Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 814
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
鹏 |
peng2 | Vogel in Sagen, Rock | wiktionary Etymologie: |
砦 |
zhai4 | Feste | wiktionary Etymologie: |
漳 |
zhang1 | Flussname | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() |
杖 |
zhang4 | Stab, Stock, Knüppel, Bastonade, jemanden mit einem Stock schlagen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
锜 |
qi2 | Meißel | wiktionary Etymologie: |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
大鹏 |
da4 peng2 | Roch |
李鹏 |
li3 peng2 | Li Peng |
展鹏 |
zhan3 peng2 | Trảng Bàng, Trang Bang (Dorf in der Provinz Tây Ninh, Vietnam) |
鹏抟 |
peng2 tuan2 | to strive for greatness |
鹏飞 |
peng2 fei1 | flight of the roc (used in names), soaring flight |
黄鹏 |
huang2 peng2 | oriole, black-naped oriole (Oriolus chinensis) |
鹏鸟 |
peng2 niao3 | roc (mythical bird of prey), great talent |
酷鹏 |
ku4 peng2 | coupon (loanword) |
李亚鹏 |
Li3 Ya4 peng2 | Li Yapeng, PRC actor |
大鹏鸟 |
da4 peng2 niao3 | roc (mythical bird of prey) |
关锦鹏 |
guan1 jin3 peng2 | Stanley Kwan (Film-Regisseuren aus Hongkong) |
鹏程万里 |
peng2 cheng2 wan4 li3 | the fabled roc flies ten thousand miles, one's future prospects are brilliant |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
临漳 |
lin2 zhang1 | Linzhang (Ort in Hebei) |
臨漳 |
lin2 zhang1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 临漳), Linzhang (Ort in Hebei) |
南漳 |
nan2 zhang1 | Nanzhang (Ort in Hubei) |
漳县 |
zhang1 xian4 | Kreis Zhang (Provinz Gansu, China) |
漳縣 |
zhang1 xian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 漳县), Kreis Zhang (Provinz Gansu, China) |
漳州 |
zhang1 zhou1 | Zhangzhou |
漳平 |
zhang1 ping2 | Zhangping (Stadt in Fujian) |
漳浦 |
zhang1 pu3 | Zhangpu (Ort in Fujian) |
南漳县 |
nan2 zhang1 xian4 | Nanzhang |
南漳縣 |
nan2 zhang1 xian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 南漳县), Nanzhang |
临漳县 |
lin2 zhang1 xian4 | Kreis Linzhang (Provinz Hebei, China) |
臨漳縣 |
lin2 zhang1 xian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 临漳县), Kreis Linzhang (Provinz Hebei, China) |
漳州市 |
zhang1 zhou1 shi4 | Zhangzhou (Stadt in der Provinz Fujian, China) |
漳浦县 |
zhang1 pu3 xian4 | Kreis Zhangpu (Provinz Fujian, China) |
漳浦縣 |
zhang1 pu3 xian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 漳浦县), Kreis Zhangpu (Provinz Fujian, China) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
法杖 |
fa3 zhang4 | Wünschelrute |
蛇杖 |
she2 zhang4 | Äskulapstab |
铁杖 |
tie3 zhang4 | eisener Stab, Eisenstange |
鐵杖 |
tie3 zhang4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 铁杖), eisener Stab, Eisenstange |
手杖 |
shou3 zhang4 | Stock |
锡杖 |
xi2 zhang4 | Stab des buddhistischen Priesters, kakkhara (Sanskrit) |
细杖 |
xi4 zhang4 | Lesestift |
細杖 |
xi4 zhang4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 细杖), Lesestift |
权杖 |
quan2 zhang4 | Amtsstab, Lesestift, Zepter |
拐杖 |
guai3 zhang4 | Krücke, Spazierstock, Wanderstab |
魔杖 |
mo2 zhang4 | Zauberstab |
虎杖 |
hu3 zhang4 | Japanischer Staudenknöterich |
滑雪杖 |
hua2 xue3 zhang4 | Schistock |
步行杖 |
bu4 xing2 zhang4 | Wanderstab |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
我不知道把拐杖放哪去了,你有看到吗? |
Ich weiß nicht, wo ich meinen Gehstock hingetan habe, hast du ihn gesehen? (Mandarin, Tatoeba Tajfun Yorwba ) | |
我不知道把拐杖放哪去了,你有看到嗎? |
Ich weiß nicht, wo ich meinen Gehstock hingetan habe, hast du ihn gesehen? (Mandarin, Tatoeba Tajfun Yorwba ) | |
我的祖父要用拐杖才能走路。 |
Mein Opa kann nicht ohne Stock gehen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Manfredo ) | |
自从我脚伤塔以后,我就撑拐杖走路了。 |
Seit ich mir die Füße gebrochen habe, gehe ich mit Krücken. (Shanghai, Tatoeba sysko MUIRIEL ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
鹏程万里 |
peng2 cheng2 wan4 li3 | Literally: a roc that can fly 10,000 li; (said of a person) to have brilliant prospects; to have a bright future (Wiktionary en) |
食麥與羊 |
shi2 mai4 yu3 yang2 | Man ißt Weizen und Schaffleisch. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
A有子十人,不與其子而授B |
A you3 zi5 shi2 ren2 , bu4 yu3 qi2 zi5 er2 shou4 B | A hatte zehn Söhne. Aber er hinterließ den Thron keinem von ihnen, sondern gab ihn B (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
人與天地也同 |
ren2 yu3 tian1 de4/di4 ye3 tong2 | Der Mensch verhält sich gleich wie die Natur. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
耳不樂聲,目不樂色,口不甘味,與死無擇 |
er3 bu4 le4/yue4 sheng1 , mu4 bu4 le4/yue4 se4 , kou3 bu4 gan1 wei4 , yu3 si3 wu2 ze2 | Denn wenn das Ohr sich nicht mehr an den Tönen freuen kann, wenn das Auge sich nicht mehr an der Schönheit freuen kann, der Mund die Leckerbissen nicht mehr genießt, so ist das ebenso schlimm wie der Tod. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
故古之治身與天下者,必法天地也 |
gu4 gu3 zhi1 zhi4 shen1 yu3 tian1 xia4 zhe3 , bi4 fa3 tian1 de4/di4 ye3 | Darum nahmen im Altertum die Leute, die ihre Person oder auch das Weltreich in Ordnung bringen wollten, die Natur zum Vorbild. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
集於珠玉與為精朗 |
ji2 yu2 zhu1 yu4 yu3 wei2/wei4 jing1 lang3 | sammelt sie (Kraft) sich in Perlen und Nephriten, so macht sie, daß sie fein und leuchtend (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
此師徒相與造怨尤也 |
ci3 shi1 tu2 xiang1/xiang4 yu3 zao4 yuan4 you2 ye3 | So kommen Lehrer und Schüler gegenseitig in Feindschaft und Unfrieden. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
集於羽鳥與為飛揚 |
ji2 yu2 yu3 niao3 yu3 wei2/wei4 fei1 揚 | Sammelt sie (Kraft) sich in den gefiederten Vögeln, so ermöglicht sie ihnen das Fliegen und Schweben (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
此師徒相與異心也 |
ci3 shi1 tu2 xiang1/xiang4 yu3 yi4 xin1 ye3 | Auf diese Weise kommen Lehrer und Schüler innerlich auseinander. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
食菽與雞 |
shi2 shu1 yu3 ji1 | Man ißt Bohnen und Hühner. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
欲與惡所受於天也 |
yu4 yu3 e4/wu4 suo3 shou4 yu2 tian1 ye3 | Lust und Haß hat der Mensch von Natur; (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
宰相所與治國家也,而移死焉,不祥 |
zai3 xiang1/xiang4 suo3 yu3 zhi4 guo2 jia1 ye3 , er2 yi2 si3 yan1 , bu4 xiang2 | Mit dem Kanzler zusammen regiere ich mein Land; wollte ich durch diese Abwendung ihn zu Tode bringen, so wäre das unheilvoll. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
其生之與樂也,若冰之於炎日,反以自兵。 |
qi2 sheng1 zhi1 yu3 le4/yue4 ye3 , ruo4 bing1 zhi1 yu2 yan2 ri4 , fan3 yi3 zi4 bing1 。 | Dem Leben ergeht es unter der Einwirkung dieser Musik wie dem Eis in der glühenden Sonne, es löst sich selber auf. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
甘水所多好與美人 |
gan1 shui3 suo3 duo1 hao3 yu3 mei3 ren2 | An Orten mit süßem Wasser gibt es viel Schöne und Liebliche. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
故惟得道之人,其可與言樂乎 |
gu4 wei2 de2/de5/dei3 dao4 zhi1 ren2 , qi2 ke3/ke4 yu3 yan2 le4/yue4 乎 | Darum vermag man nur mit einem Menschen, der den Weltsinn erkannt hat, über die Musik zu reden. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
宰相所與治國家也 |
zai3 xiang1/xiang4 suo3 yu3 zhi4 guo2 jia1 ye3 | Mit dem Kanzler zusammen regiere ich mein Land; (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
她與丈夫離婚。 |
ta1 yu3 zhang4 fu2 li2 hun1 。 | Sie hat sich von ihrem Mann scheiden lassen. (Tatoeba Martha Sudajaengi) |
我打算與她分手。 |
wo3 da3 suan4 yu3 ta1 fen1 shou3 。 | I plan to break up with her. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
我們與他們交朋友了。 |
wo3 men5 yu3 ta1 men5 jiao1 peng2 you3 le5 。 | Wir befreundeten uns mit ihnen. (Tatoeba Martha Manfredo) |
今年我們提供與去年相同的語言課程。 |
jin1 nian2 wo3 men5 ti2 gong4 yu3 qu4 nian2 xiang1/xiang4 tong2 de5 yu3 yan2 ke4 cheng2 。 | Dieses Jahr bieten wir den gleichen Sprachkurs an wie letztes Jahr. (Tatoeba Martha Zaghawa) |
健太郎與他的朋友待在京都。 |
jian4 tai4 lang2/lang4 yu3 ta1 de5 peng2 you3 dai1 zai4 jing1 dou1/du1 。 | Kentaro is staying with his friend in Kyoto. (Tatoeba Martha Zifre) |
與其說他是一個教授,不如說他是一個學校的老師。 |
yu3 qi2 shuo1 ta1 shi4 yi1 ge4 jiao1 shou4 , bu4 ru2 shuo1 ta1 shi4 yi1 ge4 xue2 jiao4/xiao4 de5 lao3 shi1 。 | He is not so much a professor as a school teacher. (Tatoeba Martha) |
Tani先生與其說是學者,倒不如說是新聞工作者。 |
Tani xian1 sheng1 yu3 qi2 shuo1 shi4 xue2 zhe3 , dao3 bu4 ru2 shuo1 shi4 xin1 wen2 gong1 zuo4 zhe3 。 | Mr Tani is not so much a scholar as a journalist. (Tatoeba nickyeow) |
吉姆有時與他的妻子意見分歧。 |
ji2 mu3 you3 shi2 yu3 ta1 de5 qi1 zi5 yi4 jian4/xian4 fen1 qi2 。 | Jim sometimes has disagreements with his wife. (Tatoeba Martha Scott) |
這之後他與他的母親、兄弟和門徒們一起去了迦百农。 |
zhe4/zhei4 zhi1 hou4 ta1 yu3 ta1 de5 mu3 qin1 、 xiong1 弟 he2/he4/huo2 men2 tu2 men5 yi1 qi3 qu4 le5 jia1 bai3 nong2 。 | After this he went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples. (Tatoeba EDOBEAR) |
拉丁文是宗教與文化的語言。 |
la1 ding1 wen2 shi4 zong1 jiao1 yu3 wen2 hua4 de5 yu3 yan2 。 | Latin was the language of religion and culture. (Tatoeba egg0073) |
他與她在美國成為朋友。 |
ta1 yu3 ta1 zai4 mei3 guo2 cheng2 wei2/wei4 peng2 you3 。 | He made friends with her in America. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
可與不可,其相非明。 |
ke3/ke4 yu3 bu4 ke3/ke4 , qi2 xiang1/xiang4 fei1 ming2 。 | Acceptable and unacceptable are clearly in opposition to each other. (Tatoeba shanghainese) |
勿與從,或吾非師;勿與先,或吾非後。齊與行而友。 |
wu4 yu3 cong2 , huo4 wu2 fei1 shi1 ; wu4 yu3 xian1 , huo4 wu2 fei1 hou4 。 qi2 yu3 hang2/xing2 er2 you3 。 | Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. (Tatoeba shanghainese AsliAbbasi) |
她有與生俱來的尊嚴。 |
ta1 you3 yu3 sheng1 ju4 lai2 de5 zun1 yan2 。 | She has inherent dignity. (Tatoeba Martha Phoenix) |
馬無角,牛與羊有角。 |
ma3 wu2 jue2 , niu2 yu3 yang2 you3 jue2 。 | Pferde haben keine Hörner; Ochsen und Schafe haben welche. (Tatoeba human600) |
聽說你兒子參與了學生運動。 |
ting1 shuo1 ni3 er2/er5 zi5 can1 yu3 le5 xue2 sheng1 yun4 dong4 。 | Your son took part in the student movement, I hear. (Tatoeba nickyeow papabear) |
瑕不與舞? |
xia2 bu4 yu3 舞? | Warum hast du mit ihm nicht getanzt? (Tatoeba shanghainese Dejo) |
他與他的鄰居相處。 |
ta1 yu3 ta1 de5 lin2 ju1 xiang1/xiang4 chu4 。 | He is getting along with his neighborhood. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
愛麗絲可能會來。 |
ai4 li2/li4 si1 ke3/ke4 neng2 hui4 lai2 。 | Alice kommt möglicherweise. (Tatoeba Martha Tamy) |
愛麗絲沒有在聽她妹妹說話。 |
ai4 li2/li4 si1 mei2/mo4 you3 zai4 ting1 ta1 mei4 mei4 shuo1 hua4 。 | Alice wasn't listening to her sister. (Tatoeba Martha CN) |
我沒有絲毫的想法。 |
wo3 mei2/mo4 you3 si1 hao2 de5 xiang3 fa3 。 | Ich habe keinen blassen Schimmer. (Tatoeba Martha Sudajaengi) |
愛麗絲昨天可能已經來過這裡,但我們並沒有看到她。 |
ai4 li2/li4 si1 zuo2 tian1 ke3/ke4 neng2 yi3 jing4 lai2 guo4 zhe4/zhei4 li3 , dan4 wo3 men5 bing4 mei2/mo4 you3 kan4 dao4 ta1 。 | Alice war gestern vielleicht da, aber wir haben sie nicht gesehen. (Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der) |
愛麗絲沒看到狗。 |
ai4 li2/li4 si1 mei2/mo4 kan4 dao4 gou3 。 | Alice hat den Hund nicht gesehen. (Tatoeba Martha Manfredo) |
愛麗絲笑了。 |
ai4 li2/li4 si1 xiao4 le5 。 | Alice lächelte. (Tatoeba Martha Espi) |
我不喜歡愛麗絲。 |
wo3 bu4 xi3 歡 ai4 li2/li4 si1 。 | Ich mag Alice nicht. Ich kann Alice nicht leiden. (Tatoeba Martha futureboy Zaghawa) |
愛麗絲十點睡覺。 |
ai4 li2/li4 si1 shi2 dian3 shui4 jiao4/jue2 。 | Alice ging um zehn ins Bett. (Tatoeba Martha Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
[Bearbeiten]Wikijunior: 太阳系/地球 Sonnensystem/Erde | Übersetzung Christian Bauer |
地球 是 我们 人类 所 居住 的 星球。 | Die Erde ist der Planet auf dem unsere Menschheit lebt |
它 是 整个 太阳系 中 唯一 表面 有 很多 很多 液态水, | Sie ist im ganzen Sonnensystem der einzige, auf dessen Oberfläche es sehr viel flüssiges Wasser gibt |
也是 我们 目前 所 知道 唯一 的 一个 存在 生命 的 星球。 | Auch ist sie aktuell der einzige Planet, von dem wir wissen, dass auf ihm Leben existiert. |
同时 它 也 是 太阳系 中 的 四 颗 类地行星 中 最大的 一颗 | Gleichzeitig ist sie auch im Sonnensystem von den vier terrestrischen Planeten der größte |
(四颗 “类地行星” 是 水星、金星、地球、和 火星)。 | (Die 4 terrestrischen Planeten sind Merkur, Venus, Erde und Mars). |
地球 有 多大? | Wie groß ist die Erde? |
地球 的 直径 有 12,742 公里, | Der Durchmesser der Erde ist 12742 km |
质量 有 5,973,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 千克, | ihre Masse ist 5,973,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg |
表面积 有 510,067,420 平方 千米, | Ihre Oberfläche umfasst 510,067,420 Quadratkilometer |
体积 有 1.0832×10^12 立方 千米。 | Das Volumen beträgt 1.0832×10^12 Kubikkilometer |
所以 地球 是 非常 大 的。 | Also ist die Erde äußerst groß. |
地球 有 多少 岁 了? | Wie alt ist die Erde? |
没有人 知道 准确 的 数字, | Keiner weiß die genaue Jahreszahl, |
但 大多 数 人 认为 地球 大约 有 45亿 岁 了。 | Aber die Mehrzahl der Menschen glaubt, dass die Erde ungefähr 4,5 Milliarden Jahre alt ist. |
Sugr Cube的创始人宋少鹏Sean,是一位 schüchtern 的理工男,却对音乐有着狂热的追求。他曾任职于微软亚洲硬件中心,在声音领域从事技术开发和管理工作。 却在2013年离职追梦,他和他的团队做了一款没有按钮的无线wifi音响,并在Kickstarter上完成了5万美元筹款。
他是一个低调 schüchtern 的理工男,但一说起他的音乐梦想便 ununterbrochen reden 不绝。
他和团队做了一款没有按钮的无线wifi音响,刚上线半小时就获得Kickstarter的编辑推荐和New&Noteworthy奖,并且首次被授予 Design in Shenzhen 的产品标签。
在Kickstarter上完成5万美元筹款的次日,我 interviewte Sugr Cube的这位创始人宋少鹏Sean.
宋少鹏:我的第一份工作是在一家以色列的 Mikrochip 公司做音频算法。这家公司带给我最重要的东西是工程的方法论。以色列是很有意思的一个国家,特别讲究工程,工程师也特别多,他们很注重方法论。具体点说,首先他们追求自动化,有些事情我们中国人可能习惯靠人力,但即使是最简单的测试以色列人也喜欢用自动化程序解决;其次他们喜欢尝试新的工具,总是以最快的速度去尝试世界上最先进的工具,尝试新的东西常常能带来一些效率的提升。第三,他们有一种追求细节、追求完美的工程态度。
我在微软亚种硬件中心工作了四年,微软硬件部门特别强调人机交互和用户体验,我们有个说法叫做“靠谱的人机交互”,我们做东西不是为了创新而创新。很多创业公司喜欢做特别新特别 cool 的东西,包括我本人也曾经追求 cool,然而这些东西常常是 extrem kurzlebig,尽管会吸引些 Medien 报道,但能为用户提高效率或者解决问题才是最重要的。一定要靠谱才行。并且光在特定情况下可靠也是不够的,即使情况变化了依旧要可靠。
三明治:创业的灵感来源何处?这个点子 Inkubation 多久开始实施?
这个点子前后 Inkubation 有一年时间,做的事情没有离开我的本行。我大学的时候学的是音频处理,毕业论文做了一个无损压缩音频的题目。我也一直在做跟声音相关的电子产品,包括以前做过的DVD,麦克风,耳机,另外也一直在观察这个领域。
第一,我们希望人们跟音乐的交互更直接更自然,比如触摸跟体感的交互,不需要看着产品就能完成交互。举例来说,音响一般都有按钮操作,这样就需要用眼睛看才能操作。而我们的交互是表面的接触,没有任何按钮,我们叫它“直觉版的交互”,任何人拿到音响,一 schütteln 就变下一曲,一拍就停,拍两下则分享音乐,不用教他就会知道怎样操作。
第二,人与人之间的沟通固然可以通过文字和图片,然而有时候音乐能表达一些特殊的感情,这是文字和图片无法达到的效果。我喜欢一首歌,觉得这首歌正好表达了我当前的心境,我拍两下就可以把音乐分享给朋友,朋友可以跟我同步享受音乐,体会我的心情。如果不是通过这个功能,可能还需要用手机打开app,搜索音乐才能分享,就比较 benutzerunfreundlich。
三明治:我猜Sugr Cube应该不止这么两个功能吧?还有其他有趣的功能吗?
宋少鹏:那必须啊。Cube可以通过 Wi-Fi 用手机 App 控制,也拥有智能闹钟,放松助眠等等实用有趣的小功能。同时Cube支持 iTunes 音乐的播放,Pandora、BBC电台、Douban FM 等 streaming 音乐直连,意味着即使手机关闭了也不影响 Cube 的播放。我们还在开发更多的音乐服务。Cube 内置了 4GB 存储空间,你也可以把自己的音乐通过 App 导入到 Cube 里面去。Cube 内置的 Litium-电池最多可以连续播放 7 小时。
三明治: 特别好奇你们花了多长时间把这样一个看起来小而美的音响做出来啊?
宋少鹏:我们刚开始在 Shenzhen 的TechSpace(开放制造空间)花了一个月时间设计出了Sugr Cube最早的3D打印原型,之后用两个月时间做出手工木质原型,然后花了半年和工厂一起研究怎么把原型量产。
宋少鹏:我们要做中国原创 Marke,产品推向国际的梦想打动了徐小平和王强老师。要知道那时候我们连产品原型都没有,只有几张ppt。他在我们产品还没做出来的时候就提供了资金支持,这是非常大的鼓舞,让我们觉得这个事情可为。他和王强老师辅导过很多创业公司,指出了我们在营销和PR方面的短板。他来 Shenzhen 的时候,陪我们聊到很晚,跟我们一起 untersuchen 音乐和人之间的关系,甚至帮我们考虑怎样营销,怎样捕获用户。
宋少鹏:9个人。我们是一支产品设计与开发团队,基本上都是工程师。这些人都是我身边的人。比如有电子电声方面的老同事,共事十年了。也有慕名而来的同事,当时有个国内知名 Medien 给我们做了报道,报道完后,有个现任同事从北京去西藏玩儿了一圈,在西藏买了个摩托车,开来我们这儿。
宋少鹏:我们定位于互联网声音的终端,目前已经有了未来2年的产品规划,会打造不同品类的互联网音乐播放产品,同时也在考虑增加一些垂直场景,比如 Yoga、老人、幼儿等。
宋少鹏:主要的一个困难是初期很难得到供应商的支持。我们当初拿着产品原型去跟工厂谈量产。很多工厂不愿意,“你是不知名的公司,没有 Marke 没有销量,我生产要投入很多人力物力,还不知道未来能不能有前途。” 我们需要说服对方,在我们什么都没有的时候给对方一个期望,让他相信这款产品是会有前途的。
解决这个问题有三方面原因吧。第一个是内因,这个产品的方向被行业证明了是有前途的。音乐播放器这个设备目前是有一些问题的,新技术出来会引领行业前进,产生一些变革。第二个是外因,也算是一种缘分吧,遇到人认同这个理念,他作为一个传统行业的老板愿意创新,投入资金和精力去尝试新鲜的东西。另外也是靠自己下的功夫,要花时间社交,要坚持,一层一层谈上去。从业务员到工程师,再到总工,再到老板。我是个比较 schüchtern 的人,如果让我选,我会希望不去跟他喝酒。但是做项目有时候不得不上。这个过程也让我完成了从理工男到“销售”的 Transformation。
Microsoft entrepreneurs chatting around music
Sugr Cube founder, Song Shaopen / Sean, is a shy man with a technological background, but passionate about the field of music. He worked at the Microsoft Asia Hardware Centre, in sound technology development and management. But in 2013, he left his job to pursue his dream: with his team, he developed a wifi activated audio player, and raised US$ 50,000 on Kickstarter to develop a prototype.
Text: Chao Ning
He worked at the Microsoft Asia Hardware Centre, in sound technology development and management.
He left his job in 2013 to pursue his dream: make a change in the music field.
He’s a shy tech-guy, but once you start talking about his passion, music, he won’t stop.
He and his team designed a WIFI audiobox. Half an hour after they started their Kickstarter campaign, it was picked as Editors’ Choice and ‘News and Noteworthy’. It was also awarded the Product Design Label y Design in Shenzhen.
On the day they reached US$50,000 on Kickstarter, I interviewed the founder of Sugr Cube, Song Shaopeng / Sean.
China 30s: Your career path has been very simple; you’ve worked your way for eleven years between two foreign companies, then quit to become an entrepreneur. In your eleven years in these two firms, what valuable virtues and lessons have you gained?
Song Shaopeng: I was first taken into an Israeli firm that specialized in audio algorithm chips. The most important lesson I learned from this company is methodology in the engineering sector. Israel is a particularly interesting country, paying acute attention to projects; engineers are particularly important, paying very close attention to methodology and acumen. Specifically, in their pursuit of machinery engineering, there are things that we Chinese engineers are accustomed to that the Israelis are not, such as how they employ automated programs to resolve even the simplest issues. The Israelis are also keen to try the most modern tools, they’re the fastest to try the most advanced machinery, and in the process discover efficiencies in the said machinery. At last, they have a specific type of pursuit, which is the pursuit of the perfect working place attitude.
I worked at Microsoft for four years, at a hardware center. At the Microsoft hardware department, they placed special emphasis on human-computer interaction and user experience; among the department, we had a special saying called “reliable interactive” – the goal of innovation isn’t innovation itself, but to make the users comfortable and convenient when they use our products. Many startup companies tend to lean towards doing something cool, special and full of awe, but these dreams are often short-lived, attracting some media attention at most; I myself wanted to do something “cool” and “special” when I first started. The most important this is to improve efficiency and solve problems for users, not to create all these gimmicks. When you do it, be sure to do it right. In particular cases it is not enough to make the product more reliable, even if the situation changes the product must be reliable. In every case, we have to make sure the product is most reliable.
China 30s: What are you most proud of?
Song Shaopeng: In the past I used to change focus all the time, but since 2011, I’ve become constant, swimming every week and never skipping once.
China 30s: What are your favorite hobbies to do in your spare time? Wait…have you even have any spare time after you started up your career?
Song Shaopeng: The answer is, I have no time, it is very difficult to have half a day of leisure time in one week to spend with my children, and I’m sincerely sorry about that. I’m thankful for all the support my family has given me. Now I’m slowly learning more about organisation, and as my children grow up, some company activities, including swimming competitions, which allow me to bring my family. I believe I can keep the balance between my family and my career if I make a few compromises.
China30s: Where did the inspiration to start your own career come from? How much time did you dedicate to it before you started?
Song Shaopeng: The inspiration is from my children. After having children, I want to provide better music for my children. I am always looking for the method of listening to music,such as using mobile phones and iPad. However, it’s easy to be interrupted, when you receive messages and or an App pop up. A very interesting phenomenon is that a four or five months old baby will shake his head once when the music he listens to stops. I searched on the internet and found that this has a negative effect on the children’s attention. This inspired me to make a product which can both provide high quality music and would not be affected by other programs on the mobile phone.
I have prepared for this idea for one year, the thing I did is my specialty. My specialty during college was audio processing. My graduation thesis was on audio compression without loss. I kept studying electronic products related to sound, including DVDs,microphones and mobile phones.
China 30s: There are many audio products, it’s very convenient to share music between friends. If I’m the consumer, please give me the reason why your product is better than others’ and unique.
Song Shaopeng: We focus on “listening to music without being disturbed”, with two special aspects.
Firstly, we want people to interact with music in a more direct and natural way, in particular the way they interact with the product, we want that to be directly connected to the body and the sense of touch. For example, most music devices have buttons that control the level of sound, therefore forcing us to look directly at the product. Our form of interaction is a contact surface, where no buttons are present. We call it “intuitive interactive version”, so that anyone can use the product, by the means of shaking the device to change the song, pressing it once to stop, and twice for device sharing.
Second, people can communicate through text and images, but sometimes, music is able to express special emotions that text and image cannot capture. Sometimes there’s a song I love, I feel that it really captures my state of mind, and in a second, I can share it with my friends, my friends can listen to it, and understand what’s in my heart then. Without this function, you’d have to open the app, look for the music, send it – it’s not user friendly.
China30s: I guess Sugr Cube has more than these two functionalities, right? What are some other exciting features?
Song Shaopeng: Of course it does! You can control Cube from a mobile APP through Wi-Fi, and it includes an alarm clock, a sleeping-relaxation functions, and other such small practical features. Cube can also directly connect to various streaming music channels like itunes, Pandora, BBC radio, Douban FM, etc, so that you can still use Cube even when the mobile phone is off. Cube has 4GB of storage space, so you can import your music directly through the App, and store it. Cube’s built-in Lithium battery allows for 7 hours of continuous use.
China30s: I’m particularly curious to know how much time you spent on developing such a ‘small but beautiful’ sound system.
Song Shaopeng: We started at the Shenzhen TechSpace (an open manufacturing space), and it took us a month to design the first 3D printed Sugr Cube prototype. Two months later, we made a wooden prototype, and then we spent six months working with the factory on production systems.
China30s: Word on the street is that you received investment from Xu Xiaoping – is that the case? How is the funding process going?
Song Shaopeng: We want to develop an original Chinese brand, and our product found the interest of Xu Xiaoping and Wang Qiang. You must know that at the time, we had no prototype, only a few powerpoint slides. They gave us financial support before our product even came out, and that was a huge inspiration, it made us believe that the project could work. He and Wang Qiang mentored many start ups, and he pointed out our short-comings in terms of marketing and PR. When he came to Shenzhen, he spoke with us till late in the night, deeper exploring the relationship between people and music, and helped us think more about ways to market the produce and reach out to the users.
China30s: How many people do you have in the team today? What are some of their profiles? How did you recruit them?
Song Shaopeng: There’s nine of us. We’re a product design and development team – basically all engineers. The team is all people I used to know. For instance, in electronic sound, there’s an old colleague of mine, we’ve worked together for ten years. Some colleagues also came became they admired what we do. Not long ago, a famous paper ran an article about us. When the article came out, one of the people now working with us had been from Beijing to Tibet for a holiday. He bought a motorbike in Tibet, and drove all the way to us.
Currently, we’re actively looking to recruit a marketing team, and exploring various options, from internships to partnerships, and we’ve set aside a generous amount of shares for that. Feel free to contact me on WeiXin, 261400.
I think the main thing about the team is that we all have one principle in common, we all want to let people interact with music more easily and freely. Of course, in addition to the fact that we’re all like-minded, we all hope that this project will both satisfy our ideals, and make us rich. Entrepreneurship is very hard, the development projects that we’re doing with five or six people, large companies would assign teams of twenty or thirty people to do them.
China30s: What’s the future direction of the company? What are your long-term plans?
Song Shaopeng: We’re positioned within the audio and internet sector. We’ve already planned product development for two years ahead, and plan to develop diverse types of players for online music. We’re also considering a number of vertical expansion scenarios, such as products for yoga practice, elderly people, children, etc.
China30s: What difficulties did you have during the development process? How did you solve them?
Song Shaopeng: One major difficulty at the start was gaining support from vendors. We took our prototype around factories. Many factories were not interested: “You’re not an established company, you’ve got no brand or customer base, should I put so many resources to produce your goods when I don’t know if there’s a future to it?” We had to convince them, when we had nothing to offer but a plan for the future, make them believe that there was hope.
We’ve solved this problem in three different ways. The first one is internal. This type of product is promising within our industry. Music players are still currently having problems, but it is one of the technologies that will lead the industry forward, and bring about change. The second is external, we might even call it fate, I happened to meet a person who liked this idea. He’s the boss of a business in a traditional industry, but wants to innovate, and has the funds and energy to try out new things. And another is to rely on my own efforts, take time to network, and patiently explain the product, layer by layer. From salesman to engineer, then back to chief product designer, then back to CEO. I’m a rather shy person, and when given the choice, I’d rather not go out and drink with people. But sometimes, I just had to go and do it. This process also allowed me to complete my metamorphosis from engineer to ‘salesperson’.
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Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache Lektion 111 汪锜
Herbert Giles
[Bearbeiten]The gourd, earthenware, skin, wood, stone, metal,
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