Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 656
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
奏 |
zou4 | spielen, hervorrufen, produzieren, erzielen, dem Kaiser etwas berichten/vorlegen | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() ![]() |
禘 |
di4 | kaiserliches Ahnenopfer | wiktionary Etymologie: |
泛 |
fan4 | überschwemmen, auftauchen, treiben, extensiv, unspezifisch, rastlos | wiktionary Etymologie: |
滥 |
lan4 | überfluten, ausschließlich, ausschweifend, exzessiv, zügellos | wiktionary Etymologie: |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
弹奏 |
tan2 zou4 | Musik spielen |
前奏 |
qian2 zou4 | ahnen, Vorbote sein von, ankündigen, Auftakt, Vorspiel |
合奏 |
he2 zou4 | Konzert |
节奏 |
jie2 zou4 | Rhythmus |
節奏 |
jie2 zou4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 节奏), Rhythmus |
演奏 |
yan3 zou4 | ein Musikinstrument spielen |
齐奏 |
qi2 zou4 | Einklang, unisono |
齊奏 |
qi2 zou4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 齐奏), Einklang, unisono |
奏效 |
zou4 xiao4 | wirksam, effektiv |
奏响 |
zou4 xiang3 | spielen, aufspielen, intonieren |
奏乐 |
zou4 yue4 | Musik machen, musizieren |
奏樂 |
zou4 yue4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 奏乐), Musik machen, musizieren |
变奏 |
bian4 zou4 | Variation |
条奏 |
tiao2 zou4 | Gesuch an den Kaiser |
條奏 |
tiao2 zou4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 条奏), Gesuch an den Kaiser |
伴奏 |
ban4 zou4 | begleiten |
有节奏 |
you3 jie2 zou4 | rhythmisch |
有節奏 |
you3 jie2 zou4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 有节奏), rhythmisch |
间奏曲 |
jian1 zou4 qu3 | Zwischenspiel |
間奏曲 |
jian1 zou4 qu3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 间奏曲), Zwischenspiel |
演奏台 |
yan3 zou4 tai2 | Musikpavillon |
奏名曲 |
zou4 ming2 qu3 | Sonate |
节奏感 |
jie2 zou4 gan3 | Rhythmusgefühl |
節奏感 |
jie2 zou4 gan3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 节奏感), Rhythmusgefühl |
演奏员 |
yan3 zou4 yuan2 | Musiker |
三重奏 |
san1 chong2 zou4 | Trio |
节奏学 |
jie2 zou4 xue2 | Metrik |
節奏學 |
jie2 zou4 xue2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 节奏学), Metrik |
前奏曲 |
qian2 zou4 qu3 | Präludium |
演奏者 |
yan3 zou4 zhe3 | Interpret |
协奏曲 |
xie2 zou4 qu3 | Solokonzert |
四重奏 |
si4 chong2 zou4 | Quartett |
奏鳴曲 |
zou4 ming2 qu3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 奏鸣曲), Sonate |
演奏家 |
yan3 zou4 jia1 | Künstler, Künstlerin |
先斩后奏 |
xian1 zhan3 hou4 zou4 | jn vor vollendete Tatsache stellen |
吹奏乐器 |
chui1 zou4 yue4 qi4 | Blasinstrument |
吹奏樂器 |
chui1 zou4 yue4 qi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 吹奏乐器), Blasinstrument |
奏鳴曲式 |
zou4 ming2 qu3 shi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 奏鸣曲式), Sonatenhauptsatzform |
女伴奏者 |
nü3 ban4 zou4 zhe3 | Begleiterin |
节奏改变 |
jie2 zou4 gai3 bian4 | Ohnmacht |
有节奏地 |
you3 jie2 zou4 de5 | rhythmisch |
有節奏地 |
you3 jie2 zou4 de5 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 有节奏地), rhythmisch |
生理节奏 |
sheng1 li3 jie2 zou4 | zyklisch |
生理節奏 |
sheng1 li3 jie2 zou4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 生理节奏), zyklisch |
生活节奏 |
sheng1 huo2 jie2 zou4 | Lebensrhythmus |
生活節奏 |
sheng1 huo2 jie2 zou4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 生活节奏), Lebensrhythmus |
大协奏曲 |
da4 xie2 zou4 qu3 | Concerto grosso |
即席演奏 |
ji2 xi2 yan3 zou4 | Improvisation |
演奏名单 |
yan3 zou4 ming2 dan1 | Spielplan |
审判前奏 |
shen3 pan4 qian2 zou4 | Prozessauftakt |
节奏模式 |
jie2 zou4 mo2 shi4 | Modus |
節奏模式 |
jie2 zou4 mo2 shi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 节奏模式), Modus |
演奏目录 |
yan3 zou4 mu4 lu4 | Spielplan |
即席演奏者 |
ji2 xi2 yan3 zou4 zhe3 | Improvisator |
节奏布鲁斯 |
jie2 zou4 bu4 lu3 si1 | Rhythm and Blues |
无伴奏合唱 |
wu2 ban4 zou4 he2 chang4 | A cappella |
無伴奏合唱 |
wu2 ban4 zou4 he2 chang4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 无伴奏合唱), A cappella |
四重奏演奏者 |
si4 chong2 zou4 yan3 zou4 zhe3 | Quartett |
小提琴协奏曲 |
xiao3 ti2 qin2 xie2 zou4 qu3 | Violinkonzert |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
大禘 |
da4 di4 | kaiserliches Ahnenopfer (alle fünf Jahre) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
泛光 |
fan4 guang1 | Flutlicht |
泛黄 |
fan4 huang2 | vergilben |
泛黃 |
fan4 huang2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 泛黄), vergilben |
广泛 |
guang3 fan4 | umfassend, ausgedehnt, weit, umfassend |
廣泛 |
guang3 fan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 广泛), umfassend, ausgedehnt, weit, umfassend |
泛音 |
fan4 yin1 | Oberton |
活泛 |
huo2 fan4 | schnell, flexibel,elastisch |
泛化 |
fan4 hua4 | Verallgemeinerung |
泛绿 |
fan4 lü4 | pan-grüne Koalition |
泛綠 |
fan4 lü4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 泛绿), pan-grüne Koalition |
泛舟 |
fan4 zhou1 | Rafting |
宽泛 |
kuan1 fan4 | breit gefächert, weit |
泛起 |
fan4 qi3 | an die Oberfläche kommen |
泛型 |
fan4 xing2 | Generische Programmierung |
泛蓝 |
fan4 lan2 | pan-blaue Koalition |
泛素 |
fan4 su4 | Ubiquitin (ein Protein) |
泛指 |
fan4 zhi3 | generell verweisen auf, allgemein referieren zu |
泛灵论 |
fan4 ling2 lun4 | Animismus |
泛代数 |
fan4 dai4 shu4 | Universelle Algebra |
泛代數 |
fan4 dai4 shu4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 泛代数), Universelle Algebra |
泛性质 |
fan4 xing4 zhi4 | Universelle Eigenschaft |
广泛地 |
guang3 fan4 de5 | in breitem Maßstab |
廣泛地 |
guang3 fan4 de5 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 广泛地), in breitem Maßstab |
泛音列 |
fan4 yin1 lie4 | Obertöne |
泛蓝联盟 |
fan4 lan2 lian2 meng2 | pan-blaue Koalition |
分布广泛 |
fen1 bu4 guang3 fan4 | weiterverbreiten |
泛紫联盟 |
fan4 zi3 lian2 meng2 | Pan-Violette Koalition |
广泛传播 |
guang3 fan4 chuan2 bo1 | weitverbreitet |
廣泛傳播 |
guang3 fan4 chuan2 bo1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 广泛传播), weitverbreitet |
泛美公路 |
fan4 mei3 gong1 lu4 | Panamericana, pan-American Highway |
范围广泛 |
fan4 wei2 guang3 fan4 | umfangreiches Sortiment |
广泛应用 |
guang3 fan4 ying1 yong4 | breite Anwendung, breite Anwendung finden |
廣泛應用 |
guang3 fan4 ying1 yong4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 广泛应用), breite Anwendung, breite Anwendung finden |
泛美航空 |
fan4 mei3 hang2 kong1 | Pan American World Airways(Wirtsch) |
日益广泛 |
ri4 yi4 guang3 fan4 | mit immer grösserem Elan |
日益廣泛 |
ri4 yi4 guang3 fan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 日益广泛), mit immer grösserem Elan |
泛亚公路 |
fan4 ya4 gong1 lu4 | Asian Highway Projekt |
泛亞公路 |
fan4 ya4 gong1 lu4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 泛亚公路), Asian Highway Projekt |
泛亚铁路 |
fan4 ya4 tie3 lu4 | Trans-Asian Railway |
泛亞鐵路 |
fan4 ya4 tie3 lu4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 泛亚铁路), Trans-Asian Railway |
广泛使用 |
guang3 fan4 shi3 yong4 | breite Anwendung finden |
廣泛使用 |
guang3 fan4 shi3 yong4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 广泛使用), breite Anwendung finden |
泛美运动会 |
fan4 mei3 yun4 dong4 hui4 | Panamerikanische Spiele |
泛美運動會 |
fan4 mei3 yun4 dong4 hui4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 泛美运动会), Panamerikanische Spiele |
应用日益广泛 |
ying4 yong4 ri4 yi4 guang3 fan4 | immer breitere Anwendung finden |
應用日益廣泛 |
ying4 yong4 ri4 yi4 guang3 fan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 应用日益广泛), immer breitere Anwendung finden |
广泛的代表性 |
guang3 fan4 de5 dai4 biao3 xing4 | Universalität (Vereinte Nationen) |
廣泛的代表性 |
guang3 fan4 de5 dai4 biao3 xing4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 广泛的代表性), Universalität (Vereinte Nationen) |
得到广泛的应用 |
de2 dao4 guang3 fan4 de5 ying4 yong4 | breite Anwendung finden |
得到廣泛的應用 |
de2 dao4 guang3 fan4 de5 ying4 yong4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 得到广泛的应用), breite Anwendung finden |
提供广泛的可能性 |
ti2 gong1 guang3 fan4 de5 ke3 neng2 xing4 | breite Möglichkeiten eröffnen |
提供廣泛的可能性 |
ti2 gong1 guang3 fan4 de5 ke3 neng2 xing4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 提供广泛的可能性), breite Möglichkeiten eröffnen |
泛希腊社会主义运动 |
fan4 xi1 la4 she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4 yun4 dong4 | Panellinio Sosialistiko Kinima |
泛用无界角色扮演系统 |
fan4 yong4 wu2 jie4 jue2 se4 ban4 yan3 xi4 tong3 | GURPS |
引起材料科技界广泛关注 |
yin3 qi3 cai2 liao4 ke1 ji4 jie4 guang3 fan4 guan1 zhu4 | breites Interesse bei den Werkstoffkundlern finden |
引起材料科技界廣泛關注 |
yin3 qi3 cai2 liao4 ke1 ji4 jie4 guang3 fan4 guan1 zhu4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 引起材料科技界广泛关注), breites Interesse bei den Werkstoffkundlern finden |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
滥用 |
lan4 yong4 | missbrauchen, vergeuden, Missbrauch |
泛滥 |
fan4 lan4 | Ausbreitung ohne Einschränkung |
滥捕 |
lan4 bu3 | etw. überfischen, Unbeteiligte festnehmen |
滥施 |
lan4 shi1 | verschwenden |
滥食 |
lan4 shi2 | unmäßiges Essen |
滥采 |
lan4 cai3 | ausmeißeln |
滥调 |
lan4 diao4 | hackneyed talk, platitude |
滥杀 |
lan4 sha1 | to kill indiscriminately, to massacre |
浮滥 |
fu2 lan4 | excessive, exorbitant, excessively |
俗滥 |
su2 lan4 | clichéd, tacky |
滥伐 |
lan4 fa2 | to denude, illegal logging, forest clearance |
滥情 |
lan4 qing2 | fickle in love, sentimentality |
滥骂 |
lan4 ma4 | scurrilous, to scold indiscriminately |
滥刑 |
lan4 xing2 | indiscriminate punishment |
滥漫 |
lan4 man4 | arbitrary, indiscriminate |
滥交 |
lan4 jiao1 | to fall into bad company, to make acquaintances indiscriminately |
滥权 |
lan4 quan2 | abuse of authority |
下三滥 |
xia4 san1 lan4 | riffraff, scum, lowlife, despicable, inferior |
滥套子 |
lan4 tao4 zi5 | platitude, pointless talk |
滥好人 |
lan4 hao3 ren2 | sb who tries to be on good terms with everyone |
药物滥用 |
yao4 wu4 lan4 yong4 | Drogenabusus |
泛滥成灾 |
fan4 lan4 cheng2 zai1 | ausufern, über das Ufer treten |
滥用职权 |
lan4 yong4 zhi2 quan2 | Amtsmissbrauch |
滥杀无辜 |
lan4 sha1 wu2 gu1 | willfully slaughter the innocent |
滥砍滥伐 |
lan4 kan3 lan4 fa2 | wanton destruction of forested lands |
滥用权力 |
lan4 yong4 quan2 li4 | abuse of power |
粗制滥造 |
cu1 zhi4 lan4 zao4 | to churn out large quantities without regard for quality; rough and slipshod work |
陈词滥调 |
chen2 ci2 lan4 diao4 | cliché, commonplace, truism, stereotype |
宁缺毋滥 |
ning4 que1 wu2 lan4 | better to have nothing (than substandard choice); would prefer to go without than accept shoddy option |
宁缺勿滥 |
ning4 que1 wu4 lan4 | 宁缺毋滥[ning4 que1 wu2 lan4] |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
他在演奏会前练了很多次这首曲子。 |
He practiced the piece many times before the concert. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong ) | |
Jim为她用钢琴伴奏。 |
Jim accompanied her on the piano. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong CN ) | |
你能用C小调演奏吗? |
Can you play the key of C minor? (Mandarin, Tatoeba egg0073 ) | |
她会弹钢琴为我伴奏。 |
Sie wird mich am Klavier begleiten. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Sirio60 ) | |
她为我作钢琴伴奏 |
Sie begleitete mich am Klavier. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Rebecca Esperantostern ) | |
你演奏乐器吗? |
Spielst du ein Musikinstrument? (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL ) | |
你演奏樂器嗎? |
Spielst du ein Musikinstrument? (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL ) | |
她小提琴演奏得非常好。 |
Sie spielt sehr gut Geige. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Zaghawa ) | |
他在演奏音樂。 |
Er spielt Musik. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Wolf ) | |
我为她作钢琴伴奏。 |
Ich begleitete sie am Klavier. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha BraveSentry ) | |
你能演奏管风琴吗? |
Kannst du Orgel spielen? (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Zaghawa ) | |
医生们尽力控制汤姆的病情了但可惜无法奏效。 |
The doctors did all they could to control Tom's disease but, sadly, to no avail. (Mandarin, Tatoeba basilhan patgfisher ) | |
幾位大臣奏請朝廷的准許。 |
Einige Minister ersuchten bei Hofe um Erlaubnis. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus Yorwba ) | |
你知道伦敦交响乐团的演奏会行程吗? |
Kennst du den Konzertplan vom Londoner Symphonieorchester? (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Yakuwari ) | |
几位大臣奏请朝廷的准许。 |
Einige Minister ersuchten bei Hofe um Erlaubnis. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus Yorwba ) | |
他在演奏音乐。 |
Er spielt Musik. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Wolf ) | |
它不会奏效。 |
Das wird nicht funktionieren. (Mandarin, Tatoeba GlossaMatik al_ex_an_der ) | |
我认出了一些汤姆演奏的调子。 |
I recognized some of the tunes that Tom played. (Mandarin, Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK ) | |
我為她作鋼琴伴奏。 |
Ich begleitete sie am Klavier. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha BraveSentry ) | |
我弹钢琴为她伴奏。 |
Ich begleitete sie am Klavier. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha BraveSentry ) | |
这位钢琴家演奏了两首安可曲。 |
Der Pianist spielte zwei Zugaben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Sudajaengi ) | |
这条规则不是任何情况下都奏效的。 |
Diese Regel ist nicht in jedem Fall anwendbar. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Manfredo ) | |
我的隔壁邻居是一个演奏高手,他的钢琴才能为他在音乐专家中赢得了美名。 |
Mein nächster Türnachbar ist ein Virtuose, dessen Geschick am Klavier ihm einen Namen unter den Musikexperten eingebracht hat. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL ) | |
這位鋼琴家演奏了兩首安可曲。 |
Der Pianist spielte zwei Zugaben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Sudajaengi ) | |
那對他依然奏效。 |
Das gilt auch für ihn. (Mandarin, Tatoeba uhasan lilygilder ) | |
那对他依然奏效。 |
Das gilt auch für ihn. (Mandarin, Tatoeba uhasan lilygilder ) | |
这首曲子对我来说太难演奏了。 |
Dieses Stück ist meiner Meinung nach zu schwer zu spielen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba vicch Vortarulo ) | |
我在一个乐团裡演奏。 |
Ich spiele in einer Band. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha xtofu80 ) | |
演奏Humppa舞曲吧! |
Spielen Sie Humppa! (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha xeklat ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
广泛的安全措施实施了。 |
Es wurden weitreichende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in Kraft gesetzt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong xtofu80 ) | |
即使她没生病,到了规定的日期她也完成不了她的博士论文,因为论文题目涉及的内容太广泛。 |
Auch wenn sie nicht krank geworden wäre, würde sie die Dissertation bis zu dem geplanten Termin nicht abgeschlossen haben, denn das Thema war zu umfangreich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Mojo ) | |
她是一位优秀的学者,在各地都获得了广泛的认同。 |
Sie war eine hervorragende Gelehrte und erhielt überall große Anerkennung. (Mandarin, Tatoeba inkarl Yorwba ) | |
互联网的广泛应用使新一代的年轻人诞生了。 |
Die Verbreitung der Nutzung des Internets hat eine neue Generation von jungen Leuten hervorgebracht. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL ) | |
英語是目前在世界上使用最廣泛的語言。 |
English is by far the most widely-spoken language in the world. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
甚至在这些国家以外,英语也许比其他任何语言更广泛地被使用来当作国际交流的媒介。 |
And even outside these nations, English is perhaps more widely used as a medium of international communication than any other language. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha RoyalBee ) | |
斯宾诺莎是泛神论者。 |
Spinoza war ein Pantheist. (Mandarin, Tatoeba FAErika Esperantostern ) | |
我觉得不可以泛化一个民族,说日本人怎么样。 |
I don't think that it is possible to generalise a whole nation, and say how all Japanese people are. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sysko sharris123 ) | |
英语是目前在世界上使用最广泛的语言。 |
English is by far the most widely-spoken language in the world. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
我的爱好不但广泛而且有用。 |
My hobbies are not only wide-ranging but also useful. (Mandarin, Tatoeba eastasiastudent ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
反垄断法律的目的是停止滥用市场影响力的大公司. |
The purpose of antitrust law is to stop the abusive influence of the market by big companies. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Aharlekyn ) | |
书和朋友应该是宁缺毋滥。 |
Bücher und Freunde sollte man lieber wenige haben als schlechte. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Yorwba ) | |
他因滥用公共基金而被捕。 |
Er wurde wegen Missbrauchs öffentlicher Mittel verhaftet. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Hans_Adler ) | |
国王滥用权力。 |
Der König missbrauchte seine Macht. (Mandarin, Tatoeba shanghainese Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
大雨使河水泛滥。 |
Aufgrund der Sturzregen treten die Flüsse über die Ufer. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Sudajaengi ) | |
我们只能滥用善良的。 |
We can only abuse of things that are good. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sans Scott ) | |
喀提林,你还会滥用我们的耐心多久呀? |
Wie lange noch, Catilina, wirst du unsere Geduld missbrauchen? (Mandarin, Tatoeba DaoSeng al_ex_an_der ) | |
国王滥用权力。 |
Der König missbrauchte seine Macht. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
这套电视剧里的惊察似乎是个滥用职权的坏蛋。 |
It seems that the policeman in this TV series is a dirty cop who abuses his authority. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow blay_paul ) | |
用药和滥药只差一线。 |
When it comes to drugs, there's a very fine line between use and abuse. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow darinmex ) | |
陈词滥调是精确意见的敌人。 |
Das Klischee ist der Feind genauer Beobachtung. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
荐为别部司马 |
jian4 wei2/wei4 bie2 bu4 si1 ma3 | (he was) recommended that he be made a military clerk in another region ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
代州刘恢以书荐玄德见虞 |
dai4 zhou1 liu2 hui1 yi3 shu1 jian4 xuan2 de2 jian4/xian4 yu2 | Liu Hui of Daizhou wrote a letter of recommendation on behalf of Xuande, and sent it to Yu ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
帝览奏叹息 |
di4 lan3 zou4 tan4 xi1 | The emperor sighed in despair upon reading the written reply, (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第001回) |
刘虞表奏刘备大功 |
liu2 yu2 biao3 zou4 liu2 bei4 da4 gong1 | Liu Yu reported Liu Bei's exploits to the emperor ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
A等俱奏罢其官 |
A deng3 ju4 zou4 ba4 qi2 guan1 | A and his faction petitioned the emperor to have them removed from their posts ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
俊表奏孙坚、刘备等功 |
jun4 biao3 zou4 sun1 jian1 、 liu2 bei4 deng3 gong1 | Zhu Jun submitted a petition to the emperor in which he praised the accomplishments of both Sun Jian and Liu Bei. ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
皇甫嵩又表奏卢植有功无罪 |
huang2 fu3 嵩 you4 biao3 zou4 lu2 zhi2 you3 gong1 wu2 zui4 | Also, Huangfu Song submitted a petition to the emperor on behalf of Lu Zhi, emphasizing his innocence and his achievements. ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
十常侍奏帝曰: |
shi2 chang2 shi4 zou4 di4 yue1 : | The ten regular attendants submitted a written petition to the emperor which said: ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
让奏曰: |
rang4 zou4 yue1 : | Rang addressed her, saying ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
苗入奏何后云: |
miao2 ru4 zou4 he2 hou4 yun2 : | Miao went to Empress He, and said: ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
A表奏B、C等功 |
A biao3 zou4 B、C deng3 gong1 | A submitted a petition to the emperor in which he praised the accomplishments of both B and C. ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
不从者奏罢职 |
bu4 cong2 zhe3 zou4 ba4 zhi2 | Their plan was to petition the emperor to dismiss anyone who did not comply with their demands ( Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回) |
铁的廣泛使用。 |
tie3 de5 guang3 泛 shi3/shi4 yong4 。 | Eisen wird weitverbreitet genutzt. (Geschichtsdetails) |
又海水泛滥 |
you4 hai3 shui3 泛 lan4 | Ocean water had also swept inland (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第001回) |
您有什么推荐? |
nin2 you3 shi2 me5 tui1 jian4 ? | Was empfehlt ihr mir? (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
你有什么推荐? |
ni3 you3 shi2 me5 tui1 jian4 ? | Hast du einen Vorschlag? (Tatoeba fucongcong tatomeimei) |
你给我推荐几个吧。 |
ni3 gei3 wo3 tui1 jian4 ji1 ge4 ba5 。 | Gib mir doch eine Empfehlung. (Tatoeba Saney) |
招股说明书必须由两名保荐代表人签字。 |
zhao1 gu3 shuo1 ming2 shu1 bi4 xu1 you2 liang3 ming2 bao3 jian4 dai4 biao3 ren2 qian1 zi4 。 | Prospectuses must be signed by two sponsor representatives. (Tatoeba albertwang sysko) |
有其它推荐的宾馆吗? |
you3 qi2 ta1/tuo2 tui1 jian4 de5 bin1 guan3 ma5 ? | Gibt es sonst noch Hotels, die Sie empfehlen können? (Tatoeba rickjiang Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
汤姆向他们推荐了那本小说。 |
tang1 mu3 xiang4 ta1 men5 tui1 jian4 le5 na4/nei4 ben3 xiao3 shuo1 。 | Tom recommended the novel to them. (Tatoeba fercheung CK) |
帮我推荐几位法国歌手吧。 |
bang1 wo3 tui1 jian4 ji1 wei4 fa3 guo2 ge1 shou3 ba5 。 | Könnten Sie einige französische Sänger empfehlen? (Tatoeba sysko Lars224) |
Jim为她用钢琴伴奏。 |
Jim wei2/wei4 ta1 yong4 gang1 qin2 ban4 zou4 。 | Jim accompanied her on the piano. (Tatoeba fucongcong CN) |
這位鋼琴家演奏了兩首安可曲。 |
zhe4/zhei4 wei4 gang1 qin2 jia1 yan3 zou4 le5 liang3 shou3 an1 ke3/ke4 qu1/qu3 。 | Der Pianist spielte zwei Zugaben. (Tatoeba Martha Sudajaengi) |
我為她作鋼琴伴奏。 |
wo3 wei2/wei4 ta1 zuo4 gang1 qin2 ban4 zou4 。 | Ich habe sie am Klavier begleitet. (Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der) |
那對他依然奏效。 |
na4/nei4 dui4 ta1 yi3 ran2 zou4 xiao4 。 | Das gilt auch für ihn. (Tatoeba uhasan lilygilder) |
你能演奏管风琴吗? |
ni3 neng2 yan3 zou4 guan3/guan5 feng1 qin2 ma5 ? | Are you able to play organ? (Tatoeba sadhen sicerabibax) |
她小提琴演奏得非常好。 |
ta1 xiao3 ti2 qin2 yan3 zou4 de2/de5/dei3 fei1 chang2 hao3 。 | Sie spielt sehr gut Geige. (Tatoeba Martha Zaghawa) |
你知道伦敦交响乐团的演奏会行程吗? |
ni3 zhi1 dao4 lun2 dun1 jiao1 xiang3 le4/yue4 tuan2 de5 yan3 zou4 hui4 hang2/xing2 cheng2 ma5 ? | Kennst du den Konzertplan vom Londoner Symphonieorchester? (Tatoeba fucongcong Yakuwari) |
这条规则不是任何情况下都奏效的。 |
zhe4/zhei4 tiao2 gui1 ze2 bu4 shi4 ren4 he2 qing2 kuang4 xia4 dou1/du1 zou4 xiao4 de5 。 | This rule does not apply in all cases. (Tatoeba sadhen Dejo) |
你演奏樂器嗎? |
ni3 yan3 zou4 le4/yue4 qi4 ma5 ? | Spielst du ein Musikinstrument? (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL) |
我的隔壁邻居是一个演奏高手,他的钢琴才能为他在音乐专家中赢得了美名。 |
wo3 de5 ge2 bi4 lin2 ju1 shi4 yi1 ge4 yan3 zou4 gao1 shou3 , ta1 de5 gang1 qin2 cai2 neng2 wei2/wei4 ta1 zai4 yin1 le4/yue4 zhuan1 jia1 zhong1/zhong4 ying2 de2/de5/dei3 le5 mei3 ming2 。 | Mein nächster Türnachbar ist ein Virtuose, dessen Geschick am Klavier ihm einen Namen unter den Musikexperten eingebracht hat. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
我认出了些汤姆演奏的调子。 |
wo3 ren4 chu1 le5 xie1 tang1 mu3 yan3 zou4 de5 tiao2 zi5 。 | I recognized some of the tunes that Tom played. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK) |
他在演奏音樂。 |
ta1 zai4 yan3 zou4 yin1 le4/yue4 。 | Er spielt Musik. (Tatoeba Martha Wolf) |
这首曲子对我来说太难演奏了。 |
zhe4/zhei4 shou3 qu1/qu3 zi5 dui4 wo3 lai2 shuo1 tai4 nan2/nan4 yan3 zou4 le5 。 | Dieses Stück ist meiner Meinung nach zu schwer zu spielen. (Tatoeba vicch Vortarulo) |
广泛的安全措施实施了。 |
guang3 泛 de5 an1 quan2 cuo4 shi1 shi2 shi1 le5 。 | Es wurden weitreichende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen in Kraft gesetzt. (Tatoeba fucongcong xtofu80) |
即使她没生病,到了规定的日期她也完成不了她的博士论文,因为论文题目涉及的内容太广泛。 |
ji2 shi3/shi4 ta1 mei2/mo4 sheng1 bing4 , dao4 le5 gui1 ding4 de5 ri4 ji1/qi1 ta1 ye3 wan2 cheng2 bu4 le5 ta1 de5 bo2 shi4 lun4 wen2 , yin1 wei2/wei4 lun4 wen2 ti2 mu4 she4 ji2 de5 nei4 rong2 tai4 guang3 泛。 | Auch wenn sie nicht krank geworden wäre, würde sie die Dissertation bis zu dem geplanten Termin nicht abgeschlossen haben, denn das Thema war zu umfangreich. (Tatoeba Mojo) |
英語是目前在世界上使用最廣泛的語言。 |
ying1 yu3 shi4 mu4 qian2 zai4 shi4 jie4 shang4 shi3/shi4 yong4 zui4 guang3 泛 de5 yu3 yan2 。 | English is by far the most widely-spoken language in the world. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
互联网的广泛应用使新一代的年轻人诞生了。 |
hu4 lian2 wang3 de5 guang3 泛 ying1/ying4 yong4 shi3/shi4 xin1 yi1 dai4 de5 nian2 qing1 ren2 dan4 sheng1 le5 。 | Die Verbreitung der Nutzung des Internets hat eine neue Generation von jungen Leuten hervorgebracht. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
我的爱好不但广泛而且有用。 |
wo3 de5 ai4 hao3 bu4 dan4 guang3 泛 er2 qie3 you3 yong4 。 | My hobbies are not only wide-ranging but also useful. (Tatoeba eastasiastudent) |
我们只能滥用善良的。 |
wo3 men5 zhi3 neng2 lan4 yong4 shan3/shan4 liang2 de5 。 | We can only abuse of things that are good. (Tatoeba sans Scott) |
反垄断法律的目的是停止滥用市场影响力的大公司. |
fan3 long3 duan4 fa3 lü4 de5 mu4 de5 shi4 ting2 zhi3 lan4 yong4 shi4 chang3 ying3 xiang3 li4 de5 da4 gong1 si1 . | The purpose of antitrust law is to stop the abusive influence of the market by big companies. (Tatoeba Aharlekyn) |
他因滥用公共基金而被捕。 |
ta1 yin1 lan4 yong4 gong1 gong4 ji1 jin1 er2 bei4 捕。 | Er wurde wegen Missbrauchs öffentlicher Mittel verhaftet. (Tatoeba sadhen Hans_Adler) |
国王滥用权力。 |
guo2 wang2 lan4 yong4 quan2 li4 。 | Der König hat seine Macht missbraucht. Der König missbrauchte seine Macht. (Tatoeba shanghainese Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
大雨使河水泛滥。 |
da4 yu3 shi3/shi4 he2 shui3 泛 lan4 。 | The rivers were flooded by the heavy rain. (Tatoeba fucongcong NekoKanjya) |
[Bearbeiten]2007年3月我刚到北京,租的房子附近有一个很大的批发菜市场,从家里 gemütlich 走过去得二十分钟,沿 des Weges 经过小区后面破败的商业街,一叠叠大饼堆在 Schau-窗里,窗子因为太久没有擦过,灰尘自动排列出各种任由想象的图案,我总是把右边边缘处比较小的一块想成圆滚滚的熊猫,我无端端觉得它愿意抱住圆滚滚大饼一口口吃下去。再往前走是一段依然在使用的 Eisenbahnschienen,很远就能听到火车 Klackern 接近的声音,让人无端端紧张,即使跨过窄窄的 Schienen 只需要五秒,Schienen 边有个铁皮亭,里面按理说应该坐着一个人,但我却从来没有真的见过,生活可以把最 unbedeutend 的细节同样塑造成悬疑剧,而且终生都没有获得 das Rätsel zu lösen。那个时候北京还没有 Staubstürme,冬天冷得分外真切,我有时候会痛下决心花三块钱坐三轮车过去,但大部分三轮车总是四处透风,所以我总是全身 steif 走进批发市场,肉味扑面而来,让人疑心自己也应该从中 aufschneiden,被挂在永不 verrosten 的铁 Haken 上。
市场太大了,牛羊肉一个厅,水产品和鸡鸭一个厅,猪肉交易厅和猪肉批发厅分开,蔬菜批发和零售隔着老远的距离,穿着高跟鞋好像永远都走不到头。我不过是一个人,租的房子里没有 Gasherd,只能用电磁炉,scharf anbraten 的时候总是觉得有气无力,做一次 "doppelt gekochtem Schwein" 要吃两顿,最后剩下一点 Knoblauch 苗作料还能再煮碗面。去那里不过是为了省一点点的钱,我其实讨厌那个批发市场,走了老远路,最后只 trug 一块小小的五花肉回家,要是一时 impulsiv 多买了一只开 Brust 破肚的土鸡,我就得喝整整一周的鸡汤,喝到最后一个人坐在 leerem 的房间里恶心,终于把 auf den Boden gesunken 的那点 Reste 倒了,混着鸡肉鸡皮,以及几块完全 durchgekochtem 的老 Ingwer。
后来我不那么缺钱,就开始去超市买菜,结婚前在一个硕大的家乐福,结婚后在一个小小的京客隆。家乐福每天早上会有一些特价排骨,有两次我痛下决心要去买到,八点五十到门口发现已经排着长长的队,老头老太太们 trugen 环保袋以备战状态等着开门,我觉得自己全无胜算,就在一楼的麦当劳高高兴兴吃了 Frühstück。京客隆里只能买到最基本的猪牛羊肉,偶尔有几条鱼,还通通 gefrohren, so dass sie geworfen 有声的样子,他们生意总是不好,却奇迹般一直没有倒闭,我喜欢他们家有切成薄片的五花肉,用来做梅菜 gedämpftes Schweine-肉或者粉 mit feingeschnittenem 肉正好合适,还有一盒盒大小正好合适做成炸酱的肉丁,所以夏天的时候我们老在中午吃炸酱面,一海碗炸酱能吃一周,nachdem sich die geschmorte 洋葱 sich化了,显得酱里满是肉丁,特别直接地给人 tief 的富足感,即使我只是富足到吃炸酱面的时候想有多少肉就有多少肉。有时候面条吃 satt hatten,我们会去买一块大饼 zum dippen in 炸酱吃,现在住的小区里同样有一排破败的商业街,一叠叠大饼同样堆在落满灰尘的 Schau-窗里,厨师戴着污脏的高帽子站在大饼前抽烟,然后拿出一把看起来很 stumpf 的大刀擦擦把饼切成八块,一直到回家,饼还是 dampfend heiß 的,每次都是回家我才恍然想到刚才忘记留意 Schau-窗上的灰尘,但是没有关系,北京到处都是任由想象的灰尘,你可以连续剧一般地想下去。
从美国回来后有一段时间我 zynisch 地讨厌中国超市,或者说 dachte ständig an und 想念纽约的华人超市,我开始在 Taobao 上买菜,前一天晚上下单,第二天下午也就到了,鱼头血肉模糊地裹在塑料袋里,小白菜嫩绿嫩绿的泛着水光,晚上我们就吃 gewürzten 鱼头,以及小白菜汤。那家 Taobao 店主每次都送我一包Farn-根粉,所有现在我的 Wandschrank 里有好多包没有开封的 Farn-根粉,我疑心我永远不会打开它,生命里的 Geschenke 总是这样,并非全无价值,只是全无用处。
现在我重新回到了批发市场,又是一个冬天,市场还是那样无边无尽的大,还是走进去一股混沌的肉味,卖水产品的棚里 Dreck 满地,偶尔会有一两只皮皮虾 todesmutig 跳到地上,却又无处可去,最后就被拣起来半价卖掉,我总觉得它们的 Bemühungen 毫无用处,却又知道应该 bemühen,否则就是认定了那五十一斤的命运。我在牛羊肉厅买到一只两斤大满是筋的牛-Sehnen,满心喜悦地走向猪肉交易厅,打算买块滴血的猪-Leber 回去做 Spinat und 猪-Leber 汤,细细的鞋跟几次 eingeklemmt in 水泥地的裂缝里,周围吵得要死又什么都没法听清,我知道它们再没有合奏一首伤心菜市场之歌。
A sad song to the food market
I had just arrived in Beijing in March 2007. Located a twenty-minute stroll away from my rented house was a very large wholesale food market. Along the way I passed a dilapidated commercial street behind the neighbourhood. A shopwindow displayed stacks of large round flatbread. As it had not been wiped for too long, the dust on it had arranged itself into every imaginable pattern. I would always imagine a relatively small patch of dust on the right fringe to be a chubby panda. For no particular reason, I would imagine that it wanted to hold on to the flatbread and eat it up one mouthful at a time. Walking ahead brought me to a still functioning railway track. From a distance, the sound of the approaching trains clattering down the track would somehow make people tense, even though it took a mere five seconds to step across the narrow track. Beside the track was a metal-roofed shelter with could seat one person, but I had never really seen anyone in it. Life can similarly mould the most insignificant details into a suspenseful drama, and it may also not be able to resolve the mystery of this drama. Beijing was not hazy from dust back then. When the cold of winter was particularly acute, I would sometimes make the painful decision to spend three dollars for a trishaw ride; but because most trishaws expose their passengers to the wind, I was stiff from the cold when I entered the food market. The smell of meat assaulted the senses so much that I wondered if I should also have been cut open, and hung from the rust-free iron hooks.
The wholesale food market was simply too big. Beef and mutton were in one hall, seafood and poultry in another, pork retail and wholesale sections were separate from each other, and vegetable wholesale and retail stalls were some distance apart; it seemed as if I could never walk to the end of the marketplace in my high-heeled shoes. I lived alone, and without a gas stove in my rented house, I had to use an electric hotplate which I always felt was too weak for stir-frying. I could finish one portion of double-cooked pork only over two meals. The last bit of leftover garlic sprout could still be cooked with a bowl of noodles. I would go to the wholesale food market for the sake of saving some money, even though I actually disliked that place. After walking all that distance, I would end up carrying home only a very small piece of streaky pork. When I impulsively bought a ready-cut, whole free-range chicken, I had to drink chicken soup for exactly one week. After finally finishing all the soup, I would sit alone, feeling nauseous in an empty, desolate room. Finally, I would pour away the dregs containing a mixture of chicken meat and skin and the pulp of a few slices of old ginger .
When I was better off, I started buying food from supermarkets. I patronised a huge Carrefour supermarket before I was married, and a very small JKL supermarket after I was married. Carrefour had pork spare ribs at specially discounted prices every morning. On two occasions, I set my mind on buying some. I arrived at about 8.50, only to find that long queues had already formed. Elderly men and women held environmentally-friendly shopping bags, appearing poised for battle while waiting for the doors to open. Without a winning strategy, I happily ate breakfast at MacDonald’s on the first floor instead. JKL Supermarket sold only the most basic cuts of pork and mutton. Occasionally there were a few fishes that appeared frozen hard. JKL Supermarket’s business was always poor, but miraculously it did not close down. I liked the thinly sliced streaky pork which was such a matching complement when steamed with preserved mustard greens or ground glutinous rice. There were also large and small boxes of handy, ready-cooked fried bean sauce with diced meat. That was why in summer we always had noodles cooked with fried bean sauce for lunch. A very big bowl of fried bean sauce could last one week. After the stewed onion had disintegrated, the sauce seemed to be chock-full of diced pork. In a special way, this directly gave one a deep feeling of abundance, even though my feeling came from being able to have however much pork as I wanted in my noodles. Sometimes, when we were tired of eating noodles, we would buy a piece of flatbread to dip in the fried bean sauce. Now, as before, there is a dilapidated commercial row in my neighbourhood. Layers of flatbread are piled behind the very dusty display window. Cooks wearing dirty tall hats stand and smoke in front of the flatbread. Afterwards they take out big, very blunt knives to cut up the bread into eight portions. The flatbread stays piping hot when we reach home. It dawns on me each time when we reach home that I forgot to look out for the dust on the display window. It does not matter though because every imaginable form of dust pervades Beijing. You can, as you would for a serialised drama, stretch your imagination.
After returning from America, I went through a cynical phase when I detested China’s supermarkets. I kept thinking about and missed New York’s Chinese supermarkets. I began to buy food online from Taobao. Orders placed the previous night were delivered the following afternoon. The badly mangled fish head was wrapped in a plastic bag, and the soft green leaves of the small Chinese cabbage were covered with sparkling water droplets. We had spicy fish head and small Chinese cabbage soup for dinner that night. The Taobao branch proprietor gave us a free pack of fern root powder with every delivery. That is why my kitchen cabinet has many packs of unopened fern root powder now. I doubt I will ever open them. Such are life’s gifts: not totally worthless, just totally useless.
Now I have returned to the wholesale food market. It is winter again. The market is still as infinitely massive as before. I still walk into a chaotic blend of odours of meat. Mud is all over the floor in the seafood shed. Sometimes, one or two brave, undaunted mantis shrimps will leap onto the floor, with nowhere else to go. Eventually they will be picked up and sold off at half-price. I always feel that their struggle is completely futile, but then again I realise that without this struggle they would be doomed to the certain fate of the fifty-one-kati lot. I buy two katis of sinewy beef shank from the beef and mutton hall. Then I walk on to the pork hall very happily, planning to buy a piece of liver dripping with blood home to cook a spinach and liver soup. My slender shoe heels get stuck in the crevices of the cement floor several times. All around me is a cacophony of annoyingly loud noises, yet each one is indistinct. I realise that never again will these form an ensemble playing a sad song to the food market.
“上午9:30公司白领小杜乘地铁 ankommen in der 公司,打开电脑开始查阅和回复每一封邮件,随后带着iPad和手提电脑来到客户处开会;中午12:30她利用午休时间打开海-tao 网站下单订货,为男朋友购买圣诞节的礼物;直到晚上8:00小杜还在紧张的工作中,只能依靠微信或微博和朋友进行短暂的交流和自我放松;晚上10:00小杜拖着 erschöpft 的身体回到家中,用在 Tao-宝上购买的 Gesichtsmaske 进行 Haut 调理。”这似乎是一个非常普遍的职场人士一天的生活写照,当人们面对更加快速的生活节奏时,快速消费时代 still und heimlich 来到了我们的世界。在快速消费时代中,毋庸置疑,我们获得了触手可及的便利,但同时也失去了亲手挑选商品时体验到的乐趣,从情感心态上和物质体验上都不能和商品进行真正的交流。可以说消费者缺少了参与购物时的互动体验,同时也期待回归他们通过努力而获得存在感的传统生活模式。
“更快捷的消费方式更能满足人们在快节奏生活中的需求。据统计,2013年11月11日当天,阿里巴巴 “双十一”购物狂欢节的支付宝总销售额达到350亿元,其中天猫就达到132亿元,Tao-宝则完成59亿元。”——电商对于消费的改变。
快速消费时代,零售终端、百货公司除了忍受着电子商务对于消费者购买决策的深度控制外,更面临消费者越来越多追求购买商品以外的体验需求。基于新的挑战和传统陈旧的营销方式,西单大悦城力求从自身角度和消费者角度双管齐下增加 Marken-竞争力和销售份额。
一、结合自身定位,找准能够与消费者真正沟通起来的 Medien 和形象,将 Marken 切入到消费者的社交生活 Kreise 中来,通过沟通+服务的方式增加 Marken-价值;
二、在建立沟通基调后,运用创新的形式提升 Marken 在消费者社交 Kreisen 中的活跃度。并利用这种互动方式拉动传统线下营销,以获得整合和联动的营销格局。
在“快速消费时代”重视消费者的情商,关注消费者购买行为发生全过程中的非真实购买需求,成为了商业地产商的必要营销方法。Marken 只有具有人的性格特征,才能真正进行社交营销 。
通过大数据以及对消费者的调研,西单大悦城打造了专属人物形象——悦小Young,并邀请微博人气漫画家@伟大的安妮 为其量身定制了一套漫画形象。
为了使悦小Young的形象被消费者广泛接受,西单大悦城首先在微博平台抛出#谁是亲妈#话题,引导网友 spekulieren “哪位天才美少女画家来为悦小Young打造卡通形象”,以此引发网友好奇心和讨论,话题覆盖人数高达5586万。
Bekanntgabe 答案后,打造“悦小Young出生卡”原创内容,为悦小Young的正式登场和形象定位进行传播。
在悦小Young已经成为西单大悦城社会化 Medien 上的代言人后,社会化 Medien 与消费者的日常沟通中也充分考虑到人设的性格和特点,从各个维度上力求将悦小Young的形象深入粉丝内心。
- 潮不潮,瞧小Young##时尚Young,小心机##以折服人#:悦小Young为大家介绍和推荐推广西单大悦城内的时尚 Marken、大热单品、时尚知识以及打折信息;
- 小Young玩大了##小Young萌日历#:小Young作为一个有血有肉的人,和粉丝分享自己觉得有趣好玩的内容、生活理念以及日历播报;
- 不吃不舒服斯基##小Young热影讯#:小Young带着大家吃喝玩乐,享受生活;
- 潮店长,热推荐#:悦小Young亲身 interviewte 城内各个商家的店长店员,并由他们推荐大热单品和理想 Kombinationen。
在微信平台以悦小Young的人设为 Basis,设置了楼层信息、营业时间、电话、停车信息、wifi信息,以及会员卡等关键词,方便粉丝进行信息获取。并且在微信内容上先后推出了“美好单品集中营”“小Young出街指南”“小Young看电影”“潮店长,热推荐”等多个版块,与粉丝进行良好的互动和沟通。
同期,还借助微信表情易于深入到用户对话中的特点,特别设计了一系列的动画表情以配合悦小Young在社会化 Medien 的整体传播攻势。
西单大悦城在社交 Medien 上找到了与目标人群沟通的最佳 Weg:“卖萌”。针对西单大悦城的目标人群购物心态,在官方微信上开展了与小黄鸭对话的互动形式,这种形式不仅可以为微信账号本身增加活跃度,还帮助线下活动进行了告知和预热。形成带动消费者进店的O2O传播闭环。
听到小黄可爱的声音后,网友可以上传自己的语音与之对话,热闹且形式多样的对话被收集起来,其中有趣的“方言版”对话更成为了微信二次传播的素材。“卖萌”这种年轻群族中喜闻乐见的行为方式帮助西单大悦城 bauen 起了与目标消费者沟通的桥梁。
毋庸置疑“黄鸭海陆空大派对”的宣传目的不仅仅停留在商场以内,带动更多的顾客进店成为本次传播的课题,因“小黄鸭海陆空大派对”活动跨度时间长,分活动较多,为使网友能更好的了解小黄鸭海陆空大派对活动流程,西单大悦城在微博上发布了“攻略图流程”,将分活动时间及场地位置标明,更 klar 的将活动展现给网友。活动期间共原创4条创意微博,获得转发2,030次,评论386条,总覆盖人群达711万人。
据称,对于未来的营销 Kampagnen,西单大悦城除继续利用社会化 Medien 增强用户体验和 Marken 影响力外,还将会着力打造会员服务平台以增加服务属性。在平台塑造的同时将率先应用大数据技术准确 hören 和定位消费者的需求和画像,结合LBS定位技术,根据真正的消费者需求,打造出真正符合用户利益的地图定位、悦小Young导航、语音提示等功能。
在消费者心智中树立价值是市场营销的基本原则,对于日趋感性的消费者来说这种价值将更多的体现为体验和服务。西单大悦城在零售行业率先出发,为消费者营造一种满足内心的消费 Atmosphäre 成为了行业学习的 Modell。
Quelle: socialbeta.com Brianote
Xidan Joy City – social marketing breakthrough in an age of fast consumption
March 4th 2014 – by brianote1
“At 9:30am white-collar worker Xiao Du arrives at work after taking the subway. She turns her computer on, and checks and responds to each item of mail. Soon after, she takes her iPad and laptop to a meeting with clients. At 12:30pm, using her lunchtime she logs on to Haitao.com and orders a Christmas present for her boyfriend. By 8:00pm, Xiao Du is still busy at work. Only by means of Weixin or Weibo is she able to make brief contact with her friends and relax herself. At 10pm, she drags her weary body home and uses a facial mask purchased at Taobao.com to revive her skin.” This appears to be a very typical portrayal of a day in the life of a white-collar worker. Since people are faced with an increased pace of life, the era of rapid consumption has quietly crept into our world. In the era of rapid consumption, no doubt, everything is at hand. However, at the same time, we sacrifice the joy of the experience of shopping in person, making it impossible to truly connect with a product through our feelings and interactions with it. It could be said that consumers lack the experience of interaction when shopping. At the same time, they expect to get back a traditional lifestyle, which, through continued effort, gives them a feeling of existence.
Changes in commercial real estate in the “the era of rapid consumption”
“The increased pace of consumption is more able to satisfy the needs of people with hectic lives. According to statistics, on November 11th in 2013, 1688.com’s “Single’s Day” shopping fest generated a total turnover of 35 billion Yuan on it’s online trading platform, with tmall.com reaching 13.2 billion and Taobao.com 5.9 billion.” — This shows the effect e-commerce has had on the change in consumption.
In the era of rapid consumption, in addition to retail outlets and department stores having to cope with the significant influence e-commerce has on the purchasing decisions of consumers, they are faced more-so with consumer demand for something more than just the buying of goods. Based on new challenges and traditional old-fashioned marketing methods, Xidan Joy City strives to simultaneously approach things from both its own and consumers’ perspectives, thus increasing the competitiveness of their goods and consequently their market share.
1. Combine one’s position, the accurate identification of mediums and images that truly communicate to consumers, the introduction of brands into the social circles of consumers, and the increase in the value of brands by means of communication and service.
2. After key links have been established, implement the use of new innovations to increase brand presence in the social circles of consumers. Then use this method of interaction to sustain traditional off-line marketing and achieve an integrated marketing strategy.
This is the first time commercial real estate has created marketing that has an affinity with customers.
In the the era of rapid consumption, importance is attached to consumers’ emotional IQ. Paying close attention to consumers’ purchasing behaviour of undergoing a complete change to non-real purchase demands, has become an essential marketing strategy of commercial real estate businesses. Only by brands possessing the personality traits of people is social marketing truly able to be implemented.
From large amounts of data and consumer research, Xidan Joy City has created an exclusive character — Little Joy Young, inviting Weibo’s cartoonist Great Annie to make their own tailor-made cartoon images.
To make the image of Little Joy Young be widely accepted by consumers, Xidan Joy City first posed the question, “Who is her mother?” on Weibo. This led to web users speculating, “the attractive and talented artist who created the image of Little Joy Young”, thereby triggering their curiosity and discussions. The topic attracted the attention of 55.86 million people.
After revealing the answer, a “Little Joy Young birthday card” with original content was created for Little Joy Young’s official launch and image placement.
After Little Joy Young had become a socialised media spokesperson for Xidan Joy City, ample consideration was given to consumers’ expressed dispositions and characteristics in everyday communication with socialised media. Effort was made from every angle to to deeply instil the image of Little Joy Young into the hearts of her fans.
A series of hashtags were created on Weibo:
- Popular or not, check out Little Young##trendy Young, careful considerations##discount clothing retailers#: Little Joy Young introduced, recommended and promoted the avant-garde brand of Xidan Joy City, hot products, fashion tips, and discount information.
- Little Young plays hard##Little Young people’s calender#: Little Joy Young as a real person, sharing what she thinks is interesting and fun, life philosophy and upcoming events.
- Love eating love living##Little Young’s hot film news#: Little Young invites everyone along to eat, drink, have fun and enjoy life.
- Trendy store managers, hot recommendations#: Little Young personally interviews store managers and shop assistants in Xidan Joy City, and based on their hot product recommendations makes ideal matches.
Everyday text examples on Weibo:
In order to deepen further the impression made by Little Joy Young, we focused on creating comics in blocks of four and six frames. We combined Little Miss Young’s adorable, cute, fashionable and attitudinal personality traits with relevant subject matter that her fans like.
Weixin was used as a platform for Little Miss Young to give out news for each floor, opening times, telephone numbers, parking information, Wi-Fi information, as well as key words such as membership cards etc., making it convenient for fans to access information. In addition, various sections such as the “Fine products area”, “Little Young’s guide to hitting the streets”, “Little Young on movies”, “Trendy store managers, hot recommendations” etc. were put out in succession on Weibo, establishing good interaction and communication with fans.
At the same time, with the help of Weibo’s emoticons it was easy to get into conversations between customers. Therefore, a series of animated emoticons were specially created to coordinate with Little Miss Young’s comprehensive attack across social media.
The perfect integration of Weibo and online to offline marketing
In order to satisfy consumer needs of first hand experience and quests to find popular places, in September 2013 Xidan Joy City and the Hong Kong based corporation B. Duck worked in partnership to create the large scale activity “the rubber duck sea land and air big party” to spur on Xidan Joy City’s target audience to hit the stores.
Xidan Joy City found the optimal way of communicating with its target audience on social media: “acting cute”. Interactive conversations with the little yellow duck were initiated on the official Weixin, which were aimed at the shopping mentality of Xidan Joy City’s target audience. This kind of action was not only able to increase their own account activity on Weixin, but also it helped to inform and prepare people for offline activities. This resulted in consumers entering the stores and so completed the online to offline marketing loop.
Interaction method:
After hearing the little yellow duck’s cute voice, web users could upload dialogues with their own voices. Lively and diverse forms of dialogue were collected, including the interesting “dialect versions” of conversations which were distributed for a second time on Weixin. “Acting cute”, a kind of behaviour that youngsters are happy to see, helped bridge the gap between Xidan Joy City and its target consumers by establishing a means of communication.
Contact through online and offline events guides
Needless to say the “rubber duck sea land and air big party” promotional purposes were not just within the mall. Encouraging more customers to hit the shops became the subject of this communication. Since the “rubber duck sea land and air big party” was spread out over a large time period, there were many individual activities. This allowed web users to gain a deeper understanding of the course of events of this activity. Xidan Joy City issued an “events guide” on Weibo, indicating the time and place of individual events, making such information more widely available to web users. During the event, in total four original guides were created, which were forwarded 2,030 times, attracted 386 comments, and had a total population coverage of 711 million people.
Multiple online activity guides:
At the same time, Xidan Joy City launched a few activities (the rubber duck is coming, the most practical way to celebrate mid-autumn festival), which amply increased interest in the rubber duck sea land and air big party. The entire content issued which was aimed at this activity was based on a series of four graphics rich with story-like narrative such as “the rubber duck is coming”. They received widespread approval amongst web users, being forwarded 1,819 times and attracting 655 comments.
During this activity, Xidan Joy City gained 5,916 new followers on its Weibo account, 30,328 messages were posted and the graphics were viewed 22,670 times.
Using large amounts of data to create a membership service platform
As far as future marketing campaigns are concerned, according to reports, apart from continuing to use social media to increase its customers’ experience and brand influence, Xidan Joy City will also make every effort to create a membership service platform to increase its service attributes. While shaping the platform, it will show initiative in using large data techniques to accurately listen to consumers and place images. Integrating with location based services positioning technology, it will map locations truly consistent with consumers’ interests according to true consumer demand. It will also create a Little Joy Young navigation interface with functions such as voice prompts.
Establishing value in the minds of consumers is a fundamental principle of marketing. As far as increasingly perceptive consumers are concerned, this kind of value will be embodied more in first hand experience and service. Xidan Joy City has taken the lead in the retail industry. It has created an atmosphere for consumers that satisfies their inner beings, thus becoming the industry model for others to learn from.
Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache
dì wǔ shí liù kè
Sechsundfünfzigste Lektion
Dieses Lektion findet sich auch auf wikisource und handelt vom Leben von 杜衍.
dù yǎn yòu shí qí zǔ fù tuō mào shǐ chí zhī.
Als Du Yan ein Jungendlicher war, hat sein Großvater einmal seinen Hut abgelegt und beauftragte (Du Yan) ihn zu halten.
Huì shān shuǐ bào zhì.
Plötzlich erreichte sie ein Bergwassersturz.
Jiā rén sàn zǒu.
Die Familienmitglieder zerstreuten sich.
其姑投一竿與之使 unter den Arm klemmen 以泛水.
其姑投一竿与之使 unter den Arm klemmen 以泛水.
Qí gū tóu yī gān yǔ zhī shǐ xié yǐ fàn shuǐ.
Seine Tante warf ihm eine Holzstange zu, ließ sie ihn unter seine Achseln klemmen und auf dem Wasser treiben.
Yǎn yī shǒu zhí mào.
Yan hielt mit einer Hand den Hut fest.
Treiben 久之.
Lì liú jiǔ zhī.
Er trieb eine lange Zeit.
Yùjiù dé miǎn.
Er fand Rettung und wurde dem Tod entrissen.
而帽竟不 feucht.
Ér mào jìng bù rú.
Und der Hut war noch nicht einmal feucht.
本周末,多伦多庆祝加拿大风扇博览会(Fan Expo Canada)四分之一世纪,这是一年一度的流行文化大会。 活动时间为8月22日至25日,活动包括广泛的零售区,小组,名人出场,艺术家胡同,当然还有cosplay的参与者。
Noch keine Übersetzung
纽约证券交易所击败德国交易所出价是 99.6 亿美圆,收购泛欧证券交易所,成为欧美资本市场上最大的证券交易所。合并后的交易所总部将设在巴黎和阿姆斯特丹,纽约则仍是美国的总部所在地。
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the marco polo project: 温州需要更广泛的制度试验权 - Wenzhou needs more latitude for testing (Auszug)
Summary: The problem which Wenzhou is facing is no longer factor deficiencies, it is system deficiencies; it is higher-level overall system deficiencies, which is to say the base mechanism of social administration is inequitable. Simply carrying out financial reforms etc. in the economic sector is very far from being able to resolve these system constraints to local economic growth, social enhancement and cultural development.
the marco polo project: 国家卫计委:调整生育政策不代表放开“二胎” – Family-planning adjustment isn’t an invitation to bring on the second kid (Auszug)
The revision in the family planning policy does not indicate that the birth of second children is permitted.
Recently, the National Board of Health and Family Planning issued notice that “the health service” would implement a “perfect family planning policy and issue a revised bill in due course”, which attracted widespread attention. However, the board’s publicity secretary and news spokesperson Mao Qunan stated, “It would be a mistake to interpret this revision in ‘family planning policy’ as indication that the second child policy will be opened up.”
This promise to implement a “perfect family planning policy and issue a revised bill in due course” was interpreted by the media as the impending release of a policy allowing families to have a second child. In the current climate of a society with a low birth rate and a rapidly ageing population, some scholars have proposed phasing in a policy that allows a second child, for example by starting with permitting couples who have no siblings to have a second child.
According to news issued by the National Board of Health and Family Planning’s website on the 2nd of August, its publicity secretary and news spokesperson Mao Qunan stated that its fundamental national family planning policy must be adhered to long term.
Mao Qunan stated that for the foreseeable future, the fundamental state of the nation will still consist of a large, inadequately supported population, less resources per capita, insufficient environmental capacity and uneven development. The stress that the population has on the economy, society, resources and the environment will be present for a long time. The fundamental national family planning policy must be adhered to long term.
At the same time, Mao Qunan stated, a “perfect family planning policy” was an important responsibility of the National Board of Health and Family Planning. A perfect family planning policy must consider maintaining China’s low birth rate, as well as a good deal of other factors such as the people’s desire to raise children, social and economic development, and demographic changes. Therefore, “The board is currently organising research into the relationships between the quantity, nature, composition and distribution of the population so that the grounds for the perfect policy can be discovered.”
A lot of the news media took the above quote mean that research was underway to decide whether a policy permitting couples who have no siblings to have a second child should be implemented.
However, according to a report in the “Beijing Morning Post” on the 7th of August, Mao Qunan clarified things further, saying that a lot of people consider that family planning policy is all about the number of births. In fact, it’s far more than just this. “It would be a mistake to interpret this revision in ‘family planning policy’ as indication that the second child policy will be opened up. It is not the same as just deciding whether or not to implement a policy permitting second births.”
“Perfecting the family planning policy” really isn’t anything new.
Übersetzung James Legge
According to the rules, no one but the king offered the united sacrifice to all ancestors.
Übersetzung James Legge
At the great royal sacrifice to all ancestors, the first place was given to him from whom the founder of the line sprang, and that founder had the place of assessor to him. There came thus to be established four ancestral shrines. In the case of a son by another than the queen coming to be king, the same course was observed.
Übersetzung James Legge
Music springs from the movement of the mind; the notes are the manifestation of the music; the elegant colours and various parts are the ornaments of the notes. The superior man puts its fundamental cause in movement, makes its manifesting notes into music, and regulates its ornaments.
Übersetzung James Legge
Meng Xian-zi said, 'If in the first month at the (winter) solstice it be allowable to offer the (border) sacrifice to God, in the seventh month, at the summer solstice, we may offer the sacrifice in the temple of the ancestor (of our ruling House).' Accordingly Xian-zi offered that sacrifice to all the progenitors (of the line of Lu) in the seventh month'.
Übersetzung James Legge
Generally speaking, all born between heaven and earth were said to have their allotted times; the death of all creatures is spoken of as their dissolution; but man when dead is said to be in the ghostly state. There was no change in regard to these points in the five dynasties. What, the seven dynasties made changes in, were the assessors at the Great associate and the border sacrifices, and the parties sacrificed to in the ancestral temple; they made no other changes.
Übersetzung James Legge
The Master said, 'An intelligent understanding of the idea in the border sacrifices to Heaven and Earth, and of the ceremonies of the autumnal and summer services, would make the government of a state as easy as to point to one's palm. Therefore let the ceremonial rules be observed:-in the ordinary life at home, and there will be the (right) distinction between young and old; inside the door of the female apartments, and there will be harmony among the three branches of kin; at court, and there will be the right ordering of office and rank; in the different hunting expeditions, and skill in war will be acquired; in the army and its battalions, and military operations will be successful. In this way, houses and their apartments will be made of the proper dimensions; measures and tripods will have their proper figure; food will have the flavour proper to its season; music will be according to the rules for it; carriages will have their proper form; spirits will receive their proper offerings; the different periods of mourning will have their proper expression of sorrow; discussions will be conducted by those who from their position should take part in them; officers will have their proper business and functions; the business of government will be properly distributed and applied. (The duty) laid on (each) person being discharged in the matter before him (according to these rules), all his movements, and every movement will be what they ought to be.'
Übersetzung James Legge
Some one asked the meaning of the great sacrifice. The Master said, "I do not know. He who knew its meaning would find it as easy to govern the kingdom as to look on this" - pointing to his palm.
Übersetzung James Legge
The Master said, "A youth, when at home, should be filial, and, abroad, respectful to his elders. He should be earnest and truthful. He should overflow in love to all, and cultivate the friendship of the good. When he has time and opportunity, after the performance of these things, he should employ them in polite studies."
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Der Meister sprach: Der König Wu und der Herzog von Dschou verstanden sich doch wirklich auf die Kindesehrfurcht! Der Ehrfürchtige ist geschickt, die Absichten seiner Vorfahren fortzusetzen; er ist geschickt, die Taten seiner Vorfahren bekanntzumachen. Im Frühling und Herbst wurden die Ahnentempel instand gesetzt, die Opfergeräte aufgestellt, die Gewänder und Obergewänder ausgebreitet und die zeitgemäßen Speisen dargebracht. Die Sitten des Ahnentempels dienten dazu, die Reihenfolge der hellen und der dunklen Generationen zu regeln; die Reihenfolge nach dem Adelsrang diente dazu, zwischen Vornehmen und Geringen zu unterscheiden; die Reihenfolge der Geschäfte (beim Opfer) diente dazu, die Würdigen auszuzeichnen; beim Danksagungsmahl durften die Unteren den Oberen die Becher reichen, das diente dazu, die Geringen auch ankommen zu lassen; das Mahl für die Greise diente dazu, die Reihenfolge des Alters zu bestimmen. An die Stelle der Hingegangenen zu treten, ihre Sitten zu befolgen, ihre Musik aufzuführen, zu ehren, was sie wert gehalten, zu lieben, an was sie anhänglich waren, den Toten zu dienen, wie man den Lebenden dient, den Hingegangenen zu dienen, wie man den Anwesenden dient: das ist die höchste Art der Sohnesehrfurcht. Die Sitte des Opfers auf dem Anger und dem Altar des Bodens diente dazu, den höchsten Gott zu verehren. Die Sitten im Ahnentempel dienen dazu, den Ahnen zu opfern. Wer die Sitte des Opfers auf dem Anger klar erkennte und den Sinn der Großen und der Regelmäßigen Ahnenopfer, der verstünde es, des Reichs zu walten, als läge es auf seiner flachen Hand.
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The Master said, "How far-extending was the filial piety of King Wu and the duke of Zhou! Now filial piety is seen in the skillful carrying out of the wishes of our forefathers, and the skillful carrying forward of their undertakings. In spring and autumn, they repaired and beautified the temple halls of their fathers, set forth their ancestral vessels, displayed their various robes, and presented the offerings of the several seasons. By means of the ceremonies of the ancestral temple, they distinguished the royal kindred according to their order of descent. By ordering the parties present according to their rank, they distinguished the more noble and the less. By the arrangement of the services, they made a distinction of talents and worth. In the ceremony of general pledging, the inferiors presented the cup to their superiors, and thus something was given the lowest to do. At the concluding feast, places were given according to the hair, and thus was made the distinction of years. They occupied the places of their forefathers, practiced their ceremonies, and performed their music. They reverenced those whom they honored, and loved those whom they regarded with affection. Thus they served the dead as they would have served them alive; they served the departed as they would have served them had they been continued among them - the height of filial piety. By the ceremonies of the sacrifices to Heaven and Earth they served God, and by the ceremonies of the ancestral temple they sacrificed to their ancestors. He who understands the ceremonies of the sacrifices to Heaven and Earth, and the meaning of the several sacrifices to ancestors, would find the government of a kingdom as easy as to look into his palm!"
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