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Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 861

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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
yun2 bestürzt, irritiert wiktionary Etymologie:
gao1 (Variante von 高), Radikal Nr. 189 = hoch, Höhe, groß, überdurchschnittlich, laut, Ihr (hochwohlgebohren) wiktionary Etymologie:
ren4 altes Längenmaß (7 - 8 chin. Fuß) wiktionary Etymologie:
cao4 ficken, kopulieren wiktionary Etymologie:
yi4 Reihe von Tänzern wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
fen1 yun2 widersprüchlich und verwirrend
yun2 yun2 variant of 芸芸[yun2 yun2]
zhong4 shuo1 fen1 yun2 Die Ansichten gehen weit auseinander., Die Meinungen sind geteilt.
ju4 song4 fen1 yun2 (of a body of people) to offer all kinds of different opinions, to argue endlessly
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
cao4 dan4 lousy, rotten
wo3 cao4 (vulgar) fuck, WTF
cao4 bi1 variant of 肏屄[cao4 bi1]
cao4 ni3 ma1 fuck your mother (vulgar)
cao4 ni3 ma1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 肏你妈), fuck your mother (vulgar)


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung




Übersetzung James Legge

Anciently, Dan, duke of Zhou, did most meritorious service for the kingdom. After his death the kings Cheng and Kang, bearing in mind all his admirable work, and wishing to honour Lu, granted to its lords the right of offering the greatest sacrifices - those in the borders of their capital to Heaven and Earth, in the wider sphere of sacrifice; and the great summer and autumnal sacrifices in the ancestral temple of the state. At those great summer and autumnal sacrifices, on the hall above, they sang the Qing Miao, and in the courtyard below it they danced the Xiang to the flute; they carried red shields and axes adorned with jade in performing the Da Wu dance; and this was the music employed by the son of Heaven. (Those kings) in acknowledgment of the great merit of the duke of Zhou, allowed (the use of those sacrifices and this music) to the (marquis of) Lu. His descendants have continued it, and down to the present day it is not abolished, thereby showing clearly the virtue of the lords of Zhou and magnifying their state.


Übersetzung James Legge

Confucius said of the head of the Ji family, who had eight rows of pantomimes in his area, "If he can bear to do this, what may he not bear to do?"


Übersetzung James Legge

Shu Sun Wu Shu observed to the great officers in the court, saying, "Zi Gong is superior to Zhong Ni." Zi Fu Jing Bo reported the observation to Zi Gong, who said, "Let me use the comparison of a house and its encompassing wall. My wall only reaches to the shoulders. One may peep over it, and see whatever is valuable in the apartments. The wall of my Master is several fathoms high. If one do not find the door and enter by it, he cannot see the ancestral temple with its beauties, nor all the officers in their rich array. But I may assume that they are few who find the door. Was not the observation of the chief only what might have been expected?"

Yi Jing 易經 需 Xu Das Warten


Richard Wilhelm


Anfangs eine Neun bedeutet: Warten auf dem Anger. Fördernd ist es, im Dauernden zu bleiben. Kein Makel.

Neun auf zweitem Platz bedeutet: Warten auf dem Sand. Es gibt ein wenig Gerede. Das Ende bringt Heil.

Neun auf drittem Platz bedeutet: Warten im Schlamm bewirkt das Kommen des Feindes.

Sechs auf viertem Platz bedeutet: Warten im Blut. Heraus aus dem Loch.

Neun auf fünftem Platz bedeutet: Warten bei Wein und Speise. Beharrlichkeit bringt Heil.

Oben eine Sechs bedeutet: Man gerät in das Loch. Da kommen ungebetener Gäste drei. Ehre sie, so kommt am Ende Heil.

James Legge


The first NINE, undivided, shows its subject waiting in the distant border. It will be well for him constantly to maintain (the purpose thus shown), in which case there will be no error.

The second NINE, undivided, shows its subject waiting on the sand (of the mountain stream). He will (suffer) the small (injury of) being spoken (against), but in the end there will be good fortune.

The third NINE, undivided, shows its subject in the mud (close by the stream). He thereby invites the approach of injury.

The fourth SIX, divided, shows its subject waiting in (the place of) blood. But he will get out of the cavern.

The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject waiting amidst the appliances of a feast. Through his firmness and correctness there will be good fortune.

The topmost SIX, divided, shows its subject entered into the cavern.there are three guests coming, without being urged, (to his help). If he receive them respectfully, there will be good fortune in the end.





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