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Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 959

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Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung Lernhilfen
ci2 Ahnentempel, Opfer wiktionary Etymologie:
huan4 trügerisch, mystisch, mysteriös, magisch, Fantasie, Vorstellung wiktionary Etymologie:
ne4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 讷), langsam (sprechen/reden), schwerfällig, nicht schlagfertig, reichlich, groß wiktionary Etymologie:
yi4 Abnützung, Abnutzung, Gewichtseinheit (20-24 Liang) wiktionary Etymologie:
yu2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 玙), schöne Jade wiktionary Etymologie:

Zusammengesetzte Wörter

Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
zong1 ci2 ancestral temple, clan hall
shen2 ci2 shrine
ci2 miao4 ancestral hall, temple to one's forebears
ci2 miao4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 祠庙), ancestral hall, temple to one's forebears
ci2 mu4 memorial hall and tomb
ci2 tang2 ancestral hall, memorial hall
Qu1 Yuan2 ci2 汨罗江 at Yueyang 岳陽市|岳阳市, Hunan
tu3 gu3 ci2 temple dedicated to the local tutelary god 土地神[tu3 di4 shen2] and the god of cereals
tu3 gu3 ci2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 土谷祠), temple dedicated to the local tutelary god 土地神[tu3 di4 shen2] and the god of cereals
zhong1 lie4 ci2 Märtyrerschrein
wu3 hou2 ci2 Tempel des Markgrafen von Wu
huang2 da4 xian1 ci2 Wong-Tai-Sin-Tempel
huang2 da4 xian1 ci2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 黄大仙祠), Wong-Tai-Sin-Tempel
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
huan4 fang1 Magisches Quadrat
huan4 mie4 Ernüchterung
huan4 mie4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灭), Ernüchterung
xu1 huan4 Einbildung, Illusion, illusorisch, phantomhaft, irreal
xu1 huan4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 虚幻), Einbildung, Illusion, illusorisch, phantomhaft, irreal
huan4 meng4 Traum
huan4 xiang3 Illusion, Fantasie, Illusionen hegen
meng4 huan4 Illusion, Sinnestäuschung, Traum, Traumbild, Traumland, Träumerei, traumhaft
huan4 zhi1 Phantomschmerz
huan4 jing4 Traumland
huan4 jue2 Halluzination
huan4 jue2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻觉), Halluzination
bian4 huan4 unbeständig
bian4 huan4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 变幻), unbeständig
huan4 ying3 Trugbild
huan4 jing3 Luftspiegelung, Trugbild, visionär
huan4 cheng2 sich einbilden
ke1 huan4 Science Fiction
huan4 deng1 Lichtbilder, Diavorführung
huan4 deng1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灯), Lichtbilder, Diavorführung
huan4 xiang4 Traum, Traumbild, Trugbild, Wahnbild
mi2 huan4 yao4 Halluzinogen
mi2 huan4 yao4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 迷幻药), Halluzinogen
huan4 xiang3 li4 Vorstellungskraft
meng4 huan4 hao4 Traumschiff, Boeing 787, ehemals Boeing 7E7, Dreamliner
huan4 meng4 jing4 Traumländer
hao3 meng4 huan4 Träum schön!
huan4 ying3 si4 traumhaft
ke1 huan4 pian4 Science-Fiction Film
huan4 deng1 pian4 Diapositiv, Dia
huan4 deng1 pian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灯片), Diapositiv, Dia
mi2 huan4 ji4 Halluzinogen, Rauschgift
huan4 xiang3 qu3 Fantasia
huan4 deng1 ji1 Dia-Projektor, Diaprojektor, Overheadprojektor
huan4 deng1 ji1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灯机), Dia-Projektor, Diaprojektor, Overheadprojektor
huan4 xiang3 jia1 Visionär
ke1 huan4 xiao3 shuo1 Science Fiction Roman
ke1 huan4 xiao3 shuo1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 科幻小说), Science Fiction Roman
qi2 huan4 xiao3 shuo1 Fantasy
qi2 huan4 xiao3 shuo1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 奇幻小说), Fantasy
ke1 huan4 dian4 ying3 Sciencefiction-Film
ke1 huan4 dian4 ying3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 科幻电影), Sciencefiction-Film
meng4 huan4 you2 xi4 Fushigi Yuugi
huan4 deng1 ying3 pian1 Dia, Diapositiv, Filmstreifen
huan4 deng1 ying3 pian1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灯影片), Dia, Diapositiv, Filmstreifen
huan4 xiang3 xiao3 shuo1 Romanze
huan4 xiang3 xiao3 shuo1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻想小说), Romanze
huan4 ying3 tian1 shi3 Fruits Basket
mo2 huan4 wang2 chao2 Das zehnte Königreich
ke1 huan4 pin2 dao4 SciFi-Channel F
ke1 huan4 pin2 dao4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 科幻频道), SciFi-Channel F
ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3 wissenschaftliche Fantastik; Science Fiction
ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 科学幻想), wissenschaftliche Fantastik; Science Fiction
ke1 huan4 shi4 jie4 Science Fiction World
huan4 shou4 tian1 shi3 +Anima
huan4 xiang3 po4 mie4 Desillusionierung
huan4 xiang3 po4 mie4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻想破灭), Desillusionierung
huan4 xiang3 shi4 jie4 Traum, Traumland
mo2 huan4 gu4 shi4 Märchen
mo2 yu4 huan4 jing4 Unreal
chan3 sheng1 huan4 jue2 zaubern
chan3 sheng1 huan4 jue2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 产生幻觉), zaubern
zui4 zhong1 huan4 xiang3 Final Fantasy
zui4 zhong1 huan4 xiang3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 最终幻想), Final Fantasy
meng4 huan4 zhi1 chuan2 Traumschiff, Boeing 787, ehemals Boeing 7E7, Dreamliner
bian4 huan4 bu4 ding4 phantasmagorisch
bian4 huan4 bu4 ding4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 变幻不定), phantasmagorisch
yan2 su4 qi2 huan4 High Fantasy
yan2 su4 qi2 huan4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 严肃奇幻), High Fantasy
meng4 huan4 zhi1 lü3 Traumreise
li2 qi2 huan4 xiang3 fantastisch
li2 qi2 huan4 xiang3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 离奇幻想), fantastisch
fang4 ying4 huan4 deng1 pian4 Diashow
fang4 ying4 huan4 deng1 pian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 放映幻灯片), Diashow
hai3 yang2 meng4 huan4 hao4 Vision of the Seas (Kreuzfahrtschiff)
huan4 xiang3 jiao1 xiang3 qu3 Symphonie Fantastique
huan4 xiang3 jiao1 xiang3 qu3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻想交响曲), Symphonie Fantastique
shi4 jie4 qi2 huan4 jiang3 World Fantasy Award
hai3 yang2 huan4 li4 hao4 Enchantment of the Seas (Kreuzfahrtschiff)
hai3 yang2 huan4 li4 hao4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 海洋幻丽号), Enchantment of the Seas (Kreuzfahrtschiff)
hao3 huan4 xiang3 de5 ren2 Visionär
huan4 deng1 pian4 sao4 miao2 yi2 Diascanner
huan4 deng1 pian4 tou2 ying3 ji1 Diaprojektor
huan4 deng1 pian4 tou2 ying3 ji1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灯片投影机), Diaprojektor
mo2 huan4 xie3 shi2 zhu3 yi4 Magischer Realismus
mo2 huan4 xie3 shi2 zhu3 yi4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 魔幻写实主义), Magischer Realismus
huan4 deng1 pian4 guan1 cha2 qi4 Diabetrachter
huan4 deng1 pian4 guan1 cha2 qi4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灯片观察器), Diabetrachter
ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3 xiao3 shuo1 scientifique romance
ke1 xue2 huan4 xiang3 xiao3 shuo1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 科学幻想小说), scientifique romance
mo2 yu4 huan4 jing4 zhi1 yu4 xue4 zhan4 chang3 Unreal Tournament
mo2 yu4 huan4 jing4 zhi1 yu4 xue4 zhan4 chang3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 魔域幻境之浴血战场), Unreal Tournament
huan4 deng1 pian4 zhi4 zuo4 he2 yan3 shi4 ruan3 jian4 Folienerstellungs- und Präsentationssoftware (wie z.b. PowerPoint)
huan4 deng1 pian4 zhi4 zuo4 he2 yan3 shi4 ruan3 jian4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 幻灯片制作和演示软件), Folienerstellungs- und Präsentationssoftware (wie z.b. PowerPoint)
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
ne4 he2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 讷河), Nehe (Stadt in Heilongjiang)
yue1 ne4 sheng3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 约讷省), Yonne (Departement in Frankreich)
luo2 ne4 sheng3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 罗讷省), Rhône (Departement in Frankreich)
hei1 er3 ne4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 黑尔讷), Herne
wei2 er3 ne4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 维尔讷), Werner
ba1 yue1 ne4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 巴约讷), Bayonne
ne4 he2 shi4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 讷河市), Nehe
ne4 de2 lin2 gen1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 讷德林根), Nördlingen
ji1 xi1 ne4 wu1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 基希讷乌), Chişinău, Kischinau (Hauptstadt von Moldavien)
ma3 ye1 ne4 sheng3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 马耶讷省), Mayenne (Departement in Frankreich)
wei2 er3 ne4 mi3 lei1 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 维尔讷米勒), Werner Müller
gan1 de5 ne4 ge2 er3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 甘地讷格尔), Gandhinagar
gu3 mu3 ne4 ge2 er3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 贾姆讷格尔), Jamnagar
luo2 ne4 he2 kou3 sheng3 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 罗讷河口省), Bouches-du-Rhône (Departement in Frankreich)
wei2 er3 ne4 lü3 deng1 bei4 ge2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 维尔讷吕登贝格), Rüdenberg erstellte das bis dahin umfangreichste chinesisch-deutsche Wörterbuch, dessen Gebrauch sich eher an Praktiker als an Wissenschaftler richtet. 1963 erfuhr es eine Neubearbeitung durch Hans O. H. Stange und erhielt später einen Anhang durch C.A. Kollecker, der zu den 6400 Schriftzeichen zusätzlich die Aussprache im Hakka und im Kanton-Dialekt angibt., Werner Rüdenberg
lü3 ne4 bao3 shi2 nan2 cao3 yuan2 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 吕讷堡石楠草原), Lüneburger Heide
te4 ao4 duo1 er3 feng2 ta3 ne4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 特奥多尔冯塔讷), Theodor Fontane
te4 ao4 duo1 er3 fu2 li4 de2 ne4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 特奥多尔弗利德讷), Theodor Fliedner
fu2 li3 de2 li3 xi1 wei4 bu4 lei2 ne4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 弗里德里希魏布雷讷), Friedrich Weinbrenner
wa3 lang3 xie4 ne4 zu2 qiu2 ju4 le4 bu4 (traditionelle Schreibweise von 瓦朗谢讷足球俱乐部), FC Valenciennes


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
He likes reading science fiction novels. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth iiujik )
Er lebt in einer Traumwelt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha xtofu80 )
Durch den Weltraum zu reisen ist nicht länger nur ein Traum. (Mandarin, Tatoeba DaoSeng jxan )
The feelings of "love at first sight" and "faithful unto death" are unrealistic; this sort of unrealistic and illusory feeling is not what we need. (Mandarin, Tatoeba egg0073 eastasiastudent )
Er liebt Sci-Fi-Romane. (Mandarin, Tatoeba ryanwoo giftschatz )
He had the illusion that he was a genius. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha \N )
Er lebt in einer Traumwelt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha xtofu80 )
What are your dreams for the future of humankind? (Mandarin, Tatoeba DaoSeng Ricardo14 )
Things change from time to time, and one should change with them. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow CK )
Things change from time to time, and one should change with them. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow CK )
Oh! I'm not deluding myself! (Mandarin, Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Scott )
He had the illusion that he was a genius. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha \N )
Everything you saw was an illusion. (Mandarin, Tatoeba trieuho JSakuragi )
Science-Fiction wird mit SciFi abgekürzt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth Yorwba )
Wirklichkeit und Phantasie sind schwer zu unterscheiden. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Pfirsichbaeumchen )
Drachen sind Fabeltiere. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Pfirsichbaeumchen )
Es gibt keine reellen Visionen. Es gibt keine echten Visionen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL cost )
Science-Fiction wird mit SciFi abgekürzt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth Yorwba )
Diese SF-Story scheint interessant zu sein. Borgst du sie mir, wenn du sie gelesen hast? (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Manfredo )
I like watching Code Lyoko. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong \N )
Der Drache ist ein Fantasiewesen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Manfredo )
Science-Fiction ist mir zu hoch. Warum schauen wir nicht eine Komödie? (Mandarin, Tatoeba BobbyLee Yorwba )
Ich lese gerne Science-Fiction-Romane. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth Yorwba )
Tom mag Science-Fiction. (Mandarin, Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Wuzzy )
Drachen sind Fabeltiere. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Pfirsichbaeumchen )
Mir ist Science-Fiction lieber. Ich mag Science-Fiction lieber. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Kamil Zaghawa )
Mir ist Science-Fiction lieber. Ich mag Science-Fiction lieber. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Kamil Zaghawa )
Was it all an illusion? (Mandarin, Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Eldad )
Wirklichkeit und Phantasie sind schwer zu unterscheiden. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Pfirsichbaeumchen )
Der Drache ist ein Fantasiewesen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Manfredo )
Mir ist Science-Fiction lieber. Ich mag Science-Fiction lieber. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sherryyyf Kamil Zaghawa )
Das bildest du dir nur ein. (Mandarin, Tatoeba jiangche Sprachprofi )
Ich suche erotische Science-Fiction-Romane. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus marcelostockle )
Ich bin am Träumen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xujie8410 al_ex_an_der )
Dieser Science-Fiction-Film ist der beste der letzten Jahre. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus Yorwba )
Ich träume gerade. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xujie8410 al_ex_an_der )
Ich suche erotische Science-Fiction-Romane. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus marcelostockle )
Dieser Science-Fiction-Film ist der beste der letzten Jahre. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus Yorwba )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Do thou what's straight still crooked deem; Thy greatest art still stupid seem, And eloquence a stammering scream. (klassisch, Tatoeba shanghainese )
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung


Zeichen Pinyin Übersetzung
da4 ge1 ,祠 yu2 gong1 she4 ji2 men2 lü2 Es werden viele Opfertiere geschlachtet und dargebracht an die Götter des kaiserlichen Landesaltars und an die Schutzgeister der Stadt- und Dorftore. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
wen4 qi2 cong2 she4 da4 祠, min2 zhi1 suo3 bu4 yu4 fei4 zhe3 er2 fu4 xing1/xing4 zhi1 , qu1/qu3 jia1 qi2 si4 li3 。 Man frage nach den Heiligtümern und religiösen Bräuchen. Dinge, deren Abschaffung das Volk nicht wünschte, richte man wieder ein und vervollständige die Liste derer, deren Andenken durch Opfer geehrt werden soll. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
jin1 shi4 shang4 bu3 shi4 dao3 祠, gu4 ji2 bing4 yu4 lai2 Heutzutage fragen die Hochgestellten alle Arten von Orakel und veranstalten Gesundbetereien, darum mehren sich die Krankheiten erst recht. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
jin1 shi4 shang4 bu3 shi4 dao3 祠, gu4 ji2 bing4 yu4 lai2 Heutzutage fragen die Hochgestellten alle Arten von Orakel und veranstalten Gesundbetereien, darum mehren sich die Krankheiten erst recht. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
ming4 zhu3 祠, ji4 qin2 yu2 si4 fang1 。 Dann erteilt er dem Opferpriester den Befehl, von der Jagdbeute den vier Himmelsrichtungen zu opfern (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
ming4 zhu3 祠, ji4 qin2 yu2 si4 fang1 。 Dann erteilt er dem Opferpriester den Befehl, von der Jagdbeute den vier Himmelsrichtungen zu opfern (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
shi4 yue4 ye3 , ming4 tai4 bu3 , dao3 祠 gui1/jun1/qiu1 策 zhan4 zhao4 , shen3 gua4 ji2 xiong1 。 In diesem Monat erhält der Großorakelmeister den Befehl, unter Gebet die Schildkröte und die Schafgarbenstengel zu befragen und die Orakelsprüche auf Heil oder Unheil zu prüfen. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm)
wo3 bi4 jiao4 xi3 歡 ke1 幻 xiao3 shuo1 。 Mir ist Science-Fiction lieber. Tatoeba nickyeow Kamil
wo3 zheng4 zai4 幻 xiang3 。 Ich träume gerade. Tatoeba xujie8410 al_ex_an_der
tang1 mu3 xi3 欢 ke1 幻。 Tom mag Science-Fiction. Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Wuzzy
ta1 fei1 chang2 xi3 欢 ke1 幻 xiao3 shuo1 。 Er liebt Sci-Fi-Romane. Tatoeba ryanwoo giftschatz
long2 shi4 ren2 幻 xiang3 chu1 lai2 de5 dong4 wu4 。 Drachen sind Fabeltiere. Tatoeba nickyeow Pfirsichbaeumchen
ni3 kan4 dao4 de5 dou1/du1 shi4 幻 jiao4/jue2 。 Everything you saw was an illusion. Tatoeba trieuho JSakuragi
ta1 幻 xiang3 zi4 ji3 shi4 ge4 tian1 cai2 。 He had the illusion that he was a genius. Tatoeba Martha
mei2/mo4 you3 zhen1 shi2 de5 幻 jiao4/jue2 。 Es gibt keine echten Visionen. Es gibt keine reellen Visionen. Tatoeba fucongcong cost MUIRIEL
wo3 xi3 欢 kan4 xu1 幻 yong3 shi4 。 I like watching Code Lyoko. Tatoeba fucongcong
shi4 shi4 bian4 幻 wu2 chang2 , ren2 bu4 neng2 yin1 xun2 shou3 jiu4 、 yi1 cheng2 bu4 bian4 。 Things change from time to time, and one should change with them. Tatoeba nickyeow CK
xian4 shi2 he2/he4/huo2 幻 xiang3 shi4 hen3 nan2/nan4 qu1 fen1 de5 。 Wirklichkeit und Fantasie sind schwer zu unterscheiden. Tatoeba Martha Nero
o4 ! wo3 mei2/mo4 you3 chan3 sheng1 幻 jiao4/jue2 ! Oh! I'm not deluding myself! Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Scott
long2 shi4 ren2 幻 xiang3 chu1 lai2 de5 sheng1 wu4 。 Der Drache ist ein Fantasiewesen. Tatoeba nickyeow Manfredo
wo3 zai4 zhao3 ke1 幻 se4 qing2 xiao3 shuo1 。 Ich suche erotische Science-Fiction-Romane. Tatoeba xjjAstrus marcelostockle
na4/nei4 quan2 shi4 幻 jiao4/jue2 ma5 ? Was it all an illusion? Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Eldad
wo3 zai4 幻 xiang3 。 Ich träume gerade. Tatoeba xujie8410 al_ex_an_der
bian4 幻 mo4 测 (Wiktionary en)
ta1 zhu4 zai4 yi1 ge4 qi2 幻 shi4 jie4 li3 。 Er lebt in einer Traumwelt. Tatoeba Martha xtofu80
wo3 geng4 xi3 欢 ke1 幻 xiao3 shuo1 。 Mir ist Science-Fiction lieber. Tatoeba sherryyyf Kamil
a1 li3 si4 乎 dui4 yi3 lei4 yan2 jiu1 hen3 gan3 xing1/xing4 qu4 。 It seems that Ali is very interested in Myrmecology. Tatoeba fucongcong Scott
bai2 yi3 chi1 mu4 tou2 。 Termiten essen Holz. Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Kuyo



长 江后浪推前浪,博客过后微博来。在眼下这个“微时代”,新浪微博无疑是微博中的龙头老大。早在一年前(巧了,离今天整整一年),我就曾经(极具洞察力地) 写道:“新浪微博这款产品是一个成功的、典型的创意山寨产品。虽然它脱胎于 Twitter,但是它并没有被 Twitter 局限了思路,在转发、评论、贴图等方面的好用程度已经明显超过了 Twitter,……新浪微博其实比 Twitter 更好用。”

最近,新浪微博 still und heimlich 增加了一个“屏蔽名单”功能(账号 -> 帐号设置 ->隐私设置 -> 屏蔽设置)。你可以通过这个设置“屏蔽”掉你所关注的人中的一部分,而被“屏蔽”的用户虽然仍出现在你的关注名单中,但他们的微博将不会在你的页面上显 示。这个功能乍一看十分多余(不想看某人的微博直接取消关注不就得了?)但仔细想想,你会发现这一举措实在是用心良苦,甚至可以称得上是当代社交网络发展 中的一个创举。想想看,作为一个微博用户,你是否会时而因为那些你实在不想关注但 hindern 于情面不好意思不关注或取消关注的人而苦恼?这些人可能是你的领导、同 事、亲戚、朋友,或者是直接上门“求关注”的人。你不关注我?你不给我面子!而现在,有了“屏蔽”功能,你可以热情地关注他们,但同时神不知鬼不觉地在你 的账户里“屏蔽”掉这些人。我名义上关注你,但用不着看你的微博——既不得罪别人,也不亏待自己,一举两得,皆大欢喜。



既然“屏蔽名单”实现了“表面上关注、其实不关注”这一功能,那么顺理成章,新浪微博下一步实在应该帮用户实现“表面上不关注、其实关注”这一功 能,名字我都想好了,叫“隐身关注”。试想一下,有了这个功能,你可以放心大胆、不为人知地关注那些你很想关注但不想让别人知道你在关注的用户,不管对方 是你的前任男/女友、你的网上宿敌、你绝对不能公开的暗恋(或幻想)对象,还是那些不利于你维护、提升自己形象的微博账号,总之,他们不会出现你的关注名 单中(所以不会被人发现),但你可以尽情的阅读他们的微博。


Bi Muyu


As the Chinese proverb goes: “In the Yangtze River the waves behind push on those ahead, and thus, the new generation excels the old.” Microblogs are the next generation in blogging. In this era of all things “micro”, Sina Weibo is no doubt the leading microblogging platform in China. A year ago (incidentally, it is exactly one year from today), I posted (with insightful observation): “Sina Weibo is a successful – and typical – creative knock-off product. Although the idea is taken from Twitter, Weibo is not just a copy of it. In comparison, Weibo is much more user-friendly in forwarding, commenting, and posting pictures. All in all, Weibo is better than Twitter.

Recently, Sina Weibo quietly introduced the ‘blocked list’ feature (Found under Account -> Settings -> Privacy -> Block Settings). With this feature, you can block people that you’ve been following. You will still be their followers – but their updates won’t show up and bug you any more. At first glance, it is a useless invention (just un-follow them if you have had enough of their crap). But take a second thought, and you’ll understand how thoughtful the developers are. They are so attentive to customers’ needs, that you could even consider it a milestone in the development of social networking. Let me put it this way: as a Weibo user, are you suffering from having to follow somebody that you don’t want to follow at all? This might be your boss, a colleague, a relative, a friend, or someone who requested to be followed. If you don’t follow as asked, you are not giving them face, which in a Chinese context could mean anything from respect, care, love, to trust, etc. That could be really rude. However, thanks to the blocked list, you can enthusiastically follow them while secretly ignoring their existence. I am your follower, in name only, therefore I will not be reading your Weibo. Two birds killed with one stone and it keeps everyone happy.

Based on the aforementioned “blocking” feature, Weibo should be credited for being extremely attentive to clients, and they understand the Chinese so damn well!

To put it simply, to blocklist is to fake-follow. The innovation has added a human touch to the virtual world, (Übersetzung Christian Bauer:) Es bringt Social Networking dem echten Leben näher.

Since to blocklist means to fake-follow, logically Sina Weibo should be working on the feature of fake-un-following in the next phase. I’ve already thought of a name for that: invisible follower. With this feature, you can follow anyone you desire without a trace, be it your exes, your enemy online, your undisclosed crush, or people you fantasize but whose image doesn’t suit yours in public eyes. In short, a great fun for guilty pleasure.

At first, the number of Jiangshi fans (inactive followers) casted a shadow on the credibility of using the number of fans as indicators for popularity in Weibo. Now that we can block list , the action to follow itself will become unreliable. Nevertheless, for Weibo users, it will be a more comfortable, happier, and attractive community to engage in. Following yet block listing has taken the joy of the virtual space to another level!

Julien Leyre


伟大的精神分析学奠基人弗洛伊德曾经就人格发展之某种可能性打过一个比方:一个国家突然勃兴起来且扩张自己的领土。它迅速占领了外国的许多个城市,因而它的统治范围迅速膨胀。可它所占领的每一个城市都必须要派兵驻守,这耗散了它的兵力。由于它的战线太长,而它有限的给养实在不足以支撑其扩张的速度,到头来,它变得越来越空洞、verarmt 和大而无当。终于,它庞大的帝国面临 Kollaps 的危险,而这危险不来自敌人,就来自自己,或者说,是它自己的扩张摧毁了自己。

读到佛洛依德的这个比喻,真有 erleuchten 的感觉———这个比喻所形容的,不就是发生在无数我们这个时代的国人的身上及其精神世界里的过程吗?

今天的中国,随处是这样的人,他们构成了我们的社会图景的底色并占有着话语权:他们似乎很有能量仗着体制赋予的权力和靠着所谓商圈的“人脉”去折腾出一些看似 großartig、热火烹油、令人 beneiden 的事业来。他们是令整个社会羡慕的所谓“成功人士”。他们就像穿着充气衣服的巨人、傲慢张扬地横行在国外奢侈品商店的刷卡机前和国内与民争利、弱肉强食的现场。他们仿佛是外在看得见的世界的无可置疑的征服者,他们引导着整个社会的价值观。

然而,走进他们的内部世界,就会发现,那里是多么地空虚混沌、渊面黑暗。在他们精神的“司令部”里,并没有一个有主张、深谋远虑的“主帅”。从那里发出的“指令”,无非是一种机会主义的冒险;其所依赖的“资源”,无非是 Mob 的拉帮结伙。然而就是这样一个“贫困”的“司令部”,却要硬撑起一个不断向外扩张的庞大的“帝国”,且不断地要向这个“帝国”输送“给养”,这将意味着什么呢?这三十年来无数“成功”神话的幻灭的故事,无不见证着佛洛依德那个比喻所揭示的关于人性的真理———迅速壮大的巨人,往往被自己内在的空洞和 Armut 所击溃。 在将来的岁月里,这种神话幻灭的故事将不断地在很多的“成功”的中国人身上继续重演!意识到这一点是痛苦的,但这就是真相。

佛洛依德的比喻带给我们一个启示:觉悟了的人将不再看重自己在外部世界抢占了多少的“地盘”,而是将能量集中用于建设自己内部世界,为自己构筑一个由精神价值所构成的打不 besiegbar 的 “司令部”。

Li Yehang website blog.sina.com


A metaphor for ‘Chinese mentality‘

If we are to make a broad categorisation of the widespread mentality and state of Chinese people at present, there is one metaphor that could not be more appropriate.

The great founder of psychoanalysis (Sigmund) Freud once made an analogy for one possibility of personality development – of when a nation suddenly begins to grow vigorously and expand its own territory. Because it rapidly occupies many foreign cities, the scope of its rule rapidly swells. However, each city which it occupies requires troops to be sent and stations, and this dissipates its military strength. Since its battlefront is too long and its limited provisions are in fact insufficient to support its rate of expansion, eventually, it becomes more and more empty, depleted and cumbersome. In the end, its enormous empire faces the danger of collapsing. But this danger does not come from enemies but from itself, or that is to say, its own expansion destroys itself.

Reading this metaphor by Freud really gives one a sense of being bestowed some enlightenment. Isn’t what this metaphor describes exactly the process that is happening to countless countrymen of our times, and to their inner spiritual worlds?

Everywhere in China today there are this kind of people. They make up the basic tone of our social landscape and also hold discourse power: they are seemingly very able to grasp the power vested in them by the system and rely on the so-called connections of the business world to bust out careers that appear grandly vigorous, sizzling along, and enviable. They are the so-called “successful people” that are the envy of entire society. They are just like giants wearing inflatable clothing, arrogantly striding around in front of credit card machines in luxury stores in foreign countries and in domestic, predatory struggles with the people for advantage. In the exterior, observable world, they are seemingly the undeniable conquerors who guide the entire society’s system of values.

However, entering into their internal world we will discover how very vacuous, chaotic, profoundly dark and empty it is there. In their spiritual ‘command centre’ there is simply no general commander with a standpoint or deeply considered perspectives. The ‘orders’ sent out from there are nothing but a kind of risk taking born of opportunism. The ‘resources’ which it relies upon are nothing more than a mob that forms gangs and alliances. However, what is the significant of the fact that it is exactly this kind of ‘impoverished command centre’ that is needed to bear the pain and prop up a continuously outwardly expanding, enormous ’empire’, and continuously ‘transport’ ‘provisions’ to this ’empire’?In the last thirty years, none of the countless stories of legendary ‘successes’ vanishing did not evidence the truth revealed by Freud about human nature in this metaphor – rapidly bulking giants are often smashed by their own internal emptiness and poverty. In the years to come, stories of vanishing legends of this kind will unceasingly continue to repeat themselves among many ‘successful’ Chinese people. It is painful to realise this, but this is the truth.

Freud’s metaphor gives us an insight: enlightened persons will no longer regard the amount of ‘territory’ they have seized for themselves in the external world as important. Rather, they will concentrate their energy for use in constructing their own internal world and build for themselves an undefeatable ‘command centre’ comprised of spiritual values.

Julien Leyre website

这两年愈发觉得被很多人挂在嘴边的“自信”是一种多少有些病态的心理,这种病态心理有着自我欺骗和自我-Hypnose 的作用。

病态心理能让人拥有病态的力量,这力量能让人拥有一种觉得自己变得越来越强大的幻觉,但更有可能让人变得外强中干,变得没有内心,没有感情。例如有些人喜欢对着镜子 und ruft:“你是最棒的!”脸上整天挂着很职业的自信笑容,甚至在家人和朋友面前也是如此,这其实是一种很 erschreckend 的异化状态。


在杨 Dechang 的电影《麻将》里有这样一段台词:“这个世界上没有一个人知道自己要的是什么。每个人都在等别人告诉他该怎么做,他就跟着怎么做。你只要很有信心地告诉他们,他们要的是什么,他们会感激你。”这段话完美揭示了“自信”的欺骗性。

我无意对那些用“自信”欺骗他人的普通人加以道德评判,因为很多时候,这只是一种必要的生存策略而已。人生已是如此 schwierig,尤其是生活在现代商业社会,没什么钱的普通人为了谋生糊口,都活得跟推销员似的,为了把自己卖个好价儿,很自信地说着各种自欺欺人的话。这让那些一骗人就脸红的人怎么活呢?只能想着有一天如果有钱了,就把自己“买”回来,不再继续假装“自信”,不再为了钱做任何虐心之事。


Ding Xiaoyun


‘Self-confidence’ is a kind of morbid psychology

Over the last couple of years I have become increasingly convinced that this much talked about “self confidence” is in some ways similar to a kind of mental disorder; a disorder that can have both a self hypnotising and self deluding effect on the individual.

This psychological disorder gives people a perverse sort of power that results in the delusion that they are becoming stronger and stronger, when in actual fact they are more likely to be merely building an external facade of strength while remaining internally weak, lacking in a real inner life, and emotionless. Take for example people who shout to themselves in front of the mirror “I am the greatest”, then put on a professional smile of self confidence all day, and even in some cases maintain this charade in front of family and friends. In reality, this is nothing more than a horrifying form of alienation.

In many other circumstances, “self confidence” is another means used by people to cheat others. Who are some of the most self confident looking people in the world? There are two kinds that come to my mind: cult leaders and pyramid scheme marketers.

The film ‘Ma-jiang’ by Edward Yang has this to say on the topic: “Nobody really knows what they want. Everybody is just waiting for somebody to tell them what to do, and then follow that. All you need to do is with complete confidence tell them what it is they want, and they’ll thank you for it.”

I have no intention of morally judging the average person who uses “self confidence” to deceive others, as in most cases this is merely a necessary part of life. Life is already difficult enough as it is, and especially in this commercialised day and age, the average person is forced to live like a salesmen in order to just make a living, and will inevitably, with great self confidence, say all manner of half truths to try and get a decent price for what they sell. In these circumstances, how then do those people who can’t tell a lie to save themselves now expect to get by? All we can hope for is that one day, once we’ve made our riches, we will be able to buy ourselves back; and then will no longer have to continue to engage in charades of “self confidence”, and will never again have to commit shameful actions in the name of money.

Julien Leyre website





伦敦希思罗机场的官员说,这次火灾涉及停靠在机场边远地区的埃塞俄比亚航空公司的一架波音787 梦幻客机。




在这次事故发生后不久,汤姆森航空公司说,它的一架从英国的曼彻斯特飞往美国佛罗里达州的梦幻客机经历了所谓的“技术问题”。 该航空公司说,这架飞机采取安全预防措施,返回了曼彻斯特机场。

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屡创收视奇迹的HBO奇幻大剧《权力的游戏》据证实将于2018年播出的第八季中收官。HBO节目主任凯西·波罗伊斯(Casey Bloys)在电视评论协会会议上证实了这一消息,但未确认最终季的集数:“我们尽可能多地动用制作人员。”




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Ding Xiaoyun Douban

Over the last couple of years I have become increasingly convinced that this much talked about “self confidence” is in some ways similar to a kind of mental disorder; a disorder that can have both a self hypnotising and self deluding effect on the individual.

This psychological disorder gives people a perverse sort of power that results in the delusion that they are becoming stronger and stronger, when in actual fact they are more likely to be merely building an external facade of strength while remaining internally weak, lacking in a real inner life, and emotionless.



Übersetzung James Legge

Calling (the soul) back is the way in which love receives its consummation, and has in it the mind which is expressed by prayer. The looking for it to return from the dark region is a way of seeking for it among the spiritual beings. The turning the face to the north springs from the idea of its being in the dark region.


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month orders are given to the four inspectors to make a great collection over all the districts of the different kinds of fodder to nourish the sacrificial victims; and to require all the people to do their utmost towards this end - to supply what is necessary for (the worship of) God (who dwells in) the great Heaven, and for the spirits of the famous hills, great streams, and four quarters, and for the sacrifices to the Intelligences of the ancestral temple, and at the altars to the spirits of the land and grain; that prayer may be made for blessing to the people.


Übersetzung James Legge

In this month there is the great festivity when they drink together, and each of the stands bears half its animal roasted. The son of Heaven prays for (a blessing on) the coming year to the Honoured ones of heaven; sacrifices with an ox, a ram, and a boar at the public altar to the spirits of the land, and at the gates of towns and villages; offers the sacrifice three days after the winter solstice with the spoils of the chase to all ancestors, and at the five (household) sacrifices; thus cheering the husbandmen and helping them to rest from their toils. The son of Heaven orders his leaders and commanders to give instruction on military operations, and to exercise (the soldiers) in archery and chariot-driving, and in trials of strength.


Englische Übersetzung siehe ctext.org

或曰:"良玉不雕,美言不文,何謂也?" 曰:"玉不雕,璵璠不作器。言不文,典謨不作經。"

Englische Übersetzung siehe ctext.org

Analekte 論語 里仁


子曰: 三年無改於父之道,可謂孝矣。

子曰: 父母之年,不可不知也。一則以喜,一則以懼。

子曰: 古者言之不出,恥躬之不逮也。

子曰: 以約失之者,鮮矣。

子曰: 君子欲訥於言,而敏於行。

子曰: 德不孤,必有鄰。

子游曰: 事君數,斯辱矣,朋友數,斯疏矣。

Richard Wilhelm


Der Meister sprach: »Wer drei Jahre lang nicht abweicht von seines Vaters Wegen, kann kindesliebend genannt werden.«

Der Meister sprach: »Die Jahre der Eltern darf man nie vergessen: erstens, um sich darüber zu freuen, zweitens, um sich darüber zu sorgen.«

Der Meister sprach: »Die Alten sparten ihre Worte; denn sie schämten sich, mit ihrem Betragen hinter ihren Worten zurückzubleiben.«

Der Meister sprach: »Die durch Beschränkung verloren haben, sind selten.«

Der Meister sprach: »Der Edle liebt es, langsam im Wort und rasch im Tun zu sein.«

Der Meister sprach: »Innerer Wert bleibt nicht verlassen; er findet sicher Nachbarschaft.«

Dsï Yu sprach: »Im Dienst des Fürsten bringen lästige Vorwürfe Ungnade. Zwischen Freunden führen lästige Vorwürfe zu Entfremdung.«

James Legge


The Master said, "If the son for three years does not alter from the way of his father, he may be called filial."

The Master said, "The years of parents may by no means not be kept in the memory, as an occasion at once for joy and for fear."

The Master said, "The reason why the ancients did not readily give utterance to their words, was that they feared lest their actions should not come up to them."

The Master said, "The cautious seldom err."

The Master said, "The superior man wishes to be slow in his speech and earnest in his conduct."

The Master said, "Virtue is not left to stand alone. He who practices it will have neighbors."

Zi You said, "In serving a prince, frequent remonstrances lead to disgrace. Between friends, frequent reproofs make the friendship distant."





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