SetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setInCustomActiveStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetInputModuleValue(InputOffsetCustomActiveStatus(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __inputModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __inputModuleOffset, _p, 20 \
  add __inputModuleOffset, __inputModuleOffset, 15 \
  SetInputModuleValue(__inputModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __inputModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setOutPwnFreq(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetOutputModuleValue(OutputOffsetPwnFreq, _n)

#define __setLSInputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetInBufInPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 16 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSInputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetInBufOutPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 17 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSInputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetInBufBytesToRx(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 18 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSOutputBufferInPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetOutBufInPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 92 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSOutputBufferOutPtr(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetOutBufOutPtr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 93 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSOutputBufferBytesToRx(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetOutBufBytesToRx(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __lsModuleOffset, _p, 19 \
  add __lsModuleOffset, __lsModuleOffset, 94 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSMode(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetMode(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __lsModuleOffset, _p, 152 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSChannelState(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetChannelState(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __lsModuleOffset, _p, 156 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSErrorType(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetErrorType(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __lsModuleOffsetMutex \
  add __lsModuleOffset, _p, 160 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(__lsModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __lsModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setLSState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetState, _n)

#define __setLSSpeed(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetLowSpeedModuleValue(LowSpeedOffsetSpeed, _n)

#define __setDisplayEraseMask(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  SetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetEraseMask, _n)

#define __setDisplayUpdateMask(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  SetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetUpdateMask, _n)

#define __setDisplayDisplay(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  SetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetDisplay, _n)

#define __setDisplayFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetFlags, _n)

#define __setDisplayTextLinesCenterFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetDisplayModuleValue(DisplayOffsetTextLinesCenterFlags, _n)

#define __setBTDeviceClass(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableClassOfDevice(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 24 \
  SetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setBTDeviceStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceTableDeviceStatus(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 31 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 35 \
  SetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setBTConnectionClass(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 4 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableClassOfDevice(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 954 \
  SetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setBTConnectionHandleNum(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableHandleNr(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 981 \
  SetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setBTConnectionStreamStatus(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableStreamStatus(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 982 \
  SetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setBTConnectionLinkQuality(_p, _n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  compif EQ, isconst(_p), TRUE \
  compchk LT, _p, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _p, 0x00 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtConnectTableLinkQuality(_p), _n) \
  compelse \
  acquire __commModuleOffsetMutex \
  mul __commModuleOffset, _p, 47 \
  add __commModuleOffset, __commModuleOffset, 983 \
  SetCommModuleValue(__commModuleOffset, _n) \
  release __commModuleOffsetMutex \

#define __setBrickDataBluecoreVersion(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 2 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataBluecoreVersion, _n)

#define __setBrickDataBtStateStatus(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataBtStateStatus, _n)

#define __setBrickDataBtHardwareStatus(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataBtHwStatus, _n)

#define __setBrickDataTimeoutValue(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBrickDataTimeOutValue, _n)

#define __setBTInputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtInBufInPtr, _n)

#define __setBTInputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtInBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __setBTOutputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtOutBufInPtr, _n)

#define __setBTOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtOutBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __setHSInputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsInBufInPtr, _n)

#define __setHSInputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsInBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __setHSOutputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsOutBufInPtr, _n)

#define __setHSOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsOutBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __setUSBInputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbInBufInPtr, _n)

#define __setUSBInputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbInBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __setUSBOutputBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbOutBufInPtr, _n)

#define __setUSBOutputBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbOutBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __setUSBPollBufferInPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbPollBufInPtr, _n)

#define __setUSBPollBufferOutPtr(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbPollBufOutPtr, _n)

#define __setBTDeviceCount(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceCnt, _n)

#define __setBTDeviceNameCount(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetBtDeviceNameCnt, _n)

#define __setHSFlags(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsFlags, _n)

#define __setHSSpeed(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsSpeed, _n)

#define __setHSState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetHsState, _n)

#define __setUSBState(_n) \
  compchk EQ, sizeof(_n), 1 \
  SetCommModuleValue(CommOffsetUsbState, _n)

dseg segment
  __FOMutex mutex
  __FOArgs TFileOpen
  __FCMutex mutex
  __FCArgs TFileClose
  __FRHMutex mutex
  __FRHArgs TFileResolveHandle
  __FRMutex mutex
  __FRArgs TFileRename
  __FDMutex mutex
  __FDArgs TFileDelete
  __FFMutex mutex
  __FFArgs TFileFind
dseg ends

#define CreateFile(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) __createFile(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result)
#define OpenFileAppend(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) __openFileAppend(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result)
#define OpenFileRead(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) __openFileRead(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result)
#define CloseFile(_handle, _result) __closeFile(_handle, _result)
#define ResolveHandle(_fname, _handle, _writeable, _result) __resolveHandle(_fname, _handle, _writeable, _result)
#define RenameFile(_oldname, _newname, _result) __renameFile(_oldname, _newname, _result)
#define DeleteFile(_fname, _result) __deleteFile(_fname, _result)
#define ResizeFile(_fname, _newsize, _result) __fileResize(_fname, _newsize, _result)

#define CreateFileLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) __createFileLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result)
#define CreateFileNonLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) __createFileNonLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result)
#define OpenFileReadLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) __openFileReadLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result)
#define FindFirstFile(_fname, _handle, _result) __findFirstFile(_fname, _handle, _result)
#define FindNextFile(_fname, _handle, _result) __findNextFile(_fname, _handle, _result)

#define Read(_handle, _n, _result) __readValue(_handle, _n, _result)
#define ReadLn(_handle, _n, _result) __readLnValue(_handle, _n, _result)
#define ReadBytes(_handle, _len, _buf, _result) __readBytes(_handle, _len, _buf, _result)
#define ReadLnString(_handle, _output, _result) __readLnString(_handle, _output, _result)

#define Write(_handle, _n, _result) __writeValue(_handle, _n, _result)
#define WriteLn(_handle, _n, _result) __writeLnValue(_handle, _n, _result)
#define WriteString(_handle, _str, _cnt, _result) __writeString(_handle, _str, _cnt, _result)
#define WriteLnString(_handle, _str, _cnt, _result) __writeLnString(_handle, _str, _cnt, _result)
#define WriteBytes(_handle, _buf, _cnt, _result) __writeBytes(_handle, _buf, _cnt, _result)
#define WriteBytesEx(_handle, _len, _buf, _result) __writeBytesEx(_handle, _len, _buf, _result)

subroutine __fileResizeSub
  dseg segment
    __frsMutex mutex
    __frsNewSize dword
    __frsOldName byte[]
    __frsTmpName byte[]
    __frsFOReadArgs TFileOpen
    __frsFOWriteArgs TFileOpen
    __frsFReadArgs TFileReadWrite
    __frsFWriteArgs TFileReadWrite
    __frsFRArgs TFileRename
    __frsFCArgs TFileClose
    __frsFDArgs TFileDelete
    __frsResult word
  dseg ends
  strcat __frsFRArgs.NewFilename, '_tmp', __frsOldName
  mov __frsFRArgs.OldFilename, __frsOldName
  syscall FileRename, __frsFRArgs
  mov __frsResult, __frsFRArgs.Result
  brtst NEQ, __frsEnd, __frsResult
  // old file has been renamed successfully
  mov __frsFOReadArgs.Filename, __frsFRArgs.NewFilename
  syscall FileOpenRead, __frsFOReadArgs
  mov __frsResult, __frsFOReadArgs.Result
  brtst NEQ, __frsOpenReadFailed, __frsResult
  // renamed file is open for reading
  mov __frsFOWriteArgs.Filename, __frsOldName
  mov __frsFOWriteArgs.Length, __frsNewSize
  syscall FileOpenWrite, __frsFOWriteArgs
  mov __frsResult, __frsFOWriteArgs.Result
  brtst NEQ, __frsOpenWriteFailed, __frsResult
  // both files are open
  mov __frsFReadArgs.FileHandle, __frsFOReadArgs.FileHandle
  mov __frsFWriteArgs.FileHandle, __frsFOWriteArgs.FileHandle
  set __frsFReadArgs.Length, 1024
  syscall FileRead, __frsFReadArgs
  brtst NEQ, __frsEndLoop, __frsFReadArgs.Result
  brtst LTEQ, __frsEndLoop, __frsFReadArgs.Length
  mov __frsFWriteArgs.Buffer, __frsFReadArgs.Buffer
  mov __frsFWriteArgs.Length, __frsFReadArgs.Length
  syscall FileWrite, __frsFWriteArgs
  brtst NEQ, __frsEndLoop, __frsFWriteArgs.Result
  jmp __frsCopyLoop
  // close read file
  mov __frsFCArgs.FileHandle, __frsFOReadArgs.FileHandle
  syscall FileClose, __frsFCArgs
  // close write file
  mov __frsFCArgs.FileHandle, __frsFOWriteArgs.FileHandle
  syscall FileClose, __frsFCArgs
  // delete read file
  mov __frsFDArgs.Filename, __frsFOReadArgs.Filename
  syscall FileDelete, __frsFDArgs
  jmp __frsEnd
  // close read file
  mov __frsFCArgs.FileHandle, __frsFOReadArgs.FileHandle
  syscall FileClose, __frsFCArgs
  jmp __frsEnd
  // if the open read failed rename tmp back to original and exit
  mov __frsFRArgs.OldFilename, __frsFRArgs.NewFilename
  mov __frsFRArgs.NewFilename, __frsOldName
  syscall FileRename, __frsFRArgs

#define __fileResize(_fname, _newsize, _result) \
  acquire __frsMutex \
  mov __frsOldName, _fname \
  mov __frsNewSize, _newsize \
  call __fileResizeSub \
  mov _result, __frsResult \
  release __frsMutex 

#define __createFile(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FOMutex \
  mov __FOArgs.Filename, _fname \
  mov __FOArgs.Length, _fsize \
  syscall FileOpenWrite, __FOArgs \
  mov _handle, __FOArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _result, __FOArgs.Result \
  release __FOMutex

#define __createFileLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FOMutex \
  mov __FOArgs.Filename, _fname \
  mov __FOArgs.Length, _fsize \
  syscall FileOpenWriteLinear, __FOArgs \
  mov _handle, __FOArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _result, __FOArgs.Result \
  release __FOMutex

#define __createFileNonLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FOMutex \
  mov __FOArgs.Filename, _fname \
  mov __FOArgs.Length, _fsize \
  syscall FileOpenWriteNonLinear, __FOArgs \
  mov _handle, __FOArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _result, __FOArgs.Result \
  release __FOMutex

#define __openFileAppend(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FOMutex \
  mov __FOArgs.Filename, _fname \
  syscall FileOpenAppend, __FOArgs \
  mov _fsize, __FOArgs.Length \
  mov _handle, __FOArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _result, __FOArgs.Result \
  release __FOMutex

#define __openFileRead(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FOMutex \
  mov __FOArgs.Filename, _fname \
  syscall FileOpenRead, __FOArgs \
  mov _fsize, __FOArgs.Length \
  mov _handle, __FOArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _result, __FOArgs.Result \
  release __FOMutex

#define __openFileReadLinear(_fname, _fsize, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FOMutex \
  mov __FOArgs.Filename, _fname \
  syscall FileOpenReadLinear, __FOArgs \
  mov _fsize, __FOArgs.Length \
  mov _handle, __FOArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _result, __FOArgs.Result \
  release __FOMutex

#define __closeFile(_handle, _result) \
  acquire __FCMutex \
  mov __FCArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  syscall FileClose, __FCArgs \
  mov _result, __FCArgs.Result \
  release __FCMutex

#define __resolveHandle(_fname, _handle, _writeable, _result) \
  acquire __FRHMutex \
  mov __FRHArgs.Filename, _fname \
  syscall FileResolveHandle, __FRHArgs \
  mov _handle, __FRHArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _writeable, __FRHArgs.WriteHandle \
  mov _result, __FRHArgs.Result \
  release __FRHMutex

#define __renameFile(_oldname, _newname, _result) \
  acquire __FRMutex \
  mov __FRArgs.OldFilename, _oldname \
  mov __FRArgs.NewFilename, _newname \
  syscall FileRename, __FRArgs \
  mov _result, __FRArgs.Result \
  release __FRMutex

#define __deleteFile(_fname, _result) \
  acquire __FDMutex \
  mov __FDArgs.Filename, _fname \
  syscall FileDelete, __FDArgs \
  mov _result, __FDArgs.Result \
  release __FDMutex

#define __findFirstFile(_fname, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FFMutex \
  mov __FFArgs.Filename, _fname \
  syscall FileFindFirst, __FFArgs \
  mov _result, __FFArgs.Result \
  mov _handle, __FFArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _fname, __FFArgs.Filename \
  release __FFMutex

#define __findNextFile(_fname, _handle, _result) \
  acquire __FFMutex \
  mov __FFArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  syscall FileFindNext, __FFArgs \
  mov _result, __FFArgs.Result \
  mov _handle, __FFArgs.FileHandle \
  mov _fname, __FFArgs.Filename \
  release __FFMutex

dseg segment
  __FReadArgs TFileReadWrite
  __FReadTmpByte byte
  __FReadMutex mutex
  __RLSBuffer byte[]
  __RLSOutput byte[]
  __RLSReturn word
  __RLSReturnAddress byte
dseg ends

#define __readBytes(_handle, _len, _buf, _result) \
  acquire __FReadMutex \
  mov __FReadArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  mov __FReadArgs.Length, _len \
  syscall FileRead, __FReadArgs \
  mov _result, __FReadArgs.Result \
  strtoarr _buf, __FReadArgs.Buffer \
  mov _len, __FReadArgs.Length \
  release __FReadMutex

#define __readValue(_handle, _n, _result) \
  acquire __FReadMutex \
  mov __FReadArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  set __FReadArgs.Length, sizeof(_n) \
  syscall FileRead, __FReadArgs \
  mov _result, __FReadArgs.Result \
  unflatten _n, __FReadTmpByte, __FReadArgs.Buffer, _n \
  release __FReadMutex

#define __readLnValue(_handle, _n, _result) \
  acquire __FReadMutex \
  mov __FReadArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  set __FReadArgs.Length, sizeof(_n) \
  syscall FileRead, __FReadArgs \
  unflatten _n, __FReadTmpByte, __FReadArgs.Buffer, _n \
  set __FReadArgs.Length, 2 \
  syscall FileRead, __FReadArgs \
  mov _result, __FReadArgs.Result \
  release __FReadMutex
#define __readLnString(_handle, _output, _result) \
  acquire __FReadMutex \
  mov __FReadArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  subcall __readStringLine, __RLSReturnAddress \
  mov _result, __RLSReturn \
  mov _output, __RLSOutput \
  release __FReadMutex \

subroutine __readStringLine
  arrinit __RLSOutput, 0, 1
  set __FReadArgs.Length, 1
  mov __RLSBuffer, __RLSOutput
  syscall FileRead, __FReadArgs
  mov __RLSReturn, __FReadArgs.Result
  brtst NEQ, __RLSStringDone, __RLSReturn
  index __FReadTmpByte, __FReadArgs.Buffer, NA
  brcmp EQ, __RLSStringDone, __FReadTmpByte, 0x0A
  brcmp EQ, __RLSStringSkip, __FReadTmpByte, 0x0D
  strcat __RLSOutput, __RLSBuffer, __FReadArgs.Buffer
  jmp __RLSStringLoop
  subret __RLSReturnAddress

dseg segment
  __FWriteArgs TFileReadWrite
  __FWriteFlattenBuf byte[]
  __FWriteMutex mutex
  __FWriteLn byte[] {0x0D, 0x0A}
dseg ends

#define __writeBytes(_handle, _buf, _len, _result) \
  acquire __FWriteMutex \
  mov __FWriteArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  mov __FWriteArgs.Buffer, _buf \
  arrsize __FWriteArgs.Length, __FWriteArgs.Buffer \
  syscall FileWrite, __FWriteArgs \
  mov _result, __FWriteArgs.Result \
  mov _len, __FWriteArgs.Length \
  release __FWriteMutex

#define __writeString(_handle, _str, _len, _result) \
  acquire __FWriteMutex \
  mov __FWriteArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  strtoarr __FWriteArgs.Buffer, _str \
  arrsize __FWriteArgs.Length, __FWriteArgs.Buffer \
  syscall FileWrite, __FWriteArgs \
  mov _result, __FWriteArgs.Result \
  mov _len, __FWriteArgs.Length \
  release __FWriteMutex

#define __writeLnString(_handle, _str, _len, _result) \
  acquire __FWriteMutex \
  mov __FWriteArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  strtoarr __FWriteFlattenBuf, _str \
  arrbuild __FWriteArgs.Buffer, __FWriteFlattenBuf, __FWriteLn \
  arrsize __FWriteArgs.Length, __FWriteArgs.Buffer \
  syscall FileWrite, __FWriteArgs \
  mov _result, __FWriteArgs.Result \
  mov _len, __FWriteArgs.Length \
  release __FWriteMutex

#define __writeBytesEx(_handle, _len, _buf, _result) \
  acquire __FWriteMutex \
  mov __FWriteArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  mov __FWriteArgs.Length, _len \
  mov __FWriteArgs.Buffer, _buf \
  syscall FileWrite, __FWriteArgs \
  mov _result, __FWriteArgs.Result \
  mov _len, __FWriteArgs.Length \
  release __FWriteMutex

#define __writeValue(_handle, _n, _result) \
  acquire __FWriteMutex \
  mov __FWriteArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  flatten __FWriteFlattenBuf, _n \
  strtoarr __FWriteArgs.Buffer, __FWriteFlattenBuf \
  arrsize __FWriteArgs.Length, __FWriteArgs.Buffer \
  syscall FileWrite, __FWriteArgs \
  mov _result, __FWriteArgs.Result \
  release __FWriteMutex

#define __writeLnValue(_handle, _n, _result) \
  acquire __FWriteMutex \
  mov __FWriteArgs.FileHandle, _handle \
  flatten __FWriteFlattenBuf, _n \
  strtoarr __FWriteArgs.Buffer, __FWriteFlattenBuf \
  arrbuild __FWriteFlattenBuf, __FWriteArgs.Buffer, __FWriteLn \
  mov __FWriteArgs.Buffer, __FWriteFlattenBuf \
  arrsize __FWriteArgs.Length, __FWriteArgs.Buffer \
  syscall FileWrite, __FWriteArgs \
  mov _result, __FWriteArgs.Result \
  release __FWriteMutex

dseg segment
  __MWMutex mutex
  __MWArgs TMessageWrite
  __MRMutex mutex
  __MRArgs TMessageRead
  __SRNTmpVal sdword
  __RRNTmpVal sdword
  __RRNErr byte
dseg ends

#define SendMessage(_queue, _msg, _result) __sendMessage(_queue, _msg, _result)
#define ReceiveMessage(_queue, _clear, _msg, _result) __receiveMessage(_queue, _clear, _msg, _result)

#define __sendMessage(_queue, _msg, _result) \
  acquire __MWMutex \
  mov __MWArgs.QueueID, _queue \
  mov __MWArgs.Message, _msg \
  syscall MessageWrite, __MWArgs \
  mov _result, __MWArgs.Result \
  release __MWMutex

#define __receiveMessage(_queue, _clear, _msg, _result) \
  acquire __MRMutex \
  mov __MRArgs.QueueID, _queue \
  mov __MRArgs.Remove, _clear \
  syscall MessageRead, __MRArgs \
  mov _msg, __MRArgs.Message \
  mov _result, __MRArgs.Result \
  release __MRMutex

#define ReceiveRemoteBool(_queue, _clear, _bval, _result) __receiveRemoteBool(_queue, _clear, _bval, _result)
#define ReceiveRemoteNumber(_queue, _clear, _val, _result) __receiveRemoteNumber(_queue, _clear, _val, _result)
#define ReceiveRemoteString(_queue, _clear, _str, _result) __receiveMessage(_queue, _clear, _str, _result)
#define ReceiveRemoteMessageEx(_queue, _clear, _str, _val, _bval, _result) __receiveRemoteMessageEx(_queue, _clear, _str, _val, _bval, _result)

#define __receiveRemoteBool(_queue, _clear, _bval, _result) \
  acquire __MRMutex \
  mov __MRArgs.QueueID, _queue \
  mov __MRArgs.Remove, _clear \
  set _bval, 0 \
  syscall MessageRead, __MRArgs \
  brtst NEQ, __RRB_Err__I__, __MRArgs.Result \
  index _bval, __MRArgs.Message, NA \
  __RRB_Err__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mov _result, __MRArgs.Result \
  release __MRMutex

#define __receiveRemoteNumber(_queue, _clear, _val, _result) \
  acquire __MRMutex \
  mov __MRArgs.QueueID, _queue \
  mov __MRArgs.Remove, _clear \
  set __RRNTmpVal, 0 \
  syscall MessageRead, __MRArgs \
  unflatten __RRNTmpVal, __RRNErr, __MRArgs.Message, __RRNTmpVal \
  mov _val, __RRNTmpVal \
  mov _result, __MRArgs.Result \
  release __MRMutex

#define __receiveRemoteMessageEx(_queue, _clear, _str, _val, _bval, _result) \
  acquire __MRMutex \
  mov __MRArgs.QueueID, _queue \
  mov __MRArgs.Remove, _clear \
  set __RRNTmpVal, 0 \
  set _bval, 0 \
  syscall MessageRead, __MRArgs \
  brtst NEQ, __RRM_Err__I__, __MRArgs.Result \
  index _bval, __MRArgs.Message, NA \
  unflatten __RRNTmpVal, __RRNErr, __MRArgs.Message, __RRNTmpVal \
  __RRM_Err__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mov _val, __RRNTmpVal \
  mov _str, __MRArgs.Message \
  mov _result, __MRArgs.Result \
  release __MRMutex

#define SendResponseString(_queue, _msg, _result) __sendResponseString(_queue, _msg, _result)
#define SendResponseBool(_queue, _bval, _result) __sendResponseBool(_queue, _bval, _result)
#define SendResponseNumber(_queue, _val, _result) __sendResponseNumber(_queue, _val, _result)

#define __sendResponseBool(_queue, _bval, _result) \
  acquire __MWMutex \
  add __MWArgs.QueueID, _queue, 10 \
  arrbuild __MWArgs.Message, _bval, 0 \
  syscall MessageWrite, __MWArgs \
  mov _result, __MWArgs.Result \
  release __MWMutex

#define __sendResponseNumber(_queue, _val, _result) \
  acquire __MWMutex \
  add __MWArgs.QueueID, _queue, 10 \
  mov __SRNTmpVal, _val \
  flatten __MWArgs.Message, __SRNTmpVal \
  syscall MessageWrite, __MWArgs \
  mov _result, __MWArgs.Result \
  release __MWMutex

#define __sendResponseString(_queue, _msg, _result) \
  acquire __MWMutex \
  add __MWArgs.QueueID, _queue, 10 \
  mov __MWArgs.Message, _msg \
  syscall MessageWrite, __MWArgs \
  mov _result, __MWArgs.Result \
  release __MWMutex

dseg segment
  __CBTCSArgs TCommBTCheckStatus
  __CBTCSMutex mutex
  __CBTWArgs TCommBTWrite
  __CBTWMutex mutex
  __SRSTmpBuf byte[]
  __SRSTmpVal sdword
  __SRSFlattenBuf byte[]
dseg ends

dseg segment
  __DCMessageWritePacket byte[] {0x80, 0x09, 0xFF, 0xFF} // append N bytes
  __DCStopProgramPacket byte[]  {0x80, 0x01}
  __DCStopSoundPacket byte[]    {0x80, 0x0c}
  __DCKeepAlivePacket byte[]    {0x80, 0x0d}
  __DCStartProgramPacket byte[] {0x80, 0x00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  __DCPlaySoundFilePacket byte[] {0x80, 0x02, 0xFF, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  __DCPlayTonePacket byte[]     {0x80, 0x03, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}
dseg ends

#define BluetoothStatus(_conn, _result) __bluetoothStatus(_conn, _result)
#define BluetoothWrite(_conn, _buffer, _result) __bluetoothWrite(_conn, _buffer, _result)

#define __bluetoothStatus(_conn, _result) \
  acquire __CBTCSMutex \
  mov __CBTCSArgs.Connection, _conn \
  syscall CommBTCheckStatus, __CBTCSArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTCSArgs.Result \
  release __CBTCSMutex

#define __bluetoothWrite(_conn, _buffer, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Buffer, _buffer \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define SendRemoteBool(_conn, _queue, _bval, _result) __sendRemoteBool(_conn, _queue, _bval, _result)
#define SendRemoteNumber(_conn, _queue, _val, _result) __sendRemoteNumber(_conn, _queue, _val, _result)
#define SendRemoteString(_conn, _queue, _str, _result) __sendRemoteString(_conn, _queue, _str, _result)

#define __sendRemoteBool(_conn, _queue, _bval, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __SRSTmpBuf, __DCMessageWritePacket \
  replace __SRSTmpBuf, __SRSTmpBuf, 2, _queue \
  replace __SRSTmpBuf, __SRSTmpBuf, 3, 2 \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  arrbuild __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __SRSTmpBuf, _bval, 0 \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __sendRemoteNumber(_conn, _queue, _val, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __SRSTmpBuf, __DCMessageWritePacket \
  replace __SRSTmpBuf, __SRSTmpBuf, 2, _queue \
  replace __SRSTmpBuf, __SRSTmpBuf, 3, 5 \
  mov __SRSTmpVal, _val \
  flatten __SRSFlattenBuf, __SRSTmpVal \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  arrbuild __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __SRSTmpBuf, __SRSFlattenBuf \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __sendRemoteString(_conn, _queue, _str, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __SRSTmpBuf, __DCMessageWritePacket \
  replace __SRSTmpBuf, __SRSTmpBuf, 2, _queue \
  arrsize __SRSTmpVal, _str \
  replace __SRSTmpBuf, __SRSTmpBuf, 3, __SRSTmpVal \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  arrbuild __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __SRSTmpBuf, _str \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define Wait(_n) waitv _n

#define RemoteMessageRead(_conn, _queue, _result) __remoteMessageRead(_conn, _queue, _result)
#define RemoteMessageWrite(_conn, _queue, _msg, _result) __sendRemoteString(_conn, _queue, _msg, _result)
#define RemoteStartProgram(_conn, _filename, _result) __remoteStartProgram(_conn, _filename, _result)
#define RemoteStopProgram(_conn, _result) __bluetoothWrite(_conn, __DCStopProgramPacket, _result)
#define RemotePlaySoundFile(_conn, _filename, _bloop, _result) __remotePlaySoundFile(_conn, _filename, _bloop, _result)
#define RemotePlayTone(_conn, _frequency, _duration, _result) __remotePlayTone(_conn, _frequency, _duration, _result)
#define RemoteStopSound(_conn, _result) __bluetoothWrite(_conn, __DCStopSoundPacket, _result)
#define RemoteKeepAlive(_conn, _result) __bluetoothWrite(_conn, __DCKeepAlivePacket, _result)
#define RemoteResetScaledValue(_conn, _port, _result) __remoteResetScaledValue(_conn, _port, _result)
#define RemoteResetMotorPosition(_conn, _port, _brelative, _result) __remoteResetMotorPosition(_conn, _port, _brelative, _result)
#define RemoteSetInputMode(_conn, _port, _type, _mode, _result) __remoteSetInputMode(_conn, _port, _type, _mode, _result)
#define RemoteSetOutputState(_conn, _port, _speed, _mode, _regmode, _turnpct, _runstate, _tacholimit, _result) \
  __remoteSetOutputState(_conn, _port, _speed, _mode, _regmode, _turnpct, _runstate, _tacholimit, _result)

#define __remoteMessageRead(_conn, _queue, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  add __SRSTmpVal, _queue, 10 \
  arrbuild __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 0x00, 0x13, __SRSTmpVal, _queue, 0x01 \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __remoteResetScaledValue(_conn, _port, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  arrbuild __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 0x80, 0x08, _port \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __remoteResetMotorPosition(_conn, _port, _brelative, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  arrbuild __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 0x80, 0x0a, _port, _brelative \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __remoteSetInputMode(_conn, _port, _type, _mode, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  arrbuild __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 0x80, 0x05, _port, _type, _mode \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __remoteSetOutputState(_conn, _port, _speed, _mode, _regmode, _turnpct, _runstate, _tacholimit, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  mov __SRSTmpVal, _tacholimit \
  flatten __SRSFlattenBuf, __SRSTmpVal \
  arrbuild __SRSTmpBuf, 0x80, 0x04, _port, _speed, _mode, _regmode, _turnpct, _runstate, __SRSFlattenBuf \
  strtoarr __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __SRSTmpBuf \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __remoteStartProgram(_conn, _filename, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __DCStartProgramPacket \
  strsubset __SRSTmpBuf, _filename, NA, 19 \
  replace __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 2, __SRSTmpBuf \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __remotePlaySoundFile(_conn, _filename, _bloop, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __DCPlaySoundFilePacket \
  strsubset __SRSTmpBuf, _filename, NA, 19 \
  replace __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 2, _bloop \
  replace __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 3, __SRSTmpBuf \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

#define __remotePlayTone(_conn, _frequency, _duration, _result) \
  acquire __CBTWMutex \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Connection, _conn \
  mov __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __DCPlayTonePacket \
  and __SRSTmpVal, _frequency, 0xff \
  replace __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 2, __SRSTmpVal \
  div __SRSTmpVal, _frequency, 0xff \
  replace __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 3, __SRSTmpVal \
  and __SRSTmpVal, _duration, 0xff \
  replace __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 4, __SRSTmpVal \
  div __SRSTmpVal, _duration, 0xff \
  replace __CBTWArgs.Buffer, __CBTWArgs.Buffer, 5, __SRSTmpVal \
  syscall CommBTWrite, __CBTWArgs \
  mov _result, __CBTWArgs.Result \
  release __CBTWMutex

dseg segment
  __CHSCSArgs TCommHSCheckStatus
  __CHSCSMutex mutex
  __CHSWArgs TCommHSReadWrite
  __CHSWMutex mutex
  __CHSRArgs TCommHSReadWrite
  __CHSRMutex mutex
  __CHSCArgs TCommHSControl
  __CHSCMutex mutex
  __SHSSTmpBuf byte[]
  __SHSSTmpVal sdword
  __SHSSFlattenBuf byte[]
dseg ends

#define RS485Status(_sendingData, _dataAvail) __RS485Status(_sendingData, _dataAvail)
#define RS485Write(_buffer, _status) __RS485Write(_buffer, _status)
#define RS485Read(_buffer, _status) __RS485Read(_buffer, _status)
#define RS485Control(_cmd, _baud, _result) __RS485Control(_cmd, _baud, _result)
#define RS485Init(_result) __RS485Control(HS_CTRL_INIT, 0, _result)
#define RS485Uart(_baud, _result) __RS485Control(HS_CTRL_UART, _baud, _result)
#define RS485Exit(_result) __RS485Control(HS_CTRL_EXIT, 0, _result)

#define __RS485Status(_sendingData, _dataAvail) \
  acquire __CHSCSMutex \
  syscall CommHSCheckStatus, __CHSCSArgs \
  mov _sendingData, __CHSCSArgs.SendingData \
  mov _dataAvail, __CHSCSArgs.DataAvailable \
  release __CHSCSMutex

#define __RS485Write(_buffer, _status) \
  acquire __CHSWMutex \
  mov __CHSWArgs.Buffer, _buffer \
  syscall CommHSWrite, __CHSWArgs \
  mov _status, __CHSWArgs.Status \
  release __CHSWMutex

#define __RS485Read(_buffer, _status) \
  acquire __CHSRMutex \
  syscall CommHSRead, __CHSRArgs \
  mov _buffer, __CHSRArgs.Buffer \
  mov _status, __CHSRArgs.Status \
  release __CHSRMutex

#define __RS485Control(_cmd, _baud, _result) \
  acquire __CHSCMutex \
  mov __CHSCArgs.Command, _cmd \
  mov __CHSCArgs.BaudRate, _baud \
  syscall CommHSControl, __CHSCArgs \
  mov _result, __CHSCArgs.Result \
  release __CHSCMutex

#define SendRS485Bool(_bval, _status) __sendRS485Bool(_bval, _status)
#define SendRS485Number(_val, _status) __sendRS485Number(_val, _status)
#define SendRS485String(_str, _status) __sendRS485String(_str, _status)

#define __sendRS485Bool(_bval, _status) \
  acquire __CHSWMutex \
  arrbuild __CHSWArgs.Buffer, _bval, 0 \
  syscall CommHSWrite, __CHSWArgs \
  mov _status, __CHSWArgs.Status \
  release __CHSWMutex

#define __sendRS485Number(_val, _status) \
  acquire __CHSWMutex \
  mov __SHSTmpVal, _val \
  flatten __CHSWArgs.Buffer, __SHSTmpVal \
  syscall CommHSWrite, __CHSWArgs \
  mov _status, __CHSWArgs.Status \
  release __CHSWMutex

#define __sendRS485String(_str, _status) \
  acquire __CHSWMutex \
  mov __CHSWArgs.Buffer, _str \
  syscall CommHSWrite, __CHSWArgs \
  mov _status, __CHSWArgs.Status \
  release __CHSWMutex

// standard firmware math functions written by Tamas Sorosy (www.sorosy.com)

// X is any integer; Y is the sqrt value (0->max); if X<0, Y is the sqrt value of absolute X
#define Sqrt(_X,_R) __SQRT(_X,_R)

// X is any integer in degrees; Y is 100* the sin value (-100->100)
#define Sin(_X,_R) __SIN(_X,_R)

// X is any integer in degrees; Y is 100* the cos value (-100->100)
#define Cos(_X,_R) __COS(_X,_R)

// X is 100* the sin value (-100->100); Y is -90->90; Y is 101 if X is outside -100->100 range
#define Asin(_X,_R) __ASIN(_X,_R)

// X is 100* the cos value (-100->100); Y is 0->180; Y is -11 if X is outside -100->100 range
#define Acos(_X,_R) __ACOS(_X,_R)


#define __SQRT(_X,_R) sqrt _R, _X
#define __SIN(_X,_R) sin _R, _X
#define __COS(_X,_R) cos _R, _X
#define __ASIN(_X,_R) asin _R, _X
#define __ACOS(_X,_R) acos _R, _X


#define __SQRT(_X,_R) \
  acquire __sqrtMutex \
  mov __sqrtValue, _X \
  call __sqrtSub \
  mov _R, __sqrtResult \
  release __sqrtMutex

#define __SIN(_X,_R) \
  acquire __sinMutex \
  mov __sinValue, _X \
  call __sinSub \
  mov _R, __sinResult \
  release __sinMutex

#define __COS(_X,_R) \
  acquire __sinMutex \
  mov __sinValue, _X \
  add __sinValue, __sinValue, 90 \
  call __sinSub \
  mov _R, __sinResult \
  release __sinMutex

#define __ASIN(_X,_R) \
  acquire __asinMutex \
  mov __asinValue, _X \
  call __asinSub \
  mov _R, __asinResult \
  release __asinMutex
#define __ACOS(_X,_R) \
  acquire __asinMutex \
  mov __asinValue, _X \
  call __asinSub \
  sub _R, 90, __asinResult \
  release __asinMutex


// data segment
dseg segment

  // sin/cos related tables
  __sin_table sword[] 0,2,3,5,7,9,10,12,14,16,17,19,21,22,24,26,28,29,31,33,34,36,37,39,41,42,44,45,47,48,50,52,53,54,56,57,59,60,62,63,64,66,67,68,69,71,72,73,74,75,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,87,88,89,90,91,91,92,93,93,94,95,95,96,96,97,97,97,98,98,98,99,99,99,99,100,100,100,100,100,100
  __asin_table sdword[] 0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,9,9,10,10,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,16,16,17,17,18,19,19,20,20,21,22,22,23,24,24,25,25,26,27,27,28,29,29,30,31,31,32,33,33,34,35,35,36,37,38,38,39,40,41,41,42,43,44,44,45,46,47,48,49,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,62,63,64,66,67,68,70,72,74,76,79,82,90

  // mutexes
  __sqrtMutex mutex
  __sinMutex mutex
  __asinMutex mutex

  // sqrt variables
  __sqrtPairs byte[]  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  __sqrtPaircount sbyte
  __sqrtValue dword
  __sqrtResult dword
  __sqrtP dword
  __sqrtR dword
  __sqrtM dword
  __sqrtN dword

  // sin variables
  __sinValue sdword
  __sinResult sdword
  __sinValueNeg byte

  // asin variables
  __asinValue sdword
  __asinResult sdword
dseg ends

subroutine __sinSub
  // move the sin to + angle
  set __sinValueNeg, FALSE
  brtst GTEQ, __sinValuePos, __sinValue

  neg __sinValue, __sinValue
  set __sinValueNeg, TRUE

  // get the 360 mod and check which quarter the sin falls into
  mod __sinValue, __sinValue, 360
  brcmp GT, __sinQ4, __sinValue, 270
  brcmp GT, __sinQ3, __sinValue, 180
  brcmp GT, __sinQ2, __sinValue, 90

  // 1st quarter
  index __sinResult, __sin_table, __sinValue
  jmp __sinAlmostDone

  // 2nd quarter
  sub __sinValue, 180, __sinValue
  index __sinResult, __sin_table, __sinValue
  jmp __sinAlmostDone

  // 3rd quarter
  sub __sinValue, __sinValue, 180
  index __sinResult, __sin_table, __sinValue
  neg __sinResult, __sinResult
  jmp __sinAlmostDone

  // 4th quarter
  sub __sinValue, 360, __sinValue
  index __sinResult, __sin_table, __sinValue
  neg __sinResult, __sinResult
  jmp __sinAlmostDone


  // if the incoming angle was <0, need to negate the result because sin(-x)=-sin(x)
  brcmp EQ, __sinDone, __sinValueNeg, FALSE
  neg __sinResult, __sinResult


subroutine __asinSub
  // input sin value should be -1 -> 1
  brcmp GT, __asinValueBad, __asinValue, 100
  brcmp LT, __asinValueBad, __asinValue, -100

  // check if it's 0->-1
  brtst LT, __asinValueNeg, __asinValue

  // value 0->1
  index __asinResult, __asin_table, __asinValue
  jmp __asinDone

  // value 0->-1
  neg __asinValue, __asinValue
  index __asinResult, __asin_table, __asinValue
  neg __asinResult, __asinResult
  jmp __asinDone

  set __asinResult, 101


subroutine __sqrtSub
  // if the input value is 0, we're done
  set __sqrtResult, 0
  brtst EQ, __sqrtDone, __sqrtValue

  // init the paircount array
  mov __sqrtPaircount, 0
  replace __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPairs, 0, 0
  replace __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPairs, 1, 0
  replace __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPairs, 2, 0
  replace __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPairs, 3, 0
  replace __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPairs, 4, 0

  brtst EQ, __sqrtPairsOK, __sqrtValue
  mod __sqrtN, __sqrtValue, 100
  replace __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPaircount, __sqrtN
  div __sqrtValue, __sqrtValue, 100
  add __sqrtPaircount, __sqrtPaircount, 1

  jmp __sqrtPairsLoop

  // get the leftmost pair
  index __sqrtP, __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPaircount
  set __sqrtResult, 1

  // find the sqrt for the leftmost pair (1-9), if 0 we're not here!
  mul __sqrtN, __sqrtResult, __sqrtResult
  brcmp GT, __sqrtFirstOK, __sqrtN, __sqrtP
  add __sqrtResult, __sqrtResult, 1
  jmp __sqrtFirstLoop

  sub __sqrtResult, __sqrtResult, 1
  // got the sqrt of the first pair in sqrtResult

  mul __sqrtN, __sqrtResult, __sqrtResult
  sub __sqrtM, __sqrtP, __sqrtN

  // in loop we get 1 new digit in sqrtResult for each pair
  sub __sqrtPaircount, __sqrtPaircount, 1

  brtst LT, __sqrtDone, __sqrtPaircount

  mul __sqrtM, __sqrtM, 100
  index __sqrtP, __sqrtPairs, __sqrtPaircount
  add __sqrtM, __sqrtM, __sqrtP

  // find the next digit
  set __sqrtN, 1

  mul __sqrtR, __sqrtResult, 20
  add __sqrtR, __sqrtR, __sqrtN
  mul __sqrtR, __sqrtR, __sqrtN

  brcmp GT, __sqrtDigitDone, __sqrtR, __sqrtM

  add __sqrtN, __sqrtN, 1
  jmp __sqrtDigitLoop

  sub __sqrtN, __sqrtN, 1
  // got the next digit

  // calculate the new value to continue with
  mul __sqrtR, __sqrtResult, 20
  add __sqrtR, __sqrtR, __sqrtN
  mul __sqrtR, __sqrtR, __sqrtN
  sub __sqrtM, __sqrtM, __sqrtR

  // add the new digit to the end of the result in sqrtResult
  mul __sqrtResult, __sqrtResult, 10
  add __sqrtResult, __sqrtResult, __sqrtN

  jmp __sqrtBigLoop


dseg segment
  __bcd2DecTens byte
  __bcd2DecOnes byte
  __bcd2DecMutex mutex
dseg ends

#define __bcd2dec(_bcd, _result) \
  acquire __bcd2DecMutex \
  div __bcd2DecTens, _bcd, 16 \
  mod __bcd2DecOnes, _bcd, 16 \
  mul _result, __bcd2DecTens, 10 \
  add _result, _result, __bcd2DecOnes \
  release __bcd2DecMutex

#define bcd2dec(_bcd, _result) __bcd2dec(_bcd, _result)

// HiTechnic API functions

#define SetSensorHTGyro(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_LIGHT_INACTIVE) \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_RAW) \
#define ReadSensorHTGyro(_p, _offset, _val) \
  getin _val, _p, RawValue \
  sub _val, _val, 600 \
  sub _val, _val, _offset

dseg segment
  __HTPFStartIRLink  byte[] 0x02, 0x42
  __HTPFCommitIRLink byte[] 0x0B, 0x02, 0x01
  __HTPFBits byte[]
  __HTPFI2CBuf byte[]
  __HTPFI sword
  __HTPFJ sword
  __HTPFValue byte
  __HTPFDx byte
  __PFBytes byte[]
  __PFMutex mutex
  __PFNx byte
  __PFPowerFuncMode byte
  __PFTmp byte
  __PFNibbles byte[] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
  __PF_p1 byte
  __PF_p2 byte
  __PF_p3 byte
  __PF_p4 byte
  __PF_p5 byte
  __PFIdx byte
  __PFChToggle byte
  __PFToggles byte[] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
  __RCToggles byte[] 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
dseg ends

subroutine __PFApplyToggle
  mov __PFIdx, __PF_p1
  index __PFChToggle, __PFToggles, __PFIdx
  add __PF_p1, __PF_p1, __PFChToggle

subroutine __PFUpdateToggle
  xor __PFChToggle, __PFChToggle, 8
  replace __PFToggles, __PFToggles, __PFIdx, __PFChToggle

subroutine __RCApplyToggle
  mov __PFIdx, __PF_p1
  index __PFChToggle, __RCToggles, __PFIdx
  add __PF_p1, __PF_p1, __PFChToggle

subroutine __RCUpdateToggle
  xor __PFChToggle, __PFChToggle, 8
  replace __RCToggles, __RCToggles, __PFIdx, __PFChToggle

subroutine __PFCalcChecksum
  // RCTrain or Power Function
  brtst EQ, __PFUseIRTrainMode, __PFPowerFuncMode
  index __PFNx, __PFNibbles, NA
  xor __PFTmp, 0xF, __PFNx
  index __PFNx, __PFNibbles, 1
  xor __PFTmp, __PFTmp, __PFNx
  index __PFNx, __PFNibbles, 2
  xor __PFTmp, __PFTmp, __PFNx
  jmp __PFEndPowerFuncModeCheck
  index __PFNx, __PFNibbles, NA
  sub __PFTmp, 0xF, __PFNx
  index __PFNx, __PFNibbles, 1
  sub __PFTmp, __PFTmp, __PFNx
  index __PFNx, __PFNibbles, 2
  sub __PFTmp, __PFTmp, __PFNx
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 3, __PFTmp

subroutine __PFComboDirectSub
  call __PFApplyToggle
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, NA, __PF_p1
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 1, PF_MODE_COMBO_DIRECT
  mul __PF_p3, __PF_p3, 4
  add __PF_p3, __PF_p3, __PF_p2
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 2, __PF_p3
  call __PFUpdateToggle

subroutine __PFSinglePinSub
  call __PFApplyToggle
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, NA, __PF_p1
  brtst EQ, __PFEndIfSPContinuous, __PF_p5
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 1, __PF_p1
  mul __PF_p2, __PF_p2, 8
  mul __PF_p3, __PF_p3, 4
  add __PF_p2, __PF_p2, __PF_p3
  add __PF_p2, __PF_p2, __PF_p4
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 2, __PF_p2
  call __PFUpdateToggle

subroutine __PFSingleOutputSub
  call __PFApplyToggle
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, NA, __PF_p1
  brtst EQ, __PFEndIfSOCst, __PF_p4
  add __PF_p1, __PF_p1, __PF_p2
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 1, __PF_p1
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 2, __PF_p3
  call __PFUpdateToggle

subroutine __PFComboPWMSub
  call __PFApplyToggle
  add __PF_p1, __PF_p1, PF_MODE_COMBO_PWM
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, NA, __PF_p1
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 1, __PF_p3
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 2, __PF_p2
  call __PFUpdateToggle

subroutine __PFTrainSub
  call __PFApplyToggle
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, NA, __PF_p1
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 1, PF_MODE_TRAIN
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 2, __PF_p2
  call __PFUpdateToggle

subroutine __RCTrainSub
  call __RCApplyToggle
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, NA, __PF_p1
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 1, PF_MODE_TRAIN
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 2, __PF_p2
  call __RCUpdateToggle

subroutine __PFRawOutputSub
  call __PFApplyToggle
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, NA, __PF_p1
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 1, __PF_p2
  replace __PFNibbles, __PFNibbles, 2, __PF_p3
  call __PFUpdateToggle

subroutine __HTPowerFunctionCalcBits
  call __PFCalcChecksum
  brtst EQ, __HTPFUseIRTrainMode, __PFPowerFuncMode
  set __HTPFDx, 3
  jmp __HTPFEndPowerFuncModeCheck
  set __HTPFDx, 2
  arrinit __HTPFBits, 0, 88
  arrinit __PFBytes, 0, 11
  // fill in the bits
  set __PFIdx, 0
  replace __HTPFBits, __HTPFBits, __PFIdx, 1
  add __PFIdx, __PFIdx, 8
  // check bits in n0..n3
  set __HTPFI, 0
  index __PFNx, __PFNibbles, __HTPFI
  set __HTPFJ, 3
  replace __HTPFBits, __HTPFBits, __PFIdx, 1
  shl __PFTmp, 1, __HTPFJ
  and __HTPFValue, __PFNx, __PFTmp
  add __PFIdx, __PFIdx, __HTPFDx
  brcmp NEQ, __lblCalcBitsFoundZero, __HTPFValue, __PFTmp
  add __PFIdx, __PFIdx, 2
  sub __HTPFJ, __HTPFJ, 1
  brtst GTEQ, __lblCalcBitsForJBitSet, __HTPFJ
  add __HTPFI, __HTPFI, 1
  brcmp LTEQ, __lblCalcBitsForIBitSet, __HTPFI, 3
  replace __HTPFBits, __HTPFBits, __PFIdx, 1
  // now calculate bytes
  set __HTPFI, 0
  set __HTPFValue, 0
  set __HTPFJ, 0
  index __PFTmp, __HTPFBits, __HTPFI
  add __HTPFValue, __HTPFValue, __PFTmp
  brcmp GTEQ, __lblCalcBitsByteCalcLastBit, __HTPFJ, 7
  mul __HTPFValue, __HTPFValue, 2
  add __HTPFI, __HTPFI, 1
  add __HTPFJ, __HTPFJ, 1
  brcmp LTEQ, __lblCalcBitsForJByteCalc, __HTPFJ, 7
  div __PFIdx, __HTPFI, 8
  sub __PFIdx, __PFIdx, 1
  replace __PFBytes, __PFBytes, __PFIdx, __HTPFValue
  brcmp LT, __lblCalcBitsWhileIByteCalc, __HTPFI, 88
  // set IRLink mode to either PF or IRTrain
  sub __HTPFDx, __HTPFDx, 1
  replace __HTPFCommitIRLink, __HTPFCommitIRLink, 1, __HTPFDx
  // build i2c buffer
  arrbuild __HTPFI2CBuf, __HTPFStartIRLink, __PFBytes, __HTPFCommitIRLink

#define __HTPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _outa, 4 \
  mod __PF_p3, _outb, 4 \
  call __PFComboDirectSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __HTPowerFunctionCalcBits \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \

#define __HTPFSinglePin(_port, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _out, 2 \
  mod __PF_p3, _pin, 2 \
  mod __PF_p4, _func, 4 \
  set __PF_p5, _cont \
  call __PFSinglePinSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __HTPowerFunctionCalcBits \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \

#define __HTPFSingleOutput(_port, _channel, _out, _func, _cst, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _out, 2 \
  mod __PF_p3, _func, 16 \
  set __PF_p4, _cst \
  call __PFSingleOutputSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __HTPowerFunctionCalcBits \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \

#define __HTPFComboPWM(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _outa, 16 \
  mod __PF_p3, _outb, 16 \
  call __PFComboPWMSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __HTPowerFunctionCalcBits \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \

#define __HTIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func, _PFMode, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _func, 5 \
  compif EQ, _PFMode, TRUE \
  call __PFTrainSub \
  compelse \
  call __RCTrainSub \
  compend \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, _PFMode \
  call __HTPowerFunctionCalcBits \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \

#define __HTPFRawOutput(_port, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _nibble0, 7 \
  mod __PF_p2, _nibble1, 16 \
  mod __PF_p3, _nibble2, 16 \
  call __PFRawOutputSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __HTPowerFunctionCalcBits \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, 0 \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \

#define __HTPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, _count, _delay, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mov __PF_p1, _count \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __CLSWMutex0 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex1 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex2 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex3 \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs0.ReturnLen, 0 \
  __HTPFRepeatLoop##__I__: \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs0 \
  waitv _delay \
  sub __PF_p1, __PF_p1, 1 \
  brtst GT, __HTPFRepeatLoop##__I__, __PF_p1 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs0.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex0 \
  release __CLSWMutex1 \
  release __CLSWMutex2 \
  release __CLSWMutex3 \
  __IncI__ \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __CLSWMutex##_port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.Buffer, __HTPFI2CBuf \
  release __PFMutex \
  set __CLSWArgs##_port.Port, _port \
  mov __CLSWArgs##_port.ReturnLen, 0 \
  __HTPFRepeatLoop##__I__: \
  syscall CommLSWrite, __CLSWArgs##_port \
  waitv _delay \
  sub __PF_p1, __PF_p1, 1 \
  brtst GT, __HTPFRepeatLoop##__I__, __PF_p1 \
  mov _result, __CLSWArgs##_port.Result \
  release __CLSWMutex##_port \
  __IncI__ \

#define HTPowerFunctionCommand(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  __HTPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result)

#define HTPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  __HTPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result)

#define HTPFSinglePin(_port, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result) \
  __HTPFSinglePin(_port, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result)

#define HTPFSingleOutputCST(_port, _channel, _out, _func, _result) \
  __HTPFSingleOutput(_port, _channel, _out, _func, TRUE, _result)

#define HTPFSingleOutputPWM(_port, _channel, _out, _func, _result) \
  __HTPFSingleOutput(_port, _channel, _out, _func, FALSE, _result)

#define HTPFComboPWM(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  __HTPFComboPWM(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result)

#define HTPFTrain(_port, _channel, _func, _result) \
  __HTIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func, TRUE, _result)

#define HTIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func, _result) \
  __HTIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func, FALSE, _result)

#define HTPFRawOutput(_port, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result) \
  __HTPFRawOutput(_port, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result)

#define HTPFRepeat(_port, _count, _delay, _result) \
  __HTPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, _count, _delay, _result)

dseg segment

TRCXCommand struct
 Port byte
 Address byte
 ResponseBytes byte
 Command byte[]
 Response byte[]
TRCXCommand ends

  __gRCXCmd TRCXCommand
  __RCXCmdMutex mutex

dseg ends

subroutine __HTRCXCommandSub
  dseg segment
    __RCSToggle byte
    __RCSI byte
    __RCSInCmd byte[]
    __RCSCmdBytes sbyte
    __RCSCmd byte
    __RCSCSum byte
    __RCSMsgBufSize byte
    __RCSTotalBytes byte
    __RCSTmpByte byte
    __RCSTmpByte2 byte
    __RCSResult byte
    __RCSHeaderMsg byte[] 0x02, 0x4a, 0x55, 0xff, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01
  dseg ends
  arrsize __RCSCmdBytes, __gRCXCmd.Command
  index __RCSCmd, __gRCXCmd.Command, NA
  set __RCSCSum, 0

  replace __RCSHeaderMsg, __RCSHeaderMsg, NA, __gRCXCmd.Address
  // send the IR message
  __lowspeedWrite(__gRCXCmd.Port, 0, __RCSHeaderMsg, __RCSTmpByte)
  wait 12

  // build rest of the message
  set __RCSMsgBufSize, 2
  mul __RCSMsgBufSize, __RCSMsgBufSize, __RCSCmdBytes
  add __RCSMsgBufSize, __RCSMsgBufSize, 7
  add __RCSTotalBytes, __RCSMsgBufSize, __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes

  arrinit __RCSInCmd, 0, __RCSMsgBufSize
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, NA, __gRCXCmd.Address
  set __RCSTmpByte, 2
  mul __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSCmdBytes
  sub __RCSTmpByte, 0x4b, __RCSTmpByte
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, 1, __RCSTmpByte

  // put cmd and ~cmd into msg
  or __RCSTmpByte, __RCSCmd, __RCSToggle
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, 2, __RCSTmpByte
  mov __RCSCSum, __RCSTmpByte
  sub __RCSTmpByte, 0xFF, __RCSTmpByte
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, 3, __RCSTmpByte

  set __RCSI, 0
  xor __RCSToggle, __RCSToggle, 8

  brcmp LTEQ, __RCSEndWhileILTCmdBytes, __RCSCmdBytes, 1

  sub __RCSTmpByte, __RCSCmdBytes, 1
  brcmp GTEQ, __RCSEndWhileILTCmdBytes, __RCSI, __RCSTmpByte
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSI, 1
  index __RCSTmpByte2, __gRCXCmd.Command, __RCSTmpByte
  mul __RCSTmpByte, __RCSI, 2
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 4
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2
  add __RCSCSum, __RCSCSum, __RCSTmpByte2
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 1
  sub __RCSTmpByte2, 0xFF, __RCSTmpByte2
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2
  add __RCSI, __RCSI, 1
  jmp __RCSWhileILTCmdBytes

  mul __RCSTmpByte, __RCSI, 2
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 4
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSCSum
  sub __RCSTmpByte2, 0xFF, __RCSCSum
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 1
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2
  // fill in the last three bytes
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 1
  mul __RCSTmpByte2, __RCSCmdBytes, 2
  add __RCSTmpByte2, __RCSTmpByte2, 2
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 1
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, 0x00
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 1
  replace __RCSInCmd, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, 0x01

  // send the IR message
  __lowspeedWrite(__gRCXCmd.Port, 0, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte)

  // give the message time to be transferred
  mul __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTotalBytes, 5
  add __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte, 10
  waitv __RCSTmpByte

  // do we need to read a response?
  brtst EQ, __RCSNoResponse, __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes
  arrbuild __RCSInCmd, __gRCXCmd.Address, 0x51
  mov __RCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes
  ReadI2CBytes(__gRCXCmd.Port, __RCSInCmd, __RCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.Response, __RCSResult)

#define HTRCXSetIRLinkPort(_port) __HTRCXSetIRLinkPort(_port)
#define HTRCXPoll(_src, _value, _result) __HTRCXPoll(_src, _value, _result)
#define HTRCXBatteryLevel(_result) __HTRCXBatteryLevel(_result)
#define HTRCXPing() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PingOp)
#define HTRCXDeleteTasks() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteTasksOp)
#define HTRCXStopAllTasks() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_StopAllTasksOp)
#define HTRCXPBTurnOff() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PBTurnOffOp)
#define HTRCXDeleteSubs() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteSubsOp)
#define HTRCXClearSound() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearSoundOp)
#define HTRCXClearMsg() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearMsgOp)
#define HTRCXMuteSound() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_MuteSoundOp)
#define HTRCXUnmuteSound() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_UnmuteSoundOp)
#define HTRCXClearAllEvents() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearAllEventsOp)
#define HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode)
#define HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir)
#define HTRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) __HTRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval)
#define HTRCXOn(_outputs) __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)
#define HTRCXOff(_outputs) __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF)
#define HTRCXFloat(_outputs) __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FLOAT)
#define HTRCXToggle(_outputs) __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_TOGGLE)
#define HTRCXFwd(_outputs) __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD)
#define HTRCXRev(_outputs) __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV)
#define HTRCXOnFwd(_outputs) __HTRCXOnFwd(_outputs)
#define HTRCXOnRev(_outputs) __HTRCXOnRev(_outputs)
#define HTRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) __HTRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms)
#define HTRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) __HTRCXSetTxPower(_pwr)
#define HTRCXPlaySound(_snd) __HTRCXPlaySound(_snd)
#define HTRCXDeleteTask(_t) __HTRCXDeleteTask(_t)
#define HTRCXStartTask(_t) __HTRCXStartTask(_t)
#define HTRCXStopTask(_t) __HTRCXStopTask(_t)
#define HTRCXSelectProgram(_prog) __HTRCXSelectProgram(_prog)
#define HTRCXClearTimer(_timer) __HTRCXClearTimer(_timer)
#define HTRCXSetSleepTime(_t) __HTRCXSetSleepTime(_t)
#define HTRCXDeleteSub(_s) __HTRCXDeleteSub(_s)
#define HTRCXClearSensor(_port) __HTRCXClearSensor(_port)
#define HTRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) __HTRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration)
#define HTRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) __HTRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes)
#define HTRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) __HTRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type)
#define HTRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) __HTRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode)
#define HTRCXCreateDatalog(_size) __HTRCXCreateDatalog(_size)
#define HTRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) __HTRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value)
#define HTRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) __HTRCXSendSerial(_first, _count)
#define HTRCXRemote(_cmd) __HTRCXRemote(_cmd)
#define HTRCXEvent(_src, _value) __HTRCXEvent(_src, _value)
#define HTRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) __HTRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration)
#define HTRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) __HTRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value)
#define HTRCXPollMemory(_address, _result) __HTRCXPollMemory(_address, _result)
#define HTRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) __HTRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type)
#define HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) __HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode)
#define HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) __HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir)
#define HTRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) __HTRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval)
#define HTRCXEnableOutput(_outputs) __HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)
#define HTRCXDisableOutput(_outputs) __HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF)
#define HTRCXInvertOutput(_outputs) __HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV)
#define HTRCXObvertOutput(_outputs) __HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD)
#define HTRCXIncCounter(_counter) __HTRCXIncCounter(_counter)
#define HTRCXDecCounter(_counter) __HTRCXDecCounter(_counter)
#define HTRCXClearCounter(_counter) __HTRCXClearCounter(_counter)
#define HTRCXSetPriority(_p) __HTRCXSetPriority(_p)
#define HTRCXSetMessage(_msg) __HTRCXSetMessage(_msg)

#define __HTRCXSetIRLinkPort(_port) \
  set __gRCXCmd.Port, _port \
  set __gRCXCmd.Address, 0x02

#define __HTRCXPoll(_src, _value, _result) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PollOp, _src, _value \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 12 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  index _result, __gRCXCmd.Response, 7 \
  index __RCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.Response, 5 \
  mul _result, _result, 256 \
  add _result, _result, __RCSTmpByte \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXBatteryLevel(_result) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_BatteryLevelOp \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 12 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  index _result, __gRCXCmd.Response, 7 \
  index __RCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.Response, 5 \
  mul _result, _result, 256 \
  add _result, _result, __RCSTmpByte \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXOpNoArgs(_op) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrinit __gRCXCmd.Command, _op, 1 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __RCSTmpByte, _outputs, _mode \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_OnOffFloatOp, __RCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __RCSTmpByte, _outputs, _dir \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_OutputDirOp, __RCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_OutputPowerOp, _outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXOnFwd(_outputs) \
  __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD) \
  __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)

#define __HTRCXOnRev(_outputs) \
  __HTRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV) \
  __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)

#define __HTRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) \
  __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON) \
  wait _ms \
  __HTRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF)

#define __HTRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_IRModeOp, _pwr \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXPlaySound(_snd) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PlaySoundOp, _snd \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXDeleteTask(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DeleteTaskOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXStartTask(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_StartTaskOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXStopTask(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_StopTaskOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSelectProgram(_prog) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SelectProgramOp, _prog \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXClearTimer(_timer) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ClearTimerOp, _timer \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetSleepTime(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_AutoOffOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXDeleteSub(_s) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DeleteSubOp, _s \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXClearSensor(_port) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ClearSensorOp, _port \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PlayToneVarOp, _varnum, _duration \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetWatchOp, _hours, _minutes \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_InputTypeOp, _port, _type \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_InputModeOp, _port, _mode \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXCreateDatalog(_size) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _size, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _size, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetDatalogOp, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DatalogOp, _src, _value \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SendUARTDataOp, _first, _count \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXRemote(_cmd) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _cmd, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _cmd, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_RemoteOp, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXEvent(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DirectEventOp, _src, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _freq, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _freq, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PlayToneOp, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2, _duration \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DisplayOp, _src, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXPollMemory(_address, _result) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _address, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _address, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PollMemoryOp, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2, 1 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 16 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  index _result, __gRCXCmd.Response, 7 \
  index __RCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.Response, 5 \
  mul _result, _result, 256 \
  add _result, _result, __RCSTmpByte \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetEventOp, _evt, _src, _type \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __RCSTmpByte, _outputs, _mode \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_GOutputModeOp, __RCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __RCSTmpByte, _outputs, _dir \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_GOutputDirOp, __RCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_GOutputPowerOp, _outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXIncCounter(_counter) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_IncCounterOp, _counter \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXDecCounter(_counter) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DecCounterOp, _counter \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXClearCounter(_counter) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ClearCounterOp, _counter \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetPriority(_p) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetPriorityOp, _p \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTRCXSetMessage(_msg) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_MessageOp, _msg \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define HTScoutCalibrateSensor() __HTRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_LSCalibrateOp)
#define HTScoutMuteSound() __HTScoutMuteSound()
#define HTScoutUnmuteSound() __HTScoutUnmuteSound()
#define HTScoutSelectSounds(_grp) __HTScoutSelectSounds(_grp)
#define HTScoutSetLight(_x) __HTScoutSetLight(_x)
#define HTScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) __HTScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value)
#define HTScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) __HTScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value)
#define HTScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) __HTScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value)
#define HTScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) __HTScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value)
#define HTScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) __HTScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value)
#define HTScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) __HTScoutSendVLL(_src, _value)
#define HTScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) __HTScoutSetScoutMode(_mode)

#define __HTScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ScoutOp, _mode \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_VLLOp, _src, _value \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSBlinkTimeOp, _src, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSHysteresisOp, _src, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSLowerThreshOp, _src, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSUpperThreshOp, _src, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __RCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __RCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetFeedbackOp, _src, __RCSTmpByte, __RCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutMuteSound() \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SoundOp, 0x80 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutUnmuteSound() \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SoundOp, 0xc0 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSelectSounds(_grp) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SoundOp, _grp \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __HTScoutSetLight(_x) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LightOp, _x \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __HTRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define ReadSensorHTCompass(_port, _value) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 2 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  index _value, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  add _value, _value, _value \
  add _value, _value, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 2 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  index _value, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  add _value, _value, _value \
  add _value, _value, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define __ReadSensorHTAccel(_port, _x, _y, _z, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _x, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  brcmp LTEQ, __RSHTAX##__I__, _x, 127 \
  sub _x, _x, 256 \
  __RSHTAX##__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mul _x, _x, 4 \
  add _x, _x, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  index _y, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 4 \
  brcmp LTEQ, __RSHTAY##__I__, _y, 127 \
  sub _y, _y, 256 \
  __RSHTAY##__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mul _y, _y, 4 \
  add _y, _y, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  index _z, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 5 \
  brcmp LTEQ, __RSHTAZ##__I__, _z, 127 \
  sub _z, _z, 256 \
  __RSHTAZ##__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mul _z, _z, 4 \
  add _z, _z, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _x, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  brcmp LTEQ, __RSHTAX##__I__, _x, 127 \
  sub _x, _x, 256 \
  __RSHTAX##__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mul _x, _x, 4 \
  add _x, _x, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  index _y, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 4 \
  brcmp LTEQ, __RSHTAY##__I__, _y, 127 \
  sub _y, _y, 256 \
  __RSHTAY##__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mul _y, _y, 4 \
  add _y, _y, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  index _z, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 5 \
  brcmp LTEQ, __RSHTAZ##__I__, _z, 127 \
  sub _z, _z, 256 \
  __RSHTAZ##__I__: \
  __IncI__ \
  mul _z, _z, 4 \
  add _z, _z, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

dseg segment
  __RSHTColorRawBuf byte[] 0x02, 0x46
  __RSHTColorNormBuf byte[] 0x02, 0x4C
dseg ends

#define __ReadSensorHTRawColor(_port, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RSHTColorRawBuf \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _Red, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  mul _Red, _Red, 256 \
  add _Red, _Red, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  index _Green, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  mul _Green, _Green, 256 \
  add _Green, _Green, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  index _Blue, __RLSReadBufVar, 5 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 4 \
  mul _Blue, _Blue, 256 \
  add _Blue, _Blue, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RSHTColorRawBuf \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _Red, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  mul _Red, _Red, 256 \
  add _Red, _Red, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  index _Green, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  mul _Green, _Green, 256 \
  add _Green, _Green, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  index _Blue, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 5 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 4 \
  mul _Blue, _Blue, 256 \
  add _Blue, _Blue, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define __ReadSensorHTColor(_port, _ColorNum, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 4 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _ColorNum, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index _Red, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index _Green, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  index _Blue, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 4 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _ColorNum, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index _Red, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index _Green, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  index _Blue, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define __ReadSensorHTNormalizedColor(_port, _ColorIdx, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RSHTColorNormBuf \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 4 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _ColorIdx, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index _Red, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index _Green, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  index _Blue, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RSHTColorNormBuf \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 4 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _ColorIdx, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index _Red, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index _Green, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  index _Blue, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define __ReadSensorHTIRSeeker(_port, _dir, _s1, _s3, _s5, _s7, _s9, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _dir, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index _s1, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index _s3, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  index _s5, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  index _s7, __RLSReadBufVar, 4 \
  index _s9, __RLSReadBufVar, 5 \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _dir, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index _s1, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index _s3, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  index _s5, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  index _s7, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 4 \
  index _s9, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 5 \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define ReadSensorHTColorNum(_port, _value) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  index _value, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  index _value, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define ReadSensorHTIRSeekerDir(_port, _value) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  mov __RLSReadBufVar, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  index _value, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  mov __RLSReadBuf##_port, __RLSBbufLSWrite1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  index _value, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define ReadSensorHTAccel(_port, _x, _y, _z, _result) __ReadSensorHTAccel(_port, _x, _y, _z, _result)
#define ReadSensorHTColor(_port, _ColorNum, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result) __ReadSensorHTColor(_port, _ColorNum, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result)
#define ReadSensorHTRawColor(_port, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result) __ReadSensorHTRawColor(_port, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result)
#define ReadSensorHTNormalizedColor(_port, _ColorIdx, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result) __ReadSensorHTNormalizedColor(_port, _ColorIdx, _Red, _Green, _Blue, _result)
#define ReadSensorHTIRSeeker(_port, _dir, _s1, _s3, _s5, _s7, _s9, _result) __ReadSensorHTIRSeeker(_port, _dir, _s1, _s3, _s5, _s7, _s9, _result)

// Mindsensors API functions

#define SetSensorMSPressure(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_REFLECTION) \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_RAW) \
#define ReadSensorMSPressure(_p, _value) \
  getin _value, _p, RawValue \
  sub _value, 1024, _value \
  div _value, _value, 25

#define ReadSensorMSPressureRaw(_p, _value) \
  getin _value, _p, RawValue

#define ReadSensorMSCompassEx(_port, _addr, _value) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, _addr, 0x42 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 2 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  index _value, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  mul _value, _value, 256 \
  add _value, _value, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, _addr, 0x42 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 2 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  index _value, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  mul _value, _value, 256 \
  add _value, _value, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define __ReadSensorMSRTClock(_port, _sec, _min, _hrs, _dow, _date, _month, _year, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, 0xD0, 0x00 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 8 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _sec, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index _min, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index _hrs, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  index _dow, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  index _date, __RLSReadBufVar, 4 \
  index _month, __RLSReadBufVar, 5 \
  index _year, __RLSReadBufVar, 6 \
  bcd2dec(_sec, _sec) \
  bcd2dec(_min, _min) \
  bcd2dec(_hrs, _hrs) \
  bcd2dec(_dow, _dow) \
  bcd2dec(_date, _date) \
  bcd2dec(_month, _month) \
  bcd2dec(_year, _year) \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, 0xD0, 0x00 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 8 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _sec, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index _min, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index _hrs, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  index _dow, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  index _date, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 4 \
  index _month, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 5 \
  index _year, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 6 \
  bcd2dec(_sec, _sec) \
  bcd2dec(_min, _min) \
  bcd2dec(_hrs, _hrs) \
  bcd2dec(_dow, _dow) \
  bcd2dec(_date, _date) \
  bcd2dec(_month, _month) \
  bcd2dec(_year, _year) \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define __ReadSensorMSTiltEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, _addr, 0x42  \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 3 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _x, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index _y, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index _z, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, _addr, 0x42 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 3 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _x, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index _y, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index _z, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define __ReadSensorMSAccelEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, _addr, 0x45 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _x, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  mul __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSBytesCountVar, 256 \
  add _x, _x, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  index _y, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  mul __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSBytesCountVar, 256 \
  add _y, _y, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  index _z, __RLSReadBufVar, 4 \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, 5 \
  mul __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSBytesCountVar, 256 \
  add _z, _z, __RLSBytesCountVar \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, _addr, 0x45 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _x, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  mul __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSBytesCount##_port, 256 \
  add _x, _x, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  index _y, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  mul __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSBytesCount##_port, 256 \
  add _y, _y, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  index _z, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 4 \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 5 \
  mul __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSBytesCount##_port, 256 \
  add _z, _z, __RLSBytesCount##_port \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define ReadSensorMSCompass(_port, _value) ReadSensorMSCompassEx(_port, 0x02, _value)
#define ReadSensorMSRTClock(_port, _sec, _min, _hrs, _dow, _date, _month, _year, _result) __ReadSensorMSRTClock(_port, _sec, _min, _hrs, _dow, _date, _month, _year, _result)
#define ReadSensorMSTilt(_port, _x, _y, _z, _result) __ReadSensorMSTiltEx(_port, 0x02, _x, _y, _z, _result)
#define ReadSensorMSTiltEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, _result) __ReadSensorMSTiltEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, _result)
#define ReadSensorMSAccel(_port, _x, _y, _z, _result) __ReadSensorMSAccelEx(_port, 0x02, _x, _y, _z, _result)
#define ReadSensorMSAccelEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, _result) __ReadSensorMSAccelEx(_port, _addr, _x, _y, _z, _result)

dseg segment
  __WDSC_Port byte
  __WDSC_WriteBytes byte[]
  __WDSC_SensorAddress byte
  __WDSC_SensorRegister byte
  __WDSC_ByteCount byte
  __WDSC_lswArgs TCommLSWrite
  __WDSC_LSStatus sbyte
  __WDSC_Result sbyte
  __WDSCmutex mutex
  __DNRVmutex mutex
  __RDSD_Port byte
  __RDSD_SensorAddress byte
  __RDSD_SensorRegister byte
  __RDSD_NumBytesToRead byte
  __RDSD_Value sdword
  __RDSD_lswArgs TCommLSWrite
  __RDSD_lsrArgs TCommLSRead
  __RDSD_LSStatus sbyte
  __RDSD_bytesRead sdword
  __RDSD_PreviousValue sdword
  __RDSD_Byte byte
dseg ends

#define __MSWriteToRegister(_port, _addr, _reg, _bytes, _result) \
  acquire __WDSCmutex \
  mov __WDSC_Port, _port \
  mov __WDSC_SensorAddress, _addr \
  set __WDSC_SensorRegister, _reg \
  arrbuild __WDSC_WriteBytes, _bytes \
  call __MSWriteBytesSub \
  mov _result, __WDSC_LSStatus \
  release __WDSCmutex

#define __MSSendCmd(_port, _addr, _cmd, _result) \
  __MSWriteToRegister(_port, _addr, MS_REG_CMD, _cmd, _result)

#define __MSReadValue(_port, _addr, _reg, _bytes, _out, _result) \
  acquire __DNRVmutex \
  mov __RDSD_Port, _port \
  mov __RDSD_SensorAddress, _addr \
  mov __RDSD_SensorRegister, _reg \
  set __RDSD_NumBytesToRead, _bytes \
  call __MSReadValueSub \
  mov _out, __RDSD_Value \
  mov _result, __RDSD_LSStatus \
  release __DNRVmutex

#define MSSendCommandEx(_port, _addr, _cmd, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, _addr, _cmd, _result)
#define MSSendCommand(_port, _cmd, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, _cmd, _result)
#define MSReadValueEx(_port, _addr, _reg, _bytes, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, _addr, _reg, _bytes, _out, _result)
#define MSReadValue(_port, _reg, _bytes, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, _reg, _bytes, _out, _result)

#define DISTNxGP2D12(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2D12, _result)
#define DISTNxGP2D120(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2D120, _result)
#define DISTNxGP2YA21(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2YA21, _result)
#define DISTNxGP2YA02(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, DIST_CMD_GP2YA02, _result)
#define DISTNxEnergize(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, MS_CMD_ENERGIZED, _result)
#define ReadDISTNxDistance(_port, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_DIST, 2, _out, _result)
#define ReadDISTNxVoltage(_port, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_VOLT, 2, _out, _result)
#define ReadDISTNxModuleType(_port, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_MODULE_TYPE, 1, _out, _result)
#define ReadDISTNxNumPoints(_port, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_NUM_POINTS, 1, _out, _result)
#define ReadDISTNxMinDistance(_port, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_DIST_MIN, 2, _out, _result)
#define ReadDISTNxMaxDistance(_port, _out, _result) __MSReadValue(_port, 0x02, DIST_REG_DIST_MAX, 2, _out, _result)

subroutine __MSWriteBytesSub
  mov __WDSC_lswArgs.Port, __WDSC_Port
  arrbuild __WDSC_lswArgs.Buffer, __WDSC_SensorAddress, __WDSC_SensorRegister, __WDSC_WriteBytes
  set __WDSC_lswArgs.ReturnLen, 0
  syscall CommLSWrite, __WDSC_lswArgs
  LowspeedCheckStatus(__WDSC_Port, __WDSC_LSStatus)
  brtst GT, __WDSC_StatusLoop, __WDSC_LSStatus

subroutine __MSReadValueSub
  mov __RDSD_lswArgs.Port, __RDSD_Port
  arrbuild __RDSD_lswArgs.Buffer, __RDSD_SensorAddress, __RDSD_SensorRegister
  mov __RDSD_lswArgs.ReturnLen, __RDSD_NumBytesToRead
  syscall CommLSWrite, __RDSD_lswArgs
  LowspeedCheckStatus(__RDSD_Port, __RDSD_LSStatus)
  brtst GT, __RDSD_CheckStatusAfterWriteLoop, __RDSD_LSStatus
  brtst EQ, __RDSD_GoAheadWithRead, __RDSD_LSStatus
  jmp __RDSD_ReadError
  mov __RDSD_lsrArgs.Port, __RDSD_Port
  mov __RDSD_lsrArgs.BufferLen, __RDSD_NumBytesToRead
  syscall CommLSRead, __RDSD_lsrArgs
  LowspeedCheckStatus(__RDSD_Port, __RDSD_LSStatus)
  brtst GT, __RDSD_CheckStatusAfterReadLoop, __RDSD_LSStatus
  arrsize __RDSD_bytesRead, __RDSD_lsrArgs.Buffer
  brcmp NEQ, __RDSD_ReadError, __RDSD_bytesRead, __RDSD_NumBytesToRead
  brtst EQ, __RDSD_GoAheadAndCalculateValue, __RDSD_LSStatus
  mov __RDSD_Value, __RDSD_PreviousValue
  jmp __RDSD_ReturnResults
  set __RDSD_Value, 0
  brcmp EQ, __RDSD_OneByte, __RDSD_NumBytesToRead, 1
  index __RDSD_Byte, __RDSD_lsrArgs.Buffer, 1
  mul __RDSD_Value, __RDSD_Byte, 256
  index __RDSD_Byte, __RDSD_lsrArgs.Buffer, NA
  add __RDSD_Value, __RDSD_Byte, __RDSD_Value
  mov __RDSD_PreviousValue, __RDSD_Value

#define SetSensorMSDRODActive(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_LIGHT_ACTIVE) \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_PCTFULLSCALE) \

#define SetSensorMSDRODInactive(_p) \
  SetSensorType(_p, IN_TYPE_LIGHT_INACTIVE) \
  SetSensorMode(_p, IN_MODE_PCTFULLSCALE) \

#define ReadSensorMSDROD(_p, _value) \
  getin _value, _p, NormalizedValue

#define PSPNxEnergize(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, MS_CMD_ENERGIZED, _result)

#define __ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx(_port, _addr, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, _addr, PSP_REG_BTN1 \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _b1, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  index _b2, __RLSReadBufVar, 1 \
  index _xleft, __RLSReadBufVar, 2 \
  index _yleft, __RLSReadBufVar, 3 \
  index _xright, __RLSReadBufVar, 4 \
  index _yright, __RLSReadBufVar, 5 \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, _addr, PSP_REG_BTN1 \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 6 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _b1, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  index _b2, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 1 \
  index _xleft, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 2 \
  index _yleft, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 3 \
  index _xright, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 4 \
  index _yright, __RLSReadBuf##_port, 5 \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx(_port, _addr, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright, _result) \
  __ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx(_port, _addr, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright, _result)

#define ReadSensorMSPlayStation(_port, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright, _result) \
  __ReadSensorMSPlayStationEx(_port, 0x02, _b1, _b2, _xleft, _yleft, _xright, _yright, _result)

#define NRLink2400(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_2400, _result)
#define NRLink4800(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_4800, _result)
#define NRLinkFlush(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_FLUSH, _result)
#define NRLinkIRLong(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_IR_LONG, _result)
#define NRLinkIRShort(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_IR_SHORT, _result)
#define NRLinkTxRaw(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_TX_RAW, _result)
#define NRLinkSetRCX(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_SET_RCX, _result)
#define NRLinkSetTrain(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_SET_TRAIN, _result)
#define NRLinkSetPF(_port, _result) __MSSendCmd(_port, 0x02, NRLINK_CMD_SET_PF, _result)

#define __RunNRLinkMacroEx(_port, _addr, _macro, _result) \
  acquire __WDSCmutex \
  mov __WDSC_Port, _port \
  mov __WDSC_SensorAddress, _addr \
  arrbuild __WDSC_WriteBytes, NRLINK_CMD_RUN_MACRO, _macro \
  call __MSWriteBytesSub \
  mov _result, __WDSC_LSStatus \
  release __WDSCmutex

#define RunNRLinkMacroEx(_port, _addr, _macro, _result) __RunNRLinkMacroEx(_port, _addr, _macro, _result)
#define RunNRLinkMacro(_port, _macro, _result) __RunNRLinkMacroEx(_port, 0x02, _macro, _result)

#define ReadNRLinkStatusEx(_port, _addr, _value, _result) \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, _addr, MS_REG_CMD \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  index _value, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, _addr, MS_REG_CMD \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  index _value, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \

#define ReadNRLinkStatus(_port, _value, _result) ReadNRLinkStatusEx(_port, 0x02, _value, _result)

#define __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, _bytes, _result) \
  __MSSendCmd(_port, _addr, NRLINK_CMD_FLUSH, _result) \
  __MSWriteToRegister(_port, _addr, NRLINK_REG_DATA, _bytes, _result) \
  arrsize __WDSC_ByteCount, _bytes \
  __MSWriteToRegister(_port, _addr, NRLINK_REG_BYTES, __WDSC_ByteCount, _result)

#define WriteNRLinkBytesEx(_port, _addr, _bytes, _result) __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, _bytes, _result)
#define WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _bytes, _result) __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, 0x02, _bytes, _result)

#define __ReadNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, _bytes, _result) \
  acquire __DNRVmutex \
  compif EQ, isconst(_port), FALSE \
  acquire __RLSBmutex0 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex1 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex2 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex3 \
  mov __RLSReadPort, _port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, _addr, NRLINK_REG_BYTES \
  set __RLSBytesCountVar, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  index __RLSBytesCountVar, __RLSReadBufVar, NA \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBufVar, _addr, NRLINK_REG_DATA \
  call __ReadLSBytesVar \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResultVar \
  mov _bytes, __RLSReadBufVar \
  release __RLSBmutex0 \
  release __RLSBmutex1 \
  release __RLSBmutex2 \
  release __RLSBmutex3 \
  compelse \
  compchk LT, _port, 0x04 \
  compchk GTEQ, _port, 0x00 \
  acquire __RLSBmutex##_port \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, _addr, NRLINK_REG_BYTES \
  set __RLSBytesCount##_port, 1 \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  index __RLSBytesCount##_port, __RLSReadBuf##_port, NA \
  arrbuild __RLSReadBuf##_port, _addr, NRLINK_REG_DATA \
  call __ReadLSBytes##_port \
  tst EQ, _result, __RLSBResult##_port \
  mov _bytes, __RLSReadBuf##_port \
  release __RLSBmutex##_port \
  compend \
  __MSSendCmd(_port, _addr, NRLINK_CMD_FLUSH, _result) \
  release __DNRVmutex 

#define ReadNRLinkBytesEx(_port, _addr, _bytes, _result) __ReadNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, _bytes, _result)
#define ReadNRLinkBytes(_port, _bytes, _result) __ReadNRLinkBytes(_port, 0x02, _bytes, _result)

dseg segment
  __MSPFByte1 byte
  __MSPFByte2 byte
dseg ends

subroutine __MSPowerFunctionCalcBytes
  call __PFCalcChecksum
  // build __PFBytes using two values calculated from the __PFNibbles
  index __MSPFByte1, __PFNibbles, NA
  index __PFTmp, __PFNibbles, 1
  mul __MSPFByte1, __MSPFByte1, 16
  add __MSPFByte1, __MSPFByte1, __PFTmp
  index __MSPFByte2, __PFNibbles, 2
  index __PFTmp, __PFNibbles, 3
  mul __MSPFByte2, __MSPFByte2, 16
  add __MSPFByte2, __MSPFByte2, __PFTmp
  arrbuild __PFBytes, __MSPFByte1, __MSPFByte2

#define __MSPFComboDirect(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _outa, 4 \
  mod __PF_p3, _outb, 4 \
  call __PFComboDirectSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __MSPowerFunctionCalcBytes \
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, __PFBytes, _result) \
  release __PFMutex

#define __MSPFSinglePin(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _out, 2 \
  mod __PF_p3, _pin, 2 \
  mod __PF_p4, _func, 4 \
  set __PF_p5, _cont \
  call __PFSinglePinSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __MSPowerFunctionCalcBytes \
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, __PFBytes, _result) \
  release __PFMutex

#define __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func, _cst, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _out, 2 \
  mod __PF_p3, _func, 16 \
  set __PF_p4, _cst \
  call __PFSingleOutputSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __MSPowerFunctionCalcBytes \
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, __PFBytes, _result) \
  release __PFMutex

#define __MSPFComboPWM(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _outa, 16 \
  mod __PF_p3, _outb, 16 \
  call __PFComboPWMSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __MSPowerFunctionCalcBytes \
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, __PFBytes, _result) \
  release __PFMutex

#define __MSIRTrain(_port, _addr, _channel, _func, _PFMode, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _channel, 4 \
  mod __PF_p2, _func, 5 \
  compif EQ, _PFMode, TRUE \
  call __PFTrainSub \
  compelse \
  call __RCTrainSub \
  compend \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, _PFMode \
  call __MSPowerFunctionCalcBytes \
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, __PFBytes, _result) \
  release __PFMutex

#define __MSPFRawOutput(_port, _addr, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mod __PF_p1, _nibble0, 7 \
  mod __PF_p2, _nibble1, 16 \
  mod __PF_p3, _nibble2, 16 \
  call __PFRawOutputSub \
  set __PFPowerFuncMode, TRUE \
  call __MSPowerFunctionCalcBytes \
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, __PFBytes, _result) \
  release __PFMutex

#define __MSPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, _addr, _count, _delay, _result) \
  acquire __PFMutex \
  mov __PF_p1, _count \
  __MSPFRepeatLoop##__I__: \
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(_port, _addr, __PFBytes, _result) \
  waitv _delay \
  sub __PF_p1, __PF_p1, 1 \
  brtst GT, __MSPFRepeatLoop##__I__, __PF_p1 \
  release __PFMutex \

#define MSPFComboDirectEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  __MSPFComboDirect(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result)

#define MSPFComboDirect(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  __MSPFComboDirect(_port, 0x02, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result)

#define MSPFSinglePinEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result) \
  __MSPFSinglePin(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result)

#define MSPFSinglePin(_port, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result) \
  __MSPFSinglePin(_port, 0x02, _channel, _out, _pin, _func, _cont, _result)

#define MSPFSingleOutputCSTEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func, _result) \
  __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func, TRUE, _result)

#define MSPFSingleOutputCST(_port, _channel, _out, _func, _result) \
  __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, 0x02, _channel, _out, _func, TRUE, _result)

#define MSPFSingleOutputPWMEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func, _result) \
  __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, _addr, _channel, _out, _func, FALSE, _result)

#define MSPFSingleOutputPWM(_port, _channel, _out, _func, _result) \
  __MSPFSingleOutput(_port, 0x02, _channel, _out, _func, FALSE, _result)

#define MSPFComboPWMEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  __MSPFComboPWM(_port, _addr, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result)

#define MSPFComboPWM(_port, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result) \
  __MSPFComboPWM(_port, 0x02, _channel, _outa, _outb, _result)

#define MSPFTrainEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _func, _result) \
  __MSIRTrain(_port, _addr, _channel, _func, TRUE, _result)

#define MSPFTrain(_port, _channel, _func, _result) \
  __MSIRTrain(_port, 0x02, _channel, _func, TRUE, _result)

#define MSIRTrainEx(_port, _addr, _channel, _func, _result) \
  __MSIRTrain(_port, _addr, _channel, _func, FALSE, _result)

#define MSIRTrain(_port, _channel, _func, _result) \
  __MSIRTrain(_port, 0x02, _channel, _func, FALSE, _result)

#define MSPFRawOutputEx(_port, _addr, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result) \
  __MSPFRawOutput(_port, _addr, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result)

#define MSPFRawOutput(_port, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result) \
  __MSPFRawOutput(_port, 0x02, _nibble0, _nibble1, _nibble2, _result)

#define MSPFRepeatEx(_port, _addr, _count, _delay, _result) \
  __MSPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, _addr, _count, _delay, _result)

#define MSPFRepeat(_port, _count, _delay, _result) \
  __MSPFRepeatLastCommand(_port, 0x02, _count, _delay, _result)

subroutine __MSRCXCommandSub
  dseg segment
    __MSRCSToggle byte
    __MSRCSI byte
    __MSRCSInCmd byte[]
    __MSRCSTmpBuf byte[]
    __MSRCSCmdBytes sbyte
    __MSRCSCmd byte
    __MSRCSCSum byte
    __MSRCSMsgBufSize byte
    __MSRCSTmpByte byte
    __MSRCSTmpSByte sbyte
    __MSRCSTmpWord word
    __MSRCSTmpByte2 byte
    __MSRCSResult byte
  dseg ends
  arrsize __MSRCSCmdBytes, __gRCXCmd.Command
  index __MSRCSCmd, __gRCXCmd.Command, NA
  set __MSRCSCSum, 0

  // build the message
  set __MSRCSMsgBufSize, 2
  mul __MSRCSMsgBufSize, __MSRCSMsgBufSize, __MSRCSCmdBytes
  add __MSRCSMsgBufSize, __MSRCSMsgBufSize, 5

  arrinit __MSRCSInCmd, 0, __MSRCSMsgBufSize
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, NA, 0x55
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, 1, 0xFF
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, 2, 0x00
  // add cmd and ~cmd bytes
  or __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSCmd, __MSRCSToggle
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, 3, __MSRCSTmpByte
  mov __MSRCSCSum, __MSRCSTmpByte
  sub __MSRCSTmpByte, 0xFF, __MSRCSCSum
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, 4, __MSRCSTmpByte

  set __MSRCSI, 0
  xor __MSRCSToggle, __MSRCSToggle, 8

  brcmp LTEQ, __MSRCSEndWhileILTCmdBytes, __MSRCSCmdBytes, 1

  sub __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSCmdBytes, 1
  brcmp GTEQ, __MSRCSEndWhileILTCmdBytes, __MSRCSI, __MSRCSTmpByte
  add __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSI, 1
  index __MSRCSTmpByte2, __gRCXCmd.Command, __MSRCSTmpByte
  mul __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSI, 2
  add __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte, 5
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2
  // calculate checksum
  add __MSRCSCSum, __MSRCSCSum, __MSRCSTmpByte2
  add __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte, 1
  sub __MSRCSTmpByte2, 255, __MSRCSTmpByte2
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2
  add __MSRCSI, __MSRCSI, 1
  jmp __MSRCSWhileILTCmdBytes

  // add the two checksum bytes
  mul __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSI, 2
  add __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte, 5
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSCSum
  sub __MSRCSTmpByte2, 255, __MSRCSCSum
  add __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte, 1
  replace __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2

  // if the size of __MSRCSInCmd > 14 then we need to chunk up the transmission
  mov __MSRCSTmpSByte, __MSRCSMsgBufSize
  arrsubset __gRCXCmd.Command, __MSRCSInCmd, NA, 14
  arrbuild __MSRCSTmpBuf, __gRCXCmd.Address, 0x42, __gRCXCmd.Command
  // write message bytes to the NRLink device
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(__gRCXCmd.Port, __gRCXCmd.Address, __MSRCSTmpBuf, __MSRCSResult)
  sub __MSRCSTmpSByte, __MSRCSTmpSByte, 14
  brtst LTEQ, __MSRCSEndWhileMsgBufSizeGTZero, __MSRCSTmpSByte
  arrsubset __MSRCSTmpBuf, __MSRCSInCmd, 14, NA
  mov __MSRCSInCmd, __MSRCSTmpBuf
  jmp __MSRCSWhileMsgBufSizeGTZero

  // Now send the IR message
  arrbuild __MSRCSTmpBuf, __gRCXCmd.Address, 0x40, __MSRCSMsgBufSize
  __WriteNRLinkBytes(__gRCXCmd.Port, __gRCXCmd.Address, __MSRCSTmpBuf, __MSRCSResult)

  // give the message time to be transferred
  mul __MSRCSTmpWord, __MSRCSMsgBufSize, 5
  waitv __MSRCSTmpWord

  // do we need to read a response?
  brtst EQ, __MSRCSNoResponse, __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes
  // give the message time to be transferred
  add __MSRCSTmpWord, __MSRCSMsgBufSize, __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes
  mul __MSRCSTmpWord, __MSRCSTmpWord, 5
  waitv __MSRCSTmpWord

  // read the response
  __ReadNRLinkBytes(__gRCXCmd.Port, __gRCXCmd.Address, __gRCXCmd.Response, __MSRCSResult)


#define MSRCXSetNRLinkEx(_port, _addr) __MSRCXSetNRLink(_port, _addr)
#define MSRCXSetNRLinkPort(_port) __MSRCXSetNRLink(_port, 0x02)
#define MSRCXPoll(_src, _value, _result) __MSRCXPoll(_src, _value, _result)
#define MSRCXBatteryLevel(_result) __MSRCXBatteryLevel(_result)
#define MSRCXPing() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PingOp)
#define MSRCXDeleteTasks() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteTasksOp)
#define MSRCXStopAllTasks() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_StopAllTasksOp)
#define MSRCXPBTurnOff() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_PBTurnOffOp)
#define MSRCXDeleteSubs() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_DeleteSubsOp)
#define MSRCXClearSound() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearSoundOp)
#define MSRCXClearMsg() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearMsgOp)
#define MSRCXMuteSound() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_MuteSoundOp)
#define MSRCXUnmuteSound() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_UnmuteSoundOp)
#define MSRCXClearAllEvents() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_ClearAllEventsOp)
#define MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode)
#define MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir)
#define MSRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) __MSRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval)
#define MSRCXOn(_outputs) __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)
#define MSRCXOff(_outputs) __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF)
#define MSRCXFloat(_outputs) __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FLOAT)
#define MSRCXToggle(_outputs) __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_TOGGLE)
#define MSRCXFwd(_outputs) __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD)
#define MSRCXRev(_outputs) __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV)
#define MSRCXOnFwd(_outputs) __MSRCXOnFwd(_outputs)
#define MSRCXOnRev(_outputs) __MSRCXOnRev(_outputs)
#define MSRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) __MSRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms)
#define MSRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) __MSRCXSetTxPower(_pwr)
#define MSRCXPlaySound(_snd) __MSRCXPlaySound(_snd)
#define MSRCXDeleteTask(_t) __MSRCXDeleteTask(_t)
#define MSRCXStartTask(_t) __MSRCXStartTask(_t)
#define MSRCXStopTask(_t) __MSRCXStopTask(_t)
#define MSRCXSelectProgram(_prog) __MSRCXSelectProgram(_prog)
#define MSRCXClearTimer(_timer) __MSRCXClearTimer(_timer)
#define MSRCXSetSleepTime(_t) __MSRCXSetSleepTime(_t)
#define MSRCXDeleteSub(_s) __MSRCXDeleteSub(_s)
#define MSRCXClearSensor(_port) __MSRCXClearSensor(_port)
#define MSRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) __MSRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration)
#define MSRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) __MSRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes)
#define MSRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) __MSRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type)
#define MSRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) __MSRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode)
#define MSRCXCreateDatalog(_size) __MSRCXCreateDatalog(_size)
#define MSRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) __MSRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value)
#define MSRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) __MSRCXSendSerial(_first, _count)
#define MSRCXRemote(_cmd) __MSRCXRemote(_cmd)
#define MSRCXEvent(_src, _value) __MSRCXEvent(_src, _value)
#define MSRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) __MSRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration)
#define MSRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) __MSRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value)
#define MSRCXPollMemory(_address, _result) __MSRCXPollMemory(_address, _result)
#define MSRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) __MSRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type)
#define MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) __MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode)
#define MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) __MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir)
#define MSRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) __MSRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval)
#define MSRCXEnableOutput(_outputs) __MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)
#define MSRCXDisableOutput(_outputs) __MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF)
#define MSRCXInvertOutput(_outputs) __MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV)
#define MSRCXObvertOutput(_outputs) __MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD)
#define MSRCXCalibrateEvent(_evt, _low, _hi, _hyst) __MSRCXCalibrateEvent(_evt, _low, _hi, _hyst)
#define MSRCXSetVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SetVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXSumVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SumVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXSubVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SubVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXDivVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_DivVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXMulVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_MulVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXSgnVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_SgnVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXAbsVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_AbsVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXAndVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_AndVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXOrVar(_varnum, _src, _value) __MSRCXVarOp(RCX_OrVarOp, _varnum, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXSet(_dstsrc, _dstval, _src, _value) __MSRCXSet(_dstsrc, _dstval, _src, _value)
#define MSRCXUnlock() __MSRCXUnlock()
#define MSRCXReset() __MSRCXReset()
#define MSRCXBoot() __MSRCXBoot()
#define MSRCXSetUserDisplay(_src, _value, _precision) __MSRCXSetUserDisplay(_src, _value, _precision)
#define MSRCXIncCounter(_counter) __MSRCXIncCounter(_counter)
#define MSRCXDecCounter(_counter) __MSRCXDecCounter(_counter)
#define MSRCXClearCounter(_counter) __MSRCXClearCounter(_counter)
#define MSRCXSetPriority(_p) __MSRCXSetPriority(_p)
#define MSRCXSetMessage(_msg) __MSRCXSetMessage(_msg)

#define __MSRCXSetNRLink(_port, _addr) \
  set __gRCXCmd.Port, _port \
  set __gRCXCmd.Address, _addr

#define __MSRCXPoll(_src, _value, _result) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PollOp, _src, _value \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 12 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  index _result, __gRCXCmd.Response, 4 \
  index __MSRCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.Response, 2 \
  mul _result, _result, 256 \
  add _result, _result, __MSRCSTmpByte \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXBatteryLevel(_result) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_BatteryLevelOp \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 12 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  index _result, __gRCXCmd.Response, 4 \
  index __MSRCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.Response, 2 \
  mul _result, _result, 256 \
  add _result, _result, __MSRCSTmpByte \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXOpNoArgs(_op) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrinit __gRCXCmd.Command, _op, 1 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, _mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __RCSTmpByte, _outputs, _mode \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_OnOffFloatOp, __RCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, _dir) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __RCSTmpByte, _outputs, _dir \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_OutputDirOp, __RCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_OutputPowerOp, _outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXOnFwd(_outputs) \
  __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_FWD) \
  __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)

#define __MSRCXOnRev(_outputs) \
  __MSRCXSetDirection(_outputs, RCX_OUT_REV) \
  __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON)

#define __MSRCXOnFor(_outputs, _ms) \
  __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_ON) \
  wait _ms \
  __MSRCXSetOutput(_outputs, RCX_OUT_OFF)

#define __MSRCXSetTxPower(_pwr) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_IRModeOp, _pwr \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXPlaySound(_snd) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PlaySoundOp, _snd \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXDeleteTask(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DeleteTaskOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXStartTask(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_StartTaskOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXStopTask(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_StopTaskOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSelectProgram(_prog) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SelectProgramOp, _prog \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXClearTimer(_timer) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ClearTimerOp, _timer \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetSleepTime(_t) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_AutoOffOp, _t \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXDeleteSub(_s) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DeleteSubOp, _s \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXClearSensor(_port) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ClearSensorOp, _port \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXPlayToneVar(_varnum, _duration) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PlayToneVarOp, _varnum, _duration \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetWatch(_hours, _minutes) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetWatchOp, _hours, _minutes \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetSensorType(_port, _type) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_InputTypeOp, _port, _type \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetSensorMode(_port, _mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_InputModeOp, _port, _mode \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXCreateDatalog(_size) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _size, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _size, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetDatalogOp, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXAddToDatalog(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DatalogOp, _src, _value \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSendSerial(_first, _count) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SendUARTDataOp, _first, _count \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXRemote(_cmd) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _cmd, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _cmd, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_RemoteOp, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXEvent(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DirectEventOp, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXPlayTone(_freq, _duration) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _freq, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _freq, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PlayToneOp, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2, _duration \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSelectDisplay(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DisplayOp, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXPollMemory(_address, _result) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _address, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _address, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_PollMemoryOp, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2, 1 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 12 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  index _result, __gRCXCmd.Response, 4 \
  index __MSRCSTmpByte, __gRCXCmd.Response, 2 \
  mul _result, _result, 256 \
  add _result, _result, __MSRCSTmpByte \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetEvent(_evt, _src, _type) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetEventOp, _evt, _src, _type \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetGlobalOutput(_outputs, _mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __MSRCSTmpByte, _outputs, _mode \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_GOutputModeOp, __MSRCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetGlobalDirection(_outputs, _dir) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  add __MSRCSTmpByte, _outputs, _dir \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_GOutputDirOp, __MSRCSTmpByte \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetMaxPower(_outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_GOutputPowerOp, _outputs, _pwrsrc, _pwrval \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXCalibrateEvent(_evt, _low, _hi, _hyst) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_CalibrateEventOp, _evt, _low, _hi, _hyst \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __RCXVarOp(_op, _vnum, _src, _val) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _val, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _val, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, _op, _vnum, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSet(_dstsrc, _dstval, _src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetSourceValueOp, _dstsrc, _dstval, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXUnlock() \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_UnlockOp, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 16 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXReset() \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_BootModeOp, 1, 3, 5, 7, 11 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXBoot() \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_UnlockFirmOp, 0x4c, 0x45, 0x47, 0x4F, 0xAE \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetUserDisplay(_src, _value, _precision) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ViewSourceValOp, 0, _precision, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXIncCounter(_counter) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_IncCounterOp, _counter \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXDecCounter(_counter) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_DecCounterOp, _counter \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXClearCounter(_counter) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ClearCounterOp, _counter \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetPriority(_p) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetPriorityOp, _p \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSRCXSetMessage(_msg) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_MessageOp, _msg \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define MSScoutCalibrateSensor() __MSRCXOpNoArgs(RCX_LSCalibrateOp)
#define MSScoutMuteSound() __MSScoutMuteSound()
#define MSScoutUnmuteSound() __MSScoutUnmuteSound()
#define MSScoutSelectSounds(_grp) __MSScoutSelectSounds(_grp)
#define MSScoutSetLight(_x) __MSScoutSetLight(_x)
#define MSScoutSetCounterLimit(_ctr, _src, _value) __MSScoutSetCounterLimit(_ctr, _src, _value)
#define MSScoutSetTimerLimit(_tmr, _src, _value) __MSScoutSetTimerLimit(_tmr, _src, _value)
#define MSScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) __MSScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value)
#define MSScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) __MSScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value)
#define MSScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) __MSScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value)
#define MSScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) __MSScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value)
#define MSScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) __MSScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value)
#define MSScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) __MSScoutSendVLL(_src, _value)
#define MSScoutSetScoutRules(_m, _t, _l, _tm, _fx) __MSScoutSetScoutRules(_m, _t, _l, _tm, _fx)
#define MSScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) __MSScoutSetScoutMode(_mode)

#define __MSScoutSetScoutMode(_mode) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ScoutOp, _mode \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetScoutRules(_m, _t, _l, _tm, _fx) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_ScoutRulesOp, _m, _t, _l, _tm, _fx \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSendVLL(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_VLLOp, _src, _value \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetSensorClickTime(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSBlinkTimeOp, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetSensorHysteresis(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSHysteresisOp, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetSensorLowerLimit(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSLowerThreshOp, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetSensorUpperLimit(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LSUpperThreshOp, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetEventFeedback(_src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetFeedbackOp, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetCounterLimit(_ctr, _src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetCounterOp, _ctr, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetTimerLimit(_tmr, _src, _value) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  and __MSRCSTmpByte, _value, 0xFF \
  div __MSRCSTmpByte2, _value, 256 \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SetTimerLimitOp, _tmr, _src, __MSRCSTmpByte, __MSRCSTmpByte2 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutMuteSound() \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SoundOp, 0x80 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutUnmuteSound() \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SoundOp, 0xc0 \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSelectSounds(_grp) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_SoundOp, _grp \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#define __MSScoutSetLight(_x) \
  acquire __RCXCmdMutex \
  arrbuild __gRCXCmd.Command, RCX_LightOp, _x \
  set __gRCXCmd.ResponseBytes, 0 \
  call __MSRCXCommandSub \
  release __RCXCmdMutex

#endif // NXTDEFS__H