Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 647
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
遁 |
dun4 | sich verbergen, flüchten, entkommen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
促 |
cu4 | beeilen, eilen, eilig, begünstigen, voranbringen, eilen, nahe, näher rücken, rasen, drängen, dringend, fördern, antreiben, kurz, dicht, nahe | wiktionary Etymologie: |
券 |
quan4 | erkranken an, Vertrag abschließen, Karte, Ticket, Kontrakt, Urkunde | wiktionary Etymologie: |
繁 |
po2 | in grossen Zahlen, schwierig, viele | wiktionary Etymologie: |
fan2 | zahlreich, komplex, kompliziert, fortpflanzen | ||
迅 |
xun4 | schnell, rasch, rapide | wiktionary Etymologie:![]() |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
遁辞 |
dun4 ci2 | Ausflucht, Winkelzug |
尿遁 |
niao4 dun4 | pretext of needing to urinate (used to slip away to avoid having to do sth) |
遁形 |
dun4 xing2 | to vanish, to hide, to cover one's traces |
隐遁 |
yin3 dun4 | to hide (from the world) |
遁入空门 |
dun4 ru4 kong1 men2 | to take refuge in religious life |
遁入空門 |
dun4 ru4 kong1 men2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 遁入空门), to take refuge in religious life |
奇门遁甲 |
qi2 men2 dun4 jia3 | ancient Chinese divination tradition (still in use today) |
奇門遁甲 |
qi2 men2 dun4 jia3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 奇门遁甲), ancient Chinese divination tradition (still in use today) |
闻风先遁 |
wen2 feng1 xian1 dun4 | to flee at hearing the news |
聞風先遁 |
wen2 feng1 xian1 dun4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 闻风先遁), to flee at hearing the news |
月光隐遁 |
yue4 guang1 yin3 dun4 | to live in hiding, living as a recluse, to hide from the world |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
短促 |
duan3 cu4 | kurzzeitig |
促动 |
cu4 dong4 | anregen |
促動 |
cu4 dong4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促动), anregen |
督促 |
du1 cu4 | jdn. zu etwas anhalten, dafür sorgen, dass jemand etwas tut |
力促 |
li4 cu4 | dringend bitten |
敦促 |
dun1 cu4 | drängen, veranlassen |
促进 |
cu4 jin4 | motivieren, fördern, beitragen, herbeiführen |
促進 |
cu4 jin4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促进), motivieren, fördern, beitragen, herbeiführen |
仓促 |
cang1 cu4 | hastig, unter Zeitdruck |
促使 |
cu4 shi3 | antreiben, veranlassen, anregen, mit sich bringen |
局促 |
ju2 cu4 | beengt, nah |
促销 |
cu4 xiao1 | Absatzförderung, Verkaufsförderung |
急促 |
ji2 cu4 | hastig, knapp, überhastet |
促成 |
cu4 cheng2 | beitragen zu etw. |
促请 |
cu4 qing3 | eindringlich bitten |
促請 |
cu4 qing3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促请), eindringlich bitten |
促鲜 |
cu4 xian1 | reifen |
促面麥 |
cu4 mian4 mai4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 粗面麦), Ruchmehl (schweizer Ausdruck für eine grob gemahlenes Mehl) |
急促声 |
ji2 cu4 sheng1 | schwatzen |
急促聲 |
ji2 cu4 sheng1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 急促声), schwatzen |
贸促会 |
mao4 cu4 hui4 | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade |
仓促地 |
cang1 cu4 de5 | eilig |
促进者 |
cu4 jin4 zhe3 | Katalysator |
促進者 |
cu4 jin4 zhe3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促进者), Katalysator |
促动器 |
cu4 dong4 qi4 | Betätigungsorgan, Stellglied |
促動器 |
cu4 dong4 qi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促动器), Betätigungsorgan, Stellglied |
促进健康 |
cu4 jin4 jian4 kang1 | gesund, der Gesundheit dienlich |
促進健康 |
cu4 jin4 jian4 kang1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促进健康), gesund, der Gesundheit dienlich |
局促不安 |
ju2 cu4 bu4 an1 | genieren |
促销活动 |
cu4 xiao1 huo2 dong4 | Verkaufsförderung |
促进小便 |
cu4 jin4 xiao3 bian4 | harntreibend |
促進小便 |
cu4 jin4 xiao3 bian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促进小便), harntreibend |
匆促乐团 |
cong1 cu4 le4 tuan2 | Rush |
促进发展 |
cu4 jin4 fa1 zhan3 | Entwicklungen vorantreiben |
促進發展 |
cu4 jin4 fa1 zhan3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促进发展), Entwicklungen vorantreiben |
匆促从事 |
cong1 cu4 cong2 shi4 | überstürzen |
匆促從事 |
cong1 cu4 cong2 shi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 匆促从事), überstürzen |
销售促进 |
xiao1 shou4 cu4 jin4 | Absatz, Absatzförderung |
促进比率 |
cu4 jin4 bi3 lü4 | Förderquote |
促進比率 |
cu4 jin4 bi3 lü4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 促进比率), Förderquote |
贸易促进处 |
mao4 yi4 cu4 jin4 chu4 | Handelsförderungsstelle |
贸易促变化 |
mao4 yi4 cu4 bian4 hua4 | Wandel durch Handel |
局促不安地 |
ju2 cu4 bu4 an1 de5 | unbehaglich |
就业促进法 |
jiu4 ye4 cu4 jin4 fa3 | Arbeitsförderungsgesetz |
促进就业联盟 |
cu4 jin4 jiu4 ye4 lian2 meng2 | Bündnis für Arbeit |
促进经济发展 |
cu4 jin4 jing1 ji4 fa1 zhan3 | die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung fördern |
美国科学促进会 |
mei3 guo2 ke1 xue2 cu4 jin4 hui4 | American Association for the Advancement of Science |
美國科學促進會 |
mei3 guo2 ke1 xue2 cu4 jin4 hui4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 美国科学促进会), American Association for the Advancement of Science |
联邦教育促进法 |
lian2 bang1 jiao4 yu4 cu4 jin4 fa3 | BaFöG, Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz |
开放源代码促进会 |
kai1 fang4 yuan2 dai4 ma3 cu4 jin4 hui4 | Open Source Initiative |
開放源代碼促進會 |
kai1 fang4 yuan2 dai4 ma3 cu4 jin4 hui4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 开放源代码促进会), Open Source Initiative |
促进和保护投资协定 |
cu4 jin4 he2 bao3 hu4 tou2 zi1 xie2 ding4 | Abkommen über Förderung und Schutz von Investitionen |
国际贸易促进委员会 |
guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4 cu4 jin4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 | Rat zur Förderung des internationalen Handels |
中国国际贸易促进委员会 |
zhong1 guo2 guo2 ji4 mao4 yi4 cu4 jin4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 | China Council for the Promotion of International Trade |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
券商 |
quan4 shang1 | Wertpapierhändler |
票券 |
piao4 quan4 | Ticket |
副券 |
fu4 quan4 | Kupon |
证券 |
zheng4 quan4 | Wertpapier |
奖券 |
jiang3 quan4 | Lotterieticket, Geschenkgutschein |
门券 |
men2 quan4 | Eintrittskarte |
門券 |
men2 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 门券), Eintrittskarte |
彩券 |
cai3 quan4 | Lottoschein, Los |
胜券 |
sheng4 quan4 | Siegeszuversicht |
勝券 |
sheng4 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 胜券), Siegeszuversicht |
银行券 |
yin2 hang2 quan4 | Kassenschein |
銀行券 |
yin2 hang2 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 银行券), Kassenschein |
操胜券 |
cao1 sheng4 quan4 | als Sieger hervorgehen |
操勝券 |
cao1 sheng4 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 操胜券), als Sieger hervorgehen |
消费券 |
xiao1 fei4 quan4 | Konsumgutschein |
国库券 |
guo2 ku4 quan4 | Schatzanweisung, Schatzbrief |
礼物券 |
li3 wu4 quan4 | Geschenkgutschein |
禮物券 |
li3 wu4 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 礼物券), Geschenkgutschein |
千元券 |
qian1 yuan2 quan4 | Tausender |
入场券 |
ru4 chang3 quan4 | Eintrittskarte, Ticket, Karte, Zutrittskarte |
入場券 |
ru4 chang3 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 入场券), Eintrittskarte, Ticket, Karte, Zutrittskarte |
有价证券 |
you3 jia4 zheng4 quan4 | Wertpapier |
证券投资 |
zheng4 quan4 tou2 zi1 | Anlage in Wertpapieren, Effektenanlage |
如证券等 |
ru2 zheng4 quan4 deng3 | Geldmarktpapier |
证券上市 |
zheng4 quan4 shang4 shi4 | Börsenzulassung von Wertpapieren |
证券指数 |
zheng4 quan4 zhi3 shu4 | Wertpapierindex |
证券交易 |
zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 | Agiotage, Börsenhandel |
证券市场 |
zheng4 quan4 shi4 chang3 | Börse, Börsenmarkt |
点券奖励 |
dian3 quan4 jiang3 li4 | anrechnen |
国库证券 |
guo2 ku4 zheng4 quan4 | Kassenschein |
资产证券化 |
zi1 chan3 zheng4 quan4 hua4 | Verbriefung |
证券交易所 |
zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Börsenplatz |
入场券价格 |
ru4 chang3 quan4 jia4 ge2 | Eintrittspreis |
入場券價格 |
ru4 chang3 quan4 jia4 ge2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 入场券价格), Eintrittspreis |
无记名证券 |
wu2 ji4 ming2 zheng4 quan4 | Inhaberpapier |
证券经纪人 |
zheng4 quan4 jing1 ji4 ren2 | Broker |
持有的证券 |
chi2 you3 de5 zheng4 quan4 | Wertpapierbestand |
证券投机商 |
zheng4 quan4 tou2 ji1 shang1 | Börsenspekulant |
证券分析家 |
zheng4 quan4 fen1 xi1 jia1 | Analyst, Wertpapieranalyst |
证券投机者 |
zheng4 quan4 tou2 ji1 zhe3 | Börsenspekulant |
赦罪券买卖 |
she4 zui4 quan4 mai3 mai4 | Ablasshandel |
赦罪券買賣 |
she4 zui4 quan4 mai3 mai4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 赦罪券买卖), Ablasshandel |
股票指数证券 |
gu3 piao4 zhi3 shu4 zheng4 quan4 | Indexzertifikat |
证券交易价值 |
zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 jia4 zhi2 | Börsenwert(Wirtsch) |
证券回购交易 |
zheng4 quan4 hui2 gou4 jiao1 yi4 | Wertpapierpensionsgeschäft |
发行证券银行 |
fa1 xing2 zheng4 quan4 yin2 hang2 | Emissionsbank |
证券投资基金 |
zheng4 quan4 tou2 zi1 ji1 jin1 | Fonds |
全部有价证券 |
quan2 bu4 you3 jia4 zheng4 quan4 | Portfolio |
证券投资组合 |
zheng4 quan4 tou2 zi1 zu3 he2 | Portefeuille, Wertpapierbestand |
恒生证券指数 |
heng2 sheng1 zheng4 quan4 zhi3 shu4 | Hang Seng Index |
证券业务占款 |
zheng4 quan4 ye4 wu4 zhan4 kuan3 | Anlage im Effektengeschäft |
证券专业辞典 |
zheng4 quan4 zhuan1 ye4 ci2 dian3 | Börsenlexikon |
证券回购协议 |
zheng4 quan4 hui2 gou4 xie2 yi4 | Wertpapierpensionsgeschäft |
资产担保证券 |
zi1 chan3 dan1 bao3 zheng4 quan4 | ABS, Forderungsbesichertes Wertpapier |
证券交易时间 |
zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 shi2 jian1 | Börsenzeit |
操纵证券市场 |
cao1 zong4 zheng4 quan4 shi4 chang3 | takeln |
美国证券交易所 |
mei3 guo2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | American Stock Exchange |
纽约证券交易所 |
niu3 yue1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | New York Stock Exchange |
德国证券交易法 |
de2 guo2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 fa3 | Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, WphG |
东京证券交易所 |
dong1 jing1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Tokioter Börse |
台湾证券交易所 |
tai2 wan1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation |
证券卖出选择权 |
zheng4 quan4 mai4 chu1 xuan3 ze2 quan2 | Verkaufsoption |
代销证券的银行 |
dai4 xiao1 zheng4 quan4 de5 yin2 hang2 | Emissionsbank |
伦敦证券交易所 |
lun2 dun1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | London Stock Exchange(Wirtsch) |
上海证券交易所 |
shang4 hai3 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shanghai Börse |
孟买证券交易所 |
meng4 mai3 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Bombay Stock Exchange(Wirtsch) |
多伦多证券交易所 |
duo1 lun2 duo1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Toronto Stock Exchange |
有价证券的票面价值 |
you3 jia4 zheng4 quan4 de5 piao4 mian4 jia4 zhi2 | Nennwert (Wertpapiere) |
证券监督管理委员会 |
zheng4 quan4 jian1 du1 guan3 li3 wei3 yuan2 hui4 | CSCR - China Securities Regulatory Commission - Staatliche Kommission für Kontrolle und Verwaltung der Wertpapiere |
胡志明市证券交易所 |
hu2 zhi4 ming2 shi4 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Sicherheitshandelszentrum von Ho Chi Minh Stadt(Wirtsch) |
法兰克福证券交易所 |
fa3 lan2 ke4 fu2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse(Wirtsch) |
美国证券交易委员会 |
mei3 guo2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 | Securities and Exchange Commission |
阿姆斯特丹证券交易所 |
a1 mu3 si1 te4 dan1 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 | Amsterdamer Börse(Wirtsch) |
欧洲自动防护证券商协会 |
ou1 zhou1 zi4 dong4 fang2 hu4 zheng4 quan4 shang1 xie2 hui4 | EASDAQ, die Abkürzung für European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
频繁 |
pin2 fan2 | häufig |
繁体 |
fan2 ti3 | nicht vereinfachte Schreibform, traditionelles Chinesisch |
繁體 |
fan2 ti3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 繁体), nicht vereinfachte Schreibform, traditionelles Chinesisch |
繁荣 |
fan2 rong2 | Prosperität, blühend, florierend |
繁华 |
fan2 hua2 | belebt, gedeihend, blühend |
繁華 |
fan2 hua2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 繁华), belebt, gedeihend, blühend |
繁殖 |
fan2 zhi2 | Fortpflanzung |
繁星 |
fan2 xing1 | mit Sternen übersät |
繁忙 |
fan2 mang2 | geschäftig |
繁殖地 |
fan2 zhi2 de5 | Brutstätte |
繁殖期 |
fan2 zhi2 qi1 | Vermehrungszeit (Brut- und Paarungszeit) |
能繁殖 |
neng2 fan2 zhi2 | reproduzierbar |
最频繁 |
zui4 pin2 fan2 | häufig |
繁体字 |
fan2 ti3 zi4 | Langzeichen; traditionelle Schriftzeichen |
繁體字 |
fan2 ti3 zi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 繁体字), Langzeichen; traditionelle Schriftzeichen |
废繁从简 |
fei4 fan2 cong2 jian3 | die Schrift durch Abschaffung der Langzeichen vereinfachen |
有性繁殖 |
you3 xing4 fan2 zhi2 | geschlechtliche Fortpflanzung |
生息繁衍 |
sheng1 xi2 fan2 yan3 | wachsen und gedeihen |
无性繁殖 |
wu2 xing4 fan2 zhi2 | ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung |
無性繁殖 |
wu2 xing4 fan2 zhi2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 无性繁殖), ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung |
春秋繁露 |
chun1 qiu1 fan2 lu4 | "Üppiger Tau der Frühlings- und Herbstannalen" |
真田信繁 |
zhen1 tian2 xin4 fan2 | Sanada Yukimura |
滋生繁衍 |
zi1 sheng1 fan2 yan3 | fortpflanzen und vermehren |
繁殖本能 |
fan2 zhi2 ben3 neng2 | Fortpflanzungstrieb, Sexualtrieb |
繁忙时间 |
fan2 mang2 shi2 jian1 | Verkehrszeiten |
繁忙時間 |
fan2 mang2 shi2 jian1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 繁忙时间), Verkehrszeiten |
生殖繁衍 |
sheng1 zhi2 fan2 yan3 | fortpflanzen und vermehren |
使繁殖者 |
shi3 fan2 zhi2 zhe3 | Multiplikator |
繁殖地区 |
fan2 zhi2 de5 qu1 | Brutgebiet |
繁殖地區 |
fan2 zhi2 de5 qu1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 繁殖地区), Brutgebiet |
营养繁殖 |
ying2 yang3 fan2 zhi2 | vegetative Vermehrung |
繁体中文 |
fan2 ti3 zhong1 wen2 | Langzeichen, traditionelle, nicht vereinfachte, chinesische Schriftzeichen |
繁體中文 |
fan2 ti3 zhong1 wen2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 繁体中文), Langzeichen, traditionelle, nicht vereinfachte, chinesische Schriftzeichen |
经济繁荣 |
jing1 ji4 fan2 rong2 | Konjunkturaufschwung |
繁荣时期 |
fan2 rong2 shi2 qi1 | Blütezeit |
同系繁殖 |
tong2 xi4 fan2 zhi2 | Inzucht |
名目繁多 |
ming2 mu4 fan2 duo1 | eine Vielzahl von Bezeichnungen |
种类繁多 |
zhong3 lei4 fan2 duo1 | breites Sortiment, breite Palette |
近亲繁殖 |
jin4 qin1 fan2 zhi2 | Inzucht |
近親繁殖 |
jin4 qin1 fan2 zhi2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 近亲繁殖), Inzucht |
频繁的访问 |
pin2 fan2 de5 fang3 wen4 | häufiger Besuch |
繁重的工作 |
fan2 zhong4 de5 gong1 zuo4 | Akkord |
在繁忙线路上 |
zai4 fan2 mang2 xian4 lu4 shang4 | auf einer starkbefahrenen Strecke |
需求的短期繁荣 |
xu1 qiu2 di4 duan3 qi1 fan2 rong2 | Nachfrageboom |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
迅猛 |
xun4 meng3 | schnell und heftig |
迅雷 |
xun4 lei2 | Xunlei |
迅捷 |
xun4 jie2 | schnell, flink, behende |
迅速 |
xun4 su4 | geschwind, schnell, rapid |
迅驰 |
xun4 chi2 | Centrino |
迅馳 |
xun4 chi2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 迅驰), Centrino |
迅即 |
xun4 ji2 | gleich, sofort |
鲁迅 |
lu3 xun4 | Lu Xun |
迅速地 |
xun4 su4 de5 | prompt |
迅速还刺 |
xun4 su4 hai2 ci4 | Gegenschlag |
迅速還刺 |
xun4 su4 hai2 ci4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 迅速还刺), Gegenschlag |
发展迅猛 |
fa1 zhan3 xun4 meng3 | Die Grünen, Bündnis 90 |
發展迅猛 |
fa1 zhan3 xun4 meng3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 发展迅猛), Die Grünen, Bündnis 90 |
迅猛发展 |
xun4 meng3 fa1 zhan3 | rasante Entwicklung, rasche Entwicklung |
迅猛發展 |
xun4 meng3 fa1 zhan3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 迅猛发展), rasante Entwicklung, rasche Entwicklung |
迅速发展 |
xun4 su4 fa1 zhan3 | rasche Entwicklung |
迅速發展 |
xun4 su4 fa1 zhan3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 迅速发展), rasche Entwicklung |
行动迅速者 |
xing2 dong4 xun4 su4 zhe3 | Schlangenhalsvogel |
行動迅速者 |
xing2 dong4 xun4 su4 zhe3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 行动迅速者), Schlangenhalsvogel |
非常迅速地 |
fei1 chang2 xun4 su4 de5 | wie verrückt |
迅速运输系统 |
xun4 su4 yun4 shu1 xi4 tong3 | Express |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
我们公司的促销活动取得了巨大成功。 |
Die Verkaufsförderungsaktion unserer Firma war sehr erfolgreich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba crescat Yorwba ) | |
我们促膝谈心。 |
We had a heart-to-heart talk with each other. (Mandarin, Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK ) | |
可能會引起視力模糊、呼吸急促等副作用。 |
Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow darinmex ) | |
可能会引起视力模糊、呼吸急促等副作用。 |
Possible side effects include blurred vision and shortness of breath. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow darinmex ) | |
他的建议促使我改变了主意。 |
Sein Rat brachte mich dazu, meine Meinung zu ändern. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Yorwba ) | |
它也会促进城市的经济发展。 |
Es wird auch die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung der Stadt fördern. (Mandarin, Tatoeba eastasiastudent VOsakosa ) | |
饥饿促使他偷窃。 |
Der Hunger hat ihn zum Stehlen getrieben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL ) | |
最近天猫上有手机促销活动。 |
Recently T Mall has had a sales promotion on cell phones. (Mandarin, Tatoeba thomasstrand ) | |
相互理解能促进和平。 |
Gegenseitiges Verständnis stiftet Frieden. (Mandarin, Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Yorwba ) | |
这个故事仓促地结了尾。 |
Die Geschichte endete plötzlich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fercheung Tamy ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
在哪能买到入场券? |
Wo kann ich Eintrittskarten kaufen? (Mandarin, Tatoeba hsuan07 MUIRIEL ) | |
纽约证券交易所是世界上最大的证券交易所之一。 |
Die New Yorker Börse ist einer der größten Wertpapiermärkte der Welt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth Yorwba ) | |
我如何使用餐券? |
Wie benutze ich die Essensmarken? (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Yorwba ) | |
这家公司在巴黎证券交易所上市了。 |
Die Firma ist an der Pariser Börse notiert. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Yorwba ) | |
能给我们一张代金券吗? |
Can we get a voucher? (Jin, Tatoeba cxpadonis Eccles17 ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
天空中繁星点点。 |
Der Himmel ist voll mit Sternen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Aleksandro40 ) | |
我不会写繁体字,但我可以读。 |
I cannot write traditional characters, but I am fine reading them. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen shanghainese ) | |
快要到早上的繁忙時段了,我們還不出發就要堵車了。 |
If we don't hit the road soon, we'll get caught in the morning rush hour traffic. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow CK ) | |
快要到早上的繁忙时段了,我们还不出发就要堵车了。 |
If we don't hit the road soon, we'll get caught in the morning rush hour traffic. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow CK ) | |
中国的汉字数量繁多,推行汉字简化的目的,是把结构复杂的繁体字转换成易学易记的简体字,从而提高国民的识字水平。 |
In China, there is a large number of characters, so the goal of the character simplification was to replace the complex traditional characters with easy to remember simplified characters and increase the literacy rate. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Grayster ) | |
中国幅员辽阔,因而茶的品种繁多。 |
China ist ein weit ausgedehntes Land, deshalb gibt es dort eine Vielzahl von Teesorten. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Yorwba ) | |
不好意思,现在线路繁忙。 |
Tut mir Leid, die Leitung ist gerade besetzt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow jakov ) | |
当你穿越交通繁忙的街道时要小心注意。 |
Pass auf, wenn du eine vielbefahrene Straße überquerst! (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Yorwba ) | |
你能看到天空中的繁星。 |
Man kann am Himmel viele Sterne sehen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
地震频繁地袭击日本。 |
Japan wird regelmäßig von Erdbeben heimgesucht. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der ) | |
在学校上课期间会设置过马路警察以引导小孩安全地穿过繁忙的街道。 |
Crossing guards are posted during school hours to guide children safely across busy streets. (Mandarin, Tatoeba GlossaMatik ) | |
为了提高出生率,中国政府花了很多钱在大熊猫成功繁殖的研究上。 |
Die chinesische Regierung gab eine Menge Geld für Untersuchungen über erfolgreiche Pandazucht aus, um deren Geburtenrate zu erhöhen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba eastasiastudent Zaghawa ) | |
當你穿越交通繁忙的街道時要小心注意。 |
Pass auf, wenn du eine vielbefahrene Straße überquerst! (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Yorwba ) | |
简体字与繁体字有什么区别? |
Was ist der Unterschied zwischen vereinfachten und traditionellen chinesischen Schriftzeichen? (Mandarin, Tatoeba shanghainese Yorwba ) | |
我去布鲁塞尔比去巴黎去得频繁。 |
Ich gehe öfter nach Brüssel als nach Paris. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong TRANG ) | |
老鼠繁殖得很快。 |
Mäuse vermehren sich schnell. (Mandarin, Tatoeba aruhito Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
我偏爱繁体字。因为有大量的简体字的阅读材料,我也认识很多简体字。 |
Ich bevorzuge traditionelle Schriftzeichen. Aufgrund des Überangebotes an Lesestoff in vereinfachten Schriftzeichen kenne ich jedoch auch hiervon viele. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Zifre Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
阿尔及尔是一座有着超过三百多万人口的繁华都市。 |
Algier ist eine pulsierende Großstadt mit mehr als drei Millionen Einwohnern. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth Yorwba ) | |
这里交通繁忙。 |
Traffic is busy here. (Mandarin, Tatoeba inkarl ) | |
最近频繁的地震让我们很焦虑。 |
Die augenblicklich öfteren Erdbeben machen uns nervös. (Mandarin, Tatoeba yutaka Esperantostern ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
今日的生活是迅息万变和复杂的。 |
Life today is fast-moving and complex. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
城市最近扩张很迅速。 |
Die Stadt hat sich vor Kurzem rasch ausgebreitet. (Shanghai, Tatoeba e78xx_xxx Tamy ) | |
愛和希望幫助她迅速復原。 |
Love and hope helped her to recover quickly. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha sharris123 ) | |
他行动迅速。 |
Er fackelt nicht lange. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Venki raggione ) | |
工业发展迅速。 |
Industry was growing quickly. (Mandarin, Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Source_VOA ) | |
谢谢您的迅速回复。 |
Danke für Ihre schnelle Antwort! (Mandarin, Tatoeba yuiyu Esperantostern ) | |
鲁迅先生说过,有的中国留学生在国外用老子与庄子谋得了博士头衔,令洋人大吃一惊,然而回国后讲的却是康德、黑格尔。 |
Wie Lu Xun sagte, errangen manche chinesische Austauschstudenten im Ausland mit Laozi und Zhuangzi ihren Doktortitel, die Westler in Erstaunen versetzend, aber nach der Heimkehr reden sie stattdessen von Kant und Hegel. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Yorwba ) | |
虽然这个旅者饿晕了,但他又迅速地恢复了神智。 |
Der Reisende wurde vor Hunger ohnmächtig, kam aber bald wieder zu sich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fenfang557 Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
我迅速地吃了午飯。 |
Ich beeilte mich, mein Mittagessen zu essen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha xtofu80 ) | |
我迅速地吃了午饭。 |
Ich beeilte mich, mein Mittagessen zu essen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha xtofu80 ) | |
来自国家发展和改革委员会的数据显示,互联网在中国农村地区发展迅猛。 |
As figures from the National Development and Reform Committee show, the Internet has developed rapidly in rural China. (Mandarin, Tatoeba eastasiastudent ) | |
起初的天灾迅速演变为了人祸。 |
Die ursprüngliche Naturkatastrophe wuchs sich schnell zu einem menschengemachten Desaster aus. (Mandarin, Tatoeba jin1 Yorwba ) | |
森林小火很容易就会扩散并迅速成为一场大火灾。 |
Der kleine Waldbrand breitete sich augenblicklich zu einem Großbrand aus. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Dokuyaku ) | |
爱和希望帮助她迅速復原。 |
Love and hope helped her to recover quickly. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha sharris123 ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
无所遁形 |
wu2 suo3 遁 xing2 | nowhere to hide (Wiktionary en) |
遁焉,性恶得不伤? |
遁 yan1 , xing4 e4/wu4 de2/de5/dei3 bu4 shang1 ? | Aber wie will ein zügelloser Mensch es machen, daß sein Leben nicht verdirbt? (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
日夜求,幸而得之则遁焉 |
ri4 ye4 qiu2 , xing4 er2 de2/de5/dei3 zhi1 ze2 遁 yan1 | Wenn man Tag und Nacht nach Glück strebt und es erlangt, so wird man zügellos. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
草木繁动 |
cao3 mu4 po2 dong4 | Kräuter und Bäume regen sich üppig. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
草木繁動 |
cao3 mu4 po2 dong4 | Kräuter und Bäume regen sich üppig. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
经济发展迅速,建成最早的阶梯金字塔。 |
jing4 ji4 fa1 zhan3 xun4 su4 , jian4 cheng2 zui4 zao3 de5 jie1 ti1 jin1 zi4 ta3 。 | Die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung machte rasche Fortschritte. Die früheste Stufenpyramide wurde gebaut. (Geschichtsdetails) |
無所遁形 |
wu2 suo3 遁 xing2 | (Wiktionary en) |
无所遁形 |
wu2 suo3 遁 xing2 | (Wiktionary en) |
我们促膝谈心。 |
wo3 men5 cu4 xi1 tan2 xin1 。 | We had a heart-to-heart talk with each other. Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK |
这个故事仓促地结了尾。 |
zhe4/zhei4 ge4 gu4 shi4 cang1 cu4 de4/di4 jie1/jie2 le5 wei3 。 | Die Geschichte endete unvermittelt. Tatoeba fercheung Tamy |
相互理解能促进和平。 |
xiang1/xiang4 hu4 li3 jie3 neng2 cu4 jin4 he2/he4/huo2 ping2 。 | Mutual understanding promotes peace. Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CM |
饥饿促使他偷窃。 |
ji1 e4 cu4 shi3/shi4 ta1 tou1 qie4 。 | Der Hunger hat ihn zum Stehlen getrieben. Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL |
它也会促进城市的经济发展。 |
ta1/tuo2 ye3 hui4 cu4 jin4 cheng2 shi4 de5 jing4 ji4 fa1 zhan3 。 | It will also help to strengthen the city's economy. Tatoeba eastasiastudent |
最近天猫上有手机促销活动。 |
zui4 jin4 tian1 mao1 shang4 you3 shou3 ji1 cu4 xiao1 huo2 dong4 。 | Recently T Mall has had a sales promotion on cell phones. Tatoeba thomasstrand |
这家公司在巴黎证券交易所上市了。 |
zhe4/zhei4 jia1 gong1 si1 zai4 ba1 li2 zheng4 quan4 jiao1 yi4 suo3 shang4 shi4 le5 。 | This company is listed on the Paris stock exchange. Tatoeba fucongcong tinytina |
在哪能买到入场券? |
zai4 na3/na5/nei3 neng2 mai3 dao4 ru4 chang3 quan4 ? | Wo kann ich Eintrittskarten kaufen? Tatoeba hsuan07 MUIRIEL |
當你穿越交通繁忙的街道時要小心注意。 |
dang1/dang4 ni3 chuan1 yue4 jiao1 tong1 po2 mang2 de5 jie1 dao4 shi2 yao4 xiao3 xin1 zhu4 yi4 。 | Be careful when you pass through the street's busy traffic. Tatoeba Martha summer |
我去布鲁塞尔比去巴黎去得频繁。 |
wo3 qu4 bu4 lu3 sai1/se4 er3 bi4 qu4 ba1 li2 qu4 de2/de5/dei3 pin2 po2 。 | Ich gehe öfter nach Brüssel als nach Paris. Tatoeba fucongcong TRANG |
草木繁動 |
cao3 mu4 po2 dong4 | Kräuter und Bäume beginnen sich zu regen (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
我不会写繁体字,但我可以读。 |
wo3 bu4 hui4 xie3 po2 ti3 zi4 , dan4 wo3 ke3/ke4 yi3 du2 。 | I cannot write traditional characters, but I am fine reading them. Tatoeba sadhen shanghainese |
天空中繁星点点。 |
tian1 kong1/kong4 zhong1/zhong4 po2 xing1 dian3 dian3 。 | Der Himmel ist voll mit Sternen. Tatoeba fucongcong Aleksandro40 |
你能看到天空中的繁星。 |
ni3 neng2 kan4 dao4 tian1 kong1/kong4 zhong1/zhong4 de5 po2 xing1 。 | Du kannst viele Sterne am Firmamente sehen. Tatoeba sadhen Pfirsichbaeumchen |
草木繁动 |
cao3 mu4 po2 dong4 | Kräuter und Bäume beginnen sich zu regen (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
为了提高出生率,中国政府花了很多钱在大熊猫成功繁殖的研究上。 |
wei2/wei4 le5 ti2 gao1 chu1 sheng1 lü4/shuai4 , zhong1/zhong4 guo2 zheng4 fu3 hua1 le5 hen3 duo1 qian2 zai4 da4 xiong2 mao1 cheng2 gong1 po2 zhi2 de5 yan2 jiu1 shang4 。 | Die chinesische Regierung gab eine Menge Geld für Untersuchungen über erfolgreiche Pandazucht aus, um deren Geburtenrate zu erhöhen. Tatoeba eastasiastudent Zaghawa |
森林小火很容易就会扩散并迅速成为一场大火灾。 |
sen1 lin2 xiao3 huo3 hen3 rong2 yi4 jiu4 hui4 kuo4 san3 bing4 xun4 su4 cheng2 wei2/wei4 yi1 chang3 da4 huo3 zai1 。 | Der kleine Waldbrand breitete sich augenblicklich zu einem Großbrand aus. Tatoeba fucongcong Dokuyaku |
谢谢您的迅速回复。 |
xie4 xie4 nin2 de5 xun4 su4 hui2 fu4 。 | Vielen Dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort. Tatoeba yuiyu InspectorMustache |
他行动迅速。 |
ta1 hang2/xing2 dong4 xun4 su4 。 | Er fackelt nicht lange. Tatoeba Venki raggione |
虽然这个旅者饿晕了,但他又迅速地恢复了神智。 |
sui1 ran2 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 lü3 zhe3 e4 yun1 le5 , dan4 ta1 you4 xun4 su4 de4/di4 hui1 fu4 le5 shen2 zhi4 。 | Der Reisende wurde vor Hunger ohnmächtig, kam aber bald wieder zu sich. Tatoeba fenfang557 Pfirsichbaeumchen |
来自国家发展和改革委员会的数据显示,互联网在中国农村地区发展迅猛。 |
lai2 zi4 guo2 jia1 fa1 zhan3 he2/he4/huo2 gai3 ge2 wei1/wei3 yuan2 hui4 de5 shu3/shuo4 ju4 xian3 shi4 , hu4 lian2 wang3 zai4 zhong1/zhong4 guo2 nong2 cun1 de4/di4 qu1 fa1 zhan3 xun4 meng3 。 | As figures from the National Development and Reform Committee show, the Internet has developed rapidly in rural China. Tatoeba eastasiastudent |
我迅速地吃了午飯。 |
wo3 xun4 su4 de4/di4 chi1 le5 wu3 fan4 。 | Ich beeilte mich, mein Mittagessen zu essen. Tatoeba Martha xtofu80 |
[Bearbeiten]南都评论记者 张 Tianpan
每年春节,都是中国人一次集体的回家的朝圣之旅,为了一家人的团聚,entfernte Gegenden、千难万 Hindernisse,都难以牵制回家的脚步。这或许是全世界独有的现象。中国人对于故乡的依赖,成为中国文化中一个难以无视奇景。最直接的体现是,关于故乡的诗文不计其数,“举头望明月,低头思故乡”、“近乡情更 ängstlich,不敢问来人”、“乡音无改 aber das Haar ist 衰”等等,思乡中总是 verbunden mit 浓浓的 Melancholie、伤感,Heimweh 扑面而来。近些年来,更有“每个人的故乡都在 feindlicher Hand” 这样的现代化之 Heimweh。
在今年的春节期间以及春节之后,又 erhöht 一波对于家乡五味陈杂的思考和书写,同时也有了面对北上广,entfliehen 还是 zurückflüchten、大城市与小城镇孰优孰 unterlegen 的争辩。这些也都在给暂时放下工作 durchdringen 于浓浓年味的人们,带去难以 ringen 的现实提示:我们与故乡到底是什么的关系?为什么在哪里生活,会成为永不停歇的争论话题?中国式迁徙,何时能够得以安宁?我们的故乡,何处可以安放?
诗人于坚的一篇写于2011年的文章《朋友是最后的故乡》这个春节在微信朋友-Kreisen 流传甚广,引起诸多人的 Resonanz。他在文中说到:故乡不再是我的在场,只是一种记忆,这种记忆最 aktiv 的部分是朋友们保管着。记忆 aufwecken 的是存在感,是乡音、往事、人生的种种细节、个人史、经验。如今,只有在老朋友那里才可以复苏记忆。中国世界 sieht völlig neu aus,日益密集的摩天大楼、高速公路,令文章无言以对。但朋友是旧的,朋友无法被拆迁,许多老朋友,也还坚持着“抽象理想最高之境”, unvermeidlich 是,己所不欲强加于人的恶行时有发生;ist der 路 weit, 知马力,日久见人心,朋友继续故乡遗风,“止于礼”“止于至善”,像刘关张那样 Hingabe,言行一致,说着母语,时刻准备为朋友 sich zu opfern。
事实上,于坚说出了一个很多人 halten 在中心迟迟没有去 entdeckt 的真相,其实人们与故乡之间千言万语的 Gefühle,本质上只是寄托在微弱的载体之上的。由此,也引起“亲人是唯一的故乡”等真实的 gezeigte Emotionen,道尽了故乡与内心中的真实联系。这也说明,在这个已经被现代化与城市化 mit sich bringen 的时代进程里,人们与故乡之间的藕丝,其实已经越来越微弱了,亲友等线索,成为最后的游子与故乡的中介或 Medium。而如果这些中介或 Medium 一旦中断,那么这个故乡,或者就将成为已经故去的家乡了,被遗忘,被 weggewaschen。
这种真实的心理的 Entdeckung,在社会研究中来说,可能意味着更多。已故著名社会学家费孝通先生在《乡土中国》中说,“乡土社会是安土重迁的,生于斯、长于斯、死于斯的社会。不但是人口流动很小,而且人们所取给资源的土地也很少变动。在这种不分秦汉,代代如是的环境里,个人不但可以信任自己的经验,而且同样可以信任若祖若父的经验。一个在乡土社会里种田的老农所遇着的只是四季的转换,而不是时代变更。一年一度,周而复始。前人所用来解决生活问题的方案,尽可 kopieren 来作自己生活的指南。”
但是到现在,这种安土重迁——乡土中国的一个表征,也彻底反转了,中国人口流动已经成为全世界最频繁、数量最多的国家。故乡,开始被时代冲刷地日益 verblassen,不再是神圣不可疏离的圣地,或者说,它只是成为了旅游式的胜地了。
在频繁的流动与迁徙中,费孝通所说的这一套乡土生活运作模式和逻辑被 stark 颠覆了。而一旦这种乡土中国的表征在退化,“故乡”这个很大程度上寄托于乡土中国之上的文化产物,也将会随之 verwelken。乡土中国的 Hintergrund,是一种传统式的追求 Stabilität、可预见、最具安全感的生存需求,年复一年,好像时间在乡土中是停滞不前。很显然,在流动的现代社会中,这一切都是不复存在的,变化、fremd、不可预见才是最显著的特征,时间在人们匆匆的脚步中,急剧飞逝。
如今,乡土中国的载体,随着农村的 Verarmung,已经慢慢缩到小城镇中,流动中国的载体,毫无疑问,是在大城市。于是,在乡土中国与流动中国之间,人们也遭遇的选择困惑 Problem,到底是具有更多中国传统的乡土中国式生活好,还是现代化与城市化之后流动中国的那种生活方式好?成为了众多人的 Verlorenheit。
刚刚出街的《南方人物周刊》封面报道就是“zurückflüchten 北上广”,它说:马年春节过后,Internet 上关于大城市与小城市的比较与 hitzige 辩,außergewöhnlich lebendig。无论是 entfliehen 北上广,还是 zurückflüchten 北上广,大城市、小城市之间的比较与取舍,以及由此带来的人群往返的 Tide,凸显的是一代城市谋生者安全感的 Mangel,“无根”的困惑。
在两三年前,eingeschränkt durch 房价 Erhöhung、交通拥堵、环境恶化等大城市的各种工作、生活压力之后,很多的年轻人主动或被动地选择“ entfliehen 北上广”,形成一股返乡潮,返回二三线的小城市(随着中国城镇化的推动,“小城市”其实严格上应该称之为小城镇更合适,后文都将使用小城镇)。但在这一两年后,这些“entfliehen 北上广”的人,经历了家乡诸如工作机会少、收入水准低、观念不合 Rhythmus、人情世故繁杂等挫折与不如意之后,却又有很多人选择了“zurückflüchten 北上广”。身在故乡为异客,反倒觉得自己的原先 entfliehen 大城市苦虽然苦一些,但却更自由和有发展机会,心情不像在家乡小城镇那般压抑。于是,家乡成为了回不去地方。
有人总结说:大城市拼钱,小城市拼 Familie。大城市的“拼钱”、小城镇的“拼 Familie”,体现的是两种文化形态与社会属性,拼钱是商业与资本为 Dirigenten-棒的现代社会属性,拼 Familie 是以血缘等依托的乡土属性。小地方的 Komfort,有着乡土中国的 stabil 作为 Unterstützung,半熟人社会,关系网密织,网罗生长其中的人,有安全感。大城市是生人社会,在流动中,其是压力无法 entkommen 的代价,有着自由、机会,却少有安全感,明显地感受到贫富差距与阶层分化在自身形成的 Provokation。
在小城镇,个人被限定在先赋角色中(指建立在血缘、遗传等先天的或生理的因素 Basis 上的社会角色),大城市中,有更多的机会,实现自致角色(指主要通过个人的活动与努力而获得的社会角色)。这一点,也很接近19世纪英国法学家梅因在其名著《古代法》中所指出的“身分与契约”的一个差异,乡土中国社会与现代社会的区分,接近于“身分社会”与“契约社会”的区别,也反应了从自然经济到商品经济(市场经济)、从“人治”到“法治”的进程。
大城市的自由与机会,更多的是法治与商品经济带来的人的解放(当然,也有拼钱的人的 Unterdrückung),而小城镇的拼 Familie,则是自然经济(乡土社会的重要特征之一)、人治(讲关系和依靠血缘来分配资源)所 binden。
很显然,小城镇是乡土中国向现代社会 dazwischenliegend,属于半乡土半现代的一个奇怪社会景观。也就是说小城镇,其实是乡村的放大版,同时也是城市的缩小版,它浓缩了中国的传统与现代,成为观察中国现代化最好的样本。可以说,在小城镇,是一个“杂交中国”:既有这现代化之后的物质与硬件,却还有浓厚的乡土中国的“差序格局”、着重人情世故,让有着优越先赋资源(拼 Familie)的人,获得异常的滋润与 komfortabel,既能通过关系占据好的工作计划,还能够以此获得大城市能够享受的生活质量,早早地过上了有车有房的中产生活,甚至成为了令人眼红的“Neureiche”。但对于没有这些资源的人来说,则是难以 finden 到立足之地的黑暗角落。
对于较长时间有在大城市生活过却毫无资源依靠的人来说,相较之下,拼钱或许还让人更够接受些,至少拼钱,也是能有一定的个人 anstrengen 与公平竞争的可能,拼 Familie 这种寄生于先赋的资源则毫无公平可言。于是,大城市与小城镇的 Vor- und Nachteile,本质上还是乡土社会与现代社会生活方式的一种比对,以及人们在这两种社会中的能否生存下去的问题,大城市不宜居、不让居,小城镇不易居、不能居,那么大迁徙就只能成为中国永恒的主题。
其实,不管是大城市与小城镇,在他乡与故乡之间,中国之所以能够每年都要发生人类奇观的大迁徙,还是在于人们难以融入所在地。Selbst nach 多年,依然是外地人的 Verlegenheit,才是每年不得来回迁徙的根源;而资源配置、地域(城乡)差异,才是即 lieben 故乡,却又只能出走维持生计、无法守护家乡的根源。个体的命运,在这种大时代的 Hintergrund,一次最鲜明直白的映照,每个人都在其中找出自己的辛酸苦辣,不管是感性与理性,都在这种 ernster 的现实中,不得不开始 ängstlich。
改革开放之前,以户籍为标志的严格的城乡二元机制,牢牢地锁定了整个乡土社会的流动性。改革开放后,城市居民脱离了单位的全方位管辖,农村居民也摆脱了公社的无理 binden,在户籍制造的城乡二元格局的 Spalt 之间,Geöffnet 一场前所未有的社会流动。特别是这个拥有8亿多农民的乡土中国,随着迁徙和流动的约束逐渐减少,大量农村人口进入城市后,经历了市民化过程,在身份上由 rein 和传统的农民,向具有了更多现代性的“农民工”或“新市民”转变。二代农民工很多人已经实现了个人的市民化,个体上已经与城市居民没有明显的区别了,真正地实现了社会学家孟德拉斯所言的“农民的终结”。
但他们落脚城市,却依然难以在落地生根在城市。“人, die umziehen 活、树, die umziehen 死”,然而以户籍制度为 Fesseln 的中国式流动,往往成为一种令人 verlegen 的身份迷失,以迁徙的主体农村进城务工人员为例,从最初的“盲流”到“外来工”、“农民工”,在工不工、农不农之间,始终连最基本的身份融入都无法做到,犹如成为一片无根的浮 Entenflott,改革开放三十多年以来,我们已经亲身感受了社会流动带给社会的种种好处,但是具体在个体层面,这些流动的人员,却一直无法 ringen mit 身份的 Bindung,实现真正的自由迁徙,而且也限制着社会流动的最优化。
Great migration China-style: where is our hometown?
Southern Metropolitan Daily commentator: Zhang Tianpan
Each Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) is a collective pilgrimage home for Chinese intending on reuniting with their families. Though some of them must travel long distances and encounter all kinds of difficulties, their steps still irrepressibly take them home. This phenomenon is perhaps unique in the world. Chinese people’s dependence on their hometown is a marvel of Chinese culture that is hard to ignore. The most obvious sign of this is the innumerable quantity of poetry and literature that pertains to one’s hometown: “I look up and gaze at the moon, I look down and think of home”, “The closer to home the more timid I feel, not daring inquire about my family”, “The local accent hasn’t changed, but my hair is sparse and greying” etcetera. Thinking of home always comes with deep emotions, it’s nostalgia hitting one right between the eyes. In recent years, a more modern kind of nostalgia has emerged, along the lines of “everyone’s hometown is being overrun”.
During and after Spring Festival this year, a new wave of reflections and writings pertaining to the mixed emotions towards one’s hometown has risen again. At the same time, people faced disputes over the merits of big cities and small towns, no matter whether they were coming back from one or leaving for one. These situations also give those that have temporarily stopped work and are immersed in the New Year atmosphere a real prompt: What is the real connection between us and our hometown? Why is it that wherever you live, this becomes an unceasing topic of debate? When will Chinese style migration become stress-free? Where can we find our home?
Hometowns: Dead Homes
The poet Yujian in the unyielding 2011 article “Friends are the Final hometown”, which has been spread far and wide among circles of friends on Weixin, has resonated greatly with a lot of people this Spring Festival. In the article he says: My hometown no longer has my presence, it’s just a memory, the most active part of which is being taken care of by my friends. What my memory awakens is a feeling of presence, my native accent, past events, all kinds of details of my life, my personal history and experience. Nowadays, it’s only by having old friends that it’s possible to revive old memories. China has completely changed. Increasingly more skyscrapers and highways make this article unable to respond. However, old friends can’t be dispossessed. Many old friends still persist in “the highest place of abstract ideals”. What’s unavoidable is that when you have evil intent, it will make itself known: just as distance determines the stamina of a horse, so does time reveal a person’s true heart. Friends continue the legacy of one’s hometown by “following the etiquette” and “having a state of perfection”. Just like how Liu Guanzhang shows total devotion, practise what you preach, speak your mother tongue, and be ready at any moment to sacrifice oneself for friends.
In fact, Yujian has spoken forth the truth that many people have inside of them but haven’t explored. Actually, the many things people say to express their feelings for their hometown is essentially a weak medium. This gives rise to the expressed emotions such as “one’s close relatives are the sole homeland”, as the only real connection between one’s hometown and one’s innermost being. This also explains, in the course of this era’s modernisation and urbanisation, the connection between people and their hometown is actually already becoming progressively weaker. Close family and friends are like the thread that joins, becoming the final link or medium between those living far from home and their hometown. If these links or mediums are broken off, then many hometowns will perhaps become dead hometowns, forgotten and washed away.
This kind of real introspection, looking at social studies, maybe signifies even more. The famous late sociologist Fei Xiaotong in “Native China” said, “people are deeply attached to their local society, in which they were born, raised, and will die. Not only is the population pretty much stationary, but also the land that provides natural resources hardly changes. In this kind of environment that is indistinguishable from the unchanging Qin Dynasty, not only can individuals trust in their own experience, they can also in the same way trust their ancestry. All that an old farmer in his local society has come across is the changing of the four seasons, rather than the change of an era. Everything moves in an annual cycle. Our forebears’ plan for resolving life’s problems, as far as was possible would be to take a leaf out of their own books.”
However, up until now, this deep attachment to one’s native land, representative of Native China, has been thoroughly turned upside-down. The frequency that China’s population moves from place to place and it’s volume now stands at the world’s highest. Native places have started to be eroded away by the era, fading more day by day. They are no longer the holy lands that cannot become estranged. Rather, they have just become touristy scenic spots.
From the aspects of the frequency of population movement and migration, the model and logic of life in one’s hometown that Fei Xiaotong talks about have been severely undermined. In addition, as soon as this kind of symbol of Native China starts to degenerate, one’s “hometown”, this high level product of culture that entrusts the care of Native China, will accordingly wither. Behind the scenes of Native China, there is a kind of a demand for a traditional existence that pursues stability, predictability and safety.Year after year, it seems that in people’s hometowns, time is at a standstill. It’s very clear that in modern society where people move from place to place, everything has a temporary existence, changes, and is strange. It’s impossible to say what the most outstanding characteristic is. In the frantic pace of modern society, time is fleeting.
Nowadays, Native China’s medium, with the impoverishment of rural areas, has slowly retreated to small towns. However, the medium for mobile China is, without a doubt, consigned to big cities. Consequently, people are faced with a bewildering choice between Native China and mobile China. Is it better to have more a more traditional, Native China style of life, or is it better to have the modernised and urbanised lifestyle of mobile China? This causes many people to feel at a loss.
Small Towns and Big Cities
In the most recent issue of “Southerner’s Weekly”, the cover story is “Fleeing Back to Big Cities”. It says: After this year’s Spring Festival, the comparison and heated debate between big cities and small towns on the internet is uncharacteristically lively. No matter whether returning to or parting from big cities, the comparisons and decisions between big and small cities, as well as the resulting tides of people going back and forth, highlight the lack of security in the generation of those who make a living in the cities and the bewilderment of “having no roots”.
Two or three years ago, restricted to high housing costs, traffic congestion, environmental degradation etcetera, after enduring every kind of stress in both work and life in big cities, many young people either actively or passively chose to “flee the big cities”, forming a tide of people returning to their hometowns of second and third-tier small cities. (With China’s push for urbanisation, actually “small cities” more suitably should be called small towns, so the remainder of this article will use this term.) However, one or two years later, these people that “fled the big cities”, found that there were few work opportunities in their hometowns, income levels were low, people’s views were not in step with their own, they didn’t know how to get on etcetera. After feelings of disappointment and things not being in line with their own wishes, many people in fact chose to “flee back to the big cities”. As a stranger in one’s hometown, one unexpectedly feels that the big city that one fled, although a little trying, in fact has more freedom and opportunities, and one’s mood doesn’t feel suppressed like it is in one’s home in a small town. As a result, hometowns have become places that can’t be returned to.
Some people conclude: in big cities people strive for money, in small cities people strive for a good family. The “strife for money” in big cities and the “strife for a good family” of small cities embody two kinds of cultural forms and social properties. Striving for money is a property of modern society that has business and economics as its baton. Striving for a good family is a property of one’s native land that relies on one’s bloodlines. Cosy little places have the stability of Native China as their support. People in these societies are pretty familiar with each other and relationship networks are close-knit, with people who have grown up in them having a sense of security. Big cities are societies of strangers in which the price of having unavoidable stress when moving from place to place brings freedom and opportunity, but not a sense of security. One can clearly sense the disparity between rich and poor and the difference in hierarchy provoking oneself.
In small towns, people are limited to their original role, (social characters that have foundations established in the bloodline, heredity and other innate or physiological elements), whereas in big cities there are more opportunities to create one’s own (social characters that are obtained by one’s activity and hard work). This is also very close to the discrepancy “from status to contract” pointed out by 19th century British jurist Sir Henry James Sumner Maine in his masterpiece “Ancient Law”. The distinction between society in Native China and modern society is close to the difference between a “status society” and a “contract society”. It also reflects the process of the change from a natural economy (with a bartering system) to a commodity economy (market economy), and from the “rule of man” to a “rule of law”.
Most of the freedom and opportunity in big cities is a result of the liberalisation of people through the rule of law and a commodity economy (of course, there is also the oppression of those who strive for money). However, striving for a good family in small towns is bound by a natural economy (the main trait of local societies) and the rule of man (in which social relationships and bloodlines are relied on to distribute resources).
It’s very clear that small towns lie in the halfway ground between Local China and modern society, belonging to a strange society that is half local and half modern. In other words, small towns are actually at the same time enlarged versions of villages and shrunken versions of cities, concentrating both the traditions and modern era of China, resulting in the finest specimens in which to observe the modernisation of China. We can say that in small towns there is a “hybrid China”: having the material and hardware from modernisation, but also having the “disorderly structure” of a strong Local China that has the emphasis on knowing how to get on in the world. This allows those with superiority and resources (who have strived for a good family) to be exceptionally well off and comfortable. By means of their relationships they are able to maintain a good work plan, and also because of this they can enjoy the quality of life that is possible in big cities. Very quickly they surpass the middle class that have their own cars and homes, so much so that they become the “nouveau riche”, provoking jealously in others. However, for people who do no have these resources, it is difficult to find a foothold in the dark corners.
For people who are in big cities for longer lengths of time but completely lack resources to rely on, in comparison striving for money perhaps can be more readily accepted. At least with striving for money it’s still certainly possible to have a personal struggle within a fair competition. With the strife for a good family, which involves the coveting of already bestowed resources, is not in the least bit fair, it could be said. So, the pros and cons of big cities and small towns are essentially a comparison of the lifestyles of local society and modern society, as well as whether people can continue to exist within these two different kinds of societies. Big cities are not suitable for living in, small towns can be impossible to live in, and so mass migration inevitably becomes an everlasting problem in China.
“Chinese Style” Migration
Actually, no matter whether it’s a big city or a small town, each year the human spectacle of mass migration between a foreign town and a hometown occurs in China, and still it’s difficult amongst people to become integrated in a place. After struggling for many years, it’s still the embarrassment of people away from home that is the root cause of why they can’t migrate back and forth. Due to resource allocation and differences between the areas (city and countryside), even if one loves their hometown, one has no choice but to leave it to maintain one’s livelihood, and so one is unable to protect the origin of one’s hometown. In this era, the most clear and distinct reflection of individual destiny is that everyone must find their own unique style, no matter whether it’s emotional or logical. In this kind of heavy reality, one cannot but start to get anxious.
Before the reform was opened up to the outside world, taking the census register as the mark of a strict urban and rural binary mechanism, entire local societies were firmly isolated. After the reform was opened up to the outside world, city residents broke away from all jurisdiction of one’s workplace. Village residents also broke free of the irrational restriction of communes. From the crack in the urban and rural binary structure which was created by the census register, an unprecedented level of migration occurred in society. What’s special about Native China, which has more than 800 million farmers, is that along with the gradual reduction in restrictions on migration, after a large portion of the farming population entered the cities causing a transformation in city residents, their status transformed from purely traditional farmers to more modern “migrant workers” or “new city residents”. After the transformation in city residents caused by many second generation migrant workers, there was no longer a clear distinction between them and the original city residents, thus genuinely bringing about what Henri Mendras spoke of as the “the end of farmers”.
Although they settled in the cities, it was still difficult for them to put down roots there. “Moved plants die, but people who move survive”, however, Chinese style migration that had the household census system as it’s shackles frequently causes a kind of identity loss amongst it’s people. Taking the bulk of people who migrated from the villages to the cities and became workers as an example, from the first “blind influx” to “employed outsiders” or “migrant workers”, lying somewhere in between workers and farmers, from start to finish even the most basic blend of identity was impossible to assimilate, with them being akin to floating, rootless duckweed. In the 30 plus years since the opening up of the reform, we have already personally felt every kind of benefit that a mobile society has brought to society, but when specifically talking about individuals, these people that move from place to place never have any way of confirming their own status, thus bringing about an actual migration of liberty and a restriction to the optimisation of movement within society.
Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache
dì jiǔ shí bā kè
Achtundneunzigste Lektion
jiǔ jiāng fǔ
jiǔ jiāng fǔ zài jiāng xī shěng
Die Präfektur Jiujiang liegt in der Provinz Jiangxi
Der Hütten-山 ragt in 其南 empor
lú shān zhì qí nán
Der Hüttenberg ragt in ihrem Süden empor.
dà jiāng huán qí běi
Der Jangtsekiang umgibt ihren Norden
wèi quán shěng mén hù
Sie ist die Eingangspforte für die ganze Provinz
自開為商 Hafen,_易繁盛
自开为商 Hafen,贸易繁盛
zì kāi wèi shāng bù, mào yì fán shèng
Seit sie sich als Handelshafen öffnete, blüht zahlreicher Handel.
chū kǒu zhī huò
Unter den exportierten Gütern
以南-chang 府之茶
yǐ nán chāng fǔ zhī chá
gibt es Tee aus der Präfektur Nanchang
jǐng dé zhèn zhī cí qì
und Porzelan aus Jingdezhen.
zuì wéi yǒu míng
Diese sind äußerst berühmt
chéng xī lín jiāng zhī dì xiāng jiè zài yān
Im Gebiet im Westen der Stadt, nahe dem Fluß, liegen die Pachtgebiete
全世界每隔0.24秒就有一位婴儿诞生,全球每天的出生人数达到了365,248.8人。 根据美国世界人口时钟的数据统计,目前人口最多的国家仍然是中国,但新生儿数量却是印度第一。 中国目前人口数量为1,361,292,927人,每天有大约45374.4个新生儿诞生。 但印度却以1,275,720,950的人口数量,和每天71325.6个新生儿的速度紧追不舍。 而两国的死亡率几乎相同,因此预计在9年之后印度将超过中国成为世界人口第一大国。
而从出生率,即每年每一千人中新生儿的数量来说,非洲是最大的赢家。 非洲国家尼日尔以52人排名第一,大多数的非洲国家在这项指数上排名世界前列,亚洲国家位居中游,而德国意大利等欧洲强国却排名垫底,并列倒数第一的是东欧国家拉脱维亚和保加利亚, 每年每一千人中的新生儿数量仅为8人。
在美国,每八秒就有一位婴儿诞生,而在英国需要将近一分钟。 欧洲的许多国家,已经进入了人口负增长阶段,而面对迅猛增长的非洲和亚洲人口,我们未来的世界将会由谁来主宰呢?
Noch keine Übersetzung
Noch keine Übersetzung
Noch keine Übersetzung
星期一,伊拉克繁忙的市场和街道上发生一系列汽车炸弹袭击,至少58人丧生,200多人受伤。 这个国家正在竭力应对暴力活动猛增与教派系关系紧张的问题。星期一17起爆炸的绝大多数发生在巴格达什叶派穆斯林占多数的地区,另一枚炸弹在南部城市巴士拉爆炸。目前还没有人宣称对这些袭击事件负责。 伊拉克的基地组织分支经常利用汽车炸弹制造协同袭击,打击这个国家的什叶派政府。
星期一的爆炸事件凸显了伊拉克日益恶化的安全局势。 自从4月以来,有将近3000人丧生。 仅7月份就有800多人死于激进分子的袭击。
Noch keine Übersetzung
Englische Übersetzung siehe ctext.org
Englische Übersetzung siehe ctext.org
Yuan Mei (1716-1798): Frühlingswind
Der Frühlingswind ist wie ein teurer Gast
einmal angekommen, blüht alles auf
Gekommen fegt er den Schnee aller Berge weg
Gegangen hinterläßt er in allen Ländern Blumen
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Der Meister sprach: Geheime Künste erforschen und Wunder wirken, daß die Nachwelt etwas zu erzählen hat: das mache ich nicht. Der Edle ehrt den Weg und wandelt ihn. Auf halber Straße stehenbleiben: das mache ich nicht. Der Edle hält sich an Maß und Mitte. Sich vor der Welt verbergen und unerkannt bleiben, ohne es zu bedauern: das kann nur der Heilige.
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The Master said, "To live in obscurity, and yet practice wonders, in order to be mentioned with honor in future ages:-this is what I do not do. The good man tries to proceed according to the right path, but when he has gone halfway, he abandons it:-I am not able so to stop. The superior man accords with the course of the Mean. Though he may be all unknown, unregarded by the world, he feels no regret. It is only the sage who is able for this.
[Bearbeiten]Es ist noch keine Übersetzungshilfe vorhanden