Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 942
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戟 |
ji3 | Hellebarde, chin. Dreizack | wiktionary Etymologie: |
鬓 |
bin4 | Schläfenhaare, Schläfe | wiktionary Etymologie: |
勸 |
quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝), ermutigen, drängen, dringend bitten, ermahnen, mitteilen, (an)raten, überreden | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() |
殴 |
ou1 | kämpfen, prügeln, schlagen, Handgemenge | wiktionary Etymologie: |
叨 |
dao1/dao2 | reden, nach Luft schnappen | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() ![]() |
tao1 | gierig, Nutzen ziehen |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
巴戟 |
ba1 ji3 | morinda root (Morinda officinalis), plant used in Chinese medicine |
刺戟 |
ci4 ji3 | variant of 刺激[ci4 ji1], to irritate, stimulus |
吕布戟 |
lu:3 bu4 ji3 | snake halberd |
呂布戟 |
lu:3 bu4 ji3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 吕布戟), snake halberd |
牛油戟 |
niu2 you2 ji3 | pound cake |
大戟科 |
da4 ji3 ke1 | Euphorbiaceae (plant family including rubber and cassava) |
大戟属 |
da4 ji3 shu3 | Wolfsmilch, Euphorbia (Pflanzengattung) |
大戟屬 |
da4 ji3 shu3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 大戟属), Wolfsmilch, Euphorbia (Pflanzengattung) |
巴戟天 |
ba1 ji3 tian1 | Morindawurzel, Radix Morindae officinalis |
三叉戟 |
san1 cha1 ji3 | Dreizack |
折戟沉沙 |
zhe2 ji3 chen2 sha1 | lit. broken halberds embedded in the sand, fig. reminder of a fierce battle, remnants of a disastrous defeat |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
卷鬓 |
juan3 bin4 | Ranke |
云鬓 |
yun2 bin4 | a woman's beautiful, thick hair |
鬓发 |
bin4 fa4 | hair on the temples |
鬓角 |
bin4 jiao3 | sideburns, temples, hair on the temples |
鬓脚 |
bin4 jiao3 | 鬓角[bin4 jiao3] |
鬓毛 |
bin4 mao2 | hair on the temples |
耳鬓厮磨 |
er3 bin4 si1 mo2 | intim, eng vertraut |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
勸捐 |
quan4 juan1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝捐), Spendenaufforderung |
勸告 |
quan4 gao4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝告), Beschimpfung, Ermahnung, Rat, Rat, Empfehlung, anraten und überzeugen |
勸架 |
quan4 jia4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝架), Streit schlichten |
勸阻 |
quan4 zu3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝阻), abraten; Bsp.: 他勸阻我吸煙。 他劝阻我吸烟。 -- Er rät mir ab zu rauchen. |
勸勉 |
quan4 mian3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝勉), ermahnen und anspornen |
勸說 |
quan4 shuo1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝说), anraten, avisieren |
勸誡 |
quan4 jie4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝诫), ermahnen |
規勸 |
gui1 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 规劝), mitteilen, anraten, Vorhaltung |
勸服 |
quan4 fu2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝服), überwiegen, überzeugen |
勸降 |
quan4 xiang2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝降), jd. zur Kapitulation bewegen, zur Kampfaufgabe überreden |
勸解 |
quan4 jie3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝解), Versöhnung |
解勸 |
jie3 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 解劝), beruhigen |
勸退 |
quan4 tui4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝退), jmd. zum Rücktritt überreden |
勸和 |
quan4 he2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝和), vermitteln |
勸導 |
quan4 dao3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝导), mitteilen, anraten |
勸戒 |
quan4 jie4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝戒), warnen |
勸酒 |
quan4 jiu3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劝酒), zum Trinken drängen |
祿勸 |
lu4 quan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 禄劝), Luquan Yizu Miaozu autonomous (Ort in Yunnan) |
祿勸縣 |
lu4 quan4 xian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 禄劝县), Kreis Luquan (Provinz Yunnan, China) |
可勸告 |
ke3 quan4 gao4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 可劝告), angebracht |
祿勸彝族苗族自治縣 |
lu4 quan4 yi2 zu2 miao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 禄劝彝族苗族自治县), Autonomer Kreis Luquan der Yi und Miao (Provinz Yunnan, China) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
互殴 |
hu4 ou1 | Faustkampf, Faustschlag |
殴打 |
ou1 da3 | zusammenschlagen, aufmischen |
斗殴 |
dou4 ou1 | to fight, to brawl, a scuffle, a punch-up |
殴斗 |
ou1 dou4 | to have a fist fight, fist fight, brawl |
围殴 |
wei2 ou1 | to gang up and beat |
被痛殴 |
bei4 tong4 ou1 | verprügeln |
殴打罪 |
ou1 da3 zui4 | assault and battery |
配偶的殴打 |
pei4 ou3 de5 ou1 da3 | Mißhandlung in der Ehe |
好打架斗殴的人 |
hao3 da3 jia4 dou4 ou1 de5 ren2 | Hooligan |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
念叨 |
nian4 dao5 | etw. bereden |
叨住 |
dao1 zhu4 | beißen |
磨叨 |
mo4 dao5 | to grumble, to chatter |
叨扰 |
tao1 rao3 | to bother, to trouble, (polite expression of appreciation for time taken to hear, help or host the speaker) sorry to have bothered you, thank you for your time |
叨擾 |
tao1 rao3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 叨扰), to bother, to trouble, (polite expression of appreciation for time taken to hear, help or host the speaker) sorry to have bothered you, thank you for your time |
叨叨 |
dao1 dao5 | to chatter, to hog the conversation |
叨念 |
dao1 nian4 | see 念叨[nian4 dao5] |
忙忙叨叨 |
mang2 mang5 dao1 dao1 | in a busy and hasty manner |
劳劳叨叨 |
lao2 lao5 dao1 dao1 | variant of 嘮嘮叨叨/唠唠叨叨[lao2 lao5 dao1 dao1] |
勞勞叨叨 |
lao2 lao5 dao1 dao1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 劳劳叨叨), variant of 嘮嘮叨叨/唠唠叨叨[lao2 lao5 dao1 dao1] |
神神叨叨 |
shen2 shen5 dao1 dao1 | see 神神道道[shen2 shen5 dao4 dao4] |
Sätze und Ausdrücke
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[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
他勸她去報警。 |
She was advised by him to go to the police. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
他不肯聽我的勸告。 |
Er wollte nicht auf meinen Rat hören. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Wolf ) | |
他不聽我的勸告。 |
Er wollte nicht auf meinen Rat hören. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Wolf ) | |
我勸你告訴他實話。 |
I urge you to tell him the truth. (Mandarin, Tatoeba treskro3 CK ) | |
我勸你戒酒。 |
I advise you to give up drinking. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
試圖勸她是沒有用的。 |
Es hat keinen Sinn, sie zu überzeugen zu versuchen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha konny ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
囚犯们像疯子一样互相殴斗。 |
The prisoners fought one another like so many mad people. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow \N ) | |
他被殴打得快死。 |
He was beaten to within an inch of his life. (Mandarin, Tatoeba eastasiastudent ) | |
有时候冰球运动员相互挑衅得太厉害以至于会引发斗殴。 |
Manchmal geraten Hockeyspieler so miteinander in Rage, dass es zu tätlichen Auseinandersetzungen kommt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Tamy ) | |
警察驱散了这场斗殴。 |
Die Polizei beendete die Prügelei. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha stupiddog ) |
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[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
忽见一人跃马持戟 |
hu1 jian4/xian4 yi1 ren2 yue4 ma3 chi2 ji3 | Suddenly, he saw a person riding a horse with a halberd in his hand. (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回) |
命野虞,出行田原,勞農勸民,無或失時。 |
ming4 野 yu2 , chu1 hang2/xing2 tian2 yuan2 , lao2 nong2 quan4 min2 , wu2 huo4 shi1 shi2 。 | Die Förster erhalten den Befehl, die Gefilde und Ebenen zu durchreisen und die Bauern anzufeuern und das Volk zu ermahnen, die Zeit nicht ungenützt vorübergehen zu lassen. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
人之情,不能樂其所不安,不能得於其所不樂。為之而樂矣,奚待賢者?雖不肖者猶若勸之。為之而苦矣,奚待不肖者?雖賢者猶不能久。 |
ren2 zhi1 qing2 , bu4 neng2 le4/yue4 qi2 suo3 bu4 an1 , bu4 neng2 de2/de5/dei3 yu2 qi2 suo3 bu4 le4/yue4 。 wei2/wei4 zhi1 er2 le4/yue4 yi3 , xi1 dai1 xian2 zhe3 ? sui1 bu4 xiao4 zhe3 you2 ruo4 quan4 zhi1 。 wei2/wei4 zhi1 er2 ku3 yi3 , xi1 dai1 bu4 xiao4 zhe3 ? sui1 xian2 zhe3 you2 bu4 neng2 jiu3 。 | Es liegt in der Art der Menschen, daß sie keine Freude haben können, wenn sie sich nicht behaglich fühlen, und woran sie keine Freude haben, darin machen sie keine Fortschritte. Wenn man ihnen Freude zu geben vermag, so brauchts gar nicht einmal eines tüchtigen Schülers, selbst ein untauglicher wird sich Mühe geben. Wenn man es aber ihnen schwer macht, so brauchts gar nicht erst eines untauglichen Schülers, selbst ein tüchtiger kann es nicht lange aushalten. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
省婦使,勸蠶事 |
sheng3/xing3 婦 shi3/shi4 , quan4 can2 shi4 | Die übrigen Arbeiten der Frauen werden vermindert, sie werden zur Seidenzucht angehalten. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
反諸人情,則得所以勸學矣 |
fan3 zhu1 ren2 qing2 , ze2 de2/de5/dei3 suo3 yi3 quan4 xue2 yi3 | Wenn man zurückgeht auf das eigentliche Wesen des Menschen, so findet man das Mittel, die Schüler anzufeuern. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
巡勸農事 |
xun2 quan4 nong2 shi4 | Man soll die Ackergeschäfte beaufsichtigen und ermutigen. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
他勸她去報警。 |
ta1 quan4 ta1 qu4 bao4 jing3 。 | She was advised by him to go to the police. Tatoeba Martha CK |
乃勸種麥,無或失時,行罪無疑。 |
nai3 quan4 chong2/zhong3/zhong4 mai4 , wu2 huo4 shi1 shi2 , hang2/xing2 zui4 wu2 yi2 。 | Darauf ermahnen sie das Volk, den Weizen zu säen, damit nicht etwa jemand die Zeit versäume. Wer es aber dennoch tut, der soll ohne Zögern bestraft werden. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
他不聽我的勸告。 |
ta1 bu4 ting1 wo3 de5 quan4 gao4 。 | Er wollte nicht auf meinen Rat hören. Tatoeba Martha Wolf |
他不肯聽我的勸告。 |
ta1 bu4 ken3 ting1 wo3 de5 quan4 gao4 。 | He would not listen to my advice. Tatoeba Martha CK |
乃勸種麥,無或失時 |
nai3 quan4 chong2/zhong3/zhong4 mai4 , wu2 huo4 shi1 shi2 | Darauf ermahnen sie das Volk, den Weizen zu säen, damit nicht etwa jemand die Zeit versäume. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
我勸你戒酒。 |
wo3 quan4 ni3 jie4 jiu3 。 | I advise you to give up drinking. Tatoeba Martha CK |
有时候冰球运动员相互挑衅得太厉害以至于会引发斗殴。 |
you3 shi2 hou4 bing1 qiu2 yun4 dong4 yuan2 xiang1/xiang4 hu4 tao1/tiao1/tiao3 xin4 de2/de5/dei3 tai4 li4 hai4 yi3 zhi4 yu2 hui4 yin3 fa1 dou4 ou1 。 | Manchmal geraten Hockeyspieler so miteinander in Rage, dass es zu tätlichen Auseinandersetzungen kommt. Tatoeba fucongcong Tamy |
他被殴打得快死。 |
ta1 bei4 ou1 da3 de2/de5/dei3 kuai4 si3 。 | He was beaten to within an inch of his life. Tatoeba eastasiastudent |
一个陌生人站在房子前面。 |
yi1 ge4 mo4 sheng1 ren2 zhan4 zai4 fang2 zi5 qian2 mian4 。 | Ein Fremder steht vor dem Haus. Tatoeba fucongcong jakov |
狗会对陌生人叫。 |
gou3 hui4 dui4 mo4 sheng1 ren2 jiao4 。 | A dog will bark at strangers. Tatoeba sadhen CK |
她开始和一个陌生人交谈。 |
ta1 kai1 shi3 he2/he4/huo2 yi1 ge4 mo4 sheng1 ren2 jiao1 tan2 。 | Sie begann, mit einem Fremden zu sprechen. Tatoeba anndiana Sudajaengi |
她对我来说是一个完全陌生的人。 |
ta1 dui4 wo3 lai2 shuo1 shi4 yi1 ge4 wan2 quan2 mo4 sheng1 de5 ren2 。 | Sie ist eine Wildfremde für mich. Tatoeba fucongcong Dani6187 |
我看见一位陌生女人在那儿。 |
wo3 kan4 jian4/xian4 yi1 wei4 mo4 sheng1 nü3/ru3 ren2 zai4 na4/nei4 er2/er5 。 | Ich habe dort eine seltsame Frau gesehen. Tatoeba asosan Pfirsichbaeumchen |
他对我们来说是完全陌生的。 |
ta1 dui4 wo3 men5 lai2 shuo1 shi4 wan2 quan2 mo4 sheng1 de5 。 | He was an entire stranger to us. Tatoeba anndiana |
我不想和一个陌生人分享旅馆房间。 |
wo3 bu4 xiang3 he2/he4/huo2 yi1 ge4 mo4 sheng1 ren2 fen1 xiang3 lü3 guan3 fang2 jian1 。 | I don't want to share the hotel room with a stranger. Tatoeba ruicong CK |
周围全是陌生人,这让汤姆感到很不自在。 |
zhou1 wei2 quan2 shi4 mo4 sheng1 ren2 , zhe4/zhei4 rang4 tang1 mu3 gan3 dao4 hen3 bu4 zi4 zai4 。 | Tom is ill at ease among strangers. Tatoeba fercheung CK |
在公车上,一个陌生人和我说了话。 |
zai4 gong1 che1 shang4 , yi1 ge4 mo4 sheng1 ren2 he2/he4/huo2 wo3 shuo1 le5 hua4 。 | Ein Fremder hat mich im Bus angesprochen. Tatoeba fucongcong Wolf |
形同陌路 |
xing2 tong2 mo4 lu4 | (Wiktionary en) |
一个陌生人进了大楼。 |
yi1 ge4 mo4 sheng1 ren2 jin4 le5 da4 lou2 。 | Ein Fremder betrat das Gebäude. Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL |
這隻狗對著陌生人叫。 |
zhe4/zhei4 zhi1 gou3 dui4 zhao1/zhu4/zhuo2 mo4 sheng1 ren2 jiao4 。 | Der Hund hat den Fremden angebellt. Tatoeba Martha Dejo |
他把我當成陌生人來看待。 |
ta1 ba3 wo3 dang1/dang4 cheng2 mo4 sheng1 ren2 lai2 kan4 dai1 。 | Er behandelt mich, als wäre ich ein Fremder. Tatoeba nickyeow Wolf |
竞选活动的声势也来自那些已不再年轻的人们,他们冒着严寒酷暑,敲开陌生人的家门进行竞选宣传;竞选声势也源自数百万的美国民众,他们充当志愿者和组织者,他们证明了在两百多年以后,民有、民治、民享的政府并未从地球上消失。这是你们的胜利。 |
jing4 xuan3 huo2 dong4 de5 sheng1 shi4 ye3 lai2 zi4 na4/nei4 xie1 yi3 bu4 zai4 nian2 qing1 de5 ren2 men5 , ta1 men5 mao4 zhao2/zhe2 yan2 han2 ku4 shu3 , qiao1 kai1 mo4 sheng1 ren2 de5 jia1 men2 jin4 hang2/xing2 jing4 xuan3 xuan1 chuan2/zhuan4 ; jing4 xuan3 sheng1 shi4 ye3 yuan2 zi4 shu3/shuo4 bai3 wan4 de5 mei3 guo2 min2 zhong4 , ta1 men5 chong1 dang1/dang4 zhi4 yuan4 zhe3 he2/he4/huo2 zu3 zhi1 zhe3 , ta1 men5 zheng4 ming2 le5 zai4 liang3 bai3 duo1 nian2 yi3 hou4 , min2 you3 、 min2 zhi4 、 min2 xiang3 de5 zheng4 fu3 bing4 wei4 cong2 de4/di4 qiu2 shang4 xiao1 shi1 。 zhe4/zhei4 shi4 ni3 men5 de5 sheng4 li4 。 | It drew strength from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on doors of perfect strangers, and from the millions of Americans who volunteered and organized and proved that more than two centuries later a government of the people, by the people, and for the people has not perished from the Earth. Tatoeba zhouj1955 sugisaki |
你看看那些 erfolgreich 男演员,在电影里总是和漂亮的姑娘换着法的谈恋爱。镜头一开,MM们就得对你 mit süßem Charme,Herzen brechend,自己太太看到你和美女耳鬓厮磨,还不能有意见。
爽 teuflisch 了!
岁数大一点的人多数都看过《尼罗河上的惨案》,这部电影我看过至少十遍。电影中的神探 Paul,面对的所有的人似乎都在给他制造假象,他既不能刑讯逼供,也不能给对方许诺“坦白从宽,抗拒从严”,除了 diskreten 东张西望之外,他唯一的武器,就是提问。
“有人说你们的工作就是照本宣科。你怎么看?” 有人问。
Are TV hosts actors?
Recently, I’ve been asked, “Are you an Actor?” TV journalist Cai Jing’s recent book has been a big seller. Our vocation, which few people occupy has become the centre of discussion in the journalism industry.
To be honest, I have a dream about being an Actor. For no other reason than that I would enjoy the glory and fame.
Have a look at the famous male actors. In the movies, they keep going on dates with beautiful actresses. Once the camera’s running, the starlets start hitting on them with their gentle charm and their intriguing manner. Their star’s wives can’t even have a problem with on-stage intimacy.
How awesomely devilish!
Our jobs compared with Actors are nowhere near as exciting!
Investigative reporting is not the forte of TV stations. Investigative reporters in the print media have a hundred ways to get closer to the truth, but for a TV show they must get to the truth above the board and sporting with the cameras.
Every time I interview these people, a sense of loneliness overwhelms me. Because every time the camera starts, the blinking lenses of the camera tells these people. “You have a right to be silent but anything you say can be held against you in the court of law.” I know the fact that everyone I interview actually is not helping me approach the truth. They just represent their own interests and are their own attorneys. The interviewee’s only obligation is to make it harder for me to obtain the truth.
Older generations might have watched 《?Death on the Nile?》 I’ve seen this movie at least ten times. The people who Paul, the Detective confronts in this movie seem to create an illusion for him. He can neither use physical interogation like torture, nor psychological pressure like inducing a confession with a promise. Except for discrete observation, his only method to extract the truth is to ask questions.
The only right the camera grants us is to ask questions.
You must focus on every word, facial expression and even body language of the interviewees. You must judge which part of the words are spoken to you and which part to the camera. (You must read between the lines, the words that are addressed to you and those that are addressed to the camera).
All this has to be achieved through questioning only.
An uninterrupted sequence in questioning is essential. Information obtained once the camera is turned off is worthless. Once the interview is complete, it cannot be changed. You can always regret unasked question and imperfect interviews. During the interview, you must decide which questions to ask within one second.
This is an artform. Only when you have a deep knowledge or investigate deeply inside, you can experience the challenge.
You must activate all the energy to formulate a strategy. Otherwise you will be seriously defeated. No one can help you!
“Some people say, your job is to go by the book. What do you think?” some people ask.
“In fact, I also doubt that the Chess contest between Gu Li and Li Shi Shi was fabricated. It was planned from the very start.”
“In the middle of such an enduring Chess contest, there was a fierce battle. The game ended in a dead tie.”
“Don’t you think it’s way too fake?” I asked.
Sometimes the news can be more intriguing than a drama! But the only difference is that the Directors are ourselves.
We do have a team but they are not behind me because I’m not the core of the team. It is like a football game, I’m merely someone selected by my team members to do the penalty kick. The penalty kick is usually a critical point in the game but my teammates would just tell me the habits of the goalkeeper and advise me to shoot upper left or lower right direction. They cant provide anything more than this general advice. How I kick is up to me.
If I were to conduct an interview under the directions of Ma Xiaogang, I would be under a lot less pressure, because I would only need to consider whether or not final edits fit the script, but not the final result. Regrettably, I don’t receive the script. Even if I faced a wall and hit my head against it until it bled, the audience would just say “this reporter better hurry up and die”.
Still, it is worth devoting ones life to this work. Your compensation is not only a salary, it also includes a meticulously guarded secret, namely it helps one to understand complicated experiences and insights regarding human nature and society.
If you were not allowed to do this, what would you like to do? This question can help to determine reporters interests.
If I were an actor, I can honestly say that I would be able to play opposite either Zhang Ziyi or Shu Qi.
There’s a saying that ‘journalists who don’t want to marry an actor are not good for the camera’.
This translation was completed during the 2nd Marco Polo Project translation race held in Nanjing on December 22, 2014. The winning team – whose translation is published here – consisted of Ammy, Che Yuan, Alex and JP Grima.
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Noch keine Übersetzung
He Zhizhang (659-744): Geschrieben nach der Rückkehr in die Heimat
Jung und klein verließ ich meine Familie, alt und groß kam ich zurück.
Der Dialekt im Dorf hat sich nicht verändert, aber meine Haare an den Schläfen sind gealtert
Die Kinder sehen mich, doch erkennen mich nicht
Lächelnd fragen sie mich, den Gast, von wo ich herkomme
Oh, illusion! In the usual sense of the word, it just means, you believe something is a certain way, when in fact it isn’t.
In general, everyone believes that society is progressing, that science, technology and culture are developing, and that humanity is evolving. I believe this is an illusion. A minority of people are promoting the development of science, technology and culture, while simultaneously, they keep producing new technological products. More and more people are using these products, are relying on these products; people’s own capacity to think, reflect and act is instead degrading. A large part of the population has already reached a point where they no longer understand very simple things, and cannot express very simple things through language. In the future of humanity, we may point at elements which have indeed developed – various technological products and their operations; while cognitive functions, particularly all that has to do with thinking and reflection, will have degraded badly.
We are now living in the age of information. People easily mistake information for knowledge, or understanding. For instance, if someone opens hundreds of albums, and fills them everyday with photographs from somewhere else, people will have the illusion that this person is great – when in fact what they do is just simple collecting and sorting work.
For instance, if someone has watched more films than anyone else, everyone will believe that what they write about film is a good viewing guide, but this is an illusion: the fact that they saw so much doesn’t mean they understand, but only that they spent a lot of time viewing: quantity may be a pre-condition for quality, but it is certainly not the same thing.
For instance, if a person often downloads films and music, everyone will think that person is great, when all they’re doing is just accumulating information.
I’m not saying information is bad, but we must consider how we’re using this information: when knowledge is flooded with information, when thinking is flooded with information, people may increasingly lose their ability to think. Of course, I’m talking and talking – you can skip if you want.
People today really like to fall in love with photographs. They fall in love with the face on the photograph, with the breasts on the photograph, with the legs on the photograph – without even considering first whether they were photoshopped. This is obviously an illusion, this is just a kind of sexual impulse after seeing photographs online: today you’ve seen this pair of legs and you got hard, yesterday you saw these breasts and you got hard – but love? Are you kidding?
Ah, I was talking on the phone with a friend as I wrote this – now the call is over, and that’s how much I blabbered.
Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache
dì bā shí liù kè
Sechsundachtzigste Lektion
Eine Variante dieses findet sich bei ctext.org im Yù dìng yuān jiàn lèi hán.
Die folgenden Vokabeln ergänzen die bisherigen Lücken des Textes.
蔥 | cong1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 葱), |
販 | fan4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 贩), Handel, Kleinhändler, Straßenhändler |
効 | xiao4 | (Variante von 效), Anstrengung, anstrengen |
Shǒu fēn
Den Beruf bewahren (Nicht die Grenzen überschreiten)
lǚ sēng zhēn wèi cì shǐ
Lü Sengzhen war Provinzgouverneur
xiōng zi hóng yǐ fàn cōng wèi yè
Hong, der Sohn seines älteren Bruders, hatte einen Zwiebelhandel als Gewerbe
yīn sēng zhēn guì, yù qì qí yè, qiú wèi zhōu guān
Weil Sengzhen hochgestellt war, wünschte (Hong), sein Gewerbe aufzugeben und erbat eine Stelle als Provinzbeamter.
sēng zhēn jì guì nǎi qì yè yùqiú zhōu guān
Da Sengzhen bereits hochgestellt war, wollte er sein Gewerbe aufgeben und erbat eine Stelle als Provinzbeamter.
sēng zhēn yuē
Sengzhen sagte:
wú hé guó zhòng ēn
Ich bin belastet durch die große Gunst des Landes
wú yǐ bào xiào
und kann sie nicht durch Anstrengung zurückzahlen
rǔ děng zì yǒu cháng fēn
Ihr habt selbst euren festen Beruf
qǐ kě wàng shì tāo yuè
Wie könnt ihr für eine trügerische Sache gierig danach sein, zu wechseln?
qǐ kě wàng qiú dāo yuè
Wie könnt ihr mit so einer ungebührlichen Anfrage gierig danach zu sein, zu wechseln?
dàn dāng sù fǎn cōng shì ěr
Kehrt bloß schnell zum Zwiebelmarkt zurück!
Analekte 論語 為政
[Bearbeiten]哀公問曰: 何為則民服? 孔子對曰: 舉直錯諸枉,則民服;舉枉錯諸直,則民不服。
季康子問: 使民敬、忠以勸,如之何? 子曰: 臨之以莊則敬,孝慈則忠,舉善而教不能,則勸。
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Fürst Ai fragte und sprach: »Was ist zu tun, damit das Volk fügsam wird?« Meister Kung entgegnete und sprach: »Die Geraden erheben, daß sie auf die Verdrehten drücken: so fügt sich das Volk. Die Verdrehten erheben, daß sie auf die Geraden drücken: so fügt sich das Volk nicht.«
Freiherr Gi Kang fragte: »Das Volk zur Ehrfurcht und Treue zu bringen durch Ermahnungen: was ist davon zu halten?« Der Meister sprach: »Sich (zum Volk) herablassen mit Würde: dadurch bekommt (das Volk) Ehrfurcht; kindliche Ehrfurcht und Menschenliebe (zeigen): dadurch wird es treu. Die Guten erhöhen und die Unfähigen belehren: so wird das Volk ermahnt.«
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The Duke Ai asked, saying, "What should be done in order to secure the submission of the people?" Confucius replied, "Advance the upright and set aside the crooked, then the people will submit. Advance the crooked and set aside the upright, then the people will not submit."
Ji Kang asked how to cause the people to reverence their ruler, to be faithful to him, and to go on to nerve themselves to virtue. The Master said, "Let him preside over them with gravity; then they will reverence him. Let him be final and kind to all; then they will be faithful to him. Let him advance the good and teach the incompetent; then they will eagerly seek to be virtuous."
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