Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 869
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
迥 |
jiong3 | fern, entfernt, sehr verschieden | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() ![]() |
娱 |
yu2 | Unterhaltung, unterhalten, belustigen, Spaß | wiktionary Etymologie: |
撰 |
zhuan4 | verfassen, schreiben, zusammenstellen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
鉴 |
jian4 | Beispiel, Leitbild, Messing-/Bronzespiegel, nachdenken, (wider)spiegeln, ermahnen, warnen, inspizieren, beschauen, prüfen, einsehen, edler Charakter | wiktionary Etymologie: |
荚 |
jia2 | Hülse, Schote, Behälter, Fuß (zur Befestigung von Instrumenten) | wiktionary Etymologie: |
lai2 | Lebenskraut |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
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迥然 |
jiong3 ran2 | äußerst, sehr |
迥异 |
jiong3 yi4 | totally different |
迥異 |
jiong3 yi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 迥异), totally different |
迥然不同 |
jiong3 ran2 bu4 tong2 | vollkommen unterschiedlich |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
娱乐 |
yu2 le4 | Unterhaltung, Entertainment, Vergnügung, Zerstreuung |
欢娱 |
huan1 yu2 | Vergnügen |
文娱 |
wen2 yu2 | kulturelle Aktivität, Unterhaltung |
娱乐机 |
yu2 le4 ji1 | Spielgerät |
娱乐街 |
yu2 le4 jie1 | Vergnügungsviertel |
娱乐场 |
yu2 le4 chang3 | Vergnügungspark, Rummel, Freizeitstätte |
娱乐厅 |
yu2 le4 ting1 | Freizeitstätte, Kasino, Vergnügungsstätte |
娱乐室 |
yu2 le4 shi4 | Spielzimmer |
使娱乐 |
shi3 yu2 le4 | unterhalten, belustigen |
娱乐税 |
yu2 le4 shui4 | Vergnügungssteuer |
娱乐业 |
yu2 le4 ye4 | Entertainment |
娱乐片 |
yu2 le4 pian4 | Spielfilm |
娱乐园 |
yu2 le4 yuan2 | Vergnügungungspark, Rummel |
娱乐活动 |
yu2 le4 huo2 dong4 | Freizeitaktivität, Vergnügen, Vergnügung |
自娱自乐 |
zi4 yu2 zi4 le4 | sich mit sich selbst beschäftigen ( z.B. Kinder ) |
电视娱乐 |
dian4 shi4 yu2 le4 | Fernsehunterhaltung |
娱乐时间 |
yu2 le4 shi2 jian1 | Freizeit, Spielzeit |
暴雪娱乐 |
bao4 xue3 yu2 le4 | Blizzard Entertainment(Wirtsch) |
娱乐场所 |
yu2 le4 chang3 suo3 | Vergnügungspark |
嘉禾娱乐 |
jia1 he2 yu2 le4 | Golden Harvest |
娱乐中心 |
yu2 le4 zhong1 xin1 | Erholungszentrum, Freizeitzentrum |
信息娱乐业 |
xin4 xi1 yu2 le4 ye4 | Infotainment |
娱乐性公园 |
yu2 le4 xing4 gong1 yuan2 | Vergnügungspark |
娱乐性行业 |
yu2 le4 xing4 hang2 ye4 | Unterhaltungsindustrie |
娱乐性药物 |
yu2 le4 xing4 yao4 wu4 | Rauschmittel |
五分钱娱乐场 |
wu3 fen1 qian2 yu2 le4 chang3 | Musikautomat |
新力电脑娱乐 |
xin1 li4 dian4 nao3 yu2 le4 | Sony Computer Entertainment(Wirtsch) |
世界摔角娱乐 |
shi4 jie4 shuai1 jiao3 yu2 le4 | World Wrestling Entertainment |
新力在线娱乐 |
xin1 li4 zai4 xian4 yu2 le4 | Sony Online Entertainment |
文化娱乐活动 |
wen2 hua4 yu2 le4 huo2 dong4 | Kulturveranstaltung |
晚间娱乐节目 |
wan3 jian1 yu2 le4 jie2 mu4 | Late-Night-Show |
新力线上娱乐 |
xin1 li4 xian4 shang4 yu2 le4 | Sony Online Entertainment |
索尼影视娱乐 |
suo3 ni2 ying3 shi4 yu2 le4 | Sony Pictures Entertainment(Wirtsch) |
国际娱乐设备及自动售货机贸易展览会 |
guo2 ji4 yu2 le4 she4 bei4 ji2 zi4 dong4 shou4 huo4 ji1 mao4 yi4 zhan3 lan3 hui4 | IMA |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
编撰 |
bian1 zhuan4 | Auswahl, Wahl, Zusammenstellung, Kodifikation, etw. aussuchen und zusammenstellen, etw. auswählen und zusammenstellen, kodifizieren, kompilieren, editieren |
編撰 |
bian1 zhuan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 编撰), Auswahl, Wahl, Zusammenstellung, Kodifikation, etw. aussuchen und zusammenstellen, etw. auswählen und zusammenstellen, kodifizieren, kompilieren, editieren |
谱撰 |
pu3 zhuan4 | komponieren |
撰稿 |
zhuan4 gao3 | einen Beitrag schreiben |
撰写 |
zhuan4 xie3 | Formulierung, formulieren, verfassen, zu etw. schreiben |
撰寫 |
zhuan4 xie3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 撰写), Formulierung, formulieren, verfassen, zu etw. schreiben |
撰文 |
zhuan4 wen2 | Artikel verfassen |
杜撰 |
du4 zhuan4 | Dichtung, Fiktion, erfinden |
撰述 |
zhuan4 shu4 | Werk |
撰稿人 |
zhuan4 gao3 ren2 | Briefing |
撰稿撰写 |
zhuan4 gao3 zhuan4 xie3 | einen Beitrag schreiben |
撰稿撰寫 |
zhuan4 gao3 zhuan4 xie3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 撰稿撰写), einen Beitrag schreiben |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
鉴别 |
jian4 bie2 | ableiten, feststellen, einen Unterschied machen, unterscheiden |
鉴于 |
jian4 yu2 | angesichts, im Hinblick auf |
石鉴 |
shi2 jian4 | Shi Jian |
鉴戒 |
jian4 jie4 | Ermahnung, Mahnung, Warnung |
品鉴 |
pin3 jian4 | beurteilen |
鉴赏 |
jian4 shang3 | schätzen, goutieren, Schätzung |
印鉴 |
yin4 jian4 | Dienstsiegel |
借鉴 |
jie4 jian4 | heranziehen (Erfahrungen), heranziehen und verwerten |
鉴定 |
jian4 ding4 | Gutachten, begutachten, bewerten |
鉴真 |
jian4 zhen1 | Ganjin, Jianzhen |
年鉴 |
nian2 jian4 | Jahrbuch |
鉴定人 |
jian4 ding4 ren2 | Abschätzer, Gutachter |
鉴赏力 |
jian4 shang3 li4 | wahrnehmen |
鉴定过 |
jian4 ding4 guo4 | begutachten, kennzeichnen, begutachtet |
伍秉鉴 |
wu3 bing3 jian4 | Wu Bingjian (dem Westen besser bekannt als "Howqua", bedeutendster Händler der 13 Factories) |
有鉴于 |
you3 jian4 yu2 | in Anbetracht |
鉴赏家 |
jian4 shang3 jia1 | Kenner |
鉴定书 |
jian4 ding4 shu1 | Expertise |
鉴别力 |
jian4 bie2 li4 | Urteilsfähigkeit, Einschätzungsvermögen |
鉴定意见 |
jian4 ding4 yi4 jian4 | gutachterliche Stellungnahme |
资治通鉴 |
zi1 zhi4 tong1 jian4 | Zizhi Tongjian |
市场鉴定 |
shi4 chang3 jian4 ding4 | Markteinschätzung |
专家鉴定 |
zhuan1 jia1 jian4 ding4 | Expertise |
鉴定证书 |
jian4 ding4 zheng4 shu1 | beglaubigte Urkunde |
统计年鉴 |
tong3 ji4 nian2 jian4 | Statistisches Jahrbuch |
可鉴别性 |
ke3 jian4 bie2 xing4 | Erkennbarkeit, Wahrnehmbarkeit |
质量鉴定 |
zhi2 liang4 jian4 ding4 | Qualitätsbeurteilung |
龙龛手鉴 |
long2 kan1 shou3 jian4 | Longkan shoujian (ein Zeichenlexikon der chinesischen Sprache) |
重新鉴定 |
chong2 xin1 jian4 ding4 | neue Bewertung |
鉴赏能力 |
jian4 shang3 neng2 li4 | Geschmack |
分类鉴定 |
fen1 lei4 jian4 ding4 | klassifizieren, einteilen |
秋季鉴定 |
qiu1 ji4 jian4 ding4 | Herbstgutachten |
引以为鉴 |
yin3 yi3 wei2 jian4 | sich etwas eine Lehre sein lassen |
基因鉴定 |
ji1 yin1 jian4 ding4 | Genetischer Fingerabdruck |
春季鉴定 |
chun1 ji4 jian4 ding4 | Frühjahrsgutachten |
亲子鉴定 |
qin1 zi3 jian4 ding4 | Abstammungsgutachten(Rechtsw), Vaterschaftstest |
引以鉴戒 |
yin3 yi3 jian4 jie4 | Lehren daraus ziehen, als Warnung dienen lassen |
可资借鉴 |
ke3 zi1 jie4 jian4 | als Beispiel dienen können |
前车之鉴 |
qian2 ju1 zhi1 jian4 | Ein umgekippter Wagen ist eine gute Warnung |
鉴定报告 |
jian4 ding4 bao4 gao4 | Gutachten, Expertise |
鉴定眼光 |
jian4 ding4 yan3 guang1 | Virtuosität |
鉴定委员会 |
jian4 ding4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 | Gutachterkommission |
劳动能力鉴定委员会 |
lao2 dong4 neng2 li4 jian4 ding4 wei3 yuan2 hui4 | Arbeitsfähigkeit-Gutachterkommission, Gesundheits-Gutachterkommission |
服务机构资格和质量鉴定 |
fu2 wu4 ji1 gou4 zi1 ge2 he2 zhi4 liang4 jian4 ding4 | Identifizierung von Leistungsträgern |
特此证明前面的钢印鉴和校长的签名章均属实 |
te4 ci3 zheng4 ming2 qian2 mian4 de5 gang1 yin4 jian4 he2 xiao4 chang2 de5 qian1 ming2 zhang3 jun1 shu3 shi2 | Hiermit wird die Echtheit des voranstehenden Dienstsiegels und des Unterschriftenstempels des Schulleiters bestätigt, |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
荚果 |
jia2 guo3 | Hülsenfrüchte, Legumen |
豆荚 |
dou4 jia2 | pod (of legumes) |
香荚兰 |
xiang1 jia2 lan2 | Vanille ( Gewürz ), Echte Vanille, Gewürzvanille (lat: Vanilla planifolia) |
香荚兰豆荚 |
xiang1 jia2 lan2 dou4 jia2 | Vanilleschote |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
她在看一本娱乐杂誌。 |
She is reading one entertainment magazine. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus sharris123 ) | |
她刚刚买了两本娱乐杂誌。 |
She just bought two entertainment magazines. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus sharris123 ) | |
都市文化海纳百川,建筑、出版、娱乐、弄堂生活都有上海自己特色。 |
Großstadtkultur hat viele Facetten: Architektur, Literatur, Unterhaltung, das Leben in den Gassen; alles hat in Shanghai seinen eigenen Charakter. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sysko Yorwba ) | |
通过创造一个更像家乡并有许多绿色植物和社区建筑物的城市地区,住在城市里快要代表想到在爱丁堡水边地生活,工作也娱乐的两万个人会有更简单、没有压力生活方式。 |
With the creation of a city area that's more like a town, with plenty of greenery and community buildings, living in the city will soon mean simpler, stress-free lifestyles for the 20,000 that are expected to live, work and play in Edinburgh's Waterfront. (Mandarin, Tatoeba eastasiastudent ) | |
澳大利亚人擅长体育和娱乐。 |
Australier brillieren im Sport und in der Unterhaltungsbranche. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth Yorwba ) | |
最近的娱乐杂誌上很多有关韩流的内容。 |
The latest entertainment magazine has many Korean influences. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus sharris123 ) | |
村里没啥娱乐活动。 |
Das Dorf bietet kaum Unterhaltung. (Mandarin, Tatoeba yuiyu Yorwba ) | |
青年农民和外出务工农民是农村网民的主力军,在对诸如网络音乐、网络游戏、网络影视等互联网娱乐功能的使用上,农村网民和城镇网民相当。 |
Young people and migrant workers are the bulk of rural Internet users; in terms of online music, online games, online film and television, and the Internet's capacity for entertainment, rural Internet users are equivalent to urban ones. (Mandarin, Tatoeba eastasiastudent ) | |
没有任何娱乐像阅读这般廉价,也没有任何愉悦像阅读这般持久。 |
Kein Zeitvertreib ist billiger als das Lesen, und keine Freude hält so lange an. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Yorwba ) | |
都市文化海纳百川,建筑、出版、娱乐、弄堂生活侪有上海自家特色。 |
Großstadtkultur hat viele Facetten: Architektur, Literatur, Unterhaltung, das Leben in den Gassen; alles hat in Shanghai seinen eigenen Charakter. (Shanghai, Tatoeba sysko Yorwba ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
他对古董很有鉴赏力。 |
Er hat ein Auge für Antiquitäten. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen xtofu80 ) | |
以铜为鉴,可以正衣冠;以人为鉴,可以明得失;以史为鉴,可以知兴替。 |
With bronze as a mirror one can dress neatly; with the example of another person one can see the advantages and disadvantages of himself; from the mirror of history one can know the reason for the rise and fall of states. (klassisch, Tatoeba shanghainese ) | |
我们要以史为鉴。 |
Wir sollten aus der Geschichte lernen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus Yorwba ) | |
他对鉴品红酒很有一套。 |
He has a good palate for wine. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fenfang557 \N ) | |
她对绘画有很好的鉴赏力。 |
Sie hat einen Kennerblick für Gemälde. (Mandarin, Tatoeba maxine Yorwba ) | |
经鉴定,此人三观不正。 |
This person's worldview is officially unhealthy. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen pig8322 ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
很显然我们是豆荚里的俩颗豆子。 |
Apparently we're just two peas in a pod. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fenfang557 ) |
[Bearbeiten]前几天,是西方传统节日“圣诞节” ,有媒体报道,西北某高校“圣诞节”组织学生观看中华传统文化宣传片,“平安夜各班辅导员都在场,楼下有许多老师把守,逃走将按三次旷课处理” 。该校微博回应,这么做“只是希望大家不要盲目崇洋媚外,重视起中国传统文化” 。另有报道称,温州多所中小学接到教育部门通知,要求“不在校园里举行任何与圣诞主题有关的活动” ;更有湖南某高校学生身着汉服,在一处圣诞活动现场,举起“抵制圣诞节”的标语。
近年来,“洋节”能不能过、中国传统节日怎么过的话题时有讨论,每逢西方“圣诞节”“情人节”之际,争论的声音时有耳闻,也有专家学者倡议设立“中华母亲节”“中华父亲节” ,以取代年轻人爱过的西方“母亲节”“父亲节” 。这是出于人们保护弘扬中国传统文化的自觉。认识到乱过“洋节”容易对传统文化造成不良影响,教育部门、学校采取措施,青少年自身也有所行动,和几年前“有节就过”“盲目过节”相比,这种态度转变无疑值得赞许。
然而,保护弘扬中国传统文化,是否需要强制“抵制圣诞节” ,人们“抵制”的又是什么,却值得深究一番。这所西北高校在回应中表示,一些学生认为“洋节”时尚,中国传统节日“老土” ,“这是一个令人痛心的现象” 。实际上,无论中国还是西方,节日承载了本民族的文化历史记忆和民族情感,而本民族的节日在他者看来,则首先是一种文化奇观。在西方国家的中国居民聚居区,也常有当地居民出于喜爱和好奇,与中国人一同过春节的情况,故而笔者以为,节日本无“时尚”与“老土”之分,只有“新奇”“陌生”与“习以为常”之分。
只不过,由于西方商品经济发达,“洋节”传入中国时,经过商业模式的运作,仅为国人带来了一套精美的物质形式,它以“圣诞节”“情人节”的面目示人,内里实为一种大众消费体验。年轻人在“圣诞节”互送苹果,在“情人节”赠送 Rosen、巧克力,其实不是本土意义上的“过节” ,而是在商业模式的诱导下,体验一种新奇陌生的“过法” ,对于不熟悉西方文化的过节者来说,无异于一场有趣的游戏。故而,“抵制圣诞节”其实是在抵制对“圣诞节”的过度消费,并担心这种过度消费带来的“圣诞节”热闹景观,会影响传统节日在人们心中的地位。其实这种“体验”始终停留在消费层面,“圣诞节”等西方节日所承载的文化本身,并未也不太可能仅仅因此而深入人心。
由此可见,以抵制“洋节”的过度消费来保护弘扬传统文化,其实是一种观念上的错位。我们真正需要警惕的是,商业模式、消费主义带来的节日的同质化现象。几年前就曾有学者撰文表示,消费主义正在 ausradieren 我们的节日记忆;国人“节”“假”不分,往往把“节日”过成“假日” 。如今,旅游、购物、gut zu essen 已成为许多节日的主要内容,人们的这种“过法” ,把春节、清明节、中秋节等都简化成了“休闲娱乐节” 。笔者以为,真正应该担心的是,国人在休闲娱乐的过节方式下,把中国传统节日过得像那些作为“有趣的游戏”来体验的“洋节”一样,一旦如此,中国传统节日对于国人的意义也只能止于消费,其所承载的历史文化记忆和民族情感将无法深入人心。
Can boycotting Christmas save Chinese culture?
The traditional Western festival of Christmas took place a few days ago, and some media reports said that in a North-Western university, a group of students organised the viewing of traditional Chinese videos for ‘Christmas’, while ‘on Christmas Eve, all the class leaders were present, many teachers guarded the exits, and absence would be punished three times as much as usual”. The school’s weibo account responded that this was so that ‘not everyone would blindly fawn to foreign cultures, and look back at the Chinese traditions’. Another report indicated that many primary and secondary schools in Wenzhou received a notice to ‘not carry on any Christmas related activities’ ; and at a College in Hunan, a student dressed in traditional Chinese clothes, and carried a ‘Boycott Christmas’ sign at a Christmas event.
In the last years, it’s been a regular topic of discussion whether we should celebrate Western festivals, and how to celebrate Chinese festivals. For each Western ‘Christmas’ or ‘Valentine’s Day’, an argument is heard; and some experts and scholars have taken initiatives to set up a Chinese ‘Mother’s Day’ or ‘Father’s Day’ to replace the Western Mother’s Day or Father’s day that young people love. This is to increase the awareness of a need to protect traditional Chinese culture among people. There is a sense that chaotically celebrating Western festivals poses a threat to traditional culture, and so education departments and schools have taken measures – teenagers themselves have taken initiatives. In copmparison to the prevalent attitude a few years ago, when ‘every festival should be celebrated’ and ‘let’s blindly celebrate’ was the rule, this is definitely praiseworthy.
However, does the protection of traditional Chinese culture require a mandatory ‘Christmas boycott’ – and it is worth questioning deeper what it is exactly that people are ‘boycotting’. This is what North-Western University said in response – some of the students find that Western festivals are ‘fashionable’, while Chinese festivals are ‘old fashioned’: ‘This is a sad phenomenon’. In fact, whether in China or in the West, Festivals carry the historical memory and national feeling of that nation, but in the eyes of others, those festivals are mainly cultural spectacles. In Western cities, there is often interest and curiosity for the residents of Chinatowns and their customs, and they like celebrating Spring Festivals with the Chinese community. Therefore, I belive that festivals are no intrinsically ‘fashionable’ or ‘old-fashioned’, but only ‘new’, ‘foreign’ or ‘usual’.
The only thing is, because of the development of Western consumer economy, when the ‘Western Festival’ get into China, they’re already been commodified. They only offer a certain physical form to Chinese people, externally, they look like ‘Christmas’ or ‘Valentine’s day’, but in fact, they’re nothing more than consumer experiences. At Christmas, young people give each other an apple; for Valentine’s day, they give each other roses or chocolates. In reality, this is not properly ‘celebrating a festival’, but under the impulsion of a commercial framework, experience some novel and strange form of ‘going beyong the law’. For the people celebrating the festival who are not familiar with Western culture, it’s nothing more than a fun game. Therefore, ‘boycotting Christmas’ is actually boycotting the excessive consumption that goes with Christmas, and worrying that the excessive consumption associated with Christmas may tarnish the status of traditional festivals in people’s minds. In fact, this kind of ‘experience’ never goes beyond consumption, the cultural content of ‘Christmas’ and other western festivals is unlikely to enter deep into people’s hearts through the current form of celebration.
From this point of view, controlling the consumerist experience of foreign festivals as a way to protect traditional Chinese festivals is a case of conceptual mistake. What we really need to guard against is the commericalisation, the consumerisation, and the homogenization of our festivals. A few years ago, a scholar wrote that consumerism is erasing our memories of festivals; we no longer distinguish between a festival and a day off, and more and more, we simply think of festivals as a day off work. Today, tourism, shopping and good dining have become the core of many festivals, and from a ‘special time’, Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, mid autumn festival have become nothing more than a ‘day of recreation’. I believe, what we should really worry about is that, under the influence of entertainment culture, Chinese people are now celebrating our national festivals in the same way that we do these foreign festivals, as pure ‘fun and novelty experiences’. And if that is the case, our traditional festivals will have no further meaning for us than a consumer experience, and none of the historical significance and national sentiment they carry will penetrate deep into our hearts.
风青杨: 著名企业 Marke 运营战略专家。现任汇赢天下 Marken-策划机构CEO。《中国经营报》《经济观察报》《销售与市场》《国际公关》等一线媒体一线 Author。
果真如此,如果因为有人被骗,就要关掉微信。那么按照这个逻辑,针对手机短信诈骗,是不是就要关掉移动和联通?有人网购被骗了,是不是就要关掉 Tao-宝和京东?网络广告诈骗案一发,是不是就要关掉百度?照此种逻辑,中国的互联网上市公司基本上可以全部关闭了。中国人将重新回到二十年前的科技水平,甚至饭也可以考虑还要不要吃了,因为吃饭也偶尔会 ersticken 人。但即使那样,就不会有人被骗了吗?
这个社会仿佛“治病”好像从来就不问“病根”,如今高楼一着火,全国讲消防;道路一 Erdrutsch,到处查桥梁;一有流行病,全民讲卫生;学生被砍伤,校门忙加岗;突发大车祸,上路查交通;山西出矿难,全国查安全;北京查娱乐,各省关歌厅。但这些“病”现在都治好了吗?难道只要不相信陌生人,就永远不会受骗上当?
只要有人受骗上当,警方总是重复的呼吁一句话:“不要相信陌生人”。如今“不要相信陌生人”竟然成为了这个时代所竭力宣扬的东西。身处繁杂的火车站,扩音器的 Aufrufe 不停地 schallen,不要相信陌生人给你买票,谨防被骗。坐在明亮的茶馆里喝茶,墙上的标语说:不要将手机借给陌生人,谨防被骗。我有一位朋友第一次来武汉。他从汉口火车站下车后出站,走到发展大道路口想问问到球场路怎么走,但连问4人,他们都手指电线杆上挂着的一块 Zeichen,不说话。原来 Zeichen 上写着:请不要搭理陌生人问话,谨防上当受骗。
显然,从自私自利的原则出发,每一个陌生人都是不可信的;可是,如果我们从来不相信陌生人,这个社会将变成什么样子?当我们迷路的时候,我们需要从别人那里得到相关的信息;当我们口渴又买不到水时,我们会选择敲开陌生人的门去借口水解渴。是陌生人建筑我们的房子,是陌生人教育我们的孩子,是陌生人用我们的钱投资,是陌生人在电视或报纸上告诉我们世界上的新闻……极端地说,我们逃不脱陌生人的手掌。每个人总有遇到困难需要向别人求助的时候,这个时候我们还要个信“不要相信陌生人”的 Motto 吗?
Is WeChat “guilty”?
(Erster Absatz unübersetzt.)
Recently, the press reported that some users of WeChat are taking advantage of it to deceive others. The report says that people are using the “shake” and “look around” functions to commit crimes, such as fraud, theft and rape. Therefore, once again, the police emphasized that “you shouldn’t trust strangers”, as they always do. Some internet users even began to appeal to Tencent, asking them to abolish these function of WeChat. A similar controversy arose when QQ started becoming popular. So how can we make decisions when facing technology advances?
Are we saying that, because one person was cheated, we should all stop using WeChat? According to this kind of logic, should we stop using China Mobile and China Unicom as well? If someone is cheated through online shopping, should we close Taobao and Jiangdong? At the first internet advertising fraud, should we turn off Baidu? According to this logic, nearly all of the listed internet based companies in China need to be drawn off the market. Chinese people would return to the level of technology we had 20 years ago. And if we pushed this logic to the extreme, shouldn’t we say that people can die from all sorts of accidents, that they can even choke while eating. And even if we did all this, could we guarantee that no one will ever be fooled?
We cannot admit that it is normal to have a society full of liars. But we must think of the root cause of the problem. There are two methods to reduce fraud and crime. The first is to heighten people’s moral standards, so that people will not want to commit a crime; the second is to improve the efficiency and fairness of the legal system, so that people won’t dare to violate the law. Those are the root causes of the problem, yet there’s always someone to attribute moral decline and legal malpractice to technology advance – or simply say that you shouldn’t trust strangers.
It seems as if this society wants to treat the symptoms of the disease without asking for the root cause. If a tall building catches fire, people will talk about fire protection nation wide; if a road collapses, people will check bridge conditions everywhere; if an epidemic breaks out, people will talk about hygiene; if students get hurt, schools will increase security measures; if there is a severe road accident, people will check the traffic; after the incident in a Shanxi mine, people did check mine security nation wide; Beijing investigated into its entertainment industry; and other provinces closed their karaoke bars. Have they cured the diseases? Will you never get fooled if you never trust any stranger?
Every time someone is deceived, the police always keep saying the same words: “you shouldn’t trust strangers”. This line has the new motto of our era. In chaotic train station, the loudspeakers shout out notices reminding people not to trust strangers to help you buy your ticket, and beware of being cheated by strangers. When you sit in a bright teahouse having a cup of tea, the sign on the wall says: Do not lend your mobile phone to strangers, beware of being cheated. Once, one of my friends came to Wuhan for the first time. He got off the train and walked out Hankou station, then onto Fazhan avenue, and he wanted to ask someone how to get to Qiuchang street, but none of four peoples whom he sought help from wanted to talk to him. They all pointed at a sign without saying any word. The sign said: Do not answer a stranger’s question, beware of being cheated.
Obviously, if you believe in strict self-interest, no stranger is worth trusting; however, what will our society become if we never trust a stranger? When we get lost, we need to get information from others; when we are thirsty and cannot find anything to drink, we may choose to knock on a stranger’s door to quench our thirst. Strangers have built our houses, strangers are educating our children, strangers are investing our money, strangers are telling us what happened around the world … to be extreme, we cannot escape from the network of stangers. Everyone of us will need someone else’s help when we encounter difficulties. And at moments like that, will we still repeat on the motto “You shouldn’t trust a stranger”?
Trust is the wealth of a country and society. If people no longer trust each other, each will undoubtedly become isolated. When it comes to relationships, the more you dedicate to others the more you will be rewarded. Therefore, what national civic education could do is help each of us create this wealth, and let none of us run out of credit. Government departments should purify the social atmosphere and eliminate potential security risks, but also teach everyone how to communicate with strangers, rather than just ask us not to trust strangers. A government which always encourages citizens not to trust any stranger is a government in dereliction.
Wechat is just a tool for communication, neither good nor bad, just like Weibo and QQ. Moreover, the convenience that those tools have brought far outweighs the harm that came with them. Scientific and technological progress has always been a double-edged sword. If everyone of us has a right measure of self-esteem, we won’t see so many tragedies caused by fraud and rape: we will make good use of that technology, ensuring it benefits us. In conclusion, we cannot blame WeChat.
Chinese Union Version | Übersetzung Rudolf Brockhaus (1856-1932) |
使徒对百姓说话的时候,祭司们和守殿官,并撒都该人忽然来了。 | 1 Während sie aber zu dem Volke redeten, kamen die Priester und der Hauptmann des Tempels und die Sadducäer auf sie zu, |
因他们教训百姓,本着 Jesu ,传说死人复活,就很烦恼, | 2 welche es verdroß, daß sie das Volk lehrten und in Jesu die Auferstehung aus den Toten verkündigten. |
於是下手拿住他们;因为天已经晚了,就把他们押到第二天。 | 3 Und sie legten die Hände an sie und setzten sie in Gewahrsam bis an den Morgen, denn es war schon Abend. |
但听道之人有许多信的,男丁数目约到五千。 | 4 Viele aber von denen, welche das Wort gehört hatten, wurden gläubig; und es wurde die Zahl der Männer bei fünftausend. |
第二天,官府、长老,和文士在耶路撒冷聚会, | 5 Es geschah aber des folgenden Tages, daß ihre Obersten und Ältesten und Schriftgelehrten sich in Jerusalem versammelten, |
又有大祭司亚那和该亚法、约翰、亚力山大,并大祭司的亲族都在那里, | 6 und Annas, der Hohepriester, und Kajaphas und Johannes und Alexander, und so viele vom hohenpriesterlichen Geschlecht waren. |
叫使徒站在当中,就问他们说:你们用甚麽能力,奉谁的名做这事呢? | 7 Und nachdem sie sie in die Mitte gestellt hatten, fragten sie: In welcher Kraft oder in welchem Namen habt ihr dies getan? |
那时彼得被圣灵充满,对他们说: | 8 Da sprach Petrus, erfüllt mit Heiligem Geiste, zu ihnen: Oberste des Volkes und Älteste von Israel ! |
治民的官府和长老阿,倘若今日因为在残疾人身上所行的善事查问我们他是怎麽得了 Heilung, | 9 Wenn wir heute über die Wohltat an einem kranken Menschen verhört und gefragt werden, wodurch dieser geheilt worden ist, |
你们众人和以色列百姓都当知道,站在你们面前的这人得 Heilung 是因你们所钉十字架、神叫他从死里复活的拿撒勒人 Jesu 基督的名。 | 10 so sei euch allen und dem ganzen Volke Israel kund, daß in dem Namen Jesu Christi, des Nazaräers, welchen ihr gekreuzigt habt, den Gott auferweckt hat aus den Toten, daß durch ihn dieser gesund vor euch steht. |
他是你们匠人所弃的石头,已成了房角的头块石头。 | 11 Dieser ist der Stein, der von euch, den Bauleuten, für nichts geachtet, der zum Eckstein geworden ist. |
除他以外,别无拯救;因为在天下人间,没有赐下别的名,我们可以靠着得救。 | 12 Und es ist in keinem anderen das Heil, denn auch kein anderer Name ist unter dem Himmel, der unter den Menschen gegeben ist, in welchem wir errettet werden müssen. |
他们见彼得、约翰的胆量,又看出他们原是没有学问的小民,就希奇,认明他们是跟过 Jesu 的; | 13 Als sie aber die Freimütigkeit des Petrus und Johannes sahen und inne wurden, daß es ungelehrte und ungebildete Leute seien, verwunderten sie sich; und sie erkannten sie, daß sie mit Jesu gewesen waren. |
又看见那治好了的人和他们一同站着,就无话可驳。 | 14 Und da sie den Menschen, der geheilt worden war, bei ihnen stehen sahen, hatten sie nichts dawider zu sagen. |
於是 befohlen 他们从公会出去,就彼此商议说: | 15 Nachdem sie ihnen aber befohlen hatten, aus dem Synedrium zu gehen, überlegten sie miteinander und sagten: |
我们当怎样办这两个人呢?因为他们诚然行了一件明显的神迹,凡住耶路撒冷的人都知道,我们也不能说没有。 | 16 Was sollen wir diesen Menschen tun? Denn daß wirklich ein kundbares Zeichen durch sie geschehen ist, ist allen offenbar, die zu Jerusalem wohnen, und wir können es nicht leugnen. |
惟恐这事越发传扬在民间,我们必须 bedrohen 他们,叫他们不再奉这名对人讲论。 | 17 Aber auf daß es nicht weiter unter dem Volke ausgebreitet werde, laßt uns sie ernstlich bedrohen, daß sie nicht mehr in diesem Namen zu irgend einem Menschen reden. |
於是叫了他们来,禁止他们总不可奉 Jesu 的名讲论教训人。 | 18 Und als sie sie gerufen hatten, geboten sie ihnen , sich durchaus nicht in dem Namen Jesu zu äußern noch zu lehren. |
彼得、约翰说:听从你们,不听从神,这在神面前合理不合理,你们自己酌量罢! | 19 Petrus aber und Johannes antworteten und sprachen zu ihnen: Ob es vor Gott recht ist, auf euch mehr zu hören, als auf Gott, urteilet ihr; |
我们所看见所听见的,不能不说。 | 20 denn es ist uns unmöglich, von dem, was wir gesehen und gehört haben, nicht zu reden. |
官长为百姓的缘故,想不出法子刑罚他们,又 bedrohten 一番,把他们释放了。这是因众人为所行的奇事都归荣耀与神。 | 21 Sie aber bedrohten sie noch mehr und entließen sie, indem sie nicht fanden, auf welche Weise sie sie strafen sollten, um des Volkes willen; denn alle verherrlichten Gott über das, was geschehen war. |
原来藉着神迹医好的那人有四十多岁了。 | 22 Denn der Mensch war mehr als vierzig Jahre alt, an welchem dieses Zeichen der Heilung geschehen war. |
二人既被释放,就到会友那里去,把祭司长和长老所说的话都告诉他们。 | 23 Als sie aber entlassen waren, kamen sie zu den Ihrigen und verkündeten alles, was die Hohenpriester und die Ältesten zu ihnen gesagt hatten. |
他们听见了,就同心合意的高声向神说:主阿!你是造天、地、海,和其中万物的, | 24 Sie aber, als sie es hörten, erhoben einmütig ihre Stimme zu Gott und sprachen: Herrscher, du bist der Gott , der den Himmel und die Erde und das Meer gemacht hat und alles, was in ihnen ist; |
你曾藉着圣灵,托你仆人─我们祖宗大卫的口,说:外邦为甚麽争闹?万民为甚麽谋算虚妄的事? | 25 der du durch den Mund deines Knechtes David gesagt hast: "Warum tobten die Nationen, und sannen Eitles die Völker? |
世上的君王一齐起来,臣宰也聚集,要敌挡主,并主的受膏者(或作:基督)。 | 26 Die Könige der Erde standen da, und die Obersten versammelten sich wider den Herrn und wider seinen Christus." |
希律和本丢彼拉多,外邦人和以色列民,果然在这城里聚集,要攻打你所膏的圣仆(仆:或作子) Jesus, | 27 Denn in dieser Stadt versammelten sich in Wahrheit wider deinen heiligen Knecht Jesus, den du gesalbt hast, sowohl Herodes als Pontius Pilatus mit den Nationen und den Völkern Israels, |
成就你手和你意旨所预定必有的事。 | 28 alles zu tun, was deine Hand und dein Ratschluß zuvorbestimmt hat, daß es geschehen sollte. |
他们 bedrohten 我们,现在求主鉴察,一面叫你仆人大放胆量讲你的道,一面伸出你的手来医治疾病,并且使神迹奇事因着你圣仆(仆:或作子) Jesus 的名行出来。 | 29 Und nun, Herr, sieh an ihre Drohungen und gib deinen Knechten, dein Wort zu reden mit aller Freimütigkeit, |
--- | 30 indem du deine Hand ausstreckst zur Heilung, und daß Zeichen und Wunder geschehen durch den Namen deines heiligen Knechtes Jesus. |
Gebet 完了,聚会的地方震动,他们就都被圣灵充满,放胆讲论神的道。 | 31 Und als sie gebetet hatten, bewegte sich die Stätte, wo sie versammelt waren; und sie wurden alle mit Heiligem Geiste erfüllt und redeten das Wort Gottes mit Freimütigkeit. |
那许多信的人都是一心一意的,没有一人说他的东西有一样是自己的,都是大家公用。 | 32 Die Menge derer aber, die gläubig geworden, war ein Herz und eine Seele; und auch nicht einer sagte, daß etwas von seiner Habe sein eigen wäre, sondern es war ihnen alles gemein. |
使徒大有能力,见证主 Jesu 复活;众人也都蒙大恩。 | 33 Und mit großer Kraft legten die Apostel das Zeugnis von der Auferstehung des Herrn Jesus ab; und große Gnade war auf ihnen allen. |
内中也没有一个 bedürftig 的,因为人人将田产房屋都卖了,把所卖的价银拿来,放在使徒脚前, | 34 Denn es war auch keiner dürftig unter ihnen, denn so viele Besitzer von Äckern oder Häusern waren, verkauften sie und brachten den Preis des Verkauften |
照各人所需用的,分给各人。 | 35 und legten ihn nieder zu den Füßen der Apostel; es wurde aber einem jeden ausgeteilt, so wie einer irgend Bedürfnis hatte. |
有一个利未人,生在居比路,名叫约瑟,使徒称他为巴拿巴(巴拿巴翻出来就是 Sohn des Trostes )。 | 36 Joseph aber, der von den Aposteln Barnabas zubenamt wurde (was verdolmetscht heißt: Sohn des Trostes), ein Levit, ein Cyprier von Geburt, |
他有田地,也卖了,把价银拿来,放在使徒脚前。 | 37 der einen Acker besaß, verkaufte ihn, brachte das Geld und legte es nieder zu den Füßen der Apostel. |
Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache
dì sān shí sān kè
Dreiunddreißigste Lektion
Lǎo lái zi xìng zhì xiào.
Lao Laizis Natur war äußerst Elternliebend.
Nián qī shí zuò yīng ér xì.
(Selbst) im Alter von 70 Jahren machte er (noch) Kinderspiele,
Shēn zhe wǔ sè zhī yī.
hatte am Körper die fünffarbige Kleidung (eines Kindes),
年七十,常著五色 bunte 衣,作_兒戲
年七十,常著五色 bunte 衣,作婴儿戏
Nián qī shí, cháng zhe wǔsè bān lán yī, zuò yīng ér xì
70 Jahre alt, trug er oft die fünffarbige bunte Kleidung und spielte Kinderspiele.
Shàng táng, gù yì pú de, yǐ bó fù mǔ yī xiào
Ging er zur Haupthalle hoch, (stolperte und) fiel er absichtlich zu Boden, um ein Lachen der Eltern zu erreichen.
Nòng chú yú qīn cè.
Er spielte mit einem kleinen Vogel an der Seite der Eltern
Yù qīn zhī xǐ.
weil er wünschte, dass die Eltern sich freuen (in Erinnerung an frühere Tag, als sie noch jung waren)
Lǎo lái zi xiào fèng èr qīn,
Lao Laizi verehrte voller Elternliebe seine beiden Eltern.
xíng nián qī shí, zuò yīng ér xì,
Selbst als er schon ein Alter von 70 Jahren erreicht hatte, spielte er noch Kinderspiele.
身服五采 bunte 之衣。
身服五采 bunte 之衣。
shēn fú wǔ cǎi bān lán zhī yī.
Am Körper trug er fünffarbige, bunte Kleidung.
_取水上堂,_ stolpern _臥地,為小兒 heulen,
尝取水上堂,诈 stolpern 仆卧地,为小儿 heulen,
Cháng qǔ shuǐ shàng táng, zhà diē pū wò dì, wèi xiǎo ér tí,
Einmal, als er vom Wasserholen die Treppe zur Halle hochging, täuschte er ein Stolpern und den Fall zur Erde vor und heulte wie ein Kleinkind.
nòng chú yú qīn cè, yù qīn zhī xǐ.
Er spielte mit einem kleinen Vogel an der Seite der Eltern, weil er wünschte, dass die Eltern sich freuen.
Noch keine Übersetzung
Restriction is a type of covert encouragement. However trusting doesn’t mean giving free reign, instead it is teaching children to learn how to manage themselves.
Grandma brings her three year old grandson into a grocery store, the store owner brings out a plate of candy for the child to choose from — in Germany, almost every shop and clinic will have candy provided for children at any time. The child shakes his head saying: “No thank you.” The store owner thinking they misheard, asks again, but the child says: “I don’t want it, I have some at home.”
It’s not because the child was told by adults to not eat candy from strangers; almost all children will happily receive this kind of small present. It’s also not because the child doesn’t like to eat sweets, he is mesmerized by the taste of chocolate. Neither is it because he was warned by adults that today he has eaten too many; just the opposite, adults told him, you can eat it whenever you wish.
Grandma told me this story to exchange methods for disciplining children. Her daughter has three children who all love to eat chocolate, sometimes uncontrollably. Recently, the mother called her children together, and took them to look at a drawer. Wow, the drawer was filled with many chocolates and candy. The mother said, these are the most delicious chocolates and candies for all of you to eat, once finished mother will put more in. You can eat as much as you want, but there are just two conditions: one, is you must wash your hands before you eat the chocolate; two, is when your stomach is really hungry, you must first eat rice and then eat the chocolate.
The children agreed to the two conditions. A few days later, the mother happily discovered that the chocolates in the drawer had not decreased much, the sweets that the children had eaten was less than before. This is the result of trusting children’s self-management.
Of course, in regards to those who have not established a trust relationship with their parents from a young age, when it comes to nurturing the ability to self-manage, this method won’t get instant results for these children. Even so, the thing parents must do for children, is to give even more trust, rather than more restrictions. To a great degree, restriction is a type of covert encouragement. However, trusting doesn’t mean giving free reign, instead it is teaching children to learn how to manage themselves.
One day my daughter told me that, in her kindergarten she is the “Champion Rice Eater” — when people ate one portion, she would eat three portions. Perhaps it was because at the time I thought of the Chinese word “rice bucket”, an evil grin came onto my face, afterwards my daughter vigorously resisted this “honor”. However, it was a fact that she could eat a lot ever since young. Fortunately, she didn’t grow plump because of this. I think the main benefit was due to two factors: one, she loved exercise, and two, the control she had for sweets.
Regarding the lifestyle of children in Germany, this is not an easy task. Many people believe that German dishes are hard to eat, but no one can deny that the sweets here are very delicious. Someone once joked that Germans are able to endure such tasteless food because they can enjoy the sweet desserts after. In fact, chocolate is everywhere here. My daughter has never finished eating the chocolates and candies from various festivals or presents.
Just like the majority of children, my daughter likes eating candy and chocolate. From the age of two, she had her own chocolate jar, which has never been empty. From the beginning we told her, each day you can only eat one from among any of the sweets: including candy, chocolate, ice cream, and sweet snack biscuits, cakes and bread. The chocolate jar was usually placed somewhere she could reach, she could decide herself when to eat it. However, once she broke the agreement, the jar would disappear, appearing again on the second or even third day. Generally she was able to keep to the agreement. When she wanted to eat a little more, she wouldn’t directly break the rules, but rather come to her parents to discuss: “Can we change the agreement a little?”
Beside the pool was an automated vending machine that she liked to buy chocolate from. We agreed, she could only buy once in two visits. She would always remember to only buy when she should. Sometimes when mother was in a cheerful mood, she would find a reason and say, today originally I shouldn’t buy, but I will treat you to one. She would bashfully reply: “Well…ok then.”
A friend gave a box of Christmas calendar chocolates, where you would eat a piece each day starting from December 1st right up to Christmas eve. After receiving it my daughter said, I don’t need to eat this much chocolate, let’s change it to eating one piece per week. I agreed. A few weeks later, she understood a little more about the meaning of this calendar, saying: “This is a Christmas gift, I will still eat one piece per day, and finish it quickly.” I thought she had a point, and also agreed, but I reminded her she couldn’t eat other sweets.
Children of course will not always stick to the rules. In reality, there were many times my daughter thought of breaking the rules. Most of the time she would think of ways to change or re-explain the rules. For example she would say, today is a special occasion so can I eat one more sweet? Or say, my friend is visiting, can I eat as much as I want to eat? Most of the time these reasons would be approved. However some reasons were not justifiable, for example “I will definitely eat my rice properly if I eat it before”, would be turned down. Sometimes she would even get into a temper, deliberately breaking the rules, I would often tell her it doesn’t matter, it’s understandable that children fall into a mood, but tomorrow you won’t be able to eat it, the day after tomorrow will return to normal.
At times, she would say: “Even though today I have eaten one sweet, but I still want to eat it now.” If she wasn’t in a mood, and not in any other uncontrollable state, I would consider it as her body automatically sending out signals (maybe for a period of time eating few sweets), and agree to let her eat one or two more.
Don’t distrust children’s ability to manage themselves. In regards to food and drink, at least in my household, my daughter’s self management ability is no less than her parents. I believe that even if I tell her, eat as much chocolate as you want, there will not be any major problems.
(The author is a freelance contributor)
新加坡总理李显龙在星期四(6月4日)出版的美国外交杂志(Foreign Affairs)上撰文说,美国的存在“对亚太地区继续至关重要”,“中国尽管军事力量正在增加,中国仍将无法接替美国(在东南亚发挥)的安全作用。他并表示,美国如果在亚洲北部地区撤军,将迫使日本与韩国考虑发展核武器,对抗朝鲜日益增长的威胁。
李显龙在题为“濒危的亚洲世纪”(The Endangered Asian Century)的文章中说,中国对南中国海地区提出的海洋和领土主权声索,意味着当地国家“永远都会看到中国的海军存在,试图推进这些主权声索”。很多东南亚国家都对中国对当地华人所产生的影响而“极端敏感”。
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=== Wikinews 多本医学杂志发表有关新型冠状病毒肺炎的论文 ===
1月29日,《新英格兰医学杂志》发表了中国科学院院士、中国疾控中心主任高福等多名研究人员撰写的论文Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia。该论文分析了从去年12月初到如今的425例病例后发现,新型冠状病毒可能早在去年12月中旬就已经出现人传人的情况,在12月后期还出现了与所谓传染源头华南海鲜批发市场无关的感染者。该论文还认为目前疫情拐点尚未来临。
1月31日,《柳叶刀》在线发表两篇关于新型冠状病毒的论文:Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study与Genomic Characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding。第一篇论文分析了99个感染病例,第二篇论文对新型冠状病毒的基因组进行了分析。
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“ 为表达全国各族人民对抗击新冠肺炎疫情斗争牺牲烈士和逝世同胞的深切哀悼,国务院决定,2020年4月4日举行全国性哀悼活动。在此期间,全国和驻外使领馆下半旗志哀,全国停止公共娱乐活动。4月4日10时起,全国人民默哀3分钟,汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。 ”
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the marco polo project: 征集愿意递交同性婚姻提案的人大代表 - NPC Deputies willing to submit same sex marriage proposal (Auszug)
In surveys about questions that the public wishes to be raised during the two meetings this year, the proposal on same-sex marriage came second – which surprised me. But the NPC deputies who commissioned me this year told me that the leaders did not agree to submit this proposal. Now, I sent an open online call to the National congress to agree with this proposal 我只好在网上公开征集同意这一提案的人大代表,and I trust that among the thousands of deputies, there will be a few who agree with this proposal. Public concern about this is issue is so high that, if no representative will submit it, we should wonder what the problem is. Aren’t these so-called representatives are supposed to represent the voice of the people? Whether representatives this year will get this proposal approved is will be a test for the National People’s Congress, and show whether it is, indeed, an institution that represents public opinion. I hope that this proposal will be approved, but my hopes would not be too high if the proposal finally submitted was not fully prepared.
So now about the proposal on same-sex marraige:
Suggestion that the country should set up a same-sex marriage bill, for the following reasons
One – homosexuality does not go against any item in the current legal framework of the Chinese Republic, and homosexuals have all the rights of citizens of the PRC. It should be acknowledged that there is no conflict between their demands for marriage and the legal rights of citizens.
Two – homosexuals are a minority, and many countries have established anti-discrimination laws to protect them. Many Western countries now recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions, first Scandinavian countries and Australia, then Canada, France, Germany and the US – in certain States (Massachussets, New York) or cities (San Francisco). If China allows same-sex marriage, this will be an improvement in anti-discrimination and minority protection legislation, and will place China among the more advanced nations in the area of human rights protection; it could prove that our party and our government favour a progressive culture, and can be ahead of certain Western countries in the fight for human rights.
the marco polo project: 征集愿意递交同性婚姻提案的人大代表 - NPC Deputies willing to submit same sex marriage proposal (Auszug)
In surveys about questions that the public wishes to be raised during the two meetings this year, the proposal on same-sex marriage came second – which surprised me. But the NPC deputies who commissioned me this year told me that the leaders did not agree to submit this proposal. Now, I sent an open online call to the National congress to agree with this proposal 我只好在网上公开征集同意这一提案的人大代表,and I trust that among the thousands of deputies, there will be a few who agree with this proposal. Public concern about this is issue is so high that, if no representative will submit it, we should wonder what the problem is. Aren’t these so-called representatives are supposed to represent the voice of the people? Whether representatives this year will get this proposal approved is will be a test for the National People’s Congress, and show whether it is, indeed, an institution that represents public opinion. I hope that this proposal will be approved, but my hopes would not be too high if the proposal finally submitted was not fully prepared.
So now about the proposal on same-sex marraige:
Suggestion that the country should set up a same-sex marriage bill, for the following reasons
One – homosexuality does not go against any item in the current legal framework of the Chinese Republic, and homosexuals have all the rights of citizens of the PRC. It should be acknowledged that there is no conflict between their demands for marriage and the legal rights of citizens.
Two – homosexuals are a minority, and many countries have established anti-discrimination laws to protect them. Many Western countries now recognize same-sex marriage or civil unions, first Scandinavian countries and Australia, then Canada, France, Germany and the US – in certain States (Massachussets, New York) or cities (San Francisco). If China allows same-sex marriage, this will be an improvement in anti-discrimination and minority protection legislation, and will place China among the more advanced nations in the area of human rights protection; it could prove that our party and our government favour a progressive culture, and can be ahead of certain Western countries in the fight for human rights. Some Western countries, especially Catholic countries, have experienced religious pressure when trying to pass legislation on same-sex marriage, and have had great difficulties in passing legislation to protect this minority. But Chinese traditional culture is much less opposed to homosexuality, and this background could help us score points in the human rights area, so we should put it to good use.
习近平自2012年掌权以来,加强了对国内言论自由的控制,并力图重塑国营媒体机构。 未来由中国的广播电视三大官媒组成的新机构将成为世界上最大的广播公司之一。
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美国参议院军事委员会主席约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)表示,他将促使川普当局在朝鲜核问题上对中国采取更加强硬的路线。参议员丹·萨利文(Dan Sullivan)也呼吁美国和中国政府在贸易和外交领域实行“真正的对等原则”。
美国的德国马歇尔基金会亚洲项目法律顾问兼主任、美国国家情报委员会合作人员丹尼尔·特温宁(Daniel Twining)认为,到目前为止,美国并没有充分地利用自己的经济实力来推动国家的整体战略、政治和经济利益。
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Noch keine Übersetzung
Noch keine Übersetzung
Noch keine Übersetzung
Noch keine Übersetzung
missing '[踩, 踏]'
If your wife is pregnant, don’t you wish to know if the child inside her is a boy or a girl? And if you know it’s a girl, what do you intend to do?
Two days ago, I saw a friend I hadn’t seen in a decade. We were in primary school together, and he just had his second child, a boy.
I thought it was an “illegal” second child, so I asked him how much he paid in penalty.
“I could have him in all legality,” he replied, smiling.
His first child was a girl. In rural areas, according to government policy, if your first child is a girl, after four years, you can have a second one. There was a time when I thought that patriarchal values had disappeared from my hometown —— now when I go back home, I no longer see the big signs on both sides of the road with “having a boy or a girl is the same” or ” my daughter is also my posterity”, and similar slogans —— But I had not expected that the climate would still be so tense now. If their first is a daughter, people in rural areas will absolutely want a second go.
As a firm opponent to the one-child policy, I like to see that people can have a second child. But there is one problem: what if the second child is a girl too?
I know that in my hometown in Hebei, you can at least determine; in Anguo, Shenze and other places in Hebei, if you pay a little fee, you can do a sex identification. But if the child is identified as a girl, what do you do?
When my friend’s wife was pregnant with their second child, he also did a sex identification. But he said, he didn’t think then he absolutely wanted a boy; if it was a girl, it would be alright.
I believe these words. In my neighbourhood, there were many families whose first child was a girl, and second child was also a girl. Now those children all go to primary school. they’re beautiful and lively, and just a little bit tanned.
However, my friend then told me a different story. And this story was confirmed to me later by my mother.
In my hometown, there was a woman who gave birth to a girl as her first child. And so, after waiting the required number of years, she conceived another child. She went to the hospital, and the child was identified as a girl.
The husband (I know that man, a tall and slim man, very handsome according to modern canons) was very unhappy. He sighed for the whole day, and for the whole day said that his life had no meaning.
I don’t know whose idea it was, 家里人大多粗线条,自然也不会去问,最终做出决定时,家里人是什么感觉。
The only thing I know is, the child was gotten rid of.
Then she got pregnant again, and again, they did a sex identification.
It was a girl again, my friend said.
And then what happened? I asked.
I don’t know what happened.
Party Democracy Moving Forward
The most outstanding characteristic of Party democracy and the one which reflects its essential character is the sharing by Party members in the Party’s power and the participation by Party members in the Party’s affairs. The further improvement and expansion of competitive elections is an important step in the active promotion and improvement of Party democracy.
The elections at the First Plenary meeting of the 11th Session of the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee have produced a standing-committee for the new Session. These elections utilised the competitive election method; the Party Central Committee approved 14 Provincial Committee standing-committee candidates, and eventually 13 people were formally elected.
This attracted media attention; it is a step forward in Party democracy. The measure reflects Guangdong’s determination to actively push forward reform.
In the competitive election of Provincial Committee standing committees Guangdong is not the first. In November last year, Jiangsu Province produced a thirteen-member Provincial Committee standing committee by competitive election. And according to media reports, the provinces of Shanxi, Hunan, Guizhou, Qinghai and Shandong have all elected Provincial Committee standing committees by competitive election in the past. However, in this round of successive Session-change elections, the reason the Guangdong Provincial Committee standing committee elections became a focus of attention is because competitive elections hold hope of progress towards systematisation and normalisation.
The strengthening of democracy has been the prevailing trend.
On 9 September, 2004, the 4th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee considered and passed the “Decision of the Central Committee of the CPC on Strengthening the Building of the Party’s Ability to Rule”, which proposed the need to build our Party into a ruling party that rules scientifically, democratically and lawfully.
In October of 2007, the Communist Party’s 17th National People’s Congress proposed: Unswervingly developing socialist democratic politics and defining political institutional reforms as an important element of China’s overall reforms. They must be deepened continually as economic society develops and adapt to the continual rise in the people’s enthusiasm for political participation.
Along with Reform and Opening-up and the continual rise in the people’s standard of living, fervour towards the people’s orderly political participation has also run high. Particularly in a place like Guangdong, with an advanced market economy and solid civic traditions, people have had greater motivation and a stronger need to go and participate in society’s public affairs and to influence changes in government public policies and advocacy systems.
The advantages of competitive elections lie in the fact that competition develops between the candidates. Constituents are given room for choice in the exercise of their electoral rights and it helps them to understand the candidates. From a system point of view, it raises the degree of democratisation of elections in a practical way. It is also beneficial to the selection of talent, meaning that outstanding talent is able to come to the fore. This is an important link in Party democracy; there are rules and regulations to be followed.
The fourth regulation in the “CPC Local Organisations Election Work Regulations”, distributed in January 1994, has ruled clearly that “at every level of Party local organisation: NPC delegates; local Party committee members, alternate members, and standing committee members; and local Commission for Discipline Inspection members and standing committee members are to hold competitive elections.” Clause Two also rules that: “local Party committees and Commissions for Discipline Inspection at every level are to hold single-candidate elections for committee/commission secretary and deputy secretary.” This is a binding internal regulation of the Party.
Party history experts have pointed out that advocating competitive elections within the Party is a form of respect towards the electors’ right to vote; as far as the person who is elected is concerned, only where there is competitive pressure will they be motivated to work better. This is an extremely important point; as a consequence, there will be quite a large change in the candidates’ psychology; they will realise that, in the end, their authority has been conferred by the electors; therefore they will be accountable to the electors and, in the course of exercising power in the future, will respect the electors’ wishes and serve the electors. That is to say, accountability to above will be changed into accountability to above and below. Just as Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary, Hu Jintao, requested: Use power for the people, have feelings for the people, do good for the people.
The most outstanding characteristic of Party democracy and the one which reflects its essential character is the sharing by Party members in the Party’s power and the participation by Party members in the Party’s affairs. In 2006, in an article in “Socialist Research”, the head of the School of Marxism Studies at Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Hu Liansheng, pointed out that having citizen-elected holders of public power is: a stepping stone to entering a modern civic society, a prerequisite to ensuring the people become the “source of power” and the achieving of popular sovereignty, the basis for achieving restraint and supervision of power, and an important mechanism for creating servants of the people. Competitive elections is the standard form of democracy, allowing the voters to “shop around”; fair competition between candidates is its operating platform, allowing the voters to select on merit; the upholding of the authority of the results of the popular vote is an important guarantee of democratic elections. Therefore, further improving and expanding competitive elections is an important step in proactively advancing and improving Party democracy.
As far as the vast Party membership is concerned, they must keep firmly in mind that power comes from the people and does not originate from above, and that the ruling Party’s power is also entrusted by the people. Just as Wang Yang said at this Session-change’s 11th Guangdong Provincial Party congress, “The masses are the mainstay in creating history, and they are also the mainstay in building and enjoying a happy Guangdong. The pursuit of happiness is the people’s right; benefiting the people is the Party and Government’s responsibility. We must get rid of the mistaken idea that the people’s happiness is a gift of grace from the Party and the Government.”
A perfect election is not a silver bullet to resolve the issue of democracy. Apart from elections, we should also continually explore the achievement of new channels of democracy in other areas in order to develop socialist democratic politics. China is right in a process of transition, all kinds of social issues demand prompt resolution. However the key to effective resolution of these issues rests in Party organisations at each level making policy decisions rationally and, further, promoting scientific and democratic legislation and policies so that, by ensuring the people’s right to be informed, right to participate, right to speak out and right to monitor, in the end, the right of the vast people to lawful participation in the management of national and social affairs will be guaranteed.
“Editorial”, Zhongguo Xinwen Zhoukan 2012(17) p.5 (China Newsweek) 2012.5.21
Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache
dì sān shí kè
Dreißigste Lektion
Die folgenden Vokabeln ergänzen die bisherigen Lücken des Textes.
類 | lei4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 类), Kategorie, Klasse |
鑑 | jian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 鉴), prüfen, einsehen, Beispiel, Leitbild |
kǒng zǐ shèng rén yě.
Konfuzius ist ein heiliger Mensch.
Jedoch steht in den 歐陽修集/欧阳修集/Ōu yáng xiū jí/Aufzeichnungen des Ouyang Xiu in 卷七十七, 易童子問卷二/易童子问卷二/juǎn qī shí qī, yì tóng zǐ wèn juàn èr/der Rolle 77, den Fragen des Knaben Yi (Rolle 2) folgendes:
Tóngzǐ yuē: Jūnzǐ yì yǒuguò hū?
Der Knabe fragte: Hat ein edler Mensch ebenfalls Fehler?
Yuē:(Shāng) Tāng, kǒngzǐ, shèngrén yě, jiē yǒuguò yǐ.
(Die Antwort) sagt: Shang Tang (der Gründer der Shang-Dynastie) und Konfuzius, heilige Menschen, sie alle haben Fehler.
Jūnzǐ yǔ zhòngrén tóng zhě,
Ein Edler ist allen anderen Menschen gleich;
bùmiǎn hū yǒuguò yě.
er ist nicht befreit davon, Fehler zu haben.
gè chù xué táng jiē gōng kǒng zǐ.
Allerorts verehrt man in allen Schulen Konfuzius.
wǒ shàng xuétáng, wǒ bài kǒngzǐ
Betrete ich die Schule, zolle ich (der Geistertafel des) Konfuzius Respekt.
kāi xué zhī rì shī lǜ dì zǐ.
Am Tag des Schulbeginns führt der Lehrer die Schüler
zhì kǒng zǐ wèi qián xíng lǐ.
zum Altar des Konfuzius, um die Verehrungsriten durchzuführen.
"Kāixué zhī rì"shì lǐjiànshí chuàngzuò de qímiào shìjiè lèi xiǎoshuō
"Der Tag des Schulbeginns" ist (auch) ein von Li Jianshi geschriebener, wunderbarer Weltroman.
Lektion 33
老荚子性至孝. 年七十作婴儿戏.
身着五色之衣. 弄雏于亲侧. 欲亲之喜.
Übersetzung James Legge
The inscriber discourses about and panegyrises the virtues and goodness of his ancestors, their merits and zeal, their services and toils, the congratulations and rewards (given to them), their fame recognised by all under heaven; and in the discussion of these things on his spiritual vessels, he "makes himself famous; and thus he sacrifices to his ancestors. In the celebration of his ancestors he exalts his filial piety. That he himself appears after them is natural. And in the clear showing (of all this) to future generations, he is giving instruction.
Übersetzung James Legge
In this way the superior men of antiquity panegyrised the excellent qualities of their ancestors, and clearly exhibited them to future generations, thereby having the opportunity to introduce their own personality and magnify their states. If descendants who maintain their ancestral temples and the altars to the spirits of the land and grain, praised their ancestors for good qualities which they did not possess, that was falsehood; if they did not take knowledge of the good qualities which they did possess, that showed their want of intelligence; if they knew them and did not transmit them (by their inscriptions), that showed a want of virtue - these are three things of which a superior man should have been ashamed.
Li Shangyin (813 – 858): Klarer Abendhimmel
Abgeschieden wohne ich und sehe herab auf die engen Stadtmauern
Der Frühling geht, der Sommer ach wie klar
Der Himmel hat Erbarmen mit dem (im Frühling noch) behinderten Gras
Die Erde bringt wieder klare Abende hervor
Und vom hohen Turm sieht man die Ferne
Nur wenig Licht fällt durch das kleine Fenster
Nachdem die Nester der im Süden beheimaten Vögel getrocknet sind
fliegen sie mit leichtem Körper hierher zurück
Yi Jing 易經 小畜 Xiao Xu Des kleinen Zähmungskraft
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Sechs auf viertem Platz bedeutet: Bist du wahrhaftig, so schwindet Blut und weicht Angst. Kein Makel.
Neun auf fünftem Platz bedeutet: Bist du wahrhaftig und treu verbunden, so bist du reich in deinem Nächsten.
Oben eine Neun bedeutet: Es kommt zum Regen, es kommt zur Ruhe. Das ist der dauernden Wirkung des Charakters zu verdanken. Die Frau kommt durch Beharrlichkeit in Gefahr. Der Mond ist fast voll. Macht der Edle fort, so kommt Unheil.
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The fourth SIX, divided, shows its subject possessed of sincerity. The danger of bloodshed is thereby averted, and his (ground for) apprehension dismissed. There will be no mistake.
The fifth NINE, undivided, shows its subject possessed of sincerity, and drawing others to unite with him. Rich in resources, he employs his neighbours (in the same cause with himself).
The topmost NINE, undivided, shows how the rain has fallen, and the (onward progress) is stayed -must we value the full accumulation of the virtue (represented by the upper trigram). But a wife (exercising restraint), however firm and correct she may be, is in a position of peril, (and like) the moon approaching to the full. If the superior man prosecute his measures (in such circumstances), there will be evil.
[Bearbeiten]Es ist noch keine Übersetzungshilfe vorhanden