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Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 788

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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
qi2 schöne Jade, Engel wiktionary Etymologie:
quan2 einfarbige Kuh oder Ochse, perfekt wiktionary Etymologie:
qin3 schlafen, (etwas bleibt) ruhen, Schlafzimmer, Totenkammer, Mausoleum wiktionary Etymologie:
ti2 ??? wiktionary Etymologie:
qian3 ausschimpfen, schelten wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
shi4 hong2 Huiqi
wei2 qi2 Vichy
wei2 qi2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 维琪), Vichy
qi2 mei3 schöne Jade
li3 mei3 qi2 Maggie Q
si1 wo4 qi2 Swatch, Musterabschnitt
liang2 yong3 qi2 Gigi Leung
du4 qi2 feng1 Johnnie To
an1 qi2 er2 Engel
an1 qi2 er2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 安琪儿), Engel
chen2 xiao3 qi2 Kellyjackie
chen2 xiao3 qi2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 陈晓琪), Kellyjackie
shi1 zhuo2 qi2 Jacqui Smith
mi3 kai1 lang2 qi2 luo2 Michelangelo (Buonarroti)
mi3 kai1 lang2 qi2 luo2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 米开郎琪罗), Michelangelo (Buonarroti)
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
qin3 che1 Schlafwagen
qin3 shi4 Schlafraum, Schlafstube
qin3 chu4 Schlafplatz
an1 qin3 ins Bett gehen
jiu4 qin3 sich für die Nacht fertig machen, ins Bett gehen
shou4 zhong1 zheng4 qin3 an Altersschwäche sterben
jiu4 qin3 shi2 jian1 Schlafenszeit
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
qian3 ze2 Abmahnung, Vorwurf, Kritik, tadeln, verurteilen
he1 qian3 to reprimand
qian3 he1 to reprimand
he1 qian3 呵谴[he1 qian3]
qian3 he1 谴诃[qian3 he1]
tian1 qian3 the wrath of Heaven, imperial displeasure
zi4 qian3 to blame oneself, self-recrimination
bei4 qian3 ze2 bezichtigen
qian3 ze2 xiao3 shuo1 鲁迅[Lu3 Xun4] classification)
ying4 shou4 qian3 ze2 beschämen, tadelnswert, verwerflich
yan2 li4 qian3 ze2 scharf kritisieren, wettern


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Es ist an der Zeit, ins Bett zu gehen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Tamy )
Es ist an der Zeit, ins Bett zu gehen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Tamy )
Vor dem Zubettgehen trinke kein Bier. (Mandarin, Tatoeba bfsutian sigfrido )
We found that everyone was asleep. (klassisch, Tatoeba shanghainese CK )
Ich gehe abends spät ins Bett. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha wolfgangth )
Lange Zeit bin ich früh schlafen gegangen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha jerom )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
The senator was censured by the congressional ethics committee. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong darinmex )


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
dao4 ren4 zhi1 hou4 , yu3 guan1 、 zhang1 shi2 ze2 tong2 桌, qin3 ze2 tong2 chuang2 After taking up his post, he ate at the same table, and slept in the same bed, with Guan and Zhang. (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第002回)
qin3 miao4 bi4 bei4 man setzt die Gemächer und Tempel instand; (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
tian1 zi5 nai3 xian4 gao1 kai1 bing1 , xian1 jian4 qin3 miao4 Der Himmelssohn opfert ein Lamm und läßt die Eiskeller öffnen, aus denen er zuerst ein Opfer im Ahnentempel darbringt. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
jian4 鲔 yu2 qin3 miao4 er bringt einen Stör in den hinteren Gemächern des Ahnentempels zum Opfer dar (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
fan3 , zhi2 jue2 yu2 tai4 qin3 Heimgekehrt ergreift der Himmelssohn im großen Gemach einen Pokal (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
wen2 wang2 qin3 ji2 wu3 ri4 er2 de4/di4 dong4 Da lag der König Wen krank darnieder fünf Tage lang, als die Erde ringsum erbebte. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
tian1 zi5 chang2 xin1 , xian1 jian4 qin3 miao4 Der Himmelssohn kostet das neue (Korn), nachdem er zuvor im Ahnentempel geopfert hat. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
jin1 wang2 qin3 ji2 wu3 ri4 er2 de4/di4 dong4 , si4 mian4 bu4 chu1 zhou1 jiao1 Nun ist der König seit fünf Tagen krank, und die Erde bebte; doch nirgends erstreckte sich das Erdbeben über die Hauptstadt von Dschou hinaus. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
yi3 quan3 chang2 ma2 , xian1 ji4 qin3 miao4 。 Er kostet Sesam mit Hundefleisch und bringt zuerst davon im Ahnentempel dar. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
tian1 zi5 nai3 yi3 zhi4 chang2 mai4 , xian1 jian4 qin3 miao4 。 der Himmelssohn kostet den Weizen zusammen mit Schweinefleisch und opfert zuerst davon in der inneren Halle des Ahnentempels. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
jiu4 qin3 zhi1 qian2 bu4 yao4 he1 pi2 jiu3 。 Do not drink beer before going to bed. (Tatoeba bfsutian Littleboyshanmu)
ta1 wen4 le5 wo3 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Er stellte mir eine Frage. (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL)
zhi3 you3 ta1 mei2/mo4 you3 hui2 da2 wen4 ti2 。 Apart from her, everybody answered the question. (Tatoeba nickyeow blay_paul)
wo3 ke3/ke4 yi3 wen4 nin2 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Darf ich Sie etwas fragen? (Tatoeba xjjAstrus BraveSentry)
wen4 ti2 shi4 wo3 爸爸 ma1 ma1 hui4 bu4 hui4 tong2 yi4 。 Die Frage ist, ob meine Eltern damit einverstanden sein werden oder nicht. (Tatoeba nickyeow Dejo)
jin1 wan3 qi1 dian3 lao3 de4/di4 fang1 jian4/xian4 。 mei2/mo4 wen4 ti2 ba5 ? Can you make it to our usual place at 7:00 p.m. tonight? (Tatoeba nickyeow CM)
wo3 neng2 hui2 da2 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Ich konnte die Frage beantworten. (Tatoeba Martha Wolf)
wo3 wen4 le5 mei3 ge4 nan2 hai2 san1 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 I asked each boy three questions. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
wo3 hai2/huan2 you3 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Ich habe noch eine Frage. (Tatoeba nickyeow Kuraimegami)
na4/nei4 shi4 wo3 men5 de5 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Is that our problem? (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK)
ta1/tuo2 shi4 yi1 ge4 hen3 hao3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Das ist eine gute Frage. (Tatoeba Martha kolonjano)
wo3 xu1 yao4 hui2 da2 suo3 you3 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Muss ich alle Fragen beantworten? (Tatoeba xjjAstrus Pfirsichbaeumchen)
wen4 ti2 shi4 xia4 yi1 bu4 yao4 zuo4 shi2 me5 。 What to do next is the question. (Tatoeba Martha Eldad)
hui2 da2 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 hen3 rong2 yi4 。 Die Frage ist leicht zu beantworten. Diese Frage lässt sich leicht beantworten. (Tatoeba Martha Tamy raggione)
wo3 dui4 ta1 de5 wen4 ti2 gan3 dao4 hen3 kun4 惑。 Seine Fragen haben mich sehr verwirrt. (Tatoeba Martha qwertz)
ta1 mei2/mo4 you3 hui2 da2 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Sie gab keine Antwort auf meine Frage. (Tatoeba Martha Tamy)
ru2 guo3 shi4 zhe4/zhei4 yang4 de5 hua4 , jiu4 shen4 me5 wen4 ti2 ye3 mei2/mo4 you3 le5 , bu4 shi4 ma5 ? If so, then there's no problem at all, is there? (Tatoeba nickyeow blay_paul)
ru2 guo3 ni3 bu4 le5 jie3 , jiu4 wen4 wen4 ti2 。 Wenn du nicht verstehst, frage. (Tatoeba Martha Esperantostern)
wo3 ke3/ke4 yi3 wen4 ge4 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Darf ich eine Frage stellen? (Tatoeba Tajfun Pfirsichbaeumchen)
zhen1 lüe4 guo4 le5 ta1 wu2 fa3 hui2 da2 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Jane ließ die Fragen aus, die sie nicht beantworten konnte. (Tatoeba Martha Beatminister)
wo3 you3 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Ich habe eine Frage. (Tatoeba offdare Sprachprofi)
ni3 dui4 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 you3 shen4 me5 gan3 shou4 ? How do you feel about the issue? (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK)
ta1 zhu3 yao4 shi4 xin1 li3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 His trouble was chiefly mental. (Tatoeba Martha)
you3 ren2 ke3/ke4 yi3 hui2 da2 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Kann jemand meine Frage beantworten? (Tatoeba Martha juwu)
wo3 tong2 yi4 ni3 dui4 zhe4/zhei4 wen4 ti2 de5 kan4 fa3 。 Darüber sind wir uns einig. (Tatoeba Martha Peanutfan)
ni3 hai2/huan2 you3 bie2 de5 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Hast du noch Fragen? (Tatoeba nickyeow Pfirsichbaeumchen)
bu4 yao4 tao2 bi4 , wo3 yao4 ni3 hui2 da2 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Don't dodge the issue, I want you to answer my question. (Tatoeba nickyeow fcbond)
ta1 shuo1 de5 hua4 pao3 ti2 le5 。 What he said was beside the point. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK)
ni3 de5 wen4 ti2 he2/he4/huo2 wo3 de5 xiang1/xiang4 si4 。 Dein Problem ist meinem ähnlich. (Tatoeba Martha xtofu80)
zhe4/zhei4 shi4 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 That's my problem. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
Bob ke3/ke4 yi3 hui2 da2 suo3 you3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Bob kann alle Fragen beantworten. (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL)
ta1 mei2/mo4 you3 hui2 da2 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Er hat nicht auf meine Frage geantwortet. (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL)
wo3 men5 cong2 qian2 cong2 mei2/mo4 you3 guo4 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 We've never had this problem before. (Tatoeba egg0073 CK)
ta1 wen4 le5 ta1 wen4 ti2 。 She asked him questions. (Tatoeba egg0073 CK)
lao3 wen4 ti2 。 Das gleiche alte Problem. (Tatoeba nickyeow MUIRIEL)
ni3 zhi3 xu1 yao4 hui2 da2 tou2 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Du brauchst bloß die erste Frage zu beantworten. (Tatoeba nickyeow xtofu80)
ren4 he2 xue2 sheng1 dou1/du1 ke3/ke4 yi3 hui2 da2 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Jeder Student kann diese Frage beantworten. (Tatoeba Martha Espi)
dang1/dang4 ni3 ti2 chu1 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 , ni3 ji1/qi1 wang4 de2/de5/dei3 dao4 da2 an4 。 Wenn man eine Frage stellt, erwartet man eine Antwort. (Tatoeba Martha TomSFox)
nin2 zen3 me5 kan4 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 ? Wie sehen Sie diese Angelegenheit? (Tatoeba Martha Pfirsichbaeumchen)
wen4 ti2 yu4 nan2/nan4 , wo3 dong3 de2/de5/dei3 hui2 da2 de5 ji1 hui4 jiu4 yu4 di1 。 Je schwieriger die Fragen sind, desto weniger wahrscheinlich werde ich sie beantworten können. (Tatoeba nickyeow kitab)
ta1 wu2 fa3 hui2 da2 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 She couldn't answer the question. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
zhe4/zhei4 shi4 cheng2 du4 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Das ist eine Frage der Abstufung. (Tatoeba nickyeow Tamy)
wo3 dui4 ta1 de5 wen4 ti2 gan3 dao4 fei1 chang2 迷惑。 I was terribly confused by his question. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
wo3 bu4 neng2 hui2 da2 suo3 you3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 I couldn't answer all of the questions. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
wo3 dui4 ta1 de5 wen4 ti2 gan3 dao4 fei1 chang2 kun4 惑。 Die Frage hatte mich gewaltig verwirrt. (Tatoeba Martha Zaghawa)
yong4 ying1 yu3 hui2 da2 xia4 lie4 wen4 ti2 。 Beantworte die folgenden Fragen auf Englisch. (Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der)
hao3 wen4 ti2 。 Eine gute Frage. (Tatoeba nickyeow Esperantostern)
ni3 zhi1 dao4 zhe4/zhei4 shi4 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Did you know that this is a question? (Tatoeba Martha)
wo3 wen4 le5 ta1 yi1 ge4 nan2/nan4 ti2 。 Ich stellte ihr eine schwere Frage. (Tatoeba Martha Manfredo)
hui2 da2 wen4 ti2 。 Antworten Sie auf die Frage. Antworte auf die Frage. Beantworte die Frage. (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL jakov Sprachprofi)
zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 kan4 qi3 lai2 hen3 nan2/nan4 。 Diese Aufgabe scheint schwierig zu sein. (Tatoeba nickyeow Tamy)
na4/nei4 jiu4 biao3 shi4 you3 wen4 ti2 ... Dann haben wir ein Problem... (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL)
na4/nei4 shi4 yi1 ge4 hen3 hao3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Das ist eine gute Frage. (Tatoeba Martha kolonjano)
wo3 xiang3 wen4 zai4 ni3 ji3 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 I'd like to ask you a few more questions. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK)
na3/na5/nei3 li3 you3 wen4 ti2 ? Wo ist das Problem? (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL)
wo3 neng2 wen4 ni3 men5 yi1 xie1 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Dürfte ich einige Fragen stellen? Darf ich euch etwas fragen? (Tatoeba xjjAstrus Pfirsichbaeumchen)
wo3 ke3/ke4 yi3 wen4 ni3 yi1 xie1 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Darf ich Ihnen noch ein paar Fragen stellen? (Tatoeba Martha Pfirsichbaeumchen)
wo3 you3 yi1 ge4 yu2 chun3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Ich habe eine dumme Frage. (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL)
wen4 ti2 shi4 ta1 dao4 di3 lai2 hai2/huan2 shi4 bu4 lai2 。 Der Punkt ist, ob sie kommt oder nicht. (Tatoeba nickyeow xtofu80)
ta1 wen4 le5 wo3 liang3 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Er stellte mir zwei Fragen. (Tatoeba Martha landano)
wo3 bu4 zhi1 dao4 ru2 he2 hui2 da2 na4/nei4 yang4 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Ich weiß nicht, wie ich auf diese Frage antworten soll. (Tatoeba tsayng MUIRIEL)
na4/nei4 shi4 yi1 ge4 hen3 nan2/nan4 hui2 da2 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Das ist eine Frage, die schwer zu beantworten ist. (Tatoeba Martha Dejo)
wo3 men5 zhe4/zhei4 zhou1 de5 zhu3 ti2 shi4 :_____。 Unser Thema der Woche ist: _____. (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL)
wo3 de5 da3 zi4 ji1 hao3 xiang4 you3 shi2 me5 wen4 ti2 。 Mit meiner Schreibmaschine stimmt etwas nicht. (Tatoeba xjjAstrus BraveSentry)
zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 fei1 chang2 kun4 nan2/nan4 。 Das Problem war sehr schwierig. (Tatoeba Martha Tamy)
mei2/mo4 ren2 hui2 da2 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 No one answered my question. (Tatoeba tsayng alec)
hui2 da2 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Beantworte meine Fragen. (Tatoeba Martha Nero)
ta1 wen4 le5 yi1 ge4 fei1 chang2 hao3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Sie hat eine sehr gute Frage gestellt. (Tatoeba Martha Manfredo)
wen4 ti2 shi4 , wo3 mei2/mo4 shen4 me5 yao4 gen1 ta1 shuo1 de5 。 The problem is, I don't have anything to say to him. (Tatoeba xjjAstrus JimmyUK)
ta1 chong2/zhong4 shu4 ta1 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Er wiederholte seine Frage. (Tatoeba tsayng MUIRIEL)
bu4 yao4 tao2 bi4 wo3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 Weich meiner Frage nicht aus. (Tatoeba nickyeow xtofu80)
jiao1 tong1 shi4 dou1/du1 shi4 de5 yi1 ge4 zhu3 yao4 wen4 ti2 。 Verkehr ist ein bedeutendes städtisches Problem. (Tatoeba Martha Nero)
bu4 , bu4 , mei2/mo4 wen4 ti2 de5 。 No, no, that's okay. (Tatoeba nickyeow)
mei2/mo4 you3 wen4 ti2 。 Es gibt keine Probleme. (Tatoeba Martha Sudajaengi)
wen4 ti2 shi4 , tai4 yang2 neng2 tai4 gui4 le5 。 Das Problem ist, dass Sonnenenergie zu teuer ist. (Tatoeba Martha samueldora)
ta1 wen4 le5 wo3 yi1 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 She asked me a question. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
wo3 ke3/ke4 yi3 wen4 yi1 xie1 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Dürfte ich ein paar Fragen stellen? (Tatoeba Martha Trinkschokolade)
qing3 hui2 da2 wo3 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Bitte beantworten Sie diese Frage für mich. (Tatoeba Martha Espi)
ta1 wu2 fa3 hui2 da2 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Er konnte diese Frage nicht beantworten. (Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL)
zhe4/zhei4 xie1 wen4 ti2 tai4 rong2 yi4 hui2 da2 le5 。 Diese Fragen lassen sich einfach beantworten. (Tatoeba Martha raggione)
ni3 you3 ren4 he2 qi2 ta1 de5 wen4 ti2 ma5 ? Hast du irgendwelche weiteren Fragen? (Tatoeba Martha Esperantostern)
wo3 bu4 xi3 歡 xi3 歡 bu4 wen4 wen4 ti2 de5 xue2 sheng1 de5 lao3 shi1 。 I don't like teachers who like students who don't like asking questions. (Tatoeba Martha darinmex)
wo3 neng2 hui2 da2 suo3 you3 de5 wen4 ti2 。 I could answer all the questions. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
ni3 zui4 hao3 bie2 ti2 dao4 zong1 jiao1 he2/he4/huo2 zheng4 zhi4 zhe4/zhei4 xie1 hua4 ti2 。 Sie sollten es lieber vermeiden, über Religion und Politik zu diskutieren. (Tatoeba nickyeow samueldora)
qing3 xiang3 xiang3 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 Bitte denken Sie über das Problem nach! (Tatoeba Martha Tamy)
wo3 shu2 xi1 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 zhu3 ti2 。 Ich bin mit diesem Thema vertraut. (Tatoeba Martha Espi)
wo3 zai4 xiang3 na4/nei4 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 I am thinking about that matter. (Tatoeba Martha CK)
qing3 hui2 da2 suo3 you3 wen4 ti2 。 Bitte beantworte alle Fragen. (Tatoeba xjjAstrus Zaghawa)
wo3 de5 che1 zi5 you3 wen4 ti2 。 Irgendetwas stimmt nicht mit meinem Auto. (Tatoeba Martha Vortarulo)
wo3 hai2/huan2 you3 ge4 wen4 ti2 。 I still have a question. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK)





现在 MoMo 这类的应用挺多。那天晚上睡不着就用手机上了下QQ,又神使鬼差地去查找了下附近的人。过不多久有个人打招呼,“兼职”。当时我不知道半夜这个时段净是单身 und einsam 男求炮友的,要是知道估计就忽略掉了。觉得很奇怪,就问兼什么职。那边就答,学生兼职。一次八十包夜两百。我 in diesem Moment 就明白了。但是出于好玩,就顺着话头回了他,说价太低,你再加点,还要戴套。就这么一来二往 ging so 好久,我直觉他人其实挺靠谱的,不像要找小姐的人。后来他说他是因为心情不好,想找人出来说说话。问能不能第二天一起吃一个晚饭,就陪他说说话。他说是按时计费,会给钱的。我想想也就答应了。然后此时一阵强烈的困意袭来,当时四点多,我就去睡了。

第二天下午三点多的时候,他说他女朋友来找他,走不开,问能不能晚点再去,然后就不要回了(他知道我是学生,晚上有门禁太晚了不能回),说不会做,就说说话。照常理我是不该去的,但结果我还是等到了八点钟出门了。到了约定的接头地点,等了一阵他过来了。说真的本来我以为他该工作几年了,所以第一眼看去觉得,嗯,真是工作几年了吧。结果后来才 fand heraus 居然比我还小一年,也还在上学 -_!! 表示外貌好成熟。然后就去吃了点东西。渐渐我就知道了,他是因为女朋友出轨特别伤心,又不知道怎么办,很 verwirrt,所以朋友建议他这样找一个来“转移情绪”。然后就去开房了(Hey,为什么去开房?废话,要不然晚上怎么过一夜?)我去洗澡的时候他 währenddessen 买了一堆酒回来,这架势真要喝一晚上。然后就开喝,开始 reden 各种。其实聊得挺投机的。中途有很多小细节很感动我,是个很体贴很细心的人。但是因为屡屡涉及他的感情问题,酒喝得痛苦,话也讲得痛苦。可以看出他真的很爱很爱那个女孩子。然后就这么折腾到了四五点,都困得不行了,躺一张床上睡了。是的,木有发生关系。

第二天起得早,因为我有考试要急着赶回去。但其实一天都过得 konfus 的,完全不能相信我前晚居然跟一个才认识不超过一天的 unbekannter 男人躺在一张床上过了一晚。我也是有男朋友的,关系也很稳定。但不知道为什么事情居然就那么荒诞地发生了。一直没缓过神来。可能就是因为这种又奇怪又荒诞的感觉,我居然发现对他的感觉很不一般。就是,像喜欢上一个人的感觉。想了解他的所有,他发信息过来会很高兴。就这么短短几天,我发现我自己的感情发展得有点迅疾。在感情方面我一般比较理智,这一次真的不知道自己在想什么。昨天他又叫我出去。同样的理由同样的地方,连房间都是一样的。如果说第一次是因为好玩,刺激,那这次呢?我不敢想我为什么还要答应。这次他仍然是一堆酒一堆烟,因为跟女朋友又吵架了。半夜的时候他出去买宵夜,电脑开着QQ挂着,我忍不住还是翻了他和他女朋友的聊天记录。不是不难过的。他们那么好,我这算什么事儿呢。然后陪他看了场球,西班牙对法国。他说他跟人堵法国会赢,要是输了的话我得借他一肾去卖,要不然真输不起。我说出门时把肾忘寝室了。他就说,那就肺吧,这总该带了。我多想讲,就算我 vollkommen verfallen 出来了,又怎么样呢,你要么。

下半场的时候我们俩都躺下了。都知道这场球法国要输。他喝酒喝得多,说不了几句话就睡了。睡得很不 fest,不停踢被子。我就不停帮他盖上。一边盖觉得好心酸。这算怎么个事儿呢。他有女朋友,我也有男朋友,但是怎么就能在一张床上一起睡了俩晚上呢,尽管没发生关系。最荒唐的是我怎么会喜欢他,才认识五天不到。


Shu Dong


Friends with benefits

An anonymous online friend of mine sent this to me:

I have my English exam tomorrow. Since I didn’t attend class for a whole semester, I should be cramming right now. But I cannot continue studying, who cares if I flunk it? What happened recently is too messed up. I don’t want a solution, and I don’t want too many people to see this. I just want to talk about it. I can’t tell my friends because they are not close enough or won’t understand where I’m coming from.

There are many uses of MoMo these days. I couldn’t sleep the other night so I went on QQ (a popular instant messaging program in China) on my mobile phone. For some reason I decided to search for people who are nearby. It didn’t take long for someone to PM me, “part time”. At that time, I didn’t know that it was that time of the night when single and lonely men search for friends with benefits. If I did know, it probably slipped my mind at that time. I felt curious, so I asked him, “What do you do mean ‘part time’?” On the other end, he replied, “Part time student. Eighty for a one off and two hundred for the night”. In that instance, I understood. But I decided to play along and replied “The price is too low. Raise it and include a ‘packaged deal’.” This exchange went on for a while, and I started to feel that this guy wasn’t as dodgy as I initially thought. He didn’t look as if he was looking for a booty call. Later, he said that he was feeling pretty lousy and wanted to find someone for a chat. He asked if we could meet up for dinner and a chat the next day. He said that he will pay by the hour. I thought about it and agreed. Afterwards, I suddenly felt really tired as it was already four in the morning so I went to asleep.

At around three in the afternoon the next day, he said that his girlfriend was over and he couldn’t get away. He asked if we can meet later and spend the night (he knows that I’m a student and there’s a curfew. There’s no way I can head home if I’m out too late.) No sex, just chatting. Common sense told me that I shouldn’t go, but still I waited until eight in the evening before heading out. I got to the meeting point and he came a while later. Honestly, I thought that he had probably been working for a few years so when I first saw him, I thought, yeah, he’s been working for a while. Later, I found out that he was actually a year younger than me and still studying! This showed that he looks older. We went to get something to eat later. Slowly I understood, he’s upset because his girlfriend has gone off the rails and he has no idea what to do. He’s confused, and his friends suggested finding a ‘rebound’. Later, we went to a hotel room (Why? Please, how else do we spend the night?) When I was having a shower, he bought a ton of alcohol. Looks like we’ll be drinking all night. We started drinking and talking. It felt pretty good talking to him. Some of the little details were really touching and showed me that he’s a caring and considerate person. But because we kept talking about his relationship problems, it became more painful as we drank and talked. I could tell that he really really loved that girl. We kept this up till four or five in the morning, until we were so tired we collapsed into bed. That’s right, nothing else happened.

The next day I woke up early. Because of my exam, I had to rush back but I was out of it for the whole day. I couldn’t believe that the other night, I had slept in the same bed with a stranger whom I had known for less than a day. I’m also in a stable relationship with my boyfriend, but I have no idea how such a preposterous thing could have happened. I still couldn’t make sense of it. Maybe it’s because of this strange and ridiculous feeling, I felt that my feelings towards this guy are not normal, like, I kind of feel that I like him. I want to know everything about him, and when he sends me a message I feel really happy. In a space of a few days, I realised that my feelings have developed really quickly. With relationships I’m usually more rational, but this time I have no idea what I’m thinking about. Yesterday he asked me out again. Same reason, same place; even the hotel room was the same. If the first time was fun and exciting, what about this time? I didn’t dare to think about why I have to answer that. This time, he brought a ton of alcohol and cigarettes. He had fought with his girlfriend again. In the middle of the night, he went out to get supper. His QQ was open on the computer, so I had a look through his chat logs with his girlfriend. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t disappointed. They were great together, what am I compared to that? Later we watched a soccer match together, Spain verses France. He said, he had a bet with someone that France would win. If he lost, I would have sell one of his kidneys or else he wouldn’t know how to pay up. I told him that I forgot my kidney in my room. He said, “how about your lungs, surely you’ve brought them”. I really wanted to say, “So what if I take out my heart and my lungs? Do you want them?”

During the second half, we lied down in bed. We both knew that France was going to lose this match. He had drunk too much and fell asleep without saying too much. He didn’t sleep too well and kept kicking at the blanket. I kept covering him up again. Every time I did that, I felt horrible inside. What the hell is this? He has a girlfriend, I have a boyfriend, but why have we slept together in the same bed for two nights? Even though nothing happened, the most ridiculous thing is that I’ve started falling for him, and we’ve only known each other for less than five days.

This is messed up, but it’ll do for now.

Julien Leyre website

Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache




dì yī bǎi kè

Hundertste Lektion

Diese Lektion findet sich im Buch der Riten und als Variante im Qín táng yù sú biān.



zhōu wén wáng

König Wen von Zhou



wén wáng zhī wèi shì zi,

Als König Wen noch Kronprinz war



cháo yú wáng jì, rì sān.

besuchte er dreimal täglich König Ji.



jī chū míng ér yī fú,

Mit dem ersten Schrei eines Hahnes kleidete er sich an



zhì yú qǐn mén wài,

Er ging zum Außenbereich der Tür zum Schlafgemach (des Königs)

問內 Dienst 之御者曰:

问内 Dienst 之御者曰:

wèn nèi shù zhī yù zhě yuē:

Er fragte den Innendienst versehenden Beamten:




wèn zuǒ yòu yuē

Er fragte die Bediensteten:



jīn rì ān fǒu hé rú

Ist der heutige Tag ruhig oder nicht?



zuǒ yòu yuē: ān.

Sagten die Bediensteten: "Ruhig"



wén wáng nǎi xǐ.

so freute sich König Wen



jí rì zhōng, yòu zhì, yì rú zhī.

Als sich der Mittag näherte, ging er wieder hin und machte es genauso.

及 Abenddämmerung,又至,亦如之。

jí mù, yòu zhì, yì rú zhī.

Als die Abenddämmerung nahte, ging er wieder hin und machte es genauso.



qí yǒu bù ān jié,

Hatte dieser (König Jin) eine unruhige Phase



zé zuǒ yòu yǐ gào wén wáng,

Dann teilte der Bedienstete es König Wen mit.



wén wáng sè yōu,

König Wens Miene verkümmerte sich.



xíng bù néng zhèng lǚ.

Er konnte beim Gehen keine geraden Schritte machen.

王季复 Essen zu sich nehmen,

wáng jì fù shàn,

Nahm König Ji wieder Essen zu sich,



rán hòu yì fù chū.

machte war es anschließend wieder wie zu Beginn.

Frühling und Herbst des Lü Buwei



Erster Sommermonat, 1. Kapitel Übersetzung Richard Wilhelm
是月也,继长增高, In diesem Monat soll das Wachstum befördert, das Hohe erhoben werden.
无有坏隳。 Kein Abbrechen und Einreißen soll stattfinden,
无起土功, keine Erdarbeiten sollen unternommen werden,
无发大众,无伐大树。 keine Menschenmengen sollen ausgesandt, keine großen Bäume sollen gefällt werden.
是月也,天子始 sich in dünnes Puerariatuch zu kleiden.。 In diesem Monat beginnt der Himmelssohn, sich in dünnes Puerariatuch zu kleiden.
命野虞,出行田原, Die Förster erhalten den Befehl, die Gefilde und Ebenen zu durchreisen
劳农劝民,无或失时。 und die Bauern anzufeuern und das Volk zu ermahnen, die Zeit nicht ungenützt vorübergehen zu lassen.
命司徒,循行县鄙。 Der Unterrichtsminister erhält den Befehl, in den Städten und Dörfern herumzureisen,
命农勉作,无伏于都。 um die Bauern zu fleißiger Arbeit anzuhalten und zu verhindern, daß sie sich in den Städten herumtreiben.
是月也,驱兽无害五谷。 In diesem Monat verjagt man die wilden Tiere, damit sie das Korn nicht schädigen,
无大田猎。 doch sollen keine großen Jagden stattfinden.
农乃升麦。 Die Bauern bringen die Erstlinge der Weizenernte dar,
天子乃以彘尝麦, der Himmelssohn kostet den Weizen zusammen mit Schweinefleisch
先荐寝庙。 und opfert zuerst davon in der inneren Halle des Ahnentempels.








Noch keine Übersetzung




此次关于释放的声明中并没有透露太多细节,只提及他们是在索马里被释放的。 医生无国界表示会在周五马德里的新闻发布会中透露更多的细节。




Noch keine Übersetzung











Noch keine Übersetzung 





Noch keine Übersetzung



埃及临时总统曼苏尔星期一晚间在国家电视台对埃及民众说,为了国家进步,必须实现和解。与此同时,人权组织“人权观察”敦促埃及政府必须首先结束教派冲突。 该组织特别提到穆尔西倒台几个星期以来,基督徒受到的攻击。人权观察星期二说,当局应该立即调查那些事件,还说,宗教和政治领导人应该“谴责后果严重的教派攻击升级。”

Noch keine Übersetzung




Noch keine Übersetzung







Noch keine Übersetzung







Noch keine Übersetzung














Luqiu Luwei My 1510

Teaching children to say ‘no’

I received a private letter from someone who claimed to be a young internet user, drawing my attention to a weibo trail. It turned out to be a group of young people from my Middle school who used this method to complain against a teacher who sexually abused them under the label of “physical examination”. However, the facts happened 15 years ago, and the ‘young person’ who started the weibo trail was already a father, and for that reason, he decided to speak out about these events – and as a result, many of the alumni from the school responded.

Just as as was doing work on the topic of child abuse, there are many instances of girls who are sexually abused by their teachers, and actually, there are many media reports on that, but regarding sexual abuse of male students, first there aren’t many cases at hand, and there aren’t many media reports either. It’s just a pity that these alumni have been discussing for a long time, but did not agree to be interviewed – their goal seems to be just to have the teacher punished.

I have not passed on their weibo message, because if it’s only one side of the story, and the source is an online profile, since they don’t want to be interviewed, I cannot check the authenticity. However, this weibo trail, within just one day, was forwarded over 20,000 times, and my alma mater issued a statement saying that they would investigate and act accordingly; very quickly, that teacher was relieved of his contract.

The thing was quickly over, but for me, I think it’s very regrettable. This is because in life, this kind of issue is definitely not a singular case, and I’m also thinking about this question: fifteen years ago, when the alumni were in Middle School, they certainly didn’t understand that what the teacher did was wrong, and they had the right to say no, or at least, that after the fact, they should have told their parents: if things happened like that, sexual harassment or sexual assults on students would be reduced significantly.

I wish that these alumni would accept to be interviewed, because I don’t think it’s enough to just deal with this one case, I hope that by making the case public, we could remind society of a fact: sexual assaults against children exists, it exists in society, it exists in schools it even exists in families, and not just against girls, also against boys.

One father from Gansu accepted our interview: his daughter, a primary school student, was sexually abused by one of her teachers. She is not the only one: so far, eight primary school students have accepted to come forward and testify. Listening to this father narrating the incident, to be exact, it was a recount of the incident as he and his wife both work away from home, and the grand-father takes care of their daughter – and he learnt about the matter from the grand-father, on the phone.

Things were discovered through the girl’s cousin, she came home and cried in front of her mother, and when the mother questioned her, she understood that the girl was afraid that the next day, it would be her turn to be bullied by the teacher. The thing had already been going on for two years, the other school children knew about it, and they also knew which girl had been abused by the teacher before, and they also knew that if the teacher was in a bad mood, the girl who was summoned to the office would undergo the same treatment. Only, none of them decided to tell their parents or other teachers, until this girl who went crying to her mother, told her mother that her cousin had been abused by the teacher.

After the girl’s grand-father learnt about it, he decided to raise an alarm, and things were exposed, but then when the father came back home he realised that not just his daughter had had this problem at school, but that in the same county, there were two other primary schools where students had faced the same events, and in fact, almost all the villagers knew about it, and it had become a regular topic in private conversations.

I interviewed experts, and experts said, in fact, children from rural areas mature earlier, because although sex is a topic that cannot be touched upon, and that parents won’t talk to them about, they can learn a lot very early by studying directly from nature themselves. Only, they choose not to tell their parents, because, in their hearts, they know that if they put it out, they will be scolded by their parents: in rural areas, in cases such as this, often, it’s not the perpetrators that are condemned, but people consider that the victims had inadequate behaviour or, to put it bluntly, brought it upon themselves.

But this grand-father and this father decided to pull the alarm, and tenaciously fought their trial to the end, and even if there were pressures, they wanted the perpetrators to receive legal sanction. Experts say, this shows change, these people have all worked or still work in the city, and are no longer held by traditional constraints of a closely knit society.

I asked the child’s parents if they taught their child that a girl’s body has many private parts, and there are many places that shouldn’t be touched, and if they taught their child how to protect herself? The mother sat sighing, and said she really regretted never having said that, but now, after the events happened, she told her daughter that she shouldn’t talk to strangers and when school was over, she should come back home directly.

In fact, we can’t blame this mother: how many adults in this community have received proper sex education? I can be counted as the first batch, who had learnt sex education within the classroom. That was in the eighties when Shanghai took the first step out of China (China’s conservative education), creating Physical Health classes in some high school as a pilot project. I still remember that in a class, men and women sat separately. Looking back, I realised that I remembered nothing other than understanding the concept of the menstrual cycle.

I sit in a Shanghai primary school as the teacher gives a demonstration of sex education class for first graders. The teacher tells about the process of giving birth, and tells the children about the preciousness and joy of life. In the fourth grade classroom, children can already distinguish which behaviours are appropriate or not, for instance, that you cannot touch the private parts of girls or boys, that you shouldn’t trust a stranger, and if adults have inappropriate behaviour with you, you should just shout “no” very loudly.

I asked a child, would they be afraid to say no? This fourth-grader looked at me and said: “I wouldn’t, this is just commonsense.” In her eyes, the old auntie asking her that was just quite ignorant.


For more details on the subject matter, please watch this week’s “Zou Du Da Zhong Hua” program on Phoenix Satellite Television Chinese Channel every Friday night at 19:20, repeats on Saturday at 11:25a.m.


Übersetzung James Legge

Whenever (a host has received and) is entering with a guest, at every door he should give place to him. When the guest arrives at the innermost door (or that leading to the feast-room), the host will ask to be allowed to enter first and arrange the mats. Having done this, he will come out to receive the guest, who will refuse firmly (to enter first). The host having made a low bow to him, they will enter (together). When they have entered the door, the host moves to the right, and the guest to the left, the former going to the steps on the east, and the latter to those on the west. If the guest be of the lower rank, he goes to the steps of the host (as if to follow him up them). The host firmly declines this, and he returns to the other steps on the west. They then offer to each other the precedence in going up, but the host commences first, followed (immediately) by the other. They bring their feet together on every step, thus ascending by successive paces. He who ascends by the steps on the cast should move his right foot first, and the other at the western steps his left foot.


Übersetzung James Legge

When Cheng-zi Gao was lying ill, Qing went in to see him, and asked his (parting) commands, saying, 'Your disease, Sir, is severe. If it should go on to be the great illness, what are we to do?' Zi-gao said, 'I have heard that in life we should be of use to others, and in death should do them no harm. Although I may have been of no use to others during my life, shall I do them any harm by my death? When I am dead, choose a piece of barren ground, and bury me there.'


Übersetzung James Legge Bo-gao died in Wei, and news of the event was sent to Confucius. He said, 'Where shall I wail for him? For brethren, I wail in the ancestral temple; for a friend of my father, outside the gate of the temple; for a teacher, in my chamber; for a friend, outside the door of the chamber; for an acquaintance, in the open country, (some distance off). (To wail) in the open country would in this case be too slight (an expression of grief), and to do so in the bed-chamber would be too great a one. But it was by Ci that he was introduced to me. I will wail for him in Ci's.' Accordingly he ordered Zi-gong to act as presiding mourner on the occasion, saying to him, 'Bow to those who come because you have a wailing in your house, but do not bow to those who come (simply) because they knew Bo-gao.'


Übersetzung James Legge

The uncles and elder cousins give their charges to those who are to communicate the death (to friends). The (soul of a deceased) ruler is called back in his smaller chambers, and the large chamber; in the smaller ancestral temples and in the great one: and at the gate leading to the court of the external audience, and in the suburbs all round.


Übersetzung James Legge

Ji Wu-zi had built a house, at the bottom of the western steps of which was the grave of the Du family. (The head of that) asked leave to bury (some member of his house) in it, and leave was granted to him to do so. (Accordingly) he entered the house (with the coffin), but did not dare to wail (in the usual fashion). Wu-zi said to him, 'To bury in the same grave was not the way of antiquity. It was begun by the duke of Zhou, and has not been changed since. I have granted you the great thing, and why should I not grant the less?' (With this) he ordered him to wail.


Übersetzung James Legge

(The ancestral temple of) the son of Heaven embraced seven fanes (or smaller temples); three on the left and three on the right, and that of his great ancestor (fronting the south) - in all, seven. (The temple of) the prince of a state embraced five such fanes: those of two on the left, and two on the right, and that of his great ancestor - in all, five. Great officers had three fanes: one on the left, one on the right, and that of his great ancestor - in all, three. Other officers had (only) one. The common people presented their offerings in their (principal) apartment.


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month the son of Heaven eats dog's flesh and rice, first presenting some in the apartment at the back of the ancestral temple.


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month few of the husbandmen remain in their houses in the towns. They repair, however, their gates and doors, both of wood and wattles; and put their sleeping apartments and temples all in good repair. No great labours, which would interfere with the work of husbandry, should be undertaken.


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month they chase away wild animals to prevent them from doing harm to any of the (growing) grain; but they should not have a great hunting. When the husbandmen present (the first-fruits of) their wheat, the son of Heaven tastes it along with some pork, first offering a portion in the apartment behind (the hall of the) ancestral temple.


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month orders are given to the officers of slaughter and prayer to go round among the victims for sacrifice, seeing that they are entire and complete, examining their fodder and grain, inspecting their condition as fat or thin, and judging of their looks. They must arrange them according to their classes. In measuring their size, and looking at the length (of their horns), they must have them according to the (assigned) measures. When all these points are as they ought to be, God will accept the sacrifices. The son of Heaven performs the ceremonies against pestilence, to secure development for the (healthy) airs of autumn. He eats the hemp-seed (which is now presented) along with dog's flesh, first offering some in the apartment at the back of the ancestral temple.


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month the son of Heaven on the first (hsin) day prays to God for a good year; and afterwards, the day of the first conjunction of the sun and moon having been chosen, with the handle and share of the plough in the carriage, placed between the man-at-arms who is its third occupant and the driver, he conducts his three ducal ministers, his nine high ministers, the feudal princes and his Great officers, all with their own hands to plough the field of God. The son of Heaven turns up three furrows, each of the ducal ministers five, and the other ministers and feudal princes nine. When they return, he takes in his hand a cup in the great chamber, all the others being in attendance on him and the Great officers, and says, 'Drink this cup of comfort after your toil.'


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month the sun has gone through all his mansions; the moon has completed the number of her conjunctions; the stars return to (their places) in the heavens. The exact length (of the year) is nearly completed, and the year will soon begin again. (It is said), 'Attend to the business of your husbandmen. Let them not be employed on anything else.' The son of Heaven, along with his ducal and other high ministers and his Great officers, revises the statutes for the states, and discusses the proceedings of the different seasons; to be prepared with what is suitable for the ensuing year. Orders are given to the Grand recorder to make a list of the princes of the states according to the positions severally assigned to them, and of the victims required from them to supply the offerings for the worship of God dwelling in the great heaven, and at the altars of (the spirits of) the land and grain. Orders were also given to the states ruled by princes of the royal surname to supply the fodder and grain for the (victims used in the worship of the) ancestral temple. Orders are given, moreover, to the chief minister to make a list of (the appanages of) the various high ministers and Great officers, with the amount of the land assigned to the common people, and assess them with the victims which they are to contribute to furnish for the sacrifices to (the spirits presiding over) the hills, forests, and famous streams. All the people under the sky, within the nine provinces, must, without exception, do their utmost to contribute to the sacrifices:-to God dwelling in the great heaven; at the altars of the (spirits of the) land and grain; in the ancestral temple and the apartment at the back of it; and of the hills, forests, and famous streams.


Übersetzung James Legge

The children go earlier to bed, and get up later, according to their pleasure. There is no fixed time for their meals.


Übersetzung James Legge

A (second) son or any other son by the wife proper was presented in the outer chamber, when (the ruler) laid his hand on its head, and with gentle voice named it. The other observances were as before, but without any words.


Übersetzung James Legge

The governess then went forward and said for the lady, 'The mother, So and So, ventures to-day reverently to present to you the child!' The husband replied, 'Reverently (teach him to) follow the right way.' He then took hold of the right hand of his son, and named him with the smile and voice of a child. The wife responded, 'We will remember. May your words be fulfilled!' She then turned to the left, and delivered the child to his teacher, who on her part told the name all round to the wives of the relatives of all ranks who were present. The wife forthwith proceeded to the (festal) chamber.


Übersetzung James Legge

Zeng-zi said, 'A filial son, in nourishing his aged, (seeks to) make their hearts glad, and not to go against their wishes; to promote their comfort in their bed-chambers and the whole house; and with leal heart to supply them with their food and drink:--such is the filial son to the end of life. By "the end of life," I mean not the end of parents' lives, but the end of his own life. Thus what his parents loved he will love, and what they reverenced he will reverence. He will do so even in regard to all their dogs and horses, and how much more in regard to the men (whom they valued)!'


Übersetzung James Legge

At the (first) interview of a wife with her father and mother-in-law, (her husband's) unmarried aunts and sisters all stood below the reception hall, with their faces towards the west, the north being the place of honour. After this interview, she visited all the married uncles of her husband, each in his own apartment.


Übersetzung James Legge

A ruler and his wife both died in the Great chamber, a Great officer and his acknowledged wife in the Proper chamber; the not yet acknowledged wife of a high minister, in an inferior chamber, but the corpse was then removed to the higher chamber. The wives of officers died in their chambers.


Übersetzung James Legge

For one of his father's relations (for whom he did not need to go into mourning) a man wailed in the ancestral temple; for one of his mother or wife's relatives, in the back chamber of the temple; for his teacher, outside the gate of the temple; for a friend, outside the door of the back-chamber; for an acquaintance, in the open country, having pitched a tent for the occasion. Some say the wailing for a mother's relation was in the temple.


Übersetzung James Legge

The Master said, "I have been the whole day without eating, and the whole night without sleeping; occupied with thinking. It was of no use. The better plan is to learn."



Richard Wilhelm


Der Meister sprach: »Wenn die Opfertiere, die Riten, die Musik und die mit Hirse gefüllten Opferschalen alle in Ordnung sind, so erleidet man keinen Schaden durch Geister und Götter und erregt keine Unzufriedenheit beim Volk.«

Der Meister sprach: »Die Opfer des Hou Dsi (Hirseherrn) waren leicht auszuführen. Die Gebetsworte waren ehrfurchtsvoll. Die Wünsche waren bescheiden. Und der Segen kam auf Kinder und Kindeskinder.«

Der Meister sprach: »Die Opfergeräte der Vornehmen sind Gegenstand der Scheu und der Sorgfalt. Der Himmelssohn fragte für gewöhnlich nicht das Schafgarbenorakel; die Lehensfürsten hielten sich an das Schafgarbenorakel. Der Himmelssohn hielt sich unterwegs an das Schafgarbenorakel; die Lehensfürsten befragten, wenn sie nicht in ihrem Lande waren, das Schafgarbenorakel nicht. Sie befragten das Orakel in Fragen des Baues von Wohnungen, Gemächern und Wohnräumen. Der Himmelssohn fragte das Orakel nicht in Beziehung auf den großen Ahnentempel (weil der seine festbestimmte Lage hatte).«

Der Meister sprach: »Wenn der Edle jemand ehren will, so benutzt er seine Opfergeräte beim Gastmahl. Er weicht nicht ab vom rechten Tag und Monat, er handelt nicht dem Orakel zuwider; so dient er ehrfürchtig seinem Fürsten und seinen Vorgesetzten. Deshalb werden die Oberen nicht lästig für das Volk, und die Unteren werden nicht aufsässig gegen die Oberen.«

James Legge


The Master said, 'With the victims perfect, the proper ceremonies and music, and the vessels of grain, (they sacrificed); and thus no injury was received from the Spiritual Powers, and the people had no occasion for dissatisfaction.'

The Master said, 'The sacrifices of Hou Ji were easily provided. His language was reverential; his desires were restricted; and the blessings received extended down to his descendants. It is said in the Book of Poetry (III, ii, ode 1, 8), "Hou Ji founded the sacrifice; No one has failed in it, Down to the present day."'

The Master said, 'The shell and stalks employed by the great men must be held in awe and reverence. But the son of Heaven does not divine by the stalks. While the princes are keeping guard in their states, they divine by the stalks. When the son of Heaven is on the road (travelling), hedivines by the stalks. In any other state but their own they do not divine by the stalks. They consult the tortoise-shell about the chambers and apartments of the houses (where they lodge). The son of Heaven does not so consult the tortoise-shell he stays always in the grand ancestral temples.'

The Master said, 'The men of rank, on occasions of special respect, use their sacrificial vessels. On this account they do not fail to observe the set seasons and days, and do not act contrary to the intimations of the shell and stalks; thus seeking to serve with reverence the ruler and their superiors. In this way superiors are not troublesome to the people, and the people do not take liberties with their superiors.'





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