Vokabeltexte Chinesisch/ Vokabellektionen/ Lektion 777
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焕 |
huan4 | leuchtend, glänzend | wiktionary Etymologie: |
褔 |
fu4 | komplex, doppelt, voll | wiktionary Etymologie: |
厦 |
sha4 | Anwesen, stattliches hohes Gebäude, Hochhaus | wiktionary Etymologie: |
谕 |
yu4 | anweisen, anordnen, bestellen | wiktionary Etymologie: |
裘 |
qiu2 | Fell (gegerbt), Pelzmantel | wiktionary Etymologie: ![]() |
Zusammengesetzte Wörter
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
焕发 |
huan4 fa1 | Energie, Vitalität ausstrahlen |
李焕 |
li3 huan4 | Lee Huan |
袁崇焕 |
yuan2 chong2 huan4 | Yuan Chonghuan |
全斗焕 |
quan2 dou4 huan4 | Chun Doo-hwan |
精神焕发 |
jing1 shen2 huan4 fa1 | in gehobener Stimmung sein |
容光焕发 |
rong2 guang1 huan4 fa1 | frisch und gesund aussehen |
焕然一新 |
huan4 ran2 yi1 xin1 | in neuem Glanz erstrahlen, erneuern |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
我的最大幸褔是发现了我爱你 |
wo3 de5 zui4 da4 xing4 fu4 shi4 fa1 xian4 liao3 wo3 ai4 ni3 | mein größtes Glück ist es zu bemerken das ich dich liebe. |
我的最大幸褔是發現了我愛你 |
wo3 de5 zui4 da4 xing4 fu4 shi4 fa1 xian4 liao3 wo3 ai4 ni3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 我的最大幸褔是发现了我爱你), mein größtes Glück ist es zu bemerken das ich dich liebe. |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
大厦 |
da4 sha4 | Hochhaus (z. B. Shanghai Mansion am Bund in Shanghai) |
华厦 |
hua2 sha4 | Xanadu |
商厦 |
shang1 sha4 | mehrstöckiges Einkaufszentrum |
厦门 |
xia4 men2 | Xiamen, Amoy |
厦门市 |
sha4 men2 shi4 | Xiamen (Stadt in der Provinz Fujian, China) |
东厦镇 |
dong1 sha4 zhen4 | Großgemeinde Dongxia (Provinz Fujian, China) |
摩天大厦 |
mo2 tian1 da4 sha4 | Wolkenkratzer (engl: Skyscraper) |
帝国大厦 |
di4 guo2 da4 sha4 | Empire State Building (Wolkenkratzer in New York, USA) |
汇丰大厦 |
hui4 feng1 da4 sha4 | Huifeng-Gebäude (in Shanghai) |
地王大厦 |
de5 wang2 da4 sha4 | Erd-König-Hochhaus, Diwang Dasha (Wolkenkratzer in Shenzhen, China) |
重庆大厦 |
chong2 qing4 da4 sha4 | Chungking Mansions |
世贸大厦 |
shi4 mao4 da4 sha4 | World Trade Center |
永华大厦 |
yong3 hua2 da4 sha4 | Majesty Building |
望厦条约 |
wang4 sha4 tiao2 yue1 | Vertrag von Wanghia(Rechtsw), Vertrag von Wanghia |
腾飞大厦 |
teng2 fei1 da4 sha4 | Ascendas Plaza (Shopping Mall in Shanghai) |
议会大厦 |
yi4 hui4 da4 sha4 | Palace of Westminster |
金茂大厦 |
jin1 mao4 da4 sha4 | Jin-Mao-Gebäude ( Shanghai ) |
厦门大学 |
sha4 men2 da4 xue2 | Universität Xiamen |
厦门航空 |
sha4 men2 hang2 kong1 | Xiamen Airlines |
巨型大厦 |
ju4 xing2 da4 sha4 | Riesenbau, riesiges Gebäude |
大厦谷战争 |
da4 sha4 gu3 zhan4 zheng1 | Chacokrieg |
阴森森的大厦 |
yin1 sen1 sen1 de5 da4 sha4 | Mausole |
中美望厦条约 |
zhong1 mei3 wang4 sha4 tiao2 yue1 | Vertrag von Wanghia |
香港中银大厦 |
xiang1 gang3 zhong1 yin2 da4 sha4 | Bank of China Tower |
纽约帝国大厦 |
niu3 yue1 di4 guo2 da4 sha4 | Empire State Building |
德国国会大厦 |
de2 guo2 guo2 hui4 da4 sha4 | Reichstagsgebäude |
横滨地标大厦 |
heng2 bin1 di4 biao1 da4 sha4 | Yokohama Landmark Tower |
克莱斯勒大厦 |
ke4 lai2 si1 lei1 da4 sha4 | Chrysler Building |
联邦银行大厦 |
lian2 bang1 yin2 hang2 da4 sha4 | U.S. Bank Tower |
马里兰州议会大厦 |
ma3 li3 lan2 zhou1 yi4 hui4 da4 sha4 | Maryland State House |
武汉世界贸易大厦 |
wu3 han4 shi4 jie4 mao4 yi4 da4 sha4 | Wuhan World Trade Tower |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
通谕 |
tong1 yu4 | enzyklisch |
谕示 |
yu4 shi4 | Orakel |
手谕 |
shou3 yu4 | handgeschriebene Anweisung, handgeschriebender Brief |
神谕 |
shen2 yu4 | Orakel |
劝谕 |
quan4 yu4 | Beratung |
谕旨 |
yu4 zhi3 | ausweisen, instruieren, kaiserliches Edikt |
圣谕柜 |
sheng4 yu4 gui4 | Bundeslade |
福泽谕吉 |
fu2 ze2 yu4 ji2 | Fukuzawa Yukichi |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
裘法祖 |
qiu2 fa3 zu3 | Qiu Fazu (Vater der chinesischen Chirurgie) |
毛里裘斯 |
mao2 li3 qiu2 si1 | Mauritius |
毛裡裘斯 |
mao2 li3 qiu2 si1 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 毛里裘斯), Mauritius |
裘皮大衣 |
qiu2 pi2 da4 yi1 | Pelzmantel |
克绍箕裘 |
ke4 shao4 ji1 qiu2 | to follow in one's father's footsteps |
克紹箕裘 |
ke4 shao4 ji1 qiu2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 克绍箕裘), to follow in one's father's footsteps |
轻裘肥马 |
qing1 qiu2 fei2 ma3 | lit. light furs and stout horses, fig. to live in luxury |
輕裘肥馬 |
qing1 qiu2 fei2 ma3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 轻裘肥马), lit. light furs and stout horses, fig. to live in luxury |
貂裘换酒 |
diao1 qiu2 huan4 jiu3 | lit. to trade a fur coat for wine, fig. (of wealthy people) to lead a dissolute and extravagant life |
貂裘換酒 |
diao1 qiu2 huan4 jiu3 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 貂裘换酒), lit. to trade a fur coat for wine, fig. (of wealthy people) to lead a dissolute and extravagant life |
反裘负刍 |
fan3 qiu2 fu4 chu2 | lit. to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back, fig. to live a life of poverty and hard work, fig. to act stupidly |
肥马轻裘 |
fei2 ma3 qing1 qiu2 | lit. stout horses and light furs, fig. to live in luxury |
肥馬輕裘 |
fei2 ma3 qing1 qiu2 | (traditionelle Schreibweise von 肥马轻裘), lit. stout horses and light furs, fig. to live in luxury |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
在厦威夷,一个人可以一年到头享受海水浴的乐趣。 |
In Hawaii, one can swim in the ocean all year round. (Mandarin, Tatoeba U2FS Objectivesea ) | |
我们在厦威夷一年到头都可以享受在海里游泳的乐趣。 |
In Hawaii, we can enjoy swimming in the ocean all year round. (Mandarin, Tatoeba U2FS CK ) | |
你看,那边正在冒烟,那栋大厦一定是失火了。 |
Schau was für ein Rauch. Das Gebäude muss in Brand stehen. (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow giefingl ) | |
那座大厦天台的景色很美的,想去看看嗎? |
There's a great view from the rooftop of that building. Want to go see? (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow ) | |
摩天大厦里的电梯是至关重要的。 |
Die Aufzüge eines Wolkenkratzers sind lebenswichtige Systeme. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Yashanti MUIRIEL ) | |
纽约充满著高楼大厦。 |
New York strotzt vor hoch aufragenden Gebäuden. (Mandarin, Tatoeba Martha Espi ) | |
那座大厦天台的景色很美的,想去看看吗? |
There's a great view from the rooftop of that building. Want to go see? (Mandarin, Tatoeba nickyeow ) |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
[Bearbeiten]Zeichen | Pinyin | Übersetzung |
来日于温明园中,召集百官,谕以废立 |
lai2 ri4 yu2 wen1 ming2 yuan2 zhong1/zhong4 , zhao4 ji2 bai3 guan1 , yu4 yi3 fei4 li4 | Tomorrow, assemble all of the officials in the Garden of Warmth and Brightness, and proclaim the deposing of the emperor. (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回) |
宣谕曰: |
xuan1 yu4 yue1 : | They then read a decree out loud: (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回) |
望娘娘宣大将军入宫谕止之 |
wang4 niang2 niang2 xuan1 da4 jiang1/jiang4 jun1 ru4 gong1 yu4 zhi3 zhi1 | We would like for you (the queen) to summon the supreme general to the palace, and command him to stop (Wikisource: Romance of the Three Kingdoms 三國演義/第003回) |
其为舆马衣裘也,足以逸身暖骸而已矣 |
qi2 wei2/wei4 yu2 ma3 yi1 qiu2 ye3 , zu3 yi3 yi4 shen1 nuan3 hai2 er2 yi3 yi3 | Sie hatten Wagen und Pferde, Kleider und Pelze, gerade genug, um es sich bequem zu machen und den Leib zu wärmen. (Lü Bu We Richard Wilhelm) |
经房裘缪 |
jing4 fang2 qiu2 miao4 | 干解应宗 (Hundert Familiennamen) |
[Bearbeiten]中新网福州9月24日电 (王焕林)福州一收废品男子周某将收来废铁当枕头,24日,朋友来串门发现这块废铁枕头 in Wahrheit 是一颗炸弹,周某 eilig 报警求助。
民警抵达现场时发现,一个长约 50cm,直径约 18cm 的条状 verrostetes 金属疑似航空炸弹。
原来,报警人周某长期从事收购废品,收购的废铁一般堆放在住处角落里。据周某回忆,此次发现的炸弹是其一个月前由城门村收购过来的,当时没有特别注意就顺手丢在一边,堆放在自己睡觉的床头下,当起了“枕头”,直至今天下午朋友到周某家里才发现 dass es in Wahrheit 是炸弹。
Ein Mann hält versehentlich eine Bombe für ein Kissen
Zhongxin net. Fuzhou. Sept 24th (Wang Huanlin) A scrap metal worker/recycler from Fuzhou, Zhou Mou began using a scrap piece of metal he’d found as a pillow. On the 24th, a friend dropped in and discovered that this ‘metal pillow’ was in fact a bomb. In all haste, Zhou Mou went to the police for help.
At 3pm, the Fuzhou urban police department received a report for assistance that a man named Zhou Mou had discovered a bomb at his residence and is seeking immediate assistance at the scene.
Upon arriving at the scene, police discovered a 50cm X 18 cm long rusted metal bomb, suspected to have been from an aircraft.
According to police, as Zhou Mou had long dealt in scrap metal, there was a pile of it in the corner. From Zhou Mou’s recollection, the bomb they had just discovered was bought from a dealer at the city gate a month ago. At the time, he wasn’t being particularly attentive and merely piled it to one side at the foot of his bed, making it his ‘pillow’ until that afternoon when his friend popped in and discovered it was a bomb.
Presently, the materials have been sent for processing to the relevant departments.
Noch keine Übersetzung
Haenisch: Lehrgang der klassischen chinesischen Schriftsprache Lektion 135 兄弟
Übersetzung James Legge
Zeng-zi said, 'Yan-zi may be said to have known well the rules of propriety;-he was humble and reverent! You Ruo said, 'Yan-zi wore the same (robe of) fox-fur for thirty years. (At the burial of his father), he had only one small carriage (with the offerings to be put into the grave); and he returned immediately from the grave (without showing the usual attentions to his guests). The ruler of a state has seven bundles of the offerings, and seven such small carriages for them; a Great officer has five bundles of the offerings, and five such small carriages. How can it be said that Yan-zi knew propriety?' Zeng-zi replied, 'When a state is not well governed, the superior man is ashamed to observe all ceremonies to the full. Where there is extravagance in the administration of the state, he shows an example of economy. If the administration be economical, he shows an example of (the strict) observance' of all rules.'
Übersetzung James Legge
If the ceremony were not very great, the (beauty of the) dress was not concealed. In accordance with this, when the great robe of fur was worn, it was without the appendage of one of thin silk to display it, and when (the king) rode in the grand carriage, he did not bend forward to the cross-bar (to show his reverence for any one beyond the service he was engaged on).
Übersetzung James Legge
Zeng-zi said, 'There are three degrees of filial piety. The highest is the honouring of our parents; the second is the not disgracing them; and the lowest is the being able to support them.' (His disciple), Gong-ming Yi, said, 'Can you, master, be considered (an example of a) filial son?' Zeng-zi replied, 'What words are these? What words are these? What the superior man calls filial piety requires the anticipation of our parents' wishes, the carrying out of their aims and their instruction in the path (of duty). I am simply one who supports his parents; how can I be considered filial?'
Übersetzung James Legge
The Master said, 'When the heads of the people use no (improper) variations in their dress, and their manners are always easy and unconstrained, and they seek thus to give uniformity to the people, the virtue of the people does become uniform. It is said in the Book of Poetry (II, viii, ode i, i), "In the old capital they stood, With yellow fox-furs plain; Their manners all correct and good, Speech free from vulgar stain. Could we go back to Zhou's old days, All would look up to them with praise."'
Richard Wilhelm
[Bearbeiten]Der Sohn eines guten Schmelzers muß Pelze nähen lernen. Der Sohn eines guten Bogenmachers muß Siebe machen lernen. Wenn man zum erstenmal ein Pferd anspannt, so bindet man es hinten an, damit der Wagen vor dem Pferdchen läuft. Der Edle denkt über diese drei Dinge nach, dann wird sein Sinn auf die Wissenschaft gerichtet werden.
Die Lernenden der alten Zeit suchten das Gemeinsame in den Dingen und das Übereinstimmende in den verschiedenen Klassen. Der Rhythmus der Trommel hat keine Stellung innerhalb der fünf Töne, aber die fünf Töne ohne ihn klingen nicht harmonisch. Das Wasser hat an sich keine Stellung innerhalb der fünf Farben, aber die fünf Farben lassen sich ohne es nicht malen. Das Lernen hat an sich keine Beziehung zu den fünf Sinnen, aber die fünf Sinne lassen sich ohne es nicht ordnen. Der Lehrer hat an sich keine Beziehung zu den fünf Arten der Trauer, aber die fünf Trauerarten ohne ihn sind nicht echt.
Ein Edler sprach: Das große Leben ist nicht einseitig brauchbar, der große Sinn ist kein Gerät (nicht dinglich); die große Wahrheit kennt keine Bindungen, die große Zeit ist nicht festgelegt. Wenn man diese vier Dinge erforscht, so wird man den Sinn auf die Erkenntnis der Wurzel richten.
Wenn die Könige der drei Dynastien den Gewässern opferten, so opferten sie zuerst den Strömen und dann den Meeren; denn jene sind Ursprung, diese die Wirkungen. Das heißt sich der Wurzel zuwenden.
James Legge
[Bearbeiten]The son of a good founder is sure to learn how to make a fur-robe. The son of a good maker of bows is sure to learn how to make a sieve. Those who first yoke ahorse place it behind, with the carriage going on in front of it. The superior man who examines these cases can by them instruct himself in (the method of) learning.
The ancients in prosecuting their learning compared different' things and traced the analogies between them. The drum has no special relation to any of the musical notes; but without it they cannot be harmonised. Water has no particular relation to any of the five colours; but without it they cannot be displayed. Learning has no particular relation to any of the five senses; but without it they cannot be regulated. A teacher has no special relation to the five degrees of mourning; but without his help they cannot be worn as they ought to be.
A wise man has said, 'The Great virtue need not be confined to one office; Great power of method need not be restricted to the production of one article; Great truth need not be limited to the confirmation of oaths; Great seasonableness accomplishes all things, and each in its proper time.' By examining these four cases, we are taught to direct our aims to what is fundamental.
[Bearbeiten]Es ist noch keine Übersetzungshilfe vorhanden