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Programmieren mit dBASE PLUS: image

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Image displayed between checkbox and text label when a tree item does not have focus.

Eigenschaft von


TreeItem, TreeView



The tree view may display images to the left of the text label of each tree item. If the tree has checkboxes, the image is displayed between the checkbox and the text label.

The image property of the TreeView object specifies the default icon image for all tree items when they do not have focus. You may designate specific icons for each TreeItem object to override the default. Use the selectedImage property to specify icons for when a tree item has focus. If any individual item in the tree has its image or selectedImage property set, space is left in all tree items for an icon, even if they don’t have one.

The image property is a string that can take one of two forms:

  • RESOURCE <resource id> <dll name>
specifies an icon resource and the DLL file that holds it.
  • FILENAME <filename>
specifies an ICO icon file.