Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 727
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
瘗 |
yi4 | begraben, beisetzen, beerdigen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
妠 |
na4 | ergreifen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
崛 |
jue2 | emporragen, abrupt aufstehen, sich erheben (politische Bewegung) | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() |
炳 |
bing3 | hell, glänzend, glorreich | wiktionary Etymologie: |
蒦 |
huo4 | messen, berechnen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
崛起 |
jue2 qi3 | aufsteigen, entspringen, anschwellen |
奇崛 |
qi2 jue2 | strange and prominent |
崛立 |
jue2 li4 | to tower over, rising (to a dominant position) |
崛地而起 |
jue2 di4 er2 qi3 | lit. arising suddenly above the level ground; sudden emergence of prominent new feature |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
阿炳 |
a5 bing3 | A Bin 1893-1950 |
炳著 |
bing3 zhu4 | eminent, renowned |
炳然 |
bing3 ran2 | to be manifest for everyone to see |
炳烛 |
bing3 zhu2 | by bright candlelight |
炳文 |
bing3 wen2 | luminous style |
炳耀 |
bing3 yao4 | bright and luminous |
章炳麟 |
Zhang1 Bing3 lin2 | Zhang Taiyan 章太炎 (1869-1936), scholar, journalist, revolutionary and leading intellectual around the time of the Xinhai revolution |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
当炸弹袭击了我们的港口、暴政威胁到全世界,她见证了一代美国人的伟大崛起,见证了一个民主国家获得拯救。是的,我们能做到。 |
Als die Bomben auf unseren Hafen fielen und Tyrannei die Welt bedrohte, erlebte sie, wie eine Generation sich zur Größe erhob und eine Demokratie gerettet wurde. Ja, wir können. (Mandarin, Tatoeba zhouj1955 jerom ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
您能教我弹钢琴吗? |
nin2 neng2 jiao1 wo3 弹 gang1 qin2 ma5 ? | Könntest du mir beibringen, Klavier zu spielen? (Tatoeba fucongcong p4p4schlumpf) |
伊丽莎白会弹钢琴。 |
yi1 li2/li4 sha1 bai2 hui4 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Betty kann Klavier spielen. (Tatoeba fucongcong Wolf) |
他弹得很好。 |
ta1 弹 de2/de5/dei3 hen3 hao3 。 | Er spielt sehr gut. (Tatoeba fucongcong megamanenm) |
原子弹是二十世纪物理学的产物。 |
yuan2 zi5 弹 shi4 er4 shi2 shi4 ji4 wu4 li3 xue2 de5 chan3 wu4 。 | Die Atombombe ist das Produkt der Physik des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. (Tatoeba sadhen samueldora) |
我弹钢琴。 |
wo3 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Ich spiele Klavier. (Tatoeba sysko Manfredo) |
她会弹钢琴。 |
ta1 hui4 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Sie kann Klavier spielen. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
飞机向城市投下了炸弹。 |
fei1 ji1 xiang4 cheng2 shi4 tou2 xia4 le5 zha2/zha4 弹。 | Das Flugzeug warf Bomben auf die Stadt ab. (Tatoeba fucongcong xtofu80) |
他们知道如何制造原子弹。 |
ta1 men5 zhi1 dao4 ru2 he2 zhi4 zao4 yuan2 zi5 弹。 | Sie wissen, wie man eine Atombombe baut. (Tatoeba fucongcong xtofu80) |
我晚饭后弹钢琴。 |
wo3 wan3 fan4 hou4 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Ich spiele nach dem Abendessen Klavier. (Tatoeba sysko xtofu80) |
我妹妹每天都弹钢琴。 |
wo3 mei4 mei4 mei3 tian1 dou1/du1 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Meine Schwester spielt jeden Tag Klavier. (Tatoeba Shishir MUIRIEL) |
我看见她弹钢琴。 |
wo3 kan4 jian4/xian4 ta1 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Ich habe sie Klavier spielen sehen. (Tatoeba fucongcong xtofu80) |
那是我们在枪林弹雨中自保的唯一方法。 |
na4/nei4 shi4 wo3 men5 zai4 qiang1 lin2 弹 yu3 zhong1/zhong4 zi4 bao3 de5 wei2/wei3 yi1 fang1 fa3 。 | Das war die einzige Möglichkeit, wie wir uns gegen all diese schreckliche Schießerei verteidigen konnten. (Tatoeba mtdot Tamy) |
我经常听见她弹钢琴。 |
wo3 jing4 chang2 ting1 jian4/xian4 ta1 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Ich höre ihn oft Klavier spielen. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
1945年在广岛投下原子弹。 |
1945 nian2 zai4 guang3 dao3 tou2 xia4 yuan2 zi5 弹。 | 1945 wurde eine Atombombe auf Hiroshima abgeworfen. (Tatoeba zhouj1955 xtofu80) |
他弹得多好啊! |
ta1 弹 de2/de5/dei3 duo1 hao3 a1 ! | Wie gut er spielte! (Tatoeba fucongcong Manfredo) |
给我们弹一手。 |
gei3 wo3 men5 弹 yi1 shou3 。 | Spiel uns eine Melodie. (Tatoeba FeuDRenais jakov) |
我叫他不要太晚弹钢琴。 |
wo3 jiao4 ta1 bu4 yao4 tai4 wan3 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | I asked him not to play the piano late at night. (Tatoeba sysko CK) |
我喜欢弹钢琴。 |
wo3 xi3 欢弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Ich spiele gern Klavier. (Tatoeba fucongcong Vortarulo) |
给我弹一曲肖邦。 |
gei3 wo3 弹 yi1 qu1/qu3 xiao4 bang1 。 | Spiel mir Chopin. (Tatoeba U2FS Hans_Adler) |
她每天都弹钢琴。 |
ta1 mei3 tian1 dou1/du1 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Sie spielt jeden Tag Klavier. (Tatoeba CLARET MUIRIEL) |
突然间,敌人的炸弹像雨点一样落向我们。 |
tu1 ran2 jian1 ,敌 ren2 de5 zha2/zha4 弹 xiang4 yu3 dian3 yi1 yang4 la4/lao4/luo4 xiang4 wo3 men5 。 | All of a sudden, the enemy bombs came down on us like rain. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK) |
我的姐姐弹吉他弹得很好。 |
wo3 de5 jie3 jie3 弹 ji2 ta1 弹 de2/de5/dei3 hen3 hao3 。 | Meine ältere Schwester kann gut Gitarre spielen. (Tatoeba ruicong TomSFox) |
他们在广岛投下原子弹。 |
ta1 men5 zai4 guang3 dao3 tou2 xia4 yuan2 zi5 弹。 | Sie warfen eine Atombombe auf Hiroshima ab. (Tatoeba zhouj1955 xtofu80) |
他不会弹吉他。 |
ta1 bu4 hui4 弹 ji2 ta1 。 | Er kann nicht Gitarre spielen. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
你今天早上有练弹钢琴吗? |
ni3 jin1 tian1 zao3 shang4 you3 lian4 弹 gang1 qin2 ma5 ? | Hast du heute Morgen Klavierspielen geübt? (Tatoeba serendipity42 xtofu80) |
他钢琴弹得很好。 |
ta1 gang1 qin2 弹 de2/de5/dei3 hen3 hao3 。 | Er spielt sehr gut Klavier. (Tatoeba visualtoday MUIRIEL) |
贝多芬走向钢琴,坐下来并开始弹。 |
bei4 duo1 芬 zou3 xiang4 gang1 qin2 , zuo4 xia4 lai2 bing4 kai1 shi3 弹。 | Beethoven ging ans Klavier, setzte sich und begann zu spielen. (Tatoeba fucongcong Tamy) |
她下午或晚上弹钢琴。 |
ta1 xia4 wu3 huo4 wan3 shang4 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | Sie spielt nachmittags oder abends Klavier. (Tatoeba fucongcong Sudajaengi) |
我叫汤姆弹吉他。 |
wo3 jiao4 tang1 mu3 弹 ji2 ta1 。 | Ich forderte Tom auf, Gitarre zu spielen. (Tatoeba fucongcong Sudajaengi) |
他在枪每时每刻有子弹。 |
ta1 zai4 qiang1 mei3 shi2 mei3 ke4 you3 zi5 弹。 | He keeps this gun loaded. (Tatoeba kellenparker CK) |
现在我们差不多有同样的水平了,我们可以开始学习几段四手联弹。 |
xian4 zai4 wo3 men5 cha4/chai1 bu4 duo1 you3 tong2 yang4 de5 shui3 ping2 le5 , wo3 men5 ke3/ke4 yi3 kai1 shi3 xue2 xi2 ji1 duan4 si4 shou3 lian2 弹。 | Now that we have nearly the same level, we can start learning some piano duets. (Tatoeba fucongcong sysko) |
我没看见什么弹孔。 |
wo3 mei2/mo4 kan4 jian4/xian4 shi2 me5 弹 kong3 。 | I don't see any bullet holes. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK) |
我听说你弹钢琴。 |
wo3 ting1 shuo1 ni3 弹 gang1 qin2 。 | I hear that you play the piano. (Tatoeba sadhen CK) |
弹钢琴的女孩是我妹妹。 |
弹 gang1 qin2 de5 nü3/ru3 hai2 shi4 wo3 mei4 mei4 。 | Das Mädchen, das Klavier spielt, ist meine Schwester. (Tatoeba fucongcong jakov) |
她会弹吉他吗? |
ta1 hui4 弹 ji2 ta1 ma5 ? | Kann sie Gitarre spielen? (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
谁在弹钢琴? |
shei2 zai4 弹 gang1 qin2 ? | Wer spielt da Klavier? (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
他们知道原子弹的制造方法。 |
ta1 men5 zhi1 dao4 yuan2 zi5 弹 de5 zhi4 zao4 fang1 fa3 。 | Sie wissen, wie man eine Atombombe baut. (Tatoeba zhouj1955 xtofu80) |
你会弹吉他吗? |
ni3 hui4 弹 ji2 ta1 ma5 ? | Kannst du Gitarre spielen? (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
这件泳衣是用弹性面料做的。 |
zhe4/zhei4 jian4 yong3 yi1 shi4 yong4 弹 xing4 mian4 liao4 zuo4 de5 。 | Dieser Badeanzug ist aus elastischem Material. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
那个在弹钢琴的女孩是我的妹妹。 |
na4/nei4 ge4 zai4 弹 gang1 qin2 de5 nü3/ru3 hai2 shi4 wo3 de5 mei4 mei4 。 | That girl playing the piano is my little sister. (Tatoeba anndiana FeuDRenais) |
这个炸弹可以炸死很多人。 |
zhe4/zhei4 ge4 zha2/zha4 弹 ke3/ke4 yi3 zha2/zha4 si3 hen3 duo1 ren2 。 | Diese Bombe kann viele Menschen töten. (Tatoeba fucongcong Tamy) |
我每次去巴黎,都会去圣心大教堂,坐在台阶上,听下面的人唱歌、弹琴。 |
wo3 mei3 ci4 qu4 ba1 li2 , dou1/du1 hui4 qu4 sheng4 xin1 da4 jiao1 tang2 , zuo4 zai4 tai2 jie1 shang4 , ting1 xia4 mian4 de5 ren2 chang4 ge1 、弹 qin2 。 | Immer wenn ich in Paris bin, gehe ich zum Sacré-Cœur und setze mich dort auf die Stufen, um den Leuten beim Singen und Musikmachen zu lauschen. (Tatoeba sysko Sudajaengi) |
他钢琴弹得非常好。 |
ta1 gang1 qin2 弹 de2/de5/dei3 fei1 chang2 hao3 。 | Er spielt sehr gut Klavier. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
弹吉他的那个男孩是我弟弟。 |
弹 ji2 ta1 de5 na4/nei4 ge4 nan2 hai2 shi4 wo3 弟弟。 | Der Junge, der Gitarre spielt, ist mein kleiner Bruder. (Tatoeba fucongcong xtofu80) |
警察会让你去找子弹的。 |
jing3 察 hui4 rang4 ni3 qu4 zhao3 zi5 弹 de5 。 | Die Polizei wird euch dazu bringen, die Kugeln zu finden. (Tatoeba fucongcong kroko) |
当炸弹袭击了我们的港口、暴政威胁到全世界,她见证了一代美国人的伟大崛起,见证了一个民主国家获得拯救。是的,我们能做到。 |
dang1/dang4 zha2/zha4 弹 xi2 ji1 le5 wo3 men5 de5 gang3 kou3 、 bao4 zheng4 wei1 xie2 dao4 quan2 shi4 jie4 , ta1 jian4/xian4 zheng4 le5 yi1 dai4 mei3 guo2 ren2 de5 wei3 da4 崛 qi3 , jian4/xian4 zheng4 le5 yi1 ge4 min2 zhu3 guo2 jia1 huo4 de2/de5/dei3 zheng3 jiu4 。 shi4 de5 , wo3 men5 neng2 zuo4 dao4 。 | Als die Bomben auf unseren Hafen fielen und Tyrannei die Welt bedrohte, erlebte sie, wie eine Generation sich zur Größe erhob und eine Demokratie gerettet wurde. Ja, wir können. (Tatoeba zhouj1955 jerom) |
[Bearbeiten]Wikijunior: 太阳系/海王星 Sonnensystem/Neptun | Übersetzung Christian Bauer |
海王星有多大? | Wie groß ist Neptun? |
海王星与天王星在大小上几乎很相近。 | Neptun und Uranus liegen größenmäßig ziemlich nahe beisammen. |
它的直径只比天王星小一点, | Sein Durchmesser ist nur etwas kleiner als Uranus, |
为49528千米左右, | ungefähr 49528 km. |
将近是四个地球排成一行的宽度。 | Er hat (damit) eine Breite von fast 4 aneinandergereiten Erden. |
光环 | Ringe |
海王星有一些很难观察到的 dunkel 的光环, | Neptun hat einige sehr schwer zu beobachtende, dunkle Ringe, |
由多个亮块组成。 | die aus vielen hellen Klumpen zusammengesetzt sind. |
它们的形状不完整, | Sie haben keine feste Form, |
而且不稳定。 | sond sind instabil. |
其中,最外层的一个环包含三段显著的 Bögen。 | Unter diesen enthält ein Ring der äußersten Schicht drei bemerkenswerte Bögen. |
卫星 | Monde |
海王星有14颗卫星, | Neptun hat 14 Monde. |
其中只有海卫一是球体, | Unter diesen hat nur Neptunmond 1 (Triton) eine Kugelform. |
其它卫星的形状都不规则而且很小。 | Die Form aller anderen Monde ist irregulär und sie sind sehr klein. |
至今,我们只有海卫一的 klare 照片。 | Bis heute haben wir nur von Neptunmond 1 (Triton) eine klare Photographie. |
海卫一 | Neptunmond 1 (Triton) |
海卫一是海王星最大的卫星, | Neptunmond 1 (Triton) ist Neptuns größter Mond. |
也是离海王星第八近的卫星, | Und ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der 8-nächste Mond. |
直径约为2706千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt 2706 km. |
它由岩石和冰组成, | Er besteht aus Gestein und Eis. |
表面温度低于零下235℃。 | Die Oberflächentemperatur liegt unterhalb von minus 235℃. |
它的大气层非常 dünn, | Seine Atmosphäre ist äußerst dünn. |
由99%的 Stickstoff 组成。 | Sie besteht zu 99% aus Stickstoff. |
海卫一的表面被冰覆盖, | Die Oberfläche von Neptunmond 1 (Triton) ist von Eis bedeckt. |
有 mit Eruptionen aus flüssigem Stickstoff 的火山, | Es gibt Vulkane mit Eruptionen aus flüssigem Stickstoff. |
也有岩石和山谷。 | Es gibt auch Felsen und Bergtäler |
海卫一不是和海王星一起生成的, | Neptunmond 1 (Triton) hat sich nicht mit Neptun zusammen gebildet, |
而是被海王星的引力吸引后成为了它的卫星。 | sondern ist durch Neptuns Schwerkraft angezogen worden und wurde sein Mond. |
这就是为什么它绕海王星 Drehung 的方向与海王星自转的方向相反。 | Das ist der Grund weshalb er seine Drehrichtung um Neptun entgegengesetzt der Drehrichtung von Neptun ist. |
海卫一是一颗同步卫星, | Neptunmond 1 (Triton) ist ein synchroner Mond, |
自转和公转一圈大约需要5天21小时2分40秒。 | Seine Eigenrotation und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) benötigen ungefähr 5 Tage, 21 Stunden, 2 Minuten und 40 Sekunden. |
海卫二 | Neptunmond 2 (Nereid) |
海卫二是离海王星第九近的卫星, | Neptunmond 2 (Nereid) ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der neuntnächste Mond. |
直径大约340千米。 | Der Durchmesser ist ungefähr 340 km. |
它绕海王星的轨道是一个长 Oval, | Die Bahn in der er Neptun umkreist ist ein langes Oval |
所以它可能是和海卫一一样被海王星的引力吸引过来的。 | folglich ist er vermutlich wie Neptunmond 1 (Triton) durch Neptuns Gravitation angezogen worden. |
它自转一圈要11小时31分, | Eine Umdrehung braucht 11 Stunden und 31 Minuten, |
公转一圈需要大约360天3小时16分8秒。 | ein Umlauf (um Neptun) benötigt ungefähr 360 Tage, 3 Stunden, 16 Minuten und 8 Sekunden. |
海卫三 | Neptunmond 3 |
海卫三是离海王星最近的卫星, | Neptunmond 3 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der nächste Mond. |
直径大约60千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 60 km. |
它是一颗同步卫星, | Er ist ein synchroner Mond, |
自转和公转一圈的时间大约是7小时3分56秒。 | die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) ist ungefähr 7 Stunden, 3 Minuten und 56 Sekunden. |
海卫四 | Neptunmond 4 |
海卫四是离海王星第二近的卫星, | Neptunmond 3 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der zweitnächste Mond. |
直径约81千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 81 km. |
它是一颗同步卫星, | Er ist ein synchroner Mond, |
自转和公转一圈的时间大约是7小时28分32秒。 | die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) ist ungefähr 7 Stunden, 28 Minuten und 32 Sekunden. |
海卫五 | Neptunmond 5 |
海卫五是离海王星第三近的卫星, | Neptunmond 5 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der drittnächste Mond. |
直径约156千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 156 km. |
它是一颗同步卫星, | Er ist ein synchroner Mond; |
自转和公转一圈的时间大约是8小时1分54秒。 | die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) ist ungefähr 8 Stunden, 1 Minute und 54 Sekunden. |
海卫六 | Neptunmond 6 |
海卫六是离海王星第四近的卫星, | Neptunmond 6 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der viertnächste Mond. |
直径大约175千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 175 km. |
它是一颗同步卫星, | Er ist ein synchroner Mond; |
自转和公转一圈的时间大约是10小时17分24秒。 | die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) ist ungefähr 10 Stunden, 17 Minuten und 24 Sekunden. |
海卫七 | Neptunmond 7 |
海卫七是离海王星第五近的卫星, | Neptunmond 7 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der fünftnächste Mond. |
直径大约194千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 194 km. |
它是一颗同步卫星, | Er ist ein synchroner Mond; |
自转和公转一圈的时间大约是13小时18分42秒。 | die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) ist ungefähr 13 Stunden, 18 Minuten und 42 Sekunden. |
海卫八 | Neptunmond 8 (Proteus) |
海卫八是离海王星第七近的卫星, | Neptunmond 8 (Proteus) ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der siebtnächste Mond. |
直径大约420千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 420 km. |
它是一颗同步卫星, | Er ist ein synchroner Mond; |
自转和公转一圈的时间大约是1天2小时56分8秒。 | die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) ist ungefähr 1 Tag, 2 Stunden, 56 Minuten und 8 Sekunden. |
海卫九 | Neptunmond 9 |
海卫九是离海王星第十近的卫星, | Neptunmond 9 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der zehntnächste Mond. |
直径大约62千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 62 km. |
它公转一圈大约需要5年53天4小时48分, | Er benötigt für einen Umlauf (um Neptun) ungefähr 5 Jahre, 53 Tage, 4 Stunden und 48 Minuten. |
自转一圈的时间未知。 | Die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst ist nicht bekannt. |
海卫十 | Neptunmond 10 |
海卫十是离海王星第十三近的卫星, | Neptunmond 10 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der dreizehntnächste Mond. |
直径大约是38千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 38 km. |
它公转一圈大约需要24年362天17小时45分36秒, | Er benötigt für einen Umlauf (um Neptun) ungefähr 24 Jahre, 362 Tage, 17 Stunden und 45 Minuten und 36 Sekunden. |
自转一圈的时间未知。 | Die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst ist nicht bekannt. |
... | |
海卫十四 | Neptunmond 14 |
海卫十四是离海王星第六近的卫星, | Neptunmond 14 ist von der Entfernung zu Neptun der sechstnächste Mond. |
直径大约35千米。 | Der Durchmesser beträgt ungefähr 35 km. |
它是一颗同步卫星, | Er ist ein synchroner Mond; |
自转和公转一圈的时间大约是22小时28分8秒。 | die Zeit für eine Umdrehung um sich selbst und ein Umlauf (um Neptun) ist ungefähr 22 Stunden, 28 Minuten und 8 Sekunden. |
答案是显然的。从内部说,经济上的崛起已经导致了全社会的道德危机。尽管社会经济的发展必然会导致旧道德体系的解体,新道德体系又是怎样的呢?没有道德体系,社会难以生存。从外部来说,das Fehlen 一种吸引人的文化和其所体现的价值体系,经济崛起往往被视为是非常可怕的事或一种威胁。中国也意识到了这点,因此也努力向外推销自己的文化。没有新的思想和价值,只好求助于孔子,办孔子学院;而孔子学院又被简化成学习中国的语言文字。无论是办孔子学院的人还是从事其它 Medien 传播的人都不知道,他们要传播什么样的文化和价值。
王 Gengwu 先生把今天中国的崛起称为第四次崛起。历史上,中国至少曾有三次被公认为地区最强大的国家,因此人们也把中国的再次崛起称为“复兴”。既然中国崛起过,人们可以从崛起的历史中学到很多经验教训,诸如国家是如何崛起的?又是如何衰落的?
汉之后的400多年里,中国四分五裂为几个动荡不安的小国。但7世纪唐朝的建立宣布了中国的第二次崛起。唐朝的影响力传播到了日本和东亚其它地区,维持了近300年,这时的中国完全不同于汉朝。唐朝的强大和其外在影响得益于其高度的开放。唐朝不仅文化上开放,政治上也开放,被西方学者称为“开放的帝国”。佛教的传播和北方游牧部落在中原定居,这两种影响的强大混合力塑造出了一个新的国家,显示出其高度的世界性。高度开放也迎来了一个贸易和工业不断增长的时代。来自 entfernten 国度的商人和旅行者带来的新东西,不仅丰富了中国人的生活,而且对中国文化做出了贡献,由此造就了一个中国历史上真正的全盛时期。
Das Fehlen 创新气魄的崛起
今天中国的崛起模式,有可能重复明朝的悲剧,即在国家真正崛起之前就开始衰落。明朝在体制和思想上的闭关锁国,使得中国失去了成为一个海洋国家的机会。明朝是世界海洋世纪的开端。当时中国无论从国家还是社会,都比任何国家都具备成为海洋国家的能力。郑和下西洋是国家能力的象征,而在东南沿海 “异常 wilde” 的“海盗”,则是民间海洋能力的象征。但没有思想的创新和制度创新,王权庇护下的巨大既得利益,würgten ab 中国通往海洋国家的道路。
文化创造和政府分权、文化开放、文化人独立这三个非经济因素更为相关。三个因素中存在其中一个,可以决定文化创造的出现。分权和开放导致文化的崛起,这是中国历史的经验。历史上,每次分权状态出现,尤其是皇权衰落的时候,文化倒是呈现出复兴的情景。今天的人们并不希望通过国家政权衰落来获得文化的崛起;相反,人们大多希望国家政权的强大。一个强大的国家需要一个强大的国家政权的 Unterstützung。但分权和文化崛起之间的关系,的确说明了国家政权什么该管、什么不该管的问题。
一个更为关键的因素就是文化人的独立人格。如果人格是独立的,没有什么因素,包括专制和贫穷,可以 verhindern 文化的创造。俄国是典型的例子。无论是沙皇还是共产主义专制,都没有 verhindert 俄国知识分子的知识创造。俄国知识分子在专制下创造出辉煌的文学艺术、哲学思想。中国的文化人没能在专制下进行文化创造,与文化人对政府的高度依赖有关。中国历史上从没有出现过西方称之为“知识分子”的群体,即把思维创造作为终生职业的社会群体。
很显然,要实现中国文化崛起,关键在于调整政治和文化的关系。政府从来就不是文化创造的主体。要政府来创造文化纯属 Utopie。这并不是说政府和文化创造没有任何关系。恰恰相反。在中国的环境中,政府决定了文化创造的成败:
Why is Chinese culture not rising?
China has already become the world’s second largest economy. Although per capita income is still low, no matter what angle you look at it, China has performed a miracle in the world’s economic history. But is culture also on the rise? Apparently not. China has risen and it’s economy has become richer, but it hasn’t won the respect of the international community, nor has it made its people happier.
Whether it’s internal politics or international relations, more and more people are getting angry. However, this phenomenon is actually very easy to understand. We must ask: apart from economic strength, what else has China achieved? Has it given the common people a moral to follow in their life? Has it provided the international community with an alternative culture or an alternative set of values?
The answer is obvious. Internally, the economic growth is already presenting a moral danger to all society. Although social and economic development will inevitably lead to the disintegration of the old moral system, what does the new moral system look like? Without a moral system, it is hard for a society to survive. Externally, in the absence of an attractive culture and the value system it embodies, economic growth is perceived as fearful or threatening. China is aware of this, and therefore is making efforts to promote its own culture externally. Without new ideas and values, China turns towards Confuciusism, and established the Confucius Institute; but the Confucius Institute have been reduced to Chinese anguage learning centres. Whether it’s the founders of the Confucius Institute or other people working in the mass media, none of them knows what kind of culture and values they want to promote.
Mr Wang Gengwu talks of China’s current rise as ‘the fourth rise of China’. Historically, China has already been the most powerful nation in the region three times, so people talk of China’s re-emergence as a ‘renaissance’. And since China has already risen in the past, people can learn a lot from history, such as why countries rise, and why they fade.
According to Mr Wang, the first rise took place from the 3rd century BC to the 3rd century AD, that is in the period from the Qin dynasty to the Han dynasty. Under the Han Dynasty, China’s influence extended to the Korean peninsula and parts of South East Asia. Many surrounding countries imported good and technology from Han China, particularly silk, paper and ceramics, as well as military and navigation technology. At this stage, the most impressive things in China were its economy and culture.
During the 400 years that followed the end of the Han Dynasty, China fragmented into large numbers of small countries at war with each other. But in the 7th century, the Tang Dynasty hearalded a new age of ascension for China. The influence of the Tang dynasty extended to Japan and parts of South East Asia, and lasted for about 300 years. During this time, China was very different from what it was under the Han dynasty. The strength and influence of the Tang dynasty was connected to its high level of openness. The Tang dynasty was not just opened culturally, but also politically, and Western scholars have called it ‘an open empire’. The spread of Buddhism and the settling of nomadic tribes from the North in the central plains created a new country of hybrid strength, showing a high degree of globalisation. This high openness also ushered a period of growth for industry and trade. The new things that merchants and travellers brought from distant places not only enriched the daily lives of Chinese people, but also contributed to Chinese culture, and therefore constituted a real high point in Chinese history.
The establishment of the Ming dynasty in 1368 started China’s third period of ascension, which lasted for 400 years. In this period, Confucianism was re-established as the orthodox ideology of the rulers. This period is much less impressive than the previous two, because China’s political culture started to become very conservative. The closed door policy resulted in national decline. Although the Ming dynasty strengthened its defence, the country was still exposed to attacks from its periphery, and eventually conquered by the Manchus. And although the Qing dynasty was very powerful in its beginning, as well as more aggressive, but it continued the conservative attitude of the Ming dynasty and its closed door policy, and eventually waned. In 1840, powerful England attacked China, and the country ruled by the Qing Dynasty had no strength to resist.
The lack of the rise of the innovative spirit
The current rise of China, so far at least, does not resemble what occurred under the Han or Tang dynasty, but rather under the Ming and Qing. Neither can we observe the kind of institutional innovation of the Han, nor the cultural rise and opening of the Tang. The only point that resembles the previous three periods of ascension is economic development and ensuing increase of military strength. While the economy has become quite open as a result of globalisation, on the cultural level, the situation is basically still that of a secluded State, which refuses to accept universal cultural values, and at the same time shows no internal cultural creativity.
The form of China’s rise today may repeat the tragedy of the Ming Dynasty, whereby the country started to decline before it even started rising. The Ming dynasty closed off the country institutionally and ideologically, and China lost the opportunity to become a maritime nation. The Ming Dynasty marks the start of the world’s ‘maritime century’. At that time, whether from a national or social point of view, China had more ability than any other country to become a great maritime nation. Zheng He is a symbol of this national capacity, and the ‘especially rampant pirates’ of the South Eastern coast are a sign of its society’s maritime capability. But in the absence of ideological and institutional innovation, vested interests shielded by the monarchy strangled China’s future as a maritime nation.
The importance of cultural ascension for the sustainable development of a country has been greatly underestimated. The rise of the Han and Tang dynasty was cultural – but their ultimate fall was also cultural. If there can be no cultural rise, there is bound to be serious economic and even political restrictions. Internally, there will be no generation of new ideas, thus there will be no institutional innovation, eventually lead to the country isolating itself and declining. Externally, without the generation of ideas, no attractive culture and values can be provided. And if China only relies on economic ascension and ensuing militarization, she will be considered as a ‘threat’, which will negatively affect the ecosystem of international relations.
Economic ascension does not necessarily lead to cultural ascension. This is primarily due to the connection between culture and economy. While there have been cases of simultaneous economic and cultural ascension (in the Han and Tang dynasty), there have also been cases of economic ascension which did not lead to cultural ascension (in the Ming and Qing). There is no necessary correlation between economic and cultural ascension: the two are not the same thing. Even without economic ascension, there can be a cultural ascension. Whether in China or in the West, many great ideas and culture are generated under extreme poverty.
Three non-economic factors of cultural rise
Cultural creativity is more closely connected to three non-economic factors: government decentralisation, cultural openness, and the independence of cultural creators and thinkers. So long as at least one of these three factors exist, cultural ascension can happen. Decentralisation and openness lead to the rise of culture: this is the experience gained from China’s history. Historically, whenever decentralisation of power occurred, and particularly with the decline of the empire, we could see signs of a cultural revival. People today do not want to see culture rising caused by the decline of State power; a strong country needs the support of a strong state power. But the relationship between decentralisation of power and cultural ascension, has indeed shown what the state should and should not regulate.
Centralisation and cultural declined are not necessarily connected. The centralised model of the Ming dynasty led to cultural decline, but that of the Tang dynasty led to cultural rise. Why is this so? Firstly, the modes of centralisation differed, and secondly, they differed in their degree of openness. The Ming Dynasty regime was deeply involved in the cultural field, and State power had a high level of control over culture. At the same time, the Ming dynasty imposed a cultural ‘closed-door policy’. The Tang dynasty State power was basically not involved in the cultural field, the cultural field under the Tang dynasty was typically autonomous, and a cultural ‘civil society’ with a high degree of autonomy was formed. Meanwhile, the Tang dynasty was an open empire, its culture was entirely open to the outside, and it was able to integrate elements of foreign culture into its own system.
A more critical factor is the independence of the personality of intellectuals and cultural creators. If theirs personalities are independent, no factor, including tyranny and poverty, can prevent cultural creation. Russia is a typical example. Neither Tsarist nor Communist tyranny have prevented the creation of knowledge from Russian intellectuals. Russian intellectuals, under an authoritarian regime, produced brilliant art, literature and philosophy. The inability of China’s cultural creators to develop cultural creation under the tyranny is related to their high degree of their dependence on the government. China’s history has never seen the rise of a group called ‘intellectuals’ as the West understands the term, that is, as a social group thinking about the creation of knowledge as a life-long career.
Evidently, to achieve the rise of Chinese culture, the key is to readjust the relationship between government and culture. Government has never been the main body of cultural creation. To wish for government to create culture is purely utopian. That is not to say there is no relationship between government and cultural creation. Quite the contrary. In the Chinese environment, government has determined the success or failure of cultural creation:
The author is the director of Singapore National University’s East Asia Institute. This article only represents the personal views of its author.
So far, China’s diplomatic multilateralism has deeply changed. To make it simple, one can divide the changing process in three stages.
The first one is the Mao era when China opposed and fought against diplomatic multilateralism, advocating, instead, bilateralism. At that time China closely guarded the concept of national sovereignity, often considering diplomatic multilateralism as a way to interfere in other states’affairs. The second stage is the aftermath of the Reform and Opening policy,when China’s approach to diplomatic multilateralism was fairly passive:according to needs, People’s Republic joined diplomatic multilateralism guided by other states.This balance of power has deeply influenced China’s foreign affairs.In this period China joined a lot of regional and international multilateral organizations. Starting from the end of 90s the country entered a new stage, actively building a multilateral diplomatic system. Being at the beginning a capital-poor country, it gradually become a country with a capital surplus, wanting to “go out” and cooperate with the other countries. The China-ASEAN free trade area is a clear example. Following its abruptly rise, in addition to the satisfaction of its safety needs, China must also undertake more responsabilities in the regional and international fields. For this reason the county must actively establish a multilateral organizations’ system. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Six-Party Talks are two models:the first aims at fighting fear and creating economic cooperation, the second at solving the Corean peninsula question.
Among the four Asian Tigers, Hong Kong and Singapore are the most alike. However, in recent years, Singapore has leaped ahead. In contrast, Hong Kong, which used to be on a par with Singapore, has seen its model break down. Hong today is a place of ‘weak government, strong society, crazy political parties’; its whole society has lost stability. Hong Kong used to be very competitive and benefit from institutional strengths, but its aura is slowly disappearing, and it is now facing challenges and pressures. Hong Kong needs to look in the mirror held by Singapore, change its clothes, wash its face, and start again.
At the great meeting commemorating the forty eighth anniversary of the Singapore National Day, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced to the people the future strategy for the country, a vision running to 2030. Singapore has become a mirror, to let the people of this country understand the future road, and follow the future light of Singapore. At the same time, Singapore is also a mirror to Hong Kong: among the Asian Dragons who rose at the end of the last Century, in recent years, Singapore has been continuously leading, not only becoming the first among the Asian Dragons, but also one of the most developed countries in the world. It is just a small country, but it constantly shows proofs of the advantages of its system and governance, and Hong Kong could learn from the way Singapore has changed.
When walking the streets of Singapore, you can breathe in the slightly damp sea air, almost as if you were in Hong Kong. The city covers a total area of 715 square kilometres, with a population of 5,321,000, of which 3,280,000 are Singaporean citizens, and 530,000 are permanent residents. The size and population are slightly smaller than Hong Kong, but the momentum of development is much stronger. That is because Singapore has a different strength.
The ‘carrot and stick’ approach to new construction.
Singapore is a multi-ethnic nation of migrants. Since its independence in 1965, under the leadership of Lee Kuan Yew, within 40 years of time, Singapore quickly became one of the Asian dragons, and one of the world’s wealthiest countries. Its economic model is known as ‘State capitalism’, and it is renowned for its political stability and its efficient and non-corrupt government. Two years ago, at the Singapore elections, the People’s Action Party lost 6% of the vote – although they still hold 81% of the seats in the Congress, and the balance of power has not been affected. When the result came out, Lee Hsien Loong described this as a ‘watershed’: obviously, the result was experienced as a crisis.
On Singapore National day, Lee Hsien Long announced a series of new ideas and projects to the public. These included a massive expansion of the Changi airport, the construction of a fifth passenger terminal and a fourth runway, with a goal of doubling passenger capacity within twelve years; relocating military bases to free up vast tracts of land for residential and commercial development; 加码津贴中低收入家庭置业; and reforming the healthcare and education system to remain competitive.
Singapore is one of Asia’s financial, services and shipping hotspots. The Global Financial Centres Index ranked Singapore fourth after London, New York and Hong Kong. Even though it is following the international trend of developing modern service products, industrial development is still Singapore’s dominant strength: up until now, concentrating the region’s largest oil refinery centres, chemistry plants, shipbuilding, electronics, machinery and others in the famous Jurong industrial area. But the city’s cleanliness is also impressive: Singapore is a city State, yet also counts as a ‘garden city’. 李显龙的国家建设新构思「软硬兼施」,誓为新加坡锦上添花。It proposes to reserve space for future developments, but also raised the goal of improving the citizens’ life.
The poor status of Hong Kong housing
Housing is the eternal painful spot you don’t dare to touch for people in Hong Kong. Among the four Asian Dragons, Singapore and Hong Kong are the most similar, with about the same amount of land per capita. However, the housing situation in Hong Kong is about twice as bad as it is in Singapore. The available housing per inhabitant in Hong Kong is only about that of Singapore, and the price is about two to three times as much.
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Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Die alten Könige benützten die Orakel der Schafgarbe und der Schildkröte. Sie ordneten die Brandopfer an und die Opfer, die vergraben wurden, und die Spenden an Seidenstoffen. Sie gaben die Worte bekannt, die Beter und Segner zu sprechen hatten. Sie legten bestimmte Regeln fest, so daß die Staaten die Sitte kannten, die Beamten alle ihre Aufgaben hatten, für jede Arbeit ein Amt da war und die Sitten ihre Reihenfolge hatten.
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The ancient kings made use of the stalks and the tortoise-shell; arranged their sacrifices; buried their offerings of silk; recited their words of supplication and benediction; and made their statutes and measures. In this way arose the ceremonial usages of the states, the official departments with their administrators, each separate business with its own duties, and the rules of ceremony in their orderly arrangements.
[Bearbeiten]在顺帝执政早期,宦官势力膨胀,却引发社会各界的反弹。 阳嘉元年(132年),贵人梁妠立为皇后,从此梁氏外戚势力开始崛起,梁妠的兄弟梁冀被任命为大将军。 汉安二年(143年)八月,顺帝病死,太子刘炳即位,是为冲帝,即位是年仅2岁,由梁太后临朝执政。 永嘉元年(145年)正月初六,刘炳驾崩,年仅三岁。 正月廿五日,梁冀拥立刘缵即位,是为质帝。 质帝非常聪颖,称梁冀为“跋扈将军”,结果不久质帝就被毒害弑杀。
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