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Complements of vector spaces – Serlo

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We consider a vector space with some subspace of . Can we then find a subspace of that complements to ? "That is, if we add to , we would like to get all of . But at the same time, what we add shall not already have be in .

We have already seen earlier how to add two vector spaces, and in this context we would like to hold. Further, shall not contain anything from . We have already learned about this concept in the article on inner direct sum: We want and to form an inner direct sum. So should apply.

To summarize, we are looking for a subspace of for which holds. If is written as a direct sum of subspaces, this is also called a decomposition of . This is because we decompose into "smaller" parts using the direct sum.



Definition (Complement)

Let be a field and a vector space. Let be a subspace of . Then a complement of in is defined as a subspace of such that holds. This means holds, and this sum is an inner direct sum.

Existence and Uniqueness




Suppose we have given and a subspace . How do we find a subspace of so that holds? For example, let and let the subspace be the diagonal line through the origin with slope 1. According to the theorem on the basis of a direct sum, the following applies: If holds, then a basis of together with a basis of will form a basis of . So we first choose a basis of : For example, we can choose

According to the basis completion theorem, we can add a vector from to a basis of by adding a vector that does not lie on the line :

If we define as the set of newly added basis vectors and , then should hold. In our example, we obtain the -axis for :

We can see that the sum is direct because the intersection of the two lines is the set , while togwther, they span the entire vector space.

We may even prove that that this kind of construction always provides a complement of a given subspace of a vector space via the basis completion theorem:

Theorem (Complements always exist)

Let be a -vector space over a field . Let further be a subspace. Then there is a subspace such that , i.e. is a complement of in .

How to get to the proof? (Complements always exist)

We know from the theorem about the basis of a direct sum that a basis of together with a basis of must result in a basis of . Since and are given, we first choose a basis of and add this to a basis of . The span of the newly added basis vectors is then a canidate for the required subspace . We only have to check that the sum of and is direct and results in .

Proof (Complements always exist)

In this proof, we will use bases. These will be defined later in this series, but they are unavoidable here. There is no circular reasoning because we have not used complements in the articles on bases.

Let be a subspace. We choose a basis of . According to the basis completion theorem, we can add to a basis of . Let then . This is by definition a subspace of .

holds, since already contains the basis of .

It remains to show that . Let . Then has representations as a linear combination of vectors in on the one hand, and of vectors in on the other. However, since forms a basis of and is therefore linearly independent, only remains as an option.


Complements always exist in our setting. However, in your further studies, it may happen that the term "complement" is defined somewhat differently, e.g. in functional analysis. Then there are examples of subspaces that have no complement.


Strictly speaking, we have only shown the existence of complements for finite-dimensional , because we have only proved the basis completion theorem in the finite-dimensional case. However, there is a more general version of the basis completion theorem that works for all vector spaces. This can be used to prove the above theorem in exactly the same way and obtain the existence of complements in infinite-dimensional vector spaces as well.

Complements are not unique


Is the complement from the last section unique? To define the complement, we used the basis addition theorem. Now we know that bases are in general not unique. Therefore, we could also complete a basis of to another basis of , which would lead to another subspace as the complement. We will now try this out using an example:

Let's look at the example from the last section again: We consider and the first angle bisector . We already know that

is a basis of and that we can add to a basis of by adding the vector . We have thus seen that is a complement of in . Another vector that is not in is . This means that we can also add to the basis

and therefore, is also a complement of in . We have thus found two complements: and . These vector spaces are the coordinate axes of and therefore holds. This means that has no unique complement in and complements are not unique.

Examples and exercises


Example (Trivial complements)

Let be a vector space. We always have . Therefore, is a complement of in .

The construction from the proof of the theorem on the existence of complements also works in this case: If , then we do not need to add any vectors to the basis of . Then is a complement, because the span of the empty set is the null space. It works in the same way in the case : Then and we may complete it to a basis of .

Example (Complement of a plane in space)

We consider the plane , which is spanned by the vectors and , i.e.

Our aim is to find a complement of . We can proceed in a similar way to the theorem on the existence of complements. First, we choose a basis of , then we complement it to a basis of the entire . The two vectors that span , namely and , are already linearly independent. Therefore, they already form a basis of . To construct a complement of , we only need one more vector, because is a -dimensional vector space. We therefore require a vector that is linearly independent of the vectors and . For instance, we may choose the vector . It is easy to check that the three vectors are indeed linearly independent.

Question: Are the three vectors really linearly independent?

Let with

We have to show that has to hold. If we look at the vectors line by line, we get a system of equations with three equations:

From the first and third equation, we deduce . Substituting this into the second equation, we obtain . So and therefore also .

The three vectors and (1,1,1) therefore form a basis of . The new vector spans a possible complement :

Example (Decomposition of polynomials)

We consider the vector space of the polynomials over . Then, is a subspace of . We want to find a complement of in .

We can also write the condition that differently: We can write . Then and such a polynomial lies in if . In order to construct a complement of , we must therefore find enough polynomials with . One such polynomial is the constant polynomial .

Have we already found enough polynomials with to have a complement? To answer this question, we may check whether . Let be an arbitrary polynomial. Then is contained in the span of . Again, is a polynomial with . This means with and . Therefore, .

Furthermore, this sum is direct because we know that . Thus, we have found a complement of in . The subspace is exactly the subspace of constant polynomials. That means, we have just proved that every polynomial can be decomposed into a polynomial with and a constant polynomial. The constant part is sometimes also also called the -intercept.

Of course, we could also have generated a complement of using any other polynomial with .

Exercise (Uniqueness of complements)

Let be a -vector space. Show that a subspace has a unique complement in if and only if either or .

Solution (Uniqueness of complements)

Proof step:

Let be a subspace with . Note that this implies in particular . (The only subspaces of a one-dimensional vector space are and the space itself). Let be a complement of in . We show that is not unique by constructing another complement of .

Neither nor applies: In the first case, , but this cannot be all of , as otherwise . In the second case, would also be true. It therefore follows from the theorem on the union of subvector spaces that . Hence there exist vectors in that lie neither in nor in . Choose such a vector . Because is not in , is linearly independent of all vectors in . Because is not in , is also linearly independent of all vectors in .

Now, choose a basis of , replace one of the basis vectors with and define as the span of the new basis. Because but , we have . In addition, is also a complement to : To show , let be arbitrary. Let be the basis over which we have defined . By construction, each of the vectors in is linearly independent of all vectors in . Let be a basis of . Then the following applies

for certain . Rearranging the equation results in

and because the are linearly independent, follows for all . Therefore, and the sum is direct. The sum results in the whole , because by construction we have : Using the dimension formula for subspaces, we get

where the last equality holds because . Since , and the dimensions are equal, we must therefore have .

Proof step:

Suppose . We know that is a complement of in . Let be another subspace with . Since the sum of the two subspaces in particular results in , we get .

Assuming . Then is a complement of in . Let be another subspace with . Because the sum is direct, we have in particular . However, since , we conclude .