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Translating Articles – Serlo

Aus Wikibooks

Who is to be contacted?


If you would like to find out more about the translation process, write an E-Mail to the translation coordinator Sascha Lill (sascha.lill95@gmail.com) or to en@serlo.org. There is a community chat community chat , where you can visit the channels #hochschulmathe, #englisch and directly pose questions.

We also have a redactional meeting via Jitsi - every 14 days on Tuesday at 7pm.

Help for authors


Which article should I translate?


Go to the Real Analysis book index page. Next to each article, there is a symbol indicating the translation progress:

(0%): The page has freshly been copied from the German book Analysis 1 and is waiting for your translation.

(25%): Translation in progress - parts of the article are still in German. You are invited to translate them.

(50%): Translation completed - but a review and spell/grammar check is still pending.

(75%): The article has been completely reviewed once.

(100%): The article is considered to be finished after a second review has been done.

The current objective is to bring as many articles to the 50%-stage, as possible. Reviews will start at a later point of time. You can start translating right now.

How do I translate a section?


If you start translating a new 0% article, please set its stage to 25% - just as you go from 25% to 50% (see below)

I'm done. And now?


Congratulations! You have translated all sections. Now set the article's state to 50% to tell our other authors that it is done:

Help for administrators


I want to add a new article. What shall I do?


There is a fancy Table of Articles on Google docs listing all articles which are intended to be translated. Chapters marked red or orange are most popular in the German version - and hence prioritized for translation.

A translation is only worthwhile for articles which already have a good quality. If you have any questions, please ask at our community chat in the channel #hochschulmathe which articles shall be translated next.

How do I create the new article?


How do I copy content into the new article ?
