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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
zhou2 Achse, Spule, Spindel, Welle, ZEW für Rollbilder wiktionary Etymologie:
ying2 Pfeiler, Hauptsäule wiktionary Etymologie:
tao1 Brandungswellen, Wellen, Woge wiktionary Etymologie:
tao1 Bogentasche, Schwerttasche, Kriegskunst, verbergen, verheimlichen wiktionary Etymologie:
chan3 enthüllen, aufdecken, erklären wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
si4 zhou2 vierachsig
juan4 zhou2 blättern, Bildschirminhalt verschieben
zhou2 zhang3 Wellenlänge
tong2 zhou2 koaxial
zhou2 liu2 axial
qu1 zhou2 Kurbelwelle
ban4 zhou2 Halbachse
zhou2 wa3 Lagerschale
zhou2 tao4 Buchse
ruan3 zhou2 Bowdenzug
zhou2 xiang1 Achslager
ji1 zhou2 Spindel, Stahlhalter, Gartenlaube
hua4 zhou2 Bild, chin. Rollbild, Rollbild
san1 zhou2 dreiachsig
zhou2 xin1 Achsenmitte
shu4 zhou2 Achse, Achsen...
deng3 zhou2 Isometrie
zong1 zhou2 Längsachse, Längswelle
xian3 zhou2 Frässpindel
shu1 zhou2 Achse, Angelpunkt, Führung, Gewalt, Leitung
xian4 zhou4 Garnspule, Garnrolle
di4 zhou2 Erdachse
zhou2 xiang4 axial
zhuan4 zhou2 Achse, Achsen...
zhu3 zhou2 Hauptspindel
dao3 zhou2 Leitspindel
li4 zhou2 Vertikalachse
zhou2 chen4 Buchse, Lagerschale
gun3 zhou2 Laufrolle
zhou2 tu2 Axon,_Neurit (Nervenzellenteil)
zhou2 ju4 Achsabstand, Radstand
zhou2 xian4 Achse, Achsen...
lun2 zhou2 Achse, Radachse
gua4 zhou2 Einachsen
zhou2 cheng2 Lager, Achslager
da3 hao4 zhou2 Nummerierwelle
ping2 heng2 zhou2 Auswuchtdorn
kai1 juan4 zhou2 Abwickelachse
zhou2 he2 jin1 Lagermetall
cong2 dong4 zhou2 angetriebene Welle, getriebene Welle
zhou2 xin1 ju4 Gesamtradstand
zhou2 cheng2 chang3 Kugellagerfabrik
ji1 zhun3 zhou2 Einheitswelle
qu3 zhou2 xiang1 Kurbelgehäuse
zhou2 chuan2 dong4 Wellenantrieb
zuo4 biao1 zhou2 Koordinatenachse
hua1 jian4 zhou2 Keilwelle
zhou2 cheng2 zuo4 Lagerstelle
ji1 zhou2 zhi4 Einheitswelle
zhou2 zhui1 ti3 Wellenkonus
hui2 zhuan3 zhou2 Rotor
zhou2 xin1 guo2 Achsenmächte
hou4 che1 zhou2 Hinterachse
zhou2 gun3 tong3 Achszylinder
kong1 xin1 zhou2 Hohlwelle
zhi1 cheng2 zhou2 Tragachse
zhi4 dong4 zhou2 Bremswelle
zhu3 zhou2 cheng2 Hauptlager
lun2 dui4 zhou2 Radsatzachse
tu1 lun2 zhou2 Nockenwelle
pian1 xin1 zhou2 Exzenterwelle
lian4 lun2 zhou2 Kettenradwelle
shu1 ru4 zhou2 Antriebsachse, Eingangswelle
zhong1 zhou2 lu4 Transportachse
zhuan3 jie1 zhou2 Adapterspindel
duo1 zhou2 zuan1 Mehrspindelbohreinheit
duo1 zhou2 tou2 Mehrspindelbohrkopf
yao2 bi4 zhou2 Kipphebelachse, Kipphebelwelle
jin4 gei3 zhou2 Zugspindel
zhou2 cheng2 tao4 Lagerschale
wan5 xiang5 zhou5 Kardanwelle, Gelenkwelle
zhou2 cheng2 chu4 Lagerstelle
lian2 dong4 zhou2 Achsen im funktionellen Zusammenhang
zhou2 pai2 lie4 Achsfolge
zhong1 jian4 zhou2 Zwischenwelle
lian2 zhou2 jie2 Kupplung
dan1 su4 zhou2 Eintourenwelle
zhu3 zhou2 xiang1 Bohrschlitten
tao2 zi5 zhou2 Nockenwelle
zhi3 tui1 zhou2 cheng2 Passlager
ran3 se4 bu4 zhou2 Färbebaum
zhou2 cheng2 wai4 juan4 Außenring
san1 quan1 zhou2 cheng2 Dreiringlager
hua2 dong4 zhou2 cheng2 Gleitlager, Gleitachslager
che1 zhou2 po4 lie4 Achsenbruch
gun3 dong4 zhou2 cheng2 Wälzlager
qu1 zhou2 zhu3 zhou2 Kurbelwellenlagerzapfen
mo2 lun2 zhu3 zhou2 Schleifscheibenspindel, Schleifspindel
sha1 lun2 zhu3 zhou2 Schleifspindel
shi4 yan4 xin1 zhou2 Prüfdorn
zhong1 xin1 zhou2 cheng2 Drehlager
deng3 zhou2 jing1 xi4 Kubisches Kristallsystem
xuan2 zhuan3 zhou2 cheng2 Drehlager
shu1 zhou2 shi2 dai4 Achsenzeit
zhong1 jian4 zhou2 cheng2 Zwischenlager, Zwischenwellenlager
che1 zhou2 cao3 shu3 Klee
zhou2 tu2 zhong1 mo4 axon terminal
zhu3 zhou2 chuan2 dong4 Spindelantrieb
zhou2 xiang4 chuan4 dong4 Ankerlangsanlauf
zhou2 xin1 shi2 dai4 Achsenzeit
zhu3 zhou2 tao4 tong3 Spindelhülse
jing1 mi4 zhou2 cheng2 Präzisionslager
gun3 zhu1 zhou2 cheng2 Kugellager
san1 zhou2 wen3 ding4 drei
ye4 ya1 zhou2 cheng2 Flüssigkeitslager
zu3 he2 zhou2 cheng2 Lagereinheit
zhou2 cheng2 gun3 zhen1 Lagernadel
qu1 zhou2 tu1 yuan2 Kurbelwellenflansch
qu1 zhou2 mo2 chuang2 Kurbelwellenschleifmaschine
deng3 zhou2 xian4 xiang4 Isometrie
zhu3 chuan2 dong4 zhou2 Hauptantriebswelle
zhou2 wa3 he2 jin1 Lagermetall
ding4 wei4 zhou2 cheng2 Einstelllager
gang1 xing4 lian2 zhou2 starre Kupplung
zhou2 xiang1 tan2 huang2 Tragfeder am Achslagergehäuse
zhou2 cheng2 jie2 gou4 Lagerung
zhou2 xiang1 dao3 ban3 Achslagerführung
gun3 zhen1 zhou2 cheng2 Nadellager
xie2 e4 zhou2 xin1 Achse des Bösen
wan4 xiang4 lian2 zhou2 jie2 Gelenkwelle
zai4 qu3 zhou2 xiang1 zhong1 im Kurbelgehäuse
zhou2 xiang4 zou3 dao1 liang4 Axialvorschub
gu1 xing2 lian2 zhou2 qi4 ballige Kupplung
wan4 xiang4 zhuan4 dong4 zhou2 Kardanwelle, Gelenkwelle
zong4 xiang4 lian2 jie1 zhou2 Längswellenkupplung
zhou2 liu2 shi4 feng1 ji1 Axiallüfter
ding3 zhi4 tu1 lun2 zhou2 Obenliegende Nockenwelle
che1 zhou2 chi3 lun1 xiang1 Achsgetriebe
wu2 zhou2 qu1 dong4 ji4 shu4 wellenlose Antriebstechnik
gao1 dan4 xing4 lian2 zhou2 qi4 elastische Kupplung
wu2 zhou2 chuan2 dong4 ji4 shu4 stufenloser Antrieb
duo4 gan1 xia4 zhou2 cheng2 tao4 Fingerling
zhuang1 zhi4 zai4 zhou2 cheng2 shang4 getragen, von einem Lager getragen werden, tragen
zhuan4 zhou2 zhang1 jin3 zhuang1 zhi4 Spindelspanneinrichtung
zi4 dong4 diao4 xin1 qiu2 zhou2 cheng2 Pendelkugellager
zhou2 qian2 de5 bao3 hu4 zhuang1 zhi4 Schutzvorwelle
wu2 zhou2 dan1 du2 dian4 ji1 chuan2 dong4 wellenloser Einzelmotorenantrieb(Philos)
yu4 ying4 li4 de5 san1 quan1 zhou2 cheng2 vorgespanntes Dreiringlager
pian1 xin1 zhou2 diao4 jie2 zong3 mo4 liang4 Farbsummenkorrektur über Exzenterwelle
zi4 dong4 diao4 xin1 gun3 zi3 zhou2 cheng2 Pendelrollenlager
luo2 xuan2 xing2 gun3 lun2 gun3 zhen1 zhou2 cheng2 Kurvenrolle
zhi2 jie1 lian2 jie1 de5 wu2 zhou2 dan1 du2 dian4 ji1 chuan2 dong4 Einzelmotorenantrieb direktgekoppelt wellenlos
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
ying2 lian2 couplet (hung on the columns of a hall)
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
song1 tao2 Rauschen der Kiefern
shi2 tao2 Shi Tao
lang4 tao1 Welle
jing1 tao1 in Panik versetzen
liu4 yun4 tao1 Loke Wan Tho
yuan2 tao1 tu2 Yuan Taotu
hu2 jin3 tao1 Hu Jintao
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
wang2 tao1 Wang Tao
tao1 hui4 dunkel
long2 tao1 military strategy and tactics, the imperial guard
Liu4 tao1 武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]
tao1 lu:e4 六韬[Liu4 tao1] and Three Strategies 三略[San1 lu:e4]
Qin2 Tao1 yu4 贫女[Pin2 nu:3]
tao1 guang1 yang3 hui4 sein Licht unter den Scheffel stellen, seine Zeit abwarten
Liu4 tao1 San1 lu:e4 六韬[Liu4 tao1] and "Three Strategies of Huang Shigong" 三略[San1 lu:e4], two of the Seven Military Classics of ancient China 武經七書|武经七书[Wu3 jing1 Qi1 shu1], attributed to Jiang Ziya 姜子牙[Jiang1 Zi3 ya2]
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
chan3 shu4 darlegen
chan3 shi4 darlegen, erklären
tui1 chan3 to elucidate, to study and expound
chan3 yang2 to expound, to propagate
chan3 ming2 to elucidate, to explain clearly, to expound
chan3 fa1 to elucidate, to expound, to study and explain
chan3 shi4 to demonstrate
ke3 yi3 chan3 shu4 begründbar
wei2 bei4 chan3 ming2 yi4 wu4 Verletzung der Aufsichtspflicht, Aufsichtspflichtverletzung


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Die Erde dreht sich in 24 Stunden einmal um ihre eigene Achse. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow sigfrido )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Wer weiß, wann Hu Jintaos Geburtstag ist? (Mandarin, Tatoeba GlossaMatik Chris )
„Wir müssen Kirgisistan helfen“, sagte Putin zu Hu Jintao — in meinem Traum. (Mandarin, Tatoeba FeuDRenais jerom )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
The point we must clarify here is that the lines between amateur and professional in sport are beginning to disappear. (Mandarin, Tatoeba bigfatpanda papabear )
Er legte kurz seine Gründe dar. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Zaghawa )




我在三十年前第一次见到茅老师,他就给我讲数理经济学,今天他给大家讲人文经济学。我不想太细评论他的观点,因为他的好多观点我都很赞同。有时候, 他的好多观点,包括在座听众不一定听得特别明白。但从我三十年的跟茅老师交往的经验来看,他的好多观点非常深刻,有些是自己悟出来的,不是 übernommen von 别人的东 西,这是非常了不起的一点。

我把茅老师讲人文经济学和发起人文经济学会理解为中国新的启蒙运动的开始。经济学是研究什么的?茅老师越来越走向人文经济学以后,我感到经济学是研 究人与人之间怎么更好地合作。当然这也不是什么新问题,人类有史以来都在探讨这个。从思想角度看,人类有两个500年对这个问题的贡献最大,当然了,这远 远超出了我们经济学范畴。第一个500年就是公元前500年开始的所谓轴心时代,从孔子到 Jesus,那个时代无论东方还是西方都出现了伟大的思想家。另一个 500年是从14世纪的文艺复兴到18世纪的启蒙运动。

第一个500年,先知研究人怎么更好合作、怎么幸福,更多强调心,强调怎么改造人的心。第二个500年换了一个角度,强调人的行为,这是一个革命性 的变化。第一个500年无论东方还是西方都出现了伟大的人物,但是很遗憾,第二个500年东方没有贡献,或者有,但是跟西方的套路不一样,我们没有走向理 性、自由、民主这样的层面。

我 们看一下,在100多年前中国就开始启蒙,非常遗憾,100年前特别是20世纪20年代以后启蒙就中断了。我感觉对于西方启蒙时代的一些思想,今天中国人 的了解比100年前的中国人少得多,包括政治家也一样,好比慈禧太后对宪政的理解就比现在很多人深刻。她说为什么要搞预备立宪?她说这是普世价值,如果中 国不搞预备立宪,全世界人不把我们当正常的国家看。


我觉得人类进步就是少数、可以数得出来的几十个思想家创造的。在过去200多年,对人类进步最大的是关于市场的理念,它的力量推动社会进步。亚当· 斯密不是经济学家,它是伦理哲学家。过去认为一个人干事为了自己肯定是坏事,亚当·斯密第一个系统证明一个人追求自身目的可以为社会带来价值,这就是我们 讲的“看不见的手”的价值。

这里我要特别强调一下,亚当·斯密1759年出版《道德情操论》,被一些人认为和亚当·斯密1776年出版的《国富论》不一样,甚至相反的。我们要 真正理解道德情操是什么东西,才能更好地理解为什么亚当-斯密如此强调市场经济,市场经济怎么使一个人的利己之心变成利人之行,然后导致人类的合作,给我 们人类带来共同的进步。


他特别举了一个例子:设想一下假如中华帝国数亿人被一场地震所吞没,远在欧洲的一个富人、一个企业家会有什么感觉?他可能感觉悲伤、Mitgefühl,他不能忍受数亿人突然间没了,但是做完这些事以后他该做生意还是做生意,晚上睡觉还是正常。但是同样一个人,如果想到明天早上手指头会被人 abgeschlagen,他可能一晚上都没法入睡。



茅老师刚才讲得非常透,我们经济学走到数理经济学的时候,把物质财富当成人类幸福的唯一度量,这个是错误的。人类有好多需要,包括自由的需要。自由是人类最基本的需要。任何政府处罚一个人的时候,就是 entziehen 他的自由,由此可见自由是多么宝贵。只有市场才能保护自由,当然也只有自由才能保证市场。其实自由和市场完全是一回事。也只有市场,能够我们让每个人独立,让我们有自尊,茅老师刚才讲的货币可以买到一切,包含着这样的意思。


人类好多的灾难,为什么好人不干好事?我认为一个重要的原因,是我们把人假定得太好了,结果我们都变成坏人,反倒如果我们都把人假定为坏人的话也可能都变成好人。看看我们的皇帝,我们过去假定皇帝是圣人,全心全意为人民服务,如果早就假定皇帝是自私的,他有自己的利益,政府官员也是贪婪的,那么我们早就走进民主制度了,那我们就不至于经历这么多灾难,包括文革灾难、大跃进的灾难。我们搞市场经济,不可能有大跃进,不可能吃大 Topf 饭,也不可能有文革,所以市场本身就是一种人文。所以茅老师强调的这点我觉得非常重要。

我们经济学家需要认识到自己的局限,尤其是当我们按照数学方式处理问题的时候,什么重要、什么不重要不依赖于本身,而依赖于数学上怎么处理,凡是数学上不能处理的东西假定它不存在,这个是要命的。所以很多理论,包括一般均衡理论得到的结论是错误的,错就错在它的假设完全不现实;错就错在,本来是为了证明市场有效的经济学理论,结果却 beflecken 市场的名声。如今很多经济学家讲的“市场失败”其实不是市场失败,而是市场理论的失败,我们却认为是市场本身的失败。这是很可悲的事情。所以经济学家也要不断地反思。

最后我用简单的例子,告诉大家人文经济学应该考虑什么。有一个经济学家开车出去旅游的时候迷路了,然后他找到一个农场主,问农场主路怎么走?农场主很客气地告诉他路怎么走。经济学家为了显摆自己的知识,说我打一个 Wette,十秒钟内数你有多少羊。农场主说,不可能,如果数对了我送你一只羊。经济学家说你有783只羊,农场主很惊讶,只好说这么多羊你挑吧。经济学家挑了一只准备上车的时候,农场主说等一下,我也跟你打一下 Wette,我能猜出你是干什么的,如果猜着了我的东西你放回,经济学家说没有问题。农场主说,你是经济学家。经济学家说,你怎么知道我是经济学家?农场主说,你数是数对了,但是你抱走的是我家的狗不是羊。

Zhang Weiying


Humanistic economics opens a new enlightenment

Speech pronounced at the inauguration ceremony of the Economics and Humanities Institute

I first met teacher Mao thirty years ago, when he taught me about mathematical economics; today, he will talk to everyone about humanistic economics. I do not want to comment on his views too finely, because I agree with a lot of his ideas. Sometimes, his ideas may be difficult to understand, including for the audience. But in my three decades of experience dealing with Professor Mao, I can say that a lot of his ideas are very deep, and some of them he came up with himself, he didn’t borrow them from others: that’s a really fantastic point.

I consider that Professor Mao’s speech about Humanistic economics and its launch of Humanistic economics marks the beginning of a new enlightenment for China. What does economics study? As Professor Mao’s teaching evolved more and more towards humanistic economics, I have come to feel that economics is the study of how to improve cooperation among people. Of course, this is not a new problem, and it’s been discussed throughout mankind’s history. From an ideological point of view, there have been two 500 year periods in the history of mankind that saw the most contributions to that question – which of course, goes far beyond the scope of economics. The first 500 year period is the one starting from about 500BC, the so-called ‘core age’ 轴心时代, where from Confucius to Jesus, East and West alike have seen great thinkers. The second period goes from the 1400 Renaissance to the 1800 Enlightenment.

In the first 500 year period, thinkers reflecting on questions of living together and happiness, but more particularly even about the heart and mind, how to transform people’s hearts and minds. In the second period, the angle changed, to put an emphasis on human behaviour, which was a revolutionary change. In the first period, both East and West gave rise to great figures, but unfortunately, the East did not contribute to the second period, or if we did, not in the same way the West did, we didn’t go towards the same level of rationality, freedom and democracy.

Let’s have a look: slightly over 100 years ago, China started its enlightenment – but I’m very sorry to say, 100 years ago, and especially during the 1920s, that enlightenment was interrupted. I feel that, when it comes to the ideas of the Western enlightenment, Chinese people today understand them less than Chinese people did 100 years ago, including politicians. Dowager Cixi’s understanding of constitutionalism was deeper than most people’s today. She said: why should we prepare a constitution? Because this is of universal value, and if China does not prepare a constitution, the whole world will look at us as an abnormal country.

I hope that the establishment of a Humanistic Economics Institute marks the beginning of a new enlightenment. In fact, we already opened one thirty years ago, but it closed after a few years, and we haven’t had one since. But the change of leadership this year indicates a new age of enlightenment for China.

I believe that human progress was enabled by a small number of great thinkers. In the past 200 years, what most contributed to human progress is the idea of the market and its capacity to promote social progress. Adam Smith was not an economist, he was an ethical philosopher. In the past, we used to think that if a person did something for themselves, it was bad, but Adam Smith was the first to prove systematically that an individual’s pursuit of their interest can bring value to the community, and this is what we talk about when we talk about ‘the invisible hand’.

I would like to stress something here: some people consider that the Adam Smith who published “The theory of moral sentiments” in 1759 is not the same as the Adam Smith who published “The Wealth of Nations” in 1776, that they’re even opposite. But only If we really understand what moral sentiments are can we correctly understand why Adam Smith put so much emphasis on the market economy, and how the market economy turns a person’s self-interest into a movement that benefits all, then leads to human cooperation, and leads to our common human progress.

Adam Smith put a particular emphasis on compassion: no matter how selfish people are, there is a compassionate aspect to their nature, and if they see other people happy, they themselves will feel pleasure. Adam Smith also stresses that compassion is based on self-centredness, but self-centredness is not necessarily selfishness. The example he takes is that people are most compassionate about themselves, then with the brothers, sisters and parents that share your life, and compassion for people further from you is weaker.

He proposes one example in particular: imagine if the hundreds of millions of people of the Chinese empire were swallowed in an earthquake, how would a rich European man, a European entrepreneur, feel about it? He may feel sadness and compassion, he couldn’t bear the thought of hundreds of millions of people suddenly disappearing, but once the feeling passed, he would go on with his business, and still sleep at night. But the same man, if he believed that his fingers would be chopped off the following day, he may spend the full night unable to sleep.

And so Adam Smith believed that human progress requires a lot of collaboration, 而一个人穷尽一生也交不了几个朋友,mankind is always in need of kindness, but relying on mercy alone is not enough. And so he says in a famous sentence: ‘The food we need every day does not come from the cook, the baker, or the brewer’s kindness, but from their own self-interest. We don’t need to talk about their humanity, but their own self-love, and not from talking to them about what we need, but what is good for them.’

I believe this is the greatest thought of humanity. 200 hundred years later, it has been proven that we must still stick to this kind of thinking for happiness and better cooperation. The reforms have brought forth a lot of problems to us in China, and to some extent because we do not understand what the real market is. Of course, China had a thinker as great at Adam Smith 2000 years ago, and my fellow countryman Sima Qian talked about these things in the ‘Merchant’s biography’. Of course, this did not take the form of rigorous scientific discourse, but he talked about how basic free competition brought increased wealth.

Professor Mao has just spoken very thoroughly, when we economists shifted to mathematical economics, and took material wealth as the sole measure of human happiness, that was a mistake. Humanity has many needs, including the need for freedom. Freedom is the most basic human need. When any government punishes someone, it is by depriving them of their freedom, which goes to show how precious freedom is. Only the market can protect freedom and, of course, only freedom can protect the market. In fact, freedom and the market are exactly the same thing. And only the market can give everyone independence, and give us self-esteem: what professor Mao just said about how money can buy everything includes also this meaning.

Economics has also been very misunderstood from the Humanities, and so it is very interesting that the two should come together today. Because most of the humanities scholars show contempt towards economists, and treat them with irony. I would particularly like to talk shortly about one point, how important is the assumption that people are rational or selfsih, some people, when seeing moral depravity, say ‘you economists make this assumption, and this makes people selfish, and so society has turned as it has, and this is totally wrong’. But the reason economists assume selfishness is in order to better promote cooperation. And in fact, it has been proven to work. All countries which have developed a market economy in accordance with the ideas of Adam Smith show a high level of cooperation between people and high moral standards, whereas all countries which did not follow Adam Smith and did not develop a market economy show a relatively low spirit of cooperation and a relatively low moral standard. This is evident by comparing China and America.

In the many disasters that humanity has known, why do good people not do good things? I think one important reason is that we’ve assumed too much good of people, and as a result we’ve all turned out to be bad guys, whereas if we’d assumed people to be bad guys, they might have turned out to be good. Look at our emperor, in the past, we assumed that the emperor was a saint, that he served the people wholeheartedly, while if we’d assumed early that the emperor was selfish, that he had his own interests, and that government officials are also greedy, then we would have gone into a democratic system early and we would not have experienced so many disasters, including the disasters of the cultural revolution and the great leap forward. If we’d developed a market economy, there would have been no great leap forward, there would have been no terrible mess, and there would have been no cultural revolution, so the market itself is humanistic in a way. And so I believe this point, stressed by professor Mao, is particularly important.

We economists must recognize our own limitations, especially when we deal with issues using mathematical methods, what is important, and what is not important does not depend on the thing itself, but on the way mathematics deal with the thing, and assuming that something doesn’t exist because it can’t be dealt with mathematically, that is terrible. Therefore, many theories, including conclusions reached by the general equilibrium theory, are wrong, wrong in their completely unrealistic assumptions; wrong in that they are economic theories which were supposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the market, and all they did is tarnish its reputation. When many economists today speak about ‘market failure’, it is not actually market failure, but market theory failure, and yet we think it is a failure of the market. This is a very sad thing. So economists must constantly reflect on their own practice.

Finally, I will use a simple exemple to explain what humanistic economics should study. An economist, driving a car on a trip, got lost on the way. He found a farmer, and asked the farmer where to go. The farmer politely gave him directions. The economist, in order to show off his knowledge, said: ‘I bet I can count how many sheep you have in ten seconds.’ The farmer said: that’s not possible, if you guess the right number, I’ll give you a sheep. The economist said: ‘you’ve got 783 sheep’. The farmer was very surprised, ‘so many sheep, and you picked the right number’. As the economist was ready to go on his way, the farmer said: ‘wait a minute, I also want to make a bet: if I can guess what you work as, you’ll give me back what you took from me’. The economist said ‘no problem’. The farmer said, you’re an economist. The economist said, how do you know I am an economist? The farmer said, the figures are right, but you took my dog, not a sheep.

Julien Leyre website

一个人没有快乐的童年,固然令人 Qualen erleiden;但整个民族都缺少或者说没有童年,岂止是令人痛心疾首。Qual 归 Qual,痛心归痛心,但我们不能自 den Hals abwischen um es 了事,得面对现实,像我们这个民族,在她该具有童趣时,就是一个缺少童趣的民族。我研读作为中国文化平台的先秦诸子,发现他们之间的不同之处,固然不少。但在面对现实社会的棘手问题难以处理时,所采取的规避态度却是惊人的一致:即回到 entfernte und 不可知的至德之世,这已经成为他们思考和观察问题的一个路径依赖。换言之,他们的视野里没有未来,一个民族的思想精英或者说是思想库里,对未来 fehlen 理性预期及合理前瞻,自然更没有大胆的想象,这是一个我们必须穷根究底的大事件。

我不认为马恩的论述都对,但至少在我看来,马、恩论及古希腊艺术时所说的,希腊先民们是健康且会游戏的儿童,这个比喻使我至今记忆犹深。面对这个比喻,再看看我自己就生于一个没有童年的民族,内心的 Trauer 及伤感真是不可名状。为什么会如此呢?那就是我们生存境况的不易,并随之而在精神领域内伴生的活命哲学。“生命”是重要的,自然“活命”不会不重要。但问题在于,我们把如何忍辱偷生、krabbelnde Ameise 行当成了生活的全部,成了生活的重要准则。既然如此,为了活命,便会不 bedauern 一切代价,也就会达成“对不 bedauern 一切手段,达到最高目的”这样所谓的高尚伦理的绝对信服。于是勾践之术、长短经、阴谋韬略便十分发达,甚至形成了像鬼谷子那样专门以教谋略之术的老师,于是苏秦、张仪学而成战国末期“合纵连横”唱双簧戏的风云人物。从远古的生存讲究孔武有力的尚武时代,到讲究不择手段进行智取的尚智时代,我们实在行进非常快,大有水到渠成之感。

在先秦诸子中,像庄子这样伟大的人物,热爱自由的战士,他谈到一个的人精神境界时主张 frei und ungehindert,谈到齐物时,以“丧我”始,而以“物化”终,在这整个儿无我的状态中,无不遭遇着读者对其偷生自保的误读。在他看似狂傲的言行中,实在包含着对生存的绝大忧患,以及一个人生存自保之不易,并且为此不得不付出的 hohe 成本。这一点在他有着某种精神对应的老师老子身上显得特别明显,并对后世的谋略家和无耻政客产生了极为深远的影响。用通俗有趣的方式将中国文化传播到西方世界去的林堂先生在研究《老子》后曾说:“据我的估价,这一本著作是全世界文坛上最 brilliant 的自保的阴谋哲学。它不啻教人以放任自然,消极抵抗。……尽我所知,老子是以 verwirrt 藏拙韬晦为人生战争的利器的唯一学理,而此学理的本身,实为人类最高智慧之珍果。”(《老子的智慧》)除了不认为“它是人类最高智慧之珍果”外,我认为林语堂先生的阐述符合我对老子的认识。当然更确切地说来,我们民族的成熟,更多的是在道德尤其是伪道德泛滥的领域,以及人际关系及名利场争斗的过于早熟,对于制度的创新包括对人的至高无上的尊重上却是至今语焉不详,在这一点上我们又是 vollständig 的处于鸿蒙无知的状态。

在我们这个注重谋略的国度,一个民族没有童年,自然对儿童的要求也特别不一样。我们对儿童的赞赏不是要他拥有真正的童心童趣,而是要他少年老成,做一些与他身份年龄极不相称的老成之事,才能大人和社会的欣赏,而对中那些遇事说话直爽之人用“童言无忌”来进行批评,由此可观我们对童言的忌讳。看一看我们对甘罗十二为臣相的推许,看一看我们对孔融李贺早慧的赞美,你就知道我们对一个人尽快成熟热切 Hoffnung und Erwartungen 到了一种走火入魔的程度,你也就不难理解,我们许多人为什么还在青壮年时期就透出一股无可奈何的未老先衰之气,而这样的人在生活中却是如此之多,简直可以 ersticken 不少人的青春豪气。

全文/full text: http://ranyunfei.blog.21ccom.net/?p=69

Ran Yunfei


A nation without Childhood

A person without a happy childhood can certainly cause them distress. However, the fact that the entire nation lacks a childhood is more than disheartening. Distress breeds distress, grievance breeds grievance, but we can’t break away from this. One must face the reality that in a nation like ours, although should have an interesting childhood, this is precisely what we lack. I have studied in-depth the Chinese cultural foundations of the various sages in the pre-Qin era (before 221 BC), and I found that the difference between them is indeed significant. However, when they faced the reality of the hard to solve thorny issues that existed in society, adopting an attitude that evaded them had one astonishing consistency: even if they returned to the distant and agnostic world of splendid virtue, this became the path which they relied on to ponder over and observe these problems. Put another way, their was no future in their vision. If the essence of a nation’s ideology or collective thought lacks reasonable expectations and rational foresight, it will furthermore naturally have no bold imagination. This is something significant which we must must get to the bottom of.

I don’t consider the expositions of Marx and Engels to be without fault. However, what they said about the art of ancient Greece, and that it’s citizens are healthy children that know how to play, I still remember well to this day. Faced with this analogy, looking at my own situation of being born in a nation without childhood fills my heart with an ineffable sorrow. Why is it like this? It’s due to us living under difficult circumstances that a philosophy of survival is brought about in the spiritual realm. If “life” is important, then naturally “survival” is not without significance. The problem is that we take how to bear humiliation to survive and our measly professions to be the main principals of life. Due to this, for the purpose of survival, no cost is spared, which results in the so called noble absolute conviction of “achieving an ultimate goal by any means”. Consequently, the techniques of Gou Jian and the military strategies in the Chang Duan Jing have been fully developed, even to the point of resembling the professional stratagem teacher Gui Guzi (which after studying him, Su Qin and Zhang Yi collaborated and became the men of the moment with their “opposing strategies” at the end of the Warring States period). From the focus on Herculean warriors of ancient times, to the focus on cunning intellectuals, we have certainly advanced quickly, as if it were all a matter of course.

Amongst the pre-Qin philosophers, the great Zhuangzi, a warrior who loved freedom, talked about how a person’s spirit should be free and unfettered. He talked about how positive and negative are part of the same process, such the materialisation of things from seemingly nothing. This complete non-self state has been misinterpreted by it’s readers who think it advocates maintaining a life without purpose. His seemingly arrogant words and deeds imply that survival is a great struggle, and to defend one’s existence is not easy. For these reasons, one can’t avoid bearing a high cost. This one point very clearly corresponds to his teacher Laozi, who had a similar philosophy. It has also profoundly influenced the strategists and shameless politicians of recent generations. Mr Lin Yutang, who spreads Chinese culture to the west in a colloquial yet interesting way has previously said after his research on “Laozi”: “In my evaluation, this literary work is the most brilliant scheming philosophy of self-preservation in global literary circles. It is tantamount to teaching people to indulge nature, and not to resist it. …… To the best of my knowledge, Laozi has the only theory that is a sharp weapon in life’s conflict of avoiding humiliation. In addition, it is in itself truly the most precious fruit of mankind’s wisdom.” Putting aside that I don’t consider “Laozi’s wisdom” to be “the most precious fruit of mankind’s wisdom”, I do consider that Mr Lin Yutang’s standpoint is in accordance with my understanding of Laozi. Of course, more precisely, the maturity of our nation lies in morality, especially in the pseudo-moral, as well as precocious human relations and the struggle for fame and fortune. Innovations in the system that include an unsurpassed respect for people have so far been evasive. On this one point we are truly in a hazy state of ignorance.

Nature has a very different requirement of our children in this country of ours that is without childhood and focuses on planning. In our admiration of children we don’t want them to have a true childlike innocence or playful element, but rather we want them to mature early and do sophisticated things, which are at extreme odds with their age and status, before they can be appreciated by people and society. As for those that seize every opportunity to speak frankly, stating “children’s words carry no harm” as a form of criticism, we can observe our taboo of the words of children. Looking at our acclaim of Gan Luo becoming a guest of the emperor at the age of twelve, our praise of childhood prodigies Kong Rong and Li He, one will realise that our fervent hope and expectation of a person to mature as quickly as possible has reached the point of derangement. It’s also not hard to comprehend that many of us, while still in the prime time of our lives, exhibit a helpless, prematurely aged spirit, and that in addition, this kind of person can stifle the youthful spirit of many others.

Entire text/full text: http://ranyunfei.blog.21ccom.net/?p=69

Julien Leyre website




美国武装部队参谋长联席会议主席邓普西将军提出在叙利亚境内动用美国武力的一系列潜在选择方案,同时指出直接参与叙利亚危机的费用和潜在后果。邓普西将军在星期一提交国会的一封信中详细阐述了5种选择方案,从训练反对派武装,直到摧毁叙利亚的化学武器库。邓普西说,这种干预很可能对叙利亚反对派有所帮助,同时对阿萨德政府施压更大压力。 但邓普西指出,负面效果可能包括使极端分子变得强大以及导致美国试图加以控制的化学武器扩散。


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China Newsweek Artikel

Party Democracy Moving Forward

The most outstanding characteristic of Party democracy and the one which reflects its essential character is the sharing by Party members in the Party’s power and the participation by Party members in the Party’s affairs. The further improvement and expansion of competitive elections is an important step in the active promotion and improvement of Party democracy.

The elections at the First Plenary meeting of the 11th Session of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee have produced a standing-committee for the new Session. These elections utilised the competitive election method; the Party Central Committee approved 14 Provincial Committee standing-committee candidates, and eventually 13 people were formally elected.

This attracted media attention; it is a step forward in Party democracy. The measure reflects Guangdong’s determination to actively push forward reform.

In the competitive election of Provincial Committee standing committees Guangdong is not the first. In November last year, Jiangsu Province produced a thirteen-member Provincial Committee standing committee by competitive election. And according to media reports, the provinces of Shanxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Qinghai and Shandong have all elected Provincial Committee standing committees by competitive election in the past. However, in this round of successive Session-change elections, the reason the Guangdong Provincial Committee standing committee elections became a focus of attention is because competitive elections hold hope of progress towards systematisation and normalisation.

The strengthening of democracy has been the prevailing trend.

On 9 September, 2004, the 4th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee considered and passed the “Decision of the Central Committee of the CPC on Strengthening the Building of the Party’s Ability to Rule”, which proposed the need to build our Party into a ruling party that rules scientifically, democratically and lawfully.

In October of 2007, the Communist Party’s 17th National People’s Congress proposed: Unswervingly developing socialist democratic politics and defining political institutional reforms as an important element of China’s overall reforms. They must be deepened continually as economic society develops and adapt to the continual rise in the people’s enthusiasm for political participation.

Along with Reform and Opening-up and the continual rise in the people’s standard of living, fervour towards the people’s orderly political participation has also run high. Particularly in a place like Guangdong, with an advanced market economy and solid civic traditions, people have had greater motivation and a stronger need to go and participate in society’s public affairs and to influence changes in government public policies and advocacy systems.

The advantages of competitive elections lie in the fact that competition develops between the candidates. Constituents are given room for choice in the exercise of their electoral rights and it helps them to understand the candidates. From a system point of view, it raises the degree of democratisation of elections in a practical way. It is also beneficial to the selection of talent, meaning that outstanding talent is able to come to the fore. This is an important link in Party democracy; there are rules and regulations to be followed.

The fourth regulation in the “CPC Local Organisations Election Work Regulations”, distributed in January 1994, has ruled clearly that “at every level of Party local organisation: NPC delegates; local Party committee members, alternate members, and standing committee members; and local Commission for Discipline Inspection members and standing committee members are to hold competitive elections.” Clause Two also rules that: “local Party committees and Commissions for Discipline Inspection at every level are to hold single-candidate elections for committee/commission secretary and deputy secretary.” This is a binding internal regulation of the Party.

Party history experts have pointed out that advocating competitive elections within the Party is a form of respect towards the electors’ right to vote; as far as the person who is elected is concerned, only where there is competitive pressure will they be motivated to work better. This is an extremely important point; as a consequence, there will be quite a large change in the candidates’ psychology; they will realise that, in the end, their authority has been conferred by the electors; therefore they will be accountable to the electors and, in the course of exercising power in the future, will respect the electors’ wishes and serve the electors. That is to say, accountability to above will be changed into accountability to above and below. Just as Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary, Hu Jintao, requested: Use power for the people, have feelings for the people, do good for the people.



Übersetzung James Legge

They had the drum of Xia supported on four legs; that of Yin supported on a single pillar; the drums of Zhou, pendent from a stand; the peal of bells of Sui; the differently toned qing (sonorous stones) of Shu; and the organ of nu-wa, with its tongues.


Übersetzung James Legge

(The host) having bowed, and received the arrows (for himself), advances to the space between the two pillars. He then retires, and returns to his station, motioning also to the guest to go to his mat (for pitching from). The superintendent of the archery comes forward, and measures the distance of the pot (from the mats), which should be a space of the length of two and a half arrows. He then returns to his station, sets forth the stand for the tallies, and with his face to the east, takes eight counters and stands up. He asks the guest to pitch, saying, 'When the arrow goes straight in, it is reckoned an entry. If you throw a second (without waiting for your opponent to pitch), it is not reckoned.' The victor gives the vanquished a cup to drink; and when the cups of decision have been dispatched, the superintendent begs to set up what he calls 'a horse' for the victor. If he set up one horse, then a second, and finally a third, he begs to congratulate the thrower on the number of his horses. He asks the host to pitch in the same way, and with the same words. He orders the cithern-players to strike up 'The Fox's Head,' with the same interval between (each repetition of the tune), and the director of the music answers, 'Yes.'



Richard Wilhelm


Sich verneigend nahm der Gast die Pfeile (und auch der Hausherr nahm welche). Darauf trat der Wirt zwischen die[303] beiden Säulen (wo gespielt wurde). Dann zog er sich an seinen Platz zurück und lud mit einer Verbeugung den Gast ein, auf die Matte zu treten.

Der Schießmeister schritt dann die Entfernung des Kruges ab, dann kehrte er zu seinem Platze zurück und stellte das Gefäß zum Abrechnen auf und nahm acht Marken2. Darauf bat er den Gast und sprach: »Darf ich die Regeln des Pfeilwerfens bekanntmachen. Jeder richtig geworfene Pfeil zählt als getroffen. Für falsch geworfene Pfeile3 wird keine Marke aufgenommen. Der Siegende darf den Besiegten trinken lassen.« Während der Becher hergerichtet wurde, bat er, für den Sieger ein Pferd4 aufzustellen; wer drei Pferde stehen hatte, den beglückwünschte er zu seinen vielen Pferden und bat den Wirt, ebenso zu tun.

Darauf befahl er den Saitenspielern und sprach: »Bitte das Lied vom Fuchskopf zu spielen und die Abschnitte (zwischen den fünf Versen) wie einen (zu spielen).« Der Musikmeister sprach: »Ja«.

James Legge


(The host) having bowed, and received the arrows (for himself), advances to the space between the two pillars. He then retires, and returns to his station, motioning also to the guest to go to his mat (for pitching from). The superintendent of the archery comes forward, and measures the distance of the pot (from the mats), which should be a space of the length of two and a half arrows. He then returns to his station, sets forth the stand for the tallies, and with his face to the east, takes eight counters and stands up. He asks the guest to pitch, saying, 'When the arrow goes straight in, it is reckoned an entry. If you throw a second (without waiting for your opponent to pitch), it is not reckoned.' The victor gives the vanquished a cup to drink; and when the cups of decision have been dispatched, the superintendent begs to set up what he calls 'a horse' for the victor. If he set up one horse, then a second, and finally a third, he begs to congratulate the thrower on the number of his horses. He asks the host to pitch in the same way, and with the same words. He orders the cithern-players to strike up 'The Fox's Head,' with the same interval between (each repetition of the tune), and the director of the music answers, 'Yes.'





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