Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 681
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
靡 |
mi2 | extravagant, verschwenden, nicht | wiktionary Etymologie: |
鈇 |
fu1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 𫓧), Axt, Beil, Flerovium | wiktionary Etymologie: |
钺 |
yue4 | (Variante von 戉), Streitaxt im alten China, Kampfaxt, Hellebarde, Schreckschraube | wiktionary Etymologie: |
卿 |
qing1 | Minister, hoher Beamter (alte Form), Ihr, du (poetisches Du: entspricht dem englischen thou) | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
谤 |
bang4 | verleumden, beleidigen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
风靡 |
feng1 mi3 | In Mode sein, überall verbreitet sein |
風靡 |
feng1 mi3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 风靡), In Mode sein, überall verbreitet sein |
奢靡 |
she1 mi2 | Verschwendung |
委靡 |
wei3 mi3 | entmutigen |
华靡 |
hua2 mi2 | luxurious, opulent |
華靡 |
hua2 mi2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 华靡), luxurious, opulent |
淫靡 |
yin2 mi3 | profligate, extravagantly showy, (of music) lascivious, decadent |
靡费 |
mi2 fei4 | to waste, to squander |
披靡 |
pi1 mi3 | to be swept by the wind, to be blown about by the wind, to be routed (in battle etc) |
侈靡 |
chi3 mi2 | wasteful, extravagant |
所向披靡 |
suo3 xiang4 pi1 mi3 | alles hinwegfegen, der Feind flüchtet schon beim Anblick der Truppen |
靡靡之音 |
mi3 mi3 zhi1 yin1 | Schlager, Schnulze, kitschig-sentimentales Lied |
靡有孑遗 |
mi3 you3 jie2 yi2 | all dead and no survivors |
夸多斗靡 |
kua1 duo1 dou4 mi3 | to compete to produce extravagant literary works |
风靡一时 |
feng1 mi3 yi1 shi2 | fashionable for a while; all the rage |
風靡一時 |
feng1 mi3 yi1 shi2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 风靡一时), fashionable for a while; all the rage |
委靡不振 |
wei3 mi3 bu4 zhen4 | variant of 萎靡不振[wei3 mi3 bu4 zhen4] |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
不避斧钺 |
bu4 bi4 fu3 yue4 | not trying to avoid the battle-ax, not afraid of dying in combat, not afraid of being executed |
斧钺之诛 |
fu3 yue4 zhi1 zhu1 | to die by battle-ax; to be executed |
刀锯斧钺 |
dao1 ju4 fu3 yue4 | knife, saw, ax and hatchet; facing torture and execution |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
冏卿 |
jiong3 qing1 | 太仆寺卿[Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1] |
九卿 |
jiu3 qing1 | the Nine Ministers (in imperial China) |
公卿 |
gong1 qing1 | high-ranking officials in the court of a Chinese emperor |
科卿 |
Ke1 qing1 | Cochin (in south India) |
关汉卿 |
guan1 han4 qing1 | Guan Hanqing |
關漢卿 |
guan1 han4 qing1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 关汉卿), Guan Hanqing |
国务卿 |
guo2 wu4 qing1 | U.S. Secretary of State, US Außenminister |
颜真卿 |
yan2 zhen1 qing1 | Yan Zhenqing ( berühmter Kalligraphiemeister) |
顏真卿 |
yan2 zhen1 qing1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 颜真卿), Yan Zhenqing ( berühmter Kalligraphiemeister) |
张晓卿 |
zhang1 xiao3 qing1 | Tiong Hiew King |
張曉卿 |
zhang1 xiao3 qing1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 张晓卿), Tiong Hiew King |
大理寺卿 |
Da4 li3 si4 qing1 | Chief Justice of the Imperial Court of Judicial Review |
卿卿我我 |
qing1 qing1 wo3 wo3 | to bill and coo, to whisper sweet nothings to one another, to be very much in love |
国务次卿 |
guo2 wu4 ci4 qing1 | Under Secretary of State |
王侯公卿 |
wang2 hou2 gong1 qing1 | aristocracy |
副国务卿 |
fu4 guo2 wu4 qing1 | undersecretary of state |
太仆寺卿 |
Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1 | Minister of imperial stud, originally charged with horse breeding |
美国国务卿 |
mei3 guo2 guo2 wu4 qing1 | Außenminister, Außenministerin der USA |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
是時諸侯多辯士,如荀卿之徒,著書布天下。 |
At that time in the courts of the feudal lords there were many scholars who engaged in discrimination, such as the followers of Xun Kuang, who wrote books that were disseminated throughout the whole world. (klassisch, Tatoeba shanghainese ) | |
是时诸侯多辩士,如荀卿之徒,著书布天下。 |
At that time in the courts of the feudal lords there were many scholars who engaged in discrimination, such as the followers of Xun Kuang, who wrote books that were disseminated throughout the whole world. (klassisch, Tatoeba shanghainese ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
卿卿我我 |
qing1 qing1 wo3 wo3 | whispers of love; lovers' talk; be very much in love; the intimate relations between man and woman (Wiktionary en) |
望风而靡 |
wang4 feng1 er2 靡 | scattered by the winds; to be soundly defeated by the enemy; to be routed by the enemy(Wiktionary en) |
官军望风而靡。 |
guan1 jun1 wang4 feng1 er2 靡。 | and easily routed the government troops in battle after battle. (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第001回) |
还,乃赏公卿诸侯大夫于朝 |
hai2/huan2 , nai3 赏 gong1 qing1 zhu1 hou2 da4 fu2 yu2 chao2/zhao1 | Nach der Rückkehr verleiht er Auszeichnungen an die hohen Räte, die Fürsten und Räte im Schloßhof. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
遍请公卿 |
bian4 qing3 gong1 qing1 | (he) invited all of the senior ministers (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回) |
天子三推,三公五推,卿诸侯大夫九推 |
tian1 zi5 san1 tui1 , san1 gong1 wu3 tui1 , qing1 zhu1 hou2 da4 fu2 jiu3 tui1 | Der Himmelssohn zieht drei Furchen, die drei höchsten Würdenträger ziehen fünf Furchen, die hohen Räte, Fürsten und Räte neun Furchen. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
公卿皆惧董卓 |
gong1 qing1 jie1 ju4 dong3 zhuo2 | The senior ministers were all intimidated by Dong Zhuo (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回) |
卓乃于省中设宴,会集公卿 |
zhuo2 nai3 yu2 sheng3/xing3 zhong1/zhong4 she4 yan4 , hui4 ji2 gong1 qing1 | Zhuo then threw a banquet at the palace, and gathered all of the ministers (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回) |
三公九卿诸侯大夫皆御 |
san1 gong1 jiu3 qing1 zhu1 hou2 da4 fu2 jie1 yu4 | die drei höchsten Würdenträger, die neun hohen Räte, die Fürsten und Räte sind alle beisammen (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
立春之日,天子亲率三公九卿诸侯大夫以迎春于东郊 |
li4 chun1 zhi1 ri4 , tian1 zi5 qin1 lü4/shuai4 san1 gong1 jiu3 qing1 zhu1 hou2 da4 fu2 yi3 ying2 chun1 yu2 dong1 jiao1 | Am Tag des Frühlingseintritts begibt sich der Himmelssohn in eigener Person an der Spitze der drei Großwürdenträger, der neun hohen Räte, der Fürsten und Räte zur Einladung des Frühlings auf den östlichen Anger. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
天子乃率三公九卿诸侯大夫亲往视之 |
tian1 zi5 nai3 lü4/shuai4 san1 gong1 jiu3 qing1 zhu1 hou2 da4 fu2 qin1 wang3/wang4 shi4 zhi1 | Der Himmelssohn begibt sich an der Spitze der drei höchsten Würdenträger, der neun hohen Räte, der Fürsten und Räte persönlich hin, um zuzuschauen. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
天子乃率三公九卿诸侯亲往视之 |
tian1 zi5 nai3 lü4/shuai4 san1 gong1 jiu3 qing1 zhu1 hou2 qin1 wang3/wang4 shi4 zhi1 | der Himmelssohn geht in eigner Person an der Spitze der drei Großwürdenträger und neun hohen Räte und der Fürsten hin, um zuzuschauen. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
立夏之日,天子亲率三公九卿大夫以迎夏于南郊 |
li4 xia4 zhi1 ri4 , tian1 zi5 qin1 lü4/shuai4 san1 gong1 jiu3 qing1 da4 fu2 yi3 ying2 xia4 yu2 nan2 jiao1 | Am Tage des Sommereintritts begibt sich der Himmelssohn in eigener Person an der Spitze der drei höchsten Würdenträger, der neun hohen Räte und Räte vor die Stadt zur Einholung des Sommers auf dem südlichen Anger. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
六卿请复之 |
liu4 qing1 qing3 fu4 zhi1 | Die sechs hohen Räte baten ihn darauf, (den Kampf) zu wiederholen (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
六卿請復之 |
liu4 qing1 qing3 復 zhi1 | Die sechs hohen Räte baten ihn darauf, (den Kampf) zu wiederholen (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
[Bearbeiten]Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache
dì yī bǎi èr shí liù kè
Hundertsechsundzwanzigste Lektion
Eine Variante dieser Geschichte findet sich in Míng xián shì zú yán xíng lèi gǎo.
bù shī xìn
Die Treue nicht verlieren
fàn shì zì jù qīng shǎo yóu tài xué
Fan Shi, Hofname Juqing ,ging als junger Mann zur kaiserlichen Akademie.
dōng hàn míng shì
Er war ein berühmter Gelehrter zur Zeit der östlichen Han-Dynastie.
與張 Shao 為友
与张 Shao 为友
yǔ zhāng shào wéi yǒu
Er hatte mit Zhang Shao Freundschaft geschlossen.
Wikipedia zu Zhang Shao
dōng hàn míng shì, céng wèi tài xué shēng.
Er war ein berühmter Gelehrter zur Zeit der Östlichen Han-Dynastie. Er war einst Student an der kaiserlichen Akademie.
yīn yǔ shān yáng jùn fàn jù qīng wèi hǎo yǒu ér zhī míng.
Weil er mit dem aus der Präfektur Shanyang stammenden Fan Juqing befreundet war, wurde er bekannt.
èr rén bìng guī xiāng lǐ
Die beiden Männer kehrten zur gleichen Zeit in ihre Heimatstädte zurück.
式謂 Shao 曰
式谓 Shao 曰
shì wèi shào yuē
Shi sagte zu Shao:
hòu èr nián dāng guò jūn jiā
Nach zwei Jahren werde ich bei deinem Zuhause vorbeikommen.
yuē qí ér bié
Sie vereinbarten einen Termin und trennten sich.
jí qī
Der Termin näherte sich.
Shao 白母請_ Mahlzeit 以俟之
Shao 白母请设 Mahlzeit 以俟之
shào bái mǔ qǐng shè zhuàn yǐ qí zhī
Shao teilte es seiner Mutter mit und bat, eine Mahlzeit vorzubereiten, um ihn zu erwarten.
mǔ yuē
Die Mutter sagte:
èr nián zhī bié qiān lǐ jié yán
Zwei Jahre Trennung und tausend Li Entfernung werden von euren Worten umfasst.
ěr hé xìn zhī shēn yé
Wie tief muss dein Vertrauen sein.
duì yuē
Er antwortete:
shì xìn shì
Shi ist ein vertrauenswürdiger Mensch,
必不 gegensätzlich handeln und 违
bì bù guāi wéi
er wird nicht gegensätzlich handeln und (sein Wort) brechen.
mǔ yuē
Die Mutter sagte:
若然當為爾 brauen 酒
若然当为尔 brauen 酒
ruò rán dāng wèi ěr yùn jiǔ
Wenn dem so ist, werde ich für dich Wein brauen.
zhì qí rì shì guǒ dào
Als der festgelegte Tag kam, war das Ergebnis, dass Shi eintraf.
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
By learning, the sons of the common people become public ministers; without learning, the sons of public ministers become mingled with the mass of the people. |
Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
By learning, the sons of the common people become public ministers; without learning, the sons of public ministers become mingled with the mass of the people. |
这次会谈是在约旦首都安曼举行的,目前还没有关于会谈结果的消息。 按照预定日程,克里将在会谈结束的几小时后结束中东之行,启程返回华盛顿。
美国官员们暗示,几乎没有希望立即就重启和谈取得突破。 2010年,以巴和谈由于以色列在其1967年战争中占领的土地上兴建定居点问题而破裂。
巴勒斯坦要求以色列首先就未来巴勒斯坦国的边界做出保证,然后才能同意举行谈判。 以色列希望立即开始和谈,但拒绝首先在边界或定居点问题上做出让步。
Noch keine Übersetzung
阿巴斯在与巴勒斯坦解放组织领导人举行会谈的一天前,会晤了美国国务卿克里。 克里对以巴恢复谈判表示乐观。
此前,克里向阿拉伯联盟秘书长阿拉比和阿拉伯国家的代表说明对全面和平计划的支持。 克里敦促以色列和巴勒斯坦不要采取会破坏和平进程的行动。
Noch keine Übersetzung
Übersetzung James Legge
When a state had lost a large tract of territory with its cities, the highest and other ministers, and the Great and other officers, all wailed in the grand ancestral temple, in mourning caps, for three days; and the ruler (for the same time) had no full meal with music. Some one says, 'The ruler has his full meals and music, but wails at the altar to the spirit of the land.'
Übersetzung James Legge
The officers of the lowest grade in the feudal states had an emolument equal to that of the husbandmen whose fields were of the highest quality; equal to what they would have made by tilling the fields. Those of the middle grade had double that of the lowest grade; and those of the highest grade double that of the middle. A Great officer of the lowest grade had double that of an officer of the highest. A high minister had four times that of a Great officer; and the ruler had ten times that of a high minister. In a state of the second class, the emolument of a minister was three times that of a Great officer; and that of the ruler ten times that of a minister. In small states, a high minister had twice as much as a Great officer; and the ruler ten times as much as a minister.
Übersetzung James Legge
The officers of the lowest grade in the feudal states received salary sufficient to feed nine individuals; those of the second grade, enough to feed eighteen; and those of the highest, enough for thirty-six. A Great officer could feed 72 individuals; a minister, 288; and the ruler, 2880. In a state of the second class, a minister could feed 216; and the ruler, 2160. A minister of a small state could feed 144 individuals; and the ruler, 1440. In a state of the second class, the minister who was appointed by its ruler received the same emolument as the minister of a small state.
Übersetzung James Legge
The territory of the son of Heaven amounted to 1000 li square; that of a duke or marquis to 500 li square; that of an earl to 79 li square; and that of a count or baron to 50 li square. (Lords) who could not number 50 li square, were not admitted directly to (the audiences of) the son of Heaven. Their territories were called 'attached,' being joined to those of one of the other princes. The territory assigned to each of the ducal ministers of the son of Heaven was equal to that of a duke or marquis; that of each of his high ministers was equal to that of an earl; that of his Great officers to the territory of a count or baron; and that of his officers of the chief grade to an attached territory.
Übersetzung James Legge
The son of Heaven had three dukes, nine high ministers, twenty-seven Great officers, and eighty-one officers of the chief grade. In a great state there were three high ministers, all appointed by the son of Heaven; five Great officers of the lower grade; and twenty-seven officers of the highest grade. In a state of the second class there were three high ministers, two appointed by the son of Heaven and one by the ruler; five Great officers of the lower grade; and twenty-seven officers of the highest grade. In a small state there were two high ministers, both appointed by the ruler; five, Great officers of the lower grade; and twenty-seven officers of the highest grade.
Übersetzung James Legge
According to the regulations of emolument and rank framed by the kings, there were the duke; the marquis; the earl; the count; and the baron - in all, five gradations (of rank). There were (also), in the feudal states, Great officers of the highest grade - the ministers; and Great officers of the lowest grade; officers of the highest, the middle, and the lowest grades - in all, five gradations (of office).
Übersetzung James Legge
The highest minister, in a state of the second class, ranked with the one of the middle grade in a great state; the second, with the one of the lowest grade; and the lowest, with a Great officer of the highest grade. The highest minister in a small state ranked with the lowest of a great state; the second, with the highest Great officer of the other; and the lowest, with one of the lower grade. Where there were officers of the middle grade and of the lowest, the number in each was three times that in the grade above it.
Übersetzung James Legge
The (board for) the direction of Music gave all honour to its four subjects of instruction, and arranged the lessons in them, following closely the poems, histories, ceremonies, and music of the former kings, in order to complete its scholars. The spring and autumn were devoted to teaching the ceremonies and music; the winter and summer to the poems and histories. The eldest son of the king and his other sons, the eldest sons of all the feudal princes, the sons, by their wives proper, of the high ministers, Great officers, and officers of the highest grade, and the eminent and select scholars from (all) the states, all repaired (to their instruction), entering the schools according to their years.
Übersetzung James Legge
In the end of this month a fortunate day is chosen for a grand concert of music. The son of Heaven, at the head of the three ducal ministers, the nine high ministers, the feudal princes (at court), and his great officers, goes in person to witness it.
曾子问曰:“卿、大夫将为尸于公,受宿矣,而有齐衰内丧,则如之何?” 孔子曰:“出,舍于公馆以待事,礼也。”
Übersetzung James Legge
Zeng-zi asked, 'A minister or a Great officer is about to act the part of a personator of the dead for his ruler; If, when he has received (orders) to pass the night in solemn vigil, there occur in his own family an occasion for him to wear the robe of hemmed sackcloth, what should he do?'
Confucius said, 'The rule is for him to leave (his house) and lodge in a state hotel, and wait till (the ruler's) business is accomplished.'
子问曰:“为君使而卒于舍,礼曰:公馆复,私馆不复。凡所使之国,有司所授舍,则公馆已,何谓私馆不复也?” 孔子曰:“善乎问之也!自卿、大夫、士之家,曰私馆;公馆与公所为,曰公馆。公馆复,此之谓也。”
Übersetzung James Legge
Zeng-zi asked, 'In the case of one dying where he is stopping, when discharging a mission for his ruler, the rules say that, (if he die) in a government hotel his spirit shall be recalled; but not, (if he die) in a private one. But to whatever state a commissioner may be sent, the lodging which may be assigned to him by the proper officer becomes a public hotel;--what is the meaning of his spirit not being recalled, (if he die) in a private one?'
Confucius said, 'You have asked well. The houses of a high minister, a Great officer, or an ordinary officer, may be called private hotels. The government hotel, and any other which the government may appoint, may be called a public hotel. In this you have the meaning of that saying that the spirit is recalled at a public hotel.'
Übersetzung James Legge
When an officer died on some commission, upon which he had gone for his ruler, if the death took place in a public hotel, they called his soul back; if in a private hotel, they did not do so. By a public hotel was meant a ruler's palace, or some other building, erected by him, and by a private hotel, the house of a noble, a Great officer, or an officer below that rank.
Übersetzung James Legge
Zeng-zi asked, 'When a high minister or Great officer is about to act the part of the personator of the dead at a sacrifice by his ruler, and has received instructions to pass the night previous in solemn vigil, if there occur in his own family occasion for him to wear the robe of hemmed sackcloth, what is he to do?' Confucius said, 'The rule is for him to leave his own house, and lodge in the ruler's palace till the service (for the ruler) is accomplished.
Übersetzung James Legge
The (young) ruler (who was mourning) bowed to refugee lords, and to ministers, commissioners from other states. Great officers and other officers bowed to ministers and Great officers in their respective places. In the case of (the three grades of) officers, they received three side bows, one for each grade. The ruler's wife also bowed to the wife of a refugee lord, above in the hall. With regard to the wives of Great officers and of other officers, she bowed specially to each whose position had received the official appointment; to the others she gave a general bow - all above in the hall.
Übersetzung James Legge
When the dead body (of a ruler) had been placed properly (beneath the window with the head to the south), his son sat (or knelt) on the east; his ministers, Great officers, uncles, cousins, their sons and grandsons, stood (also) on the east; the multitude of ordinary officers, who had the charge of the different departments, wailed below the hall, facing the north. His wife knelt on the west; the wives, aunts, sisters, their daughters and grand-daughters, whose husbands were of the same surname as he, stood (behind her) on the west; and the wives, his relatives of the same surname, whose position had been confirmed in their relation to their husbands, at the head of all the others married similarly to husbands of other surnames, wailed above in the hall, facing the north.
Übersetzung James Legge
When the representative had drunk the fifth cup, the ruler washed the cup of jade, and presented it to the ministers. When he had drunk the seventh cup, that of green jasper was presented to the Great officers. When he had drunk the ninth cup, the plain one varnished was presented to the ordinary officers, and all who were taking part in the service. In all the classes the cup passed from one to another, according to age; and thus were shown the degrees of rank as more honourable and lower.
Übersetzung James Legge
For the son of Heaven they wailed nine days; for a feudal prince, seven; for a high minister and Great officer, five; for another officer, three.
Übersetzung James Legge
The moon, after three days, completes the period of its dark disk. Three months complete a season. Therefore in this ceremony precedence is thrice yielded to the guest, and in establishing a state three high ministers must be appointed. That the guests are in three divisions, each with its head or leader, indicated the fundamental principles in the administration of government and instruction, and was the third great feature of the ceremony.
Übersetzung James Legge
Anciently it was the rule for the feudal lords, when they would practise archery, first to celebrate the ceremony of the Banquet, and for the Great officers and ordinary officers, when they would shoot, first to celebrate the ceremony of the Drinking in the country districts. The ceremony of the Banquet served to illustrate the relation between ruler and subject; that of the District-drinking, to illustrate the distinction between seniors and juniors.
Übersetzung James Legge
Therefore, anciently, the son of Heaven chose the feudal lords, the dignitaries who were Great officers, and the officers, from their skill in archery. Archery is specially the business of males, and there were added to it the embellishments of ceremonies and music. Hence among the things which may afford the most complete illustration of ceremonies and music, and the frequent performance of which may serve to establish virtue and good conduct, there is nothing equal to archery: and therefore the ancient kings paid much attention to it.
Anciently, among the officers of the kings of Zhou, there was one called the shu-dze. He was charged with the care of the sons of the feudal lords, the high dignitaries who were the Great officers, and (other) officers,--the eldest sons who occupied the next place to their fathers. He managed (the issuing) to them of (all) cautions and orders; superintended their instruction in all they had to learn and (the art of self-)government; arranged them in their different classes; and saw that they occupied their correct positions. If there were any grand solemnity (being transacted) in the kingdom, he conducted them-these sons of the state-and placed them under the eldest son, the heir-apparent, who made what use of them he thought fit. If any military operations were being undertaken, he provided for them their carriages and coats of mail, assembled for them the companies of a hundred men and of five men (of which they should have charge), and appointed their inferior officers, thus training them in the art of war - they were not under the jurisdiction of the minister of War. In all (other) governmental business of the state, these sons of it were left free, their fathers' eldest sons, without public occupation, and were made to attend to the cultivation of virtuous ways. In spring, (the shu-dze) assembled them in the college; and in autumn, in the archery (hall), that he might examine into their proficiency, and advanced or degraded them accordingly.
Guests and host having been arranged, according to the rules for the ceremony of drinking in the country districts, (the ruler) makes his chief cook act for him in presenting (the cup) - a minister may not presume to take on himself any usage proper to the ruler. None of the (three) kung and no high minister has the place of a guest; but the Great officers are among the guests,-because of the doubts that might arise, and to show the jealousy (which such great men in that position might create). When the guests have entered to the middle of the courtyard, the ruler descends a step and bows to them - thus courteously receiving them.
Übersetzung James Legge
Whatever good was possessed by the son of Heaven, he humbly ascribed the merit of it to Heaven; whatever good was possessed by a feudal lord, he ascribed it to the son of Heaven; whatever good was possessed by a minister or Great officer, he attributed it to the prince of his state; whatever good was possessed by an officer or a common man, he assigned the ground of it to his parents, and the preservation of it to his elders. Emolument, rank, felicitations, and rewards were (all) transacted in the ancestral temple; and it was thus that they showed (the spirit of) submissive deference.
Übersetzung James Legge
The Master said, "Abroad, to serve the high ministers and nobles; at home, to serve one's father and elder brothers; in all duties to the dead, not to dare not to exert one's self; and not to be overcome of wine - which one of these things do I attain to?"
Übersetzung James Legge
Zi Xia said, "The superior man, having obtained their confidence, may then impose labors on his people. If he have not gained their confidence, they will think that he is oppressing them. Having obtained the confidence of his prince, one may then remonstrate with him. If he have not gained his confidence, the prince will think that he is vilifying him."
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Englische Übersetzung siehe ctext.org
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]In den Liedern heißt es:
»Ich rufe schweigend ihn durch heilige Musik, so gibt es keinen Widerspruch.«
So braucht der Edle nicht zu belohnen, und das Volk wird dennoch angefeuert; er braucht nicht zu zürnen, und das Volk fürchtet ihn doch mehr als Beil und Axt.
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]It is said in the Book of Poetry, "In silence is the offering presented, and the spirit approached to; there is not the slightest contention." Therefore the superior man does not use rewards, and the people are stimulated to virtue. He does not show anger, and the people are awed more than by hatchets and battle-axes.
[Bearbeiten]同时,厉王以荣夷公为卿士,垄断社会财富及资源。 为压制国人不满,周厉王命卫巫监视,有谤王者即杀。 结果人人自危,终于酿成国人暴动。 前841年,厉王出奔到彘(今山西霍县)。 朝中由召穆公虎、周定公两大臣行政,号为共和(一说由诸侯共伯和摄行政事)。 共和十四年(前828年),厉王死于彘,太子静即位,是为周宣王,在位四十六年。 宣王励精图治,政通人和,诸侯来朝得宗周。 宣王晚年,周王朝重新出现衰象。 宣王干涉鲁国君位承继,以武力强立鲁孝公,引起诸侯不快。
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