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Matrix of a linear map – Serlo

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In this article, we will learn how to describe linear maps between arbitrary finite-dimensional vector spaces using matrices. The matrix representing such a linear mapping depends on the choice of bases in and in . Their columns are the coordinates of the images of the base vectors of .

Generalization to abstract vector spaces


In the article on introduction to matrices, we saw how we can describe a linear mapping using a matrix. In this way, we can specify and classify linear mappings between and quite easily. Can we also find such a description for linear mappings between general vector spaces?

Formally speaking, we care asking: Given two finite-dimensional vector spaces and , how can we completely describe a linear mapping ?

To answer this question, we can try to trace it back to the case of and . In the article on isomorphisms we have seen that every finite-dimensional vector space is isomorphic to . This means and , where we set and . This isomorphism works as follows: We choose an ordered basis from . By representing a vector in with respect to , we obtain the coordinate mapping , which maps to . In the same way, we obtain the isomorphism after choosing a basis of . It is important here that and are ordered bases, as we would get a different mapping for different arrangements of the basis vectors.

Using these isomorphisms, we can turn our mapping into a mapping : We set

Shifting a linear map in coordinate space
Shifting a linear map in coordinate space

We can assign a matrix to this mapping as described in the article Introduction to matrices.

Have we achieved our goal? If so, we can reconstruct the mapping from . From the article introduction to matrices, we already know that we can reconstruct the mapping from using the induced mapping. Now and are isomorphisms. This means that we can reconstruct from via .

We can therefore call the matrix assigned to . However, we have to be careful with this name: the matrix depends on the choice of the two ordered bases of and of . This means we have actually found several ways to construct a matrix from . Only after fixing the bases and have we found a unique way to get a matrix for . Thus, the matrix constructed above should actually be called “the matrix assigned to with respect to the bases and ”. Appropriately, we can denote by . By construction, this matrix fills exactly the bottom row in the following diagram:

Diagram characterizing the transformation matrix
Diagram characterizing the transformation matrix



Definition (Matrix of a linear map)

Let be a field, and two -vector spaces of dimension and respectively. Let be a basis of with coordinate mapping and a basis of with coordinate mapping . Further, let be a linear mapping. Define by . Now the matrix of with respect to the bases and is given by the corresponding matrix of , i.e., the -th column of the matrix contains the image of the -th standard basis vector under . We write this as .


Note that the matrix depends on the selected (ordered) bases and ! If you choose other bases, you generally get a different matrix. This also applies if you only change the order of the base vectors. This is why we use ordered bases.


The matrix of a linear map is also called the representation matrix or assigned matrix.

Calculating with matrices of linear maps


Computing the matrix of a linear map

Relationship between the elements and .

How can we find the corresponding matrix for ? That is, how can we specifically calculate the entries of the matrix ?

The -th column vector of the matrix is given by . We therefore want to determine this vector. Now, . The defining property of the coordinate mapping is that it maps the basis vector to . Therefore, . Thus, the -th column of is the vector . To find out how represents the vector , we need to represent this vector in the basis . There are scalars , so that . Then,

This means that the -th entry of is given by the entry from the basic representation .

Definition (Matrix of a linear map, alternative definition)

Let be a field and and two finite-dimensional -vector spaces. Let be a basis of and a basis of . Let be a linear mapping. Further, let be such that for all . Then we define the matrix of with respect to and as the matrix .


The columns of are therefore the coordinates with respect to of the images of the basis vectors of . We can also write this down like this: Here, each entry in the row is a column vector.

Example (Computing the matrix of a linear map)

Let be the vector space of polynomials of degree at most 2 with coefficients from and the vector space of polynomials of degree at most 1 with coefficients from . We define the following linear mapping:

It is easy to check that is actually a linear mapping. We have the bases of and of .

We are looking for the matrix .

To find it, we calculate the images of the basis vectors from and express the result in the basis :

The coefficients in front of the basis vectors in are the entries of the matrix we are looking for. Therefore

Using the matrix of a linear map


Now we know how to calculate the matrix of with respect to the bases and . What can we use this matrix for?

This matrix can be used to calculate the image vector of each . To do so, we first represent with respect to the basis of , i.e., . We denote the entries of the mapping matrix with . Then we have

We therefore obtain a representation of the vector as a linear combination of the basis vectors of , with coordinates

Using the matrix multiplication with a vector (“row times column”) we can also express this as follows:

Using the matrix of , we therefore obtain the coordinate vector of from the coordinate vector of : We multiply from the left by the matrix .

The equation states that, starting from a vector , the red and blue paths in the diagram for the matrix to be displayed provide the same result.

The defining diagram for a matrix of a linear map
The defining diagram for a matrix of a linear map

Instead of starting with a vector , we can also start with any vector . Then is the coordinate vector of . We can also understand the product as a coordinate vector of . From the diagram, we know that is the coordinate vector of . Therefore,

Here we have used the fact that the coordinate mappings are isomorphisms, so we can also reverse the arrows of and in the diagram. The equation states that the red and blue paths in the following diagram give the same result:

The defining diagram of a mapping matrix with inverted coordinate mapping
The defining diagram of a mapping matrix with inverted coordinate mapping

Example (Using the matrix of a linear map)

As above, we consider the linear map

and the bases of or of .

We have already calculated the matrix of with respect to these bases:

We can now use this matrix to calculate for a polynomial . We have seen above that

To understand this, let's look at a concrete example: We consider the polynomial . First, we need to calculate , i.e., the coordinates with respect to the basis . The coordinate vector is formed from the prefactors of the linear combination in the basis . We have

This allows us to find the coordinate vector

We can multiply this vector with the matrix :

This vector is , i.e., the coordinate vector of in the basis . In order to obtain from this, we must write the coordinates in the vector as prefactors in the linear combination of . Thus

Matrix of a composition of linear maps


In the following theorem we show that the combination of linear mappings corresponds to the multiplication of their representing matrices.

Theorem (Matrix of a composition of linear maps)

Let and be linear mappings between finite-dimensional vector spaces. Furthermore, let be a basis of , a basis of and a basis of . Then

Proof (Matrix of a composition of linear maps)

Let and let . Further, let and be the matrices of and respectively.

We now know that the are the unique scalars, satisfying

for all . In order to prove , we need to verify


From the uniqueness of the coordinates in the linear combination of , we conclude .


For the reduction rule, it is important that the same ordered basis of is chosen in both cases for the matrices representing and . If is formed for a different basis of , then the reduction rule no longer applies: The equation

is generally false. Because representing matrices depend on the order of the basis vectors, this also applies if is only a rearrangement of .

One-to-one correspondence between matrices and linear maps


We can uniquely assign a matrix to a linear map after a fixed choice of ordered bases and . This gives us a function that sends a mapping to its associated matrix :

In this formula, is the set of all linear maps from to and is the set of all matrices.

How did we arrive at the assignment of the matrix to the linear map ? We first found a unique mapping for using the bases and and then determined the matrix assigned to . The mapping is defined by the coordinate mappings: . So we have the assignment:

Because and are bijections, we can also get a unique from an , to which is assigned. All we have to do is to set .

So we have a bijection between and .

The assignment

is a bijection, as we already saw in the introduction article to matrices.

Therefore, is also a bijection, because it is the combination of the two bijections and . But what does the inverse of the bijection look like?

The inverse mapping sends a matrix to a linear map such that . Let and be ordered bases of and and , i.e., is the -th component of the matrix . Because , the following must hold:

Because of the principle of linear continuation, is already completely defined. Here, we see that is the weight of in . Intuitively, the -th column of the mapping matrix again stores the image of the -th basis vector, i.e., .

Example (One-to-one correspondence)

We want to better understand the one-to-one correspondence between matrices and linear mappings using an example. The bijection is given by

where is an (ordered) basis of and is an (ordered) basis of . We consider the two vector spaces and , i.e., the vector spaces of the polynomials with coefficients from and degree at most 2 or 1. For the one-to-one correspondence, we still need an ordered basis of and of . We choose the canonical bases and . What are the variables and in this example? The number is the dimension of the vector space and is the dimension of . So and .

We therefore have the bijection

This means every linear map from to provides a matrix

with coefficients . For example, we have seen above that for the linear map

and the bases and , we get the corresponding matrix

However, the one-to-one correspondence says even more: For every -matrix with coefficients in there is a unique linear mapping from to , so that is the mapping matrix of , i.e., .


If we choose a suitable vector space structure on the set of matrices , the bijection explained above is even an isomorphism. The vector space structure we have to fix for the matrices is componentwise addition and scalar multiplication. We look at this in more detail in the article “Vector space structure on matrices”.



We calculate the matrix representing a specific linear map with respect to the standard basis.

Example (Concrete example)

We consider the linear map

The canonical standard basis is selected both in the original space and in the target space :

We have:

This means that the matrix of with respect to the selected bases and is:

Now let's look at the same linear map, but a different basis in the target space.

Example (Concrete example with a different basis)

Again, we consider the linear map of the above example, i.e.,

This time we use the ordered basis in the target space


This gives the following matrix of with respect to the bases and :

We can see that this matrix is not equal to from the first example.

From the two previous examples, we see that the matrix representing a linear map depends on the chosen bases. It is important that we consider ordered bases: The representing matrix also depends on the order of the basis vectors.

Example (Concrete example with a re-arranged basis)

Again, we consider the linear map of the above example, i.e.,

This time we use the reordered standard basis in the target space


This gives the following matrix of with respect to the bases and :

We can see that this matrix is neither equal to from the first nor to the one from the second example. (In fact, it is the from the first example with the rows being swapped.)

Conversely, different mappings can also have the same mapping matrix if they are evaluated for different bases:

Example (Concrete example with a different linear map but the same matrix)

Consider the linear map

We select the standard basis for both the original and target space:

and, as in the previous examples, we calculate the matrix representing with respect to these bases as

This is the same matrix as the from the previous example. But the linear maps and are not identical, because

Let us now look at a somewhat more abstract example:

Example (Polynomials of different degrees)

Let and let be the vector space of polynomials of degree at most 3 with coefficients from . Further, let the vector space of polynomials of degree at most 2 with coefficients from . We define as the derivative of a polynomial, i.e., for all we set . When considering the bases: and , then the following applies:

This gives the following matrix of with respect to the bases and :