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Programmieren mit dBASE PLUS: Klasse ColumnEditor

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An expandable editor object in a grid column used to enter or display data from memo, text blob or character fields.



These controls are created by assigning the appropriate editorType to the GridColumn object.

spezielle Eigenschaften

Die folgenden Tabellen enthalten die speziellen Eigenschaften und Events der Klasse ColumnEditor.
(Spezielle Methoden sind mit dieser Klasse nicht verbunden.)
Eigenschaft Vorgabe Beschreibung
baseClassName COLUMNEDITOR Kennzeichnet das Objekt als Instanz der Klasse ColumnEditor.
className COLUMNEDITOR Kennzeichnet das Objekt als Instanz der abgeleiteten benutzerdefinierten Klasse. Wenn keine benutzerdefinierte Klasse existiert, gilt die Voreinstellung von baseClassName.
colorHighlight The color of the text in the ColumnEdItor object when the object has focus
colorNormal WindowText /Window The color of the text in the ColumnEditor object when the object does not have focus
dropDownHeight Die Anzahl der Optionen in der Dropdown-Liste.
evalTags true Gibt an, ob HTML-Tags im Text ausgewertet oder unverändert angezeigt werden sollen.
value The value currently displayed in the ColumnEditor object
wrap true Gibt an, ob der Text im Text-Objekt umbrochen werden soll.

spezielle Events

Event Parameter Beschreibung
key <Zeichen AusdruckN>, <Position AusdruckN>, <Umschalt AusdruckL>, <Strg AusdruckL Wird ausgelöst, wenn eine Taste gedrückt wurde. Der Rückgabewert kann den Tastendruck ändern oder verwerfen.
valid Wird bei dem Versuch ausgelöst, den Fokus zu verlagern, und muß True zurückgeben, damit der Fokus verlagert werden kann.

Basis Eigenschaften

Die folgende Tabelle enthält die Basis-Eigenschaften, -Events und -Methoden
der Klasse ColumnEditor
Eigenschaft Event Methode






A ColumnEditor object provides functionality similar to that of an Editor object, but in a grid cell. A ColumnEditor may be datalinked (via its parent gridColumn object) to a memo field, a text type blob field, or a character field. When a ColumnEditor object has focus, a button is displayed which can be used to open an expanded, or drop down window, in which to view or edit data. Clicking the mouse outside the expanded editor window, or pressing tab or shift-tab, will close the window.

When not expanded, ColumnEditor objects initially display the first non-blank line of data from its datalinked field. This is to make it easier for a user to determine what, if any, data has been entered into the field.

To enter or edit data in a ColumnEditor object:

  1. Give it focus by clicking on it with a left mouse button, or by using the tab or arrow keys to move to it within the grid object.
  2. Position the mouse where you wish to begin typing, and again click the left mouse button to display an insertion point. Alternatively you can just press any text key on the keyboard to begin entering text. Once the ColumnEditor has an insertion point it is said to be in "edit mode". When the ColumnEditor is in edit mode, the arrow keys will only work to scroll within the ColumnEditor.

To exit the ColumnEditor:

  • Click outside the ColumnEditor's cell


  • Navigate your way out using the tab, or shift-tab, keys.

Altering column dimensions

  • You may widen a ColumnEditor by widening its grid column.
  • You may change the height of a ColumnEditor's grid cell, to display more than one line of data in the grid cell, by changing the grid's cellHeight property.
  • You may change the height of a ColumnEditor's expanded window by changing its dropDownHeight value.
  • The expanded window will not expand beyond the edge of the ColumnEditor's Form or Subform.

Formatting text

When the ColumnEditor is contained within a Form whose mdi property is set to true, the Format Toolbar may be used to apply various formatting options to the text. To access the Format Toolbar:

  1. Give the ColumnEditor focus
  2. Right click on it to popup a context sensitive menu
  3. Select "Show Format Toolbar"

By default, a ColumnEditor will apply any formatting embedded in its datalinked field, when displaying data. To turn this off:

  • Set the ColumnEditor's evalTags property to false


  • Uncheck "Apply Formatting" via it's right-click popup menu.

