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Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 846

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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
zhi3 Schleifstein, Wetzstein wiktionary Etymologie:
zhi1 ehrerbietig, achtungsvoll, verehren wiktionary Etymologie:
zhen4 Omen, Vorzeichen, Wir (pluralis majestatis) wiktionary Etymologie:
xi1 verständig, Abrede, deutlich, klar wiktionary Etymologie:
lie4 schlecht, mangelhaft, minderwertig wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
shi2 zhi1 Shi Zhi
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
zhen4 zhao4 omen, sign (that sth is about to happen), warning sign
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
ming2 xi1 deutlich
qing1 xi1 Anschaulichkeit, Brillanz, deutlich, Schärfe
qing1 xi1 du4 Auflösung (z.B. Bildauflösung einer Digitalkamera), Auflösungsgüte
bu4 qing1 xi1 unscharf
bian1 yuan2 qing1 xi1 scharfer Rand
qing1 xi1 zhi3 shi4 genaue Anzeige
qing1 xi1 fa1 yin1 Artikulation
gao1 qing1 xi1 du4 hohe Auflösung
qing1 xi1 xian3 shi4 genaue Anzeige
guo4 yu2 qing1 xi1 überdeutlich
guo4 yu2 qing1 xi1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 过于清晰), überdeutlich
lun2 kuo4 qing1 xi1 du4 Kantenschärfe
lun2 kuo4 qing1 xi1 du4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 轮廓清晰度), Kantenschärfe
qing1 xi1 de5 tu2 xiang4 scharfes Bild
cheng2 xiang4 qing1 xi1 du4 Abbildungsschärfe
hua4 mian4 bu4 qing1 xi1 Das Bild ist unscharf
hua4 mian4 bu4 qing1 xi1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 画面不清晰), Das Bild ist unscharf
qing1 xi1 de5 biao1 zhi4 helle Anzeige
tu2 xiang4 qing1 xi1 du4 Bildschärfe, Abbildungsschärfe
tu2 xiang4 qing1 xi1 du4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 图像清晰度), Bildschärfe, Abbildungsschärfe
qing1 xi1 de5 yin4 shua4 scharfer Druck
tiao2 jie2 qing1 xi1 du4 scharfstellen; Scharfstellung
bu4 qing1 xi1 de5 yin4 shua4 unscharfer Druck
wang3 dian3 qing1 xi1 de5 yin4 shua4 punktscharfer Druck
wang3 dian3 qing1 xi1 de5 yin4 shua4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 网点清晰的印刷), punktscharfer Druck
te4 bie2 qing1 xi1 de5 wang3 dian3 gestochen scharfer Rasterpunkt
te4 bie2 qing1 xi1 de5 wang3 dian3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 特别清晰的网点), gestochen scharfer Rasterpunkt
zi4 dong4 diao4 jie2 qing1 xi1 du4 automatische Scharfeinstellung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
lie4 ji1 Missetat
lie4 deng3 minderwertig, von geringer Qualität
wan2 lie4 eigensinnig und dumm
lie4 zhi4 minderwertig, von schlechter Quailität
e4 lie4 schlecht, schlimm
e4 lie4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 恶劣), schlecht, schlimm
lie4 shi4 untere, untergeordnet, Schwäche, im Nachteil sein, unterlegen
zhuo2 lie4 Unfähigkeit, Ungeschicklichkeit
lie4 zhi4 pin3 Machwerk
ji2 e4 lie4 garstig
e4 lie4 tian1 qi4 Schlechtwetter, Unwetter
e4 lie4 tian1 qi4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 恶劣天气), Schlechtwetter, Unwetter
lie4 zhi4 shang1 pin3 Inferiores Gut
e4 lie4 huan2 jing4 raue Umgebung
e4 lie4 huan2 jing4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 恶劣环境), raue Umgebung
tian1 qi4 e4 lie4 schlechtes Wetter, Unwetter
tian1 qi4 e4 lie4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 天气恶劣), schlechtes Wetter, Unwetter
zhuo2 lie4 de5 hua4 jiang4 Schmierer
zhuo2 lie4 de5 hua4 jiang4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 拙劣的画匠), Schmierer
e4 lie4 tian1 qi4 jing3 gao4 Schlechtwetterwarnung, Unwetterwarnung
e4 lie4 tian1 qi4 jing3 gao4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 恶劣天气警告), Schlechtwetterwarnung, Unwetterwarnung
lie4 bi4 qu1 zhu2 liang2 bi4 Greshamsches Gesetz(Wirtsch)
jia3 mao4 wei3 lie4 chan3 pin3 gefälschte Billigprodukte
e4 lie4 qi4 hou4 tiao2 jian4 extreme klimatische Bedingungen
e4 lie4 qi4 hou4 tiao2 jian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 恶劣气候条件), extreme klimatische Bedingungen
cheng2 ben3 lie4 ke3 jia1 xing4 Subadditivität


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Der Staat bin ich! (Mandarin, Tatoeba cienias jerom )
Der Staat bin ich! (Mandarin, Tatoeba cienias jerom )
Der Staat bin ich! (Mandarin, Tatoeba offdare jerom )
Der Staat bin ich! (Mandarin, Tatoeba offdare jerom )
Der Staat bin ich! (Mandarin, Tatoeba offdare jerom )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
This computer has a sharp screen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba cxpadonis TheBahi )
Be more precise. (Mandarin, Tatoeba GlossaMatik CK )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Das schlechte Wetter griff seine Gesundheit an. (Mandarin, Tatoeba crescat Pfirsichbaeumchen )
This is atrocious weather. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CM )
Das Wetter ist heute schlechter als gestern. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Pfirsichbaeumchen )
Bei Unwetter ist es am besten, drinnen zu bleiben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow al_ex_an_der )
Die Verderbtheit der Taten des Königs brachte die Leute dazu, zu glauben, dass er nicht mehr als eine Tyrann sei, den man stürzen müsse. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL )
This is atrocious weather. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CM )
Ist das die niedere Natur des Volkes? (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Yorwba )
Das Flugzeug verspätete sich wegen des schlechten Wetters. Das Flugzeug hatte wegen des schlechten Wetters Verspätung. Das Flugzeug war verspätet wegen des schlechten Wetters. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sherryyyf NadineWohlfahrt Pfirsichbaeumchen Tamy )



翻开报纸,或打开《新闻联播》,我们常看到或听到“中国人民的老朋友XX国”,但慢慢的发现——现在能说成是“老朋友”的国家真是越来越少了。另外 还发现,只要国家领导人出国访问,总伴随着有捐款和提供无偿援助。这不仅让人产生疑问:中国确实在到处撒钱,但到处撒钱的中国为何几乎没有朋友。当年举全 国之力援助的越南,现在却侵略着中国的南海;在日本地震中国也是举全力支援,而日本却视中国为最大威胁;用无数生命和举全国之力 Schutz 的朝鲜,不仅不曾感 恩,胃口反而越来越大了……

什么是朋友?所谓的朋友即患难见真情的伙伴,中国在最需要帮助的时候它们会帮助我们。而如今我们基本上没有此类真朋友,我们周边全是些笑里藏刀、ausnutzen, obwohl heimlich andere unterstützend、厚颜无耻、得寸进尺、贪得无厌的“朋友”,不妨把这些“朋友”分为三类。


这 一类里,最典型的就是俄罗斯,俄罗斯经常和我们当面一套背后一套,两面三刀,美国欺负它的时候它就拉我们去垫背,美国欺负我们的时候它也许会落井下石,它 为什么向越南印度兜售重量级武器,为什么向中国出售武器时肆意加价,俄罗斯小人之心使然,我们还期许它能成为我们的朋友吗?

俄 罗斯一方面要在战略上联合中国对付美国,另一方面却又卖最好的武器给越南、印度,让他们牵制和对付中国;表面上要在联合国安理会与中国保持一致意见,但另 一方面,在叙利亚和利比亚两次表决中,选择了抛弃 Gaddafi 和阿萨德,而且并未事先通知中国,让中国在联合国中倍加孤立。他们表面上是中国人民的好朋友,但对 中国却时时刻刻提防,随时准备背后 stechen 一刀。 又比如越南和 Philippinen 等国,一方面它们需要中国的经济援助和中国这 个大市场,但另一方面又和中国在领土问题上扩大争议,甚至像 Philippinen,更是拿到中国的贷款后,就去买武器,与中国争南海;它们需要你的钱的时候,需要美国卖 武器它们的时候,就承认你是大国,等你面子上刚舒服完,它们就又开始要割你的肉。

第二类:Ausnutzen, aber andere heimlich unterstützen 的

像 朝鲜,就像是一头永远喂不家的狼。89年全球制裁中国,朝鲜在联合国投了弃权票;2000年第27届奥运会因此朝鲜投票给澳大利亚悉尼,致使中国北京以 45:43两票之差输给澳大利亚悉尼。不仅如此,朝鲜做任何重大事情之前也往往不通知中国,比如爆炸核武器,六方会谈,使中方处于被动状态,现在他又惹事 了加上国内危机,不得不依靠中国,造成表面上的亲近,但是这种亲近的关系是不可靠和 akkumuliert 危险的。

不管中国每 年援助他多少钱粮,也不管中国为朝鲜打仗牺牲过多少军人(何止朝鲜战争,明朝、清朝时,我们就为朝鲜抗击 japanische Piraten 打过不少大仗),朝鲜都不会从心里认中国这个 大哥,所以在他们的教科书里,所有与日本和美国战争的胜利都是因为他们自己。除了需要钱和粮食的时候外,基本上这个“狼小弟”比大哥都还横,他干什么大 事,事先都不一定通知中国,但替他 den Hintern abwischen 的一定是中国。


在 美国、欧盟、日本,这些发达国家眼中,中国就像是一个暴发户。他们瞧不起暴发户的操守和德性,认为暴发户的人品跟不上主流社会。所以,它们总跟你谈市场和 经济合作,但又时时刻刻 achtet auf 你的人权问题。它们和全世界其它国家一样,都看中了暴发户手中的钱,但从不承认暴发户的主流价值观。


大 部分国家都以为中国是 töricht,是唐僧肉,都想 daraus 好处 ziehen,不得白不得,但中国的财力 letztendlich 有限,也不可能做到平衡撒钱,这样,得到援助的国家因为得到的援助不一 致,反而认为中国对他们的关系有别,所以,一旦有要求达不到时,就以关系为威胁来挟持中国,如此国家,怎能会成为中国的朋友。


风青杨: 著名企业 Marken 运营战略专家。现任汇赢天下 Marken 策划机构CEO。《中国经营报》《经济观察报》《销售与市场》《国际公关》等一线媒体一线 Author。

Feng Qingyang


Does China still have “friends”?

When we open the newspaper, or turn on ‘News Simulcast’, we often read or hear about “China’s old friend, this or that country”, but slowly, the countries of which can be said to be “old friends” are fewer and fewer. We also discover that whenever country leaders go abroad on official visits, it’s always accompanied by donations and free aid. This makes people produce questions like, “China is indeed pouring out money everywhere, but why does this charitable China have almost no friends?” A few years back China offered aid to Vietnam, but now it is encroaching on China’s territory in the South Chinese Sea. When the earthquake hit Japan, China mobilized the entire nation to support it, and yet Japan regards China as its greatest threat; though China has expended countless lives and the entire nation’s strength to protect North Korea, not only has it never shown thanks, but instead it’s appetite gets bigger and bigger…

What are friends? So-called ‘friends’ are partners who stay true when trouble strikes. When China needs help most, they will help us. But now, we basically have no such true friend. All that surround us hide knives in their smile, and leech off friends when secretly helping others; they are shameless, insatiable, greedy “friends”. Let’s go ahead and divide these “friends” into three categories.

First category: those hiding knives in their smile

In this category, the most typical case is Russia. Russia and China often act like friends face-to-face but backstab each other. When bullied by America, Russia makes us the scape-goat. When America bullies us, Russia may also hit us when we are down. Why does it peddle heavy weapons to Vietnam and India? And why does it wantonly raise prices on weapons when it sells to China? Russia shows the heart of a villain, so can we still expect them to become our friend?

On one hand, Russia wants to strategically ally with China against the United States; but on the other hand, it sells its best weapons to Vietnam and India, allowing them to impede and oppose China. On the surface, it wants to maintain consensus with China in the UN Security Council, but on the other hand, when voting on Syria and Lybia, it twice decided to abandon Gaddafi and Assad without first notifying China, letting China be extremely isolated in the Council. At face value, it’s a good friend of the Chinese people, but it’s wary of China at every moment, always ready to plant a knife in China’s back.

Other examples are Vietnam and the Philippines: on the one hand, they need Chinese assistance and access to the large Chinese market, but on the other hand, they are in conflict with China over territorial issues; the Philippines even accepted Chinese loans, and then went out to buy weapons while engaging in a dispute with China about the South China Sea. When they need your money, or when they need the US to sell them weapons, they’ll smile to your face and tell you you’re a big country, but at the same time they’re thinking of carving you up.

Second category: those who eat food from our hands

Like North Korea, which is like an ever-hungry wolf. In 1989, amongst global sanctions against China, North Korea abstained from the vote at the United Nations; in 2000, the 27th Olympic Games were organised in Sydney because North Korea gave its vote to Australia, leaving Beijing to lose by 45 – 43 votes. Not only that, but before North Korea sets up on doing something major, it typically won’t notify China. This happened for nuclear testing or the six party talks, leaving China in a passive position. Now that the country is facing a domestic crisis, it has to rely on China, causing the relationship to appear close on the surface, but below the surface, it is dangerous and unreliable.

No matter how much aid in money and cereal China gives each year, and no matter how many soldiers China sacrificed for North Korea (and beyond the Korean War, China sacrificed many soldiers to defend Korea against Japanese pirates during the Ming and Qing dynasty), in its heart, North Korea won’t recognize China as an older brother. And therefore in their history textbooks, the victories in the war against Japan and the US is entirely presented as their own. Apart from the moments when they need money or food, this ‘wolfish little brother’ is fundamentally even more unbalanced than a big brother. When it does something big, it doesn’t necessarily warn China in advance, but when it turns its back to someone for a wipe, then that’s always China.

Third category: those who see China as nouveau riche

For the US, the EU, Japan, in the eyes of these developed countries, China appears as a nouveau riche. They look down on the virtue and integrity of the nouveau riche, and believe that the character of the nouveau riche cannot keep up with mainstream society. And so, they always talk about market and economic cooperation, but also always keep a close eye on human rights issue. They and other countries all around the world have their eyes on the money in the hands of that nouveau riche, but they don’t recognize the nouveau riche’s mainstream values.

Today, both in the Islamic world and in the Western world, China has no real allies. When I look at a map, I fear that China is the only large country with such a bad surrounding environment: on the North, Sino-Russian relationships are duplicitous; to the East, Sino-Japanese relationships are mutually exclusive; the small countries in the South look to China with indifference, and to the South also, Sino-Indian relations are increasingly tense; and to the West, war prevails in every country…

Most countries believe that China is just a fool, a piece of meat up for grabs, and they want to take advantage, 不得白不得. But China’s financial resources are limited, and it’s impossibly to spread the money in a perfectly balanced way. Therefore, when countries receive aid, it is not always consistent. Instead, they believe that this makes their relationship with China different, and so, and when one of their request is not met, they threaten to break off the relationship – in such conditions, how can they become a friend to China?


Feng Qingyang: famous brand strategy expert. Currently CEO of Huiying World branding agency. Senior writer for ‘China Business’, ‘Economic Observer’, ‘Sales and Marketing’, ‘International PR’ and other front-line media.

Julien Leyre website

“上午9:30公司白领小杜乘地铁抵达公司,打开电脑开始查阅和回复每一封邮件,随后带着iPad和手提电脑来到客户处开会;中午12:30她利用午休时间打开海-tao 网站下单订货,为男朋友购买圣诞节的礼物;直到晚上8:00小杜还在紧张的工作中,只能依靠微信或微博和朋友进行短暂的交流和自我放松;晚上10:00小杜拖着 erschöpft 的身体回到家中,用在 Tao-宝上购买的 Gesichtsmaske 进行皮肤调理。”这似乎是一个非常普遍的职场人士一天的生活写照,当人们面对更加快速的生活节奏时,快速消费时代 still und heimlich 来到了我们的世界。在快速消费时代中,毋庸置疑,我们获得了触手可及的便利,但同时也失去了亲手挑选商品时体验到的乐趣,从情感心态上和物质体验上都不能和商品进行真正的交流。可以说消费者缺少了参与购物时的互动体验,同时也期待回归他们通过努力而获得存在感的传统生活模式。


“更快捷的消费方式更能满足人们在快节奏生活中的需求。据统计,2013年11月11日当天,阿里巴巴 “双十一”购物狂欢节的支付宝总销售额达到350亿元,其中天猫就达到132亿元,Tao-宝则完成59亿元。”——电商对于消费的改变。

快速消费时代,零售终端、百货公司除了忍受着电子商务对于消费者购买决策的深度控制外,更面临消费者越来越多追求购买商品以外的体验需求。基于新的挑战和传统陈旧的营销方式,西单大悦城力求从自身角度和消费者角度双管齐下增加 Marken-竞争力和销售份额。

一、结合自身定位,找准能够与消费者真正沟通起来的渠道和形象,将 Marken 切入到消费者的社交生活圈中来,通过沟通+服务的方式增加 Marken-价值;

二、在建立沟通基调后,运用创新的形式提升 Marken 在消费者社交圈层中的活跃度。并利用这种互动方式拉动传统线下营销,以获得整合和联动的营销格局。


在“快速消费时代”重视消费者的情商,关注消费者购买行为发生全过程中的非真实购买需求,成为了商业地产商的必要营销方法。Marken 只有具有人的性格特征,才能真正进行社交营销 。

通过大数据以及对消费者的调研,西单大悦城打造了专属人物形象——悦小Young,并邀请微博人气漫画家@伟大的安妮 为其量身定制了一套漫画形象。


Bekanntgabe 答案后,打造“悦小Young出生卡”原创内容,为悦小Young的正式登场和形象定位进行传播。

在悦小Young已经成为西单大悦城社会化 Medien 上的代言人后,社会化 Medien 与消费者的日常沟通中也充分考虑到人设的性格和特点,从各个维度上力求将悦小Young的形象深入粉丝内心。


  1. 潮不潮,瞧小Young##时尚Young,小心机##以折服人#:悦小Young为大家介绍和推荐推广西单大悦城内的时尚 Marken、大热单品、时尚知识以及打折信息;
  1. 小Young玩大了##小Young萌日历#:小Young作为一个有血有肉的人,和粉丝分享自己觉得有趣好玩的内容、生活理念以及日历播报;
  1. 不吃不舒服斯基##小Young热影讯#:小Young带着大家吃喝玩乐,享受生活;
  1. 潮店长,热推荐#:悦小Young亲身采访城内各个商家的店长店员,并由他们推荐大热单品和理想 Kombinationen。




同期,还借助微信表情易于深入到用户对话中的特点,特别设计了一系列的动画表情以配合悦小Young在社会化 Medien 的整体传播攻势。



西单大悦城在社交 Medien 上找到了与目标人群沟通的最佳途径:“卖萌”。针对西单大悦城的目标人群购物心态,在官方微信上开展了与小黄鸭对话的互动形式,这种形式不仅可以为微信账号本身增加活跃度,还帮助线下活动进行了告知和预热。形成带动消费者进店的O2O传播闭环。


听到小黄可爱的声音后,网友可以上传自己的语音与之对话,热闹且形式多样的对话被收集起来,其中有趣的“方言版”对话更成为了微信二次传播的素材。“卖萌”这种年轻群族中喜闻乐见的行为方式帮助西单大悦城 bauen 起了与目标消费者沟通的桥梁。







据称,对于未来的营销战役,西单大悦城除继续利用社会化 Medien 增强用户体验和 Marken 影响力外,还将会着力打造会员服务平台以增加服务属性。在平台塑造的同时将率先应用大数据技术准确 hören 和定位消费者的需求和画像,结合LBS定位技术,根据真正的消费者需求,打造出真正符合用户利益的地图定位、悦小Young导航、语音提示等功能。

在消费者心智中树立价值是市场营销的基本原则,对于日趋感性的消费者来说这种价值将更多的体现为体验和服务。西单大悦城在零售行业率先出发,为消费者营造一种满足内心的消费 Atmosphäre 成为了行业学习的榜样。

Quelle: socialbeta.com Brianote


Xidan Joy City – social marketing breakthrough in an age of fast consumption

March 4th 2014 – by brianote1

“At 9:30am white-collar worker Xiao Du arrives at work after taking the subway. She turns her computer on, and checks and responds to each item of mail. Soon after, she takes her iPad and laptop to a meeting with clients. At 12:30pm, using her lunchtime she logs on to Haitao.com and orders a Christmas present for her boyfriend. By 8:00pm, Xiao Du is still busy at work. Only by means of Weixin or Weibo is she able to make brief contact with her friends and relax herself. At 10pm, she drags her weary body home and uses a facial mask purchased at Taobao.com to revive her skin.” This appears to be a very typical portrayal of a day in the life of a white-collar worker. Since people are faced with an increased pace of life, the era of rapid consumption has quietly crept into our world. In the era of rapid consumption, no doubt, everything is at hand. However, at the same time, we sacrifice the joy of the experience of shopping in person, making it impossible to truly connect with a product through our feelings and interactions with it. It could be said that consumers lack the experience of interaction when shopping. At the same time, they expect to get back a traditional lifestyle, which, through continued effort, gives them a feeling of existence.

Changes in commercial real estate in the “the era of rapid consumption”

“The increased pace of consumption is more able to satisfy the needs of people with hectic lives. According to statistics, on November 11th in 2013, 1688.com’s “Single’s Day” shopping fest generated a total turnover of 35 billion Yuan on it’s online trading platform, with tmall.com reaching 13.2 billion and Taobao.com 5.9 billion.” — This shows the effect e-commerce has had on the change in consumption.

In the era of rapid consumption, in addition to retail outlets and department stores having to cope with the significant influence e-commerce has on the purchasing decisions of consumers, they are faced more-so with consumer demand for something more than just the buying of goods. Based on new challenges and traditional old-fashioned marketing methods, Xidan Joy City strives to simultaneously approach things from both its own and consumers’ perspectives, thus increasing the competitiveness of their goods and consequently their market share.

1. Combine one’s position, the accurate identification of mediums and images that truly communicate to consumers, the introduction of brands into the social circles of consumers, and the increase in the value of brands by means of communication and service.

2. After key links have been established, implement the use of new innovations to increase brand presence in the social circles of consumers. Then use this method of interaction to sustain traditional off-line marketing and achieve an integrated marketing strategy.

This is the first time commercial real estate has created marketing that has an affinity with customers.

In the the era of rapid consumption, importance is attached to consumers’ emotional IQ. Paying close attention to consumers’ purchasing behaviour of undergoing a complete change to non-real purchase demands, has become an essential marketing strategy of commercial real estate businesses. Only by brands possessing the personality traits of people is social marketing truly able to be implemented.

From large amounts of data and consumer research, Xidan Joy City has created an exclusive character — Little Joy Young, inviting Weibo’s cartoonist Great Annie to make their own tailor-made cartoon images.

To make the image of Little Joy Young be widely accepted by consumers, Xidan Joy City first posed the question, “Who is her mother?” on Weibo. This led to web users speculating, “the attractive and talented artist who created the image of Little Joy Young”, thereby triggering their curiosity and discussions. The topic attracted the attention of 55.86 million people.

After revealing the answer, a “Little Joy Young birthday card” with original content was created for Little Joy Young’s official launch and image placement.

After Little Joy Young had become a socialised media spokesperson for Xidan Joy City, ample consideration was given to consumers’ expressed dispositions and characteristics in everyday communication with socialised media. Effort was made from every angle to to deeply instil the image of Little Joy Young into the hearts of her fans.

A series of hashtags were created on Weibo:

  1. Popular or not, check out Little Young##trendy Young, careful considerations##discount clothing retailers#: Little Joy Young introduced, recommended and promoted the avant-garde brand of Xidan Joy City, hot products, fashion tips, and discount information.
  1. Little Young plays hard##Little Young people’s calender#: Little Joy Young as a real person, sharing what she thinks is interesting and fun, life philosophy and upcoming events.
  1. Love eating love living##Little Young’s hot film news#: Little Young invites everyone along to eat, drink, have fun and enjoy life.
  1. Trendy store managers, hot recommendations#: Little Young personally interviews store managers and shop assistants in Xidan Joy City, and based on their hot product recommendations makes ideal matches.

Everyday text examples on Weibo:

In order to deepen further the impression made by Little Joy Young, we focused on creating comics in blocks of four and six frames. We combined Little Miss Young’s adorable, cute, fashionable and attitudinal personality traits with relevant subject matter that her fans like.

Weixin was used as a platform for Little Miss Young to give out news for each floor, opening times, telephone numbers, parking information, Wi-Fi information, as well as key words such as membership cards etc., making it convenient for fans to access information. In addition, various sections such as the “Fine products area”, “Little Young’s guide to hitting the streets”, “Little Young on movies”, “Trendy store managers, hot recommendations” etc. were put out in succession on Weibo, establishing good interaction and communication with fans.

At the same time, with the help of Weibo’s emoticons it was easy to get into conversations between customers. Therefore, a series of animated emoticons were specially created to coordinate with Little Miss Young’s comprehensive attack across social media.

The perfect integration of Weibo and online to offline marketing

In order to satisfy consumer needs of first hand experience and quests to find popular places, in September 2013 Xidan Joy City and the Hong Kong based corporation B. Duck worked in partnership to create the large scale activity “the rubber duck sea land and air big party” to spur on Xidan Joy City’s target audience to hit the stores.

Xidan Joy City found the optimal way of communicating with its target audience on social media: “acting cute”. Interactive conversations with the little yellow duck were initiated on the official Weixin, which were aimed at the shopping mentality of Xidan Joy City’s target audience. This kind of action was not only able to increase their own account activity on Weixin, but also it helped to inform and prepare people for offline activities. This resulted in consumers entering the stores and so completed the online to offline marketing loop.

Interaction method:

After hearing the little yellow duck’s cute voice, web users could upload dialogues with their own voices. Lively and diverse forms of dialogue were collected, including the interesting “dialect versions” of conversations which were distributed for a second time on Weixin. “Acting cute”, a kind of behaviour that youngsters are happy to see, helped bridge the gap between Xidan Joy City and its target consumers by establishing a means of communication.

Contact through online and offline events guides

Needless to say the “rubber duck sea land and air big party” promotional purposes were not just within the mall. Encouraging more customers to hit the shops became the subject of this communication. Since the “rubber duck sea land and air big party” was spread out over a large time period, there were many individual activities. This allowed web users to gain a deeper understanding of the course of events of this activity. Xidan Joy City issued an “events guide” on Weibo, indicating the time and place of individual events, making such information more widely available to web users. During the event, in total four original guides were created, which were forwarded 2,030 times, attracted 386 comments, and had a total population coverage of 711 million people.

Multiple online activity guides:

At the same time, Xidan Joy City launched a few activities (the rubber duck is coming, the most practical way to celebrate mid-autumn festival), which amply increased interest in the rubber duck sea land and air big party. The entire content issued which was aimed at this activity was based on a series of four graphics rich with story-like narrative such as “the rubber duck is coming”. They received widespread approval amongst web users, being forwarded 1,819 times and attracting 655 comments.

During this activity, Xidan Joy City gained 5,916 new followers on its Weibo account, 30,328 messages were posted and the graphics were viewed 22,670 times.

Using large amounts of data to create a membership service platform

As far as future marketing campaigns are concerned, according to reports, apart from continuing to use social media to increase its customers’ experience and brand influence, Xidan Joy City will also make every effort to create a membership service platform to increase its service attributes. While shaping the platform, it will show initiative in using large data techniques to accurately listen to consumers and place images. Integrating with location based services positioning technology, it will map locations truly consistent with consumers’ interests according to true consumer demand. It will also create a Little Joy Young navigation interface with functions such as voice prompts.

Establishing value in the minds of consumers is a fundamental principle of marketing. As far as increasingly perceptive consumers are concerned, this kind of value will be embodied more in first hand experience and service. Xidan Joy City has taken the lead in the retail industry. It has created an atmosphere for consumers that satisfies their inner beings, thus becoming the industry model for others to learn from.

Julien Leyre website






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Übersetzung James Legge

Zi Zhang having asked how virtue was to be exalted, and delusions to be discovered, the Master said, "Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles, and be moving continually to what is right - this is the way to exalt one's virtue. You love a man and wish him to live; you hate him and wish him to die. Having wished him to live, you also wish him to die. This is a case of delusion. 'It may not be on account of her being rich, yet you come to make a difference.'"


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Herbert Giles


Ying, at eight years of age, could compose poetry.

Bi, at seven years of age, could make an epigram on wei-qi.





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