Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 968
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
魅 |
mei4 | Dämon, Teufel, zaubern | wiktionary Etymologie: |
隙 |
xi4 | Riß, Spalt, Intervall, Groll, Zwietracht, Schwäche | wiktionary Etymologie: |
娃 |
wa2 | Baby, Säugling, Kleinkind, junges Tier | wiktionary Etymologie: |
脂 |
zhi1 | Fett, Schmiere, schminken | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() |
汞 |
gong3 | Quecksilber (Element 80, Hg) | wiktionary Etymologie: |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
鬼魅 |
gui3 mei4 | Dämon |
祛魅 |
qu1 mei4 | Entzauberung |
魅力 |
mei4 li4 | Attraktivität, Anziehungskraft, Faszination, Reiz, Zauber, Magie, Charme, Bezauberung |
有魅力 |
you3 mei4 li4 | faszinierend |
魅夸克 |
mei4 kua1 ke4 | Charm-Quark |
歌声魅影 |
ge1 sheng1 mei4 ying3 | Das Phantom der Oper |
歌聲魅影 |
ge1 sheng1 mei4 ying3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 歌声魅影), Das Phantom der Oper |
人格魅力 |
ren2 ge2 mei4 li4 | Charisma |
歌剧魅影 |
ge1 ju4 mei4 ying3 | Das Phantom der Oper |
剧院魅影 |
ju4 yuan4 mei4 ying3 | Das Phantom der Oper |
姊魅情深 |
zi3 mei4 qing2 shen1 | A Tale of Two Sisters (südkoreanischer Psycho-Horrorfilm) |
有魅力的 |
you3 mei4 li4 de5 | reizvoll |
富有魅力 |
fu4 you3 mei4 li4 | glamourös |
个人魅力 |
ge4 ren2 mei4 li4 | Ausstrahlung |
個人魅力 |
ge4 ren2 mei4 li4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 个人魅力), Ausstrahlung |
有魅力的人 |
you3 mei4 li4 de5 ren2 | Charmeur |
性魅力的诱惑 |
xing4 mei4 li4 de5 you4 huo4 | Flirt |
充满魅力的女性 |
chong1 man3 mei4 li4 de5 nü3 xing4 | Sexbombe |
充滿魅力的女性 |
chong1 man3 mei4 li4 de5 nü3 xing4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 充满魅力的女性), Sexbombe |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
嫌隙 |
xian2 xi4 | Feindseligkeit |
空隙 |
kong4 xi4 | Lücke,Aussparung, Zwischenraum |
隙缝 |
xi4 feng4 | Blende, Öffnung, Ritze |
能隙 |
neng2 xi4 | Bandlücke |
侧隙 |
ce4 xi4 | Höhenspiel |
间隙 |
jian4 xi4 | Intervall, Zeitabstand, Leerzeichen, Spiel, Spielraum, Zwischenraum |
間隙 |
jian4 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 间隙), Intervall, Zeitabstand, Leerzeichen, Spiel, Spielraum, Zwischenraum |
游隙 |
you2 xi4 | Spielraum |
遊隙 |
you2 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 游隙), Spielraum |
齿隙 |
chi3 xi4 | Zahnspiel, Zahnflankenspiel |
齒隙 |
chi3 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 齿隙), Zahnspiel, Zahnflankenspiel |
孔隙 |
kong3 xi4 | Pore |
裂隙 |
lie4 xi4 | Spalt, Bruch, Ritz |
间隙规 |
jian4 xi4 gui1 | Stärkemesser |
間隙規 |
jian4 xi4 gui1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 间隙规), Stärkemesser |
侧间隙 |
ce4 jian1 xi4 | Flankenspiel |
无间隙 |
wu2 jian1 xi4 | spielfrei |
無間隙 |
wu2 jian1 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 无间隙), spielfrei |
冰山裂隙 |
bing1 shan1 lie4 xi4 | Gletscherspalte |
最小间隙 |
zui4 xiao3 jian4 xi4 | Kleinstspiel |
最小間隙 |
zui4 xiao3 jian4 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 最小间隙), Kleinstspiel |
纤维间隙 |
xian1 wei2 jian1 xi4 | Faserriss |
离地间隙 |
li2 di4 jian4 xi4 | Abstand vom Boden, Bodenfreiheit |
離地間隙 |
li2 di4 jian4 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 离地间隙), Abstand vom Boden, Bodenfreiheit |
白驹过隙 |
bai2 ju1 guo4 xi4 | dahineilen, kurzer Augenblick |
白駒過隙 |
bai2 ju1 guo4 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 白驹过隙), dahineilen, kurzer Augenblick |
轴向间隙 |
zhou2 xiang4 jian4 xi4 | axiales Spiel, Axialspiel |
最大间隙 |
zui4 da4 jian4 xi4 | Größtspiel |
最大間隙 |
zui4 da4 jian4 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 最大间隙), Größtspiel |
无压缝隙 |
wu2 ya1 feng2 xi4 | druckfreier Kanalstreifen |
间隙原子 |
jian4 xi4 yuan2 zi3 | Zwischengitteratom |
間隙原子 |
jian4 xi4 yuan2 zi3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 间隙原子), Zwischengitteratom |
轴承间隙 |
zhou2 cheng2 jian4 xi4 | Lagerluft |
读写头间隙 |
du2 xie3 tou2 jian4 xi4 | Kopfspalt (des Schreib-Lese-Kopfes) |
讀寫頭間隙 |
du2 xie3 tou2 jian4 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 读写头间隙), Kopfspalt (des Schreib-Lese-Kopfes) |
间隙式输纸机 |
jian4 xi4 shi4 shu1 zhi3 ji1 | Einzelbogenanleger |
間隙式輸紙機 |
jian4 xi4 shi4 shu1 zhi3 ji1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 间隙式输纸机), Einzelbogenanleger |
无间隙三圈轴承 |
wu2 jian1 xi4 san1 quan1 zhou2 cheng2 | spielfreies Dreiringlager, spielfreie Dreiringlagerung |
两次战斗的间隙 |
liang3 ci4 zhan4 dou4 de5 jian4 xi4 | Gefechtspause |
兩次戰鬥的間隙 |
liang3 ci4 zhan4 dou4 de5 jian4 xi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 两次战斗的间隙), Gefechtspause |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
娃娃 |
wa2 wa5 | Baby, Puppe, Babypuppe |
夏娃 |
xia4 wa2 | Eva |
福娃 |
fu2 wa2 | Friendlies |
卡娃 |
ka3 wa2 | "Karten-Kinder", Kinder, die auf den Straßen und in der U-Bahn Karten verteilen |
娃子 |
wa2 zi5 | Säugling, Baby, Kleinkind |
放牛娃 |
fang4 niu2 wa2 | Rinderhirtenknabe, junger Kuhhirt |
苦娃达 |
ku3 wa2 da2 | Männerkindbett |
米诺娃 |
mi3 nuo4 wa2 | Minerva |
娃娃车 |
wa2 wa5 che1 | Kinderwagen |
娃娃車 |
wa2 wa5 che1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 娃娃车), Kinderwagen |
娃娃鱼 |
wa2 wa5 yu2 | Riesensalamander (umgangssprachlich) |
娃娃魚 |
wa2 wa5 yu2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 娃娃鱼), Riesensalamander (umgangssprachlich) |
豆豆娃 |
dou4 dou4 wa2 | Beanie |
娃哈哈 |
wa2 ha1 ha1 | Wahaha |
娃娃脸 |
wa2 wa5 lian3 | Babyface |
娃娃臉 |
wa2 wa5 lian3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 娃娃脸), Babyface |
小娃娃 |
xiao3 wa2 wa5 | kleine Puppe |
洋娃娃 |
yang2 wa2 wa5 | Puppe, ( wörtl. westliche Puppe ) |
吉娃娃 |
ji2 wa2 wa5 | Chihuahua (Hunderasse) |
布娃娃 |
bu4 wa2 wa5 | Stoffpuppe |
西蒙波娃 |
xi1 meng2 bo1 wa2 | Simone de Beauvoir |
如布娃娃 |
ru2 bu4 wa2 wa5 | Stofftier |
米奈娃麦 |
mi3 nai4 wa2 mai4 | Minerva McGonagall |
米奈娃麥 |
mi3 nai4 wa2 mai4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 米奈娃麦), Minerva McGonagall |
伊娃裴隆 |
yi1 wa2 pei2 long2 | Eva Perón |
性爱娃娃 |
xing4 ai4 wa2 wa5 | Sex-Puppe |
性愛娃娃 |
xing4 ai4 wa2 wa5 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 性爱娃娃), Sex-Puppe |
纸娃娃系统 |
zhi3 wa2 wa2 xi4 tong3 | Avatar (künstliche Person, Benutzerbild) |
紙娃娃系統 |
zhi3 wa2 wa2 xi4 tong3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 纸娃娃系统), Avatar (künstliche Person, Benutzerbild) |
爱娃勃劳恩 |
ai4 wa2 bo2 lao2 en1 | Eva Braun |
愛娃勃勞恩 |
ai4 wa2 bo2 lao2 en1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 爱娃勃劳恩), Eva Braun |
德门蒂耶娃 |
de2 men2 di4 ye1 wa2 | Jelena Wjatscheslawowna Dementjewa |
德門蒂耶娃 |
de2 men2 di4 ye1 wa2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 德门蒂耶娃), Jelena Wjatscheslawowna Dementjewa |
俄罗斯套娃 |
e2 luo2 si1 tao4 wa2 | Matroschka |
俄羅斯套娃 |
e2 luo2 si1 tao4 wa2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 俄罗斯套娃), Matroschka |
赖莎戈尔巴乔娃 |
lai4 sha1 ge1 er3 ba1 qiao2 wa2 | Raissa Maximowna Gorbatschowa |
瓦伦蒂娜捷列斯科娃 |
wa3 lun2 di4 nuo2 jie2 lie4 si1 ke1 wa2 | Walentina Wladimirowna Tereschkowa |
瓦倫蒂娜捷列斯科娃 |
wa3 lun2 di4 nuo2 jie2 lie4 si1 ke1 wa2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 瓦伦蒂娜捷列斯科娃), Walentina Wladimirowna Tereschkowa |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
米脂 |
mi3 zhi1 | Mizhi (Ort in Shaanxi) |
多脂 |
duo1 zhi1 | Schmierigkeit |
脂类 |
zhi1 lei4 | Lipid |
引脂 |
yin3 zhi1 | Fett absaugen |
滑脂 |
hua2 zhi1 | Fett |
涂脂 |
tu2 zhi1 | einfetten, schmieren, fetten, sich schminken |
塗脂 |
tu2 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 涂脂), einfetten, schmieren, fetten, sich schminken |
吸脂 |
xi1 zhi1 | Fettabsaugung |
脂渣 |
zhi1 zha1 | Beinschiene |
牛脂 |
niu2 zhi1 | Talg (Rinderfett) |
脂质 |
zhi1 zhi4 | fettähnlicher Stoff |
抽脂 |
chou1 zhi1 | Fett absaugen |
脱脂 |
tuo1 zhi1 | entfetten |
香脂 |
xiang1 zhi1 | Balsam, Gesichtscreme |
低脂 |
di1 zhi1 | mager |
亲脂 |
qin1 zhi1 | lipophil |
親脂 |
qin1 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 亲脂), lipophil |
树脂 |
shu4 zhi1 | Harz |
樹脂 |
shu4 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 树脂), Harz |
凝脂 |
ning2 zhi1 | erstarrter festgewordener Schmalz |
琼脂 |
qiong2 zhi1 | Agar, Agar-Agar <Biochem>, chinesische Gelatine |
脂多糖 |
zhi1 duo1 tang2 | Lipopolysaccharid |
羊脂球 |
yang2 zhi1 qiu2 | Boule de suif |
软脂酸 |
ruan3 zhi1 suan1 | Palmitinsäure |
軟脂酸 |
ruan3 zhi1 suan1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 软脂酸), Palmitinsäure |
羊毛脂 |
yang2 mao2 zhi1 | Lanolin |
脱脂槽 |
tuo1 zhi1 cao2 | Entfettungsbad |
脫脂槽 |
tuo1 zhi1 cao2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 脱脂槽), Entfettungsbad |
含油脂 |
han2 you2 zhi1 | salbungsvoll |
油脂层 |
you2 zhi1 ceng2 | Fettschicht |
油脂層 |
you2 zhi1 ceng2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 油脂层), Fettschicht |
皮脂酸 |
pi2 zhi1 suan1 | Sebacinsäure, Decandisäure |
脂质体 |
zhi1 zhi4 ti3 | Liposom |
可可脂 |
ke3 ke3 zhi1 | Kakaobutter |
油脂嘴 |
you2 zhi1 zui3 | Fettnippel |
米脂县 |
mi3 zhi1 xian4 | Kreis Mizhi (Provinz Shaanxi, China) |
米脂縣 |
mi3 zhi1 xian4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 米脂县), Kreis Mizhi (Provinz Shaanxi, China) |
脱脂奶 |
tuo1 zhi1 nai3 | Magermilch |
脫脂奶 |
tuo1 zhi1 nai3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 脱脂奶), Magermilch |
硬脂酸 |
ying4 zhi1 suan1 | Stearinsäure |
涂脂于 |
tu2 zhi1 yu2 | fett, fetten |
塗脂於 |
tu2 zhi1 yu2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 涂脂于), fett, fetten |
轴承脂 |
zhou2 cheng2 zhi1 | Lagerfett |
润滑脂 |
run4 hua2 zhi1 | Schmiere, Schmierfett |
潤滑脂 |
run4 hua2 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 润滑脂), Schmiere, Schmierfett |
脂蛋白 |
zhi1 dan4 bai2 | Lipoprotein |
耐脂性 |
nai4 zhi1 xing4 | Fettechtheit |
脱脂棉 |
tuo1 zhi1 mian2 | Watte |
脫脂棉 |
tuo1 zhi1 mian2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 脱脂棉), Watte |
醇酸树脂 |
chun2 suan1 shu4 zhi1 | Alkydharz |
醇酸樹脂 |
chun2 suan1 shu4 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 醇酸树脂), Alkydharz |
油脂润滑 |
you2 zhi1 run4 hua2 | Fettschmierung |
油脂潤滑 |
you2 zhi1 run4 hua2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 油脂润滑), Fettschmierung |
润滑脂枪 |
run4 hua2 zhi1 qiang1 | Abschmierpistole |
合成树脂 |
he2 cheng2 shu4 zhi1 | Kunstharz |
合成樹脂 |
he2 cheng2 shu4 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 合成树脂), Kunstharz |
涂脂抹粉 |
tu2 zhi1 mo3 fen3 | weiße Tünche |
塗脂抹粉 |
tu2 zhi1 mo3 fen3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 涂脂抹粉), weiße Tünche |
滑脂润滑 |
hua2 zhi1 run4 hua2 | Fettschmierung |
滑脂潤滑 |
hua2 zhi1 run4 hua2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 滑脂润滑), Fettschmierung |
龙血树脂 |
long2 xue4 shu4 zhi1 | Drachenblut |
龍血樹脂 |
long2 xue4 shu4 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 龙血树脂), Drachenblut |
聚碳酸脂 |
ju4 tan4 suan1 zhi1 | Polykarbonat |
特种油脂 |
te4 zhong3 you2 zhi1 | Spezialfett |
特種油脂 |
te4 zhong3 you2 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 特种油脂), Spezialfett |
全脂鲜奶 |
quan2 zhi1 xian1 nai3 | Vollmilch |
全脂鮮奶 |
quan2 zhi1 xian1 nai3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 全脂鲜奶), Vollmilch |
油脂含量 |
you2 zhi1 han2 liang4 | Fettgehalt |
油脂润滑点 |
you2 zhi1 run4 hua2 dian3 | Fettschmierstelle |
油脂潤滑點 |
you2 zhi1 run4 hua2 dian3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 油脂润滑点), Fettschmierstelle |
耐高温油脂 |
nai4 gao1 wen1 you2 zhi1 | Hochtemperaturfett |
耐高溫油脂 |
nai4 gao1 wen1 you2 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 耐高温油脂), Hochtemperaturfett |
三酸甘油脂 |
san1 suan1 gan1 you2 zhi1 | Triglyzeride |
不饱和聚脂 |
bu4 bao3 he2 ju4 zhi1 | ungesättigter Polyester |
不飽和聚脂 |
bu4 bao3 he2 ju4 zhi1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 不饱和聚脂), ungesättigter Polyester |
低密度脂蛋白 |
di1 mi4 du4 zhi1 dan4 bai2 | Low Density Lipoprotein |
高密度脂蛋白 |
gao1 mi4 du4 zhi1 dan4 bai2 | High Density Lipoprotein |
脂粉气的男子 |
zhi1 fen3 qi4 de5 nan2 zi3 | Stiefmütterchen |
脂粉氣的男子 |
zhi1 fen3 qi4 de5 nan2 zi3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 脂粉气的男子), Stiefmütterchen |
液体润滑脂润滑 |
ye4 ti3 run4 hua2 zhi1 run4 hua2 | Fließfettschmierung |
液體潤滑脂潤滑 |
ye4 ti3 run4 hua2 zhi1 run4 hua2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 液体润滑脂润滑), Fließfettschmierung |
脂集中润滑装置 |
zhi1 ji2 zhong1 run4 hua2 zhuang1 zhi4 | Fettzentralschmierung |
脂集中潤滑裝置 |
zhi1 ji2 zhong1 run4 hua2 zhuang1 zhi4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 脂集中润滑装置), Fettzentralschmierung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
甘汞 |
gan1 gong3 | Kalomel, Quecksilber-chlorid |
汞粉 |
gong3 fen3 | Quecksilberchlorid |
汞齐 |
gong3 qi2 | Amalgam, Amalgamfüllung |
汞齊 |
gong3 qi2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 汞齐), Amalgam, Amalgamfüllung |
红汞 |
hong2 gong3 | merbromin, mercurochrome |
紅汞 |
hong2 gong3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 红汞), merbromin, mercurochrome |
混汞 |
hun4 gong3 | mercury amalgam |
汞灯 |
gong3 deng1 | mercury-vapor lamp |
汞燈 |
gong3 deng1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 汞灯), mercury-vapor lamp |
升汞 |
sheng1 gong3 | mercuric chloride |
甲基汞 |
jia3 ji1 gong3 | Methylquecksilber, Methylmercury |
汞合金 |
gong3 he2 jin1 | Amalgam |
凝汞温度 |
ning2 gong3 wen1 du4 | mercury condensation temperature (physics) |
凝汞溫度 |
ning2 gong3 wen1 du4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 凝汞温度), mercury condensation temperature (physics) |
毫米汞柱 |
hao2 mi3 gong3 zhu4 | millimeter of mercury, mmHg (unit of pressure) |
汞版印刷方法 |
gong3 ban3 yin4 shua4 fang1 fa3 | Amalgamdruckverfahren |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
你低估了你的魅力。 |
You underestimate your charisma. (Mandarin, Tatoeba slo_oth CK ) | |
她的魅力難以用筆墨形容。 |
Ihr Charme ist unbeschreiblich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Manfredo ) | |
他有一种魅力。 |
Er hat einen gewissen Charme. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fercheung Dani6187 ) | |
她的魅力难以用笔墨形容。 |
Ihr Charme ist unbeschreiblich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Manfredo ) | |
她是个有有魅力的女性。 |
Sie ist eine charmante Frau. (Mandarin, Tatoeba humihiro samueldora ) | |
旧村屋有它自己一定的魅力。 |
The old cottage has a certain charm about it. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong orcrist ) | |
要想有良好的人格魅力,必须要有聪慧的头脑。 |
Um ein interessanter Mensch zu sein, musst du deinen Geist nähren und trainieren. (Mandarin, Tatoeba zhangtai jast ) | |
魅力冲击视觉,美德征服心灵。 |
Der Reiz kann wohl das Aug’ entzücken, Verdienst nur in das Herz einrücken. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
舊村屋有它自己一定的魅力。 |
The old cottage has a certain charm about it. (Mandarin, Tatoeba krrk orcrist ) | |
旧村屋有它自己一定的魅力。 |
The old cottage has a certain charm about it. (Mandarin, Tatoeba krrk orcrist ) | |
自大狂和自恋狂的分别,在於自大狂渴望能够手握大权、受人敬畏,而自恋狂却比较想拥有魅力、得到爱戴。许多疯子和历史上的伟人都属於前者。 |
The megalomaniac differs from the narcissist by the fact that he wishes to be powerful rather than charming, and seeks to be feared rather than loved. To this type belong many lunatics and most of the great men of history. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Scott ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
在倫敦地鐵,上車時會有「注意間隙」提醒。 |
In der Londoner U-Bahn gibt es beim Einsteigen eine Warnung "Vorsicht Lücke". (Mandarin, Tatoeba egg0073 Laoan ) | |
在伦敦地铁,上车时会有「注意间隙」提醒。 |
In der Londoner U-Bahn gibt es beim Einsteigen eine Warnung "Vorsicht Lücke". (Mandarin, Tatoeba egg0073 Laoan ) | |
我把门推开了一条隙缝。 |
Ich stieß die Tür einen Spalt auf. |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
她為我做了這個娃娃。 |
She made the doll for me. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
小女孩手上拿著一個洋娃娃。 |
Das kleine Mädchen hat eine Puppe in den Händen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Dejo ) | |
女孩凝视着洋娃娃。 |
The girl was gazing at the doll. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen CK ) | |
她把她所有的娃娃送给了别人。 |
Sie gab all ihre Puppen weg. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Wolf ) | |
小女孩手上拿著一个洋娃娃。 |
Das kleine Mädchen hat eine Puppe in den Händen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow Dejo ) | |
我为Ann做了个娃娃。 |
Ich habe für Anna ein Püppchen gemacht. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
她有个漂亮的洋娃娃。 |
Sie hat eine schöne Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba ydcok Esperantostern ) | |
他送她一个洋娃娃。 |
Er schenkte ihr eine Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Manfredo ) | |
Mary拥抱她的娃娃。 |
Maria drückte ihre Puppe an sich. (Mandarin, Tatoeba egg0073 Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
她为我做了这个娃娃。 |
She made the doll for me. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
她给了我一个漂亮的洋娃娃。 |
Sie hat mir eine schöne Puppe gegeben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow xtofu80 ) | |
她把她所有的娃娃送給了別人。 |
Sie gab all ihre Puppen weg. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Wolf ) | |
她給了我一個漂亮的洋娃娃。 |
Sie hat mir eine schöne Puppe gegeben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow xtofu80 ) | |
如果你在洋娃娃腹部的侧面上链的话,它就会扭动手臂,翻著筋斗向前前进。 |
Wenn man an der Seite des Bauches der Puppe die Feder aufzieht, bewegt sie die Arme, macht Purzelbäume und bewegt sich nach vorne. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow xtofu80 ) | |
他送她一個洋娃娃。 |
Er schenkte ihr eine Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Manfredo ) | |
她有个漂亮的娃娃。 |
Sie hat eine hübsche Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Fingerhut ) | |
她像喜爱自己的亲妹妹一样喜欢这个娃娃。 |
Sie liebt die Puppe wie ihre eigene Schwester. (Mandarin, Tatoeba wangzi0921 Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
作为回报,我给了她一个娃娃。 |
Ich gab ihr dafür eine Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Wolf ) | |
妈妈给我做了一个洋娃娃。 |
Mother made a doll for me. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen CM ) | |
她利用空闲时间做布娃娃。 |
Sie macht in ihrer Freizeit Stoffpuppen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen Yorwba ) | |
我哥哥给了我一个可爱的娃娃。 |
Mein Bruder hat mir eine süße Puppe geschenkt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der ) | |
这个女生有个可爱的娃娃。 |
Dieses Mädchen hat eine niedliche Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba michu MUIRIEL ) | |
我妹妹做了一個漂亮的娃娃給我。 |
My sister made me a beautiful doll. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
我姊姊做了一個漂亮的娃娃給我。 |
My sister made me a beautiful doll. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
我哥哥給了我一個可愛的娃娃。 |
Mein Bruder hat mir eine süße Puppe geschenkt. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der ) | |
這個女生有個可愛的娃娃。 |
Dieses Mädchen hat eine niedliche Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba michu MUIRIEL ) | |
我想买这个玩具娃娃。 |
Ich würde gern diese Puppe kaufen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba yujianing Manfredo ) | |
我给我姐姐一个洋娃娃。 |
Ich habe meiner Schwester eine Puppe gegeben. (Mandarin, Tatoeba sysko Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
蛇诱惑了夏娃。 |
Die Schlange versuchte Eva. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Hans_Adler ) | |
这个小女孩有个很漂亮的娃娃。 |
Das Mädchen hat eine schöne Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba wangzi0921 Esperantostern ) | |
老人给了她一个小娃娃。 |
Der alte Mann schenkte ihr eine kleine Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Manfredo ) | |
这个娃娃是你自己做的吗? |
Hast du diese Puppe selbst gemacht? Hast du die Puppe selber gemacht? (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Pfirsichbaeumchen JoeyR ) | |
我姊姊做了一个漂亮的娃娃给我。 |
My sister made me a beautiful doll. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
我妹妹正在玩娃娃。 |
Meine Schwester spielt mit Puppen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL ) | |
我妹妹正在玩洋娃娃。 |
Meine Schwester spielt mit einer Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der ) | |
母亲给我做了一个娃娃。 |
Mother made me a doll. (Mandarin, Tatoeba notabene zzz ) | |
这娃儿真可爱! |
Was für ein süßes Baby. Kuckuck, Kuckuck, da! (Mandarin, Tatoeba fercheung xtofu80 ) | |
我做了一个洋娃娃给安。 |
Ich habe eine Puppe für Ann gemacht. Ich habe für Anna ein Püppchen gemacht. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Esperantostern Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
有空的时候她做娃娃。 |
Sie bastelt in ihrer Freizeit Puppen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba cienias Roujin ) | |
有空的時候她做娃娃。 |
Sie bastelt in ihrer Freizeit Puppen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba cienias Roujin ) | |
我妹妹做了一个漂亮的娃娃给我。 |
My sister made me a beautiful doll. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha CK ) | |
我寄给她一个娃娃。 |
Ich sandte ihr eine Puppe. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong Esperantostern ) | |
我做了一個洋娃娃給安。 |
Ich habe eine Puppe für Ann gemacht. Ich habe für Anna ein Püppchen gemacht. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Esperantostern Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
我收集各国的娃娃。 |
Ich sammle Puppen aus allen Ländern. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL ) | |
我想要一个洋娃娃,一辆新自行车……以及世界和平。 |
I'd like a doll, a new bicycle.....and peace on earth! (Mandarin, Tatoeba sadhen \N ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
汤姆的体脂率是7%。 |
Tom hat einen Körperfettanteil von 7 %. (Mandarin, Tatoeba crescat al_ex_an_der ) | |
我的双手沾满了黑色的油脂。 |
Meine Hände waren schwarz vom Fett. | |
在咖啡中加入脱脂粉状奶粉。 |
Verwende fettlosen Kaffeweiser im Kaffee. |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
Tom汞中毒了,因为他每天都吃罐装金枪鱼。 |
Tom hat sich durch den täglichen Verzehr von Dosenthunfisch eine Quecksilbervergiftung zugezogen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba xjjAstrus Pfirsichbaeumchen ) | |
图2给出典型的滴汞电极装置。 |
Abbildung 2 zeigt einen typischen Aufbau einer Quecksilbertropfelektrode. |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
要想有良好的人格魅力,必须要有聪慧的头脑。 |
yao4 xiang3 you3 liang2 hao3 de5 ren2 ge2 mei4 li4 , bi4 xu1 yao4 you3 cong1 hui4 de5 tou2 nao3 。 | Um ein interessanter Mensch zu sein, musst du deinen Geist nähren und trainieren. (Tatoeba zhangtai jast) |
她的魅力難以用筆墨形容。 |
ta1 de5 mei4 li4 nan2/nan4 yi3 yong4 bi3 mo4 xing2 rong2 。 | Ihr Charme ist unbeschreiblich. (Tatoeba nickyeow Manfredo) |
他有一种魅力。 |
ta1 you3 yi1 chong2/zhong3/zhong4 mei4 li4 。 | Er hat einen gewissen Charme. (Tatoeba fercheung Dani6187) |
旧村屋有它自己一定的魅力。 |
jiu4 cun1 wu1 you3 ta1/tuo2 zi4 ji3 yi1 ding4 de5 mei4 li4 。 | The old cottage has a certain charm about it. (Tatoeba fucongcong orcrist) |
我收集各国的娃娃。 |
wo3 shou1 ji2 ge4 guo2 de5 wa2 wa2 。 | Ich sammle Puppen aus allen Ländern. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
女孩凝视着洋娃娃。 |
nü3/ru3 hai2 ning2 shi4 zhao2/zhe2 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | The girl was gazing at the doll. (Tatoeba sadhen CK) |
我妹妹正在玩洋娃娃。 |
wo3 mei4 mei4 zheng4 zai4 wan2/wan4 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | Meine Schwester spielt mit einer Puppe. (Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der) |
小女孩手上拿著一個洋娃娃。 |
xiao3 nü3/ru3 hai2 shou3 shang4 na2 zhao1/zhu4/zhuo2 yi1 ge4 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | Das kleine Mädchen hat eine Puppe in den Händen. (Tatoeba nickyeow Dejo) |
作为回报,我给了她一个娃娃。 |
zuo4 wei2/wei4 hui2 bao4 , wo3 gei3 le5 ta1 yi1 ge4 wa2 wa2 。 | Ich gab ihr dafür eine Puppe. (Tatoeba fucongcong Wolf) |
我妹妹正在玩娃娃。 |
wo3 mei4 mei4 zheng4 zai4 wan2/wan4 wa2 wa2 。 | Meine Schwester spielt mit Puppen. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
我做了一個洋娃娃給安。 |
wo3 zuo4 le5 yi1 ge4 yang2 wa2 wa2 gei3 an1 。 | Ich habe eine Puppe für Ann gemacht. Ich habe für Anna ein Püppchen gemacht. (Tatoeba Martha Esperantostern Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
我想要一个洋娃娃,一辆新自行车……以及世界和平。 |
wo3 xiang3 yao4 yi1 ge4 yang2 wa2 wa2 , yi1 liang4 xin1 zi4 hang2/xing2 che1 …… yi3 ji2 shi4 jie4 he2/he4/huo2 ping2 。 | I'd like a doll, a new bicycle.....and peace on earth! (Tatoeba sadhen) |
我姊姊做了一個漂亮的娃娃給我。 |
wo3 zi3 zi3 zuo4 le5 yi1 ge4 piao1/piao3 liang4 de5 wa2 wa2 gei3 wo3 。 | My sister made me a beautiful doll. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
她為我做了這個娃娃。 |
ta1 wei2/wei4 wo3 zuo4 le5 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wa2 wa2 。 | She made the doll for me. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
她給了我一個漂亮的洋娃娃。 |
ta1 gei3 le5 wo3 yi1 ge4 piao1/piao3 liang4 de5 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | Sie hat mir eine schöne Puppe gegeben. (Tatoeba nickyeow xtofu80) |
老人给了她一个小娃娃。 |
lao3 ren2 gei3 le5 ta1 yi1 ge4 xiao3 wa2 wa2 。 | Der alte Mann schenkte ihr eine kleine Puppe. (Tatoeba fucongcong Manfredo) |
他送她一個洋娃娃。 |
ta1 song4 ta1 yi1 ge4 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | Er schenkte ihr eine Puppe. (Tatoeba Martha Manfredo) |
她把她所有的娃娃送給了別人。 |
ta1 ba3 ta1 suo3 you3 de5 wa2 wa2 song4 gei3 le5 bie2 ren2 。 | Sie gab all ihre Puppen weg. (Tatoeba Martha Wolf) |
这个小女孩有个很漂亮的娃娃。 |
zhe4/zhei4 ge4 xiao3 nü3/ru3 hai2 you3 ge4 hen3 piao1/piao3 liang4 de5 wa2 wa2 。 | Das Mädchen hat eine schöne Puppe. (Tatoeba wangzi0921 Esperantostern) |
我为Ann做了个娃娃。 |
wo3 wei2/wei4 Ann zuo4 le5 ge4 wa2 wa2 。 | Ich habe für Anna ein Püppchen gemacht. (Tatoeba fucongcong Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
她像喜爱自己的亲妹妹一样喜欢这个娃娃。 |
ta1 xiang4 xi3 ai4 zi4 ji3 de5 qin1 mei4 mei4 yi1 yang4 xi3 欢 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wa2 wa2 。 | Sie liebt die Puppe wie ihre eigene Schwester. (Tatoeba wangzi0921 Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
她利用空闲时间做布娃娃。 |
ta1 li4 yong4 kong1/kong4 xian2 shi2 jian1 zuo4 bu4 wa2 wa2 。 | She spends her leisure time making dolls. (Tatoeba sadhen Shiawase) |
她有个漂亮的娃娃。 |
ta1 you3 ge4 piao1/piao3 liang4 de5 wa2 wa2 。 | Sie hat eine hübsche Puppe. (Tatoeba fucongcong Fingerhut) |
我寄给她一个娃娃。 |
wo3 ji4 gei3 ta1 yi1 ge4 wa2 wa2 。 | Ich sandte ihr eine Puppe. (Tatoeba fucongcong Esperantostern) |
这个娃娃是你自己做的吗? |
zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wa2 wa2 shi4 ni3 zi4 ji3 zuo4 de5 ma5 ? | Hast du diese Puppe selbst gemacht? (Tatoeba fucongcong Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
这娃儿真可爱! |
zhe4/zhei4 wa2 er2/er5 zhen1 ke3/ke4 ai4 ! | Was für ein süßes Baby. Kuckuck, Kuckuck, da! (Tatoeba fercheung xtofu80) |
我给我姐姐一个洋娃娃。 |
wo3 gei3 wo3 jie3 jie3 yi1 ge4 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | Ich habe meiner Schwester eine Puppe gegeben. (Tatoeba sysko Nero) |
母亲给我做了一个娃娃。 |
mu3 qin1 gei3 wo3 zuo4 le5 yi1 ge4 wa2 wa2 。 | Mother made me a doll. (Tatoeba notabene zzz) |
妈妈给我做了一个洋娃娃。 |
ma1 ma1 gei3 wo3 zuo4 le5 yi1 ge4 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | Mother made a doll for me. (Tatoeba sadhen CM) |
我妹妹做了一個漂亮的娃娃給我。 |
wo3 mei4 mei4 zuo4 le5 yi1 ge4 piao1/piao3 liang4 de5 wa2 wa2 gei3 wo3 。 | My sister made me a beautiful doll. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
她有个漂亮的洋娃娃。 |
ta1 you3 ge4 piao1/piao3 liang4 de5 yang2 wa2 wa2 。 | Sie hat eine hübsche Puppe. (Tatoeba ydcok Fingerhut) |
我哥哥給了我一個可愛的娃娃。 |
wo3 ge1 ge1 gei3 le5 wo3 yi1 ge4 ke3/ke4 ai4 de5 wa2 wa2 。 | Mein Bruder hat mir eine süße Puppe geschenkt. (Tatoeba Martha al_ex_an_der) |
這個女生有個可愛的娃娃。 |
zhe4/zhei4 ge4 nü3/ru3 sheng1 you3 ge4 ke3/ke4 ai4 de5 wa2 wa2 。 | Dieses Mädchen hat eine niedliche Puppe. (Tatoeba michu MUIRIEL) |
我想买这个玩具娃娃。 |
wo3 xiang3 mai3 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 wan2/wan4 ju4 wa2 wa2 。 | Ich würde gern diese Puppe kaufen. (Tatoeba yujianing Manfredo) |
第一次打交道是我在商场巡视的时候,同事曾志勇 lag 在一 ZEW 商品后面招呼我,我过去后他从商品的缝隙后指着一个女人 flüsternd 说,那就是艾滋病了,你 beobachte 他。我看过去只见一位浑身黑衣的女士正提着一个筐子选商品,瘦瘦小小,模样还算端正。我再回头一看志勇已经无影无踪,我是见习身份,要尽量服从老员工的安排。于是我尾随在那个女人后面,观察她的行为。
跟踪一个人是很累的,你得时刻注意掩藏自己不让对方发现,一般如果对方两次以上注意到你就会引起警觉,对方就可能抛弃证物逃走。而这个女士和她丈夫的事迹我早有听闻,他们是真正的滚刀肉。以前便衣抓过他们,但明白他们的身份以后根本无法处理,报警警察根本不管,最多活活稀泥,und das Problem zu umschiffen。谁也不敢靠近他们,这两个是真正的危险人物。得艾滋病并不危险,危险的是他们同时又十分凶狠,这就像两个背着炸药包的准 Terrorist。你一旦和他们发生肢体冲突即使是简单的 drücken 也会给你带来巨大的麻烦,你的同事会对你心生恐惧,和你保持距离。商场其他员工也会害怕你。公司领导可能会要求你去验血,你可能至少要休假一段时间,总之惹一身骚是毫无疑问的。
这时志勇跑过来跟我说不用跟了,领导批示随她去吧,你回去休息。于是我回办公室室休息去了,而那天wb也没有当班。我总觉得这样放任她去偷不合适,但既然老员工发话了我也没必要 wringen 干。结果中午的时候在监控的死角发现了几个商品的空包装,几样家用小电器,价值数百元。正是那个女人当时购物框里放置的商品,看作案现场推断她在服装区的死角蹲下来,用前面的衣服架子挡住别人的视线拆掉包装破坏磁条然后将商品放在包里面从容自出口离开商场。
看着作案现场我对志勇说就这么让她走了,志勇脸色一变说你不也有责任吗。我操,我能有什么责任?师傅上班以后我把这件事告诉了师傅,因为我觉得这事当时不应当这样处理听之任之。结果第二天志勇看我的神色很不友好,他甚至 drängte 我去抓当事人。但我知道我在试用期里还没有得到公司正式授权,师傅数次严正警告我不许拦截当事人,一旦出事不但我可能走人连他也要受牵连。当时我就感觉志勇在害我。
上文写的那女士给我的感觉不是个坏人,我的意思是她不是那种心地偏狭恶毒的人。听别人说在安检门如果被查出携带未付款商品,她放下东西也就低头走了,好像还有点顾及颜面的意思。但她老公就不一样,如果安检门报警她老公必定拒绝查包,和安检旁的工作人员发生冲突,互相 rangelten sie。而安检门旁的当值人员多半不知道他的身份才会去拦他,好像除了我们别人也不知道他的真实面目。
那个男的好像姓杨,一脸 Schwellung。他老婆长相相对比较 hübsch。这两个人穿衣打扮,长相气质给人感觉都是一般的市民。我猜测他们原先都有稳定的收入,家庭也蛮和睦。结果男的不知道从哪里乱搞中奖,并且传染给了他老婆。于是丢掉工作,被人歧视孤立,别人见了他们就像见了鬼一样避之不及,失去生活来源。于是他们变成了抢钱夫妻,我记得看过一部金凯瑞主演的电影《抢钱夫妻》,说的是一对青年夫妻破产以后为维持生活街头抢劫的故事。现实中这对夫妻肯定更惨的多,在我们这个社会他们不知经受怎样一个心理变异的过程,肯定相当残酷。这两个人面容深处都埋藏着一种阴暗悲伤的气息,区别是女的透出一股绝望,男的表情不经意间更流露出一丝凶狠。
他们和我们这里的便衣都有过冲突,如今的现状是便衣看到他们就跑。然后躲起来观察他们,只要不是太过分也就听之任之。他们一般也就拿个日常用品 (..)的,只是那个男的会在商场 bestehlen 顾客,他们一来商场有时就会播报蓝色代码:“顾客请放置好自己的钱包,工作人员请各归各位”。那个男的(我们姑且称他为老杨吧)就有丰富的反跟踪经验。经常走过拐角处猛然回头,跟踪他们的便衣有时骤不及防 entkommen 不及被发现。这时老杨就会转身径直朝便衣走过去,便衣胆战心惊猪突狼奔。
我第一次见到那个男的是他们夫妻一起来的,师傅通知的我。志勇我们三个人当值,他们俩跟踪的时候被发现,老杨追着他们满商场乱窜,这中间跟来跟去过程足有一个多小时。我从二楼到三楼时正好撞见师傅,师傅说他妈的老杨当起便衣了跟踪我们,你是新面孔他不认得你你跟跟看,师傅撤退了我到三楼搜寻那二位发现他们正在出口安检门和当值人员 kämpften 在一起,原来窃取的商品磁条未破坏彻底引发了警报。被拦截后他们拒绝开包检查,老杨十分蛮横不住 drückte 身材矮小的当值大姐。我静静的走过去一言不发的看着他们,杨氏扭头看到我低下头去随即转身往商场里走,我估计她要转移 Diebesgut 于是跟在她后面。她走到电器区一 ZEW 商品后伸手拿出一件东西放在箱子上,那意思好像说商品还你不要再找我麻烦了。我拿起那个商品跟在她后面慢慢往外走,那个男的 aggresiv 的冲进来刚想发作看到了我手里的商品 starrte stumpf vor sich hin 一下 blickte zu 他老婆一眼随即恶狠狠的冲我 anstarren 过来,目光相接我平静的看着他的双眼。一秒钟后老杨夫妻转身快步往外走去。我跟着他们走到安检门口便停下脚步。当值的大姐质问我为何不拦住他们,我说那俩是艾滋病。大姐 machte erschrocken 一大跳。生气道像这种事情你为什么不通知我们,我哑口无言只是 wiederholt warnte 她尽量不要到处乱说以免引发恐慌。其实那时候我还没有得到公司正式授权不允许拦截当事人,而且即使有授权我也不会拦呀。
那天我和师傅巡视商场,走到拐角处时老杨忽然 sprang 出来手里拿着什么东西朝我当面砍过来。我当时脑子里 explodiert 的一下两眼发黑,只有一个念头好像黑夜中的月亮挂在那里,:“他碰到我怎么办?他碰到我怎么办?”。这时鄙人灵魂出窍,真相显露,我露出了杀人脸。
关于杀人脸这回事是这样的,有几次我和人争执真的动怒时明显感到脸上肌肉强烈扭曲时的表情,这时对方总是不战而退,还有过一个人退却的时候问我你想吃人吗?我事后也曾经对着镜子努力回复当时极端愤怒的表情。只见镜中人下牙外 mit gebleckten Zähnen 盖住上牙,下-Lippe vorgeschoben, 上-Lippe 翻起,鼻子像狗那样 gerümpft。两只眼睛 zusammengekniffen,露出 Krokodil 那样的眼光。这脸既像恶狼又像恶鬼,确实挺 erschreckt 人,那真的是一副欲择人而食的样子。那是我准备完全摧毁对方时露出的表情,那是我遇到重大威胁时灵魂中的恶占据了整个身体。
我下意识用双臂护住头部,两眼死死 beobachteten 对方,老杨看到我的表情往后退了一步,笑着说: Hey, 怎么了跟你开个玩笑。当时我除了老杨别的什么也看不见,只是那么 beobachten 他。这时我师傅的话像一根针刺了进来:“不要被他激怒”。我像个漏气的皮球一下放松下来,我放下手臂对老杨笑了笑,然后转身和师傅一起离开了。
师傅和公司的教材都说过,做便衣需要极强的克制能力,不能超过必要的防卫限度。如果克制不住自己的怒火很容易做出后悔的事情,给自己和公司带来不好的后果。Walmart 的便衣打人不管事情真相怎样那绝对是 sensationell 的新闻,毕竟树大招风,再说 Walmart 不喜欢行贿,很多人很多部门都等着找 Walmart 的麻烦呢。
师傅和我往回走的时候和我保持着距离两眼放光 beobachten 我问他没有碰到你吧,一副如果我如果说有他转身就跑的样子。我摇摇头,老杨只是作势砍我,其实手里什么都没有,他也没有碰到我。他这样做一部分是试探,一部分是 bedrohlich。那是我如果被他激怒出手那真是后患无穷,老杨少不得要讹诈 Walmart,我也会 bekommen 麻烦。
师傅那么担心,只是他不知道我还和艾滋病人握过手呢。那是在台湾,一些团体做宣传由艾滋病人上台现身说法,宣传艾滋病只通过体液传播的知识,据说和艾滋病人接吻只要口-Höhle 没有伤口 oder Geschwüre 都没事,人需要喝一升 Spucke 才能被足够的病毒感染(我估计这个没人敢试)。那个艾滋当事人演讲完毕以后走下台来很多人都和他拥抱握手,他走到我面前时我也和他握了手。但他作势要和我拥抱的时候我微微摇头,我摇头不是因为怕他。是因为我只和我的朋友或者亲密的人拥抱,而我不喜欢他。因为他在台上讲了一句:“我只是和许多人一样在大陆这个花花世界放纵了一下,为什么偏偏是我?”我觉得他毕竟不是做了什么光彩的事情还这么理直气壮的说出来,我不喜欢。
老杨夫妇和我们便衣部打过很多交道了,老邓还在办公室和他谈过心,没用,老杨照来不误。到最后上面真的放话说不要管了,听之任之了。老杨搞得我们便衣和 Walmart 都很头疼,毫无办法。我们不能打他,也不能抓他。Walmart 是有道德底线的,也不能找个黑社会来灭了他,有时我真想守在暗处拿麻袋一套用钢筋打得他筋断骨折,当然这只是被气急了一时的恶念而已。可是我们管不了,警察总该管的吧。警察也不管,老杨持刀抢劫被通缉他自己去自首结果一天就被放出来了。该管的不管,我们遭殃,和这个社会许多的事一样。
除了杨氏夫妇,还有另外两个窃取商品的当事人给我留下的印象比较深刻。实际上我跟师傅在一起抓到的当事人也没几个,这个店很奇怪,师傅这个在别的店 großartig 的高手在这个店很少有斩获。师傅正是被调过来增援这个店的,因为这个店的损耗率(指的是商品被窃后作案人丢弃在商场的空包装)很高,而捉到的当事人很少。不光是师傅,调过来增援的高手已经无数,但谁也解决不了这个店的问题。最后倒是我发现了问题的 Kern 所在,但这个问题很致命,你要耐心看完这篇文章才知道。
那天我和师傅照常在店内巡视,巡视的时候是大有文章的,并不是随便在那里 ziellos herumspazieren,这份工作需要全力以赴才能完成。巡视的时候需要把自己的感觉撒出去,就如同把周围的人都 umfassen 在你的气场中。来商场的人当然绝大多数是来买东西或闲逛,而偷东西的人身上必定周围的人有不同之处。不同之处在哪里呢?从这种人的眼神,表情,甚至走路的姿势都可以感觉的到。其中一点准备偷东西的人是紧张的,不像其他人那样放松,不管他们怎样掩饰有经验的便衣还是立刻能察觉到。
这时师傅 bemerkte 一个小伙子,他派我过去看看那个小伙子手里拿的什么东西,是不是公司的商品。那个人正站在两排货架之间,我装作挑选商品的样子从他面前走过,他见到我猛一下浑身紧张了起来。这种紧张是什么概念呢?就是你做了坏事正心怀鬼胎的时候面前忽然出现一个人那种反应。我走到通道尽头以后拐弯来到师父面前,师傅看我的眼光露出些许肯定。至始至终我都没有正眼看过那个人,我只是走过他身边时用眼睛余光看到他手里拿了一盒蛋糕,包装已经破坏,嘴里还在嚼着。
我们一直跟着他在商场里面转悠,当他把吃了一半的蛋糕丢弃到垃圾桶里后我跟在后面 sammelten 起来,这就是证据。我们跟了他大概一个小时,最后在商场出口处截住了他,我把手里的蛋糕盒给他看忍不住直乐,这管不住自己的嘴丢人现眼。我们把他带到办公室,师傅问他还拿了什么,结果他又从口袋里拿出个烧鸡腿。
按程序给他做完笔录,然后又让他拿着 das Diebesgut 拍照留念,师傅有点拿他开玩笑,让他拿着蛋糕盒子和鸡腿摆pos。我是不喜欢伤害别人尊严的,即使面对当事人也一样,因为我十分珍惜自己的尊严,知道那种被羞辱的痛苦。而且我小时候成长环境里好多人都是小偷混混,我知道他们成长的环境没有给他们太多选择。但他们一样是人,一样有尊严。后来我跟师傅说我不会去伤害别人的自尊,即使面对当事人也一样。
后来让那位 Edelmann 去买单 ,结果他 leerte 身上的钱也还是不够,虽然仅仅只有二十多元。他没有工作,自然也没有钱。我问他厦门工作机会这么多你随便找份工作也可糊口,为何这样?最后我给他垫了几元钱让他回去坐车用,因为他住的地方离这里很远,我始终对他很客气,我把他当做和我一样的人来对待,他只是犯了点小错。
Wal Mart story 3: thief with AIDS and the guy who stole chicken legs
The husband and wife with aids were incredibly hard done by. After contracting AIDs they were discriminated against by society, couldn’t find work and no one had any association with them. I believe that if society looked after them, let them stand on their own feet, didn’t discriminate them and isolate them, didn’t make it impossible for them to earn their own living and didn’t make their lives pitiful, then they wouldn’t retaliate. Chen Shuizong and Ji Zhongxing are similar cases.
The first time I came into contact with them was when I was making a routine inspection of the shopping mall. My colleague, Zeng Zhiyong, who was lying low behind a pile of goods called out to me. After I went over, he pointed out a woman through a crack in the goods, whispering, “That’s the woman with AIDs. Watch her.” Looking over, all I could see was a woman dressed all in black carrying a basket and picking goods. She was small and thin, and looked normal. I looked back and saw that Zhiyong had disappeared without a trace. As I was still in my probationary period, I had to as much as possible obey arrangements made by senior staff members. Thereupon I tailed behind the woman, observing her behavior.
Following somebody is tiring. You have to constantly pay attention to keeping yourself concealed so the other person doesn’t become aware of you. Generally if the person notices you twice or more you will arouse their suspicions, which might make them abandon everything and flee. I long ago had heard about the past deeds of this woman and her husband. They were indeed troublemakers. They had been caught by plain clothed store detectives before, but after it as was understood who they were there was simply no means of dealing with them. The police basically didn’t care, the most they did was to smooth things over and dodge the issue. Nobody dared to approach these two genuinely dangerous characters. The fact that they has contracted AIDs wasn’t the danger, the danger was that they were also fierce and malicious, just like two prospective terrorists carrying explosives. As soon as you come to physical altercations with them, even simple shoving, it will bring you great deal of trouble. Your colleagues will fear you in their hearts, and keep you at a distance. Other workers in the mall will also be afraid of you. Company managers may request that you have a blood test and at the very least you will have to take some time off. In brief, there’s no doubt that it will cause you a big problem.
I know these things, and I also know that even if I caught her stealing things, the manager wouldn’t care. There’s simply nothing you can do. When you do something of which you are fully aware is meaningless, you lose your sense of purpose and feel senseless. I followed her secretly for a while, and then simply strolled over to her. She looked at me. I hinted a smile at her. My intention was to make her aware of the situation so she would back off and give up there. Who was to know that she would continue to rove around as before. I was just like a big tail dangling behind her. In the same manner as an elderly person, she was serene and took it easy. From time to time she would even turn her head and say a few words to me. I still had to be careful not to let her out of my line of sight when she turned a corner, so as not to give her an advantage. I observed this thief: her standards, her psychology, her calmness.
At that moment, Zhiyong hurried over and told me that I don’t need to follow her anymore. The manager said to leave her be, and that I should take a rest. Thereupon I went back to the rest room in the office. The World Bank also didn’t work that day. Overall I thought letting her go like this and giving her free reign to steal was inappropriate. However, since the order came from above, it wasn’t necessary for me to pursue it further. Come midday, this resulted in the discovery of the empty packaging of some household electrical appliances, worth a few hundred Renminbi, in an area not covered by security cameras. The woman had gone to a part of the clothing area that had no cameras. From the crime scene, it could be deduced that she had crouched down and used the clothes rack in front of her to block the view of others, while she tore open the packaging of the goods in her basket and destroyed their magnetic strips. Then she put the goods into her bag and calmly left the mall from the normal exit.
Looking at the crime scene, I said to Zhiyong that it was all because we let her go. The look on his face changed, and he said that I wasn’t responsible for it. Huh, what responsibility DO I have? After my mentor arrived, I told him about what had happened as I thought that we shouldn’t have dealt with it by turning a blind eye. Consequently, the next day Zhiyong looked at me in a slightly hostile way. He even urged me to seize any implicated persons. However, I knew that during my probationary period I wasn’t authorised to do so, as my mentor had sternly warned me that I must not intercept implicated persons. As soon as something happened not only would I probably be fired, even he would be affected. I felt that Zhiyong was causing me harm.
The impression the woman gave me was not one of a bad person. By this I mean to say that she wasn’t the kind of person who was prejudiced and malicious. I heard someone say before that if she gets caught at the security gate with goods that haven’t been paid for, she gives them up and walks away with her head bowed. It would seem that she still has some honour. Her husband, however, isn’t the same. If he sets off the alarm at the security gate he is sure to refuse a bag-check and start a violent conflict with the staff. The staff on duty by the security gate most likely don’t know who he is and so apprehend him. It would appear that apart from us no one else is aware of his true identity.
I think his surname is Yang, and he has a wart on his face. His wife’s appearance is relatively graceful in comparison. These two dress up, giving them an appearance that makes people think that they are ordinary citizens. I would guess they originally they had a stable income, with a harmonious family. Then the man slept around, and unaware that he had caught the virus infected his wife. Thereupon, they lost their jobs and were discriminated against by others, thus isolating them. When other people saw them they shunned them as if they had seen a ghost, causing them to lose their spirit. Then they became a couple of thieves. I remember seeing a Jim Carrey movie called “Fun with Dick and Jane”. It was about a young married couple who after they became bankrupt took to the streets and to make a living by looting people. In reality this couple were yet more pitiful. I don’t know what they endured in our society that changed their mentality, but it must have been quite cruel. Buried underneath the skin this couple was an air of deep sorrow. The difference was that the woman gave an impression of hopelessness, whereas the man’s facial expressions unconsciously exuded a hint of viciousness.
They had clashed with us plain clothed store detectives before. Nowadays however, if we saw them we would avoid them. Then we would secretly observe them. As long as they didn’t do anything too serious we would let matters drift. Generally, they would pick up everyday products, but the man would also pick-pocketed customers. Sometimes, as soon as they entered the shopping mall there would be a code blue announcement: “Could all customers please put their wallets in a safe place, and all staff return to their posts.” The man (we’ll temporarily call him Old Yang) had a lot of experience countering those tailing him. Often he would suddenly look back as he was turning a corner so that the store detective following him would be unable to move quickly enough to evade being discovered. Then Old Yang would turn to directly face the store detective and walk towards him, thus terrifying him and causing him to flee.
The first time I saw the man was at a time he came together with his wife, so my mentor tells me. There were three of us on duty including Zhiyong. Zhiyong and our colleague were following him but he spotted them. Old Yang then chased them, causing them to flee in disarray. The pursuit lasted more than an hour. On my way from the second to third floor, I happened to come across my mentor. He said that f*****g Old Zhang was playing tricks, pursuing the store detectives. Since I was a new face here he wouldn’t recognise me and so I should go and take a look. After he left I arrived at the third floor to search for that stupid guy, but discovered that they were in a scuffle with the staff on duty at the security gate. It turned out that they hadn’t destroy the magnetic tags of their stolen goods thoroughly enough, and so set the alarm off. After they were intercepted, they refused to have their bags inspected. Old Yang very rudely pushed back the petite female member of staff on duty. I quietly walked over to them, not saying a word. Ms.Yang turned her head and saw me with my head lowered. She then immediately turned around and went back into the shopping mall. I reckon she wanted to get rid of the stolen goods. I followed behind. She walked behind a pile of goods in the electrical goods area, took something out and put it on a box. By this I think she meant to indicate that she’s returned the item and so there’s no need to bother her anymore. I picked up the item and followed behind her, who was slowly making a move to the exit. Just as Old Yang was thinking of aggressively breaking away back into the store, he saw the item in my hand. He stared blankly for a moment, glanced at his wife, and then suddenly stared at me aggressively, his gaze meeting the serenity of mine. Within a second, the Yangs turned around and rushed towards the exit. I followed them but stopped at the security gate. The woman on duty asked me why I didn’t stop them. I told her that they had AIDs. This shocked her considerably. She angrily asked why I hadn’t told them about something as important as this. Unable to reply to this, I just repeatedly warned her to as much as possible not blurt this out everywhere so as to avoid a panic. Actually, at the time I didn’t have full authority from the company, so I wasn’t permitted to intercept implicated persons. But even if I had, I wouldn’t have done so.
Back at the office, after I had finished explaining what had happened, my mentor was very pleased. The others in charge also looked at me with encouragement. However, after a few days Old Yang took out his revenge on me.
I went on an inspection tour with my mentor in the mall that day, and as we were turning a corner, Old Yang suddenly jumped out with something in his hand, swinging it towards my face. While my mind raced and my vision dimmed, I only had one thought that seem to come from another world: “What if he makes contact? What if he makes contact? ” At that moment, I had an outer body experience. Everything became clear, and I showed a murderous face.
The thing about the murderous face is this: there have been a few times when I’ve gotten really angry in a dispute with a person, and I’ve felt the muscles in my face violently contorting. At this moment, the other person always gave up and backed off. There was even a time when someone asked me if I was going to devour him as he retreated. After these events I have looked earnestly in the mirror, trying to wipe the ferocious appearance from my face. The lower jaw of the guy in the mirror protrudes out in front of the upper, his lower lip pouting and his upper raised, his nose pursed like a dog’s. His eye’s are narrowed, his gaze resembling that of a crocodile’s. The face looks as if a vicious wolf’s and a demon’s have been combined. Indeed, it truly frightens people. It really has a blood-thirsty appearance. That is my facial expression when I’m about to completely destroy my opposition, that is the evil part of my spirit occupying my entire body when faced with a major threat.
I subconsciously used both arms to protect my head, my eyes rigidly glaring at him. After Old Yang saw the look on my face, he backed off, smiled and said what’s the matter, I was just kidding. At the time I couldn’t see anything else but him, I was only fixed on him. At that moment, my mentor’s words pierced through like a needle: “Don’t let him infuriate you.” Just like a ball leaking air, I relaxed in an instant. I put my arms down and smiled at Old Yang, and then turned and walked away with my mentor.
Both my mentor and the company have said before that to be a plain clothed store detective one must have a great ability to restrain oneself. One shouldn’t exceed the limits of self-defence. If one is unable to contain one’s rage, it’s very easy to do something you might regret, bringing unfavourable consequences to oneself and the company. If Walmart’s stores detectives are found to have hit people, no matter what the the actual facts are, it will be bound to make the news as it is a well known company that doesn’t like to bribe it’s way out. There are many people in the company who just wait for trouble to arrive.
When my mentor and I were making our way back, he maintained his distance from me. Gazing at me attentively he asked if Old Yang had made contact with me. He had a look that suggested he would have fled if I had said this to be true. I shook my head, OldYang had only pretended he would hit me. There wasn’t actually anything in his hands, and he didn’t come into contact with me. He was partly trying to sound things out and partly trying to be threatening. If he had angered me to the point of retaliation, it really would have caused me no end of trouble. Old Yang would without doubt have blackmailed Walmart, and I would have been caught up in trouble.
My mentor was really anxious, but he still didn’t know that I had shook hands before with a person who had AIDs. That was in Taiwan. Various groups were speaking on stage about their personal experience with AIDs, saying that it is only transmitted through bodily fluids. One guy reported that as long as you don’t have any wounds or ulcers in your mouth, nothing will happen if you kiss someone with AIDs. A person would have to drink a litre of saliva before there would be a sufficient amount of virus to infect them (I reckon there’s no one would would dare try this). After this guy finished his speech, he came off stage and hugged and shook hands with many people. I also shook hands with him when he walked by me. However, when made a gesture to hug, I gently shook my head. This wasn’t because I was afraid of him. It was because I only hug my friends or those I’m close to, and also because I didn’t really like him. This was due to what he said on stage: “I’m just like anyone else indulging in this sensual world of China, why am I the one discriminated against?” I thought that he hadn’t done anything splendid after all, and didn’t like the way he confidently spoke as if in the right.
The Yangs had come into contact with our store detective department many times before. Even when Old Deng had heart to heart conversations with Old Yang in the office it would be of no use. He would just continue as he did before. In the end the higher-ups said not to pursue things any further, taking a laissez-faire attitude. Old Yang really gave our department and the whole of Walmart a big headache, as there was nothing in the least we could do. We couldn’t use force and we couldn’t arrest him. Walmart has morality as it’s bottom line. It won’t turn to the criminal underworld as a means to get rid of him. Sometimes I think about keeping watch from a hidden place, putting a sack over him and beating him thoroughly with a steel bar. Of course, this is just an evil thought brought on by momentary rage. Since we are unable to deal with this, the police should. However, they don’t. When an arrest is ordered because Old Yang has been looting holding a knife, he goes and gives himself up. He is released after a day. Those that should handle things don’t. When we suffer a calamity, it’s just considered the same as most things which happen in society.
I’m not sure why, but writing up to here I’ve been constantly thinking about the speech of that guy with AIDs in Taiwan. After he had finished his speech, as he came off stage the entire audience was clapping. Many people went up to the front to shake hands and hug him. Perhaps this is the biggest difference between mainland China and Taiwan.
Apart from the Yangs, there was a couple of others implicated in stealing goods that gave me an even deeper lasting impression. Basically the amount of implicated persons I’ve arrested with my mentor numbers but few. This is a strange store, in others he is an all powerful master. Here he rarely has success. My mentor was transferred to this store to reinforce it, as this store’s loss rate (referring to the empty packaging of stolen goods discarded by criminals) is very high, yet very few implicated persons are captured. It’s not only my mentor, there have been countless others transferred here as reinforcement, but no one can solve this store’s problems. In the end it was actually me who discovered where the crux of the problem lay. However, this problem was deadly. Be patient, read to the end of this article and then you’ll know.
On that day, I was making an inspection tour of the store with my mentor as usual. There is a lot more to an inspection tour than meets the eye. They’re really not just a case of casually wondering around aimlessly, they require an all out effort. When making an inspection tour, one must spread one’s own perception further afield, encompassing all those within one’s vicinity. Of course, the vast majority of those that come into the mall do so to buy things or stroll around. However, there is certainly something different about those that come to steal things. So what is this something? From the look in these people’s eyes, their facial expression and even the way they walk, one can feel it. Amongst these people, a few that are about to steal are nervous, rather unlike the relaxed nature of others. No matter how they try to conceal it, an experienced store detective can still sense it immediately.
At that moment, a young man grabbed my mentor’s attention. He sent me over to find out what it was that he was holding, whether or not it was something from the store. He was standing between two rows of shelves. I pretended to be shopping, and walked in front of him. When he saw me he suddenly became nervous from head to foot. What was the meaning of this nervousness? This was the kind of reaction one gives when someone suddenly appears in front after one, harbouring an ulterior motive, has done something bad. I walked to the end of the aisle and after turning the corner met with my mentor. He saw that my gaze revealed we had hit on something. I never looked the young man straight in the eye, I just looked out the corner of my eye while passing him and saw that he was holding a box of cake. The packaging was already damaged, and he was still chewing.
We cruised around, following him throughout the store. After he put the half-eaten cake in the trash, we retrieved it from behind him. This was our evidence. We followed him for about an hour, finally cutting him off at the exit. I showed him the cake box in my hands and, unable to control my mouth, laughed directly at him, making an exhibition of myself. We took him to the office, where my mentor asked him what else he had stolen. This resulted in him taking out a roast chicken drumstick from his pocket.
According to procedure, we put this down in writing, and then took a picture of him holding the stolen goods. My mentor took the mickey a little, making him strike a pose holding the cake box and the chicken drumstick. I’m not the kind of person who likes to harm the dignity of others, even if faced with implicated persons. This is because I greatly value my own dignity, and I know the pain of being humiliated. Also, there were a lot of thieving ruffians in the environment in which I grew up, and I knew that their childhood surroundings didn’t give them much choice. However, they are still people, and still have dignity. So I told my mentor that I wouldn’t take away the self-respect of an other, not even an implicated person’s.
After, we let the noble man go and pay for the goods, but when he emptied his pockets, their wasn’t enough money even though the total only came to just over 20 Renminbi. He didn’t have a job, so naturally he didn’t have any money. I said that Amoy has a lot of job opportunities, you can easily get a job to make a living, so why are you doing this? In the end, I gave him a few Renminbi so he could take the bus back, since he he lived far off. From start to finish I was very polite with him, treating him as if he were the same as me. After all, he had only committed a minor offence.
After a few days he delivered that three Renminbi and fifty cents back to the office for me, which was passed on to me by a colleague. I wonder how much courage it took for him to return to a place in which he had been previously humiliated.
There’s a famous quote from Franklin: two things are inevitable in life, one is death, the other is tax. In China, even if you’re nothing, you will still be a taxpayer. But most citizens don’t really know whether they are taxpayers or not. Some even consider that you’re only a taxpayer if you go to the Interior Revenue Department to pay tax. Many people are not bold enough to call themselves tax-payers. But in fact, as long as you’re a consumer, you can justifiably be called a taxpayer, and add to that the personal income tax, the tax on savings accounts, the tax on property transaction when you buy a house…
Chinese people’s understanding of taxpayers is mostly based on the “glorious tax” propaganda. The national top-down mandatory levy system is such that taxpayers more or less forget their own “awareness of the subject”, we don’t care about political construction, and in most public programs, we have no right to participate, vote or decide. The government digs up the road, then fills up the holes, meanwhile spending a lot of money, but never apologizes for the inconvenience caused, and does not think that it is using the taxpayers’ money. When people start talking about taxpayers’ rights, they feel like the tax-payer is the grand-son, and the tax-receiver is the grand-father, so who would dare talk about rights?
How heavy is the tax burden on Chinese people?
In foreign films, you can often see the following scene, a citizen will unashamedly tell a police officer not doing their work seriously: I’m a taxpayer, I pay your salary, I have the right to monitor your behavior! But at the moment, Chinese citizens do not feel like taxpayers. Chinese taxpayers do pay taxes, but they don’t realize it, and they don’t know how much tax they’re paying. Therefore, they can easily get into a ‘vegetative state’, and not care where their money goes; they are not conscious of their right to supervise the way tax is spent, and ask the government to use their tax money efficiently.
How heavy are the taxes on Chinese people? If your pre-tax salary is 10,000 Yuan, after tax and social contributions are taken out, you only end up with 7052 Yuan in your hands. And giving you a 10,000 Yuan pre-tax salary actually costs the company 14,150 Yuan, so basically twice your final salary. If you buy a new home for 1 Million yuan, 500,000 to 700,000 yuan go to the government’s pockets through different channels. And on any type of consumption, you generally pay 15% of tax: this is China’s tax burden! “Forbes'” magazine launched a ‘tax misery index’ in 2009, where China ranked second in the world.
In one year, Chinese people work 161 days for tax, of which 11 days are for income tax, and 150 days for value-added tax, consumption tax, and other indirect taxes. From the 1st of January to the 10th of June, they work for taxes, from the 11th of June to the 31st of December, they work for themselves. 37-38% of our annual revenue is used to support the government; the official figures from the government are above 20%. 但实际算上预算外是不会低于37%-38%的。 So every year, the government takes out one third of our GDP. On the one hand, the tax is so high that enterprises, especially private enterprises, are overburdened, and the profit of private enterprise is “thin as paper”. On the other hand, the high tax burden does not lead to social benefits for the people: it is still very common that ordinary people cannot receive education, see a doctor or receive old age support.
What is the relationship between the taxpayers and the government?
Whose money goes to the government’s wallet? The taxpayers’ money. The government relies on the taxpayers’ money, and the government officials rely on the taxpayers’ money. So at best, the government can be considered as a ‘housekeeper’ of the taxpayers’ money, although the housekeeper often squanders the owner’s money. It being so, the relationship between the government and the taxpayers is of serving and being served, not ruling and being ruled. The actions of taxpayers at all levels should make taxpayers feel like they’ve obtained something, not thrown their money through the window, and even less that they paid for their depravation, 请人来高踞于自己头上逞凶扬威。
But so far, for most officials, all they understand of the relationship between government the taxpayers is “dominating” and “being dominated”, or “managing” and “being managed”. They only emphasize the obligation to pay taxes, and punishment for not paying them – it was like that in the “grain tax” period, and highway robbers do that as well. Because housekeepers tend to exaggerate their rights, those in power tend to see their power from above, and taxpayers their rights from below. And that’s how public officials have developed the habit not to use tax for public service, but for corruption, or to whitewash their own projects and gain face, but never following taxpayers’ instructions, or reporting to them afterwards.
Some officials don’t have an ounce of respect for the taxpayer in their bones, for instance at the two sessions, with cries like: “Why should I open up public property?”, “Why don’t people up theirs first?” If there was a sense of taxpayers’ rights, you wouldn’t ask such ignorant questions. After clarifying taxpayers’ rights, then taxpayers can have a basis for asking the government to respect their rights. But rights have never been a gift, they’re not something you should wait for someone to give you, but taxpayers should actively fight for them. Fiscal equality for all! Nearly 600 Billion Yuan a year spent on transport, food and drink and study abroad, all of it taxpayers money, please give the taxpayers an explanation.
Don’t treat the taxpayer as an ATM
How much do the taxpayers have to pay to support all this? And what kind of service to the taxpayers get for that price? As taxpayers, no matter how much tax we pay, we have a right to ask our government for “the bill”.
法新社莫斯科讯 俄罗斯官方媒体监督机构周二表示,已解除针对大麻条目对俄语维基百科的短暂封禁。俄罗斯国家信息监控局(Roskomnadzor)表示,维基百科已遵守法院命令,编辑了关于大麻植物树脂制成物大麻树脂(Charas)的页面。
“没有预料到的是,媒体监督机构确认关于大麻树脂的条目已被排除出被禁网站登记表,”维基媒体基金会俄罗斯分会执行董事塔斯·科兹洛夫斯基(Stas Kozlovsky)在Twitter上写道。
Noch keine Übersetzung
[Bearbeiten]Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache
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dì èr shí qī kè
Sechsundzwanzigste Lektion
Es ist auch die achte Lektion im
清朝小學語文課本 bzw. 清末小學國文課本
清朝小学语文课本 bzw. 清末小学语文课本
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Chinesisches Lehrbuch der Grundschule aus der (späten) Qing-Dynastie
rén shēng yú shì
Wird der Mensch in die Welt geboren
"人生於世" 是張德蘭演唱的歌曲
"人生于世" 是张德兰演唱的歌曲
"rén shēng yú shì" shì zhāng dé lán yǎn chàng de gē qǔ
"Wird der Mensch in die Welt geboren" ist (auch) ein von Zhang Delan gesungenes Lied.
《太平御覽·交友二》: 人生於世,白駒過隙耳
《太平御览·交友二》: 人生于世,白驹过隙耳
"tài píng yù lǎn·jiāo yǒu èr": rén shēng yú shì, bái jū guò xì ěr
In den "kaiserlichen Aufzeichnungen der Ära Taiping, Freunde finden II " steht: Der Mensch wird in die Welt geboren, wie doch die Zeit vergeht (so schnell ein weißes Pferd eine Spalte überwindet)
(Wird der Mensch in die Welt geboren,)
yǐn shí yī fú
so darf es an Trinken, Essen und Kleidung
bì bùkě quē.
keinen Mangel geben.
Ein ähnlicher Ausdruck ist
bù kě huò quē
Eine Notwendigkeit
kě zé sī yǐn (xún shuǐ)
Ist man durstig, denkt man ans Trinken (und sucht Wasser).
jī zé sī shí (mǐ fàn)
Ist man hungrig, denkt man ans Essen (von Reis).
hán zé sī yī
Ist einem kalt, denkt man an Kleidung.
jiàn zé sī dòng
Ist man gesund, denkt man an Bewegung.
pí zé sī wò
Ist man schwach, denkt man ans Hinlegen.
Übersetzung James Legge
In this month orders are given to the chiefs of works, to charge the workmen of their various departments to inspect the materials in the five storehouses: those of iron and other metals; of skins and hides and sinews; of horn and ivory; of feathers, arrows and wood (for bows); and of grease, glue, cinnabar, and varnish. (They are to see) that all these things be good. The workmen then labour at their several tasks. (The chiefs) inspect their work, and daily give them their orders. They must not produce anything contrary to what the time requires; nor can they practise a licentious ingenuity, which would dissipate the minds of their superiors.
Übersetzung James Legge
Will any one follow the example of those men who are under the influence of their depraved lusts? In that case, when a kinsman dies in the morning, he will forget him by the evening. But if we follow the course of such men, we shall find that they are not equal to the birds and beasts. How can they live with their kindred, and not fall into all disorders? Will he rather follow the example of the superior man who attends to all the methods by which the feeling of grief is set forth? In that case, the twenty-five months, after which the mourning of three years comes to an end, will seem to pass as quickly as a carriage drawn by four horses is whirled past a crevice. And if we continue to indulge the feeling, it will prove to be inexhaustible. Therefore the ancient kings determined the proper medium for mourning, and appointed its definite terms. As soon as it was sufficient for the elegant expression of the varied feeling, it was to be laid aside.
Englische Übersetzung siehe ctext.org
Analekte 論語 雍也
[Bearbeiten]子曰: 雍也可使南面。
仲弓問子桑伯子,子曰: 可也簡。 仲弓曰: 居敬而行簡,以臨其民,不亦可乎?居簡而行簡,無乃大簡乎? 子曰: 雍之言然。
哀公問: 弟子孰為好學? 孔子對曰: 有顏回者好學,不遷怒,不貳過。不幸短命死矣!今也則亡,未聞好學者也。
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Der Meister sprach: »Yung, den kann man brauchen, um mit südlich gewandtem Gesicht (einen Staat zu beherrschen).«
Dschung Gung fragte in betreff von Dsï Sang Be Dsï. Der Meister sprach: »Er geht; er ist großartig.« Dschung Gung sprach: »In seiner Gesinnung sorgfältig sein und in seiner Handlungsweise großartig beim Verkehr mit seinem Volk, das mag wohl gehen. Aber in seiner Gesinnung großartig sein und in seiner Handlungsweise großartig sein: ist das nicht zuviel Großartigkeit?« Der Meister sprach: »Yungs Worte sind richtig.«
Der Fürst Ai fragte, wer unter den Jüngern das Lernen liebe. Meister Kung entgegnete und sprach. »Da war Yen Hui: er liebte das Lernen. Er übertrug nie seinen Ärger, er machte keinen Fehler zum zweitenmal. Zum Unglück war seine Zeit kurz und er ist gestorben. Nun habe ich keinen mehr (wie ihn). Ich habe von keinem mehr gehört, der so das Lernen liebte.«
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The Master said, "There is Yong - he might occupy the place of a prince."
Zhong Gong asked about Zi Sang Bo Zi. The Master said, "He may pass. He does not mind small matters." Zhong Gong said, "If a man cherish in himself a reverential feeling of the necessity of attention to business, though he may be easy in small matters in his government of the people, that may be allowed. But if he cherish in himself that easy feeling, and also carry it out in his practice, is not such an easymode of procedure excessive?" The Master said, "Yong's words are right."
The Duke Ai asked which of the disciples loved to learn. Confucius replied to him, "There was Yan Hui; HE loved to learn. He did not transfer his anger; he did not repeat a fault. Unfortunately, his appointed time was short and he died; and now there is not such another. I have not yet heard of any one who loves to learn as he did."
[Bearbeiten]Es ist noch keine Übersetzungshilfe vorhanden