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Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 920

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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
li2 Rappe (schwarzes Pferd mit schwarzer Mähne) wiktionary Etymologie:
yin2 entfernt, tief, entfernter Ort, Ehrfurcht wiktionary Etymologie:
xun1 Grasart (duftend), Duft, duften, riechen, etwas räuchern, verräuchern, ausgasen, desinfizieren wiktionary Etymologie:
zhuan1 Ziegel, Ziegelstein, Klinker, Backstein wiktionary Etymologie:
bin1 aufblühen, reichlich wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Li2 shan1 Mt Li near Xi'an with the tomb of the First Emperor
Ju4 li2 He2 辽河[Liao2 He2]
li2 huang2 pin4 mu3 a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare; don't judge by outward appearance
pin4 mu3 li2 huang2 a black stallion or possibly a yellow mare; don't judge by outward appearance
tan4 li2 de2 zhu1 to pluck a pearl from the black dragon (idiom, from Zhuangzi); fig. to pick out the salient points (from a tangled situation), to see through to the nub
Li2 Ji1 zhi1 Luan4 晋文公[Jin4 Wen2 gong1]
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
yin2 yuan2 to curry favor, to advance one's career by toadying
xiao1 bao3 yin2 Xiao Baoyin
xiao1 bao3 yin2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 萧宝夤), Xiao Baoyin
yin2 yuan2 pan1 fu4 to cling to the rich and powerful; to advance one's career by currying favor, social climbing
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Xiao3 Xun1 Xiao Xun, Taiwan actress
xun1 xin1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 熏心), (of greed, lust etc) to dominate one's thoughts
xun1 tao2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 熏陶), to seep in, to influence, to nurture, influence, training
xiang1 xun1 aromatherapy
chi2 gu3 xun1 Kaoru Ikeya
xun1 yi1 cao3 Lavendel
zui4 xun1 xun1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 醉熏熏), beschwipst, wankelig auf den Beinen, betrunken, angetrunken
xun1 yi1 cao3 you2 Lavendelöl
xun1 yi1 cao3 cha2 Lavendeltee
xun1 yi1 cao3 se4 lavendelfarben; fliederfarben, RGB-Code #E6E6FA
xun1 yi1 cao3 zi3 lavendelfarben; fliederfarben, RGB-Code #E6E6FA
xun1 yi1 cao3 shu3 Lavendel
xun1 yi1 cao3 shu3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 薰衣草属), Lavendel
li4 yu4 xun1 xin1 habgierig
xun1 yi1 cao3 zi3 hong2 rötliches Lavendel, RGB-Code #FFF0F5
xun1 yi1 cao3 zi3 hong2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 薰衣草紫红), rötliches Lavendel, RGB-Code #FFF0F5
xia2 ye4 xun1 yi1 cao3 Echter Lavendel
xun1 zhi4 de5 huo3 tui3 rou4 Gänseblümchen
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
zhuan1 wa3 Fliese, Kachel
pao1 zhuan1 Ziegel werfen
zhuan1 chang3 Ziegelei
zhuan1 lou2 Backsteinhaus
zhuan1 yao2 Ziegelofen
tie1 zhuan1 Fliese
ci2 zhuan1 Keramikplatte, keramisches Fliese, keramisches Kachel
zhuan1 kuai4 Ziegelstein
zhuan1 shi2 Ziegelstein
sui4 zhuan1 Trümmerteil
cha2 zhuan1 Ziegeltee
zhuan1 tou2 Bauklotz
mei2 zhuan1 Brikett
tong1 feng1 zhuan1 Ventilationsziegel
tie1 zhuan1 gong1 Fliesenleger
nai4 huo3 zhuan1 feuerfester Stein, feuerfester Ziegel
qiao1 men2 zhuan1 Sprungbrett für eine Karriere
pu4 di4 zhuan1 Straßenklinker
di4 ban3 zhuan1 Pflasterstein
jin1 zhuan1 si4 guo2 BRIC-Staaten
pao1 zhuan1 yin3 yu4 anregende Bemerkungen machen, eine interessante Debatte in Gang setzen, Einen Backstein hinwerfen, um Jade zu erlangen. 17. Strategem (ködern)
jian4 zhu4 yong4 zhuan1 Ziegelstein
nai4 huo3 zhuan1 hong2 (gebrannt)ziegelfarben, RGB-Code #B22222
tie1 zhuan1 gong1 zuo4 Fliesen-, Platten- und Mosaikarbeiten
zhi4 zhuan1 wa3 gong1 Ziegler, Ziegelmacher
zhuan1 xing2 de5 dong1 xi5 Ziegelstein
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
bin1 fen1 Mixtur, Allerlei, in buntem und ausgelassenem Durcheinander
wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1 bunt, farbenprächtig
wu3 se4 bin1 fen1 all the colors in profusion; a garish display
se4 cai3 bin1 fen1 五彩缤纷[wu3 cai3 bin1 fen1]


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Viele Menschen sind gut genug erzogen, um nicht mit vollem Mund zu sprechen, aber sie haben keine Bedenken, es mit leerem Kopf zu tun. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Esperantostern )
Viele Menschen sind gut genug erzogen, um nicht mit vollem Mund zu sprechen, aber sie haben keine Bedenken, es mit leerem Kopf zu tun. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Esperantostern )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China bilden die BRIC-Staaten. (Mandarin, Tatoeba tsayng samueldora )
Für die Küche haben wir glatte Kacheln ausgewählt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba DaoSeng Yorwba )
But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it's been done in America for 221 years; block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand. (Mandarin, Tatoeba zhouj1955 pllim )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
It's unlikely that the boss would consider giving Tom a raise. (Hakka, Tatoeba Dusun_Les CK )
Dan will make you happy. (Hakka, Tatoeba Dusun_Les shekitten )
Tom wurde betrogen. (Hakka, Tatoeba Dusun_Les pullnosemans )


Wikijunior: 太阳系/奥尔特云 Sonnensystem/Oortsche Wolke Übersetzung Christian Bauer
在1950一月,荷兰天文学家奥尔特注意到 Im Januar 1950 bemerkte der holländische Astronom Oort, dass
1.没有任何一个已观测的彗星的轨道显示彗星是来自星际空间, 1. Keinerlei der bereits beobachteten Kometenbahnen zeigen, dass Kometen aus dem interstellaren Raum kommen.
2.长周期彗星的远日点一般在50,000 AU 2. Der sonnenfernste Punkt (Aphel) der Bahnen langperiodischer Kometen liegt gewöhnlich bei 50 000 Astronomischen Einheiten.
3.彗星没有以特定方向来到. 3. Kometen kommen aus keiner besonderen Richtung.
他认为彗星来源于一个在太阳系边界的云中, Er glaubte daher, dass ursprünglich aus einer an der Grenze des Sonnensystems liegenden Wolke kommen.
叫作奥尔特云(Oort cloud)。 Sie wurde Ortsche Wolke genannt.
它可能包含数以兆计的彗星。 Sie kann Milliarden an Kometen enthalten.
Leider,由于每个彗星都如此小的和处于如此大的距离, Leider, da jeder Komet so klein ist und in so großer Entfernung liegt,
所以到现在也没有任何直接证据证明奥尔特云的存在。 konnten es bis jetzt keinerlei direkte Beweise für die Existenz der Oortschen Wolke erbracht werden.












Zheng Yongnian aisixiang

So far, China’s diplomatic multilateralism has deeply changed. To make it simple, one can divide the changing process in three stages.

The first one is the Mao era when China opposed and fought against diplomatic multilateralism, advocating, instead, bilateralism. At that time China closely guarded the concept of national sovereignity, often considering diplomatic multilateralism as a way to interfere in other states’affairs. The second stage is the aftermath of the Reform and Opening policy,when China’s approach to diplomatic multilateralism was fairly passive:according to needs, People’s Republic joined diplomatic multilateralism guided by other states.This balance of power has deeply influenced China’s foreign affairs.In this period China joined a lot of regional and international multilateral organizations. Starting from the end of 90s the country entered a new stage, actively building a multilateral diplomatic system. Being at the beginning a capital-poor country, it gradually become a country with a capital surplus, wanting to “go out” and cooperate with the other countries. The China-ASEAN free trade area is a clear example. Following its abruptly rise, in addition to the satisfaction of its safety needs, China must also undertake more responsabilities in the regional and international fields. For this reason the county must actively establish a multilateral organizations’ system. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Six-Party Talks are two models:the first aims at fighting fear and creating economic cooperation, the second at solving the Corean peninsula question.

Today, China’s diplomatic multilateralism is in a new stage. With a Gross National Income (GNI) of more than 10 trillions USdollars, the country is the second biggest economic system in the world. Even if the GDP per capita is still low, China’s internal changes will have a great external influence. At the same time China speeded up the “Going Out” policy, not only in the economic field, but also in diplomacy and strategy.The People’s Republic and the other BRIC countries founded the BRIC bank; following the Silk Road Strategy, China advocated and established the “Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank” and created Silk Road Fund. I am convinced that from now on China will establish more regional economic organizations and also greater scale, supraregional, international organizations. Despite China’s key role in the process of setting up such organizations, their actions are decided by the regional and internatinal members. As a big, rising nation the People’s Republic cant’t avoid this trend because its sustainable development and its regional and international responsabilities are at stake.

Diplomatic multilateralism is an efficacious way for China’s rise but the country must have a clear consciousness of its status in the diplomatic multilateralism frame. China has experienced diplomatic multilateralism for years so can learn a lesson from the past

Generally speaking, China’s multilateralism, no matter if the approach is passive or active, has some unique traits. First, China’s multilateralism neither challenged the existing order nor established a regional order accepted by other countries. Second, even if we cant’s say that the multilateral organizations set up by China are not useful, they are not as effective as one can expect. Third, for some countries, the multilateral organisations set up by china have taken some action, but they’re irrelevant to the needs of these countries.

Why aren’t the results self-evident?

Why are this traits emerging? Can China learn that lesson from the past ? Let’s consider the following points.

The first is the lack of an effective voice. Like the practice of internal reforms, China’s external opening has little right to speak, that is to say, China cannot always explain its own practice. In many aspects of foreign relations, particularly the most important parts, the senior leaders set the tones, and no other voices can emerge. This is due to the constraints of the Chinese system. The most notable example is China’s implementation of the ‘Silk Road’. When President Xi Jinping visited countries of Central Asia and Indonesia, he spoke about some key points of the silk road strategy. This is extremely important. But then, it seemed like all of China’s Think Tanks were articulating the importance of these key points, as if beyond them, there was nothing else to the Silk Road strategy. With this kind of argumentative policy research, it will be difficult to assert the right for China to speak for itself, as this kind of mechanical explanation and interpretation does not constitute effective policy research. In fact, this kind of explanation and interpretation will not enrich the core content of the Silk Road model, but rather lead to its vulgarisation.

Second, the “campaign method” used to boost diplomacy. Chinese governement officials always adopt this method in internal as well as in foreign affairs. The best example are the Confucius Institutes. Even if Confucius Institutes are the product of a bilateral agreement, they all follow the same logic.In ten years, from 11th November 2004, when the first Confucius Institute was established in South Korea, to 11th November 2014, China founded 475 Confucius Institutes and 851 Confucius Classrooms in 126 countries all over the world. Cant’s say it’s not a quick development. But the “campaign method” will hardly consolidate the institution, contrariwise, it will certainly lead to a change of course. In recent years, The Institutes are facing a difficult situation, as some western universities decided to not renew Confucius Institutes and Classrooms contract. At a higher level,the present situation of the Silk Road Strategy is almost the same, the promotion strategy, in this case too, seems to be th “campaign method”.

Unaware of other countries’ situation, impatient for results, China adopts pressing methods, i.e. the campaigns, to be accepted. A great gap exists bewtween China’s desires and what other countries know about people’s Republic.China believes that the above-mentioned projects are advantageous for other countries or, at least, for bilateral relations, so this one is a good desire. But the other countris absolutely dont’ share this view: judging China’s projects from various aspects such as diplomacy, politic, economy, national defense and safety, they often come at the conclusion that they are not beneficial for them.



Übersetzung James Legge


Duke Xian of Jin, intending to put to death his heir-son Shen-sheng, another son, Chong-er, said to the latter, 'Why should you not tell what is in your mind to the duke?' The heir-son said, 'I cannot do so. The ruler is happy with the lady Ji of Li. I shouldwound his heart.' 'Then,' continued the other, 'Why not go away?' The heir son replied, 'I cannot do so. The ruler says that I wish to murder him. Is there any state where the (sacredness) of a father is not recognised? Where should I go to obviate this charge?' (At the same time) he sent a man to take leave (for him) of Hu Tu, with the message, 'I was wrong in not thinkingof your words, my old friend, and that neglect is occasioning my death. Though I do not presume to grudge dying, yet our ruler is old, and his (favourite) son isyoung. Many difficulties are threatening the state, and you, old Sir, do not come forth (from your retirement), and consult for (the good of) our ruler. If you will come forth and do this, I will die (with the feeling that I) have received afavour from you.' Hebowed twice, laying his head to the ground, after which he died (by his own hand). On this account he became (known in history as)'the Reverential Heir-son'.'

Yi Jing 易經 艮 Gen Das Stillehalten, der Berg


Richard Wilhelm


Anfangs eine Sechs bedeutet: Stillehalten seiner Zehen. Kein Makel. Fördernd ist dauernde Beharrlichkeit.

Sechs auf zweitem Platz bedeutet: Stillehalten seiner Waden. Er kann den nicht retten, dem er folgt. Sein Herz ist nicht froh.

Neun auf drittem Platz bedeutet: Stillehalten seiner Hüften. Steifmachen seines Kreuzbeins. Gefährlich. Das Herz erstickt.

Sechs auf viertem Platz bedeutet: Stillehalten seines Rumpfes. Kein Makel.

Sechs auf fünftem Platz bedeutet: Stillehalten seiner Kinnladen. Die Worte haben Ordnung. Die Reue schwindet.

Oben eine Neun bedeutet: Großzügiges Stillehalten. Heil!

James Legge


The first SIX, divided, shows its subject keeping his toes at rest. There will be no error; but it will be advantageous for him to be persistently firm and correct.

The second SIX, divided, shows its subject keeping the calves of his legs at rest. He cannot help (the subject of the line above) whom he follows, and is dissatisfied in his mind.

The third NINE, undivided, shows its subject keeping his loins at rest, and separating the ribs (from the body below). The situation is perilous, and the heart glows with suppressed excitement.

The fourth SIX, divided, shows its subject keeping his trunk at rest. There will be no error.

The fifth SIX, divided, shows its subject keeping his jawbones at rest, so that his words areorderly. Occasion for repentance will disappear.

The sixth NINE, undivided, shows its subject devotedly maintaining his restfulness. There will be good fortune.

Yi Jing 易經 漸 Jian Die Entwicklung


Richard Wilhelm


Anfangs eine Sechs bedeutet: Die Wildgans zieht allmählich dem Ufer zu. Der junge Sohn ist in Gefahr. Es gibt Gerede. Kein Makel.

Sechs auf zweitem Platz bedeutet: Die Wildgans zieht allmählich dem Felsen zu. Essen und Trinken in Frieden und Eintracht. Heil!

Neun auf drittem Platz bedeutet: Die Wildgans zieht allmählich der Hochebene zu. Der Mann zieht aus und kehrt nicht wieder. Die Frau trägt ein Kind, aber bringt es nicht zur Welt. Unheil! Fördernd ist es, Räuber abzuwehren.

Sechs auf viertem Platz bedeutet: Die Wildgans zieht allmählich dem Baume zu. Vielleicht bekommt sie einen flachen Ast. Kein Makel.

Neun auf fünftem Platz bedeutet: Die Wildgans zieht allmählich dem Gipfel zu. Die Frau bekommt drei Jahre lang kein Kind. Endlich kann sie nichts verhindern. Heil!

Oben eine Neun bedeutet: Die Wildgans zieht allmählich den Wolkenhöhen zu. Ihre Federn können zum heiligen Tanz verwendet werden. Heil!

James Legge


The first SIX, divided, shows the wild geese gradually approaching the shore. A young officer (in similar circumstances) will be in a position of danger, and be spoken against; but there will be no error.

The second SIX, divided, shows the geese gradually approaching the large rocks, where they eat and drink joyfully and at ease. There will be good fortune.

The third NINE, undivided, shows them gradually advanced to the dry plains. (It suggests also the idea of) a husband who goes on an expedition from which he does not return, and of a wife who is pregnant, but will not nourish her child. There will be evil. (The case symbolised) might be advantageous in resisting plunderers.

The fourth SIX, divided, shows the geese gradually advanced to the trees. They may light on the flat branches. There will be no error.

The fifth NINE, undivided, shows the geese gradually advanced to the high mound. (It suggests the idea of) a wife who for three years does not become pregnant; but in the end the natural issue cannot be prevented. There will be good fortune.

The sixth NINE, undivided, shows the geese gradually advanced to the large heights (beyond). Their feathers can be used as ornaments. There will be good fortune.





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