Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 776
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung | Lernhilfen |
捍 |
han4 | schützen, bewachen, verteidigen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
陋 |
lou4 | anspruchslos, einfach, leicht verständlich, häßlich, unkultiviert, ungebildet | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() ![]() |
蟋 |
xi1 | Grille, Heimchen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
蟀 |
shuai4 | Grille, Heimchen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
嗇 |
se4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 啬), geizig, knausrig | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
捍卫 |
han4 wei4 | aufrechterhalten, halten, Landesverteidigung, Verteidiger, verfechten, verteidigen |
捍卫者 |
han4 wei4 zhe3 | Verfechter |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
浅陋 |
qian3 lou4 | dürftig |
淺陋 |
qian3 lou4 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 浅陋), dürftig |
丑陋 |
chou3 lou4 | hässlich |
简陋 |
jian3 lou4 | karg, schlicht |
陋规 |
lou4 gui1 | schlechte Gepflogenheiten |
陋規 |
lou4 gui1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 陋规), schlechte Gepflogenheiten |
简陋小屋 |
jian3 lou4 xiao3 wu1 | Bruchbude, einfache Hütte, einfachen Schuppen, einfaches kleines Häuschen |
因陋就简 |
yin1 lou4 jiu4 jian3 | aus der Not eine Tugend machen, mit einfachsten Mitteln |
陈规陋习 |
chen2 gui1 lou4 xi2 | veraltete Gebräuche und schlechte Gewohnheiten, veraltete Regeln und schlechte Gewohnheiten |
陳規陋習 |
chen2 gui1 lou4 xi2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 陈规陋习), veraltete Gebräuche und schlechte Gewohnheiten, veraltete Regeln und schlechte Gewohnheiten |
外貌丑陋 |
wai4 mao4 chou3 lou4 | missgestaltet |
孤陋寡闻 |
gu1 lou4 gua3 wen2 | unwissend, ahnungslos; Bsp.: (恕我孤陋寡聞) 恕我孤陋寡闻 -- Bitte verzeih meine Unwissenheit (augenzwinkernd) (mod, 1949 - ) |
孤陋寡聞 |
gu1 lou4 gua3 wen2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 孤陋寡闻), unwissend, ahnungslos; Bsp.: (恕我孤陋寡聞) 恕我孤陋寡闻 -- Bitte verzeih meine Unwissenheit (augenzwinkernd) (mod, 1949 - ) |
这丑陋又美丽的世界 |
zhe4 chou3 lou4 you4 mei3 li4 de5 shi4 jie4 | This Ugly Yet Beautiful World |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
蟋蟀 |
xi1 shuai4 | Grille, Heimchen |
蟋蟀草 |
xi1 shuai4 cao3 | wire grass (Eleusine indica) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
他有些长在耳朵外面的丑陋的汗毛。 |
Ihm wachsen unansehnliche Haare aus den Ohren. (Mandarin, Tatoeba vicch MUIRIEL ) | |
伯拉罕·林肯,美国第16任总统,生于肯塔基州的一个简陋的小屋里。 |
Abraham Lincoln, der 16. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, wurde in einem Blockhaus in Kentucky geboren. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong al_ex_an_der ) | |
“我认为完美是丑陋的”,他说道。“人们做的事情,我希望看到的是创伤,失败,混乱,扭曲。” |
„Ich finde, das Vollkommene ist hässlich“, sagte er. „Bei den von Menschen gemachten Sachen, da möchte ich Narben, Missgeschick, Unordnung und Entstellung sehen.“ (Mandarin, Tatoeba Ethan_lin raggione ) | |
政治家总是因他们丑陋及不合时宜的行为受到惩罚。 |
Politiker werden stets getadelt für skandalöses und unangebrachtes Verhalten. (Mandarin, Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
为什麼我的房间裡有蟋蟀? |
Warum sind da Grillen in meinem Zimmer? (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Yorwba ) | |
為什麼我的房間裡有蟋蟀? |
Warum sind da Grillen in meinem Zimmer? (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Yorwba ) | |
我的房间里为什么有蟋蟀? |
Warum sind da Grillen in meinem Zimmer? (Mandarin, Tatoeba GlossaMatik Yorwba ) | |
笼子裡的蟋蟀吃得跟野生的蟋蟀一样多。 |
Eine Grille im Käfig frisst genauso viel wie eine Grille in Freiheit. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha MUIRIEL ) | |
蟋蟀的叫声与蛙鸣催我入眠。 |
The sound of crickets chirping and frogs croaking lulls me to sleep. (Mandarin, Tatoeba GlossaMatik darinmex ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
孤陋寡闻 |
gu1 lou4 gua3 wen2 | (Wiktionary en) |
你拍一,我拍一,一只小猫坐飞机 |
ni3 pai1 yi1 , wo3 pai1 yi1 , yi1 zhi3 xiao3 mao1 zuo4 fei1 ji1 | (Wiktionary en) |
一个巴掌拍不响。 |
yi1 ge4 ba1 zhang3 pai1 bu4 xiang3 。 | (Chinesische Sprichwörter) |
蟋蟀居宇。 |
xi1 shuai4 ju1 yu3 。 | Das Heimchen wohnt in den Häusern. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
程远志见折了邓茂,拍马舞刀,直取张飞 |
cheng2 yuan3 zhi4 jian4/xian4 zhe2 le5 deng4 mao4 , pai1 ma3 舞 dao1 , zhi2 qu3 zhang1 fei1 | Having witnessed Deng Mao's demise, Cheng Yuanzhi whipped his horse into action. Raising his sword above his head with a flourish, he went straight after Zhang Fei. (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第001回) |
伯拉罕·林肯,美国第16任总统,生于肯塔基州的一个简陋的小屋里。 |
bo2 la1 han3 · lin2 ken3 , mei3 guo2 di4 16 ren4 zong3 tong3 , sheng1 yu2 ken3 ta3 ji1 zhou1 de5 yi1 ge4 jian3 lou4 de5 xiao3 wu1 li3 。 | Abraham Lincoln, der 16. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, wurde in einem Blockhaus in Kentucky geboren. (Tatoeba fucongcong al_ex_an_der) |
政治家总是因他们丑陋及不合时宜的行为受到惩罚。 |
zheng4 zhi4 jia1 zong3 shi4 yin1 ta1 men5 chou3 lou4 ji2 bu4 he2 shi2 yi2 de5 hang2/xing2 wei2/wei4 shou4 dao4 cheng2 fa2 。 | Politiker werden stets getadelt für skandalöses und unangebrachtes Verhalten. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
他有些长在耳朵外面的丑陋的汗毛。 |
ta1 you3 xie1 chang2/zhang3 zai4 er3 duo3 wai4 mian4 de5 chou3 lou4 de5 han4 mao2 。 | Ihm wachsen unansehnliche Haare aus den Ohren. (Tatoeba vicch MUIRIEL) |
“我认为完美是丑陋的”,他说道。“人们做的事情,我希望看到的是创伤,失败,混乱,扭曲。” |
“ wo3 ren4 wei2/wei4 wan2 mei3 shi4 chou3 lou4 de5 ”, ta1 shuo1 dao4 。“ ren2 men5 zuo4 de5 shi4 qing2 , wo3 xi1 wang4 kan4 dao4 de5 shi4 chuang1/chuang4 shang1 , shi1 bai4 , hun2 luan4 , niu3 qu1/qu3 。” | „Ich finde, das Vollkommene ist hässlich“, sagte er. „Bei den von Menschen gemachten Sachen, da möchte ich Narben, Missgeschick, Unordnung und Entstellung sehen.“ (Tatoeba Ethan_lin raggione) |
在我的房间里为什么有蟋蟀? |
zai4 wo3 de5 fang2 jian1 li3 wei2/wei4 shi2 me5 you3 xi1 shuai4 ? | Why are there crickets in my room? (Tatoeba FeuDRenais) |
波浪拍打着海岸。 |
bo1 lang4 pai1 da3 zhao2/zhe2 hai3 an4 。 | Die Wellen branden am Strand an. (Tatoeba fucongcong tokyomews) |
她用拳頭拍了桌子。 |
ta1 yong4 quan2 tou2 pai1 le5 桌 zi5 。 | Sie schlug mit der Faust auf den Tisch. (Tatoeba Martha samueldora) |
所有的學生都拍手。 |
suo3 you3 de5 xue2 sheng1 dou1/du1 pai1 shou3 。 | Alle Studenten applaudierten. (Tatoeba Martha Manfredo) |
汤姆的手机可以拍照。 |
tang1 mu3 de5 shou3 ji1 ke3/ke4 yi3 pai1 zhao4 。 | Mit Toms Telefon kann man Bilder schießen. (Tatoeba fenfang557 Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
這裡禁止拍照。 |
zhe4/zhei4 li3 jin1/jin4 zhi3 pai1 zhao4 。 | Fotografieren ist hier nicht erlaubt. (Tatoeba Martha AC) |
我拍手。 |
wo3 pai1 shou3 。 | Ich klatschte. (Tatoeba Martha Zaghawa) |
我不記得哪個是我的球拍。 |
wo3 bu4 ji4 de2/de5/dei3 na3/na5/nei3 ge4 shi4 wo3 de5 qiu2 pai1 。 | I can't remember which is my racket. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
我能在这里拍照吗? |
wo3 neng2 zai4 zhe4/zhei4 li3 pai1 zhao4 ma5 ? | Kann ich hier Fotos machen? Darf ich hier fotografieren? (Tatoeba fucongcong Vortarulo Sudajaengi) |
他们想拍京都的照片。 |
ta1 men5 xiang3 pai1 jing1 dou1/du1 de5 zhao4 pian4 。 | Sie wollten Aufnahmen von Kyoto machen. (Tatoeba fucongcong Sudajaengi) |
请别在这里拍照。 |
qing3 bie2 zai4 zhe4/zhei4 li3 pai1 zhao4 。 | Bitte machen Sie hier keine Fotos. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
這些球拍中哪一支是你的? |
zhe4/zhei4 xie1 qiu2 pai1 zhong1/zhong4 na3/na5/nei3 yi1 zhi1 shi4 ni3 de5 ? | Which of these rackets is yours? (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
这张照片是在奈良市拍的. |
zhe4/zhei4 zhang1 zhao4 pian4 shi4 zai4 nai4 liang2 shi4 pai1 de5 . | Diese Foto wurde in Nara gemacht. (Tatoeba Versuss Tamy) |
昨天買了這塊球拍的人是米高。 |
zuo2 tian1 mai3 le5 zhe4/zhei4 kuai4 qiu2 pai1 de5 ren2 shi4 mi3 gao1 。 | It was Mike that bought this racket yesterday. (Tatoeba nickyeow CN) |
他拍了張全家福的照片。 |
ta1 pai1 le5 zhang1 quan2 jia1 fu2 de5 zhao4 pian4 。 | Er fotografierte die Familie. (Tatoeba Martha samueldora) |
我们去公园拍照了。 |
wo3 men5 qu4 gong1 yuan2 pai1 zhao4 le5 。 | Wir gingen in den Park, um Fotos zu machen. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
这里允许拍照吗? |
zhe4/zhei4 li3 yun3 xu3 pai1 zhao4 ma5 ? | Dürfen wir hier fotografieren? Darf man hier fotografieren? (Tatoeba fucongcong samueldora tatomeimei) |
我覺得這張照片是五月份拍的。 |
wo3 jiao4/jue2 de2/de5/dei3 zhe4/zhei4 zhang1 zhao4 pian4 shi4 wu3 yue4 fen4 pai1 de5 。 | Ich glaube, dass dieses Foto im Mai aufgenommen worden ist. (Tatoeba xjjAstrus Adelpa) |
她喜欢拍照片。 |
ta1 xi3 欢 pai1 zhao4 pian4 。 | Sie fotografiert gerne. Sie macht gerne Fotos. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL Esperantostern) |
我把我的网球拍落在火车上了。 |
wo3 ba3 wo3 de5 wang3 qiu2 pai1 la4/lao4/luo4 zai4 huo3 che1 shang4 le5 。 | I left my tennis racket on the train. (Tatoeba cynthia CK) |
她用力地拍了球。 |
ta1 yong4 li4 de4/di4 pai1 le5 qiu2 。 | Sie schlug den Ball hart. (Tatoeba fucongcong tokyomews) |
我喜欢拍照。 |
wo3 xi3 欢 pai1 zhao4 。 | Ich fotografiere gerne. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
我弟弟很喜欢拍山的照片。 |
wo3 弟弟 hen3 xi3 欢 pai1 shan1/shan5 de5 zhao4 pian4 。 | My younger brother really likes to take photos of mountains. (Tatoeba fucongcong alec) |
他為無尾熊拍照。 |
ta1 wei2/wei4 wu2 wei3 xiong2 pai1 zhao4 。 | Er machte ein Foto vom Koala. (Tatoeba Martha xtofu80) |
禁止拍照。 |
jin1/jin4 zhi3 pai1 zhao4 。 | Photography is prohibited. No taking photos. (Tatoeba Sethlang) |
拍照。 |
pai1 zhao4 。 | Let's take a picture. (Tatoeba Popolon CK) |
你要做的就是按这个按钮拍照。 |
ni3 yao4 zuo4 de5 jiu4 shi4 an4 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 an4 niu3 pai1 zhao4 。 | Alles, was du machen musst, ist, auf diesen Knopf zu drücken, um das Foto zu machen. (Tatoeba vicch MUIRIEL) |
我们可以在大楼里拍照吗? |
wo3 men5 ke3/ke4 yi3 zai4 da4 lou2 li3 pai1 zhao4 ma5 ? | Darf man in diesem Gebäude fotografieren? Darf man innerhalb dieses Gebäudes Fotos machen? (Tatoeba fucongcong Haehnchenpaella xtofu80) |
浪拍在岩石上。 |
lang4 pai1 zai4 yan2 shi2 shang4 。 | Die Wellen barsten an den Felsen. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 Pfirsichbaeumchen) |
汤姆拍了这张照。 |
tang1 mu3 pai1 le5 zhe4/zhei4 zhang1 zhao4 。 | Tom took this photo. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK) |
她把头发拍整齐了。 |
ta1 ba3 tou2 fa1 pai1 zheng3 qi2 le5 。 | She patted her hair into shape. She patted her hair into place. (Tatoeba CM) |
我的网球拍裂了,所以我把它拿去修了。 |
wo3 de5 wang3 qiu2 pai1 lie4 le5 , suo3 yi3 wo3 ba3 ta1/tuo2 na2 qu4 xiu1 le5 。 | There was a crack in my tennis racket, so I sent it out to be repaired. (Tatoeba gonnastop CK) |
這張照片是最近拍的嗎? |
zhe4/zhei4 zhang1 zhao4 pian4 shi4 zui4 jin4 pai1 de5 ma5 ? | Ist das ein aktuelles Foto? (Tatoeba nickyeow MUIRIEL) |
汤姆经常用手机拍照。 |
tang1 mu3 jing4 chang2 yong4 shou3 ji1 pai1 zhao4 。 | Tom often takes pictures with his phone. (Tatoeba verdastelo9604 CK) |
照片是他拍的。 |
zhao4 pian4 shi4 ta1 pai1 de5 。 | The picture was taken by him. (Tatoeba nickyeow) |
我為我的家人拍了照片。 |
wo3 wei2/wei4 wo3 de5 jia1 ren2 pai1 le5 zhao4 pian4 。 | I took a picture of my family. (Tatoeba Martha CK) |
你有多少支球拍? |
ni3 you3 duo1 shao3 zhi1 qiu2 pai1 ? | Wie viele Schläger haben Sie? (Tatoeba Martha JWeighardt) |
请问可以给您拍张照片吗? |
qing3 wen4 ke3/ke4 yi3 gei3 nin2 pai1 zhang1 zhao4 pian4 ma5 ? | Darf ich ein Foto machen? (Tatoeba slqqqq Manfredo) |
这些照片是在哪儿拍的? |
zhe4/zhei4 xie1 zhao4 pian4 shi4 zai4 na3/na5/nei3 er2/er5 pai1 de5 ? | Where were these pictures taken at? (Tatoeba evkon j0rd4nkzf) |
我的录像机可以拍高清视频。 |
wo3 de5 lu4 xiang4 ji1 ke3/ke4 yi3 pai1 gao1 qing1 shi4 pin2 。 | My camera can shoot high-definition video. (Tatoeba fucongcong darinmex) |
时间不允许拍一张漂亮的彩色照片。 |
shi2 jian1 bu4 yun3 xu3 pai1 yi1 zhang1 piao1/piao3 liang4 de5 cai4 se4 zhao4 pian4 。 | Wahrscheinlich hat es die Zeit nicht erlaubt, ein schönes Foto in lebhaften Farben zu machen. (Tatoeba fucongcong MUIRIEL) |
拍照片光线不够亮。 |
pai1 zhao4 pian4 guang1 xian4 bu4 gou4 liang4 。 | Es ist nicht genug Licht, um Fotos zu machen. (Tatoeba fucongcong Espi) |
這塊球拍多少錢? |
zhe4/zhei4 kuai4 qiu2 pai1 duo1 shao3 qian2 ? | Wie viel kostet dieser Schläger? (Tatoeba nickyeow Nero) |
珍的這個球拍比我昨天買的那個重了一點點。 |
zhen1 de5 zhe4/zhei4 ge4 qiu2 pai1 bi4 wo3 zuo2 tian1 mai3 de5 na4/nei4 ge4 chong2/zhong4 le5 yi1 dian3 dian3 。 | This racket of Jane's is a little heavier than the one which I bought yesterday. (Tatoeba nickyeow CN) |
這張照片是我在上星期拍的。 |
zhe4/zhei4 zhang1 zhao4 pian4 shi4 wo3 zai4 shang4 xing1 ji1/qi1 pai1 de5 。 | Dieses Foto habe ich letzte Woche gemacht. (Tatoeba nickyeow ysmalan) |
海浪拍打在岸边的岩石上。 |
hai3 lang4 pai1 da3 zai4 an4 bian1 de5 yan2 shi2 shang4 。 | Die Meereswellen schlagen gegen den Felsen am Ufer. (Tatoeba murr Manfredo) |
你的球拍跟我的一樣。 |
ni3 de5 qiu2 pai1 gen1 wo3 de5 yi1 yang4 。 | Du hast den gleichen Schläger, wie ich. (Tatoeba Martha Espi) |
[Bearbeiten]最近美国国会众议院全票通过了一项为一百三十年前的《排华法案》道歉的议案,而在此之前,参议院已经于去年通过了同样的议案。对这一议案的通过,中 美两国的主要 Medien 都予以了显著位置的报道。国内的社会舆论如何,可想而知,自然不在话下。在美国这边,如果对于美国的社会民情稍有了解,也会明白,这种议 案的通过只是时间的问题,nach allem 美国社会在经历了六十年代的民权运动之后,在这种人权、种族问题上,已经发生了巨大的改变。不同种族、文化之间的平等,早已 成为社会意识的主流。这一道歉议案的主要发起人之一加州众议员赵美心在议案通过后表示,“我们必须要明白,这些丑陋的法律与美国的建国原则不相容。…我们 的社会不能容忍歧视”。
简单而言,美国国会于1882年5月6日通过了美国历史上第一部,也是唯一的一部, 针对特定种族的议案,即《排华法案》,基本上禁止了中国人移民美国,同时也严重限制了已经进入美国的中国人的政治经济权利。当时的总统亚瑟签署了这个议 案,使之成为法律。在十年届满之后,又被延长了十年,并在1902年被确定为永久性法律。在第二次世界大战中,在美国卷入战争之后,由于中美成为战时同盟 国,到1943年这部法律才被做了一些修改。最后一直到1965年,美国出台了新的《移民法》,才彻底取消了以原始国籍划分移民配额的原则,从而为包括中 国人在内的亚洲移民打开了门户。
关于这些上面事情的详情,任何有兴趣的人大可上网搜索资料,并非本文的重 点。这几天真正引起了我的兴趣的,是美国《时代》杂志的一篇文章。在这篇题为“一个尼日利亚人死于中国:种族关系开始紧张”的文章中,作者首先提到了中国 Medien 对于西方世界民主制度的一贯批判手法:即种族关系问题。同时作者也顺理成章地注意到,自然而然的,在这一大背景之下,在美国国会就历史上“令人感到羞 耻”的《排华法案》一事道歉之后,中国国内的 Medien 都在首要版面予以了报道。然后该文作者笔锋一转,接着就指出了中国这种民族主义自豪情节的另一个方面,即 Medien 往往回避国内自身的种族关系问题。“就在众议院致歉的同一天,在广州,一名尼日利亚人在被警察 Haft 后死亡。但是新闻报道对于非洲人的抗议行为,只提供 了有限的描述。…警方更是仅仅说明‘有人造成了严重的交通堵塞’”。
对于这件事我并没有刻意去观察网路上的 反应,但根据从一些朋友那里得到的信息,正如上面这篇《时代》杂志文章所描述的,“虽然中国一直自 dargestellt 是一个没有种族歧视的国家,而且常常念念不忘以往亚非 拉第三世界国家民族大团结的时代”,但在这一事件中,社交 Medien 上表现出了“令人震惊的排外情绪”。进一步而言,据我后来所知,从一些网路上具体的言论看 来,这一事件所激发的,绝不仅仅类同于前不久针对某些西方人 unterlegen 的“仇外、排外”的心态,而是更有一种针对特定人群的强烈种族自我优越感 durchdrungen 在其中。事情 到了这一步的时候,就已经耐人寻味,并具有了高度的讽刺意味:就在同一时间里,当很多中国人为了美国为历史上排华道歉而倍感 dankbar 的时候,一些中国人已经开始 aufzuschreien, 要把“非洲黑鬼”统统赶出中国去了。
我看过一些西方左派后殖民主义学者的著作,其基本的论点,就是对 于殖民地历史予以全面的否定,支持少数民族、被压迫民族的解放运动,批判西方帝国主义的统治与压迫,重新解读南北半球、东西方的关系。仅从个人感觉而言, 谁也无法否认,西方几百年的殖民历史是罪恶累累,对于今天第三世界的贫困与动乱,要负很大的责任。但是我认为西方左派学术与实践中最大的问题,在于没有找 到合适的理论出路。也就是说,在一方面,他们推崇落后国家民族的自我觉醒和对西方的反抗,但是在另一方面,他们又无力解释一些独立后民族国家政权的倒行逆 施,只能采取回避的态度,从而使得其理论 kaum 说服力,自身的影响力也日渐衰微。今天中国的一些左派人士其实也面临着同样的理论困境。在一些左派的宣传中, 都喜欢提及毛时代的一句口号,“哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗”。听起来似乎很有道理,但我的疑问是,没有经过思想意识的革命,就不会有所谓的解放,反抗之后 建立起来的,人民大众面对的,很可能是更深重的压迫和新一轮的暴政。
顺着这个思路,回到美国道歉和有人要把 “非洲黑鬼”赶出中国这件事情上来,如果把二者放在一起,我们可以很清楚地看到,这里面折射出的含义是很清楚的:中国历史上百多年的被压迫被侵略历史,塑 造了反抗的正义感与合法性,但并没有在人文意识的进步上产生多少推动作用,从而使得无论1949年国家政权的更迭,还是1978年的经济改革,都只具有物 质层面上的相对积极意义。在国内,六十年来户籍制度的存在,就是这一论断最大的证据。一个国家的大多数人口,在为经济起飞做出了巨大贡献的情况下,至今仍 然被合理合法地排斥在经济繁荣之外,而城市社会大众也对此保持了沉默。进一步看来,这个社会不但漠视、容忍了世界上最大的身份歧视制度,今天还有人要开始 走西方种族主义的老路,要把某个外来种族赶出去。
在这个时候,无需多言,我相信很多人都会明白,除了经济繁 荣,中国社会更需要的会是什么。前面提到的那篇《时代》杂志文章作者在最后说,“为了那个死去的尼日利亚人,一个来自中国官方的道歉或者一个完整的解释, 可能会是一段漫长的等待”。如果将来结果真的是这样,那么那个来自美国的道歉,大概在若干年后,只能使我们的后人为今天感到羞愧,而不是民族崛起的骄傲。
American apologies for the “Chinese Exclusion Act” and the black protests in Guangzhou
Recently, the US House of Representatives voted unanimously for a motion to issue an apology for the “Chinese Exclusion Act” passed 130 years ago. Prior to this, one year ago the Senate voted a similar motion. Chinese and American media both gave reports on the vote of this motion a prominent position. For Chinese public opinion, as one can imagine, it is natural to emphasize it. On the American side, if you have some understanding of US society, you can understand that the adoption of this motion was just a question of time. After all, since the Human Rights movements of the sixties, American society has gone through great changes in the area of Human Rights and racial issues. Equality between different ethnicities and cultures has become a mainstream social conviction. After the motion was passed, one of the main supporters of this apology, Maxim Zhao, Congressman for California, said: “We have to understand that these ugly laws are incompatible with the founding principles of the United States…. Our society cannot tolerate discrimination.”
In simple terms, on the 6th of May 1882, the American Congress adopted the first and only motion in the history of the United States directed against a specific ethnicity; that is, the “Chinese Exclusion Act” basically forbid Chinese immigrants from entering the United States, and also severely limited the economic and political rights of Chinese people already residing in the United States. The then president McArthur signed this motion, making it into law. When it expired after ten years, it was extended for another ten years, and in 1902, it became a permanent law. In 1943, in the middle of World War II, after the US entered the war, because the US and China were allies, some changes were made to the law. Finally in 1965, the US introduced a new “Migration Act”, where the principle of immigration quotas based on nationality was abolished, opening the door for Asian migrants, including migrants from China.
For further details on the aforementioned, those interested can look for information on the NPC’s website; however that is not the focus of this article. What has really caught my interest lately is an article in the American “Time” magazine. In this article entitled, “A Nigerian dies in China: tension in ethnic relations”, the writer first mentions that the Chinese media have always been critical of one thing in the Western World’s democracies: the issue of ethnic relations. At the same time, the author also notes that, naturally, in this context, the Chinese domestic media were the primary forum for reporting on the apology from the US Congress for the “Chinese Exclusion Act” which “made people ashamed” of history. But then, the author of this article accurately points out another aspect of this Chinese nationalistic pride, namely that the media tends to avoid the issues concerning ethnic relations in China. “On the same day that Congress voted in favour of issuing an apology, in Guangzhou, a Nigerian man died whilst in police custody. But the news reports on the African demonstrations were limited in their descriptions… the police explanation was that ‘some people were causing serious traffic jams'”.
On this matter, I did not bother looking at reactions on the internet, but according to some information I received from friends, as described in the aforementioned ‘Time’ magazine article, “Although China has always prided itself on being a country free of ethnic discrimination, and is often fixated on a period in the past when there was great unity between the Third World countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America.” However, in this case, social media showed “shocking levels of xenophobia”. Furthermore, as I later learnt, judging from a few comments on the web, this incident incited not only “xenophobic and racist” attitudes towards some Westerners, but even more than that, strong feelings of racial superiority towards specific peoples. As things took this turn, one thing is particularly worth noting, as well as highly ironic: at the same time that many Chinese people were very grateful to have received an apology from America for their historical exclusion, some Chinese people had already started declaring that they wanted ‘African niggers’ to get out of China.
I have read the works of a few left-wing post-colonial Western scholars. Their basic argument is a largely negative view of colonial history, support for ethnic minorities and the liberation movements of the oppressed, criticism of the rule and oppression of Western imperialism, and a reinterpretation of the relationship between North and South, East and West. From a personal perspective, no-one can deny that the centuries of Western imperialism were evil, and are largely responsible for poverty and unrest in the Third World today. But I think the biggest problem with the practices of Western left-wing scholars is that they haven’t found an appropriate theoretical solution. In other words, on the one hand, they respect the self-assurance and resistance to the West of backwards nations; but on the other hand, they are unable to explain the depravity of a number of post-independence regimes, they can only adopt an evasive attitude, which makes their theories weak and unconvincing. Some leftists in today’s China are facing the same theoretical dilemma. Some left-wing propaganda quotes slogans from the Mao era such as: “where there is oppression, there will be resistance”. It sounds very reasonable, but my question is, without an ideological revolution, there can be no so-called liberation, and after the revolt is over, what the masses are facing may well be further oppression and a new generation of tyrants.
Following on from this idea, and returning to the matter of the US apology and people shouting “niggers out” in China, if we put the two together, we can see very clearly the meaning of this: the Chinese have experienced a hundred years of oppression and aggression, shaping their sense of justice and the legitimacy of resistance; however, this experience has had no role in promoting the progress of human consciousness. The change of regime in 1949 and the economic reforms of 1978 had a relatively positive influence only on a materialistic level. The persistence of the household registration system for over sixty years is the greatest evidence of this. A majority of the population who made a significant contribution to China’s economic take-off is still legitimately excluded from economic prosperity, but most of urban society remains silent about this point. To take this assertion one step further, Chinese society not only ignores and tolerates the largest scale discrimination in the world, but people today also seem to be taking the road of Western racism, and casting out certain foreigners.
At this time, needless to say, I believe many people understand what Chinese society needs apart from economic prosperity. The author of the “Time” magazine article mentions at the end of his piece: “We may have to wait a long time for either an official Chinese apology, or an explanation, for the death of that Nigerian man.” If that is really how things are, then this apology from the US, after many years, will probably bring our descendants only shame for today’s China, rather than national pride.
Source: 1510, June 24 2012 – http://www.my1510.cn/article.php?id=79545
日本首相安倍晋三在纪念“海洋节”致辞中暗批中国依仗军事力量挑战日本的领海主权。 日本媒体披露,日本政府拟定调查领海基点的离岛,强化海洋安保体制。
每年在7月15日的“海洋节”来临之际,日本首相都要发表致辞。 不过今年安倍晋三首相的致辞不同往年,增添了安保环境。
他认为日本的领海主权正在受到挑衅,安保环境进一步严峻。 他表示日本反对依仗力量强行改变现状,日本要保卫海洋权益,包括稳定的海上交通渠道、领海和经济专属水域(EEZ)。
日本领海与经济专属水域的面积约为447万平方公里,相当于日本国土面积的12倍。 作为日本的领海以及经济专属水域的基点的离岛有500多,迄今为止日本政府已经对其中的近百个离岛进行了调查。 此次调查主要是针对尚未展开的调查的400多离岛。 调查内容包括离岛的名称、所有者以及管理状况。
Noch keine Übersetzung
the marco polo project: 美国道歉《排华法案》与广州黑人抗议事件 - American apologies for the “Chinese Exclusion Act” and the black protests in Guangzhou (Auszug)
Recently, the US House of Representatives voted unanimously for a motion to issue an apology for the “Chinese Exclusion Act” passed 130 years ago. Prior to this, one year ago the Senate voted a similar motion. Chinese and American media both gave reports on the vote of this motion a prominent position. For Chinese public opinion, as one can imagine, it is natural to emphasize it. On the American side, if you have some understanding of US society, you can understand that the adoption of this motion was just a question of time. After all, since the Human Rights movements of the sixties, American society has gone through great changes in the area of Human Rights and racial issues. Equality between different ethnicities and cultures has become a mainstream social conviction. After the motion was passed, one of the main supporters of this apology, Maxim Zhao, Congressman for California, said: “We have to understand that these ugly laws are incompatible with the founding principles of the United States…. Our society cannot tolerate discrimination.”
In simple terms, on the 6th of May 1882, the American Congress adopted the first and only motion in the history of the United States directed against a specific ethnicity; that is, the “Chinese Exclusion Act” basically forbid Chinese immigrants from entering the United States, and also severely limited the economic and political rights of Chinese people already residing in the United States. The then president McArthur signed this motion, making it into law. When it expired after ten years, it was extended for another ten years, and in 1902, it became a permanent law. In 1943, in the middle of World War II, after the US entered the war, because the US and China were allies, some changes were made to the law. Finally in 1965, the US introduced a new “Migration Act”, where the principle of immigration quotas based on nationality was abolished, opening the door for Asian migrants, including migrants from China.
For further details on the aforementioned, those interested can look for information on the NPC’s website; however that is not the focus of this article. What has really caught my interest lately is an article in the American “Time” magazine. In this article entitled, “A Nigerian dies in China: tension in ethnic relations”, the writer first mentions that the Chinese media have always been critical of one thing in the Western World’s democracies: the issue of ethnic relations. At the same time, the author also notes that, naturally, in this context, the Chinese domestic media were the primary forum for reporting on the apology from the US Congress for the “Chinese Exclusion Act” which “made people ashamed” of history. But then, the author of this article accurately points out another aspect of this Chinese nationalistic pride, namely that the media tends to avoid the issues concerning ethnic relations in China. “On the same day that Congress voted in favour of issuing an apology, in Guangzhou, a Nigerian man died whilst in police custody. But the news reports on the African demonstrations were limited in their descriptions… the police explanation was that ‘some people were causing serious traffic jams'”.
Übersetzung James Legge
The Master was wishing to go and live among the nine wild tribes of the east. Some one said, "They are rude. How can you do such a thing?" The Master said, "If a superior man dwelt among them, what rudeness would there be?"
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Die Methoden der Hohen Schule sind folgende: Man verhindert die Fehler, ehe sie sich zeigen: das ist Vorbedacht. Man handelt, wenn es so richtig ist: das ist Zeitgemäßheit. Man verletzt nicht den Takt beim Handeln: das ist Anpassung. Man läßt die Schüler aufeinander schauen und bessert sie dadurch: das ist gegenseitiges Abschleifen. Diese vier Dinge sind es, durch die das Lehren erfolgreich ist. Will man etwas, das sich schon zeigt, verbieten, so trifft man auf Widerstand und setzt sich nicht durch. Will man erst, wenn die Zeit vorüber ist, lernen, so macht man sich bittere Mühe und erreicht doch schwerlich etwas. Wenn man vieles durcheinander darbietet ohne Reihenfolge, so fällt alles durcheinander, und es wird nichts gebildet. Lernt man einsam und ohne Freunde, so wird man ein Sonderling mit wenig Erfahrung. Diejenigen, die sich in der Freizeit zusammenrotten, widerstehen ihren Lehrern; die in der Freizeit von müßigen Dingen schwatzen, vernachlässigen ihr Lernen. Diese sechs Dinge sind es, durch die das Lehren Mißerfolg hat.
Ein Edler, der weiß, woher der Erfolg des Lehrens kommt, und ebenso weiß, woher der Mißerfolg des Lehrens kommt, der erst vermag ein Lehrer der Menschen zu werden. Die Erziehung des Edlen ist Aufklärung. Er leitet die Schüler, aber schleppt sie nicht voran. Er stärkt sie, aber zwingt sie nicht. Er öffnet ihnen, aber sagt ihnen nicht alles. Durch Leiten, ohne zu schleppen, entsteht Harmonie; durch Stärken, ohne zu zwingen, entsteht Leichtigkeit; durch Eröffnen, ohne alles zu sagen, entsteht Nachdenken. Harmonie und Leichtigkeit im Nachdenken, das macht geschickt zum Verständnis.
Die Lernenden haben vier Fehler, die die Lehrenden wissen müssen. Das Lernen wird entweder fehlerhaft durch das Zuviel, oder es wird fehlerhaft durch das Zuwenig; es wird entweder fehlerhaft durch zu große Leichtigkeit, oder es wird fehlerhaft durch Steckenbleiben. In diesen vier Dingen stimmen die verschiedenen Gemütsrichtungen nicht überein. Man muß die Gemütsrichtung eines Schülers kennen, dann erst kann man ihn von seinem Fehler erlösen. Der Lehrende muß das Gute fördern und von den Fehlern retten.
Wer gut singen kann, macht, daß die Menschen seine Töne nachbilden. Wer gut lehren kann, macht, daß die Menschen seine Gesinnung nachbilden. Seine Worte sind gemessen, aber treffend, kurz, aber gehaltvoll. Er braucht selten Gleichnisse, aber er klärt auf. Das heißt seine Gesinnung auf andere übertragen.
Der Edle, der weiß, welche Schüler schwer und welche leicht zur Bildung kommen, und ihre Vorzüge und Fehler kennt, der vermag vielseitig aufzuklären. Und nur wer vielseitig aufzuklären vermag, der kann ein Lehrer sein. Wer Lehrer zu sein vermag, der erst kann Führer sein. Wer Führer zu sein vermag, der erst kann Fürst sein. Darum ist es der Lehrer, durch den man lernt, ein Fürst zu sein. Darum kann man bei der Wahl eines Lehrers nicht vorsichtig genug sein. Es steht geschrieben: »Für die Kenntnis der vier Königszeitalter und der vier Dynastien kommt alles auf den richtigen Lehrer an.« Ist damit nicht eben dies gemeint?
Bei dem Weg alles Lernens ist die Schwierigkeit, daß der Lehrer gefürchtet wird. Wird der Lehrer gefürchtet, so wird der Weg geehrt. Steht der Weg in Ehren, dann weiß das Volk die Wissenschaft zu ehren. Darum gibt es zwei Umstände, unter denen der Fürst seine Untertanen nicht als Untertanen behandelt: Wenn einer Vertreter des Toten ist, behandelt er ihn nicht als Untertan, und wenn einer sein Lehrer ist, behandelt er ihn nicht als Untertan. Die Sitte der Hohen Schule bestimmte, daß ein solcher, auch wenn er vor den Himmelssohn gerufen ward, nicht mit dem Gesicht nach Norden stand, um dadurch den Lehrer zu ehren.
Wer gut zu lernen weiß, dessen Lehrer hat es leicht, und der Erfolg ist doppelt, und hinterher ist er ihm noch dankbar für seine Mühe. Wer nicht gut lernt, dessen Lehrer hat viel Mühe, und der Erfolg ist halb, und hinterher haßt er ihn noch. Ein Schüler, der gut zu fragen versteht, der macht es, wie wenn man hartes Holz bearbeitet; er macht sich erst an das Leichte und dann an die Knoten und Augen. Und auf die Dauer macht es gegenseitig Freude, die Schwierigkeiten aufzulösen. Wer nicht gut lernt, der tut das Gegenteil davon. Ein Lehrer, der gut auf Fragen zu warten versteht, der macht es wie eine Glocke, die angeschlagen wird: Schlägt man sie wenig an, so gibt sie einen kleinen Ton, schlägt man sie stark an, so klingt sie laut. Langsam und lang geschlagen: so erst gibt sie ihren ganzen Ton. Wer nicht gut zu antworten versteht, tut das Gegenteil davon. Das alles sind Wege des Fortschritts in der Bildung.
Wer nur das, was er selbst gelernt hat, wiedergibt, ist nicht geschickt, ein Menschenlehrer zu sein. Vielmehr muß er auf die Reden des Schülers hören. Wenn einer trotz aller Mühe nicht zu fragen versteht, dann mag er es ihm sagen. Wenn er es ihm gesagt hat und er es dennoch nicht weiß, dann darf er ihn wegschicken.
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The rules aimed at in the Great college were the prevention of evil before it was manifested; the timeliness of instruction just when it was required; the suitability of the lessons in adaptation to circumstances; and the good influence of example to parties observing one another. It was from these four things that the teaching was so effectual and flourishing. Prohibition of evil after it has been manifested meets with opposition, and is not successful. Instruction given after the time for it is past is done with toil, and carried out with difficulty. The communication of lessons in an undiscriminating manner and without suitability produces injury and disorder, and fails in its object. Learning alone and without friends makes one feel solitary and uncultivated, with but little information. Friendships of festivity lead to opposition to one's master. Friendships with the dissolute lead to the neglect of one's learning. These six things all tend to make teaching vain.
When a superior man knows the causes which make instruction successful, and those which make it of no effect, he can become a teacher of others. Thus in his teaching, he leads and does not drag; he strengthens and does not discourage; he opens the way but does not conduct to the end (without the learner's own efforts). Leading and not dragging produces harmony. Strengthening and not discouraging makes attainment easy. Opening the way and not conducting to the end makes (the learner) thoughtful. He who produces such harmony, easy attainment, and thoughtfulness may be pronounced a skilful teacher.
Among learners there are four defects with which the teacher must make himself acquainted. Some err in the multitude of their studies; some, in their fewness; some, in the feeling of ease (with which they proceed); and some, in the readiness with which they stop. These four defects arise from the difference of their minds. When a teacher knows the character of his mind, he can save the learner from the defect to which he is liable. Teaching should be directed to develop that in which the pupil excels, and correct the defects to which he is prone. The good singer makes mento continue his notes, andthe good teacher makes them able to carry out his ideas. His words are brief, but far-reaching; unpretentious, but deep; with few illustrations, but instructive. In this way he may be said to perpetuate his ideas.
When a man of talents and virtue knows the difficulty (on the one hand) and the facility (on the other) in the attainment of learning, and knowsthe good and the bad qualities (of his pupils), he can vary his methods of teaching. When he can vary his methods of teaching, he can be a master indeed. When he can be a teacher indeed, he can be the Head (of an official department). When he can be such a Head, he can be the Ruler (of a state). Hence it is from the teacher indeed, that one learns to be a ruler, and the choice of a teacher demands the greatest care; as it is said in the Record, 'The three kings and the four dynasties were what they were by their teachers.'
In pursuing the course of learning, the difficulty is in securing the proper reverence for the master. When that is done, the course (which he inculcates) is regarded with honour. When that is done, the people know how to respect learning. Thus it is that there are two among his subjects whom the ruler does not treat as subjects. When one is personating (his ancestor), he does not treat him as such, nor does he treat his master as such. According to the rules of the Great college, the master, though communicating anything to the son of Heaven, did not stand with his face to the north. This was the way in which honour was done to him.
The skilful learner, while the master seems indifferent, yet makes double the attainments of another, and in the sequel ascribes the merit (to the master). The unskilful learner, while the master is diligent with him, yet makeshalf the attainments (of the former), and in the sequel is dissatisfied with the master. The skilful questioner is like a workman addressing himself to deal with a hard tree. First he attacks the easy parts, and then the knotty. After a long time, the pupil and master talk together, and the subject is explained. The unskilful questioner takes the opposite course. The master who skilfully waits to be questioned, may be compared to a bell when it is struck. Struck with a small hammer, it gives a small sound. Struck with a great one, it gives a great sound. But let it be struck leisurely and properly, and it gives out all the sound of which it is capable. He who is not skilful in replying to questions is the opposite of this. This all describes the method of making progress in learning.
He who givesthe learning supplied by his memory in conversations is not fit to be a master. Is it not necessary that he should hear the questions (of his pupils)? Yes, but if they are not able to put questions, he should put subjects before them. If he do so, and then they do not show any knowledge of the subjects, he may let them alone.
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